High quality diagnostics by professionals with high. Scientific electronic library. The consequences of careless documentary support of psychodiagnostics

visual and measuring control It is considered a very effective and convenient way to detect a wide variety of defects. It is with a visual inspection that all non-destructive testing activities usually begin. This type control is carried out both with the use of special devices and without them. The visual method of control, in particular, has proved its highest efficiency in quality control of the base metal, welds, joints and overlays - both in the process of preparing and conducting welding, and in correcting the identified defects.

Compared to many other methods, visual inspection is easy to use and relatively inexpensive. In practice, it has been proven that this control method is a reliable source of the most accurate information on the compliance of welded products with the required specifications. From other types of non-destructive testing visually optical control differs by the boundaries of the EMR spectral region ( electromagnetic radiation) used to get information about the object. It can be carried out using even the simplest measuring instruments. Naturally, a lot here depends on the goals, tasks and conditions of measurement (in some cases, it is necessary to use rather complex means of visual control in combination with a high level of qualification of the specialist who conducts it). In addition, visual measuring control is the same reliable type of control as ultrasonic and radiation. Of course, to effectively identify defects, you need to be able to choose the right approach and develop an appropriate control technique.

disadvantage VIC is the human factor (physical and emotional state of the controller, fatigue, etc.)


Ultrasonic control welded joints is effective way detection of defects in welds and metal products lying at depths from 1-2 millimeters to 6-10 meters. This method allows you to perform the entire range of work on ultrasonic diagnostics of welded joints and reduces the cost of examination.

Ultrasonic control allows you to diagnose the quality of welded joints, control metals, cast billets, steel castings and much more.

Ultrasonic control allows you to identify and document areas of high defect content, classifying them by type and size. For different types welded joints, appropriate procedures are applied ultrasonic control. When ultrasonic testing of welded joints, echo-pulse, shadow or echo-shadow methods are used ultrasound. The method of ultrasonic testing of a welded joint is established in the technical documentation.

Ultrasonic control of welded joints allows for a complete diagnosis of welded joints without the use of expensive methods of non-destructive quality control of welded joints.


Capillary flaw detection- a flaw detection method based on the penetration of certain liquid substances into the surface defects of the product under the action of capillary pressure, as a result of which the light and color contrast of the defective area increases relative to the undamaged one.

Capillary control designed to detect surface and through defects invisible or poorly visible to the naked eye (cracks, pores, cavities, lack of penetration, intergranular corrosion, fistulas, etc.) in test objects, determining their location, extent and orientation along the surface.

There are luminescent and color methods of capillary flaw detection.

In most cases, according to technical requirements it is necessary to detect such small defects that it is practically impossible to notice them with the naked eye during visual inspection. The use of optical measuring instruments, such as a magnifying glass or a microscope, does not make it possible to detect surface defects due to the insufficient contrast of the image of the defect against the background of the metal and the small field of view at high magnifications. In such cases, the capillary control method is used.

During capillary testing, indicator liquids penetrate into the cavities of surface and through discontinuities in the material of the test objects, and the resulting indicator traces are recorded visually or using a transducer.


Magnetic methods of non-destructive testing used to detect defects in parts made of ferromagnetic materials (steel, cast iron), i.e. materials that can significantly change their magnetic characteristics under the influence of an external magnetic field.

Magnetic non-destructive testing is based on the detection by various methods of stray magnetic fields arising above defects, or on the determination and evaluation of the magnetic properties of the test object.

The magnetic particle method is based on the detection of stray magnetic fields that arise above defects in a part during its magnetization, using a ferromagnetic powder or magnetic suspension as an indicator. This method, among other methods of magnetic control, has found the greatest application. Approximately 80% of all parts made of ferromagnetic materials subject to control are checked by this method. High sensitivity, versatility, relatively low labor intensity of control and simplicity - all this ensured its wide application in industry in general and in transport in particular. The main disadvantage of this method is the complexity of its automation.


Radiation control methods are based on the registration and analysis of ionizing radiation during its interaction with a controlled product. The most commonly used methods of control by transmitted radiation are based on the different absorption of ionizing radiation when passing through a defect and a defect-free section of a welded joint. The intensity of the transmitted radiation will be greater in areas of smaller thickness or lower density, in particular, in places of defects - discontinuities or non-metallic inclusions.

Radiation monitoring methods are classified primarily by the type (and source) of ionizing radiation and by the type of ionizing study detector.

An ionizing study is called, the interaction of which with the environment leads to the formation of electric charges. Since ionizing radiation, consisting of charged particles, has a low penetrating power, photon or neutron radiation is usually used for radiation control of welded joints. The most widely used X-rays (X-rays). This is photon radiation with a wavelength of 6x10-13 ... 1x10-9 m. Having the same nature as visible light, but a shorter wavelength (visible light has 4 ... 7 x 10-7 m), X-ray radiation has high penetrating ability and can pass through sufficiently large thicknesses of structural materials. When interacting with the material of the controlled product, the intensity of X-ray radiation decreases, which is used in the control. X-ray radiation provides the greatest sensitivity of control.

