Scenario of the holiday “Miss Little Princess” (competition program). Beauty contest "Little Miss VON for care"

The decoration of the hall looks like this:

Near the central wall there are chairs in a semicircle according to the number of boys. To the introduction of the song “Factory Girls,” the boys come out and stand in a semicircle near the chairs.

Boy: Drops are ringing outside the window,

Finally spring has come

Many joyful moments

She cooked it!

Boy: And it’s not for nothing that we are in this room

Everyone has gathered today

Let's start the show

Under the name

Together:"Mini - miss"!

Boy: It is a holiday today. All is ready? Hey, is anyone late?

Boy: The girls there are all new, so invite them to the gym!

Boy: Clap your hands quickly, there they are, right there!

Boy: Smile more cheerfully, Nishi girls are coming!

The song “Factory Girls” is playing, girls come in. Boys sit on chairs and “play the balalaika”, girls form a circle, make a “carousel”, spin and disperse to the chairs, the boys clap for them, then the boys stand behind the chairs, and the girls sit on the chairs and make “carnations” with the head (flirty ), and the boys look over their shoulders at them.

Then the boys come out from behind the chairs and invite the girls to slow dance.

The boys accompany the girls, sit on the chairs, and the girls sit on their laps.

Children stand in a semicircle, boys behind girls (in between).

Boy: Today is such a wonderful day

And such an amazing one!

Stars came down from the sky to us

And everyone was warmed by beauty!

Boy: Girls, we’ll sit down and look at you beautiful people from the audience. (The boys take chairs and leave to the song “Factory Girls”, and the girls stand in a semicircle).

Presenter: And now let’s speak to our contestants.

Girl 1: I got up so early today

I was so worried this morning

After all, the competition is in kindergarten today

I have to come dressed up.

Girl 2: My mother bought me a new dress,

I will thank my mother for this.

Girl 3: And we were twirling our curls with our beloved granny yesterday,

So as not to spoil my curls,

I slept with curlers all night!

Girl 4: And my mother and I learned the words,

So that I can read them without hesitation.

Girl 5: And we repeated all the movements with her,

May I dance them beautifully in the hall!

Girl 6: And I tried on the dress all evening.

Girl 7: And I repeated songs about my mother.

Girl 8: And I was choosing a gift for my beloved granny.

Girl 9: I was just looking forward to this holiday.

Girl 10: Like the daughter of Alla Pugacheva -

I will soon become a singer,

I'm ready to drink raw eggs,

Even though I really don't like them.

Girl 11: I also love to sing and I’ll sing a song for everyone later.

Girl 12: And I, like a mother, will knead the dough and invite you all to visit.

Girl 13: And we were looking for cool hairpins

It's not in vain!

Female beauty items

You should see everything on me!

Girl 14: My mother and I were looking for new shoes, we found them, look how fashionable they are.

Presenter: Oh, how much trouble and worry!

Oh, so many worries and doubts!

Trust us girls, you are all beautiful!

And Julia, and Ksyusha and Lyubasha, Masha, and Dasha, Christina, Sonya, Eva, Ulyana and Lera.

And yet it’s time for us to start,

I wish you success.

Yes, our task is not easy, how to choose the one

That she would be more beautiful than everyone else, and would be kind and brave

A dancer and skilled at work?

I just don’t know how we’ll choose it,

But the “Mini-Miss” competition

I'm still announcing it.

The girls sit down. Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal come arm in arm

Koschei: Hey everyone. (Approaches parents) What are you doing here?

Baba Yaga:(Teases the girls) Oh, they dressed up, what a beauty they are. And where are you going in your outfits?

Koschey: Listen, Yagusenka, where did we end up with you?

Presenter: You are not in your fairy tales, but in kindergarten! This is where they raise children! And these are our guests, mothers and grandmothers. They came to us for the March 8 holiday. That’s why we are all so smart today and now we will congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, employees and girls on the holiday.

Baba Yaga: AAAA...that's it.

Koschey: We've come up with different holidays, you have nothing better to do.

Baba Yaga: You don’t understand anything, Koscheyushka, it’s so romantic! By the way, you can congratulate me too.

Koschey: Congratulations?

Baba Yaga: Yes! This is also my holiday...

Koschey: I completely forgot, you are also a grandmother. But I have absolutely nothing to give to you, my dear friend.

Baba Yaga: I don’t need anything, if only the same dress...... (points to any girl) or shoes like this........

Koschey: I knew that you would pester me: I want the same dress, I want the same hairstyle!

Baba Yaga: Of course I want! Look how smart and beautiful the girls are all here. Like princesses sitting and looking at me like a princess.

Presenter: Our girls are so smart because today we have a “Mini-Miss” competition.

Baba Yaga: Miss, and even mini? We have never seen or heard anything like this in our forests.

Presenter: Don't you know that in different countries Competitions are held annually in which the sweetest, most well-mannered and charming girls are chosen, awarding them the titles of Miss Russia, Miss Europe, Miss World. So we decided to hold such a competition in our kindergarten.

Baba Yaga: I, too, am quite nice, well-mannered and charming, and I want to take part in your competition. What do you call it there? AAAA, I remembered, “Mini - Miss.”

Koschey: You're not old enough for this competition!

Baba Yaga: At least behave yourself here. And don't remind me of your age. I may be young at heart.

Presenter: Dear guests, stop arguing. And if you come to our competition, then take part as members of the jury. Do you agree?

Baba Yaga: We agree! We promise to evaluate participants fairly!

Leading: And an independent jury will help you……………

Koschey: Well, dear viewers and dear boys, prepare your palms for applause, I am announcing the first “Dance” competition.

Dance to the song “One palm, two palms.”

Presenter: Our girls, like peahens, danced slowly. Lyubasha, Masha, Dasha, each one is so good!

Koschey: And Yulia is our beauty, of course everyone likes her!

Baba Yaga: And there are also two girls, Ksyusha and Kristina, who are laughing! The scarlet cheeks are glowing, the eyes are sparkling merrily!

Presenter: Our Ulyans are good, we love them from the bottom of our hearts!

Koschey: Eva and Lera walk like swans floating!

Baba Yaga: Everyone is dancing just great, get a kiss from us.

Presenter: Our girls are ready to perform

Show off all your abilities at our festival! Fans, support our girls with applause. (Baba Yaga and Koschey are scattering various garbage and unwinding balls of yarn at this time).

Presenter: What have you done, you pranksters?

