Script letter to Santa Claus from an elephant. Scenario for the New Year: “Mail from Santa Claus. Musical game with the hall “We are funny monkeys”

Natalia Kadnikova
Scenario New Year's holiday"Letter to Santa Claus"

New Year's holiday scenario« Letter to Santa Claus»


2 girls, Snowman, Snow Maiden, Grandfather Freezing, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy.

Light music is playing. Girls decorate the Christmas tree.

1 maiden: Katya, let's hang a big ball here.

2 maidens: And here we’ll hang tinsel.

They walk around the tree and admire it.

Kate: Well, we decorated the Christmas tree. It turned out beautifully.

Masha: Katya, we decorated the Christmas tree, but without Grandfather Frost we can't light it.

Kate: Oh, I didn’t think about that, so what are we going to do now?


Masha: I came up with an idea, I need to write it Letter to Santa Claus.

Kate: That's right, guys, you will help us write letter?

A game « Letter»

Kate: Well done guys, that's how big it is we wrote a letter.

Masha: Here you go, we wrote a letter and who will carry it Santa Claus?

Kate: Yes, you can’t send guys into the forest, they’ll freeze. Who are we not afraid of frost?

Masha: I came up with an idea, let's make a Snowman, he's definitely not afraid of frost. But how to do it?

Kate: And the guys will help us.

A game "Snowman"

Snowman: Oh, head, head, be careful. Cover it for me quickly - it’s cold. Whoa, whoa, be careful, you can't breathe. Hey, what are you doing, are you kidding me? Give me something to breathe! Well, finally, phew, am I okay? Oh, how good that is!

Kate: Did we have a beautiful Snowman?

Masha: You see, Snowman. The guys and I tried so hard to blind you. We really need you for a very important matter.

Snowman: What else is this for?

Kate: Do you see what a beautiful Christmas tree we decorated?

Masha: Dress up - they dressed up, but Grandfather They forgot to call Moroz. He lights the Christmas tree.

Kate: You have an order from all the children to go to the forest and call Grandfather Frost.

Snowman: I was entrusted with such an important task, I can’t let you down, give me my broom, I’ll run into the forest in an instant.


Kate: Guys, while the Snowman is following Grandfather Frost, let's sing a song.

Song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Perky music sounds, Baba Yaga runs out.

Baba Yaga: This is hilarious, what is this, a disco? Are you hanging out, you poor fellows? And what kind of music is this? A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it was hilarious. And who sings like that now?

(performs a song in REP style)

Kate: Baba Yaga, who called you here? You came to us spoil the holiday?

Baba Yaga: It's me who spoils holiday? And no one called me, I came here myself.

And anyway, why am I never invited to holiday? I quarreled with everyone because of this. Kikimora and Leshiy are sitting, think: who to invite, who to invite? Kikimora speaks: Year of the Rooster, so you need to call him. And am I worse than others? No, to call the year the year of Baba Yaga, why am I worse than the Rooster? Imagine, everyone would respect me and carry me in their arms. But I would teach you to have fun, teach you to dance. Well, come on, everyone with me, oh, let’s have some fun.

Dance "Baba Yagi".

Baba Yaga: Well, guys, did you like my entertainment? And Kikimora and Leshiy went to look for the rooster. We didn’t even see him, but there he was. Year of the Rooster, year of the Rooster, we are not bored without it.

Screams are heard: Hold it! Grab him! Don't miss it.

Kikimora and Leshy enter the hall, they lead the Snowman.

Baba Yaga: Know "timid" I was in vain, I trained you for a whole year so that "here" there was no scandal and no fights?

Kikimora: Well, off we go! This is how you contact Yaga, right away no holiday!

Goblin: We walked for a long time, walked and walked, and finally we found him.

Baba Yaga: Who did they find, ha-ha, was it really a rooster?

Kikimora: Why immediately ha-ha, of course, Rooster (takes the bag off the Snowman)

Baba Yaga bursts out laughing.

Goblin: What's wrong? You yourself said that he has a beak instead of a nose, so. There's a red growth on the head, here. And he's mostly white.

Baba Yaga: Yes, this is the Snowman. He is made of snow, and the Rooster is made of feathers. Well, guys, do we have any cockerels here? Let's show Kikimore and Leshy what kind of cockerels there are.

Dance "Cockerels"

Baba Yaga: How did you get into the forest?

Snowman: The guys sent me for Grandfather Frost. Here, even wrote a letter.

Baba Yaga: Why do we need Grandfather Freezing, we’re already doing well, aren’t we guys?

Snowman: Are you going to light the Christmas tree?

Baba Yaga: Why not?

(casts a spell) Eshki - cats, toys on top of the head.

Make the shaggy branch shine with bright lights.

(the tree doesn't light up)

Baba Yaga: For some reason it doesn’t light up, it’s probably broken?

Snowman: And that’s why it doesn’t light up, because only Grandfather lights it Freezing. I'll go into the forest and look for Grandfather Frost.

Baba Yaga: Wait, you're retarded, huh? mobile connection What do we have? Now we will call the information desk and find out where Grandfather is.


Baba Yaga: Hello, information? Tell me Grandfather's phone number Frost, thank you.

(dials number)

Baba Yaga: Hey, Grandfather, where are you? Hang up (dials again). Are you old, can't you hear me? He hung up again.

Snowman: Guys, why Grandfather Frost doesn't answer? That's right, because Baba Yaga talks to him rudely. Let me try?

(calls) Hello, Santa Claus? Hello. The guys and I forgot to invite you to holiday, will you come to us? Yes, okay, we're waiting. It turns out there is no need to invite him, he comes himself and congratulates all the children. He's on his way. Grandfather Frost said so that we don’t get bored, we need to play a game, and since it’s the year of the Rooster, then the game will be called "Cockfight".

A game "Cockfight"

Music sounds, Grandfather comes in Frost and Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Freezing: Here I am, arrived on time.

To everyone from Hello grandpas!