Get x-rays in x-ray tubes. The electrons emitted from the heated cathode are accelerated under the action of high voltage in a sealed container, from which the air is pumped out, and fall on the anode. When electrons slow down at the anode, their energy is released in the form of photons of various wavelengths, including X-rays. The greater the accelerating voltage, the greater the energy of the resulting photons and their penetrating power.

The disadvantages of radiation methods must first of all include harm to humans, and therefore special measures are required. radiation safety: shielding, increasing the distance from the source of radiation and limiting the time the operator stays in the danger zone. In addition, small-opening discontinuities (cracks, lack of penetration) located at an angle of more than 7 ... 12 ° to the direction of transmission are poorly detected by radiation methods, the method is ineffective for fillet welds.


Thermal control based on the measurement, monitoring and analysis of the temperature of controlled objects. The main condition for the use of thermal control is the presence of heat flows in the controlled object. The process of transferring thermal energy, the release or absorption of heat in an object leads to the fact that its temperature changes relative to environment. The temperature distribution over the surface of an object is the main parameter in the thermal method, since it carries information about the features of the heat transfer process, the mode of operation of the object, its internal structure, and the presence of hidden internal defects. Heat flows in a controlled object can occur for various reasons. Thermal imaging technical diagnostics is widely used in energy, construction and industry. The main advantage of the method is the control of objects without decommissioning and without any impact on them. Obviously, the development of measuring instruments, mainly thermal imaging technology, contributes to the successful implementation of the thermal control method.

The use of thermal imagers is not limited to non-destructive testing tasks. This wonderful tool for visualization of thermal fields and remote temperature measurement has found application in military equipment, navigation, medicine, security and protection systems, fire fighting, ecology.


leak detection- leak detection process.

Standardization of leak detection methods today meets not only the formal need to develop and apply the most correct methods and techniques for monitoring the tightness of products, installations, systems, but also becomes a practically necessary measure due to a number of circumstances. These include:

  • increasing the requirements for the reliability of the operation of objects that pose a danger to the population and the environment in the event of accidents,
  • development of the instrumental base of leak detection, both foreign and domestic, providing new opportunities for their use,
  • the relative complexity of performing leak tests, requiring special knowledge and skills,
  • limited dissemination of leak detection experience, which was accumulated mainly in the defense and closed industries,
  • the inefficiency of blindly spreading the experience of controlling some objects to others belonging to another class technical systems.

Leak detection in vacuum technology, detection of leaks in vacuum systems. It is carried out by devices called leak detectors. The simplest way leak detection - using a spark leak detector, which detects leaks in glass shells by a spark that occurs when the leak detector needle touches a defective place. The smallest leakage is estimated at 10-4 n×m/sec, or 10-3 l×mm Hg. st./sec. To detect more “thin” leaks in any shells (glass, metal, etc.), mass spectrometric leak detectors are used. Leakage is determined by the penetration of a test substance (usually He) into the system, with which it is blown from the outside. The mass spectrometer, tuned to indicate He, is included in the vacuum system, and the presence and size of the leak is judged by the indication of its recording device. A helium leak detector detects leaks of 10-15 n×m/sec, or 10-14 l×mm Hg. st./sec. Other test substances are also used (for example, Ar).

The action of a halogen leak detector is based on the property of some metals (for example, Pt, Ni), which emit ions of alkali metal impurities when heated, to increase emission in the presence of halogens (halogen effect causing surface ionization). Freons are the most common test substances. By changing the ion current, the presence and size of a leak is judged. Halogen leak detectors detect leaks up to 10-9 n×mm Hg. Art./sec, or 10-8 l × mm Hg. st./sec.
Other methods of leak detection are less common: luminescent, tagged atoms, etc.


Vibration diagnostics- a method for diagnosing technical systems and equipment based on the analysis of vibration parameters, either created by operating equipment, or being a secondary vibration due to the structure of the object under study.

Vibration diagnostics, like other methods of technical diagnostics, solves the problems of troubleshooting and assessing the technical condition of the object under study.

The method has received the greatest development in diagnosing rolling bearings. Also, the vibration method is successfully used in the diagnosis of wheel-reduced units in railway transport.

Vibroacoustic methods for searching for gas leaks in hydraulic equipment also deserve attention. The essence of these methods is as follows. Liquid or gas, throttling through slots and gaps, creates turbulence, accompanied by pressure pulsations, and, as a result, harmonics of the corresponding frequencies appear in the spectrum of vibrations and noise. Analyzing the amplitude of these harmonics, one can judge the presence (absence) of leaks.

Intensive development of the method in last years due to the reduction in the cost of electronic computing tools and the simplification of the analysis of vibration signals.


  • the method allows you to find hidden defects;
  • the method, as a rule, does not require assembly-disassembly of equipment;
  • short diagnostic time;
  • the ability to detect faults at the stage of their inception.