Baba Yaga: What have they done, what have they done! Ali, don’t you see, dear? Made a mess!

Presenter: What for?

Koschey: It’s a nice job for us to do nasty things. We can’t help ourselves! We would be glad not to do any mischief, but......alas, it doesn’t work out.

Baba Yaga: We wanted to check which assistants you have among the boys.

Competition for boys: “Pick up the trash and wind up the balls”

Options for tasks at the discretion of the teacher: collect scattered pencils in a box; collect candy wrappers by type into a bucket; collect mother's scattered beads; assemble a pyramid, wind up balls.

Presenter: The next competition is called “Poetry”

Dear jury, this competition evaluates the expressive reading of a poem.

Baba Yaga: Koscheyushka, sit with me here, and put your ears on top of your heads, and listen to the poems that these little girls are reading. (They sit in front of the girls, and they stand in a semicircle)

Girl 1: Our dear mothers, let us grow up and be ourselves

We work and serve, in general we will live well.

Girl 2: I will become a good cook, I will feed my family deliciously:

Soup, pancakes, potatoes.

I love to eat myself!

Girl 3: I will work at school

Give all the guys a high five

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

Girl 4: I'll plant flowers in the house,

I'll plant flowers in the garden,

So that in any season

Give you beauty!

Girl 5: I will treat the sick

Improve their health.

I'll tell them:

- First of all, take care of your nerves.

- Secondly, try to do physical exercise. Although the doctors are ready to help, everyone better be healthy!

Girl 6: I'll go to the hairdressers

I'll line my eyes and eyebrows.

Come, our mothers, I will dye your hair.

I can quickly style my hair with a thin small comb.

It will be fashionable, super class!

Dads won't recognize you.

Girl 7: I want to become an accountant

I'm learning different numbers.

There is an accountant in a restaurant,

Both in the factory and in the bathhouse.

He keeps track of money:

Where is the expense and where is the income.

He knows mathematics

He can quickly count the numbers,

Here is the expense, and here is the income -

Nothing will be lost!

Girl 8: I will be the Manager.

This is what my family wants!

Manages a large company

Both intelligently and skillfully.

Distributes money like this

So that the business grows and becomes stronger.

He gives instructions

To all our employees,

For the company to move forward,

It brought them profit.

Girl 9: I'll go to school soon

I want to become a teacher.

The cheerful bell rang

In yellow-red September,

School doors opened

To our noisy children.

In a long life exam

Along the indirect path

Will lead you to the land of knowledge

Our teacher is the helmsman.

Girl 10: And I will come to our kindergarten,

I'll start raising kids

It's so nice -

Play for yourself, play

It's fun with the guys!

Work is simply heaven!

Girl 11: Don't worry about us, we're only six for now.

We still have to go to school, then we will choose.

We don’t yet know where to study, what we will become.

Girl 12: In the meantime, we just dream, we keep playing and playing.

We are not in a hurry to work, we will decide everything with you later!

Girl 13: We are happy to congratulate all the kindergarten workers today,

It’s good for us to be near them, oh, if only there were more of them!

Girl 14: Our teachers are so kind and diligent!

We love them, we don’t let them down, we dance in circles together,

We sew, draw and count, we really, really respect you!

Boys come to the intro of the song

Everyone sings the song “Our Educator.”

Baba Yaga: Listen, my dear friend, let’s also hold a competition with these beauties, and let their mothers help them.

Koschey: Come on, my precious friend Granny-Yagusya. You stand here and show off your beauty, and let them draw your portrait on a balloon. Let mothers hold a balloon for their daughter, and the girls will be artistic.....draw my shaggy Yagusya.

Baba Yaga: Where did you get the idea that I’m shaggy, it’s just my hair that’s like that.

Koschey: Yes, I call you so affectionately, I just know very few kind words.

Baba Yaga: I came up with an idea. Let the girls teach you this.

Koschey: Exactly! When you draw, you will need to give the ball to my friend Baba Yaga and say kind words to her; whoever does it better will win this competition.

Competitions “Cheerful Portrait” and “Compliments”.

(at this time, 3 boys, playing the role of grandmothers in the dramatization, go out with the presenter to change clothes).

Koschey: Thanks to the girls for the funny portraits of my forest friend. And they said so many kind words to her that even I wanted to congratulate her. My dear, my beloved and my scariest beauty, I congratulate you on Women’s Day on March 8th. From my heart and kidneys, I give you this flower. (Gives her a flower).

Baba Yaga: Oh, you took pity on me, my decrepit old man. Oh, who else came to us?

Dramatization of the song “Grandmothers - Old Women”.

Presenter: Now everyone stand in a semicircle and dedicate your congratulations to the grandmothers.

Child 1: People always say that grandmothers love their grandchildren.

And I love my dear granny even more!

Child 2: He will dress, feed the grandchildren and take us to kindergarten,

And in the evening he will read a fairy tale and sing a tender song!

Child 3: Beloved, kind, dear grandmother!

Let everyone in the world know how much I love you!

Boy: If my grandmother ever gets sick, her grandson will warm her up with kindness and affection. My grandmother and I are best friends, just get well, my grandmother!

Child 4: The spring song flies into the distance, I’m a little sorry to part with the song. Because I sing a song to my grandmother, because I love my grandmother!

Song "Grandma" music. etc. I. Convenan.

Koschey: Attention! The next competition is announced, it’s funny called “I’m going all like this. Dolce gabana.” We invite you, girls, to become models and, walking down the catwalk, demonstrate not only your hairstyle, but also your ability to move beautifully.

The Green Carriage music plays and the girls perform dance moves.

Presenter: And our next competition is a joke one and it’s called “Fashionable”. Girls, come out and joke a little.

Girl: I'll tell you girls a secret,

There is no more fashionista than mom!

Mom’s dresses simply cannot be counted,

There are even gold earrings!

Girl: And mine has lipstick!

Girl: And my hair is cool!

Girl: My very beautiful mother!

She is painting her nails. And lips always!

Girl: Stiletto heels on mom's feet,

I even want to wear them sometimes!

All: We need to dress up like mothers,

To turn into moms for a minute!

Who is faster than "Fashionista"

The girls put on their mother’s dress, beads, and high-heeled shoes and walk in a circle.

Baba Yaga: My dear Koscheyushka, how I love you. Thank you for having such a funny, kind and very loyal friend.

Koschey: Oh, my forest friend….brought me to tears, but I’m also very glad that I have such a friend.

