“I used to even dream about shoes.” Shoe master about the intricacies of the profession. Synopsis of the educational lesson “You need different types of shoes, all kinds of shoes are important. What do you call a person who repairs shoes?”

MBOU "Aleshkin-Saplyk secondary school"

Club hour lesson “In the Circle of Friends” on the topic:

Developed and conducted by the teacher first

Qualification category GPD No. 2

Stepanova A.O.



  • consolidate students’ existing knowledge about a variety of professions.
  • develop attention and the ability to work in a team through completing tasks.
  • work on correcting coherent speech through completing tasks.
  • cultivate respect for people of any profession;
  • show value labor activity In human life;
  • introduce students to different professions.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity:

1. frontal

2. group

1. Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities (verbal, visual, practical, search).

2. Methods of stimulating educational activities:

Method of forming cognitive interest

Verbal encouragement

Creating a Success Situation


  • posters with proverbs about the role and meaning of labor;
  • drawings by children reflecting different work activities of people;
  • presentation “All works are good”, interactive whiteboard, laptop;

Time: 45 minutes;

Contingent: students in grades 2-3:

Invited: primary school teachers;

Preliminary work:

1.Search work about the diversity of professions.

2. Selection of riddles about professions, about work.

3. Making drawings on the topic: “The world of my hobbies.”

Progress of the lesson:

Slide 1 Teacher: Listen, watch, tune in -

Choose a profession to suit every taste!

What is a profession? (Children's answers).

Slide 2 “Profession” - the main occupation of a person, his work activity

“Professional” - a person who does something as a profession (as opposed to an amateur)

(The word profession comes from Latin, which translates as “to declare one’s business”, “to speak publicly”, “to declare”. A profession means a type of work activity that requires certain training and is a source of livelihood.)

Profession - this is work that requires a person to have certain training and considerable knowledge. The time will come, you will become adults. You yourself will have to build houses and grow bread. Many of you have probably already thought about the question “Who should I be?”

Slide 3 What professions do you know?

Slide 4 Teacher: Well done! Let's play a little. You list professions by letter of the alphabet.

A - pharmacist

B - librarian

B - doctor

G - potter

D - milkmaid

E - huntsman

F - juggler

Z - cutter

I - historian

K - conductor

L - pilot

M - painter

N - notary

O - waiter

P - seller

R - editor

S - lifeguard

T - merchandiser

U - teacher

F - photographer

X - artist

Ts - circus performer

Sh - driver

E - electrician

Yu - lawyer

I am a linguist

Educator: That's how many professions there are in the world! And you can choose any of them, become a professional in your field if you study and strive to improve your knowledge. But it’s not enough to know the profession; you need to understand that the main thing in any profession is work. It is necessary now to appreciate the fact that work gives a person.

Educator: You all should think about your future. Among the people, children from the very early childhood trained to work. Proverbs and sayings acted as rules of behavior. I invite everyone to think and remember proverbs and sayings about work, because it is not in vain that people have composed them for the edification of posterity for many centuries.

Slide 5 "Finish the proverb"

Who does not work shall not eat)

If you want to eat rolls - (don’t sit on the stove)

Labor feeds a person (but laziness spoils)

People honor those who love work.

Without difficulty (you can’t even take a fish out of a pond)

A person gets sick from laziness (but gets healthier from work)

The sun paints the earth (and man's work)

Slide 6 Teacher: Now let's check our answers. Well done guys, see that you know the proverbs well.

“Man is so created that he takes a break from one job only by taking up another,” said the famous writer Anatole France.

Today we have already heard a lot about work, about its role in human life. I believe this will help you prepare for a great adult life. Already now you must think and decide who to be in the future. Choosing a profession that will bring you joy and satisfaction is a very important matter.

Slide 7 You can’t count all the professions -

There is time to take a closer look.

Who do you want to become?

We're curious to know.

Children speak out about what profession they would like to choose.