  • special requirements for the method of mounting the vibration sensor;
  • the dependence of vibration parameters on a large number of factors and the difficulty of isolating a vibration signal due to the presence of a malfunction;
  • low diagnostic accuracy.


Electrical methods of non-destructive testing are based on the creation of an electric field on a controlled object, either by direct action of an electrical disturbance on it, or indirectly by means of a thermal, mechanical effect. With the help of electrical control, the parameters of the electric field are recorded.

Electrical control registers the parameters of the electric field interacting with the controlled object (proper electrical method), or the field arising in the controlled object as a result of external influence (thermoelectric method) and is used to control dielectric and conductive materials.

Methods of electrical control (electrostatic powder, thermoelectric, electrospark, electric potential, capacitive) allow to determine defects various materials, measure the thickness of coatings and layers, sort metals by grade, control dielectric or semiconductor materials. The disadvantages of the listed methods of electric NDT are the need for contact with the object of control, stringent requirements for the cleanliness of the product surface, difficulties in automating the measurement process, and the dependence of the measurement results on the state of the environment.


Acoustico emission method - a very effective tool for non-destructive testing and evaluation of materials, based on the detection of elastic waves that are generated during a sudden deformation of a stressed material. These waves propagate from the source directly to the sensors, where they are then converted into electrical signals. Acoustic emission control devices measure these signals, after which they display data, on the basis of which the state and behavior of the entire structure of the object under study is assessed.

As is known, traditional methods of non-destructive testing (ultrasonic, radiation, eddy current) make it possible to detect geometric inhomogeneities (defects) by emitting some form of energy into the structure of an object. In contrast to these methods, a different approach is used in acoustic emission testing: not geometric inhomogeneities are detected, but microscopic movements. This method makes it possible to very quickly detect the growth of even the smallest cracks, fractures of inclusions, gas or liquid leaks. That is, a large number of a wide variety of processes that produce acoustic emission.

From the point of view of the theory and practice of the acoustic emission method, absolutely any defect can produce its own signal. At the same time, it can travel quite long distances (up to tens of meters) until it reaches the sensors. Moreover, the defect can be detected not only remotely; but also by calculating the difference in the arrival times of waves to sensors located in different places.

The main features of the acoustic control method, which determine its capabilities and scope:

  • Provides detection of defects according to the degree of their danger;
  • It has a high sensitivity to growing defects and makes it possible to determine the increment of a crack to fractions of millimeters under operating conditions;
  • Limiting sensitivity of devices according to theoretical estimates can be up to 1*10-6mm2
  • The integrity of the method provides control of the entire object using one or more transducers fixedly installed on the surface of the object;
  • The method makes it possible to control a variety of technological processes, as well as processes of changing the properties and state of materials;
  • The orientation and position of the object does not affect the detection of defects.

A feature of the method that limits its application is the possible difficulty in some cases of extracting the desired signals from noise. If the signals are small in amplitude, then their separation from noise is a difficult task.


Eddy current control is based on the analysis of the interaction of an external electromagnetic field with the electromagnetic field of eddy currents induced in the control object (OC) by this field. The distribution and density of eddy currents are determined by the source of the electromagnetic field, the geometric and electromagnetic parameters of the OK, as well as the relative position of the source of the field and OK.

As a current source of the ELM field, an inductive coil with a sinusoidal current, called an eddy current converter (ECT), is most often used.

The main advantages of the method are the possibility of multi-parameter and non-contact control of OK. Due to this, eddy current testing can be carried out when the OK moves relative to the ECP, and the speed of movement during production control can be significant, which ensures high testing performance.

An additional advantage of the method is that the ECT signals are practically not affected by humidity, pressure and pollution of the gaseous medium, radioactive radiation, contamination of the OC surface with non-conductive substances, as well as the simplicity of the ECT design.

Because Eddy currents occur only in electrically conductive materials, then the objects of control can be products made of metals, alloys, graphite, semiconductors and other electrically conductive materials.

Method VC used for flaw detection, structuroscopy, determination of coating thickness, dimensions, conductivity and quality heat treatment. The objects of eddy current testing can be electrically conductive rods, wires, pipes, sheets, plates, coatings, incl. multilayer, railway rails, nuclear reactor housings, bearings, fasteners and many other industrial products.

Used in professional diagnostics a large number of a variety of methods. Let's take a look at some of them.

Observation behind the real process of labor is a common method of professional diagnostics, especially in a situation of professional certification. Such observation is based on the recording of all transactions and labor actions using a pre-prepared deployed protocol. Observation accompanied by video recording or timing significantly increases the possibility of evaluating and interpreting the results.

labor method- a person (for example, a psychologist) who studies a profession tries to master it himself. In one person, a specialist who knows professional activity and a psychologist who knows how to describe it are combined. During development new profession a person writes down the course of the working day, difficulties, exercises, features of fatigue, considerations for the organization of labor, and performs timing of the working day.