Presenter: And in our group, boys and girls are also great friends, and now the next “Golden Voice” competition will be dedicated to our dear boys. The girls will sing a song as a gift for the boys, and you, the jury, don’t yawn, mark who sings better.

Song "I was not born a boy."

Koschey: Why sit and be silent, quickly take out your hands, clap, come on.

Presenter: Our dear girls, you coped with all the tasks wonderfully. While the jury is discussing your performances, take feedback from the boys. Boys, congratulate them, your dear girlfriends.

(boys come out and read poetry)

1 boy: Ulny, Yulenka, and Masha,

2nd boy: Christening, Eva, Sonya, Ksyusha Dasha and Lyubasha.-

3 boy: How beautiful you are in the spring,

4 boy: Some in appearance, some in soul.

5 boy: And on a wonderful spring day

Together: We congratulate you all!

6 boy: In our group of girls -

Smart girls, beauties!

And confess to us boys,

Love this!

7 boy: We promise you today

Give compliments.

And you will grow up a little,

We will give you flowers!

8 boy: To our dear girls

Today we will say from the bottom of our hearts:

Even though you are sometimes a bully,

We love you anyway!

9 boy: We hope for a miracle -

The girls will make a lot of sense!

By school they will grow up and be

Know the lesson for ten

10 boy: In general, be like us,

Cute and strong!

11th boy: There's no sweet spot with these girls!

Before they have time to grow up, they demand outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of care!

Oh, these young ladies! Oh, these fashions!

We wish our girls to grow up and become like our mothers. We will not give you offense and congratulate you on the holiday.

K. Orbakaite’s song “Sponges in a Bow” sounds and all the children run out to dance.

Tanya “Sponges in a bow”

After the dance, the children remain in a checkerboard pattern.

Child: To our dear and golden mothers, we want to say thank you.

Child: Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world.

You look into the eyes.

Open and direct.

No matter how far the road takes us.

We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers,

Child: We rarely bring bouquets to mom.

But everyone upsets her so often.

And a kind mother forgives all this.

Beautiful mother all this forgives.

Child: Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly

She performs her duty patiently.

Every mother is beautiful in her own way -

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Child: To my dear mother

I would like to wish

Be with me at home more often,

So that I don't get bored alone.

So that we can read books

We sewed a hat for a bear,

I feel light next to my mother

And cozy and warm!

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

And I run to my mother’s call.

I will hug my mother tenderly,

I won't upset her.

Child: There's nothing sweeter

Mom's smile -

As if the light of the sun will flash,

The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!

Like a goldfish flashing its tail -

Will bring joy to the heart

Mom's smile!

Song "Dear Mother"

Presenter: Dear grandmothers and mothers, may in your life,

Your every hour, every day and every year will be joyful

All together children and heroes: May it bring you happiness!

Presenter: And now we give the floor to the jury.

Jury: We consulted and decided that all our girls receive a score of 25 points today. This is the highest score of our competition. Let's welcome our participants! All participants were awarded titles.

Koschey awards the girls with honorary ribbons:

Miss Beauty

Miss Charming

Miss Smile

Miss Charm

Miss Modesty

Miss Kindness, etc.

The girls take a lap of honor to the applause of the fans.

Koschey: On behalf of all men, I once again want to congratulate our dear mothers, kind grandmothers and the most charming girls on this holiday.

Together: Congratulations!

All children are rewarded with sweet prizes. Children give gifts to mothers, grandmothers, and employees. made with your own hands. After the holiday, everyone is invited to tea.

Preliminary work: At the 1st stage of the competition, which was held in groups, 8 participants were selected from all girls 5-6 years old who will compete in the 2nd stage of the competition.

Tasks: develop children's creative abilities, singing abilities, dancing abilities, stage presence, and delight others with their successes.


Guests and participants gather in the hall.

Presenter: Good evening! I am glad to welcome you to this hall, to our celebration. Today is an unusual day, everyone is in high spirits and excited. We are starting our competition, which we called “Mini – Miss Thumbelina”, since our participants are still very, very young. Of course, they are very excited, because this is the first competition in their lives! Now I ask for your attention!
Meet! Contest participants and contenders for the title of “Miss Thumbelina”

Music sounds (at the choice of the music director), the girls-competitors enter in turn, the presenter introduces each one.

Presenter: Now each girl will go up to the daisy and tear off a petal with a number written on the back. This will be the number under which the participant will perform.

The girls approach the daisy, tear off a petal, determine their number and leave to prepare for the competition.

Presenter: The numbers were determined, the participants took their places. Our competition takes place in 6 rounds.

  1. "Dancing" It evaluates plasticity and sense of rhythm.
  2. "Grace". Girls must show off their outfit.
  3. “Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult”.The imagination of the participants is assessed.
  4. "Crystal Voice" Girls must show their vocal abilities.
  5. “My mirror, tell me.” The artistry of the participants is taken into account.
  6. "I am an artist." Original output.

All tours are scored up to 3 points. Our competition is judged by an adult and children's jury. The jury faces a difficult task - to choose the most charming girl. It is very difficult.
As part of the children's jury: Katya Bukhanets - winner of the Miss Thumbelina contest in 2010.
The adult jury consists of: _______________________________________
All jury members are impartial and incorruptible.

For the attention of the jury, in addition to the “Miss Thumbelina” prize, additional prizes have been announced: Miss Smile, Miss Tenderness, Miss Charm, Miss Modesty, Miss Artistry, Miss Fantasy, Miss Grace, Audience Award. To you,

– Dear guests, we have to choose a participant who will receive the audience award. There are tables in the hall, there are vases on them, each vase has a number on it, it corresponds to the number of the participants. You must place the chip in the vase with the number of the participant you like. For example, if you liked the participant numbered No. 2, then put it in vase No. 2, etc., then the jury counts the votes and determines the participant who will receive the Audience Choice Award.
Now that there are no outstanding questions left, I want to announce the 1st round.

Carlson appears unnoticed.

Carlson: No, I don't play like that with you, or with anyone. Try to linger somewhere and they will immediately pretend that you were not there at all.

Presenter: Excuse me, Carlson, but you were never late for any meetings, and so I decided that you were sick and took the risk of holding 1 competition myself.

Carlson: No, how do you imagine? 1 competition without me! After all, I am the best organizer of all kinds of competitions, let it be known to you, dear presenter. But I can only forget because I don’t eat enough cookies, jam and sweet buns. So what if I’m well-fed, but I can dance better than anyone else. This is so nice, I am the most dancing man in the world.

