Home New Year's script for adults. The scenario of the New Year's evening of relaxation for adults “To the clink of glasses we say Happy New Year! New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "In the winter forest"

With fun text and minimal props. These can be skits or fairy tales with quick dressing (or no costumes at all), their main feature is that they are easy to organize and arrange at any holiday, and with any composition of guests.

Here are collected the best Christmas stories skits - impromptu , the plot of which is connected with this wonderful a holiday called New Year .

Some of them with a large number of characters, and some - not, some are designed only for adult company, other New Year's fairy tales and skits can be held in a mixed company and even with children - choose which ones are more suitable for your guests (Fairy tales are written by talented Internet authors - thanks to them for that!)

1. New Year's scene"Chukcha" based on the fable of S. Mikhalkov.

scene moved - watch

2. New Year's scene - impromptu "Herring under a fur coat."

This wonderful New Year's game is always fun and cheers up everyone: participants and spectators. But it is important to present this game well, a lot depends on the presenter, his artistry and comments (if necessary).

Presenter: A festive table on New Year's Eve... for many, this is the most important thing: strong drinks, fragrant snacks, delicious salads... What do you think is the most popular salad in the New Year? Herring under a fur coat? Wonderful! So let's get it ready.

Gives the participant a chef's hat and an apron. Asks him to invite guests to certain roles. Puts 2 chairs at a distance of 2 meters. Next, the guests sit on chairs on their knees to each other, so that those sitting on one chair look at those sitting on the other chair.

1. At the base of this salad is a herring, it should be large, juicy - invite two juicy men. And the eyes of the herring are large and slightly protruding. I said lightly! OK!

Men sit on chairs facing each other

2. We put on the herring, but rather scatter the onion, cut into rings. Invite two blonde ladies, the beam is white! Girls, we scatter over the herring, we are not shy.

The ladies sit on the laps of the men facing each other.

3. Now we take boiled potatoes, and spread them on top. Again we invite men. Potato, well, why are you so boiled, let's be more active!

4. Let's grease everything with fragrant low-calorie mayonnaise. Let's invite the ladies. Mayonnaise, spread, spread!

The ladies sit down again.

5. And again a vegetable. Carrots this time. Men, we are waiting for you. What a beautiful carrot! All smooth, long, strong! And what a beautiful top!

Men sit in the same way.

6. Mayonnaise again, ladies ahead! We sit down, we smear!

The ladies sit down again.

7. Beets, we are waiting for you! Beets, some of you are not red, and not even burgundy, but we hope delicious!

The men sit down.

8. Decorate our salad with herbs. Parsley and dill put you in the middle. You are a sprig of dill, make us a sprig! And you, parsley, make a twig.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Herring under a fur coat is ready! Bon appetit!

Applause to all participants!

3. Instant New Year's scene: "A movie is being shot!"

Raise your hands, those who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films. Now, right here, on the spot, a film will be shot, in which you will be assigned to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have cards in your hands. The cards indicate which role you have. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role on the card - welcome to the stage! The jury will choose the best artist. So: camera, motor, started!

He reads, calling one participant in the production and forcing them to "enter the image."

So, the artists received cards with the characters of our impromptu performance, which we will shoot on camera. What needs to be done, they learn only on the stage and must immediately perform it.

This is a very fun mobile game. Costumes are not necessary for her, it is enough to prepare 6 cards with words and put 6 chairs in the center of the hall. Each player (6 people) draws a card for himself and sits on one of the chairs. Hearing the name of your character, you need to: say your words, run around six chairs and take your place again. With the words: "Happy New Year!" - everyone stands up and runs around the chairs. It turns out not a scene, but a cheerful "begalka" with words.

Characters and words:

Holiday - "Hurrah"
Santa Claus - “I haven’t drunk with you yet?”
Snow Maiden - "As much as possible!"
Champagne - "Scha, how to hit in the head"
Elka - "I'm on fire"
Gifts - "I'm all yours"
All: Happy New Year!


Once upon a time there was a little girl and dreamed: when I grow up, I will arrange a big New Year's HOLIDAY, I will decorate a huge Christmas tree, and a real Santa Claus will come to me. And at that time, somewhere in the world, there lived a little boy who dreamed that when he grew up, he would put on a Santa Claus costume, give everyone GIFTS and meet a real SNOW MAIDEN. They grew up and met by chance, and the girl became a SNOW MAIDEN, and the boy FATHER FROST. And soon they began to dream about the New Year's HOLIDAY.

FATHER FROST dreamed of gathering all his friends and drinking them with CHAMPAGNE. In addition, he wanted to shout: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" kiss with the SNOW MAIDEN. And then came December 31, 20 .... year. They dressed up the Christmas tree. CHAMPAGNE flowed like a river at the HOLIDAY, and the guests gave GIFTS and thought: “This is a HOLIDAY! And FATHER FROST is real, and SNOW MAIDEN is a beauty. And what a wonderful tree! What an excellent CHAMPAGNE!"

The best GIFT for FATHER FROST and SNOW MAIDEN was that the guests shouted: “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

Source: forum.in-ku

5. New Year's Impromptu "Morning January 1st"

Leading: 12 people are invited for this. Their task is to depict with gestures and sounds what we will read. First, let's distribute the roles (roles are distributed).
And now we listen to the text, depict and voice what it says.














PAPA got out of bed heavily in the morning. I went, looked in the MIRROR and said: “No, this cannot be!” Then PAPA angrily called MOM and demanded to bring BEER. MOMMA opened the REFRIGERATOR with a bang, took out a BEER and brought it to DAD. DAD drank the BEER and said, “Wow, good!” MOM ran up to DAD, snatched the rest of the BEER from him, drank it and threw away the empty bottle.

At this time, THUNDER rumbled outside and it began to RAIN. The ALARM CLOCK rang, the CHILD woke up and ran up to MOM in fear. The CHILD was shaking with fear. DAD invited the CHILD to look at himself in the MIRROR so that he would stop being afraid. The MIRROR reflected all the horror in the eyes of the CHILD. The ALARM CLOCK rang again and, hobbled out of his room, clucking and wailing, an angry GRANDPA came out. He also wanted a BEER, but the BEER was over, so the GRANDPA hit the REFRIGERATOR hard, shook his fist at DAD, and hugged the frightened CHILD.

The doorbell rang. It was the MESSENGER who came with the crate of BEER. GRANDFATHER hugged and kissed the MESSENGER, quickly took the crate of BEER and limped off to his room. But PAPA and MAMA saw this and merrily ran after him. And only the MIRROR and the CHILD were dissatisfied, since no one offered them a hangover.

(Source: forum.vcomine.com)

6. New Year's scene in retro style "The Girl and the Thief".


Girl - (to make it funnier, a young man can also play the role of a girl)
Girl's fur coat - (an employee or employee in a fur coat from a grandmother's chest, a sample of the 60-70s of the 20th century)
Thief (necessarily in a black stocking on his head)
Father Frost

Once upon a frosty winter

New Year's Eve sometimes
Lena went to her house
In a warm fur coat.
(The girl skips, waving her handbag).

Without sadness and anxiety
The girl was walking along the road.
And when I entered the yard,
The thief ran up to the girl.
(A thief with a revolver runs up)

He waved the gun
He ordered to take off his coat.
(The thief is actively gesturing with a revolver)

At this moment and at this very hour!
But it was not there -
Lena thief deftly in the eye
Bang! What was strength!
(The girl demonstrates several tricks).