Method of Rationalization and Reconstruction of Existing Professions. Specialists can carry out: rationalization of the labor process - clarification of the necessary composition of labor actions, exclusion of unnecessary methods and operations, increased emphasis on those labor operations that ensure the greatest completeness of the manifestation of the abilities of specialists, preserve the psychological resources of the individual, etc.

In order for a person to realize his profession and his place in the profession, in addition to the above methods, you can use such a technique as construction of a professiogram his profession. A person is invited to reveal the professiogram of his profession, answering the questions: what is the purpose of this profession, its main tasks in society, what is the result of work in this profession, what is the subject of its work, etc.

A person's understanding of the objective composition of labor in the profession is revealed comparison of related professions and during application projective assignments with the image of unclear situations and questions like “What does the specialist do in this situation? What caused this situation? What is its outcome?

Reception is actively used ranking professionally- important qualities professions according to the degree of their importance for the subject.

To study a person's self-awareness of the presence of the necessary psychological qualities, one can recommend the reception of free self-descriptions yourself as a professional (including self-description “through the eyes of colleagues”).

Method of expert assessments– technique used to assess the state labor activity person. One of the difficulties in using expert assessments is the selection of qualified experts and the development of criteria for evaluating the work of a specialist. The content of the reception is that the process and the result of a person's work are evaluated by experts according to the relevant criteria.

When analyzing labor motivation, a reliable method can be to put a person in experimental situation professional choice . The choice situation always reveals the presence and subordination of motives - which is more important, for example, for a person. Data for identifying internal guidelines, goals, motives of a specialist gives biographical method(studying the biography of a person) and questions like: remember the events of your professional life that are significant for you; what choices you had to make and why they were made; what impact these choices have had or may have on your future life; what goals did you set for professional activity and what were achieved, what goals and opportunities were missed, etc.

To identify the comparative significance of human conscious motives, it is widely used ranging motives and goals of professional activity according to their importance.

The level of claims in professional activity is revealed test tasks And tasks of varying difficulty, where you can determine how a person evaluates the objective difficulty of the task, his professional abilities in general, the subjective probability of success (accessibility of the solution), the intensity of personal efforts that need to be made.

To diagnose emotional states in professional activities, you can apply the technique colorograms. At different stages of professional activity, a person fixes with a pencil different color their emotional states: red - enthusiastic mood, orange - joyful; green - calm, balanced; purple - anxious, tense, black - despondency, disappointment, loss of strength.

When studying the state of the operational sphere of professional activity, one can use conversations, questionnaires, revealing a person's awareness in the relevant sciences and fields of knowledge, as well as direct observation, fixation of the labor process, "photo" of the working day.

To study professional self-awareness, a methodological technique is used - "professional self-portrait". The specialist is invited to draw up a portrait of himself as a specialist in his profession, then correlate it with a professiogram or with an ideal portrait of a specialist.

When characterizing the operational sphere Special attention given to the method analysis of employee's labor products. The result is compared with professional standards(guests, instructions, qualification requirements, etc.). A variant of the method can be analysis of defective products, which allows you to identify what psychological qualities are lacking in an employee who has released this product, for example, the accuracy of the eye or the coordination of the movements of the worker.

Compiled by: Ph.D.

Date posted on the site: 02/25/2014

Diagnosis of professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher

In order to diagnose professionally significant personal qualities of a preschool teacher, we suggest using a scheme for studying professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher. The teacher studies such PZLK as: empathy, reflexivity, sociability, personality flexibility, ability to cooperate, emotional attractiveness.

Table 1.

Scheme of studying professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher.

PZLK teacher

Psychodiagnostic technique


GOCK method ()

Methodology for determining the level of reflexivity (, eva) .

Determination of the level of formation of pedagogical reflection () .


GOCK method ()

Diagnosis of the level of empathy () .

Emotional empathy () .


Methodology GOKK

Test for assessing self-control in communication (M. Snyder)

Personal flexibility

Method for measuring rigidity ()

Ability to cooperate

Methodology GOKK

Test "30 proverbs"

Method for diagnosing a communicative installation ()

Emotional attraction

Methodology GOKK

Let us present some of the indicated methods.

GOCK method ().

According to the GOCK methodology (group assessment of communicative competence), each expert is invited to consider six professionally significant qualities of a teacher and three communicative functions. The characteristic of each of them consists of eight indicators that the expert must evaluate a certain amount points. In the numbered registration forms, the names of qualities and communicative functions are not given. Form No. 1 serves to assess empathy, No. 2 - the ability to reflect; No. 3 - sociability; No. 4 - the flexibility of the individual (in thinking, behavior) No. 5 - the ability to cooperate, contact; No. 6 - the emotional attractiveness of the teacher; No. 7 - influence functions; No. 8 - functions of the organization; No. 9 - information transfer functions.

Each quality and function is evaluated on a 6-point scale:

Often, pronounced - 5

Shows up more often than not - 4

Fickle, situational - 3

Very rare - 2

Never - 1

Can't rate 0.

There is no time limit for answers.

To obtain an objective opinion on the manifestation of PZLK by a teacher and the level of his communicative competence, it is necessary that there be at least 15 experts from each group (teachers, parents).

