Work abroad in the Czech Republic. Work in the Czech Republic employment and vacancies. Seasonal and permanent work in the Czech Republic

By the end of 2016, the Czech Republic had a clear advantage in favor of Slovaks and Ukrainians - 161,559 and 54,571 people, respectively. In terms of the number of foreign workers, the current figures have surpassed the pre-crisis period - in 2008 the figure was almost 100,000 less.

And over the past 2 years, the number has increased significantly. And if in 2015 1,200 residents of Ukraine received work visas, in 2017 this number increased by more than 9 times - up to 10,000! After all, since August 2016, a special program from Chamber of Commerce Czech Republic on the employment of 5,000 citizens of Ukraine annually. And in 2017, the Visapoint system was canceled, and now Ukrainians can get a long-term work visa using.

And most likely, these numbers will only grow. After all, the Czech Republic now more than ever needs a workforce. And in any: both highly qualified, and not very. Almost a third of the country's companies do their best, because many Czechs leave their homes in search of better paid jobs.

So if you are seriously thinking about going to the Czech Republic for a long time - go to action: now is the time for this!

  • Read also:

How can a foreigner find a job in the Czech Republic?

1. Internet. Jobs in the Czech Republic can be searched independently on the following sites:

  • is the official website of the Czech Ministry of Labor. The portal searches all Czech labor exchanges, and the vacancies issued suggest the possibility of hiring a foreigner.
  • - all ads - in Russian or Ukrainian, mostly - working specialties and offers without special knowledge.
  • - there are also many vacancies, mainly for employment without special knowledge.
  • is a popular Czech portal; work on the local board is offered in different areas; announcements - in Russian (for working specialties) or English (in the field of programming, finance, management, etc.).
  • - not as many vacancies as on other portals, but in different areas: from a medical assistant to an SEO optimizer or trainer.

Czech bulletin boards/websites (either knowledge of the language is required, or the ability to use Google Translate for the first time):

There are a lot of job sites in the country, but these are one of the largest, where, in addition to finding a job according to given conditions, you can find useful information(how to write an autobiography, motivation letter, how to prepare for an interview, etc.).

2. Recruitment agency. One of the easiest ways to find a job in the Czech Republic, which does not require your time and knowledge of the language. The only thing you need to pay attention to here is the selection of a reliable and necessary agency. Therefore, to begin with, study the site: the method of presenting information, the main specialties offered, the conditions for cooperation. A mandatory item is the availability of a special license issued by local authorities.

The most famous agencies:

Choose several options and call, ask questions about work, find out the conditions, and also watch how employees communicate with you. Be sure to ask what is included in the range of services of the company, what guarantees it provides, how payment is made for the assistance provided.

3. Print media. To search, use the largest national publications: MF Dnes (MF Dnes), Hospodárské noviny, Pravo (Právo), etc. In the "Career" section, you can find ads in different languages, but the specialties are mostly general. If you are looking for tighter positions in specific professions- refer to specialized magazines. Many Czech media post vacancies on their websites:

4. Labor exchanges. Here things are more complicated, because either Czechs or foreigners who have a residence permit, refugee status or are EU citizens can apply to local labor exchanges. If you do not fall under any of these conditions, you will need a work or residence permit.

To get into the base of the Czech labor exchange, you need:

  • employment mediation application (can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs);
  • documents proving identity, citizenship and residence permit;
  • certificate of termination of activity of the IP or suspension labor relations;
  • qualification document (diplomas, certificates, etc.);
  • in the presence of children - a certificate of their birth;
  • persons with disabilities - a relevant certificate.

After registering with the labor exchange, you are provided with social and health insurance by the state for the period while you are looking for a suitable job.

Most of the vacancies are concentrated in the Czech capital, and many are not publicly available. Therefore, in addition to the above methods, be active: use the appropriate groups on social networks, write to employers directly. Pay attention to the websites of large local companies - Škoda, Agrofert, Zentiva, Unipetrol, Pilsner Urquell, CEZ group. Go to the Czech Republic to relax and visit the selected recruitment agencies, look at the ads in the local print media.

Requirements for foreign workers

To successfully find a job in the Czech Republic, consider the following recommendations.