The thief cried out in pain,
Lena called 02.
(He calls on his mobile. A policeman appears and blows his whistle).

The thief is now in captivity
And the whole head is in bandages.
(The thief, sitting on a chair, holds a grate with his hands in front of his face, and at this time a man in uniform bandages his head).

Dancing outside the window snowflakes
(Snowflakes dance with tinsel)

The thief looks at them with longing,
Licks on the window of ice
Bitter crying all day long.
(The thief sobs, rubs his eyes with his hands)

All swollen already from tears,
And the drooping one walks.
Do not understand that Santa Claus
Don't go to jail!
(Santa Claus shows him a fig).

Lena in a fur coat, like a picture,
Attends parties
Celebrating the New Year
Congratulations to all the people.
(The girl dances incendiary with a bottle of champagne)

Let's say this to the thief today
At the end of our poem
This New Year's Eve:

7. Tale-impromptu for the New Year "The main tree in the lights"

New Year's theatre-impromptu. The text is spoken by the presenter, the selected actors say only their own words and perform any funny actions at their discretion.

Actors and lines:

Santa Claus: "Happy New Year! Fuck you!"
Snow Maiden: "And I'm only from the frost, I'm a May rose"
Main Christmas Tree: "And I'm so fucking mysterious"
Staff: "Hold on, make no mistake!!!"
Sani-Mercedes: "Oh, pour it, I'll give it a ride!"
Mobile phone: "Master, pick up the phone, the women are calling!"
Curtain: "I am silent, but I do my job!"

(quiet background music playing) "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")


THE CURTAIN opens. THE MAIN TREE froze, waiting to be lit? Here appears FATHER FROST on a SLEY-Mercedes. GATHER FROST got down from the MERSEDES SLED and parked them not far from the MAIN FIR-tree. And the MAIN FIR-tree is waiting for decisive action. And at this time, the SNOW MAIDEN appears, in her hands is a STAFF, a MOBILE PHONE hangs around her neck. FATHER FROST joyfully hugs the SNOW MAIDEN, kisses the STAFF and takes the MOBILE PHONE.

And the MAIN Christmas tree feels the approach of the decisive moment. FATHER FROST touches with the STAFF the slender branches of the MAIN FIR-tree. From the magical touches, the YOLKA immediately sparkled with a wonderful light. The SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands, the SUNNY MERCEDES began to dance, Ded Moroz shouted joyfully, vigorously waving his STAFF, to the loud jubilation of the MOBILE PHONE. THE CURTAIN closes.

8. New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "In the winter forest"

In this one, to enhance the humorous effect, you can give the guest, who will portray Echo, a large bag of sweets into his hands and every time he sounds "carries" - let him go into the hall and distribute them.


Forest - everyone at the tables (extras)
Hares - 2
Robbers - 2

Quiet in the winter FOREST. The first SNOW falls softly. The trees in the FOREST sway and creak with their branches. The merry WOODPECKER pecks the mighty OAK with its beak, prepares a hollow for itself. The ECHO rumbles throughout the FOREST. A cold BREED rushes between the trees and tickles the woodpecker's feathers. THE WOODPECKER is shivering from the cold. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and croaks loudly. The ECHO spreads croaks throughout the FOREST. A BEAR wanders sadly through the FOREST, the BEAR has insomnia. SNOW creaks under his paws. ECHO carries the creak throughout the FOREST.

SNOW covered the whole FOREST. The trembling Woodpecker sticks out its long beak from the hollow of the mighty OAK. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and croaks loudly. The ECHO spreads croaks throughout the FOREST. BEAR finally fell asleep. He curled up under a mighty OAK, sucks his paw and smiles in his sleep. TWO FUNNY HARES jump out into the clearing, run, jump, play catch-up.

Suddenly there was a noise. TWO ROBBERS jump out into the clearing screaming and dragging the bound BEAUTY. The ECHO carries the screams throughout the FOREST. The ROBBERS tie the BEAUTY to the mighty OAK. BEAUTY screams “Help! Help!". The ECHO spreads screams throughout the FOREST.

At this time, a BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MAN was passing by on his war HORSE. He heard the screams of BEAUTY and galloped to save her. THE BEAUTIFUL shouted: “Surrender, robbers!”, the war HORSE reared up, neighed ferociously, and attacked the ROBBERS. The ECHO sent a ferocious neighing throughout the FOREST. A fight ensued, BEAUTY won. The ROBBERS fled.

The FOREST rustled joyfully, the CROW croaked merrily, the HARES clapped their hands.
BEAUTY freed BEAUTY, knelt down in front of her and confessed his love. He jumped together with BEAUTY on a HORSE and rushed through the FOREST to a brighter future.

9. Christmas story- Impromptu "Three Bears".





Mikhailo Potapych

Nastasya Potapovna


Father Frost




A bowl



It was a harsh WINTER. SNOW fell and fell. He fell on TREES, on BUSHES, on a hut standing in the forest. And in this hut sat MIKHAILO POTAPYCH, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA and a little MISHUTKA. MIKHAILO POTAPYCH tested the strength of the newly repaired CHAIR: he got up on it, sat down with all his might, got up again, sat down again, he really liked the CHAIR, he even stroked it. NASTASYA POTAPOVNA admired her reflection in a clean, washed BOWL, holding it all the time in her hand or raising it above her head. MISHUTKA ran around, tossing and catching the PILLOW, sometimes hitting MIKHAILO POTAPYCH, then NASTASYA POTAPOVNA with it, this amused him greatly, and he laughed, holding his stomach.

Everyone was so busy with their own affairs that they even forgot that it was a harsh WINTER outside, SNOW was falling, so much so that TREES and SHRUBS bent to the ground. So, the SNOW kept falling and falling, soon all the TREES lay on the BUSHES, sprinkled with SNOW. Suddenly the hut shook under the weight of the SNOW that had fallen on it. MIKHAILO POTAPYCH ran out of there with huge eyes with his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA put her favorite BOWL on her head and MISHUTKA carried her favorite PILLOW in her hands, tossing it up in her hands. And then, because of the blockage of TREES and BUSHES, FATHER FROST came out, he was dumbfounded by what was happening, and bears should sleep in winter.

And WINTER is standing, it is getting more and more severe, SNOW continues to fall on everything that stands in the forest, on a blockage of TREES and BUSHES, on our BEARS, who stood up, hugging each other, holding their favorite things: a CHAIR, a BOWL and a PILLOW.

Then Santa Claus thought why, after all, BEARS do not sleep? While Ded Moroz was thinking, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH wiped his CHAIR and invited Ded Moroz to sit down. Having washed her face with tears and looked at her favorite BOWL for the last time, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA handed it to FATHER FROST. And MISHUTKA, seeing that parents are not sorry to part with their favorite things, also stroked his favorite PILLOW and put it on a CHAIR, FATHER FROST sat on the PILLOW.

All the BEARS took turns reciting poems about winter, FATHER FROST got emotional and decided to give the BEARS a gift, he waved his hand and the following happened ...... As before, it was a harsh WINTER, SNOW continued to fall on TREES and BUSHES, the hut, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH slept sweetly there on his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA in an embrace with his BOWL, and MISHUTKA sucked his thumb in his sleep, lying on his favorite PILLOW. And FATHER FROST walked around the hut and sang a lullaby to them.