Frequency of manifestation, points

1. Understands the mood of the child well

2. Attentive to the child and his problems

3. Shows love and respect for children

4. Attentive to the mood of the child

5. Takes into account the emotional state of the child in the lesson

6. Ready to emotionally respond to the problems of the interlocutor

7. Empathizes with the child when he fails.

8. Demonstrates respect for the personality of the child

Total points

Average quality score

Communicative qualities of a teacher

Frequency of manifestation, points

1. Interested in and takes into account the opinion of children

2. Knows how to hold back, even when the kids are wrong

3. Can admit his mistakes publicly

4. Takes into account the interests and inclinations of the guys

5. Considers his past mistakes

6. Shows calmness and endurance in difficult situations

7. Strives to constantly receive feedback

8. Critical about his actions, actions

Total points

Average quality score

Communicative qualities of a teacher

Frequency of manifestation, points

1. Talks about his difficulties and experiences to partners in interaction

2. Easily connects with most children

Detection technique

"Communicative and organizational inclinations" (KOS-2) 1

This technique is designed to identify the communicative and organizational inclinations of the individual.

The technique contains 40 questions, for each of which the subject must answer "yes" or "no". The execution time of the technique is 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the level of communicative and organizational inclinations is determined separately.

    Do you have a passion for learning about people and getting to know different people?

    Do you enjoy social work?

    How long have you been bothered by the feeling of resentment caused to you by one of your comrades?

    Do you always find it difficult to navigate in a critical situation?

    Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

    How often do you manage to persuade the majority of your comrades to accept your opinion?

    Is it true that you find it more pleasant and easier to spend time with books or some other activity than with people?

    If there are some obstacles in the implementation of your intentions, is it easy for you to abandon your intentions?

    Do you easily establish contacts with people who are much older than you?

    Do you like to invent or organize various games and entertainments with your friends?

    Do you find it difficult to join new companies for you?

    How often do you put off things that need to be done today?

    Do you find it easy to make contacts and communicate with strangers?

    Do you strive to get your comrades to act in accordance with your opinion?

    Is it difficult for you to get used to the new team?

    Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because they do not fulfill their promises, obligations, duties?

    Do you seek to get to know and talk with a new person at an opportunity?

    Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?

    Do people around you annoy you and do you want to be alone?

    Is it true that you are usually bad at navigating in unfamiliar surroundings?

    Do you enjoy being around people all the time?

    Do you get irritated if you can't finish what you started?

    Do you find it difficult to take the initiative to meet a new person?

    Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with friends?

    Do you like to participate in collective games?

    Do you often take the initiative in solving issues that affect the interests of your comrades?

    Is it true that you feel insecure around strangers?

    Is it true that you rarely seek to prove your case?

    Do you think that it is not difficult for you to bring animation to an unfamiliar group?

    Are you involved in social work at school?

    Do you try to limit the circle of your acquaintances?

    Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

    Do you feel at ease when you are in an unfamiliar group?

    Are you willing to start organizing various events for your comrades?

    Is it true that you don't feel confident and calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?

    Are you often late for business meetings, dates?

    Is it true that you have many friends?

    How often do you find yourself in the center of attention of your comrades?

    Are you often embarrassed, feel awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?

    Is it true that you do not feel very confident surrounded by a large group of your comrades?

Key for data processing according to the "KOS-2" method

Communicative tendencies

Yes 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37

No 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39

Organizational tendencies

Yes 2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38

No 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40

For each answer "yes" and the answer "no" for statements that match those marked in the Key, separately for the corresponding inclinations, one point is assigned. Experimentally established five levels of communication and organizational inclinations. The approximate distribution of points for these levels is shown below.

Are you able to control yourself? 2

Underline one of the two answers for each question, or mark them in any other way

1. I find it difficult to imitate other people YES. NO

2. I, perhaps, could (la) on occasion make a fool of myself,

to attract attention or amuse others YES, NO

3. I could make a good artist YES NO

4. Other people sometimes think that I am going through something.

deeper than it really is YES NO

5. In a company, I rarely find myself in the spotlight YES, NO

6. In different situations and in dealing with different people

I often behave in completely different ways YES NO

7. I can only stand up for what I sincerely believe in YES, NO

8. To succeed in business and in relationships with people, I

I try to be the person I'm expected to be YES NO

9. I can be friendly with the people I am

I can't stand YES NO

10. I always seem to be YES, NO.

Results processing

Give yourself one point for answering “NO” to questions 1, 5, 7; for the answer "YES" - to all the rest. Calculate your points. If you answered sincerely, then, apparently, the following can be said about you:

0-3 points You have low communication control. Your behavior is stable, and you do not consider it necessary to change it depending on the situation. You are capable of sincere self-discovery in communication. Some consider you "uncomfortable to communicate" because of your directness.

4-6 points – you have average communicative control. You are a sincere, but restrained person in your emotional manifestations. You should be more considerate in your behavior with others.

