The program of correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere “Rainbow. Project "Rainbow of emotions" Special conditions



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RAINBOW OF EMOTIONS Shumilo Olga Yurievna, educational psychologist MBDOU kindergarten 101 , Voronezh

I sat at home alone and was sad, because I knew that my mother would not come soon. Suddenly, a sound was heard outside the door ... "Thief!" I thought. But the door opened and mom came in. She came back early! I was very glad! Encrypted emails

Today I spent the whole day visiting my grandmother. Grandma gave me balloon. Bright red! This is my favorite color. I returned home very satisfied. Suddenly, a dog jumped out from around the corner and began to bark. I jumped in surprise and dropped the ball from my hands. I was very upset ... and angry all the way home. She was angry at the dog and at herself for being frightened of such a small dog.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Anxious Minute" What is the mood of the piece of music?

P.I. Tchaikovsky "The New Doll" What is the mood of the piece of music?

What is the mood of the piece of music? P.I. Tchaikovsky "Orphan"

What is the mood of the piece of music? V. Becker "The Joy of Victory"

Sad mood

Fun mood

Bryullov P. A. Spring. 1875

Sinking ship, Aivazovsky, 1854

Golden autumn (Levitan Isaac)

Merchant at tea, 1918, Boris Kustodiev


Interactive simulator "Rainbow of emotions"

The simulator is designed to work with children of preschool and younger school age. The presentation is used to introduce children to basic emotions and to reinforce this knowledge. Children are offered the following tasks: determine the emotion by body posture and gestures, determine emotion by facial expressions, determine the mood of music, colors, determine the mood of the picture. This presentation can be used both in individual work and in small groups. In further work, you can expand the range of emotions offered according to the principle of this presentation.

Presentation instructions.

Slide 1. Title page.

Slide 2. We tell children about emotions. How different emotions are manifested: facial expressions, posture. Here we talk about the causes of emotions.

Slides 3,4,5,6,7. The gnome hid behind a mask. You need to guess by the pose and gestures what mood the gnome has.When you click the mouse, the gnome "takes off" the mask and his face becomes visible.

Slide 8. Repetition of information. Children themselves talk about each emotion.Each time you click the mouse, a picture with an emotion (clown) appears.

Slides 9,10,11,12,13. The task for children is to guess by the expression of the eyes what emotion the clown has.When you click on the clown's face, eyes appear. The child must determine what mood the clown has. The next time you click, the mouth appears.

Slides 14,15. Task "Encrypted letters". These slides show an example of how to complete this task.. Clicking the mouse opens the envelope with the letter. A number of emotions appear. This is an encrypted email. The next time you click the mouse, the text with the letter appears.

Slides 16,17,18. Task "Encrypted letters". Here the child performs the task independently.Clicking the mouse opens the envelope with the letter. A number of emotions appear. This is an encrypted email. The child needs to “read” (compose) the letter himself.

Slides 19,20,21,22. After listening to a piece of music, the child must determine what his mood is.Pressing the trigger plays the music file. When you click the mouse, the title of the work appears. The next time you click, a kitten appears with the "correct" mood.

Slide 23.24. Task: determine the mood that a certain color spectrum evokes.A strip of various colored squares appears on the screen. When you click the mouse, the correct answer appears.

Slide 25,26,27,28. Task: determine the mood of the picture.The picture is shown on the screen. Let the child tell you what the mood of the picture is. Tell the child what the name of the picture is, who is its author. When you click the mouse, the correct answer appears.

For all its seeming simplicity, the recognition and transmission of emotions is enough difficult process, requiring from the child certain knowledge, a certain level of development.

The program of the "Rainbow of Emotions" circle is aimed at the development of communicative qualities - the development of skillful communication skills, providing a sense of security, trust in the world, the ability to get joy from communication, the formation of the basis of personal culture.

The upbringing of a child must begin precisely with the development of the emotional sphere, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able to “read” the emotional state of another and manage their own emotions.

Understanding your emotions and feelings is also an important point in the formation of the personality of a growing person.





Explanatory note.

With all its apparent simplicity, the recognition and transmission of emotions is a rather complex process that requires certain knowledge and a certain level of development from the child. The program of the "Rainbow of Emotions" circle is aimed at the development of communicative qualities - the development of skillful communication skills, providing a sense of security, trust in the world, the ability to get joy from communication, the formation of the basis of personal culture. The upbringing of a child must begin precisely with the development of the emotional sphere, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able to “read” the emotional state of another and manage their own emotions. Understanding your emotions and feelings is also an important point in the formation of the personality of a growing person.


At the same time, work on the development of the emotional sphere is traditionally considered the prerogative of the psychological service. However, not every preschool institution has a psychologist, and even if there is one, work on the development of the emotional sphere should be a special concern of the teacher.

This experience is a creative transformation modern approaches to the issue of the emotional development of preschoolers and the possibility of their active inclusion in the pedagogical process by the kindergarten teacher, suggests the inclusion of a teacher various means emotional development and use them throughout the day.

The main means of teaching children is the game, training, relaxation, entertainment, Practical activities. This program was developed in accordance with the age characteristics of children (the basic program "I-YOU-WE" under the guidance of O.L. Knyazeva, candidate of psychological sciences). The program is designed for one year with a frequency of one lesson per week, duration 25 - 30 minutes in the afternoon. The number of children in the circle is 10 people.

The program is based on the following principles:

  • voluntary participation in the game;
  • an adult must become a direct participant in the game;
  • repeated repetition of games necessary condition this program;
  • an adult should not judge children.

Indicators of the effectiveness of work on the emotional development of older children preschool age will:

  1. Knowledge of basic emotions;
  2. The ability to recognize the emotional manifestations of other people by various signs - facial expressions, pantomime, gestures;
  3. The ability to separate emotions into positive and negative;
  4. Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.

Expected result:

The development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers, reducing anxiety, increasing self-esteem, attentive attitude towards each other, the full development of the child's personality through self-expression and creativity,friendly attitude towards others.