10. Impromptu "New Year's Tale".



Snow Maiden




Baba Yaga


Father Frost

I'm walking through the forest. SNOWFLAKES flutter, fall to the ground. I look, the SNOW MAIDEN walks, catches and examines the SNOWFLAKES. And behind her, KOSHCHEY sneaks on her heels. The SNOW MAIDEN is tired, she looks - the STUMP is standing, all strewn with SNOWFLAKES.

The SNOW MAIDEN shook them off the STUMP and sat down. And then Koschei grew bolder and came closer. “Come on, he says, SNOW MAIDEN, be friends with you!” The SNOW MAIDEN got angry, jumped up, clapped her hand on the HEMP, and clapped on the SNOWFLAKES with her top leg. "Do not happen to this, insidious KOSHCHEY!". And she went on. KOSHCHEI was so offended that he sat down on PENEK, took out a knife, and began to cut out a bad word on PENEK. And SNOWFLAKES fall on him and fall. The SNOW MAIDEN came out into the clearing and realized that she was lost. Looks, OAK stands young. A SNOW MAIDEN came up to him, hugged him by the trunk and said in a plaintive voice: “The evil KOSHCHEY scared me, they covered the path of the SNOWFLAKES, I don’t know where to go now.” I decided to stay with OAK.

Then BABA YAGA rushed in, looking, OAK, and under him SNOW MAIDEN. She tore the SNOW MAIDEN from the OAK, put her on a broom behind her and flew off. The wind whistles in my ears, SNOWFLAKES follow them in a whirlwind. They flew to Babkin's hut, and she stands in front of the forest, and behind her back to BABA-YAGA. BABA YAGA and says: "Well, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest." And the hut answered something like that…. Ah, thanks for the tip. So she said. But then she turned around, as ordered. BABA YAGA put a SNOW MAIDEN in it, and closed it with seven locks. She stole, then, the SNOW MAIDEN.

We need to release the SNOW MAIDEN. Well, Santa Claus and all sympathizers, let's redeem the SNOW MAIDEN from Baba Yaga (guests redeem either for champagne or showing their talents).


Good evening, dear friends! I am very pleased to welcome you to this wonderful holiday today. Everyone has already guessed for what reason we have gathered, of course, to celebrate the most favorite holiday - the New Year.

Today I want to say
Thank you for the outgoing year!
twelve months ago
We were really looking forward to it!

And let not everything come true for us,
We believed, and this is the main thing!
And may today every guest
Believe in what you want!

The current year is coming to an end and a new one is coming. What do you think it will be like? And you know, no matter what the coming year is, I want to wish one thing: many happy days, happiness and good luck!

Let's open the doors wide
For the New Year to believe
That we are waiting for him seriously,
Who do we need………..

Father Frost:

Good evening to all guests!
I was in a hurry to get to you
Apparently I'm not late
Found you all at the table.
Happy holiday to all
I wish you happiness and joy!

Oh, Snow Maiden, look how the guys have grown up!

Snow Maiden: Yes, grandfather, you mixed everything up again, today you and I did not come to kindergarten, and to the sauna "rest +", everyone has grown up here for a long time.

Father Frost: Oh, it’s true, but anyway, even though everyone here is an adult, I won’t just give away my gifts!

Snow Maiden: For contests today in this hall,
We will reward our friends
Good prizes!

Competition No. 1 Cool riddles:

- Without wings, but flying,
Without roots, but growing. (snow)

- not a gem, but glows (ice)

What grandfather builds a house without an axe? (freezing)

- sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone (snow)

- In the yard - a mountain, and in the room with water (ice)

- winter on the roofs is gray, throws seeds
grows white carrots, she is under the roofs. (icicles)

Who builds bridges over rivers without logs? (freezing)

- glass is broken in the round window during the day, inserted in the evening. (hole)

- who, even without hands, can draw (frost)

- does not burn in fire, but does not sink in water (ice)

- white - a white miller sat on the clouds, white flour poured through a sieve. (snow)

Adults and children know, What is sober, at a banquet, All that remains is a festive (Christmas tree)

- A glorious New Year's holiday, You won't be happy without it, And no matter how lazy the owner is,
They will force you to buy it, Otherwise, in the new year, No one will come to visit! (vodka)

Fun Contest #2: Crackers

Props: 2 locks, keys

Participants (2 people) of the competition are given a bunch of keys and a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

Contest #3: Fun Quiz

- In Japan, the arrival of the New Year is announced by 108 strokes of the bell, in Russia, the Kremlin chimes strike New Year's midnight, and in the UK? (London Clock Wig-Ben)
- Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug)
- In which country does not a "brother" live, but a "sister" of the Russian Santa Claus, whose name sounds like his "shifter" - Baba Zhara? (in Cambodia)
- In which country is the local Santa Claus called Saint Nicholas, and his faithful servant is nicknamed Black Pete? (in the Netherlands)
- Elochkina homeland (forest)
- an old but not aging dance at the Christmas tree (round dance)
- Singer of songs for the Christmas tree (blizzard)
- A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf)
- A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget, not only on the day of purchase (electric garland)
- a man's anti-Christmas tool (axe)
- what quality of the New Year's queen makes her related to every real woman (desire to dress up)
Guess the proverb
- they don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give (they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth)
- you need to study throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless (live and learn)
- trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there)
- as you yourself treat another, so they will treat you (both aukn. and response.)
- do not take on unfamiliar cases (not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water)

Competition #4: Anglers

3 persons are required.

Fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The task of the blindfolded player is to attach as many fish as possible to the bait. Before starting fishing, scroll the player around him several times.

Contest #5: Rope

Need 2 players.

Two chairs are placed with their backs to each other. There is a rope under the chairs. Players sitting on chairs must, at the command of the leader, grab the end of the rope as quickly as possible and pull it towards them. Whoever wins first.

Contest #6: Get the candy

2 players are invited.

It's hilarious and cool contest! Sour cream is poured into the plate, candy is thrown into the plate. The player must, without the help of hands, get a candy from a plate.

Super Cool Contest #7: Take Out the Trash

2 players are called.

It is necessary to put things in order, shove the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, who is faster.

Fun Contest #8: Feed Your Neighbor

2 players are invited.

Props: 2 bananas

One holds a peeled banana in his teeth, the other must eat it. The hands are not involved.

Contest #9: Ball

Need 4 players.

Whoever inflates the largest balloon and it does not burst, he won.

Competition #10: In position

2 players participate.

2 players are invited with adhesive tape attached to large inflatable balls at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player. The task is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible during the allotted time, not forgetting about your stomach. The process looks great!

Fun Contest #11: Drinkers

Call 4 players.

Each is given 1 bottle of beer and a glass. The task is to open the bottles as quickly as possible and, pouring beer into a glass, drink it. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition No. 12: Box

All participants write on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. The answers are then read.

Contests are over.

Father Frost:

Friends Dear
The old year is leaving
I want to say
Many good words
wish you happiness
To make life easy for you
Next year
So that you forget Woe and trouble!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

The clock is ticking.
The old year is leaving
His last pages rustle
What was good, let it not go away
And what is not good - will not happen again
Happy New Year!

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that neither anxiety nor misfortune

They didn't guard at the gate.

So that the sun gently shines

Everything that the heart is waiting for came true

And just to be gratifying

All your life, like this year!