Presenter: Well, okay, Carlson, I understood everything and agree that I was wrong, and I apologize. Just try not to be late next time.

Carlson: I promise! Now attention! Dance competition! Our gentlemen will help the girls in this competition.

1st round “Dance”(children perform dances learned in advance at the choice of the music director)

Presenter: Thank you girls, thank you boys. The first round has ended, and I ask the jury to give their scores.

Carlson: How I liked it! I'm just delighted! I haven't felt such pleasure for a long time.

Presenter: So, word from the jury!

Jury scores.

Carlson: You can't even imagine how much I love children! Especially little girls, they are so wonderful, elegant, the most beautiful.

Presenter: Well, since you're talking about outfits, it's time to announce the second round, it's called "Grace". Participants must walk beautifully, showing off their outfit.

Round 2 “Grace”

Presenter: The second competition has ended.

Carlson: I'm over the moon! This is such beauty!

Presenter: I'm glad you liked it, but we still have a competition. Carlson, have you forgotten?

Carlson: I haven’t forgotten, but I wouldn’t want to be in the jury’s place, it’s very difficult, because the participants are simply charming!

Presenter: In the meantime, while the discussion is going on, we will listen to a cheerful song performed by the vocal ensemble “Nightingale”

Concert number(song “In the yard in the sun”, music and lyrics by Lidia Razdobarina)

Carlson: What guys! They just have talent! And, in general, children can do anything. Even things that adults can't do. For example, you, dear adults, could do this. For example, could you, dear adults, become children for a while? Never! But the participants in our competition will now show what they will be like when they become adults.

Presenter: We are starting the 3rd round of our competition: “Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult!”

Round 3 Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult”

Carlson: You have seen how they have changed, they are simply unrecognizable.

Presenter: You're absolutely right. Perhaps adults sometimes need to learn from children their imagination and looseness.

Carlson: I think that the jury will appreciate the imagination of the participants.

Presenter: And now we will see a fiery dance performed by our guys.

Concert number(the “Barbariki” dance is performed by a dance group)

Presenter: We give the floor to the jury.

Jury scores.

Presenter: Carlson, do you like to sing?

Carlson: Sing, yes, I am the most singing, moderately well-fed man in the world!

Presenter: Well. Since we are talking about singing, it’s time to announce the 4th round, which is called “Crystal Voice”.

Carlson: Attention! We begin!

Presenter: (addresses Carlson, who is sitting in thought) Carlson, what's wrong with you?

Carlson: I listened. How beautifully the girls sang. The jury has a very difficult job ahead of them. But there is nothing to do.

Presenter: While the jury is deliberating, our little singer Tenkova will perform for you Christina, oh will sing a song for us.

Concert number(song “Fishing”, music and lyrics by Lydia Razdobarina)

Presenter: Jury, over to you!

Jury scores.

Presenter: Now let's get back to the competitions. Our beautiful participants are offered a competition to present their dignity, it is called “My light, mirror, tell me!” A magic mirror will help them with this. The mirror has the property that it can speak. Girls should, looking in the mirror, praise themselves with affectionate, laudatory words. The jury takes into account artistry and the ability to communicate with a magic mirror.

Carlson: That's great! Can I try it first! (Carlson takes the mirror and praises himself).

Presenter: Well done, Carlson! And now the floor to the participants!

Round 5 “My light, mirror, tell me”

Presenter: This competition has also ended. The participants rest and wait for the jury's assessments. (addresses the audience), and now we’ll play with you.

Game with the hall “Finish the poem”

Presenter: The jury's word!

Jury assessment.

Presenter: Attention! I am announcing the last tour, which is called “I am an Artist”. Girls need to prepare for this competition, and their mothers will help them with this.

(The girls leave to prepare for the last competition)

While our participants are preparing for an original appearance, I suggest you warm up a little, go out and dance.

Dance break. All children perform a free dance to music chosen by the music director. Solemn music sounds.

Presenter: Attention! So, the original way out. Each participant has their own favorite singer. And now we will find out who she is!

Presenter: Our last competition is over.

Carlson: That was great! In my opinion, all the participants are real stars!

Presenter: Carlson, you're right! But we have a competition. And while the jury is counting the points, I invite you to play some more.

Games with spectators “Top and Clap”

Presenter: Dear guests, do not forget that you must choose a participant who will receive the People's Choice Award. You can come up to the table and cast your vote for your favorite participant.

Presenter: Attention! The most exciting moment has arrived. The jury will now announce the winners of the competition.

Carlson: Jury, over to you!

The jury's word.

Presenter: The winner of the Miss Thumbelina 2010 contest, Katya Bukhanets, will help us present the awards.

Awarding of all participants in categories:

  • Miss Thumbelina
  • Miss Smile
  • Miss Tenderness
  • Miss Charm
  • Miss Modesty
  • Miss Artistic
  • Miss Grace
  • Miss Joy

Presenter: Our holiday is over. There are no losers in our competition. Here are the winners.

Music is playing. The girls walk through the hall.

Presenter: We thank the audience for their support, the jury for their hard work, the girls for their active participation, and the parents for their help in organizing the holiday! We say goodbye to you, see you again!

(Senior group)

Boys enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Spring has come to our house again! We are all waiting for the holiday again!

How we will sing, how we will dance! But, just where are our girls?

They bring beauty! They said they'll be here soon!

While we perform without them, we read poems for women!

We congratulate our beloved mothers

Happy spring bright women's day!

We wish you many happy days and make a promise:

– Don’t upset you very often

- And help you to the best of my ability.

- And there’s no point in contradicting you.

- And go to bed on time.

We know how tired you are! –

From morning to evening - business.

You have no equal in any work,

And there is no warmth at home without you!

May you all smile today

Your children did a great job.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance!

Why can't you see the girls? How long can you wait for them here?

Oh, friends, we forgot that this holiday is for them too!

That's not how we invited them! The girls are waiting for the words of others!

The best, the cutest, the kindest and the most beautiful

We invite girls! We welcome them solemnly!

The girls enter to the music.

Let's start having fun! Let there be smiles on faces!

May our spring holiday lift the spirits of everyone here!

We need to seriously take part in the holiday!

Both at the beginning and at the end I wish you happiness!

Today in our hall you are not allowed to be bored

We want your mood to have only a five rating.