Educator: We all know that there are very young professions, and there are “eternal” professions that came to us from the distant past: In a word, you will now see and hear everything for yourself.

Slide 8 Physical education lesson “Chauffeurs”


They put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes,

And heels -

Also the work of these hands.

Educator: That's how smart you are! They immediately found out who it was. Do you know that November 26 is International Shoemaker's Day. This is a holiday for everyone involved in the production various types shoes Today, handicraft production is being replaced by industrial industry, but the work of shoemakers remains honorable.

And now I invite you to listen to the messages prepared by our girls.


The history of shoes goes back more than one millennium, or rather begins approximately from the Upper Paleolithic, and maybe even earlier. If there were shoes, then there were those who made them. This means that the profession of a shoemaker is one of the most ancient professions.

The word "shoemaker" is now a little outdated. Today, in advertisements for job vacancies, “shoemaker” and “shoe repairman” are more common. However, the meaning of this profession does not change depending on the name. Throughout its long history, the profession of a shoemaker has changed extremely little - the main role in the shoe business is still played not by technology, but by the skill of the performer.


It is not difficult to obtain the simplest profession of a shoe repairman, but only a few become real masters. There are many vocational schools that offer training this profession.

After graduation, graduates have internships in shoe companies.

If we talk about individual tailoring, then a completely different level of skill is required from the shoemaker. This may require higher education, which can be obtained from one of the institutes light industry.


A shoemaker knows how to make not only new shoes, but also repair old ones, so that your feet don’t get tired while walking, don’t get wet in the rain, don’t freeze in the cold, don’t sweat in the heat... I also want the shoes to be beautiful. All this requires great skill from a shoemaker!

Nowadays, fashionable and beautiful shoes are made in factories with many large and complex machines. A modern shoemaker must have a good knowledge of the structure of such machines and be able to operate them. Therefore, he is no longer just a shoemaker, but an engineer.

Educator: Guys, let's clarify the meaning of some words:


Shoemaker - a master who sews and repairs shoes.

Shoemaker - an employee of the shoe industry or a private shoe workshop.

Shoes – products made of leather or other dense materials to protect feet from cold and external damage; Currently, in addition to its functional significance, shoes have a pronounced decorative function.

Shoe workshop– a shoe repair shop where locks, heels, instep supports, etc. are replaced.


Iron man

It will hit him hard,

And he disappeared

The cap remains.

(Hammer and nail)

They have hard work:

They are always squeezing something.


Where the tail rests,

There will be a hole later.


Educator: Any shoemaker's arsenal should include shoe nails, rubber glue, rapite glue, arch supports, shoe cardboard and prophylactic material.

The profession of a shoemaker (shoemaker) has given rise to many different phenomena modern culture. Let's try to explain them:
Slide 12 Saying:

"Shoemaker without shoes".

(describes a situation where a professional in some field does not use his own skills for personal purposes).


It's a disaster when the pies start baking

a shoemaker, and a pie-maker makes boots.(Everyone must do their job)

The scene “The Shoemaker” is played out.

Characters: shoemaker, girl, boy.

Equipment: chair, stool, hammer, awl, large needle and thread, tube of glue, apron, pair of shoes, sneakers, other shoes.


My friend got sick today

But this is not my fault.

I went for a walk with him,

We tried to measure the puddles.

Then we went to football

And together we scored a goal.

My friend got sick today

But this is not my fault. /on the last two lines, the child shows his shoe/

Educator: Yes, my friend, the shoe is sick, I need it urgently ambulance call.

Children: 03?

Educator: No, not service 03, but the shoe rescue and treatment service, i.e. SLO.

Children: SLO?

Educator: And why are you so surprised, but the “SLO” service translates as “Save Your Favorite Shoes.” So where is my phone, and there it is. (takes the phone and dials the number).

Hello! Service "SLO"

Children together:

Come, help us out, save our shoes!