Festively decorate the room in which the holiday will take place. Hang snowflakes and serpentine from the ceiling, place candles on the tables. New Year's panels and compositions of spruce branches on the tables will create a mood, fill the hearts of those present with a sense of celebration. You can make a wall newspaper reflecting the main joyful events of the outgoing year, prepare a small surprise for each participant in the holiday. Beautifully wrapped pouches with the symbol of the coming year or calendars, or other small souvenirs (as your fantasy tells you) can be attached to the bottom of the chairs on which guests sit. Let New Year's toasts sound, congratulations addressed to everyone and everyone individually. And, of course, let there be competitions, entertainment and quizzes.

At the very beginning of the holiday, you can hold the election of the "deserved" Santa Claus and the "honorary" Snow Maiden. The hostess must prepare several attributes for the "elections" - according to the number of guests. These can be red noses with elastic, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, as well as tinsel crowns, cotton collars, jewelry, cosmetics, “rain”, sparkles, etc. The guests are announced “Competition for the very very Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. The jury is the host. Men are invited to choose something for themselves from the attributes of Santa Claus and turn into Santa Clauses, and women dress up as Snow Maidens. Looking traditional is completely optional.

The Santa Claus competition includes the following competitions:

The first competition: "New Year's toys". Santa Clauses are invited to color the toys cut out of cardboard different colors(abstract methods are only welcome, each toy should have a clothespin or loop for easy attachment to any object). Then all Santa Clauses with their Christmas decorations go to the middle of the room. Everyone is blindfolded and each is twisted several times around its axis.

The task of each Santa Claus is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is located, and hang a toy on it. You can't roll. If Santa Claus has chosen the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what it "bursts into". To confuse the ranks of Santa Clauses, women can evenly distribute themselves around the room and get in the way of Santa Clauses. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, and the one who finds the most original place for the toy (for example, the ear of the hostess of the holiday).

The second competition: "Creating the best Snow Maiden". Each of Santa Clauses must dress up the Snow Maiden chosen by him in such a way as, in his opinion, the modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that is already worn on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional wardrobe items, any things, Christmas tree decorations, jewelry, etc. The Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden wins.

The third competition: "Frost breath". Before the smoke of Santa Claus, a snowflake cut out of paper of a sufficiently large size is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. The competition is held until everyone blows off their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, announce: “The winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who blew it last, since he has such frosty breath that his snowflake “froze” to the table.”

The fourth competition: "New Year's melody". Bottles are exposed and a spoon is given. In turn, Santa Clauses approach the battery of bottles and use a spoon to perform a New Year's melody. The winner is the one whose melody seems to the jury more New Year's.

After all competitions, the jury sums up the results and chooses the best Santa Claus. Then the selection of the best Snow Maiden begins.

First competition: "Dish - 20 ___". Each of the Snow Maidens prepares a dish from the products from the New Year's table, which, in her opinion, can be called "Dish - 20 ____". It can be a fantastic sandwich, a New Year's composition from all available salads, etc. You need to decorate the dish in new year style. Then a man sits opposite each Snow Maiden. Everyone is blindfolded. The Snow Maiden wins, the first to feed her dish to the man sitting opposite.

Second competition: "Creating the best Santa Claus". Each Snow Maiden chooses Santa Claus for herself and dresses him up with everyone possible ways using any improvised means: from Christmas toys to cosmetics.

The third competition: "The most erudite Snow Maiden". The Snow Maidens take turns pronouncing the names of films where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Who will be the last, she won this competition.

The fourth competition: "The most "resourceful" Snow Maiden". All Snow Maidens are blindfolded. A man stands in front of each, in whose clothes a small Christmas tree decoration. The Snow Maiden wins, the first to discover this toy. The jury - the hosts of the evening - selects the best Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. This couple sits in the most honorable place and gets the right to present gifts and prizes throughout the holiday.

The election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can also be held in the form of the program “The Snow Maiden is getting married!”

From the ladies participating in the holiday, four contenders are selected for the role of the Snow Maiden, who is going to get married. To please her future husband, she must know New Year's traditions different countries and honor them sacredly. And the traditions and competitions for them will be like that.

Leading: New Year is a special holiday. Why? Because on this day a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the elegant Christmas trees, rattles fireworks, shines with colorful lanterns. Today, as in a fairy tale, our lovely ladies will briefly turn into fairy tale heroines, they will try to work miracles and get the opportunity to become real Snow Maidens for a while. Today we will go to travel together with this fairy tale. For all the contestants, our contenders for the role of the Snow Maiden, we have prepared the first ticket for our fabulous trip to Italy! So, don't be afraid, we are in Italy, and here there is an ancient tradition - to throw old things out of windows on New Year's Eve. Dishes and furniture are flying, so yawning in Italy is dangerous! It’s a pity for us to throw away furniture, but there are dishes for throwing! (Paper buckets or baskets are placed at a distance from the contestants, and the players are given toy aluminum pots, plates, spoons, mugs, forks. Their task is to throw their sets of dishes into the container. Who managed to score more points by the number of hits, or who completed task faster - three out of four - are declared the winners of the competition and remain in the game.)

Leading: The losing contestant returns to her seat to applause. And three contestants are given the following tickets new year travel- To France. They are invited to try wonderful gingerbread. Two of the three have baked beans, whoever finds them wins. Since ancient times, it has been customary for the French to bake a bean into a gingerbread on New Year's Eve, and whoever gets it will be lucky in the coming year. And who is the lucky one?

The losing participant, who did not find the bean in her gingerbread, is eliminated from the game, to the applause of the audience, and the last two take part in the last test. They are given four boxes. Of these, three are empty, and one contains a surprise. Participants choose boxes - each two, make an exchange. A command is given to open the boxes and determine who will be the Snow Maiden of today's New Year's holiday. The winner's box may contain a crown or a headdress of the Snow Maiden. ,

Leading: So, the Snow Maiden was found. But who will become her companion, we will also now try to determine. Which of the men would like to be with such a Snow Maiden?

Men - guests of the holiday - are given cards with the roles written on them: Stranger, Snow Maiden (the chosen Snow Maiden herself plays the role), Forest - 3 people, Crow, Tiger, Helicopter. The facilitator reads out the scenario of the mini-action movie, and all participants perform their roles in accordance with the scenario. Here is his text: “The bamboo Forest was noisy. The trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the Forest. Breaking branches and crushing the grass, a huge Tiger slowly emerged from the thicket. He was hungry and therefore growled ominously. Frightened, the Crow flew from branch to branch and croaked indignantly. The tiger looked back, wagged his tail angrily, and hid under a tree. Suddenly, the sound of a flying Helicopter burst into the lunar silence. The Stranger and the Snow Maiden flew on it. The stranger liked the Snow Maiden for a long time, and he lustfully looked at her, licking his lips. The Helicopter's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. The helicopter circled over the Forest, looking for a place to land, and began to descend. He landed in a clearing, and the bamboo Forest roared around. The Stranger and the Snow Maiden got out of the Helicopter. The stranger wiped his forehead and said: "Arrived!". "Hooray!" - said the Snow Maiden and clapped her hands. But suddenly she cried out in fright: “Oh-oh-oh!”. Under the tree she saw a huge Tiger. He looked at the arrivals with hungry eyes, licked his lips and growled ominously. The Snow Maiden quickly and deftly climbed the tree. The stranger was left alone with the Tiger. And again, in fright, the Crow flew from branch to branch and croaked indignantly. The tiger slowly approached the Stranger. Both prepared for the fight. The stranger instantly remembered all the films with the participation of Bruce Lee. Standing upright, the Stranger lunged and shouted loudly: "Kiya!". The tiger growled intimidatingly, continuing to approach the Stranger. The stranger winked at the frightened Snow Maiden, quickly changed his stance and again shouted: "Kiya!" But the Tiger boldly walked forward. And then the Stranger without fear rushed to the Tiger and with a series of well-aimed blows laid him on the shoulder blades! The Snow Maiden shouted: “Hurrah!”, The crow croaked in surprise and fell off the tree. The tiger growled again, this time plaintively. "Hooray!" - said the Snow Maiden from the tree. The stranger tied a collar to the Tiger and decided to donate it to the zoo. The tiger looked gratefully at the Stranger and obediently sat down next to him. The Snow Maiden shouted: "Hurrah!" and climbed down from the tree. The stranger took the hand of the Snow Maiden, handed her the leash with the Tiger, and they went together to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo Forest roared joyfully and the Crow croaked in surprise.