  1. Language. For highly qualified specialties, this requirement is mandatory, for vacancies without special knowledge, it is desirable. At least at the minimum conversational level. English and, to a lesser extent, German (it is spoken by about 1% of the country) also do not interfere. Learning Czech is not that difficult due to its similarity to Russian, so prepare in advance.
  2. Education. Any diploma obtained in one of the CIS countries must be confirmed in the Czech Republic (nostrification). To do this, you choose a university where there is a similar specialty (required - accreditation!) And send a list of documents there. A specific list can be found either on the website of the institution, or by calling the reception. Please note that only a state university diploma can be confirmed! And in some cases, you will need to take additional exams (for example, for doctors).
  3. Competition. In the Czech Republic - among all EU countries: only 3.2%. But first of all, the state is interested in the employment of its own citizens. Therefore, prepare for one of two types of offers:
    • A professional field in which the country lacks specialists.
    • Jobs with difficult working conditions or low wages that locals and residents of other European countries do not agree to (almost all positions related to physical, low-skilled labor).

Scheme of employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic

  1. The employer contacts the local department of the employment department, informs about the availability and characteristics of the vacancy.
  2. A foreigner applies for a vacancy and receives a work permit for up to two years, BUT! only if neither the Czechs nor other EU citizens are interested in this offer within a month.

How can a foreigner obtain a work permit in the Czech Republic?

Stage 1. Draw up and sign an agreement with the employer.

Stage 2. Write an application for a particular card, having studied the list of documents and nuances on the website of the Ministry of Labor of the Czech Republic.

The card is of two types: labor and blue. Both are valid for 2 years. But the first is issued to those who get a job without a higher education (required - a salary level not lower than the minimum, as well as at least 15 hours of work per week). The second - with higher or special education (duration of study - at least 3 years), and only in popular specialties. Both allow you to live and work in the country for the duration of the contract. So what's the difference? When all requirements are met, the blue card is often issued faster, and is also valid for another 3 months after the end of the contract.

The Employment and Blue Cards are more “upscale” substitutes for a work permit, which obliges you to additionally obtain a residence permit for the purpose of labor activity.

Stage 3. The next step is to get a work visa. Documents are submitted for a long-term visa type D. To apply, you need to contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in your country (there you will also find a list of required papers) and pre-register in the Visapoint system. The term of consideration is no more than 3 months.

Stage 4. After obtaining a permit or card, as well as a visa, you come to the country to work. Within 60 days you get a residence permit card, and if you wish, after 5 years - permanent residence.

Are you interested in working in the Czech Republic? Prague, Karlovy Vary, Liberec, Zlín - all these cities have jobs for you. On the site, you will find fresh job vacancies in the Czech Republic, as well as useful information about legal employment in this country. Jobs in the Czech Republic on our website are updated on a daily basis, there are a large number of vacancies in various fields, so depending on your requirements, you can find a job in almost any city in the Czech Republic.

Working in the Czech Republic is attractive for several reasons - it is a geographically close European country with an easy-to-learn language for representatives of the Slavic peoples, and a clear advantage is the high level wages. To work in the Czech Republic, welders, masons, turners, locksmiths, specialists in the manufacture of plastic products, builders, and so on are required. As for unskilled labor, packers, loaders and storekeepers are always in demand in the Czech Republic. Women often choose for themselves the vacancies of maids, nurses, cleaners, seamstresses and cashiers in supermarkets.

Skilled work requires knowledge of the Czech language, but if you have chosen a vacancy from the list of unskilled work, then learning the language is not necessary.

Many employers in the Czech Republic offer employment options with accommodation, food, and work for couples. There are also seasonal work- in areas such as Agriculture, hotel and restaurant business and tourism.

How to get a job in the Czech Republic?

You can find a job in the Czech Republic through special recruiting agencies, or by contacting the employer directly. After receiving an invitation to work in the Czech Republic, you need to collect the remaining Required documents and pay the consular fee. If you do not want to overpay for agency services, you can use the services of one of the most popular resources for finding work abroad site.

There are 126 vacancies for work in the Czech Republic posted on the site today, all of them are relevant as the information is updated on a daily basis. The offers relate to work in the following sectors: production, trade, logistics, construction, domestic staff. Handymen in production are willing to pay an average of 25,000 - 27,000 CZK, for work with less physical exertion - for example, an artist for a factory for the production of souvenirs, you can count on a salary of 16,000 CZK, a housekeeper or maid receives an hour of work in average 100 - 110 CZK.

How to find a job in the Czech Republic without intermediaries. Available jobs in Prague and other Czech cities for Russians and Ukrainians in 2019.