7-10 points You have high communication control. You easily enter into any role, react flexibly to changing situations and are even able to anticipate the impression that you will make on others.

Can you listen?

Instruction:“10 questions should be answered, which are evaluated:

"almost always" - 2 points,

"in most cases" - 4 points,

"sometimes" - 6 points,

"rarely" - 8 points,

"almost never" - 10 points.

A list of questions:

      Do you try to "curl" the conversation in cases where the topic (or interlocutor) is not interesting to you?

      Do your partner's manners annoy you?

      Can an unfortunate expression of another person provoke you to be harsh or rude?

      Do you avoid talking to people you don't know or don't know well?

      Do you have a habit of interrupting the speaker?

      Do you pretend to listen carefully, but you yourself are thinking about something completely different?

      Do you change the subject of a conversation if it touches on a topic that is unpleasant for you?

      Do you correct a person if there are incorrectly pronounced words, names, vulgarisms in his speech?

      Do you have a condescending-mentoring tone with a touch of disdain and irony in relation to the one you are talking to?

Processing and interpretation: The more points, the more developed the ability to listen. If more than 62 points are scored, then the listener is “above average”. Usually the average score of listeners is 55.

General level of sociability (according to V.F. Ryakhovsky) 3

Instruction:“Your attention is invited to a few simple questions. Answer quickly, unequivocally: “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”.

      You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

      Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with an assignment to make a report, message, information at any meeting, meeting or similar event?

      Are you postponing a visit to the doctor until recently?

      You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

      Do you enjoy sharing your experiences with anyone?

      Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, name the time, answer some question)?

      Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

      Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to pay you back the money he borrowed a few months ago?

      in a restaurant or in the dining room you were served a dish of obviously poor quality. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?

      Once alone with a stranger, you will enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

      You are horrified by any long line, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to abandon your intention, or will you stand behind and languish in anticipation?

      Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

      You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you will not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?

      Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

      Do you get frustrated when someone asks you to help sort out a particular service issue or study topic?

      Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Response score:"Yes" - 2 points, "Sometimes" - 1 point, "No" - 0 points. The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which category of people the subject belongs to.


30-32 points. You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer more from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points. You are closed, not talkative, prefer loneliness, so you have few friends.

19-24 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet, with new people, converge with caution, you are not willing to participate in disputes and disputes.

14-18 points. You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in dealing with others, defend your point of view without irascibility. Without unpleasant experiences, go to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies.

9-13 points. You are very sociable, curious, talkative, like to speak on various issues which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. Sometimes, flare up, and quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

4-8 points. You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. You love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can cause migraines and blues. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. You take on any business, although you can not always successfully bring it to the end. For this reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubt. Consider these facts.

3 points or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. Undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. You need to work on yourself! First of all, cultivate patience and restraint in yourself, treat people with respect.

The teacher's capacity for empathy 4

Instruction: to identify the level of empathic tendencies, it is necessary, answering each of the 36 statements, to attribute the following numbers to the answers: if you answered “I don’t know” - 0, to the answer “no, never” attribute 1, “sometimes” - 2, “often” - 3, “almost always” - 4, and the answer “yes, always” - 5. You need to answer all the items.

      I like travel books more than the Lives of Remarkable People books.

      Adult children are annoyed by the care of their parents.

      I like to think about the reasons for other people's successes and failures.

      Among all musical TV shows, I prefer "Modern Rhythms".

      Excessive irritability and unfair reproaches of the patient must be tolerated, even if they continue for years.

      A sick person can be helped even with a word.

      Strangers should not interfere in a conflict between two persons.

      Old people tend to be touchy for no reason.

      When I listened to a sad story as a child, tears welled up in my eyes on their own.

      The irritated state of my parents affects my mood.

      I am indifferent to criticism addressed to me.

      I like looking at portraits more than landscape paintings.

      I always forgave everything to my parents, even if they were wrong.

      If the horse pulls badly, it needs to be whipped.

      When I read about dramatic events in people's lives, I feel like it's happening to me.

      Parents treat their children fairly.

      When I see teenagers or adults arguing, I intervene.

      I do not pay attention to the bad mood of my parents.

      I spend a lot of time watching the behavior of animals, postponing other things.

      Movies and books can only bring tears to frivolous people.

      I like to watch the facial expressions and behavior of strangers.

      As a child, I brought home homeless cats and dogs.

      All people are unreasonably embittered.

      Looking at a stranger, I want to guess how his life will turn out.

      As a child, the younger ones followed me on the heels.

      At the sight of a crippled animal, I try to help him with something.

      A person will feel better if he listens carefully to his complaints.

      Seeing a street incident, I try not to fall into the number of witnesses.

      The younger ones like it when I offer them my idea, business or entertainment.

      People exaggerate the ability of animals to feel the mood of their owner.

      From the predicament conflict situation the person must go out on their own.

      If a child cries, there are reasons for that.

      Young people should always satisfy any requests and eccentricities of the old.

      I wanted to understand why some of my classmates were sometimes thoughtful.

      Homeless pets should be caught and destroyed.