And streams and birds in the sky

They are in a hurry to congratulate you on spring.

The drops are ringing and this dance

We will fulfill mothers for you!

Dance (choreographer).

Presenter. Drops are ringing outside the window,

Spring has finally arrived!

Many joyful moments

She cooked it!

And it’s not for nothing that we are in this room,

Everyone has gathered today.

Let's start the show

Called "Mini Miss".

All the girls walk around the hall in a circle of honor and stand scattered.

1 girl. I got up so early today

I was so worried this morning

She sewed me a new dress

My beloved mother!

2 girl. And we are at the hairdresser with grandma

We stayed all evening yesterday,

So as not to spoil my curls,

I couldn't sleep all night.

3 girl. And my mother and I learned the words,

So that I could read them without hesitation.

4 girl. And we repeated all the movements with her,

May I dance beautifully here in the hall!

5 girl. And we were looking for cool hairpins!

Now female beauty items

You should see everything on me!

Presenter . Oh, how much trouble and worry!

Oh, so many worries and doubts!

Trust us girls, you are all beautiful!

Yes, our task is not easy,

How to choose the one that is the most beautiful

And she would be kind and brave,

A dancer and skilled at work?

How we will choose her, I don’t know yet,

But I still announce the “Mini Miss” competition!

(Members of the jury take their places.)

Presenter. In the meantime, our girls are preparing for the first competition, our boys will congratulate our mothers.

1 boy ik: I am my mother's protector! I am a warrior, a hero!

I will stand up for my dear mother!

I am eager to protect her!

I tell you from the bottom of my heart!

And may the years fly by,

I will always be my mother’s protector!

2nd boy: I am a little soldier

I'm protecting my mom!

She is preparing tea -

I'm guarding the kettle!

When it boils -

I stop the fire!

And mom says

That I'm saving her!

3 boy: I am a little soldier

Take care of grandma!

There are trenches in her beds

I'll help you dig!

Carrots and cabbage

I will not give it to the enemy!

Granny says -

I can do a lot!

4 boy: I am a little soldier

And dad is a commander.

We stand on guard

And there is peace in our home!

Song "Boys".

Presenter. So, let's start the first competition - "Fashionistas"! Now our girls will show off their outfit!

Model show.

Boy You are beautiful and wonderful, it is difficult for us to look away.

We will admire you for three more months in a row.

Presenter. Dear jury, did you like the performance of our girls? (Their performance score is 5. Raises the sign.)

Presenter. And we have our next competition! "Mom's Helpers"!

Baba Yaga and Shapoklyak enter.

Both: Hello!

Presenter. : As if we weren't late? Look how many people are in the hall!

Shapoklyak : Everyone is dancing and having fun. Couldn't they wait for us?

Baba Yaga . By the way, we came here to participate in the “Mini Miss” competition. Preening. I heard that the winners are promised prizes here! You need to get them!

Shapoklyak. You interpret it correctly, friend! But how to get to this competition?

Baba Yaga . Their teacher was here somewhere. She needs to make a statement.

Shapoklyak and Baba Yaga look around in search of the Leader, notice and approach her.

Shapoklyak. We strongly declare that we want to participate in the “Mini Miss” competition and you must definitely accept us. Otherwise, this “Mini Miss” and this holiday of yours will not happen!

Presenter : Why do we need you? Our girls are participating in the competition; they are both smart and beautiful. And you, excuse me, are no longer young ladies.

Shapoklyak. What? But now we’ll check it! (takes out a mirror) My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth,

Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world? (Phonogram voice)

Oh, you stupid glass! It can not be! You're lying out of spite.

(Baba Yaga takes the mirror from Shapoklyak and repeats the words.)

Baba Yaga. I’ll call Koschey right away, he’ll reduce your kindness!

I like this mobile communications Even a stupa is useless!

(Picks up the phone and dials the number) Hello. Koscheyushka? Hello dear!

This is Yagulya. The problem came out. It turns out that these girls will be prettier than me and Shapoklyak. Yes, not a gag, but a Shapoklyak. Well, it’s downright offensive. So I say, they should reduce their kindness... What (slowly puts down the phone) Doesn’t want to help. I say today zhel, zhen... telmen, here. It’s okay, we’ll manage somehow ourselves.

Presenter. Yes, unforeseen circumstances! Well, Shapoklyak and Baba Yaga, so that you do not interfere with us, we will have to allow you to participate in the competition. Are you the only one who is sure that you can pass all the tests?

Baba Yaga. Don't worry, honey, we can handle everything! We love all kinds of competitions and games!

Fun gymnastics.

(Baba Yaga and Shapokl. sit down with the children.)

Presenter. So, let's start the second competition - "Mom's Helpers"! Now our girls will talk about what great helpers they are!

All girls . We girls love work

Why hunters?

And it’s not for nothing that they call us

Mom's helpers!

1 girl.

Don't bother us now

Our laundry is urgent,

Me and mom, just the two of us

We manage the laundry.

2 girl. It would be nice if suddenly

An iron fell into my hands.

I would show my mom

What a long time ago she became big!

3 girl. I got up early today

I kissed my mother on the cheek,

Sleep, my mummy!

I'll work hard today!

4 girl. I'll wash the dishes clean

And I won’t be capricious!

I'll cook it for lunch

Very tasty vinaigrette!

5 girl. I also help my mother,

I water the flowers in pots,

I'm still sweeping in the kitchen,

And I wash the doll’s dress!

6 girl. I help my mother

I work every day!

I'm clearing the table

I wash the floor with pleasure!

Presenter. We give the floor to the jury. (All the members are charming and hardworking. Therefore, everyone gets 5 points. Raises the sign.)

Shapoklyak. When will it be our turn?

Presenter. Please, we are ready to listen to you.

Baba Yaga. Here's the problem - Women's Day!

Too lazy to clean the house!

I'd rather sit in a chair

I'll watch TV.

And the disgusting dishes

I will never wash!

Shapoklyak. Here's the problem - Women's Day!

Too lazy to help mom!

Washing dishes, sweeping, whew!

I'd better go for a walk.

So, I don’t hear any applause!

Presenter. Yes, everything is clear, what kind of helpers you are!

Shapoklyak. Which?! Just think! Ugh! Dark people, what can I say!

Baba Yaga. I’m saying, don’t waste your talents on them!

Shapoklyak. Certainly! But we can shine in other competitions! We just need to prepare! Really, friend?