Work in the Czech Republic is in demand among residents of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. The Czech Republic is one of the oldest European states, and the average salary is not too different from more economically developed states - for example, and. The average salary is about $1250.

Square in the center of Prague

The highest wages in the Czech Republic are in the banking sector, as well as in insurance companies. The least profitable can be considered the spheres of culture, art and the social sphere.

Work in the Czech Republic for a foreigner can be of two types - if a foreigner works for any natural or entity or is self-employed.

The Czech Republic does not require a work permit from the following categories of foreign citizens:

  • those that received;
  • from persons who have refugee status;
  • citizens of the EEA and the EU, as well as members of their families.

Finding a job in the Czech Republic in 2019 is not difficult. It is enough to visit several sites with vacancies and some idea of ​​​​what you can do in the Czech Republic, how it will be paid, and who is better to work in this country will already begin to emerge.

Czech Republic map showing areas

If we are talking about simple vacancies, then the roles are distributed as follows - Czech employers place the most vacancies in the following professions:

  • cook, waiter and kitchen worker;
  • Technical Specialist;
  • sales representative (quite often this vacancy involves part-time work, which is very common in the Czech Republic);
  • truck driver;
  • demonstrators, consultants and vendors;
  • operators and equipment adjusters.

These professions can hardly be called highly paid - for example, a waiter will earn about 10,000 crowns, while a doctor's job is paid several times better - more than 40,000 crowns. By the way, working as a doctor in the Czech Republic is very profitable.

The fact is that medicine in the country is experiencing a long-term shortage of personnel - even after the crisis in 2013, their own specialists left for neighboring countries, and now there is a certain shortage of personnel.

This is what Czech money looks like

Now the Czech Republic offers a special integration program for those who want and can work as a doctor in the Czech Republic.

One of the ways to find a job in the Czech Republic is to use the help of the Internet. This is the most efficient way.

There are a lot of portals with vacancies, and this is good news - each job seeker can look for reviews about companies, get acquainted with the specifics of work.

Websites for finding employment in the Czech Republic:

A large number of vacancies are presented on the portal of the Czech employment service.

The search engine filter will help weed out inappropriate job offers.

Recruitment agencies are also very popular. The only thing to worry about is the reputation of the chosen company. However, Czech job sites feature the most popular intermediary agencies that have been operating for many years and have earned their positive reviews with sweat and blood.

An outdated, but nevertheless effective way to find a job is through the media. But it will not work to register with the labor exchange - this opportunity is available only to Czechs, and to those who have the same rights as them.

work visa to the Czech Republic

According to the National Observatory of Employment and Education, which studies employment, employers are increasingly posting the following jobs in Prague:

  • construction workers with and without qualifications;
  • repairmen;
  • cleaners and other support staff;
  • guards;
  • sellers;
  • programmers.

Jobs in Prague for IT workers are very diverse - the growth of vacancies in this area increased by 47% over the year. This suggests that at present, graduates who do not mind going through the nostrification of their diploma and confirming their qualifications will receive the most favorable conditions for cooperation.
This applies not only to Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians - we are talking about any foreign citizens.

The IT sector in 2019 also offers a search for vacancies in the field of startups. Most of them post their vacancies in Prague, but you can also look for remote work.

They hire programmers, designers, developers, testers, as well as other employees. Marketers and project managers can also try themselves in the IT field.

In addition to Prague, you can also pay attention to vacancies in Brno.

Why you should look for a job in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is becoming more attractive year by year - for example, in 2015 the influx of specialists from countries former USSR rose by 23 percent. What attracts Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians in the working environment of the Czech Republic? One of the fundamental factors is the proximity of the country - and not only territorial, but also cultural and linguistic. It should also be noted that labor immigration to the Czech Republic is very affordable, the initial costs are not that big.

The specifics of work in the Czech Republic

According to the new regulation on migrants, you can get not just a labor card. However, many people who come to work do not do this. It is forbidden to find a job in the Czech Republic without a permit, so they resort to fraud - they legally register a Czech instead of themselves and pay for his anxiety.

Czech passport

This method is illegal, especially since it is not so difficult to get a labor card - you can do it yourself, or you can use the help of intermediaries.

It is best to respond to those vacancies that really fit the requirements of the applicant. Otherwise, you can ruin your work card and history. Do not engage in unskilled labor. In order to improve the knowledge of the Czech language, you need to take care of working among the local population.