Tests designed to select the companion of the Snow Maiden, you may have others. If the premises and props allow, then you can invite applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden's companion to take part in the following game tests, combining them into a fairy tale plot.

We're on our way

To look into a fairy tale.

In the thirtieth state,

In a troubled kingdom

In the village, no one knows what,

In a peasant's hut with a visor

Young brothers lived

On the selection - all remote!

Just do not fall for work,

Everyone at the table was gripping!

That time, lying on the stove,

They began to eat kalachi.

Suddenly - an idea! Feet - chickpeas!

How much can we eat in a minute!?

Assistants bring rolls on trays. The game "Who will eat more rolls in a minute?"

The guys got excited, decided:

We all need

Find fast horses

Yes, jump on feats!

Assistants distribute props to the participants in the game.

Here the light of dawn warmed,

All the heroes are in the saddles.

On the way they have a barrier!

Assistants place barriers.

Gotta jump higher

Without hitting, without knocking down the barrier,

Turn and again "to the quarry"!


And now on the count of "Three!"

Get started immediately!

One two Three!

The game "Jumps" is being played.

Although the horses were zealous,

On the run in passion

Managed to tame them.

What's happened? The horses got up

And they suddenly neighed anxiously,

They beat with a hoof and tremble ...

Horror gripped the guys!

On the way - an obstacle again -

A three-headed dragon has risen there!

The assistants bring in the Dragon, a fake figure with three balloons instead of heads.

Our guys were grippy

They set off a slingshot!

The game "Hit the target" is being played.

Accurately you hit the target

And the dragon was slain.

And for such joy

We wanted to return home.

Assistants bring burning candles on a tray, disguised as a fire.

Suddenly the guys see - the light sparkles!

It must be the feather of the firebird!

Jumped to that place

And to my great sadness

Instead of a miracle, Birds-fire,

We saw a fire here

And they realized: “So that there is no trouble,

We have to bring water."

An assistant brings in a bucket of water disguised as a well.

There is a well! No bucket!

It's time to show ingenuity!

An assistant brings in teaspoons on a tray.

There are spoons! Why stew?

You can carry water in them!

Held put out the fire game in which participants must extinguish candles with water from spoons.

With honor overcoming obstacles,

You deserve an award!

We hasten to congratulate you!

Let's make a toast to everyone!

The winner in most competitions becomes Santa Claus.

After the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, dances and treats, offer your guests a New Year's quiz, which will be an introduction to the next competition.

So, New Year's quiz(here you can also count the answer closest to the correct one, since the questions are quite complicated).

1. In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time New Year card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A small clue is between 1800 and 1850. (Participants of the holiday name their answer options. The one who named the correct answer - 1843 - gets the right to take part in competitive program holiday.)

2. As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but here it is celebrated not for one day, like in our country, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date they start in this country new year holidays? (And again the participants say the answers. The one who called the exact date- December 6 - becomes the next participant in the competitive program, which will be later.)

3. No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese clocks hit - you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. What are your answers? (The one who correctly named the number - 108 strokes - becomes the third player.)

4. And tell me, please, in what year did Peter I issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (Again, the correct answer - 1700 - will be released for the game.)

So, four connoisseurs of the New Year tradition are participating in our the first competitive program - "New Year's Luck".

First you need to divide the four players into two teams but two participants to determine who will be the happiest in the coming year. To do this, all four participants are dealt cards from the six to the king, all of the same suit - two cards to each player. "Ace" does not play. Participants must take the cards in such a way that only the spectators can see their meaning, the players themselves should not see the cards. We will play "dark", a simple game called "fool". Whose card is "older" will take the "bribe". The host offers the first pair of players, without looking, to give him any card. "How do you answer?" he asks the second pair of players. Those, without looking, submit their card. Whose card is "higher" - 8 "against" 7, 10 "against" 9, the king "against" the lady, and that is awarded a point. The winning team has the right to the next move. The cards meet four times, and then, following the results of four moves, the winners are announced - “lucky ones”. If it turned out to be a "draw", the host of the game shuffles the cards and invites one member of both teams to draw one card from a small deck. Whose card is “older”, that team remains in the game. The losers return to their seats to applause. Two players remain in the competitive program.

"Who will be able to catch up with luck?" - is called second test. For it, it is necessary to prepare Chinese hands-backs, which are strengthened on a long colored braid and attached to the belt of the participants. With the help of these devices, players need to “chase” luck as quickly as possible without the help of their own hands, pushing, advancing the Christmas ball to a certain place. The most "lucky" gets the right to congratulate everyone on the holiday, say wishes and receive a New Year's surprise as a gift for the winner.

Next, a dance marathon is held, which can be revived by throwing an inflatable Santa Claus or a symbol of the coming year to the music. At the moment the music stops, everyone who has Santa Claus (or the symbol of the year) in their hands says wishes to all the guests of the holiday and passes it on to other participants in the New Year's dance marathon.

The next competition is for scholars. The presenter takes out paper, cardboard, rag hats of literary heroes from the bag: Pinocchio's striped cap, hussar's shako, Puss in Boots or Dunno's wide-brimmed hat, Tortilla's turtle cap, Gnome's cap, soldier Schweik's military field cap, Onegin's top hat, Khottabych's turban, Napoleon's cocked hat . Each person who guesses the hero by the hat receives this headdress and congratulates all those gathered on the New Year in the manner that his headdress dictates to him. The most artistic participants are also awarded memorable prizes. Hats can be replaced with any other items that are typical for the image of these heroes.

Proverb competition. Remembering what will have to be guided in the coming year, we will invite the guests to pronounce the familiar, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that sounds:

1. They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give ...

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless.

(Live and learn!)

3. If you have taken up some business, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it!

(I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty!)

4. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile.

(Where it is thin, it breaks there.)

5. As you yourself treat another, so they will treat you.

(As it comes around, it will respond.)

6. Do not take on unfamiliar cases.

(Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)

Competition "Our little brothers". Every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one they have:

1. "Repetition is the mother of learning!" (Parrot)

2. "Keep your pocket wider!" (Kangaroo)

3. “You can’t help grief with tears!” (Crocodile)

4. "One in the field is not a warrior!" (Locust)

5. "Go toe to toe!" (Caterpillar).

And we should have our own motto in the New Year: “Luck, happiness and health!” For this, raise the next toast.

Competition "Ancient prediction". At the right moment, an “astrologer” can visit the holiday. One of the hosts of the holiday (or a previously warned guest) dresses up as a wizard-astrologer. He dons a dark cloak adorned with glittering frills and a blue cardboard cap with stars and crescents. In his hands are “old” books and scrolls with predictions for each participant in the holiday. Scrolls can be made from whatman paper. It is good if the predictions are written in colors “faded from old age” and in “antique” handwriting. And don't forget to give the paper of the scroll an "ancient" look - remember it well. The "astrologer" reads the predictions from the scrolls and solemnly presents them to each guest as a gift.