I went out early on the road,

Early in the morning, barely light.

But what about your Christmas tree?

Goblin: Spruce, like spruce, needles stick out.

Kikimora: Smells of moss, green forest.

Grandfather Freezing: Guys, I’m wondering where the lights are on the Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden: They haven’t lit up yet.

Grandfather Freezing: Well, then let's get together, let's say: “Light up the Christmas tree!”.

Song "Little Christmas tree"

Grandfather Freezing: New Year's greetings, To you from Santa Claus!

There is no better sight in the world, our fairy tale New Year's!

May you grow up big - you guys are so tall!

We love the holiday with all our hearts, New Year Everyone is happy to meet you!

Snow Maiden: Let’s forget, at least for the evening, about absenteeism and grades,

The holiday gave us a meeting, with dance and fun song!

Baba Yaga: So guys, how about a fun dance? Do you agree to dance with Grandfather Frost!

Dance "With Grandfather Frost»

Grandfather Freezing: Well done guys, can you dance and solve riddles?

Snow Maiden: Brag with patterns, boots with spurs,

At night he sings and counts time.

Kikimora: Alarm clock with a tail.

Grandfather Freezing: Two bellies, four ears.

Baba Yaga: Two little pigs.

Grandfather Freezing: Small, remote, passed through the earth, found a little red riding hood.

Baba Yaga: Shakhtar.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys!

Baba Yaga: (to the devil) Look, you are so smart! Come up with a riddle that no one can guess.

Goblin: Gun, candy, sausage, rocket. The riddle is ready, not a bull, not a cow.

Baba Yaga: Nobody knows, nobody knows! Are you giving up?

Well done, goblin! I don’t know the answer myself, tell me, what is it?

Goblin: How do I know, you yourself said that no one would know, so I don’t know either.

Baba Yaga: Where did you get it?

Goblin: Figured it out myself! I can do more. Sometimes it seems to me that I am a poet!

Baba Yaga: And now it seems to me that you...

Snow Maiden: Okay, don’t quarrel, we looked at how smart the guys are, but can they sing?

A game "Who will outsing whom"

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, let's play our favorite game with the guys.

Grandfather Freezing: Let's.

A game « I'll freeze it»

Grandfather Freezing: Oh, how it smells like fresh tar!

We gathered at the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

Have the guys dressed up?

Snow Maiden: Games, jokes, songs, dances!

Masks flash here and there,

Here's a bear, and here's a fox,

Such miracles!

Grandfather Freezing: Those in suits, come out!

We'll look at you!

Parade of costumes.

Grandfather Freezing: And now we need to say goodbye,

Let's say goodbye for a year.

May good luck and fun

This year will bring you!

Snow Maiden: Brighter, brighter let it sparkle,

Christmas tree with golden lights!

Happy New Year,

All adults and all children!

Under cheerful music Children run into the hall in a chain and form a round dance around the Christmas tree.


Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year!

Children of the preparatory group:

1. Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance!

With beads, firecrackers,

New toys!

2. How beautiful it is in our hall,

We invited guests here.

All the people are having fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

3. Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus,

He won't forget anyone

He will bring a cartload of gifts.

4. Dads, moms are next to us,

We are celebrating the New Year!

It is for both adults and children

Will bring a lot of happiness!

5. And today is a wonderful day

We'll start a round dance,

Let's sing a song together,

Hello, hello, New Year!

SONG “New Year is Coming to Us”music by V. Gerchik

Children of the speech therapy group:

6. Hello, dear Christmas tree,

You are our guest again.

The lights will come on soon

On your forest branches.

7. You dressed up amazingly

So elegant, so beautiful,

All covered in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights!

8. The Christmas tree came to visit us

And it shines on us with lights.

May our guests New Year

Meet with us!

9. Our Christmas tree is covered in toys,

And the balls on it shine.

Our tree Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!


Hold hands tightly

Let's say: “Christmas tree, light up!”

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Round dance “About the Christmas tree”.


Now you go ahead and sit quietly.

A winter fairy tale comes to us from the forest on New Year's Day.

Do you want to take part in this fairy tale, children?

Well, then, boldly forward, the fairy tale has been waiting for us for a long time.

The children take their seats.

To the music, the Snow Maiden appears with a letter in her hands and stops in the center of the hall.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys! Hello, dear guests!

I came to you from a winter fairy tale, I am all made of snow, silver,

My friends - blizzard and frost, I love you, good to everyone.


Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you! The children spent a long time preparing for the holiday and learned poems about winter. Do you want to listen?

2 children come out.


Winter beauty, it’s white all around!

All the meadows and paths were covered with snow.

Children really like jokes, laughter and dancing,

Crystal winter, come stay with us!


We'll sing a song about the Russian winter.

It’s joyful and fun for you and me.

Song “Ah, Snowball” by E. Goltsova.

Snow Maiden:

Well done guys, you sang me a good song.

Near the New Year tree

I'll read you a letter

Everyone, sit down, get comfortable.

Santa Claus sent it!

The Snow Maiden begins to open the envelope, at this moment the Snow Queen enters the hall to the soundtrack of a blizzard, walks around the hall, stands opposite S neg lessons.

The Snow Queen:

There you are! I knew it! I haven't seen you for a whole year.

You are sitting at the holiday, you are looking at the Christmas tree!

And do you want Frost to bring you gifts?

Well, what about me? I've been bored all day and haven't gotten anything!

And Santa Claus never brought me a gift!

Haven't you read the letter? Where were the gifts not recognized?

(Looks around at all the children)

I'll put out your Christmas tree!

(Runs up to the tree, stomps his foot, the tree goes out)

And I’ll steal the letter!

The Snow Queen snatches the letter from the Snow Maiden, “flies” around the entire hall to the sounds of a blizzard and disappears.

Snow Maiden:

The Snow Queen has arrived

And she took the letter from us.

Well, you'll have to go to her,

I have to find the letter!