General information about the mug:

Type - cognitive, theatrical, playful, educational

Year of employment - 2013-2015.

Number of children - 10

Age: 5 – 6 – 7 years old

Location - Kindergarten

Number of lessons per week - 1

Forms of organizing classes:

1 . Trainings

2. Etudes

3. Improvisation

4. Drawing

5. Play therapy

6. Travel games

7. Conversations

8. Readings

9. Relaxation

10. Exercise

Methodical work plan

  1. Working with methodological literature
  2. Development of theoretical classes
  3. Drawing up a work plan for the circle
  4. Attribute selection
  5. Making pictograms, various games

Summing up forms

To track performance educational process the following types of control are used:

1. Initial control (September),

2. Final control (May).

Perspective work plan of the circle
for 2013-2014 academic year



  1. To give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's own emotions (facial expressions, gestures, posture, words).
  2. To teach children the ability to find dignity in themselves and other people, increasing children's self-esteem and self-esteem.






1 Week

"My mood"

Develop the ability to understand your emotional state. Teach children the concept of mood. Introduce the concept of pictogram. Show ways to express your mood with color.

Pictograms with images of various emotions

3 week

"I am!"

To develop the ability to understand the emotional state of the heroes of fairy tales, to express this mood with the help of color. Develop communication skills.

mood cube

a game

2 and 4 weeks

"Colorful Mood"

Decreased anxiety and emotional stress. Expressing your emotional state with paint.

Paints, gouache, wax crayons, foam rubber.


1 Week

"Visiting the heroes of a fairy tale"

To develop the ability to understand the emotional state of the heroes of fairy tales, to express this mood with the help of color. Develop communication skills.

Examining illustrations. Drawing, planar images of heroes of fairy tales

3 week

"I and my family"

Looking at yourself in the mirror


Exhibition for parents

2 and 4 weeks

"Diary of my life"

A conversation about regime moments in the lives of children

Children's drawings


1 Week


Introducing children to the emotion of "joy". To develop the ability to adequately express their emotional state and the ability to understand the emotional state of another person.

To acquaint children with a variety of methods for expressing emotions of joy, feelings of delight, happiness, using various expressive means.

Mirror, pictograms, photographs of cheerful people, funny poems

3 week

"Give Joy"

Learn to notice the mood of loved ones, cultivate feelings of empathy and sympathy. Develop the ability to convey an emotional state of joy using visual means.

Spoons depicting emotions of joy

2 and 4 weeks

"I'm upset"

Acquaintance of children with the emotion "sadness, sadness." Develop the ability to understand the emotions of others. Develop the ability to express the emotion "sadness" verbally and non-verbally.

Mirror, pictograms, photographs of sad people, poems about sadness,


3 week

"Fear has big eyes"

Acquaintance of children with the emotion "fear", to teach to express a feeling of fear with the help of psycho-gymnastics etudes. Reducing the level of emotional stress with the help of art therapy techniques (fairy tale therapy, sketches)

Pictograms depicting the emotion of fear, "scary poems",

"Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond" L. Muur.

4 week

"Colorful Moods"

To develop the ability to understand the various emotional states of other people, to express different emotions with the help of verbal and non-verbal means.

Drawing "Tousled little men" - an exhibition for parents

2 and 4 weeks

"I am surprised"

Acquaintance of children with the emotion "surprise", express it with the help of facial expressions and visual means. Learn to understand the feelings of yourself and others. Develop positive relationships between children. Strengthen a sense of unity.

Pictograms, mirror, photographs depicting surprised faces, Antoshka doll


1 Week

"I'm not angry, I'm smiling"

Acquaintance of children with the emotion "anger", its mimic and pantomimic manifestations. Learning various methods of self-regulation of one's emotional state. Reducing emotional stress through relaxation exercises.

Pictograms, photographs, Antoshka doll, magic bag

3 week

"Magic Transformations"

To develop the ability to distinguish the emotional states of other people, to express different emotions using verbal and non-verbal means.

Split pictograms, Antoshka doll with various emotional expressions, spoons, plane images of dolls from fairy tales

2 and 4 weeks

"My friends"

To learn to notice what mood friends have, to cultivate feelings of empathy and sympathy. Reduce emotional stress. Create an emotional mood and an atmosphere of acceptance for everyone. Develop communication skills.

Examination of a photo album made by parents in alliance with children


1 Week

"Magic masks, magic colors"

To teach children how to make masks with different emotional colors using paper and visual media, in traditional and non-traditional ways.

Round and oval templates, paints, gouache, foam rubber, seals, candle

3 week

"Who and what do you like"

To form the ability to express their feelings and desires, to cultivate self-confidence in the process of performing various actions

Exercises - "like - do not like", drawing "love - do not like"

2 and 4 weeks

"Change yourself"

Form positive ideas about yourself, make it clear that you can always change yourself externally and internally, feelings, desires can change for various reasons

reading by V. Oseev "The magic word, pantomime, making the album" Whom I want to be ", theatrical games based on the plots of the works


1 Week

"Theater of Moods"

To teach children to dramatize individual small episodes from a fairy tale through play and communication with characters, to educate moral feelings in children. To consolidate the ability to convey the emotional moods of the heroes of fairy tales with the help of facial expressions, pantomime.

Reading fairy tales, cut pictograms

2 weeks

“Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”

Development of mutual understanding, use of non-verbal means of communication - facial expressions, gestures, pantomime

A game

3 week

4 week

"Name an Emotion"

Children are invited to determine the emotion from the pictures of the heroes of fairy tales: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear.

Pictures pictograms, split pictograms


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"Show emotion"

"Drawing an Emotion"

The child is invited to play with a cube, on the sides of which 6 basic emotions are depicted. What emotion will fall on the cube - the child must depictChildren are invited to fill out the “ABC of Mood” sheet, draw 4 main emotions: joy, sadness, anger, surprise.