/ The Shoemaker enters, “SLO” is written on his chest/

Shoemaker: Hello, here I am! Hello everyone my friends!

They called, I came...

A shoemaker in an apron with a suitcase in his hand, sitting on a chair with a stool next to him.


I love football very much
Only I managed to score
How the sole fell off,
I barely got here to you.

(Gives the sneaker to the Shoemaker and watches the repair.)

Educator: Well, he will help Vovka too.

(Shoemaker (holds out sneakers to Vovka):

Get your sneakers
Put them on quickly
Play more carefully in future!

The boy takes the sneakers, says “Thank you,” and leaves.


My shoes are asking for porridge.
You should look at them soon
If possible, fix it.

Educator: (approaches the shoemaker, looks over his shoulder, watches what he is doing):

The master took the shoes in his hands,
He knocked with a hammer.
I sewed it here and glued it there

And he gave them back.

Girl (having received the shoes, he gasps, hugs them to himself, says “Thank you” and runs away):

The shoes are simply unrecognizable
At least wearing it on holiday


I am the Shoemaker, a glorious doctor,

I treat different shoes.

And sandals and boots

I'll glue you together and heal you.

Come, don't be shy

I'll pin the heel on.

Just respect your shoes

Take care, please.

May your boots make you happy

Let your felt boots warm you.

Let your sneakers decorate you,

Let the slippers warm you up.

Educator: People walk like this all day,
Carries different shoes:
Shoes, boots, shoes -

The master has no hesitation.

Cuts, glues, sews up,
He puts on everyone's shoes again.

From under these kind hands

All you can hear is: “Knock-knock-knock!”

Slide 13 Educator: Shoemaker is a noble profession

He cares about our comfort, health, convenience. It gives people with too large feet the opportunity to have stylish, fashionable, modern shoes, rather than walking around in slippers because the store didn’t have shoes “to match them.”

The shoemaker is a master who takes care of us

If you've seen a sign that says "Shoe Repair" in big letters, know that this is where you can get your shoes fixed.

But, in general, shoemaking will not hurt the home craftsman. If you try, you can easily make warm slippers and a comfortable insole yourself at home, and perform simple repairs. It's good when the family has its own craftsmen!

1 student: Yes, of course you can’t right away

Become a pilot and a doctor,

Diver, shoemaker,

Famous violinist.

2nd student: Become a brave polar explorer,

Fly to distant stars.

The best, the most necessary,

The most important thing to immediately become.

Educator: Yes, you can’t….

But you can study and dream at once!

Everyone can choose a business

So that it boils in your hands.

Together : We will study, we will work,

So that mom and dad can be proud of me!

Educator: So our lesson today has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about the professions we are familiar with, and also got acquainted with new professions. Only he is happy who pleases others with his work. It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. They say about such a person that he is a master - he has golden hands. I wish you to choose your path in life correctly. Remember that all professions are needed, all professions are important!

He cares about our comfort, health, convenience. Without it, we would not be able to literally fly every day in our favorite sneakers, which we bought about 5 years ago. He gave the opportunity to people with too large feet to have stylish, fashionable, modern shoes, and not to walk in slippers, because there were no shoes “to match” them in the store. He is caring, skillful, always learning, improving his skills to please everyone, so that everyone feels comfortable and comfortable in any situation, any day of the week, at any time. After all, thanks to him, we can always wear exactly the shoes that suit the situation and that we also like. Can you guess who we're talking about?

Of course, this is a shoemaker. A shoemaker is a craftsman who cares about you. A shoe repairman is a lifesaver in difficult times.
Don’t rush to throw away your favorite pair of shoes if the heel comes off, the sole is worn out, or the toe is worn out. The shoe repairman will always find a way out. He will offer you these types of work

Installation of heel or prophylaxis;
- shoe firmware;
- replacing or sewing in a zipper;
- stretching shoes by half a size;
- restoration of the varnish surface;
- painting shoes;
- replacement of the instep support.