To the music, the Snow Maiden goes behind the tree, the Penguin appears and stands near the tree.


1. I was in a hurry to get to the New Year tree.

I made myself a strict, elegant tailcoat.

I did not come to you alone from a huge white ice floe.

Come on, come out, penguin brothers!

The rest of the penguins come out to the music and stand in a semicircle near the tree.

2. Why are you bragging, is it really possible?

We also ordered a tailcoat from Yudashkin.

We are dazzlingly beautiful, you can’t take your eyes off us.

So why don’t they take us to dance in ballet?

3. Although we are a bit fat, we are active guys.

We also took all our singing lessons from the seal.

4. We can’t find a Christmas tree in the white desert,

We want to sing and dance at your Christmas tree.

DANCE “Once upon a time there were 3 penguins” (boys of the speech therapy group).

After the dance, the Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree.

Snow Maiden:

Good penguins, help,

Please say:

How can I find my way?


This is a magical forest!

You will see many miracles here!

Don't be surprised by anything

Hurry up, don't be scared!

To the music, the penguins go to their places, the Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree and stands in front of it, facing the audience.

Snow Maiden (looks up):

So the stars lit up.

Stars, go down.

They run out stars(girls).

1 star:

We came down from the sky to illuminate the forest!

No one could get lost on the way!

2 Star:

We won't be with you for long!

Let's dance our dance at the Christmas tree!

3 Star:

And then we will melt in the sky!

And New Year's Day will come again!


Snow Maiden:

Little stars, how can I find my way?

To go to the Snow Queen?


You go straight all the time

You will go out to the gnomes in the clearing.

Dwarves know everything in the world

Helping good people!

The Snow Maiden and the stars leave to the music. The light turns on. The gnomes appear.


Look, the gnomes are in a hurry,

And with them the moths fly

For the New Year's masquerade.

“Dance of Dwarves and Moths” (children of the preparatory group).

Snow Maiden:

Gnomes, gnomes, help,

Please say:

How can I find my way?

To go to the Snow Queen?


We give you a piece of ice,

She will help out in trouble.

How will you circle with her, -

Wait for your friends to come to the rescue!

The gnomes leave to the music.

Snow Maiden:

Here's the path! I'll run.

I know I’ll find the letter there!

The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree. Music sounds, the lights go out, the Snow Queen appears and stands opposite the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Queen:

How did you get here to me? How did you find the way?

I won’t show you the letter, I’ll harm your children.

So that I couldn’t get to them,

I'll put a spell on you!

The Snow Queen walks around the Snow Maiden, performing “witchcraft” movements with her hands.

The Snow Maiden raises a piece of ice high, spins with it and says:

Snow Maiden:

Magic ice cube, help quickly,

Call all your faithful friends to help me!

Music is playing. All children participating in the holiday stand up, loudly clap their hands, stomp their feet, and blow on the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen:

Oh, don't! Do not make noise!

Yes, take your letter! (throws a letter)

Calm down, don't shout,

Otherwise I’ll melt now! Gonna fly Now! Gonna fly Now!

To the music, the Snow Queen “flies” one circle around the hall and disappears.

The light turns on. The Snow Maiden picks up the letter.

Snow Maiden(addresses children):

I invite you, friends,

Celebrate the New Year together.

And now I'm starting


Snow Maiden(is reading):

I bring gifts to everyone.

There are many paths in the forest.

So that I don't go astray,

So that you don't suddenly get lost,

Shout out loud, kids:

“Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!”

Snow Maiden:

Guys, let's quickly call Grandfather Frost. Do you remember what to say?

Children(together with the Snow Maiden and the Presenter):


Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year to you guys

Are you really late?

Snow Maiden:

No no no! We are very happy!

Come quickly to the hall!

Father Frost:

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

So I came to you again,

Let's sing songs and dance!

Let's stand together in a round dance,

Let's have a great New Year!

Children stand around the Christmas tree, Santa Claus dances to the music in the center.

Snow Maiden: Oh oh oh!

Father Frost: What happened, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: How are we going to dance in a round dance, the lights on the tree aren’t burning?!

Father Frost: It doesn’t matter, we’ll fix this now! Only the lights will burn brighter if you guys help me!

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree...

Children: Burn!!!

The lights on the tree light up.

"Round dance with Santa Claus."

Father Frost: Guys, what a beautiful Christmas tree you have, how many toys, balls, and lanterns there are on it. Let's decorate it even more.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden invite several parents into the circle to help decorate the Christmas tree

Game “Decorate the Christmas tree”.

During the game, Santa Claus loses his mitten.

Father Frost: My friends, while I was dancing,

I lost my mitten. What a disaster, what a disaster!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, here she is! Smile more cheerfully

Catch up with her quickly!

The game “Catch up with the mitten” is played.

Children pass Santa Claus's mitten around. Santa Claus tries to catch up with her, but he fails.

Father Frost: Guys, please give me my mitten.

Leading: Santa Claus, you dance, then we will return her!

"Dance of Santa Claus."

Father Frost:

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

Just a miracle, not a ball.

Snow Maiden: Sit down Grandpa and rest.

Father Frost:

I really love poetry

Who's brave here, come out!

Children read poetry.


Santa Claus, the guys have prepared a dance for you.

Get into the circle quickly

Start dancing!

Dance “Ice Palms”.

Father Frost:

You sang and danced

Together they amused Grandfather!

And now it's time

Congratulations, kids!

Santa Claus looks at the Christmas tree and casts a spell:

Become needles and gifts from the Christmas tree!

The lights go out. The star rotating ball turns on.

Santa Claus repeats the spell, the Snow Maiden and the Presenter take out gifts from under the tree.

The light turns on.

Father Frost:

And here are my gifts for the guys!

Music is playing. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts.

Father Frost:

The hour of farewell has come.

We had fun with you!

When I say goodbye, I want to hug everyone,

And I'll be back again in a year!

Snow Maiden:

Be healthy everyone

May happiness await you

Let him be cheerful, joyful

It will be New Year!