And the next new year game"Most Attentive" you can offer the little guests of the holiday. Although adults in the appropriate mood are unlikely to refuse it. The host begins the story: “Santa Claus is going on the road to us for the holiday. He puts a doll, a car in his red bag. The next player in a circle or clockwise must repeat what has already been said, adding the following item: “Santa Claus is going on his way to our holiday. He puts a doll, a car and a designer in his red bag. The game continues until the row of gifts becomes so long that it can no longer be played. For children, it can be 10-15 items. The winner is the player who last calls the longest of all the chain. He is awarded the prize for attentiveness and good memory. If adults participate with the children, it is good if they play along with their little rivals, and all the kids will receive a gift.

You can offer your guests a New Year's mental crossword puzzle. The host describes the guessed object, image or word, adds how many letters they consist of. Guests mentally imagine, guess this word. Whoever said the answer faster gets a point. The one who scored the largest number points - a prize. So:

1. Name and surname of an elderly man.

He is a ladies' man dressed in the "Winter 20 ____" fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.

2. Milk product, maintaining the temperature of winter, but used in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.

3. Fairy tale. It takes place in winter. The main characters are two girls. One of them is helped by the hero whose name the fairy tale is named. He gives her gifts and marries her (7 letters). Answer: Frost.

4. A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.

5. Fashion model with a blond braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Appears usually accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.

6. The location of the long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.

7. A liquid that is taken internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.

You can finish the holiday by rewarding the participants and presenting them with hand-drawn medals (stars):

1. To the youngest participant of the evening in the category "Kindersurprise".

2. The oldest participant of the evening in the nomination "My years - my wealth."

3. The girl with the thinnest waist in the Wasp Waist nomination.

4. The girl in the shortest skirt in the nomination "Loincloth".

5. The girl in the highest heels in the nomination "I can see everything from above."

6. The most tanned person in the nomination "Chocolate".

7. A girl with a lot of different jewelry in the "Treasury" nomination.

But sometimes, just before the New Year, the mood suddenly becomes hooligan and mysterious at the same time. It is in this case that the thoughts themselves spin in the direction in order to come up with such and such, in order to surprise everyone and please oneself ...

The New Year 2020 scenario below is suitable for those who celebrate this holiday at home with family and close friends. Competitions are designed for an adult audience.

In order for the New Year's Eve to be the same as in childhood, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a winter holiday and high spirits in the most magical way. Of course, in every home there is always a long-awaited coniferous beauty, pleasing the eye with a variety Christmas decorations gleaming in the light of lit lamps and candles. But the general interior of the apartment can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, rain and toys. Garlands can be made with your own hands from colored paper.

And who doesn’t love to carve snowflakes from childhood? It is these winter attributes that can be made multi-colored and glued on double-sided tape or in any other way in the most unexpected places throughout the apartment. But first you need to write a number from one to five on the back of each snowflake.

And for the planned draws and contests, we need:

  • false beard, mustache, Santa Claus hat or red Santa Claus cap;
  • 2 large sheets of drawing paper;
  • markers, pens, pencils;
  • notebook sheets;
  • block of sheets for records;
  • 2 envelopes;
  • symbolic gifts and prizes. For example, chocolates, small boxes of sweets, Christmas and soft toys.

The most serious preparations, thinking over the menu, purchasing and arranging the surroundings are behind us. The heartbeat from the anticipation of meeting with the long-awaited guests returned to normal. Everyone is already in place, seated at a hospitably laid table and having a leisurely conversation, warming up after a frosty walk.

And now, when the guests have already drunk a small amount of warming drinks for the meeting and tasted one of the tempting dishes, that same rebellious and cunning awaiting the onset of the most long-awaited event in the middle of winter, takes on the role of leading the home holiday of the New Year. They can be either the owner or hostess of the apartment, or one of the invited guests.

Leading:- Dear guests! I am authorized to inform you that Santa Claus contacted me and gave you a message in words. The fact is that our company consists of adults, and the time of the winter wizard is catastrophically short, so he will not be able to visit us in order to be in time for those who are waiting for him the most, children. But do not be upset and do not be sad from the vicissitudes of fate and from the indomitable fate of adulthood. Santa Claus generously appointed me as acting Santa Claus! And therefore, I will not let boredom and despondency settle in this New Year's Eve in our close and friendly company!

When pronouncing a fiery tirade, an authorized Santa Claus can extract a false beard, mustache and Santa Claus's hat from the stocked package. If there are difficulties with these attributes, then the red cap of Santa Claus, which has confidently flooded store shelves, can be a worthy alternative for the presenter.

From a secret place, small squares of note paper are removed and distributed to each of the guests, who must write the date and month of their birth on their piece of paper. Don't forget to write your name.

I. O. Santa Claus collects all the leaves and folds them, for example, under the tree, placing them in an envelope.

And now, - proclaims leading- Let's get to know each other or remember each other well.

Guests must be seated on the sofa and chairs placed so that everyone is sitting in a row.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, we are setting off, take your seats and fasten your seat belts. And now you need to start the engine and for this everyone should clap. Go! Slowly at first. We stomp our feet. We pick up speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Faster! We pick up speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Faster! 80 kilometers per hour. Even faster! 100, 120 kilometers per hour. Let's turn left! We shake hands with the neighbor to your left. We're moving forward again. Speed ​​150 kilometers per hour! Now turn right and shake hands with the neighbor to your right. We're still going, we're going. We brake. We turn to any neighbor and kiss him on the cheek! We slow down, we slow down. All! We've arrived!

After such a closer game, the guests need to continue the meal and, depending on the general temperament of the company, start dancing. But the restless I. O. Santa Claus, having strengthened his strength and wet his throat, again turns to the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, let's find out what each of you did yesterday!

Everyone is given notebook sheets and prepared pens and pencils.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Now answer my questions and write the answers in a column.

  1. What is your favorite male or female name?
  2. Do you like delicious food?
  3. Write a number between 1 and 100.
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. Write another number between 1 and 100.
  6. Write your other favorite female or male name.
  7. Write the name of your favorite song?
  8. Did you study (study) at school?
  9. Do you prefer twins or triplets?
  10. When you go out, do you wear shoes?
  11. Write another female or male name.
  12. What phrase do you use most often?
  13. Why did you (go) go to school?

The host reads out new questions, and the guests read out what they wrote.

  1. Who were you with last night? (The guest reads the answer to question 1.)
  2. Did you kiss? (Reads the answer to question 2 and so on)
  3. How many times?
  4. What did it taste like?
  5. What age was he/she?
  6. Have you told anyone about this?
  7. What did he/she say?
  8. Have you had sex?
  9. What were the results?
  10. Have you reported this to anyone else?
  11. To whom?
  12. What did he/she say?
  13. Why did you do it?

I hope that after such a prank, I. O. Santa Claus will not become an object of resentment and misunderstanding, and all guests will look forward to what this magician and wizard has prepared yet. And he will not make anyone disappointed on this winter evening and, having given the guests a rest and relaxation, he will once again show remarkable activity.

On one of the sheets of drawing paper rolled into a tube, there is a wide smiling muzzle of a pig drawn with a felt-tip pen, but without a piglet. Piglet is drawn separately and cut out of paper. The missing part is attached to the muzzle with a pin.