Repairing shoes will always cost you less than buying a new pair. So the benefit here is obvious. Besides, you’ve already gotten used to your favorite sandals or boots and you feel so sorry to throw them away. The shoemaker will give you the opportunity to wear your favorite shoes again. He will do everything very quickly, reliably and efficiently. You will be able to walk in repaired boots or sandals for another season.

Shoemaker is the most creative and oldest profession. After all, shoes appeared a long time ago, and someone had to repair them. However, in Paleolithic times everyone was a shoemaker, because everyone made their own shoes from the skins of wild animals and other improvised means. This was much later, with the advent of wooden shoes, a shoemaker appeared in the East - a person who makes such shoes. Shoes were also made here from tree bark and palm leaves, turning them into runners (fibers). In Rus', the first craftsmen made bast shoes. So it will not be possible to accurately name the name of the first shoe maker. In the old days, everyone was a shoe craftsman.
On modern stage Shoemakers can be called every couturier who offers his own shoe models. Steve Madden, Coby Levy, Christian Louboutin, Jane-Michelle Cazabat - these are the modern shoemakers who dictate modern shoe fashion. There are hundreds of such names.

Pupils of grade 4 - B visited one of the shoe repair shops. Nuikin Alexander Nikolaevich works there. He is a true master of his craft. Alexander Nikolaevich has been repairing shoes since 1990. It was no coincidence that he connected his life with this profession, because his great-grandfather also sewed shoes for young ladies for balls. About his work, Alexander Nikolaevich says: “All the work is sewing, hemming, hemming shoes, boots, shoes. Apply patches." But, watching the work of this master, we noticed that this work, despite its primitiveness, is creative and interesting. Requires perseverance, accuracy, responsibility. A highly qualified shoe repairman must know today's generally accepted methods of design and technology for sewing shoes, used in industry and in self-employment. He is never without work. After all, if you don’t create shoes, you always have to repair them.

Master, master, help -
The boots are worn out!
Drive the nails in harder -
We'll go visit today!
B. Zakhoder

The master cleans the shoes, nails the heels.
Repairs shoes and sandals,
So that they become as good as new.


Shoemaker without shoes.

What kind of shoemaker would he be if he made all his boots on one last?

A tailor without trousers, a shoemaker without boots.

It’s a disaster if a shoemaker starts baking pies, and a cake maker starts making boots.

It is not difficult to obtain the simplest profession of a shoe repairman, but only a few become real masters. There are many vocational schools that offer to master this profession. Many students quickly begin to earn good money. During the learning process, students master theory and, most importantly, practice, since the schools have special workshops. After graduation, graduates have internships in shoe companies.
If we talk about individual tailoring, then a completely different level of skill is required from the shoemaker. This may require higher education, which can be obtained at one of the light industry institutes.

Nowadays, fashionable and beautiful shoes are made in factories with many large and complex machines. A modern shoemaker must have a good knowledge of the structure of such machines and be able to operate them. Therefore, he is no longer just a shoemaker, but an engineer. If you already know how to read, then while walking along the street, you read various signs. If you've seen a sign that says "Shoe Repair" in big letters, know that that's where the real shoemakers are hiding.

A shoemaker knows how to make not only new shoes, but also repair old ones, so that your feet don’t get tired while walking, don’t get wet in the rain, don’t freeze in the cold, don’t sweat in the heat... I also want the shoes to be beautiful. All this requires great skill from a shoemaker!

Nowadays, fashionable and beautiful shoes are made in factories with many large and complex machines. A modern shoemaker must have a good knowledge of the structure of such machines and be able to operate them. Therefore, he is no longer just a shoemaker, but an engineer. If you already know how to read, then while walking along the street, you read various signs. If you've seen a sign that says "Shoe Repair" in big letters, know that that's where the real shoemakers are hiding.