Let's say goodbye together:


Goodbye! Goodbye!

To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave.


It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye!

It's time for us to join the group.

We are finishing our holiday,

We wish all guests:

Don't get sick, don't grow old, don't ever be sad,

And stay this young forever!

The children leave the hall to the music.

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Svetlana Stogneeva
Scenario New Year's party"Letter to Santa Claus"

Goals and objectives: Develop children's creative abilities. Improve etiquette standards behavior in society. Continue to develop interest in music and musical responsiveness to it.

Children's costumes: Snowmen



Beautiful girls

Heroes: Snowman postman

Petya the Cockerel

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music and line up near the Christmas tree.

In an ice carriage rushes


The wind beats its wings

To sleepy houses.

Squares and parks are blooming

Snowy white.

And the frost erects arches

Above the forest path.

Children start a round dance to the song “Zimushka - Winter” Music by S. Bulatov. Words by A. Prokofiev.

take their seats.

A sad Cockerel enters the hall. (walks near the Christmas tree and sighs)

Cockerel: Hello guys.

My name is Petushok Petya. I'm looking for my letter.

Have you by any chance seen him?

The children answer no.

Leading: Petya, this is probably a very important letter, that’s why you’re so sad.

Cockerel: Yes, very important. I wrote this letter to Grandfather Frost. But a strong wind blew and it flew away. Now I'm walking through the forest and looking for him.

Leading: Guys, let's help Petya find the letter.

Petya, among our guys there are assistants to the postal snowman, let's ask them to dance and call the Snowman to help us. After all, all the letters for Grandfather Frost are delivered by the Snowman - the postman.

Boys dressed as snowmen come out.

Child. 1:

There's snow all around!

Our yard became like a white sheet.

We'll roll a big ball -

Come on, snowman, mold!

Child. 2:

You are our faithful postman,

Don't be afraid of snow and ice.

There are a million of our letters -

Santa Claus is waiting for them.

Child. 3:

Adventure ahead

But be careful.

(I wish you and I could go)

We are waiting for you. And good luck!

Snowman Dance

A snowman enters.

Snowman: hello my assistants. Did you call me?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Hello Snowman - postman. We have a problem here and we can’t figure it out without you.

Cockerel: Yes Yes Yes. It’s no different without you. Help.

Snowman: Well, tell me what happened to you?

Cockerel: I wrote a letter to Grandfather Frost. And lost it. The wind carried him away.

Have you seen my letter?

Snowman: I haven’t seen it, but I think we should ask Vyuga, she’s my old friend. She knows exactly where to look for your letter.

Leading: Well then it’s time for you to hit the road. And the guys and I will accompany you with a song.

Round dance "New Year's Dreams".

The children take their places.

Blizzard comes out to magical music.

Snowstorm: Snow-white blanket

Covered, covered

And benches and bushes,

And trees and bridges,

And paths and paths...

Snowman interrupting the Blizzard.

Snowman: Blizzard, Blizzard!

Snowstorm: What happened snowman?

Snowman: Here is my friend Petushka Petya,

He lost his letter that he wrote to Santa Claus.

Cockerel: Yes, I lost (sad). Now my year will never come.

Snowstorm: Wait, wait. I saw one letter, but Baba Yaga picked it up in the forest. Go to her. I will help you, I have assistants, Ice-chillers. They will guide you.

Ice dance.

(The girls sit down. Baba Yaga enters.)

Baba Yaga:(Reads the letter and laughs)

No, I won’t let the new year begin. I'm fine with the old one. (hides the letter in his pocket).

The Snowman and the Cockerel enter the hall.

Baba Yaga is hiding behind a Christmas tree.

Snowman: We probably didn't come there.

Cockerel: Yes. There is no Baba Yaga here.

Children: Eat. She hid behind the tree.

Leading: Guys, help me find Baba Yaga. Come out, Bogatyrs, and bring Baba Yaga to us.

Children dressed as heroes come out and, holding a chain, pull Baba Yaga from behind the tree.

Baba Yaga: Okay, okay, I'm going out.

Cockerel: give us my letter!

Baba Yaga: What kind of letter is this, I haven’t seen anything, I don’t know anything.

Children: she has a letter

Snowman: Guys, is she telling the truth or not?

Children: No

Cockerel: Give Baba Yaga the letter, we don’t believe you.

Baba Yaga: But I won’t give it away. I don't want a new year. They never give me gifts. And I won't let you.

Snowman: Come on, Bogatyrs, come out and show your heroic strength.

Dance of the Bogatyrs.

Baba Yaga: OK OK. I'll give you the letter. Only you can guess my riddles.

Cockerel: Guys, will you help us?

Well, tell your riddles.

Baba Yaga: If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday?

(New Year)

There is noise everywhere on this holiday!

An explosion followed by cheerful laughter!

Very noisy toy -

New Year's... (cracker)

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth.

They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift.

Well, what to do, you guessed my riddles. Take your letter.

Cockerel: Thank you guys, you were great at solving all the riddles. Well, snowman, will you deliver my letter to Santa Claus?

Snowman: sure, come on.

Children sing the Santa Claus song and dance in a circle.

They take their seats.

Leading: Guys, among you there are beautiful girls, girlfriends of the Snow Maiden. Come out girls and invite the Snow Maiden to join us for the holiday.

Dance of the Beautiful Maidens.

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: The girls are beautiful, my friends, I heard familiar music and came. And I got to the holiday. New Year is coming soon, but my grandfather is not here yet. Let's call him.

Together: Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters to the sound of magical music.

Father Frost: Hello guys, beloved grandchildren. Were you waiting for me?

And I was in a hurry to get to you. But the Snowman just brought me a letter. (takes out a letter and reads) Petya the Cockerel writes.

Santa Claus. Hello, I am writing to you to remind you which year begins, because it is very important that every new year comes on time.

Yes guys this is important. Do you know what year begins?