Participants need to blindfold with a scarf and scroll around their axis once. The applicant for the prize must attach the part on a piece of drawing paper after going through a couple of steps. The winner is the participant who placed the piglet as correctly as possible.

The excitement from the competition will subside quickly. The guests, in anticipation of the milestone hour, will once again taste the delicacies from the festive table prepared by the hospitable hosts and, uncontrollably gushing with rallies and contests, the Host again captures the attention of the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now we need to learn the quatrain.

The New Year is already knocking
Open quickly.
Miracle, fairy tale, fiction
We will make our friends happy.

Everyone repeats in chorus after the Host, and he, in turn, gives out another stored envelope, which the guests, chanting, betray each other from hand to hand. On whom the quatrain ends, he takes out a card with the task from the envelope.

  • tell a joke;
  • sing a ditty;
  • dance the dance of little swans, taking those who wish to help you;
  • a kiss on the cheek of a neighbor on the left;
  • recite a New Year's rhyme;
  • persuade the neighbor on the right to drink a glass, drink it;
  • praise your favorite dish on the table;
  • create a choir from the guests and sing a verse of the New Year's song;
  • wish something to each of those present in the New Year;
  • say a toast in honor of the guests.

Time is inexorably fleeting and the onset of the New Year is very close. And again, the acting Father Frost takes the reins of government into his skillful hands.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Very soon the Kremlin chimes will notify us that the New Year has come. And by this magical hour, my telepathic magical abilities are gaining their maximum strength, which I certainly want to demonstrate to you. Think of any number. Multiply it by two. Add one to the amount received. Multiply the result by five and add three. Now let me know the result you got.

Everyone who decides to test the telepathic abilities of the Leader tells him the number, and the Leader, making a thoughtful face, discards the last digit in the announced result and announces the secret number conceived by the participant.

And now, a clear chiming clock heralded the New Year! In a few seconds, the most cherished desires are made! And the champagne flowed like a river, flavored with triple shouts of “Hurrah” and sincere wishes to each other!

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Did you think that I forgot about my assignment to write the dates of your birthdays? But Grandfather Frost, whom you did not notice while your attention was riveted on the speech of the President and the battle of the Chimes, nevertheless found a minute and looked at us and left a whole bag of gifts.

With these words, the Leader can shake a real or impromptu bag, where he placed symbolic prizes.

I. O. Santa Claus:- So, I take out the envelope and look through the dates that are there! The gift is received by the one whose birthday is closest to our today's holiday.

After the participant has received his first prize in the New Year, the Host again addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Don't be upset. You have a great opportunity to win one more of the prizes and gifts from Santa Claus. And for this it is absolutely necessary to find all the snowflakes that are hidden throughout the apartment. And the one who collects the snowflakes must add the numbers written on the back to each other. Whose sum will be the largest, he will receive a prize for dexterity and attentiveness!

Traditionally, all home holidays in our country and not only are held at a richly laid table and the maximum that they can diversify is dancing and singing under karaoke. The bravest ones can go outside to take a breath of fresh air and admire the fireworks, the volleys of which are heard from all sides, especially on New Year's Eve.

But it was not there! Our daring I.O. Santa Claus does not throw the reins of power over the course of the holiday and again attracts everyone's attention to himself.

I. O. Santa Claus:

Here comes the New Year
it was twelve years ago.
Who ate a lot, who drank a lot,
But our strength is with us!

Now let's find out who of us is the strongest this year!

The facilitator distributes a newspaper sheet to each of those who wish. Participants hold a newspaper by the corner at arm's length. On command or from the beginning of the music that has begun to play, all contestants must collect the entire newspaper sheet into a fist. Whoever completed the task first is the strongest in the New Year and receives a prize!

Tiredness and cheerful drinks do their job, and I. O. Santa Claus notices that the time has come to hold another comic contest. For this, a second sheet of whatman paper is unfolded, on which a thermometer is depicted with a felt-tip pen.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now let's find out who is the most persistent, strongest, most sober of us in the New Year!

The participant approaches a piece of drawing paper fixed on the wall and turns his back to it. The task of the participant, bending down and stretching out his hand to the alcohol meter between his legs, is to mark the lowest degree with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees are drawn from bottom to top from highest to lowest so that the participants reach as high as possible!

After the competition and the presentation of a symbolic prize to the most persistent and sober, the host addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Our company has gathered the strongest, most savvy, most cheerful and most sober! May the New Year bring you many fulfilled desires, ideas and prospects! Let good health and willpower help to overcome obstacles not only in the form of snowdrifts and impenetrable thickets, but also in all spheres of life! And let's try to make it around us a little warmer and more sincere, so that the kinship of souls and strong close-knit friendship are indestructible, that's how I tried to do for you today! And let in those drawings that the New Year will give you, you will be the winners with sincere smiles and a feeling of happiness! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

New Year's feast is always very generous and cheerful. And wonderfully cheer up at the beginning of the holiday various table games: horoscopes, toasts, guessing games and which help to "get involved" in entertainment program and get to know each other a little or, if you know each other, then relax and feel comfortable, as happens among close people.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's table role-playing tales - impromptu, which will decorate the program of any New Year's holiday. For such a table entertainment, you only need cards with words for the characters, a text for the host and, if desired, a small prop for the participants.

New Year table role-playing fairy tale "Hi, New Year!"

Before the start of the replica, you can rehearse, explaining to all participants that they should be pronounced when the congratulations are about their hero, and when exactly, it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the host will give (you can even agree on signs). Although, if you read expressively, then everyone understands when to enter.

Actors, replicas:


Toastmaster- "There is still an hour before the New Year!"

Precinct- "So, maybe today you will pour me one too?"

Father Frost- "And I brought you gifts!"

Guests- "Hi, New Year!"

Neighbours- "Congratulations to all of you!"

The choice of "artists" who will pronounce certain replicas is carried out by the presenter in a playful way:

Artists Choice

Leading: To play a scene for us
Roles should be handed out!
(Some of the guests) You, I see, do not be silent
And talk all the time.
We need a speaker now
You fit just right! (Hands over a sheet with a phrase for the role of Announcer.)
(to another guest) And toast to you -
Master of ceremonies you, therefore! (Gives the words for the role of Toastmaster)
(To another guest) Man is not new to everyone -
Everyone knows the District Officer! (Hands over the words for the role of the Precinct)
(to a male guest) Replace Santa Claus
He's late for something! (Gives words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) Ask to be neighbors
You are always very welcome! (Hands words for Neighbors)
(to another group of guests) Be our guests
And play with us! (Hands the words for the Guests)

Further, the Host reads the text, and the guests, after his corresponding words, pronounce their lines.
Fairy tale text
People are going to celebrate
And, as expected, celebrate the New Year.
Glasses filled to the brim
AND Guests screaming... (Hello New Year!)
But in the telly Speaker not in a hurry at all
Rustling different papers for a long time
And it kind of informs us...

Rises Toastmaster at the table in full growth
And makes a very fresh toast,
Quite swinging with a glass in hand ...
And the music is loud on the telly
And the Basque performs its famous hit.
And the glasses are filled again to the brim.
All Guests screaming... (Hello New Year!)