But, in general, shoemaking will not hurt the home craftsman. Of course, for this there must be suitable materials and tools in the house. For example, you need pieces of leather, rubber and felt, strong threads, and rubber glue. You need a very sharp knife to cut leather, rubber and felt. You also need an awl to pierce holes for the needle and thread. If you try, you can easily make warm slippers and a comfortable insole yourself at home, and perform simple repairs. It's good when the family has its own craftsmen!


The history of shoes goes back more than one millennium, or rather begins approximately from the Upper Paleolithic, and maybe even earlier. If there were shoes, then there were those who made them. This means that the profession of a shoemaker is one of the most ancient professions.

The word "shoemaker" is now a little outdated. Today, in advertisements for job vacancies, “shoemaker” and “shoe repairman” are more common. However, the meaning of this profession does not change depending on the name. Throughout its long history, the profession of a shoemaker has changed extremely little - the main role in the shoe business is still played not by technology, but by the skill of the performer.

HOW TO BECOME A SHOEMAKER It is not difficult to obtain the simplest profession of a shoe repairman, but only a few become real masters. There are many vocational schools that offer to master this profession. Many students quickly begin to earn good money. During the learning process, students master theory and, most importantly, practice, since the schools have special workshops. After graduation, graduates have internships in shoe companies.

If we talk about individual tailoring, then a completely different level of skill is required from the shoemaker. This may require higher education, which can be obtained at one of the light industry institutes.


Master, master, help -
The boots are worn out!
Drive the nails in harder -
We'll go visit today!


They put dexterous two hands
Heels on shoes,
And heels -
Also the work of these hands.


Thousands (if not tens of thousands) of sandals, pumps, ankle boots, ankle boots and other footwear have already been in the weary hands of Irina Pener, which the woman has been resuscitating for more than thirty years in a row. Seeing a representative of the fair sex expertly tapping her soles with a hammer in a shoe repair shop, many are surprised: they say, is it possible? female profession? But Irina knows her business, loves it, and at the same time “like a shoemaker” does not swear.

About why shoemaking today is an almost endangered profession, how to recognize a “nit-picker” in a client from the first minutes, and that shoes are like death, in an interview with Irina Pener.

Irina fell into this rather rare (especially for a woman) profession, one might say, by accident. An elderly shoemaker who lived next door often told the girl about the intricacies of his craft and was one of those craftsmen who could cut and sew boots from scratch. Yes, they were so neat and good-quality that they couldn’t be demolished. Of course, today there is no need to sew shoes by hand, but at that time it was enough to interest the girl. And when the organization in which Irina worked collapsed, she, remembering her interest in shoemaking, got a job as an apprentice at a local factory for sewing and repairing shoes.

"I am a shoemaker with boots"

“I started with the easiest thing for women’s hands - I sewed shoes on a machine, changed locks,” recalls Irina. - I found a good master. I remember everyone taught me: “Know everything, but don’t do everything.” And, basically, I learned everything a shoemaker should know. But various complex operations that require considerable physical strength (for example, tearing off a heel or sole, drilling something) - I ask male partners to do all this. I myself do more “jewelry” work. But for myself, if necessary, I can do everything myself.

As for the well-known saying “a shoemaker has no boots,” I don’t justify this either folk wisdom. I keep both my own shoes and the shoes of all my relatives (and I already have three adult children and seven grandchildren) in order, intact and safe.”

“We always know what shoes are in fashion”

“Of course, in thirty years of working as a shoemaker, I have seen all sorts of shoes! They bring us felt boots (by the way, they are quite difficult to repair - everything is sewn by hand), and concert shoes entirely covered in rhinestones, and youth sandals on a huge platform...

It’s also very easy for us to see which shoe models are in fashion now. You don't even have to go shopping. And, of course, I can say with confidence that fashion is coming back. Therefore, when some clients bring good-quality pointed-toe shoes with a request to cut off and round the toes (and we do this too), sometimes you just want to say: “Just wait a couple of years, and they will be the best again.”