Children: Yes. 2017. Santa Claus:

Father Frost:Right. 2017 Year of the Rooster.

Leading: Grandfather, our guys have prepared poems for you.

Child 1: Santa Claus, no matter how old,

But he plays pranks like a little one:

It stings your cheeks, it tickles your nose,

He wants to grab you by the ears.

Santa Claus, don't blow in my face,

Enough, do you hear?

Don't spoil!

Child 2: Good Grandfather Frost

Full of beard.

He's in a hurry today

Together with my granddaughter to the children.

Child3: A snowball is falling from the sky,

And grandpa has a bag.

In it he is for each of us

I've got a gift.

Child4: She's wearing white boots

And in a blue fur coat

Bouquet of ripe snowflakes

Brings it to you and me.

Child. 5: White-white to the waist

Luxurious braid

And warm, warm

Radiant eyes.

Child. 6: Mittens in transparent pieces of ice

And she's wearing a hat.

You give us light and joy,

Children's favorite.

Father Frost: Oh, what great guys.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play with the guys?

Game Attention: Santa Claus!

Santa Claus walks around the room with his eyes closed, and the children take turns running up and touching him. The one he manages to grab by the hand also closes his eyes and, together with Santa Claus, catches the children. Whoever they can't catch wins.

Father Frost: You play great. But it’s time to say goodbye, because there are still guys waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: What about grandpa, and what about the gifts?

Father Frost: My head is empty, (grabs his head). And I forgot about the gifts. I put them somewhere under the Christmas tree. Help me guys find gifts.

Children, together with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, go around the Christmas tree to look for gifts.

Father Frost: Ah, here they are.

The children take their seats.

Father Frost: takes a gift out of the bag and shows it to the children. Here's a present. And the rest of the gifts will be given to you by your teachers in the group.

Snow Maiden: Well guys, it's time to say goodbye. Look out for us next year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year, Guys.

Leading: May winter be a silvery powder

Freeze any trouble

We wish you all the best

In the coming New Year

Children go to the group.

Scenario New Year's fairy tale"Letter to Santa Claus"

Characters: Presenter


Snow Maiden

Father Frost

The Snow Queen










Chinese women


The Bears

(Children enter the hall, dance in circles around the decorated Christmas tree, read poems about the New Year holiday).

Scene 1

Leading: Hello, dear guys! And again we gathered in an elegant, bright hall to cheerfully celebrate the New Year. Adventures and miracles await us today. Are you ready for them, friends?The children answer: “Yes!”

Well, what would a holiday be without Santa Claus? I will send my grandfather an invitation (puts the letter in the envelope)and he will certainly come to us (throws the envelope into the mailbox).

(From behind the tree, everything that’s happening is watched by the quietly appearing Dyudyuka, who quietly walks around the tree and appears before the presenter).

Dyudyuka: Hello girls and boys! Don't you recognize me?

I am a kind Dyudyuka, not harmful, not mean,

I don’t offend anyone, but I adore children!

I am very glad that I came to your holiday. It's so much fun here! Oh, I’m so curious, I really want to know who you sent the letter to? What was in that envelope? Share your secret with me!

Leading: We sent a letter to Santa Claus,

We invited him to a fun holiday.

We asked Santa Claus to hurry to us,

May he bring gifts to all the children!

Dyudyuka: I want gifts too!

When will I receive my gift?

Leading: You will get it, you will get it, have patience,

First you need to please the children.

Dyudyuk (offended ): Well, okay, it’s time for me to run... Let me take the letter to the post office myself, it’s just on my way (takes the envelope out of the box and runs away).

Scene 2

(Dyudyuka comes out slowly, reading the letter as he goes).

Dyudyuka: Yeah! Invitation! Wonderful!

I will make sure that Santa Claus is late for the Christmas tree,

So that grandfather does not give gifts to the children.

There will be gifts left for us - me and my friends!

(Gloatingly): You won’t wait for him, your Father Frost!

(Thoughtfully): Let me send a far away Africa!

(Dyudyuka writes a different address on the envelope and runs away with the letter).

Scene 3

(The Snow Maiden appears to a waltz melody, sings a song and dances)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! (Children say hello).

I was born in a Russian fairy tale made of snowflakes, made of ice.

Blizzards, winds and blizzards brought me here.

Happy New Year to you guys

Happy New Year to you, friends,

We can’t live without cheerful round dances on this holiday!

We will play and sing together at our holiday,

Let's laugh and dance!

(The Snow Maiden asks the children riddles about winter, the Christmas tree, and winter sports).

Leading: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: Apparently, he was delayed on the way; he couldn’t walk through the snowdrifts.

Guys, don't be discouraged! While Grandfather Frost gets to us, we won't be bored! Is it true?

(Children sing a song about a Christmas tree, participate in the game “What grows on a Christmas tree?”)

Scene 4

(To the accompaniment of majestic, solemn music, the Snow Queen appears, sits on the throne, and is surrounded by fairy-tale villains: Kikimora, Karabas Barabas, Evil Genie)

The Snow Queen:Well, my faithful villains, tell me, who did something bad? Speak up, swamp kikimora!

Kikimora: I lit the swamp lights to lure everyone into the swamp bog.

The Snow Queen:Well done, Kikimora!

Karabas-Barabas:And I opened a free cafe so that the kids would gorge themselves on pastries, cakes, ice cream and not come to the party!

The Snow Queen:Well thought out, Karabas Barabas! And you, Evil Genie, what do you tell us?

Evil genie: And in one school I quarreled among all the boys and girls!

(A breathless Dyudyuka runs in.)

Dyudyuka: And I, and I ...(trying to catch his breath) I also want to brag. I sent an invitation to a holiday for Santa Claus in Africa!(laughs maliciously).Now there will probably be no holiday! Ha ha ha!

