Sad statuses about a mother who died. Sensual and beautiful statuses about mom. I'm so worried, and thoughts are enveloping my head more and more

Statuses about a mother who is no longer alive are expressions of unbearable grief. These phrases are needed more than ever if it seems that the pain of loss can no longer be fully expressed.

Mommy, where are you going?

  1. Maybe someday everything will be fine, but definitely not in the next few years...
  2. I am my mother’s girl, I always missed my mother so much. But how can I live without her now?
  3. There is no turning back. You're gone and I won't see you again. But I will come: I feel more comfortable here with you than anywhere else...
  4. I used to have such a wonderful mother, but now all I have left is pain.
  5. The soul is torn with pain. No one can understand this feeling, except perhaps those who have gone through it!
  6. What can we hide, fate treated you too cruelly, mom. And with me it’s even more so.
  7. My dearest and most beloved friend left me. I also affectionately called her mom.
  8. You are in my heart forever. You still smile and look at me with joyful, albeit slightly wet eyes.
  9. I don't know what will happen to me now. Everyone says that we need to live as before, but I simply don’t have the strength to do that.
  10. You are the best person among all people. You have been and will remain. So what if you’re not there, mom?
  11. A person cannot live without a mother. Let them say that these are the laws of nature. And I want to live differently!
  12. Your eyes look straight into the soul from the photograph. And at the same time my heart wants to break into pieces.
  13. Stupid circumstances or serious illnesses - nothing should take away mothers. This is too unbearable.

I'm so worried, and thoughts are enveloping my head more and more

Something terrible can happen in just a second, and then it leaves a mark for all subsequent years. You can find a response to your feelings in statuses about your mother, who is no longer alive.

  1. You went into silence, to a place from which there is no return. Why are you doing this to me, mom? I beg you, please come back!
  2. Your eyes were always tired, but you could feel love in them. Eh, mom, mom, what happened to you?
  3. Sorry for not being around so often. Now I would give a lot just to meet you.
  4. I'll come to you on Sunday morning. I'll water the flowers and sit in silence. I would like to hear your ringing laugh...
  5. You know, mom, now I understand that we talked too little about really important things.
  6. No, I didn’t scream or get hysterical. A tight pain just spread through me, and I didn’t know where to hide from it.
  7. I will never forgive myself for ever offending you. After all, there will be no opportunity to apologize...
  8. No, I do not believe. I don’t believe that you and I will never see each other again, Mom. This simply cannot happen!!!
  9. The candle will burn out someday, and I will also become a mother. But don’t even think, dear, that I will ever forget you.
  10. No, it’s not difficult to live in the world without a mother. It’s impossible without her.
  11. Mom felt pain in her soul. Mom knew how to empathize, mom knew how to protect, even if she couldn’t...
  12. I want, like in childhood, to walk hand in hand with my mother and think that it will be like this forever!

It's lonely without mom. Any age

Statuses about a mother who is no longer there - when it is unbearably painful without your guardian angel. Please accept our sincere condolences and allow yourself to express your feelings.

  1. Now I realized that there are not so many things to worry about after my mother left.
  2. I would cling to you with all my strength, but all I can do is choke on tears in a lonely house.
  3. I miss you, mommy. But what if it's just a phrase? You still can’t fully express what’s in your heart.
  4. You left for another world quite suddenly. And it left me with such pain that I can’t really describe it in words.
  5. Life turned upside down. I don’t know how to live on, I really don’t.
  6. Mom meant too much in my life. It’s sad, but so far I don’t see any meaning in this life...
  7. So many lifeless flowers, grieving faces and words of condolences. Why did all this happen to my mom?
  8. There is no mother, that's what everyone around says. But how can I trust them if mommy is standing behind me like a shadow?
  9. Maybe I didn't take care of you enough. Well, tell me, dear, why did you leave?
  10. Everything reminds me of you, and I’m not going to forget about you. I love you too much to accept that you are no more...
  11. You are the sweetest, the kindest, the most gentle. I'm glad I had such a mother!
  12. Every second, mom, that I live without you, resonates with a hum in my mind. No, you can't do that anymore!
  13. Hearing your voice is my greatest desire now. How quickly everything faded into the background.

No, mom, it's not your fault that I want you so much

The greatest grief is when a loved one passes away. And who could be dearer than mother: the status of “mother is no more.”