It is best to tune in to a long wait - the Czechs are incredibly slow in terms of employment, and therefore they respond to applications rather slowly. It also happens that you need to wait two weeks or more.

Identification card in the Czech Republic

Diploma nostrification

Diploma nostrification is required in order to confirm the equivalence of the acquired knowledge and its compliance with the knowledge obtained in the Czech Republic. Without this procedure, the diploma may be invalidated, which means that you will have to forget about highly skilled work. Of course, knowledge will not go anywhere, but documents should also be put in order.

The process of nostrification of a diploma received in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus almost always ends successfully - the fact is that the Czech Republic has an agreement with these countries on similar accredited programs.

An example of nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic

Nostrification provides the following benefits:

  • you can continue to get an education;
  • there is an opportunity to improve qualifications;
  • the labor exchange may offer closely related vocational retraining.

Documentation of employment

The employment card of the Czech Republic is provided after the applicant has provided the following documents:

  • a questionnaire and an application in which you need to indicate the description of the vacancy;
  • international passport - it must be valid for three months longer than the estimated term of the labor card;
  • photos;
  • housing agreement;
  • certificate of education.

The entire package of documents must be translated into Czech.

apostille of translation of documents into Czech

After a positive decision is made at the embassy, ​​the applicant is issued for three months. This visa allows you to stay in the Czech Republic, it is needed for registration of labor activity. Before you get it, you will need to buy a medical policy - travel insurance is used from the moment a person enters the Czech Republic, and before his right to Czech health insurance comes into force.

This visa allows you to come to the country and visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs within three days, where the applicant can submit biometric data in the department. Then you need to register at the place of residence, and only after that they will issue a labor card.

Language Requirements

Today, without knowledge of the Czech language, it is almost impossible to find a job in the Czech Republic. The Czech language is similar to Russian or Ukrainian, but its perception is very difficult for the Slavs, so it is almost impossible to understand what they are talking about in Czech.

If a person does not know Czech, but speaks a little English, then his chances of finding a job increase. But a foreign resident without knowledge of the national language of the Czech Republic can only find a job as a builder, handyman, loader, packer or cleaner.

You need to know the Czech language at least at a minimum level, because, firstly, a foreign resident will need to negotiate with employers, and secondly, the language is necessary to communicate with the local population.

Employment process

The process of employment in the Czech Republic begins with the search for a job. After employee found an employer, he needs to conclude an employment contract with him, on the basis of which a foreign resident will open a work visa to the Czech Republic.

Then you need to get a work permit. It is of 2 types: blue and labor card. Both cards are issued for up to 2 years. The difference between them lies in the fact that the labor card is issued to those foreign residents who do not have a higher education, and only foreigners with a higher or special education can receive a blue card.

After obtaining a work permit, a foreign resident submits documents for a work visa to the Czech Republic. After arrival in the country (within 60 days) on the basis of an employment or blue card, as well as employment contract he gets a residence permit.

Gender division of working specialties

There is also the so-called gender division of professions. Of course, there are vacancies in the Czech Republic that are suitable for both sexes - regardless of gender, the work will be the same, and wages will not differ too much.
For men, workers and engineering specialties, as well as IT development, are most in demand. Women's specialties are almost all concentrated around the tourism sector - a large number of women are in demand as maids and waitresses.

Demanded specialties

In 2019, the Czech Republic is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers. Engineers, doctors, designers and programmers can easily find work in this country. Specialists in the automotive industry and heavy industry are also required.

The list of popular specialties in the Czech Republic:

  • Web Designer.
  • Driver.
  • Doctor.
  • Engineer.
  • Mason.
  • Caster.
  • Painter.
  • Manager.
  • Waiter.
  • Security guard.
  • Cook.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Salesman.
  • Welder.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Chemist.
  • Ecologist.

Salaries by profession

The national currency of the Czech Republic is the crown (1 euro is equal to 25 crowns). Minimum wage in the Czech Republic:

  • Per hour - 2.9 euros (73.2 crowns).
  • Per month - 488 euros (12,200 kroons).

Table: average wages by profession in the Czech Republic

Specialty / professionAverage monthly salary (expressed in euros) before taxes
Anesthetist2 400
Auditor2 000
Business analyst1 300
Accountant1 500
Web Designer1 300
Driver1 000
Doctor1 300
Hotel maid550
Street cleaner500
Engineer1 300
Kitchen staff600
Driver1 000
Security guard450
Firefighter1 100
Police officer1 000
cook assistant600
Teacher1 200
Programmer2 000
farm worker750
Dentist1 700
Builder1 000
Taxi driver1 100
School teacher1 000
Lawyer1 800

The Czech Republic occupies a leading position among industrial developed countries Of Eastern Europe. Economic success makes the Czech Republic attractive to a large number labor migrants from the CIS countries.