The Snow Queen: Well done, Kikimora, you did a great job!(Thinks) But what if the letter still reaches Santa Claus?... No! I won't allow this! And you, my assistants, will also try to prevent the invitation from reaching the addressee. Let him fly around the world longer!(Frowns his eyebrows) And if you can’t handle it, I’ll turn everyone into ice.! (The villains are shaking with fear.)

Kikimora: We will do whatever you order!

Karabas Barabas and the Evil Genie:Now let's go to the ends of the world!

The Snow Queen: Okay, let's go!

Scene 5

(The melody of the song “Chunga-Changa” sounds. The decorations are brought out: palm trees, vines. African girls run out).

1 girl: In hot Africa - bananas, monkeys on vines.

2nd girl: It’s summer all year round, children enjoy it so much!

3rd girl: We dance around the palm tree on New Year's Day,

And the African Santa Claus brings us gifts!

Performing "African dance"

(The girls find a letter under the palm tree and examine it.)

3rd girl: What kind of letter is this? From whom? Who is it for?

4 girl: The address here has been corrected...bad,

Writing is probably not for us.

(Tries to read) De-dush-ke Mo-ro-zu...This is an invitation for our friend Gusaleh (African Santa Claus) from Russia.We urgently need to send a letter to its destination!

(The Evil Genie appears to the accompaniment of oriental music.)

Evil genie: Oh, kindest and wisest beauties, give me this letter. Don't worry, the great and powerful genie will deliver it to the right place.

(The girls give the letter. The genie casts a spell and tears off a hair from his beard.)

Evil Genie: Avada Kedavra!
Abra kadabra!
Sim salabim!
Fuck tibidoh!

(The genie spins around and “disappears”).

Leading: A letter is circling in the air - here it is in Italy.

(Dolls appear to the sounds of “Tarantella”).

Malvina: I am the beautiful Malvina,

I'm smart and so beautiful

What flowers to my greetings

They wave the leaves after.

Pinocchio: Who doesn't know Pinocchio?!

My nose is sharp, my nose is long.

Here's the job I'll give

Wooden shoes!

Piero: I am poor, unfortunate Pierrot,

I'm sad and singing under the moon,

I'm not afraid of cold and heat,

If only Malvina would be with me.

Harlequin: I am a cheerful and perky Harlequin,

I never get discouraged without a reason.

I'll ring the bells and make everyone around me happy!

Performing "Dance with Tambourines"

(Artemon comes running with a letter in his teeth).

Malvina: Artemon, what did you bring us? Pinocchio, read the address, you have already learned a lot at school.

Pinocchio: (reads the address on the envelope)Friends, this letter is not to us, but to Russian Santa Claus - our friend Babo Nattala.Let's send a letter to Russia without further delay!

(Karabas Barabas enters with quick steps to the sound of menacing music).

Karabas-Barabas:Come on, kids, give me this letter!

Pinocchio and Pierrot:But we won’t give it away!

Artemon (barks): No! No! No!

Karabas-Barabas:Well, then hang in there! Now I’ll catch you and put you in a chest!

Harlequin: We are not afraid of you, Karabas! Pierrot, take the envelope, run!(Pinocchio and Harlequin are trying to divert Karabas-Barabas’s attention to themselves by running around him).

Pinocchio: Try and catch up!

Karabas-Barabas: Ah well! (waves the whip)

(The dolls are trying to run away from Karabas. Suddenly Pierrot stumbles and falls, and Karabas immediately grabs him. Artemon rushes to the rescue and bites Karabas, who releases Pierrot with screams, but manages to take away the letter. The angry Karabas cracks his whip. The dolls run away).

Karabas-Barabas:That nasty dog ​​bit me on the finger! Well, nothing, but now the letter is with me(pats him).And the children at school are waiting for Grandfather Frost and are worried.(He grimaces, speaking in a thin voice):Maybe the road is covered with snowdrifts? Maybe the invitation didn’t arrive?...Ha-ha-ha! And I have the letter! Now I’ll throw it even further! (Runs away).

Scene 6

(Two large folding fans are taken out and placed on both sides of the tree)

Performing "Chinese Dance"

1 Chinese girl:A white envelope has arrived to us,

Greetings to Santa Claus in it.

2 Chinese girl:But we don't have it here.

Believe it if you want, or not!

3 Chinese girl:Dong Che Lao Ren - our Santa Claus,

But someone didn’t deliver the letter to Russia!

(Kikimora comes out in a Chinese costume, pretending to cry)

Kikimora: Oh, save me, help me - I lost the letter.

Find it quickly and give it to me!

4 Chinese girl: Is this your letter?

Kikimora (joyfully): Yes, yes! Of course it's mine! I'm so distracted, so distracted, I'm losing everything. Thank you!(folds his hands, joining his palms, bows).

(Girls leave)

Kikimora: Hee hee hee, silly ones. How I deceived them! I'll send this letter to the right place, hee hee hee...(Runs away).

Scene 7

Dance performed to the American folk song "Jingle Bells"

Boy: Here's a letter! Travels all over the world!

Girl: It was in Africa, China and flew to Italy.

Boy: Look, guys, the address is crossed out in ink here!

Girl (reading): To Santa Claus, to the North. This is a friend of our Santa Claus. Let's send the envelope to the correct address.

All: Come on, come on.

(The children throw the letter in the mailbox and leave. Dyudyuka appears, sneaks away, looking around, takes out an envelope from the mailbox. The presenter approaches her from behind and takes her hand).

Leading: So you set it all up, you want to ruin our holiday?!

Dyudyuka: It's not my fault, it's all her, the Snow Queen! I so wanted to be the first to receive a New Year's gift, but what did you tell me? "Wait. First, Santa Claus will please the children." So I was offended. Forgive me, please, guys, I won’t be harmful anymore, I’ll become good!

Leading: Well, guys, shall we forgive Dyudyuk?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then correct your mistake immediately - deliver the letter to the North.

Dyudyuka: Okay, I'll do everything(takes the letter and runs away).

Scene 8

(The melody “Songs about Bears” from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus” plays. Reindeer and polar bears come out.)