      If my friends start discussing their personal problems with me, I try to move the conversation to another topic.

Before calculating the results, check the degree of frankness with which you answered. Did you answer "I don't know" to some of the statements numbered: 3, 9, 11, 13, 28, 36, and did you also mark items 11, 13, 15, 27 with the answers "yes, always"? If so, then you did not want to be frank with yourself, and in some cases sought to look in the best light. The test results can be trusted if you have not given more than three insincere answers for all of the above statements, with four you should already doubt their reliability, and with five you can consider that the work was done in vain. Now sum up all the points assigned to the answers to items: 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 32. correlate the result with the scale development of empathic tendencies.

82-90 points- a very high level of empathy. You have a painfully developed empathy. Being upset, you need emotional support from the outside. With such an attitude towards life, you are close to neurotic breakdowns. Take care of your mental health.

63-81 points- high empathy. You are sensitive to the needs and problems of others, tend to forgive them a lot. Prefer to work with people rather than alone. You constantly need social approval of your actions. With all these qualities, you are not always accurate in precise and painstaking work. It doesn't take much to get you off balance.

37-62 points- a normal level of empathy inherent in the vast majority of people. People around you cannot call you “thick-skinned”, but at the same time you are not among the most sensitive people. You do not have looseness of feelings, and this interferes with your full perception of people.

12-36 points- low level of empathy. You experience difficulty in establishing contacts with people, you feel uncomfortable in a noisy company. You prefer solitary pursuits in a specific case, rather than working with people.

11 points or less- very low level. Empathic tendencies of the personality are not developed. Find it difficult to be the first to start a conversation, keep yourself apart from colleagues. The activities are too self-centered. Painfully endure criticism in your address, although you may not react violently to it. You need gymnastics of the senses.


"Factors influencing the development and self-development of teachers" 5

5- yes (prevent or stimulate);

4 - rather yes than no;

3 - Yes and no;

2 - probably not;

1 - No.


1. Own inertia.

2. Disappointment as a result of previous failures.

3. Lack of support in this matter from the administration.

4. Negative attitude of others who do not perceive your desire for change and striving for something new.

5. The absence of a system of work in this direction in the methodological association.

6. State of health.

7. Lack of time.

8. Limited resources, cramped life circumstances.

9. Lack of objective information about my activities from the management and team members.

10. Loss of interest in teaching.

11. Lack of specialists to learn from.


1. Well-established system of methodical work at school.

2. Availability of specialists (courses) from whom you can learn.

3. An example of the influence of colleagues.

4. Support and attention to this problem of the leader.

5. Interest in teaching activities.

6. Personal example of the head of the school.

7. The possibility of obtaining recognition in the team.

8. Novelty in activities, working conditions, the ability to experiment.

9. System of material incentives.

10. The need for self-improvement.

11. The atmosphere of cooperation and support that has developed in the team.

Results processing:

The points obtained in the section "Hindering factors" are summed up

maximum points = 55

minimum points = 11

11-27 points– Development needs are blocked. Realization of impossibility professional growth under the circumstances.

27-33 points- the need for development is weakly expressed. Doubt about the possibility of professional growth under the circumstances.

33-44 points- A strong need for development. When organizing the appropriate conditions, the teacher is inclined to professional growth.

44-55 points– a clear need for development. A high assessment of the conditions conducive to professional growth.

The data under the section "Stimulating factors" are processed similarly.

2.2 Basic diagnostic methods professional suitability specialists

A number of methods can be attributed to the main methods for diagnosing the professional suitability of specialists. Let's consider them. The first method is limited to determining aptitude, while the second method establishes the correspondence of business, personal and professional qualities employee to the requirements of the proposed position, workplace.

Reasonable professional selection should be preceded by: 1) professiographic research;

2) determination of the list of PVK necessary for the performance of the relevant professional activity and subject to measurement and evaluation (psychogram);

3) development of methods and organizational procedures for determining the professional suitability of applicants during selection in the recruitment process;

4) organization of a special office and training of specialists for professional selection.

Occupational research consists in the study and analysis of the conditions, content and dangers of a certain type of work or a certain profession. The professiogram as the end result of a professiographic study contains a list of PTC and requirements that an employee must have in order to successfully complete this type of work and the degree of their severity.

In the psychology of work, personal properties are grouped for various reasons, singled out and evaluated according to the criterion of importance for a particular professional activity. For each type of activity, a list of professional qualities that are classified as important is justified.

The conducted studies allow us to identify and recommend four groups of professional qualities that correlate with the success of the activity. The groups of professional qualities include:

a) Professional knowledge:

General professional knowledge;

Knowledge, skills, skills of safe performance of operations (works, functions) included in job duties;

Knowledge and skills that allow to identify (diagnose), prevent and eliminate dangerous (extreme) situations.

b) Business qualities:

discipline, responsibility;

Honesty, conscientiousness;

Competence; initiative;

Purposefulness, perseverance;

Independence, determination.

c) Individual psychological and personal qualities:

Motivational orientation;

Level of intellectual development; emotional and neuropsychic stability;

Attention (volume, stability, distribution, switching);

Memory (long-term, operational);

Thinking (features of mental activity, ability to learn);

Flexibility in communication, style of interpersonal behavior; tendency to abuse alcohol (drugs).

d) Psychophysiological qualities:

Endurance, performance;

Visual acuity; eye gauge;

color perception;

Hearing acuity;

Sound differentiation;

Odor differentiation;

Simple and complex sensorimotor reaction (speed, accuracy).