By the way, recently a Belarusian woman living in Germany came to us and brought a whole suitcase of shoes for repair - probably twenty pairs. He says that such repairs here cost three to four times less than abroad. So, almost all of her shoes were pointed-toed. And since we usually lag behind Europe in fashion by a year or two, I take the liberty of suggesting that soon shoes with pointed toes will fill our shelves."

“One glance at the shoes is enough to determine whether the client is picky”

“Every profession has some signs and observations that are developed with experience. So, for example, I noticed that the more “killed” the shoes are, and even more so if they are dirty (it happens that in the summer they bring winter boots in clods of last year’s dirt), then one hundred percent the client, when picking up a repaired pair, will find fault and express his dissatisfaction for various reasons - in short, it will fray all your nerves. And this pattern has a simple explanation: if a person does not respect himself, that he brings his own shoes to such a state, then why would he suddenly treat shoemakers and the work they do with respect?..”

“All the medical staff came running to look at the ‘woman with her hand in her boot’”

“My main tools that I deal with almost every day are a special hook, a knife, scissors, wire cutters, a screwdriver, a hammer, nails, shoe glue, needles and thread.

Of course, there were some injuries, especially at first. It used to be that you hit your finger with a hammer so hard that you really wanted to swear “like a shoemaker”!.. And once a truly anecdotal incident happened to me. I sewed the sole to the boot: one hand inside, and the other working with a sharp hook. And somehow I managed to plant this hook right under the nail of the hand in the boot. And that’s it, I can’t get it out. I sewed it on myself. Laughter is laughter, but it hurts! I had to call an ambulance. Of course, the doctors giggled all the way: I looked too funny. At the hospital, then almost the entire staff came running to look at the “woman with her hand in her boot.” For a long time they didn’t know how to get me out, because it was not clear how deep the hook was. And it’s a pity to cut the boot - it’s someone else’s. But in the end everything ended well: both for the finger and for the boot."

“Alas, there are no shoemakers with manicures”

“What kind of occupational diseases do we shoemakers have? The back often hurts, salts accumulate, stooping develops due to the fact that the work is sedentary. The only way I can save myself is by teaching my grandchildren how to give grandma massages.

Of course, working with glue and various solvents is not very good for your health.

Well, look at my hands. Firstly, fingers over the years from permanent job with shoemaking tools, they become crooked and knobby. And the glue, of course, eats into your hands.

So it’s quite difficult to get a more or less decent manicure on my hands. I did it a couple of times, but after several hours spent at work, this manicure may or may not have happened..."

“Candles, superglue, a washing machine—whatever people do to ruin their shoes.”

“It often happens that people, without meaning to, spoil their shoes. One of the most common problems is attempts to repair shoes, sandals, and the like with superglue. Not only is this idea doomed to failure from the beginning, but it is also very difficult for the shoemaker to correct the situation later. Because such glue hardens and is no longer softened either by heating or by any other means. There is only one way out - cut it off. And it is not always possible to do this without damaging the shoes even more.

We also often come across the fact that people, especially pensioners, to save money, use sunflower oil and fat to “care” for their boots, and lubricate the locks “so they don’t jam” with a candle. Nothing good comes out of this, believe me.

And there are also people who think of washing their shoes in washing machine. For example, leatherette sandals or rag slippers with a “paper” insole. What remains of the shoes in such cases is brought to us in tears..."

“Nowadays it’s easier for many people to throw away their shoes than to have them repaired”

“Of course, shoes are brought to us in very different conditions. There are times when it would seem easier to throw them away. Although candy can be made, of course, even from a completely tattered and worn pair. Another question is how much work it will take and how much the client will pay for the repair in the end. Usually, when you say how much it costs to perform complex operations like completely replacing the sole or those that require a lot of special shoe glue - and it is by no means cheap - people actually go and just buy new shoes at the market.