Deer: The wind howls, the blizzard blows and the frost gets stronger,

We live among the snow and don't freeze.

Bear: Both deer and bears are very friendly neighbors!

(Dyudyuka runs in with a letter in his hands).

Dyudyuka: Well, here I am. Hello residents of the North!

Deer are fast, bears are strong, please pass me a letter

Santa Claus. The guys are really looking forward to it for the New Year holiday.

Deer: We can do anything for Grandfather Frost.

We’ll deliver the letter to him in a moment, and we’ll bring him to the holiday ourselves.

A dance is performed to the melody of the song “Oh, winter!”

(The deer and bears run backstage and return with a sleigh in which Santa Claus sits.)

Father Frost: We've arrived! Stop! What a great run!

Well, we guys met again!

Hello, my friends, hello, my granddaughter!

(Santa Claus wishes everyone a Happy New Year and lights the lights on the Christmas tree.

Games, round dances are held, children read poetry. At the end of the holiday, Santa Claus presents gifts).

Egorova Anzhelika Yurievna,


FGKOU "Secondary school No. 24"

Russian Ministry of Defense

Matinee “Letter to Santa Claus”

The presenter enters

Presenter: Our dear guests

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

Large children enter to the music and form a semicircle

Sveta: Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

New toys.

Artem: How beautiful it is in our hall,

We invited guests here.

All the people are having fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

Lida: Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone -

He will bring a cartload of gifts.

Presenter: Dads, moms are next to us,

We are celebrating the New Year!

He is for both adults and children

It will bring a lot of happiness.

Presenter: Fairytale Christmas tree

Spiny needles

Let's stand together

And we'll sing you a song

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Everyone sits on chairs. The Snow Maiden comes out into the middle.

Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden, and again

I came to your holiday.

I see you have everything ready.

Hello my friends!

Soon, soon New Year,

Santa Claus still doesn't come.

What should we do, friends?

It’s impossible without him.

Presenter: Maybe, maybe

Snowman will help us

Snow Maiden: Let's kids, let's get together

We need to make a snowman.

We'll roll a snowball

We’ll write a letter to Santa Claus later

Let him hurry to our holiday

We've all been waiting for him

Everyone repeats the movements, rolling a lump, and the leader from behind the tree rolls three lumps, rolls them there, gives them a hat and a carrot.

To the music, a Snowman comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

Game "Snowman Song"

Snowman: I'm a funny snowman

I've been used to the cold since childhood

Here's a carrot for a nose

Embers my eyes

Hat – black saucepan

Hello, friends!

Snow Maiden: We blinded you so that you would help us. Deliver an urgent letter to Santa Claus. We are waiting for him on our holiday. Hurry up.

He hands the Snowman a letter and everyone sees him off.

Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday

Have fun, sing, dance.

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale

Full of miracles

Presenter: Behind the mountains, behind the rivers

There is a magical forest

You will see many miracles here

Let's take a look there and find out what's going on there. And Vasilisa the Wise will help us. She has a tablet with a magic apple. The apple will roll across the tablet and show us whatever we want.

Vasilisa: Roll the apple on the tablet and show us the Snowman.

Where is he now and what's wrong with him?

A Snowman is walking along the road with a letter, and a Wolf is coming to meet him. Halfway through, they look back together and collide, screaming. The snowman covers himself with a letter out of fear.

Wolf: Who are you? (looks the Snowman up and down, removes the letter from the Snowman’s face) Did you fall from the moon? Are you scared? Everyone in the forest is afraid of me, you see how strong, toothy and terribly hungry I am.

Snowman: And I'm not afraid at all (speaks in a trembling voice)

I'm just in a hurry

You're sorry, you're sorry

You'd better let me through

And of course, tell me

How can I find my way

So that this letter

Take it to Santa Claus.

Wolf: Oh, well, it's possible. You will go to the mountain, then to the mountain, then you will see three pine trees there, then to the left, then to the right, then straight all the time, then to the right (The wolf shows, and the Snowman stomps behind him. The wolf confuses him)

Snowman: Listen, my dear, is your last name Susanin?

Wolf: What kind of hare has a mustache? No, he doesn't have a mustache.

The snowman leaves angry.

Wolf: (speaks after) Go, go wherever you need to go (gloatingly) and you will disappear in the snowdrifts. I’ll run to Baba Yaga and tell him that some white tadpole with a bowler hat on his head was looking for Santa Claus.

The wolf runs away.

Presenter: And you, like an apple, show us the house of Baba Yaga. Well, we’ll find out what she’s up to there.

Baba Yaga appears with her nephew wearing glasses and holding a laptop.

Baba Yaga: What a joy it is to have a nephew. Look, what a scientist, and you probably know everything, do you read different books?

I don't know the letters at all

What am I reading here?

Ah, I only know the dots

I won't read a single line here.

I can fly on a broom

Nephew: Eh, you retarded aunt. This is not a book, but a computer. Okay, I’ll teach you how to read and play games on the computer.

Baba Yaga: Thank you so much.

There is a knock on the door and the Wolf comes in.

Wolf: Hello to all the bunch. I saw a wonderful tadpole in a bowler hat. He was in a hurry to see Santa Claus and said something about the letter. Come on, old lady, let’s stir up the crime of the century, otherwise it’s so boring that it would make you howl at the moon.

Baba Yaga: You say he’s going to Grandfather, he’s carrying a letter, you say. It probably says where he hid his gifts.

Wolf: Let's catch up with him and take the letter, and your nephew will read it to us.

Baba Yaga: Yes, he’s kind of right, but oh well, I’ll deceive him. Now let's discuss the plan (whispering). The nephew overhears them.

Nephew: And I heard everything, what a shame. She seems to be an older woman, but all the dirty tricks are in her brain. So I’ll go and tell Santa Claus everything.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, then I’ll put you in a bag and tie you tightly.

He stuffs his Nephew into a bag, but it has no bottom. The nephew runs away and sneaks away.