Baba Yaga. Let's run to get ready, quickly! They run away.

Presenter. And now the game pause. Our guys will show how they help mothers at home!

Child . My sister and brother and I played together.

And who doesn't it happen to? - Well, everything was scattered.

And we don’t want to upset mom

So, isn't it time to start cleaning?

Game "Spring cleaning"

Presenter. So, the next competition is “Skillful Hands”! Now our girls will show homework, which they prepared together with their mothers at home!

Exhibition of crafts.

Presenter. While the jury is deliberating and summing up the results of this competition

Our guys want to congratulate our grandmothers.

Children. My granny is simply beautiful.

She and I live happily, we sing songs together.

We play different games, or take a walk in the park.

We can drink Coca-Cola with her, because we live with her for fun.

My grandmother is so completely young!

My grandmother and I have secrets: my grandmother and I love candy. . Together, when mom isn't looking, we can eat three kilograms

And, of course, grandma likes pancakes: . He bakes them tirelessly, and I... put them in my mouth!

And I must admit, I like that my grandmother

Fashionable, beautiful and spoils me.

There is no kinder person - she is my best friend!

Let grandma always make everyone around her happy!

Song "Young Grandma"

Presenter. We give the floor to the jury. Results of the competition "Skillful Hands" (All participants receive 5 points.)

Presenter. We move on to the next competition “HOSTESSES”.

The girls must show how they can set the table. They must do it not only quickly, but also correctly.

Game "Table Setting"

Presenter. Results of the competition "Housewives"( Our hostesses are good! 5 points to everyone!)

Presenter. So, our final competition...

(Baba Yaga and Shapoklyak run in.)

Baba Yaga. Wait, don't start!

We ran all the way!

Shapoklyak. Good thing we weren't late!

Baba Yaga. We are ready to perform

Show off your talents!

Presenter. Final competition "Fantasy"

Competition "Tie a Scarf"

Presenter. The jury will announce prizes and titles today! Therefore, I ask all participants of today's celebration to take the stage!

The girls go out and build a semicircle. Baba Yaga and Shapoklyak join them.

Presenter. And now – the jury’s word!

Jury. We decided that all our girls will receive the highest score in our competition today - 5 points. Let's welcome our participants! Applause. All participants were awarded titles!

Miss Smile -

Miss Charm -

Miss Modesty -

Miss Artistic -

Miss Kindness -

Miss Charm -

Each girl is given a medal.

Baba Yaga. What titles were awarded to us?

Shapoklyak. Yes!

Presenter. In the category of guests of the competition, the titles were awarded: Shapoklyak - Miss Youth, Baba Yaga - Miss Veselinka. Medals. Shapoklyak and Baba - The Yagas rejoice and congratulate each other.

Shapoklyak. Well, here we go! Let's celebrate!

Children line up in a semicircle.

1 child . We are finishing our holiday,

What else can I tell you?

Let me say goodbye

I wish you good health.

2 child . Don't be sick, don't be sad,

Never get angry.

And so young

You always stay!

All. Happy holiday!

Song "Mom".

The presenter congratulates the guests on the holiday, the children give gifts to their mothers.

Preliminary work: At the 1st stage of the competition, which was held in groups, 8 participants were selected from all girls 5-6 years old who will compete in the 2nd stage of the competition.

Tasks: develop children's creative abilities, singing abilities, dancing abilities, stage presence, and delight others with their successes.


Guests and participants gather in the hall.

Presenter: Good evening! I am glad to welcome you to this hall, to our celebration. Today is an unusual day, everyone is in high spirits and excited. We are starting our competition, which we called “Mini – Miss Thumbelina”, since our participants are still very, very young. Of course, they are very excited, because this is the first competition in their lives! Now I ask for your attention!
Meet! Contest participants and contenders for the title of “Miss Thumbelina”

Music sounds (at the choice of the music director), the girls-competitors enter in turn, the presenter introduces each one.

Presenter: Now each girl will go up to the daisy and tear off a petal with a number written on the back. This will be the number under which the participant will perform.

The girls approach the daisy, tear off a petal, determine their number and leave to prepare for the competition.

Presenter: The numbers were determined, the participants took their places. Our competition takes place in 6 rounds.

  1. "Dancing" It evaluates plasticity and sense of rhythm.
  2. "Grace". Girls must show off their outfit.
  3. “Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult”.The imagination of the participants is assessed.
  4. "Crystal Voice" Girls must show their vocal abilities.
  5. “My mirror, tell me.” The artistry of the participants is taken into account.
  6. "I am an artist." Original output.

All tours are scored up to 3 points. Our competition is judged by an adult and children's jury. The jury faces a difficult task - to choose the most charming girl. It is very difficult.
As part of the children's jury: Katya Bukhanets - winner of the Miss Thumbelina contest in 2010.
The adult jury consists of: _______________________________________
All jury members are impartial and incorruptible.

For the attention of the jury, in addition to the “Miss Thumbelina” prize, additional prizes have been announced: Miss Smile, Miss Tenderness, Miss Charm, Miss Modesty, Miss Artistry, Miss Fantasy, Miss Grace, Audience Award. To you,

– Dear guests, we have to choose a participant who will receive the audience award. There are tables in the hall, there are vases on them, each vase has a number on it, it corresponds to the number of the participants. You must place the chip in the vase with the number of the participant you like. For example, if you liked the participant numbered No. 2, then put it in vase No. 2, etc., then the jury counts the votes and determines the participant who will receive the Audience Choice Award.
Now that there are no outstanding questions left, I want to announce the 1st round.

Carlson appears unnoticed.

Carlson: No, I don't play like that with you, or with anyone. Try to linger somewhere and they will immediately pretend that you were not there at all.

Presenter: Excuse me, Carlson, but you were never late for any meetings, and so I decided that you were sick and took the risk of holding 1 competition myself.

Carlson: No, how do you imagine? 1 competition without me! After all, I am the best organizer of all kinds of competitions, let it be known to you, dear presenter. But I can only forget because I don’t eat enough cookies, jam and sweet buns. So what if I’m well-fed, but I can dance better than anyone else. This is so nice, I am the most dancing man in the world.

Presenter: Well, okay, Carlson, I understood everything and agree that I was wrong, and I apologize. Just try not to be late next time.

Carlson: I promise! Now attention! Dance competition! Our gentlemen will help the girls in this competition.