Cube with the image on the faces of various emotions

Perspective work plan of the circle

for 2014-2015 academic year

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.


  1. To teach children to understand the emotional states of themselves and those around them;
  2. To introduce children to the basic emotions: interest, joy, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, shame.
  3. To give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's own emotions (facial expressions, pantomime gestures, posture, words).
  4. Facilitate the open expression of emotions and feelings in various socially acceptable ways (verbal, physical, creative, etc.).
  5. Improve your ability to manage your feelings and emotions.
  6. Reducing the level of anxiety in children.






3 week

"Journey to the Land of Etiquette"

Develop communication skills, teach free speech communication, observe the norms of speech behavior.

Card game


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 weeks

"We are all different"

Game "Snowball"

"How We See, We Speak"

"My mood"

"That I love"

Reveal children's knowledge about their body, which is harmful and good for teeth. Formation of the foundations of health-saving thinking, the ability to use the knowledge gained to improve one's health.

Game "Faces"

Pictograms, conversation, looking at illustrations


1 and 2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks

"Feelings of a Lonely Man"

"Joy and Sorrow"

"Rules of Good Behavior"


"Give someone a compliment"

Learn to analyze your emotional state, form an attentive attitude towards other people, remove negative emotions during games.

Game with multi-colored cards. Reading for the first time.


Shadow game.

Game "Finish the sentence" ...


1 and 2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks

"Heroes of fairy tales"

"Clever and Wise"

Learn to understand the emotions that the heroes of fairy tales depict

To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life

Heroes of fairy tales: Pinocchio, Barmaley, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina, texts of poems, pictograms

Cards with different situations


3 and 4 weeks


Acquaintance with intonation of speech, sympathy, attention, negative attitude to indifference

The game "Who called you - find out"

Reading poetry with different intonation


1 and 2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks


Game "Masks"

Role play situations

Acquaintance with facial expressions, development of attention, sympathy, attentiveness to all children in the group


with different expressions of emotion


1 and 2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks

"Pantomimics and gestures"

Game "Who are you?"

Game "Who is it?"

Game "Get Together"

Acquaintance with the concept of pantomime and gesture, development of attention, sympathy, attentiveness to all children in the group.

Pantomimic studies

"The sea worries once ..." - game


1 and 2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks

"ABC of emotions"

"Magic Paintings"

"What color is the mood"

Distinguish and compare emotional sensations, considering various pictures of nature, through color films, develop imagination

Color films, pictures depicting nature.

Petals of various colors.


2 weeks

3 week

"Disenchant the girl"

"Pick it right"

"Let's play with Antoshka"

Expand understanding of the main basic emotions, learn to convey an emotional state using expressive means

Image of a girl's face, eyes, eyebrows, mouth with different emotions, Antoshka doll


  1. Alyabyeva E.A. "Correctional-developing classes for children of senior preschool age." Creative Center, Moscow, 2004.
  2. Danilina T.A. "In the world of children's emotions", IRIS PRESS, M.: 2004.
  3. Knyazeva O.L, "I - you - we", Toolkit on the socio-emotional development of preschool children.
  4. Kryazheva N.L. The world of children's emotions. Children 5-7 years old, Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2001.
  5. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik I.P. “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing”, Moscow, Genesis, 2003.
  6. Miklyaeva N.V. "Social and moral education of preschoolers" Moscow 2013.
  7. Mulko I.F. "Social and moral education of children aged 5 - 7", Creative Center, Moscow 2004.
  8. Panfilova M.A. "Game therapy of communication", Moscow 2000.
  9. Pashkevich T.D. Social and emotional development of children 3 - 7 years old. Joint activities, developmental activities. Volgograd, 2015.
  10. Semenaka S.I. "Lessons of kindness", correctional and developmental program for children aged 5-7, Moscow. 2002.

Donskaya Marina Viktorovna

teacher - psychologist

municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2, Cheremkhovo"

Correction program and

development of the emotional-volitional sphere "Rainbow"

The process of formation of socially - personal qualities The child has on present stage development of the system of preschool education, in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, is of particular relevance. The development of the emotional-volitional sphere is not only a prerequisite for successful schooling, but also contributes to the self-development of the individual. Understanding your emotions and feelings is an important moment in the formation of the personality of a growing person. Emotional and motivational spheres closely related to each other develop, self-consciousness is formed. However, by focusing on TVs and computers, children communicate less with adults and peers, and in fact communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. The inability to master the expressive means of the body reduces the child's ability to interact with the outside world. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is very relevant and important.

In this regard, one of the important areas of activity is to provide high-quality psychological and pedagogical support, which allows not only to overcome the difficulties that arise in the process of education, but also to prevent them.

As part of the educational process on the basis of the municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 2 in Cheremkhovo" in the 2013-2014 academic year, work was carried out on correction and development emotional - volitional sphere of children under the program "Rainbow".

This program was developed on the basis of the study of methodological literature and personal professional experience and is aimed at correcting the emotional-volitional sphere of pupils. The program is based on "Flower - seven-color" N. Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varaeva, A.S. Tuzaeva, I.A. Kozlova, the program of I.A. Pazukhina “Let's get to know each other! Training development and correction of the emotional world of preschool children. The program uses games and exercises to correct the emotional-volitional sphere of the following authors: I.A. Pazukhina, S.V. Kryukova, N.P. Slobodyanik, N.L. Kryazheva, O.V. , T.A. Krylova, A.G. Sumarokova, O.V. Bazhenova, M. I. Chistyakova and others.

Methodological and theoretical basis programs

The problem of the development of emotions and will, their role in the emergence of motives as regulators of the activity and behavior of the child is one of the most important and difficult problems psychology and pedagogy. Studies devoted to the study of the emotional and volitional development of the personality of a preschool child were carried out by many domestic and foreign scientists and researchers (G.M. Breslav, V.K. Vilyunas, A.V. Zaporozhets, K.E. Izard, Ya.Z. Neverovich, P. V. Simonov, I. V. Alekhina, N. M. Amosov, P. K. Anokhin, M. V. Antropova, I. A. Arshavsky, A. Ballon, A. I. Zakharov, M. I. Koltsova, A.D. Kosheleva and others).