Baba Yaga: Well, we got rid of this sneaky thing, and you, Wolf, go, get ready for the crime of the century: rope there, pistols, black masks, everything as it should be. And I’ll go and call the Bear, although... I’ll have to share with him too, but oh well.

The wolf leaves, and Baba Yaga addresses the audience.

Baba Yaga: Forest people, have you seen the Bear? He's probably sleeping as always, it's winter after all. We need to wake him up. Can you shout loudly? I'll check it now.

Game “And the girls – ha-ha-ha, and the boys – hee-hee-hee”

A bear with a pillow comes out from behind the tree.

Bear: If you are noisy, let me sleep. ( lies on the floor on a pillow)

Baba Yaga: Look, you're lying down. Let me sleep, let me sleep. We'll wake you up now.

Game "Who fell asleep under a bush."

After the game, the Bear goes behind the tree with a pillow.

Game "Boogie-woogie"

Baba Yaga: I'm dancing here. It's time for me to prepare the crime of the century. Oh, nephew, how did you end up here? How did you get out of the bag, well done, my kind, just some kind of magician.

Nephew: Eh, you, your bags are torn, you couldn’t even sew them up, and you’re also called a woman. You can't do anything.

Baba Yaga: Tsyts, teach me more here!

Nephew: I have already escorted your Snowman all the way to Santa Claus’s house, so that your crime of the century was crying, nothing will come of it.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, well, we'll see about that later. Gray, where are you? Plans change. We need to harm the children and drag Snow Maiden away.

They grab the Snow Maiden and Nephew and tie them with rope.

Baba Yaga: You, gray one, are on guard here, make sure you don’t fall asleep. And I will fly to the children for a holiday for a ransom. They need the Snow Maiden - let everyone give us gifts.

He sits on a broom and flies away. At this time the Snowman arrives. He sees that the Snow Maiden and the Nephew are connected, and the Wolf is guarding them.

Snowman: It's a mess, we need to help friends in trouble. Think, think, Snowman! I forgot, my brain is frozen, what should I do? Ah, I came up with it!

Addresses the Wolf. Hello Susanin! How are you? Do you want me to show you a trick? I just need a rope.

Wolf: But will this one fit? (points to the rope with which the prisoners are tied)

Snowman: That's it! Just close your eyes and count to 10, don’t peek.

He unties the prisoners and they run away together. The wolf counts, then opens his eyes and also runs away.

Baba Yaga flies on a broom.

Baba Yaga: Once again the technology failed...

I flew past here

I saw you through the window

There you are! I knew it!

I haven't seen you for a whole year.

You are sitting at a holiday,

Look at the Christmas tree!

And you want Frost

Did he bring you any gifts?

Well, what about me? I've been flying all day

I don't get anything!

And never Santa Claus

Didn't bring me any gifts!

That's it, kids, pay me a ransom for the Snow Maiden. Well, show me your gifts, where are they? Maybe you're hiding them somewhere? Why are there no gifts? Oh, Grandfather hasn’t brought it yet! Where is he? Call him quickly! I'll hide for now.

Presenter: Roll Apple on the tablet, show us Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello children!

Finally I have arrived.

I barely found you. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

We wish everyone health and good luck!

May your life with his arrival

It will become brighter and richer

I hurried to you from afar,

I was afraid of being late.

Now I am here!

And we can begin our holiday.

But what is it? The lights on the Christmas tree are not lit.

Disorder. I’ll walk around her and cast a spell with my magic staff.

Come on, Christmas tree, wake up,

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!

Come on, Christmas tree, one-two-three!

Shine with the light of joy!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Father Frost: Where is my granddaughter, Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga comes out in disguise.

Baba Yaga: Yes, here I am, here.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, you don’t look like yourself.

Baba Yaga: As for my hair, I just didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t put on makeup, and there was a long line at the hairdresser. And I’m so beautiful, don’t you like me?

Father Frost: Or maybe you're sick?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I'm healthy, healthy.

Father Frost: Somewhat suspicious, but I’ll check you now. Sing a song about a Christmas tree. Oh, here I am, you’re not my granddaughter, who are these children?

Here at the holiday the Snowman, the Snow Maiden, the Nephew appear, and behind them the Wolf.

Father Frost: Well, everything has become clear – who is who. Once again Baba Yaga is being mischievous, again you are on your own, so I’ll take it and put a spell on it, freeze it forever.

Baba Yaga: Come on, you can’t even joke.

Well, forgive me

I'm a good friend.

Father Frost: Sorry?

We will continue the holiday

Come out dancing

Round dance "Father Frost walked through the forest"

Santa Claus walks in a circle.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we won’t let you out of the circle!

Father Frost: No need, I’ll choose myself.

Game "Dwarves and Giants"

Father Frost: Okay, okay kids,

It's time to play.

Game "I'll freeze"

Father Frost: Oh, Santa Claus is tired

Who would bring me some water?

Presenter: Have a seat, Grandfather Frost. We will give you tea, as is customary in Russia.

A cup is served. It contains chopped tinsel. He blows and the tinsel flies away.

Presenter: This is how Grandfather froze our tea - only ice flakes and snowflakes flew away.

Father Frost: Thank you for your concern, the iced tea was good.

I'll sit for a while

I'll take a look at the guys.

Presenter: We will continue our holiday,

Let's listen to the poems now.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Do you know how to play hide and seek?

Well then, I'm hiding, and you're looking for me.

One two three four five

We'll play hide and seek

We close our eyes and leave no gaps.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys

We had a great time playing hide and seek

I've played enough with you

Well, now it's time to go home

Goodbye friends!

Presenter: Father Frost! Wait!

The children sang, danced,

We had fun playing with you

And they danced in a circle

It's your turn

Give gifts to honest people.

Father Frost: Oh, forgive me

Apparently I'm very old

I forgot about the gifts

My bag was here somewhere

Gives gifts. Photo for memory. Then he says goodbye and leaves.