1st round “Dance”(children perform dances learned in advance at the choice of the music director)

Presenter: Thank you girls, thank you boys. The first round has ended, and I ask the jury to give their scores.

Carlson: How I liked it! I'm just delighted! I haven't felt such pleasure for a long time.

Presenter: So, word from the jury!

Jury scores.

Carlson: You can't even imagine how much I love children! Especially little girls, they are so wonderful, elegant, the most beautiful.

Presenter: Well, since you're talking about outfits, it's time to announce the second round, it's called "Grace". Participants must walk beautifully, showing off their outfit.

Round 2 “Grace”

Presenter: The second competition has ended.

Carlson: I'm over the moon! This is such beauty!

Presenter: I'm glad you liked it, but we still have a competition. Carlson, have you forgotten?

Carlson: I haven’t forgotten, but I wouldn’t want to be in the jury’s place, it’s very difficult, because the participants are simply charming!

Presenter: In the meantime, while the discussion is going on, we will listen to a cheerful song performed by the vocal ensemble “Nightingale”

Concert number(song “In the yard in the sun”, music and lyrics by Lidia Razdobarina)

Carlson: What guys! They just have talent! And, in general, children can do anything. Even things that adults can't do. For example, you, dear adults, could do this. For example, could you, dear adults, become children for a while? Never! But the participants in our competition will now show what they will be like when they become adults.

Presenter: We are starting the 3rd round of our competition: “Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult!”

Round 3 Fantasy on the theme “When I become an adult”

Carlson: You have seen how they have changed, they are simply unrecognizable.

Presenter: You're absolutely right. Perhaps adults sometimes need to learn from children their imagination and looseness.

Carlson: I think that the jury will appreciate the imagination of the participants.

Presenter: And now we will see a fiery dance performed by our guys.

Concert number(the “Barbariki” dance is performed by a dance group)

Presenter: We give the floor to the jury.

Jury scores.

Presenter: Carlson, do you like to sing?

Carlson: Sing, yes, I am the most singing, moderately well-fed man in the world!

Presenter: Well. Since we are talking about singing, it’s time to announce the 4th round, which is called “Crystal Voice”.

Carlson: Attention! We begin!

Presenter: (addresses Carlson, who is sitting in thought) Carlson, what's wrong with you?

Carlson: I listened. How beautifully the girls sang. The jury has a very difficult job ahead of them. But there is nothing to do.

Presenter: While the jury is deliberating, our little singer Tenkova will perform for you Christina, oh will sing a song for us.

Concert number(song “Fishing”, music and lyrics by Lydia Razdobarina)

Presenter: Jury, over to you!

Jury scores.

Presenter: Now let's get back to the competitions. Our beautiful participants are offered a competition to present their dignity, it is called “My light, mirror, tell me!” A magic mirror will help them with this. The mirror has the property that it can speak. Girls should, looking in the mirror, praise themselves with affectionate, laudatory words. The jury takes into account artistry and the ability to communicate with a magic mirror.

Carlson: That's great! Can I try it first! (Carlson takes the mirror and praises himself).

Presenter: Well done, Carlson! And now the floor to the participants!

Round 5 “My light, mirror, tell me”

Presenter: This competition has also ended. The participants rest and wait for the jury's assessments. (addresses the audience), and now we’ll play with you.

Game with the hall “Finish the poem”

Presenter: The jury's word!

Jury assessment.

Presenter: Attention! I am announcing the last tour, which is called “I am an Artist”. Girls need to prepare for this competition, and their mothers will help them with this.

(The girls leave to prepare for the last competition)

While our participants are preparing for an original appearance, I suggest you warm up a little, go out and dance.

Dance break. All children perform a free dance to music chosen by the music director. Solemn music sounds.

Presenter: Attention! So, the original way out. Each participant has their own favorite singer. And now we will find out who she is!

Presenter: Our last competition is over.

Carlson: That was great! In my opinion, all the participants are real stars!

Presenter: Carlson, you're right! But we have a competition. And while the jury is counting the points, I invite you to play some more.

Games with spectators “Top and Clap”

Presenter: Dear guests, do not forget that you must choose a participant who will receive the People's Choice Award. You can come up to the table and cast your vote for your favorite participant.

Presenter: Attention! The most exciting moment has arrived. The jury will now announce the winners of the competition.

Carlson: Jury, over to you!

The jury's word.

Presenter: The winner of the Miss Thumbelina 2010 contest, Katya Bukhanets, will help us present the awards.

Awarding of all participants in categories:

  • Miss Thumbelina
  • Miss Smile
  • Miss Tenderness
  • Miss Charm
  • Miss Modesty
  • Miss Artistic
  • Miss Grace
  • Miss Joy

Presenter: Our holiday is over. There are no losers in our competition. Here are the winners.

Music is playing. The girls walk through the hall.

Presenter: We thank the audience for their support, the jury for their hard work, the girls for their active participation, and the parents for their help in organizing the holiday! We say goodbye to you, see you again!

Fanfare sounds, the bug solemnly walks onto the stage, she is the manager of the holiday

Zhuchikha: Hello, dear audience! Good afternoon I am very pleased to welcome you to the traditional “Little Miss 2009” competition. Let me introduce myself, I'm zhzhuchikha Zhzhzhanna, and I will be hosting this competition. I’ll tell you a secret that Thumbelina lives not far away, maybe we’ll be lucky and she’ll come out for a walk today to chat with me and meet you, my dear viewers. And now, dear friends, the important moment has come, we have invited the esteemed jury to this competition, which I will now introduce to you.

presentation of the jury members.

Thumbelina enters

Thumbelina: Hello dear sun! Hello, gentle sky! Hello cute flowers! Hello bug Zhanna! And hello, dear viewers! So summer has come, and I still live in Aunt Mouse’s hole, where it’s damp and dark, and I really want a holiday, I really want to dance, have fun, sing...

Zhuchikha: Hello dear Dumovochka, you are right on time! After all, today is our holiday! Beauty contest!

Thumbelina: And many lovely girls will take part in it?!

Zhuchikha: How burning!

Thumbelina: And you will introduce me to them?

Bugs: With pleasure!

BUSINESS CARD (introduction of competition participants)

Mouse: Thumbelina! Where have you gone, impudent girl? Oh, there you are! Why are you babbling here, time is money, as my dear neighbor the mole says. So there is no point in losing precious money, brrr, that is, time, you need to work, work and work again!