The above list of PVK is indicative.

When conducting professiographic research on specific types of activities and specific jobs, appropriate adjustments are made to the list or, if necessary, a new list of qualities is specially formed.

Appendix 7 provides general data on the above list of PVK and recommended methods for their assessment.

Exam - a method based on checking the level of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities by means of an oral or written test using test tasks drawn up in a standard form.

Expert assessments - a method based on a generalization of the characteristics of the qualities of the subject, obtained by interviewing a certain circle of people who know the person being assessed well: the immediate supervisor, colleagues, subordinates, etc. It includes a survey, interviews, filling out questionnaires, processing and evaluating the results of the survey.

The effectiveness of the interview method for assessing personnel depends very much on the content, technique and level of training of the person who conducts the interview. In practice, the so-called semi-structured interview is usually used: the main topics and part of the interview questions are determined in advance, when preparing the interview plan in accordance with the goals for which the interview is conducted.

In terms of objectives, two types of interviews can be distinguished:

1) an interview to assess candidates for employment (usually includes the following main diagnostic topics: origin, education, professional career, self-esteem, goals and plans for the future, special interests, etc.);

In addition to solving diagnostic problems, in the framework of the interview, the candidate has to provide information of interest to him about the enterprise and the vacancy, that is, answers are given to the natural questions of the candidate. This information, of course, is consistent with the management, and the specific interest of the candidate in it is additional diagnostic information. The structure of the interview also sets a certain order of transition from topic to topic. The main phases of the interview can be distinguished.

The interview provides not only verbal diagnostic material, but also the opportunity to observe behavior in the interview situation, that is, not only what the candidate says, but also how he speaks and how he behaves is of interest.

2) interviews for personnel assessment within the framework of personnel development programs. When evaluating the current managerial staff, the subject of the interview changes. The analysis of the life path is thoroughly done once, the data is stored, and in subsequent periodic interviews, the biography is only replenished with data on new events.

Situational diagnostic methods are based on observing the behavior of subjects in staged (simulated) situations. Each of these methods includes two parts; provoked situation and observation technique. According to the content of situations, the following most commonly used varieties of situational methods can be distinguished: "mail basket", reports and presentations, role-playing games, group discussions, case analysis (“case method”), planning games, scenario method (Appendix 8).

Methods are selected based on the results of a preliminary analysis of activities, so that in situations provoked with their help, there is an opportunity and a need to manifest the required professionally important qualities of a manager. The created situations are controlled by a specially trained moderator, the supervision is carried out by the trained ones.

Psychological testing - a method of psychological diagnostics that uses standardized questions that have a certain scale of values. It includes a set of standardized tests, customized questionnaires, testing procedure and evaluation of results.

The use of tests is convenient due to the high level of their methodological elaboration. For each, depending on the study, on the task facing the psychologist, it is enough to use 3-4 methods. It is important that the set of tests used allows us to describe a holistic portrait and cover different aspects of the personality.

The set of methods used may include tests characterizing: motives for work (activity), assessment of intellectual development, emotional sphere, individual psychological and temperamental qualities, qualities of a leader and psychophysiological qualities (Appendix 9).

The effectiveness of the psychodiagnostic model has been confirmed in practice. Tracked for 5-20 years, the fate of people who were given recommendations on choosing a professional activity made it possible to verify the high predictive reliability of tests, especially when the studies were conducted by a specially trained psychologist.

Grade professional knowledge(skills, skills) is carried out in the form of an exam, on special test questions and test tasks. It can be carried out orally, in writing, as well as in an automated version, depending on what test materials the enterprise has.

The business qualities of candidates are assessed by experts using special questionnaires. The experts are persons who know the candidate well through joint work, preferably three experts at each of the three levels: senior managers, colleagues, subordinates.

Individual psychological, psychophysiological, personal qualities of candidates are evaluated by the method of psychological testing using, if necessary, instrumental measurements.

Psychological testing can be carried out both in a blank and in an automated version. The battery of tests for psychological examination is determined on the basis of the requirements for the level of development of professionally important psychological qualities required by the specific workplace for which the candidate is accepted.

Based on the results of psychological testing, a conclusion is made, which is briefly presented in the list of approvals. The psychologist should make the conclusion detailed, reflecting in it the main individual psychological characteristics of the person being tested, his strengths and weak sides, possible difficulties adaptation period etc. (Appendix 10).

3. "Achievement motive and proactive - responsible attitude to activities" - as the main indicator of professional suitability in the selection