The proposed program is based on a student-oriented model of interaction with children. With this model of interaction, both the teacher and the child are equally recognized as subjects pedagogical process, have freedom in building their activities, exercise their choice to build through their personality. The main contradictions are overcome not through coercion, but through cooperation. Because of this, such personality traits as the ability for self-realization, creative growth and initiative as a form of expressing relationships based on mutual acceptance and understanding are of particular value.

The formation of the emotional-volitional sphere depends on a number of conditions:

1. Emotions and volitional qualities are formed in the process of a child's communication with peers. With insufficient emotional contacts with peers, a delay in emotional development may occur.

2. Emotions develop intensively in age-appropriate preschoolers in the form of activities - in a game saturated with experiences.

In this regard, work on the program is built in a group form using game methods.

The main approach used in the program is behavioral. the main task correction within the framework of the behavioral approach - to help the child learn new reactions aimed at the formation of adaptive forms of behavior, or the extinction, inhibition of his existing maladaptive forms of behavior. Various behavioral trainings, psycho-regulatory exercises reinforce the learned reactions.

The program is built taking into account the basic principles of correctional and pedagogical activities:

1. The leader in the system of purposeful correctional and pedagogical activity is the principle of unity of corrective, preventive and developmental tasks. The correction program is aimed not only at correcting deviations in development and behavior, at preventing them, but also at creating favorable conditions for the fullest realization of the child's potential and the harmonious development of his personality.

2. Implementation the principle of unity of diagnostics and correction ensures the integrity of the pedagogical process. It is extremely important to comprehensively examine and evaluate the intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, the characteristics of his mental development.

3. The principle of systematic and holistic study of the child in the interconnection and interdependence of individual deviations in mental development and primary disorders, establishing a hierarchy of detected deficiencies or deviations in mental development, the ratio of primary and secondary deviations.

4. The principle of taking into account individual and age characteristics child in the correctional and pedagogical process, involves taking into account "normativity" personality development, taking into account the sequence of successive ages, age stages of ontogenetic development.

5. The activity principle of correction determines the tactics of corrective work and ways to achieve the set goals, in which the starting point in achieving the goals is the organization of the child's vigorous activity.

6.The principle of the integrated use of methods and techniques of correctional and pedagogical activities, those. the solution of any pedagogical, developmental and correctional task, taking into account the interaction of all factors: the state of health, the state of development of mental functions, working capacity, the complexity of the task, the form of work, the intensity of the load. Complexity also suggests, first , the use of all psychological, pedagogical and correctional and developmental tools, secondly, the interdisciplinary interaction of specialists to provide effective assistance to the child, thirdly, all mental functions and processes, their interconnection and mutual influence are taken into account when working.

7. The principle of integration of the efforts of the immediate social environment. The child cannot develop outside the social environment, it component holistic social relations. Deviations in development and behavior are not only the result of the psychophysiological state of the child, but also the active influence of parents, closest friends, peers, pedagogical and children's teams.

8. Principle of dynamic learning the level of development of the child, the actual and potential level, the definition of the zone of its proximal development in cooperation with the parents when the child learns new ways of acting.

Goals, objectives, expected results

Purpose of the program: psychological correction of emotional disorders in a child, mitigation of emotional discomfort in children, increasing their activity and independence, elimination of secondary personal reactions caused by emotional disorders, such as aggressiveness, increased excitability, anxious suspiciousness, etc.

The main goal of the program- correction of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, increasing the child's conscious perception of his emotional manifestations and relationships, the development of social and personal competence and thereby ensuring the comprehensive harmonious development of his personality.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are formed (correctional, preventive, developing):

    promote self-knowledge of the child, help him to realize his own characteristics and preferences;

    f develop adequate self-esteem in children;

    help the child to master the language of "emotions" as a way of expressing their own emotional state, to form the ability to emotional self-regulation.

    develop social behavior skills, a sense of belonging to a group.

    to teach a child to express his love for loved ones, to cultivate interest in the history of his family;

    to develop in the child positive character traits that contribute to better mutual understanding in the process of communication; correct his undesirable traits of character and behavior;

    develop creative, communication skills in the process of gaming communication.

Organization, forms and methods of work

Form of conducting classes: correctional and developmental classes with a subgroup of children, trainings.

Methods and techniques

In the process of working on the program, techniques are used, the content of which corresponds to the developmental, preventive and corrective tasks of the program. Polyfunctional exercises, on the one hand, make it possible to solve several problems, and on the other hand, allow different effects on different children.

Role methods- suggest the adoption by the child of roles that are different in content and status; playing roles opposite to the usual ones, playing one's own role. Role-playing methods include: role-playing gymnastics and psychodrama. Role gymnastics - role-playing images of animals, fairy-tale characters, social and family roles, inanimate objects. "Psychodrama, therapeutic tales" Kryukova N.P.

Psychogymnastic games are based on the theoretical provisions of socio-psychological training on the need to create an environment in a special way in which deliberate changes become possible. In psycho-gymnastic games, children develop: acceptance of their name, their character traits, their rights and obligations. “Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten” by M. I. Chistyakov.

Communication games- these are games aimed at developing in children the ability to see in another person his dignity and give another person verbal and non-verbal support; games that help deepen the awareness of the sphere of communication, games that teach the ability to cooperate.

Games and tasks aimed at developing arbitrariness.

Games aimed at developing the imagination- verbal games - children inventing an ending to one or another unusual situation, or collectively writing fairy tales or selecting associations for a word. Non-verbal games involve children depicting one or another living being or inanimate object. "Mental pictures" - close your eyes and come up with a picture to the music, and then tell it to the group.

Emotional-symbolic methods- group discussion of various feelings. As a necessary stage of the discussion, children's drawings made on the theme of feelings are used. Directional drawing, that is, drawing on certain topics "Painless drawing" Kail D.G.