Thumbelina: But Aunt Mouse, let me at least spend a little time in the sun, just talk to the flowers!

Mouse: Just a little?

Thumbelina: The very best!

Mouse: Okay, stay.

Thumbelina leaves the mouse to collect flowers.

Mouse: Well, that's it! I've been here enough! Up to our necks in work! The neighbor promised to come for dinner, we need to prepare some treats!

Thumbelina: But I...

Mouse: And don’t you dare argue with me, otherwise I’ll bite you with my only yellow tooth!

Bugs: Auntie mouse, how come you aren’t tired of scolding poor Dumova all the time?

Mouse: Mind your own business, dear Zhzhzhanna!

Zhuchikha: Well, first of all, hello...

Mouse: And secondly, goodbye! I have no time to chat with insects! Let's go, Thumbelina, otherwise this dung beetle will stain your dress!

Zhuchikha: Unheard of rudeness! Dear friends, when I’m so offended, I can’t continue the competition, please allow me to come to my senses, and for now he’ll stay with you….


Mole: Don’t you have another neighbor, some kind of bride, who eats little and doesn’t talk at all, and certainly doesn’t sing or dance?

Bugs: Dear mole! Let me introduce our lovely girls to your consideration, they are so pretty, so cute!

Mole: Do they eat a lot?

Bugs: Oh! Very little! They are all so tiny, so wonderful! And how wonderfully they can sing, dance, and read poetry! Now we will arrange for our girls Creative competition! It will be a lot of fun!

The mole spits and leaves, followed by the mouse.


Mole: Oh! Excuse me, dear neighbor, but I can’t hear these songs anymore! They sing and dance! Everyone is so talented! Be sick! These girls gave me a migraine!

Mouse: What is a migraine?

Mole: I don’t know myself, I know that I was playing out! Eh, there are no brides in our area!

Mouse: Yes! And Thumbelina?

Mole: counts the accounts Yes. If Thumbelina eats half a grain a day, that’s not enough! three times five twenty five, divided by three, if multiplied by a week, then you get three and a half grains, that’s a lot...

Mouse: But that’s only half a grain a day!

Mole: Half a grain a day, that's not enough. seven and seven twenty-seven, the root of three and five in your mind...if you multiply by a month, you get sixteen grains, which is a lot.

Mouse: But that’s only half a grain a day! Half a grain!
Mole: Half a grain! twice two is four, multiply by three, two in your head, minus forty-five... one hundred and eighty grains come out per year, that’s a lot

Mouse: But she has a good dowry - a warm sweater - two pieces, one sandals, but boots - two pairs aside. I'll give you one of mine. There are two feather beds, no, one, but there are two pillows! one rug, no, three pieces, and only half a grain a day, that’s so little!

Mole: Okay! Get your Thumbelina ready! So be it, I’ll marry her! They're leaving

Bugs: Thumbelina! Thumbelina! And we cleverly outwitted the old mole and the nasty mouse! Our mole doesn't like songs and dances, give him silence! So let him burn on the snake, it is silent and does not dance... Thumbelina, why are you so sad? What's happened?

Thumbelina: Oh, Zhanna, Aunt Mouse is marrying me to this nasty mole!

Zhuchikha: This won't happen! I'll save you!

Mouse: Thumbelina! Where have you gone, you scoundrel! And here you are! Are you planning to run away?! Will not work! Hey! Neighbour! Get moving! Otherwise you will be left without a bride!

chase, everyone runs backstage, the bug and Thumbelina run out from the other side,
Bugs: We can’t save ourselves! Cats! Help!


Thumbelina: Where should we hide? The mouse and mole fell behind, but did not stop the chase!

Zhuchikha: And now you and I will disguise ourselves, so that we birth mother doesn't know!

Thumbelina: how can we disguise ourselves? Shall we hide under a leaf? So the mouse will find us anyway!

Bugs: I'm a bug or a chatty fly! I said - let's disguise ourselves, that means it will be so! And our participants will help us with this! They are so good at masquerading as fairy-tale characters that you can’t tell the difference! They know how to make such a costume from handy materials, it’s amazing! What am I telling you! See for yourself! After all, now there will be a costume competition with unconventional materials!

NON-TRADITIONAL COMPETITION (competition of costumes made of paper, bags, foil, etc.)

Mole: Well, where is Thumbelina? So I will remain single!

Mouse: Eh, your neighbor is unlucky! What, you really didn’t like any girls? The red-haired one seems okay, and the fair one is pretty too.

Mole: Nope!

Mouse: Hey, viewers, you definitely liked these girls! Listen, neighbor, let’s do this, let the audience choose one, the prettiest girl, let’s call her “Miss Audience Choice,” and then we’ll see, maybe you’ll marry her, okay? Hey helpers! Help! Collect the tickets, and you, the spectators, put the number of the participant you like on your entrance tickets, only one condition, there should be only one number on one ticket!

Bugs: Calm down! So it will be! Our girls won’t let you down, because it’s an evening costume competition!


Mole: Oh! How many, many guests have you invited! Just expenses with this wedding!

Mouse: Don’t worry, dear, some of the guests are already leaving. Our respected jury retires to the meeting room to sum up the results of some kind of competition! But we don’t care much about this, let them go, no one is holding them! In the meantime, let's go and look at the invited musicians and singers!

GALA CONCERT (while the jury sums up the results, musical numbers are played)

Beetle: Dear Thumbelina, I'm so glad that the mouse didn't give you up to that nasty old man!

Thumbelina: Thank you, Zhuchikha, for everything! I probably couldn’t have done it alone.

Bugs: Yes, okay! The wedding ball was amazing! All our participants were simply irresistible!

Thumbelina: By the way, dear Zhuchikha, we need to invite our charming girls to the stage!

Bugs: Yes yes yes! I can’t wait to find out who will become “Little Miss of Zaozerny”! Dear participants, we are waiting for you on stage!

Exit of participants

Thumbelina: And I invite our respected jury to the stage!

Exit of the jury


1. Little Miss Charming
2. Little Miss Lovely
3. Little Miss Smile
4. Little Miss Charming
5. Little Miss People's Choice Award
6. Little Miss Photo
7. Little Vice-Miss
8. Little Miss 2009

All the heroes line up on the front stage

Zhuchikha: Dear friends! Our wonderful contest “Little Miss 2009” has come to an end. Of course he did not do without adventures

Mouse: Which fortunately ended well!

Mole: And we say goodbye to you, see you again!