Here Father Frost latecomer knocks.
Seeing painfully familiar faces,
Rubbing his red nose in embarrassment
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
A Guests decided to raise Tamada.
He can't get up on his own!
And he makes a toast, as in a dream ... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
A Speaker repeats especially for us ... (It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Probably afraid that we will "pick up"
And we can't wait for the New Year!
The doorbell rang. tumbled in Neighbours,
They brought wine and all sorts of food.
They scream from the threshold ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
A Speaker(It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Slightly making room, they sat down at the table.
Quite out of place Precinct came in
Seeing our company in the window... (So, can you pour me a drink today?)
Neighbours screaming... (Congratulations to all of you!)
A Speaker(It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Here he takes out his bag Father Frost
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
How wonderful to celebrate the New Year together!
And barely breathing Toastmaster ours rises... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
He can't wait for gifts.
Glasses are poured for the main toast,
All rose in unison Guests,
They chant together... (Hello New Year!)
And the hands of the clock are rushing forward!
Our Toastmaster sobered up in an instant
And again he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (So let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
Well, well, pour it and raise a glass to the New Year everyone!

New Year's table tale for a close company "Well, you give!"
(Idea Arapova I.Yu.)

This table entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played according to the same rules, but with more fun text, designed for an adult company. This one will especially benefit if, in addition to cards with words, the characters are given small props: funny hats, noses, headbands that emphasize the comicality of the image.

Actors and lines :

New Year- "Well, you give!"

Father Frost “Are you drinking without me?”

Snow Maiden- "Both on!"

Old women (Baba-Yaga) - "Well, never mind, yourself!"

Goblin- "Well, good luck!"

Waitress“Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people)- "Happy New Year!"

Leading- reads text

Fairy tale text

On New Year's Eve
People have a tradition of celebrating
To the people to the bulb crisis, adversity
Satisfied shout loudly ... ("Happy New Year!")

And here in front of us sits New Year,
He seems to have just been born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
And wondering out loud... ("Well, you give!")

A Guests cheerful, fashionably dressed
In joy, they shout loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Congratulate rushed (everywhere sticks his nose)
Who is tired of matinees? Father Frost!
He says barely coherently: ... (“Without me, are you drinking?”)
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

And what's outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
But Guests still screaming... ("Happy New Year!")

Here I got up Snow Maiden theatrically,
And she looks very sexy.
It seems that she will not go home alone,
And mysteriously said... ("Both on!")

Father Frost sighed: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
A Guests again, without delay and immediately,
Louder and louder shouting: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Maiden full of forebodings
Tastes, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing everything groans: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Two frisky grannies, two Baba Yaga,
As if you got up on the right foot
Cooing under a glass of yagush fate,
And out loud they are indignant: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)

Snow Maiden full of passion, desire,
With temptation and languidly repeats: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing or yells: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
And after New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Everything goes its own way, goes its own way,
AND Guests shouting again... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but bright and brief
Made a contribution Waitress.
She threw the arrows on the table,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguski, accustomed, as if in a hut,
They shouted to her in chorus: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)
Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughing, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

A Grandfather, already screaming: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
AND Guests feeling the freedom of thought
They chant together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Goblin, with joy, almost crying,
Stands up with the words: ... ("Well, good luck!")
A Waitress, having sipped the burners,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

grandmothers, one more zakolbasiv
They shout for a couple: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)
Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed aloud: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Father Frost slyly whispering, (“Are you drinking without me?”)

And drinks New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... ("Well, good luck!")

And glasses, as if filled with honey,
At guests that they drink and shout in unison: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year's table impromptu "Forest Tale"

Actors and lines:

Hare- "Hares have a hard time"

Elk- "Everything broke in me!"

Cat- "I need a little champagne"

Piggy- "I'm beautiful as a snowflake!"

Hedgehog- "Without a head and legs"

Fairy tale text

In the New Year, everyone, without a doubt,
Believe in fairy tales, gentlemen!
In our hall of transformation

And brilliant acting!

Fairy tale text
In the forest, under the old tree
lives Hare timid.
He always says the same thing: (Hares have a hard time)
One day, on New Year's Eve,
The people of the forest have gathered.
Go on a visit to the oblique,
Drink and eat there.
Old uncle came Elk (everything broke in me)
The girl came with him Cat (Give me some champagne)
Aunt came running Piggy (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)
He appeared, shivering all over from the cold.
Hare repeats to everyone: (Hares have a hard time)
Here said uncle Elk:(everything broke in me)
“To live easily in the morning,

Helps 100 grams of cognac.
But my aunt intervened. Cat: (Give me some champagne)
“It will become easier for someone to live,

If he learns to be cunning."
“No, let me,” he says Piggy, - (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To make life easier

We need to marry him!”
Joined the conversation here Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)

"To make it easy to live in the world,
You need to have courage."

Hare know, he says one thing: (Hares have a hard time)
Nothing, told everyone Elk:(everything broke in me)
"The New Year is coming,
So we're all lucky."
The girl says Cat: (Give me some champagne)
“And so that success overtakes us,
I invite everyone to drink"
"That's a thought," she exclaimed. Piggy(I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Drink happy and wise Hedgehog(I'm without a head and legs)
The animals began to pour
And congratulate each other.
To make life easy for everyone
And everyone was always lucky in everything!

New Year's role-playing fairy tale "Japanese belief about the symbols of the year"

The participants of this are given words and 12 animal masks.
The facilitator reads the text. The one he calls says his phrase.

Actors and lines:

Mouse - "Don't mess with me!"
Bull- "I warn you, I'm a jock!"
Tiger"No more games!"
Rabbit"I'm not an alcoholic!"
The Dragon“My word is law!”
Snake“Well, of course it’s me!”
Horse- "The fight will be hot"
Goat- "All, of course," for "!"
Monkey- "I'm sure, without a flaw!"
Rooster- "Uh!" I scream at the top of my lungs!
Dog“There will be a fight here soon!”
Pig- "Just a little - I immediately!"
People(Spectators) shout in chorus - "Congratulations!".

Fairy tale text

There is a Japanese belief

The story, to put it simply:

Animals once gathered
Choose your king
Mouse came running... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Dragon has arrived... ( "My word is law!")
The goat also appeared... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
The dog rushed ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
The snake crawled ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
Rooster came running ... (
The Pig has arrived... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The horse galloped ... ( "The fight will be hot")
The Tiger jumped ... ( "No more games!")
Bull has tangled up... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Rabbit jumped ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey has come... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
Gathered for the New Year
They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and cries until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to be king.
Mouse said... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
Rabbit shouted hysterically ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey was outraged ... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
The snake claimed ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
The dog warned everyone ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
Bull is furious... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The dragon yelled to everyone ... ( "My word is law!")
Rooster crowed ... ( “Wow! I scream at the top of my lungs!)
Goat bent her horns... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
The Tiger growled menacingly ... ( "No more games!")
The Pig got scared... ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The horse bucked ... ( "The fight will be hot")
In general, they fought on New Year's Eve,
When the people chanted joyfully…. ("Congratulations!")

And from heaven to it strictly
looked japanese god
And he said: "It's time, by God,
Stop the commotion!
Get up in a friendly round dance,
May each one rule for one year!”
Goat jumped... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
Dragon approved... ( "My word is law!")
The Pig suggested ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The Tiger also confirmed ... ( "No more games!")
The Rooster was delighted ... ( “Wow! I scream at the top of my lungs!)
Bullock warned everyone ... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Mouse said languidly... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Snake boasted to everyone ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
Monkey answered her ... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
Dog sniffed ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
The Horse frowned ... ( "The fight will be hot")
Only the Rabbit squealed ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
It was on New Year's Eve
When people chant joyfully…. ("Congratulations!")

Collection posted for review