Relaxation methods– the program includes exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation, respiratory and visual-kinesthetic techniques Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. The method of replacement ontogenesis.

Interactive method- interactive simulator "Rainbow of emotions" Akkozina N. M. .

Classes were built in an accessible and interesting form for children using:

elements of color game trainings (N.V. Nishcheva "Colorful fairy tales", Pogosova N.M. "Color game training"), therapeutic fairy tales (Animal therapy for children N. L. Kryazheva), educational games (dramatization games, role-playing games,on the development of communication skills), exercises (imitative-performing and creativecharacter, muscle relaxation), sketches, viewing drawings and photographs, reading works of art, psychologist's stories and children's stories, writing stories, conversations, modeling and analyzing given situations, listening to music, drawing, mini-competitions, competition games.

Areas of work on the program. The program consists of 6 blocks:

    Introductory block

    Emotional Block - "My Feelings"

    Behavioral block - "I am the master of my feelings"

    Communication block - "Let's live together"

    Motivational block - "Land of knowledge"

    Final block.

This program is designed for children of preschool age 5-6 years old with problems in the emotional-volitional sphere and in behavior.

Organizational conditions for conducting classes

The program is implemented within 1 academic year in the amount of 34 academic hours. Classes are held with a group of children, consisting of 5-12 people, once a week in the afternoon. Classes are held in the psychologist's office, in group rooms, in music hall.

An integrated approach to program implementation

Integral participants in educational relations within the framework of the implementation of this program are the parents of children attending classes. Parents attended consultations of a specialist on emerging issues and problems identified during the implementation of the program, consultations “Development of social behavior skills of children of senior preschool age”, “Emotions and volitional qualities are formed in the process of communication of a child with peers” and others. They tracked the individual development map (Appendix 1), attended open and final classes, parent lectures, meetings, expressed their wishes and recommendations on current issues related to the educational process, filled out questionnaire sheets (Appendix 2). Ensuring the principle of complexity, the interaction of narrow specialists was used ( music directors, PE instructor, speech therapist) to provide effective assistance. Group educators created conditions for the formation of the arbitrariness of mental processes in children in all types of activities, for the development creativity child.

Monitoring the results of the program based on the results of psychological diagnostics. Methodological basis diagnostics:

    technique of V.M. Minaeva. "Diagnostics of the emotional sphere of the child" Purpose: development of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children: acquaintance with the main emotions, distinction and analysis (Appendix 1).

    Questionnaires for teachers "Studying the emotional sphere of preschoolers" compiled by Yu.E. Vepritskaya (Appendix 3).

    Questionnaires for parents "Questions for parents on the study of the emotional sphere of preschoolers" compiled by Yu.E. Vepritskaya (Appendix 2).

As a result of the work on the correction and development of the emotional and volitional sphere of children under the program "Rainbow", the final diagnostics showed the following results in the following areas:

    mime and pantomime. Compared with the primary diagnosis (38%), the data on this parameter increased by 12%, that is, as a result of the work done, 50% of the children learned to correctly express their emotional state.

    expressiveness of speech. The intonational expressiveness of speech compared with the primary diagnosis (27%) increased by 24% and amounted to 51%.

    the perception of a graphic image of various emotions improved compared with the primary diagnosis (24%) by 48% and amounted to 72%.

    A significant improvement in the graphic representation of emotions is diagnosed 64% in comparison with the primary diagnosis (21%), the dynamics was 43%.

As a result of a cycle of correctional and developmental classes under the Rainbow program, children develop the ability to distinguish and explain their emotional state and the emotional state of other people, the level of transmission of emotional states of speech improves, and the ability to correctly respond to various life situations from an emotional point of view.


Annex 1

Individual development map of a preschooler

for correctional and developmental classes in

MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type№2"

Group No. _______F.I. ___________________________

Correction - developing program "Rainbow".

Purpose: development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children (acquaintance with the main emotions, distinguishing and analyzing them).

Number of lessons: 34. Lesson time: 25 minutes. Methodology by V.M. Minaeva. "Diagnosis of the emotional sphere of the child"

    Diagnostics of facial expressions (m) and pantomimics (p)





    Initial diagnosis

    Final diagnostics

  1. Diagnosis of expressiveness of speech. (Pronouncing the phrase "I have a dog with a different intonation)




    Initial diagnosis

    Final diagnostics

  2. Diagnostics of the perception of a graphic image of various emotions (pictogram selection)


    Initial diagnosis

    Final diagnostics

  3. Diagnostics of the graphic representation of emotions (drawing emotions joy)


Sheet location

Initial diagnosis

Final diagnostics


Teacher - psychologist Donskaya Marina Viktorovna

Annex 2

Dear parents!

Please answer the questions in writing

This is necessary for the in-depth work of a teacher-psychologist.

Questions for parents on the study of the emotional sphere of the child

    Does the child often feel like he did something wrong?

    Is your child touchy?

    Is he embarrassed when talking to an adult?

    Does the child get so excited that he can't sit still?

    Does he like to dream?

    Can you call him irritable?

    Does your child sleep well?

    Does he often feel guilty?

    How long does he walk after a conflict?

    Does the child often "pout"?

    Does he have pain for no reason?

    Are there frequent ups and downs in mood throughout the day?

    Is it easy to offend him by criticizing something?

    Can it be called cheerful and lively?

    Does he have tics, unintentional movements?

    Does the child show excessive emotional reactions with crying?

    Does the child enter into conflicts, fights with peers on various occasions?

    Does he behave like this with adults?