The average salary in the Czech Republic at the beginning of 2019 was $1480, the minimum was $480 per month. There has been a decline in the unemployment rate to 3.5% as of April 2018.

Competition in the labor market is quite high for posts with salaries above the average, but at the same time it is insignificant for places with salaries within the established minimum.

The advantages of working in the Czech Republic include territorial and cultural proximity, which make the process of adaptation in the country somewhat easier. Also, the advantage is the opportunity to freely conduct business on the same rights as for citizens of the Czech Republic, and a simple procedure for obtaining EU citizenship within 5 years.

The main disadvantages of working in the Czech Republic are high competition for prestigious positions and a language barrier due to the low prevalence of the English language.

The most demanded professions

According to the Czech Labor Exchange, the following specialists are in demand:

  • doctors serving medical staff;
  • dentists;
  • programmers and software developers.

Jobs for men:

  • driver ( trucks, trams, buses, taxis);
  • welder;
  • electrician;
  • foreman;
  • handyman at a construction site;
  • production equipment adjuster.

The girl can get:

  • seamstress;
  • packer;
  • cook, confectioner;
  • sales consultant.

Among the many vacancies available for work in the Czech Republic, there are specialists whose shortage is felt particularly acute.

These include:

  • engineers;
  • logisticians;
  • chemists;
  • pharmacists.

For people who do not have qualifications, vacancies are available:

  • builder;
  • maintenance worker;
  • cleaner, janitor;
  • security guard;
  • waiter.

The number of offers on the Czech labor market is not as high as in Poland, but the prospect of higher earnings makes the Czech Republic attractive for labor migrants. IN summer period students can work as guides, undergo internships in their specialty at factories or embassies. Live-in jobs are most often offered farms. For girls and women, it is possible to work at home as a nurse, nanny, maid.

Salary per month by profession

Foreigners try to leave for Prague, Brno and the central regions, as the level of wages is higher there. In regions on the border, the average monthly income for the same specialties is lower by an average of 400-500 dollars.

Handymen and service staff can earn an average of $400-700 per month.

Work without intermediaries

When looking for a job in the Czech Republic on your own, a citizen of a CIS country can send his resume directly to employers. The Czech Post has a large number of vacancies. Other major Czech employers are the Škoda plant and the energy company ČEZ.

Popular job search sites

To search for a job via the Internet, just visit one of the portals for the selection of vacancies:

To use these sites, you will need knowledge of the Czech language or the help of an online translator. The Bureau of Employment and Vacancies in the Czech Republic has its own website since always fresh vacancies - .

Specialized Resources

You can find work in a particular industry through specialized sites.

Types of employment

For applicants who do not have knowledge of the language or want to temporarily earn some money in the Czech Republic, there are a number of vacancies.

Work without knowing the language

It is almost impossible to get a high-paying position without knowing Czech. You will need at least basic language skills to communicate with the employer and solve everyday problems.

Seasonal work

During the summer period in the Czech Republic, additional vacancies are opened, mainly related to the beginning of the agricultural season.

Main types of work:

  • collection of forest berries, mushrooms;
  • clearing the forest, planting trees;
  • harvesting, alloying and processing of wood;
  • strengthening channels and banks of rivers, lakes;
  • preparation of seed material, crop care, collection;
  • haircut, breeding of young animals.

Seasonal work involves a short-term contract of about 2-4 months, often with accommodation and free travel to the place of work.

Temporary job

Temporary work in the Czech Republic is not in a simple way earnings. The applicant will have to complete a full package of documents, as in the case of long-term employment.

On short term accept:

  • cleaners;
  • loaders;
  • waiters;
  • administrators;
  • maids;
  • handymen.

Hiring for a short period, the applicant must be prepared for the fact that the employer will try to squeeze the maximum out of him. The working day of a temporary employee can be 10-12 hours.

Other options

In addition to hiring, foreigners in the Czech Republic can engage in own business. Czech legislation welcomes the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The procedure for opening a private enterprise is extremely simple.

For shift method work required:

  • truck drivers;
  • dentists;
  • welders;
  • pickers.