  1. The happiest girls are those whose best friend is their mother. The unfortunate ones are those from whom it has gone.
  2. Too early I had to learn the pain of loss. But it’s okay, mommy, we will definitely meet again!
  3. I can't understand that you are no longer here. All my thoughts are filled with you.
  4. Heaven may not exist, but this does not mean that my mother did not turn into an angel.
  5. The hardest thing is to get out of the habit. I'm still waiting for you to answer the call, invite me to visit and everything will be as before.
  6. You were my most precious treasure. The best mom on the planet. Rest in peace…
  7. There is no reason to be happy when your mother leaves. Anyone who has not experienced this cannot understand this.
  8. I am now alone in the whole world. It will be extremely difficult to live without mother’s love.
  9. Love for your mother is kept in your heart forever. And, thank God, death cannot do anything about it.
  10. It’s difficult without a mother, whether you’re five years old or fifty. Her departure always hurts.
  11. Now you are taking a break from your difficult life, and mine has become even more difficult!
  12. I hope that my pain will not go in vain, that it will make you feel good in heaven. I don't know why I think this...
  13. If you can hear me, mommy, know that I love you very much, and my life without you is real hell.

Sometimes I made you cry

Statuses about the death of a mother from her daughter - when you simply don’t know where to go from regret and unexpressed feelings of guilt. In these phrases you will find understanding!

  1. Mommy, you are so beautiful in the photograph, but, you know, it would be better if you were alive.
  2. I am alone now, alone in life. And even though there are a lot of people around, I don’t stop thinking about my grief.
  3. I don't want to see anyone. The only person I could talk to now is my mom.
  4. Bring you back? Or maybe you are in heaven... I wish I could survive this time. I don’t know how.
  5. My love for you is limitless. But I don’t know, Mom, if I was able to prove this during your lifetime.
  6. Smile at me from heaven and the sun will shine brightly. I will stop crying at least for a moment, I promise you that.
  7. Mom’s eyes are so dear, there is so much warmth in them. And it hurts me unbearably - I will never see them.
  8. My pain from loss will pass. It will pass when I, like my mother, pass into another world...
  9. My mother could do anything. She did everything for me. She really loved me!
  10. Don't worry about me, mom. I'm an adult. I can handle. Just don't cry there, please, like I do here.
  11. I need a tight hug, I need a tender kiss. At least one, but from my beloved mother.
  12. You are the brightest sun. You warm me, although you are no longer there. I love you, Mom!

Statuses about mother - who is no longer alive - phrases for the strong in spirit. There's nothing you can do, because sometimes life forces you to change dramatically.

To express all your love and gratitude for your care, there are statuses about your mother that confirm the truth that she is the most important person in everyone's life. There are no humorous, funny or funny phrases among them. Almost all statuses about mothers with meaning are not just beautiful, but can even move you to tears. Having deep feelings for their mother, not everyone can express them in words. Beautiful statuses about your mother can be used to congratulate or remind you that there can be no one in this world closer to this woman.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

For many, happiness is 2 liters. For some - 2 grams. And for me, happiness is to see my MOM smiling!

We are all rich as long as there is a Dad and a Mom.

When girls say: I sleep like a star, that means they are free girls.
And we, mothers, sleep like a zigzag! Because our stars sleep nearby!

- Mom, how were we born?
- The Lord created us.
- And dad said that we came from monkeys.
- Well, I’m just telling you about my relatives, and he’s telling about his.

The hardest thing is with those who are dear)

And remember, girls, our mothers, when asked: “Why are you so worried about me,” said: “If you have children of your own, then we’ll see.” So how is it? Have you looked?
Mommy! Yes, compared to me, you were a giant of calm, patience and equanimity.

The most vulnerable woman is mother! You'll never know if you hurt her, she won't tell you! And he will continue to love you!

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you.

Only it hurts even more for mom when you are hurt.

Sick of these “who loves mom, click class!” If you love your mom, go help her wash the dishes!

I will always feel a little ugly and ugly because the most beautiful and ideal woman is my mother. And I'm incredibly proud of it.

I have an Angel and his name is Son. My son has protection and his protection is Mom!

It's always nice when your mom hugs you - no matter how old you are.

- Do you love her? - No! - Exactly? - Yes, brother, when did I lie to you? “Then I’ll ask her out?” - I'll break your neck!!!

Only mothers on maternity leave understand how nice it is to drink tea alone at 2 am, when your whole family is sleeping together!

If the whole world hates you, remember one thing! You have a Mom who will always love you.

I want MOM to always be there.

Everything around is changing. And only Mom remains Mom...

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and takes pity, protects and saves you from all troubles. "Mother!" - we say when it hurts or is scary. Mom is also needed in moments of happiness.

Statuses about mom to tears from my daughter - By about 18 years old, I realized that you should always listen to your mom, but there was a lot that couldn’t be corrected.

Mommy is my fairy and firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. For me, life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as it was in my childhood!!!

Thank you, Mom, for your warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you! Thank you for existing, my dear.

When we become adults, our mothers become scared...what if we don’t need them anymore...? Let's not let them think like that!

If a mother feels the same way as her child, then I will try to become the happiest!

Once upon a time, my mother decided what clothes I should wear and what I should look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!

Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better?... well, you have good eyesight!

Sometimes I’m so ashamed of myself, of the lies that my mother accepted as the truth.

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it is only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

I love you mom, you are a ray of light in the darkness, mom, thank you for being there!

Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.

Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the one for me. And without you I am nothing.

Mom, if when I grow up and have a daughter, I don’t understand her as much as you do me, hit me. “Daughter, I’m afraid you’ll get a lot of trouble then.”

Mom, your tears are my loss... I can be bad, but you are not dearer to me...

When sometimes life gives me a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me... a pen! And suddenly my path becomes easier...

It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for bringing her into the world.

Mommy, forgive me for upsetting you so much. I didn’t understand then how afraid you were for me... How worried you were that you didn’t study your lessons, ran away on dates, did whatever you wanted... I swear that I will become better... And I will correct my whole life.

I would erect a monument to my mother, because I no longer know such strong and patient people.

Mom, I’m sorry that I’m not an ideal daughter, but, despite all my mistakes, I love you very much!

Yesterday my mother called me “ANGEL”! Well, that is, "A MIRACLE IN FEATHERS")

There is no better evening when you sit next to your mother and talk about everything. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, the main thing is that she’s nearby.

I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom’s heart beat forever.

Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...

Mom, maybe I should come and help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... I may not be the best daughter, but I love you. Very very.

“Mommy, you are the best, the most beautiful, the most. I love you endlessly!” - in fact, we should say this every day. But we forget about this...

Mom is the sun that shines in the night, Mom is my brightest ray, dear mother, I’m sorry for everything, dear mother, beloved mother.

Thank you mom for your kind words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

  • Mommy is my fairy and firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. For me, life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!
  • Your girl has grown up, mom, she has grown up. And he never reproaches you or reproaches you with your past or judges you for your mistakes.
  • It’s as if the world is collapsing and you really want to go to your mother, to be a child at least for the evening, to drink tea and cookies with her in woolen socks and your favorite pajamas...
  • Only a mother deserves love. My mom, I love you very much.
  • Thank you, Mom, for your warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you! Thank you for existing, my dear. - Statuses about mom that make your daughter cry.
    • Mom, your tears are my loss... I can be bad, but you are not dearer to me...
    • Sometimes I’m so ashamed of myself, of the lies that my mother accepted as the truth.
    • Sometimes I quarrel with my mother... Then I regret it, cry on the sidelines, but I won’t show it to her, because I’m already like an adult! And I really want to apologize for everything...
    • Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the one for me. And without you I am nothing.
    • Birthday... I removed the date of birth from Asi and Contact in advance... In the end, only my mother and friend congratulated her (she also had a birthday on that day)... And he didn’t even remember...
  • Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as it was in my childhood!
  • Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person.
  • Statuses about mother to tears from daughter - Mom - your tears are my loss... I can be bad, but I don’t care more about you...
  • I will come to you, my mother, I will kiss your wrinkles, let the years fly by stubbornly... only you, my mother, LIVE.
  • Mommy, there are so many things I want to tell you, but I can’t... I want to apologize for hurting you, for not calling, for forgetting... I’m sorry mom, you are the only person I love.
  • It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for bringing her into the world.
  • Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.
  • Mommy, forgive me for upsetting you so much. I didn’t understand then how afraid you were for me... How worried you were that you didn’t study your lessons, ran away on dates, did whatever you wanted... I swear that I will become better... And I will correct my whole life.
  • When sometimes life gives me a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me... a pen! And suddenly my path becomes easier...
  • There is no better evening when you sit next to your mother and talk about everything. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, the main thing is that she’s nearby.
  • Once upon a time our tears could be stopped by sweets and toys. Now it’s more difficult... I want to be the five-year-old girl again, to whom my mother gave one piece of candy before each time she left for work... Mom, I love you very much..
  • Mom, when you are angry with me... I am angry too, but not with all my heart. Because I love you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been born...
  • Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...
  • The hardest job is being a Mom. Thank you, Mom!
  • My dear mother, I know how much your soul hurts when I cry, so you will never see my tears.
  • Mom is the only person who knows you 9 months more than everyone else.
  • It’s cloudy, I’m listening to snotty songs, I’m in love... And I really want the sun, listen to my mother, and not know what pain is...
  • Mom is a whole world in which she is always comfortable.
  • I have always felt sorry for people who are on bad terms with their mother, because they have lost their best friend!
  • And even if it hurts, smile. Mom taught me that way. - Statuses about mom that make your daughter cry.
  • In fact, I didn’t even think about writing a special story about my mother - it was too painful! It’s just that, while preparing materials for the release of the book, I looked into my notes about the history of my family - this was even before I wrote my very first story - before, I only wrote poetry! In these notes I wrote about all my loved ones, family friends, etc. But when I started writing about my mother, I couldn’t continue: my tears were choking me! And so, having stumbled upon these notes, I decided that at least the little that was written several years ago, I must include in my book! And then I decided to put it on the page without changing a single letter. I know that after reading these sincere lines, someone will remember their mother and remember her with a kind word...