Annex 3

Studying the emotional sphere of preschoolers

Questionnaire for teachers

Date filled in __________ Child's FI number _______________________ Date of birth ___________

1. Difficulties in behavior: a) present, b) absent;

2. Difficulties in learning: a) present, b) absent;

3. Does the child show nervousness, anxiety

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

4. Does the child show motor restlessness, disinhibition

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

5. Does the child show absent-mindedness, distractibility, impulsivity

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

6. Does the child show fatigue, exhaustion

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

7. Does the child show irritability, aggressiveness

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

8. Does the child show lethargy, passivity

a) very often

b) usually

d) never

9. Does the child show shyness, stiffness

a) very often

b) usually

natalia sokolova
Project "Rainbow of emotions"

Members project: children of senior groups No. 5; No. 6.

Type project: practical and indicative

Duration project: short term

Relevance of the topic

Is it necessary to develop emotional responsiveness in modern society? Certainly, it is necessary, because emotional responsiveness has always been and will be Starting point development of humane feelings, relations between people. The terrible deficit of our time is the deficit of kindness! This phenomenon is directly related to the most significant problem - the psychological health of children. It's no secret that when close adults love a child, treat him well, recognize his rights, are constantly attentive to him, he experiences emotional well-being - a feeling of confidence, security. In such conditions, a cheerful, active, mentally healthy child develops. But, unfortunately, in our progressive age, we adults have less and less time to communicate with children, and the child remains not protected from the whole variety of experiences that he directly has in everyday communication with adults and peers. As a result, the number of emotionally dysfunctional children which require special attention from teachers. Education of sympathy, responsiveness, humanity are an integral part of moral education. A child who understands the feelings of another, actively responds to the experiences of the people around him, and seeks to help another person who finds himself in a difficult situation, will not show hostility and aggressiveness.

Entering kindergarten, the child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to build relationships. In this situation, adults should join forces to ensure emotional comfort of the child developing the ability to communicate with peers.

For a practical psychologist, the behavior of the child, his development emotional scope is important indicator in understanding the world little man and testifies to his mental state, well-being, possible development prospects.

Therefore adults (parents and teachers) should strive to establish close emotional contacts with the child, since relationships with other people, their actions - the most important source the formation of feelings of a preschooler: joy, tenderness, anger and other experiences.

The value of the program " Rainbow of Emotions" is that thanks to the development emotional sphere, children expand the circle of conscious feelings, they begin to understand themselves and the people around them more deeply, it becomes easier for them to establish friendly relations within the peer group.

Based on the above, I believe to help the child understand his emotional condition and learn to manage themselves, it is necessary to develop in children emotional sphere. Therefore, in preschool institutions it is necessary to carry out targeted preventive and corrective work aimed at developing emotional spheres of the personality of preschoolers, and so arose project« rainbow of emotions»

Members project:

Educational psychologist


Target project: promote development emotionally areas of preschool children.


Develop methodological support necessary for the organization of the process for the prevention of violations and correction emotional and personal sphere in children;

Teach children to understand emotional the state of one's own and the surrounding people;

To give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's own emotions(facial expressions, gestures, posture, words);

Improve your ability to manage your feelings and emotions.

emotional the development of preschool children is a priority in the system of preschool education due to its special significance in social development child, introducing him to active purposeful activity, which determines how psycho-emotional well-being of the child, and the success of any activity.

In modern domestic psychology, the concept is often used « emotional comfort» , « emotional development» .

This experience is a creative transformation of modern approaches to the issue emotional development of preschoolers and the possibility of their active inclusion in the pedagogical process.


Working with children on the topic project,I am guided by the following principles:

1. Don't force yourself on anyone, including the kids you want to work with. If for some reason the children did not like the lesson, then postpone it until better times, and try to understand what you did wrong.

2. Stop - if you do not know how to act. In the process of working with children, difficulties may arise that cannot be eliminated immediately. Ignore this event, continue to lead the class as if nothing happened.

3. Eliminate dislike for children and your negative emotions while you are working with them.

4. Observe the principle of equality and cooperation with children. Remember that you are an adult because you are leading the class, in everything else you are the same participant as the children. You also crawl with them on the floor, showing various emotions, draw. You are an example of that free creative behavior that children involuntarily imitate and to which children are drawn.

5. Do not fix attention on failures, do not make comments, even if you sincerely want to correct something at this moment, help someone, cheer someone up more. Excess of your attention or a negative assessment can disrupt emotional well-being of the child, and therefore - to harm him.

6. Let's qualitative assessments if you can't resist them. There are no right and wrong actions in the classroom, here everyone succeeds, everyone shows themselves as they can and as they want, not being afraid to deserve censure, condemnation.

7. Do not compare children with anyone in an unfavorable light, do not set anyone as an example. Remember that the main thing here is not effective achievements, but inner freedom, emotional well-being.

8. Use different forms non-verbal support for the child - a smile, stroking the head, hugging the shoulders, etc.

Expected Result:

children should know:

Joy, surprise, fear, anger, grief, interest;

About the existence of individual characteristics of their own and their peers.

children should be able:

Understand and describe your desires and feelings;

Recognize and describe your physical and emotional sensations;

Reproduce expressive postures and movements;

Give in to each other in conflict situations;

Send given emotional state with the help of facial expressions, pantomimics.

The following methodological tools are used in the lessons:

Role-playing games that are based on understanding the social role of a person in society

Relaxation methods - the use of exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation.

Usage emotional-symbolicmethods - group discussion of different feelings: joy, anger; directional drawing, i.e. drawing on specific topics.

Communicative exercises in which the abilities of non-verbal influence of children on each other are trained.

Games, aimed at developing the imagination: verbal games, non-verbal games, mental pictures.

Stages project activities.

I. Stage - Preparatory

Target: identify the presence of formed knowledge about social emotions.

Diagnostic methods for the preliminary diagnosis of the ability to understand and recognize emotions,empathize with people around:

Pick up emotion;

find out emotion;

Conversation about emotional situations;

Conversation about emotional situations

Conducting research: first observed children in different types activities. Then the child was asked questions.:

Can you laugh if your friend has fallen? Why?

Is it okay to hurt animals? Why?

Do I need to share toys with other children? Why?

If you broke a toy, and the teacher thought of another child, is it necessary to say that it is your fault? Why?