The current availability and low cost of shoes made from artificial materials has greatly reduced the demand for shoe repair. If in Soviet times shoes were bought with coupons, almost “for centuries”, and they were worn for years, sent for repairs over and over again until there was no living space left on them, but now, as soon as the shoes fail, it is simply thrown away. That is, if earlier we had full bags of shoes, boots and sandals collected for repairs, and people had to wait for their turn for three or four days, now the order is often made day after day, or, as we call it, “on the spot” - then eat in the presence of the owner.

Yes, even now we are not sitting without work: sometimes I repair forty pairs a day, but, of course, there is nothing to compare with past times. Moreover, many girls and women are now switching to shoes without heels: ballet flats, wedges, slip-ons and sneakers. This means that they no longer need to change heels or instep supports...

Therefore, I believe that the shoemaker profession, if it continues like this, will fade into oblivion. Already now, I know, many schools that previously trained such masters have already closed enrollments for this specialty. So my colleagues and I are quite likely the last of the Mohicans..."

Shoe collector- a craftsman, a shoemaker who creates finished shoes, boots and footwear from individual parts. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Until relatively recently, some 200 years ago, shoes were made exclusively by hand, individually or in tiny batches. This was what shoemakers did. Today, shoes are mostly mass produced. Craftsmen involved in mass production are called shoemakers.

Assembling shoes involves dozens of conveyor operations: from assembling the top to attaching the bottom. The more elements are provided, the more operations have to be performed. This is assembly line work, and assemblers are considered the largest group of shoemakers. Separate parts of the top arrive from the cutters onto the conveyor, which are gradually connected to each other, passing from worker to worker. First, places for decorative seams are marked on the parts, then the edges of the parts are processed, sanded and tinted, then they are sewn together using a sewing machine, etc.

Stitching and decorating with decorative seams are very important operations that require precision and accuracy from the master. The vamp stitch and the piping stitch are the most difficult stages of the work. The craftsman draws a seam line one and a half to two centimeters from the edge, and the stitch, if it comes out crooked, cannot be ripped apart and remade, especially if the shoes are leather. The needle leaves irreparable marks on the shoe leather, and the damaged part is scrapped.

Finally, when the upper is ready, all the parts are sewn and glued, the running gear of the boot can be attached to it. For this, different technologies can be used - from gluing to casting. To glue the sole, the finished upper, placed on the last, is coated with glue at the joints of the future joint. The sole is pressed against them using a press. This is also a very important point: if you glue the outsole askew, you won’t be able to correct the mistake.

To ensure that everything sticks perfectly, the lower part of the boot blank is ground.

A shoe assembler may specialize in making uppers, making bottoms, or joining uppers to lowers.

Fashions, styles, and shoe designs are constantly changing. This means that the shoe assembler has to constantly master new work algorithms and new operations. On the other hand, with experience comes skill, with which no innovations are any longer scary.

Cons of the profession. You have to work at a fast pace, the workshop is usually noisy, and fumes of dyes, adhesives, etc. are inevitably felt in the air. If you do not pay attention to your posture, long, concentrated work can lead to back pain and stooping. Long work on the legs can lead to dilated veins in the legs and joint diseases.

Many occupational hazards can only be compensated for by a healthy lifestyle, walking, swimming, comfortable shoes, etc. To protect their hearing from noise, workers use special anti-noise headphones and earplugs.


A shoe assembler can work for shoe factories, workshops for individual tailoring of footwear (including orthopedic).

Important qualities

The profession of a shoe assembler requires good coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, quick reaction, accuracy, and the ability to concentrate and distribute attention.

Physical endurance is also required. Diseases of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, poor vision (if it is not compensated by glasses), allergies to certain substances do not allow working on the assembly line.


Salary as of 03/05/2020

Russia 24000—70000 ₽

Moscow 20000—67000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

A shoe assembler must know shoe production technology and master assembly operations.

Where do they teach

The profession of shoe assembler can be obtained in colleges that train personnel for the shoe industry.