    My memory has retained much of those distant, distant years and days when I, a young and naive girl, took the happy moments of life in a complete family as a given - thinking that this would continue for a long, long time - my mother’s warm hands, kind words and the vibes of kindness that emanated from her; the kisses she gave us good night; her tact, her hard-working hands, her remarkably beautiful hair - thick, black, with noble gray strands, her smile.
    This is unforgettable! It’s just that now it’s perceived as something virtual - you can’t touch it, you can’t stroke it, you can’t reach it - NEVER! And how my mother knew how to be friends and love! And how she knew how to forgive! And with what dignity she endured all the hardships of post-war life, never complaining, but serving as an invariable “vest” for the tears of her friends!
    And how mommy sang! She knew how to color the most ordinary things with singing: whether she washed dishes in a basin, whether she cooked “compotes for the children’s appetite,” or washed our clothes in a huge trough. Mom brought to us the beautiful sounds of music: as a child, she dreamed of learning to play the violin, but the family’s unenviable financial situation did not allow her to receive a musical education.

    Her natural ear and pleasant melodic voice allowed us, without leaving home, to listen to arias from operas and operettas, romances, and songs from films. There were also favorite songs - including songs from the war years - I can’t remember them all.
    But the song “They’re Flying” sounded especially touching in her performance. migratory birds"! Did the mother think then that two of her three children, many years later, would fly away like those birds - “far, far away, where the mists roam”!
    Somewhere at the turn of the 50s-60s, our family of 5 celebrated a housewarming: from one 15-meter room in a communal apartment, we moved to another communal apartment - without any amenities at all, but more spacious! Mom was immensely happy from the mere sight of these “choirs.” Of course - 40 sq.m (including a kitchenette). She thought: now everything is just beginning!

    Almost immediately we got lucky: someone sold us a used one-door plywood cabinet for pennies.
    Until then, all our personal belongings were hidden in the corner behind a gauze curtain. I remember how happy my mother was: now there is a place where she can hang three of her staple dresses (I still remember their colors), and one weekend dress - dark blue. She took great care of him! And how beautiful our mother was in this dress! What light her beautiful eyes emitted!

    Last years Mom walked around with a small varnish bag (it was called a “reticule”). Since my mother worked as a pharmacist, all the sparse contents of the purse had a unique “pharmacy” smell. For a long, long time, after she left, I smelled these things that smelled like my mother.

    I slept with my parents in the same room and, stupid, I didn’t understand how I bothered them, still quite young, with my presence.
    We lived in this apartment for three happy years, but this happiness turned out to be short-lived. Upon returning from Khosta, where my mother was vacationing in a sanatorium for the first time in her life, while swimming she discovered a lump on her chest, which, alas, turned out to be a malignant tumor.

    And my mother was 54 years old. She was operated on quite radically, which gave hope for healing. I was in the 10th grade and, having a clear inclination towards writing, dreamed of studying in Leningrad to become a journalist. My mother’s illness ruined my ambitious plans - I had to stay at home and, from a pure humanities student, I subsequently studied to be an engineer. For four years we lived in the hope that everything would work out.

    It didn't work out! A large family wanted to eat every day, but... everyone except mom was busy with work or study - then mom, like any housewife, - despite the doctors’ prohibitions - stood by the hot stove and the primus - and cooked, cooked: she probably thought that all the worst - behind.

    And although, I repeat, we loved and pitied my mother, helped her as much as we could, but - due to ignorance or selfishness - we could not fully understand and appreciate the danger of this terrible disease and - WE DIDN’T SAVE IT! What an example of great courage mommy taught us at the end of her short but such a wonderful life!

    Thank you, Mom, for the life that you gave to me and my brothers, and for the fact that you, a bright and holy person for me, lived and will live in my heart until the end of my days! Today is June 12, 0 hours, 45 minutes, i.e. Your 100th birthday has just arrived! This figure seems unrealistic. What a pity, however, that you were really in my life for only 20 years!
    Being young, I was not able in those years to appreciate all the greatness and generosity of your soul, Mommy. Forgive me for this, the most important, most beloved person in the world!

    You have something to be proud of, dear, there, in the distance: your children have grown up to be quite smart, educated, decent people!
    You already have three adult grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren are already growing up before your eyes...

    Have we, children, managed to inherit at least part of your high moral qualities: kindness, patience and tolerance, a sincere desire to help those in need of your attention; love and the ability to forgive? But perhaps our children will think about this someday.

    Low bow to you, dear, and eternal memory!