Is it okay to make noise when others are resting? Why?

Can you fight if another child takes your toy away from you? Why?

Qualitative analysis of the obtained data

The results of the analysis of the data obtained showed that children do not have enough knowledge about social emotions.

Stage II - practical

Classes are held once a week for one month. (Annex 1)

Duration - 30 minutes, for children of preschool age.

Lesson structure:

Each lesson has three parts.: warm-up, main part and final part.

The warm-up includes a greeting and aims to include children in the work.

The main part is determined by the content of the topic, certain emotions.

The final part - withdrawal in children emotional arousal summarizing the lesson. (Annex 2)

Stage III - final

Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation project.

Analysis of the work carried out.

Selection of the most effective methods and technologies aimed at developing emotional-personal spheres of preschool children and preschool teachers.

Methodological presentation of results project.

Making a photo report project.

- Dissemination of work experience: "Journey to Magical Land" emotions»

(open class with parents and children).

Expected Result

Children have learned to understand themselves and those around them. emotional condition;

Have an idea of ​​how to express their own emotions;

Able to manage their emotions and feelings.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this projectthe following methods were carried out: observation of children in various situations, conversations with children.

According to the results of observations and conversations, it can be said that this project favorably affects the mental state of older preschool children.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: the development of the child is closely connected with the peculiarities of the world of his feelings and experiences. Emotions, on the one hand, are an “indicator” of the state of the child, on the other hand, they themselves significantly affect his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the direction of his attention, the features of perception of the world around him, and the logic of judgments.

All without exception emotions are useful if we are aware of them and "get along" with them, then we can manage them. But if we hide them behind the “screen”, they, firstly, will be inaccessible when needed, because we will not overcome them, if the “screen” fails, if they break through, they will damage us.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to develop emotional sphere, and then, thanks to the developed one, direct their activities to other areas.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The urgency of the problem.

In psychology, a lot of works are devoted to the problem of emotions, however, it is believed that this problem is the least developed. It is no coincidence that such a well-known psychologist as N.N. Lange called the problem of feelings the “Cinderella” of psychology. This problem takes the place of the persecuted, unloved and forever robbed in favor of the older sisters - “mind” and “will”.

It is worth noting that now, although there are works devoted to the problem of emotions, they are mainly considered from the physiological side, and there are almost no in-depth studies on the psychological aspect of emotions.

Thus, there is an urgent need for a proper psychological study of the problem of emotions.

Many well-known scientists, both Soviet and foreign, have worked on the topic of emotions. Some researchers (for example, Duffy) believe that within the framework of behavioral science, one can do without understanding “emotion” at all. Others, (for example, Tomkins, Izard) argue that emotions form the primary motivational system of a person. A number of scientists are of the opinion that most of the emotions destroy and disorganize behavior, being the main source of psychosomatic diseases (for example, Lazarus, Jung). The data of other authors show that emotions play an important role in organizing, motivating and reinforcing behavior (Leeper, Mauer). There is even an opinion that the solution of human problems ends in the suppression and control of inadequate emotional reactions. Others believe that the best way out of situations is to release emotions for their natural mutual understanding with other subsystems of the personality - cognitive and homeostatic processes, impulses and motor acts. Now there is no single view on the place of emotions in human life, which proves the complexity and relevance of this problem for study.

In his works, G.Kh. Shingarov argues: “... public is the fact that emotions are of paramount importance for educating a person and for instilling in her socially significant features.”

Since emotions play an important role in the lives of children, they help to perceive reality and respond to it correctly. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special coloring and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on his face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

Entering kindergarten, the child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to build relationships. In this situation, adults should join forces to ensure the emotional comfort of the child, the development of the ability to communicate with peers.

For a practical psychologist, the behavior of a child, the development of his emotional sphere is an important indicator in understanding the world of a small person and indicates his mental state, well-being, and possible development prospects.

Therefore, adults (parents and teachers) should strive to establish close emotional contacts with the child, since relationships with other people, their actions are the most important source of the formation of preschooler's feelings: joy, tenderness, anger and other experiences.

Today, you can find a lot of programs dedicated to the emotional development of preschool children, but none of them meets the recommendations proposed by O.V. Khukhlaeva in the program on psychological health “Path to my self”. She suggests the next steps in getting to know emotions.

1st stage. Introduction to some basic emotions.

Step 1. Initial acquaintance with feelings.

Step 2 Learning to recognize and voluntarily express feelings.

2nd stage. Learning to understand relativity in the evaluation of feeling.

3rd stage. Teaching constructive conflict resolution.

Step 1. Teaching children to control their feelings.

Step 2 Teaching the ability to take into account the feelings of another person in a conflict situation.

Step 3 Teaching children to take responsibility for their feelings on themselves.

4th stage. Final.

As well as four areas, which are discussed below.

Basic emotions are those that are innate. Following the classification proposed by K. Izard, topics were taken and classes were developed for the “Rainbow of Emotions” program, they include all basic emotions, such as: joy, grief, fear, anger, interest, disgust, shame, contempt, surprise.

Classes under the program “Rainbow of Emotions” are built on the following principle: acquaintance with feelings, passing them through all channels of perception of information, that is, auditory, visual, kinesthetic.

For example, the auditory channel - children are shown pictograms and pictures depicting feelings, they observe the facial expressions of their peers and the teacher. Visual channel - listen to music, speak out loud memories from their past experiences, listen to other children. Kinesthetic channel - draw, show feelings with hands, feet, body movement.

Thus, acquaintance with feelings occurs from all sides as far as possible.

The value of the “Rainbow of Emotions” program lies in the fact that, thanks to the development of the emotional sphere, children expand the range of conscious feelings, they begin to understand themselves and the people around them more deeply, it becomes easier for them to establish friendly relations within the peer group.

Based on the above, I believe that in order to help a child understand his emotional state and learn how to manage himself, it is necessary to develop the emotional sphere in children through the Rainbow of Emotions program.

Program goal: develop the emotional sphere of preschool children.


  • to teach children to understand the emotional states of themselves and those around them;
  • give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's own emotions (facial expressions, gestures, posture, words);
  • Improve your ability to manage your feelings and emotions.


Working with children under this program, I am guided by the following principles:

  1. Don't force yourself on anyone, including the kids you want to work with. If for some reason the children did not like the lesson, then postpone it until better times, and try to understand what you did wrong.
  2. Stop - if you do not know how to act. In the process of working with children, difficulties may arise that cannot be eliminated immediately. Ignore this event, continue to lead the class as if nothing happened.
  3. Eliminate hostility towards children and your negative emotions at the time of your classes with them.
  4. Observe the principle of equality and cooperation with children. Remember that you are an adult because you are leading the class, in everything else you are the same participant as the children. You also crawl with them on the floor, show various emotions, draw. You are an example of that free creative behavior that children involuntarily imitate and to which children are drawn.
  5. Do not fix your attention on failures, do not make comments, even if you sincerely want to correct something at this moment, help someone, cheer someone up more. Excess of your attention or negative assessment can disrupt the emotional well-being of the child, and therefore harm him.
  6. Give quality ratings if you can't resist. There are no right and wrong actions in the classroom, here everyone succeeds, everyone shows themselves as they can and as they want, not being afraid to deserve censure, condemnation.
  7. Do not compare children with anyone in an unfavorable light, do not set anyone as an example. Remember that the main thing here is not productive achievements, but inner freedom, emotional well-being.
  8. Use different forms of non-verbal support for the child - a smile, a pat on the head, a hug on the shoulders, etc.

Receptions and means:

During the group and individual work techniques are used with children, the content of which meets the objectives of the program.

In the classroom, work goes in parallel in four main areas, which are proposed by O.V. Khukhlaeva.

The axiological direction involves the formation of the ability to accept oneself and other people, while adequately realizing one's own and other people's advantages and disadvantages.

The instrumental direction requires the formation of the child's ability to be aware of his feelings, the causes of behavior, the consequences of actions, i.e. formation of personal reflection.

The need-motivational direction consists in the formation of the ability to find strength within oneself in difficult situations, to take responsibility for one's own life, the ability to make choices, to form the need for self-change and personal growth.

The developmental direction implies adequate role development for preschoolers, as well as the formation of emotional decentration and arbitrary regulation of behavior.

These directions help to lay the foundation for reflection and self-change, and personal growth.

The following methodological tools are used in the lessons:

  • Role-playing games , which are based on an understanding of the social role of man in society
  • Psychogymnastic games , based on theoretical principles socio-psychological training.
  • Relaxation methods - use of exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation.
  • Using emotional-symbolic methods - group discussion of various feelings: joy, anger, ..; directional drawing, i.e. drawing on certain topics.
  • Communication exercises , in which the training of the abilities of non-verbal influence of children on each other takes place.
  • Games aimed at developing the imagination: verbal games, non-verbal games, “mental pictures”.


The selected parameters of the emotional sphere can be traced not only when observing a child, but also when analyzing their performance of tasks of graphic methods: drawing a family, “Cactus” ...

The methods used to identify the emotional characteristics of older preschool children are as follows:

  • Methodology - G.A. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonkina.
  • Anxiety Test (R. Tamml, M. Dorki, A. Amen)
  • Methodology "Ladder" (V.G. Shur, S.G. Yakobson)
  • Graphic technique “Cactus” (modified by M.A. Panfilova)
  • Test “Fears in houses” (modified by M.A. Panfilova)
  • Projective test "House - Tree - Man" (developed by J. Book)
  • Questionnaire for teachers and parents. ( Appendix 6)

Duration of lessons. Forms of organizing classes:

The Rainbow of Emotions program is designed for one year, contains 25 lessons, of which the first 5 lessons are introductory, aimed at uniting children, cooperation, mutual understanding, the remaining 20 lessons are thematic, where children get acquainted with emotions ( Annex 1)

Classes are held once a week throughout the year.

Duration - 30 minutes, for children of preschool age.

To effectively support children, group and individual forms of work are used.

Classes are held in the office of psychological unloading, where all conditions are created. A carpet is laid on the floor, pillows are lying around, on which children sit. Selected didactic aids. The atmosphere in the office is conducive to communication, children feel comfortable and relaxed.

For classes, children sit in a semicircle - a dome, while the teacher is at some distance from the dome. This makes it possible for the teacher to keep the whole group in his field of attention, and for the children to see him well, or the children, together with the teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet on small pillows.

Lesson structure:

Each lesson consists of three parts: warm-up, main part and final part.

The warm-up includes a greeting and aims to include children in the work.

The main part is determined by the content of the topic, certain emotions are considered.

The final part is the removal of emotional arousal from children, summing up the results of the lesson. ( Annex 2)

Expected Result

Children have learned to understand their own and those around them emotional state;

Have an idea of ​​how to express their own emotions;

They know how to manage their emotions and feelings.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, in the experimental groups.

In order to assess the effectiveness of this program, a diagnosis was made of children of senior preschool age before and after classes.

Diagnostics consisted of 8 test methods (Appendix 4)

These results are presented as histograms ( Annex 3).

According to the diagnostic results, it can be seen that this program helps to solve many problems of children, it has a positive effect on the mental state of children of older preschool age.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: the development of the child is closely connected with the peculiarities of the world of his feelings and experiences. Emotions, on the one hand, are an “indicator” of the state of the child, on the other hand, they themselves significantly affect his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the direction of his attention, the features of perception of the world around him, and the logic of judgments.

Without exception, all emotions are useful, if we are aware of them and "get along" with them, then we can manage them. But if we hide them behind the “screen”, they, firstly, will be inaccessible when needed, because we will not overcome them, if the “screen” fails, if they break through, they will damage us.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to develop the emotional sphere, and then, thanks to the developed one, direct your activity to other spheres.


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