The official recruitment process

There are two types of vacancies for foreigners in the Czech Republic. The first is demanded professions for which there is a shortage of qualified specialists. The second is that jobs are unpopular among Czechs.

Priority of actions

In general terms, the procedure for official employment in the Czech Republic is as follows:

  1. Search for a suitable vacancy.
  2. Communication with the employer.
  3. In case of successful completion of the interview - the signing of an employment contract.
  4. Registration of a work permit and the opening of a work visa.
  5. Arrival in the country, obtaining an employment or blue card.

As soon as the documents are put in order, the employee can begin to perform his duties.

Types of work permits

You can officially find a job in the Czech Republic if you have either a work visa, or a labor card, or a blue card. A work visa is issued for a period of 3-6 months. Employment card - a work permit containing the owner's biometric data, which allows you to legally work in the Czech Republic for up to 2 years.

Another type of work permit. It is issued only to highly qualified specialists of professions that are in short supply in the Czech Republic. Its validity period is from 1 to 2 years.

Categories that do not require a work permit

  • EU citizens;
  • having refugee status;
  • received a Czech residence permit.

For citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other non-EU countries, legal labor activity in the country is possible only after obtaining a work visa, labor or blue card.

List of main documents

List of required to obtain work visa documents are presented on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Czech Republic.

It includes:

  • international passport;
  • completed application form (select the appropriate one);
  • color photography 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • documents confirming the availability of housing;
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • original work permit from the employment center;
  • employment contract;

In addition, they may request a medical certificate confirming the absence of diseases that could interfere with the implementation of labor activity.

Applying for a work visa

All documents must be translated into Czech, and copies of documents must be notarized. After that, you need to go to the Czech consulate in your country and personally submit the documents.

The review process can take up to several months. During this time, an interview or additional documents may be required to clarify the data. After a positive decision is made, a work visa will be issued within 3 days.

Eligibility Criteria for Work Visa Candidates

The following persons have the highest chances of successfully opening a work visa:

  • qualified in the professions in demand in the Czech Republic;
  • specialists in short supply in the Czech Republic;
  • people applying for vacancies unpopular among Czechs and EU citizens.

Thus, both highly qualified specialists and unskilled workers can obtain a work visa to the Czech Republic.

Work visa extension

The procedure for extending a work visa is not much different from the procedure for opening it. The list of documents remains unchanged. Documents must be submitted to one of the branches of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, depending on the place of residence. You can extend a visa no earlier than 3 months and no later than 14 days before the end of the previous one.

Business immigration

Opening a business in the Czech Republic is easier than getting a work visa. It is enough to have only one founder. There are no restrictions on the minimum capital, number of shareholders, block of shares. Application for registration of an open joint-stock company must be submitted to the Czech Commercial Court. Registration of a company can be refused either in case of incorrect execution of documents, or if the package of submitted documents is not complete.

Internship in the Czech Republic

Young professionals can go on an internship to the Czech Republic and complete it on the basis of one of the universities.

Basic conditions for the internship:

  • Duration from 6 to 24 months.
  • A diploma of at least a bachelor's degree.
  • Knowledge of Czech or English.

Documents for registration for an internship:

  • summary in English or Czech;
  • a copy of a foreign passport;
  • a copy of the diploma;
  • motivation letter.

You can apply all year round, but most programs open in early autumn.

Consequences for illegal employment

For Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Moldovans and other illegal immigrants, working without documents is a direct path to deportation from the country with a ban on entry for a period of 5 years. In addition, it is possible to impose a fine, and in some cases imprisonment in a Czech deportation prison while the case is being considered by the Czech court.

Persons applying for vacancies for which there is a shortage of specialists or for jobs that are unpopular among the local population can get a job in the Czech Republic. This gives a chance for employment in the Czech Republic for both qualified personnel and people without a specialty or work experience.

Work in the Czech Republic, as well as life in this European country, attracts many people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the CIS and Eastern Europe.

According to the estimates of European and world statistical companies, the Czech Republic should be extremely interested in the influx of economic migrants, and with highly qualified. President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman declares that he will never give permission for labor migration to the country, no matter how good and valuable specialists people are, if Czech values ​​and mentality are alien to them.

However, the laws of economics confirm that without an infusion of fresh work force from other countries the Czech Republic will not receive an impetus for development, the process of labor migration is necessary.

What are the advantages of working in the Czech Republic

If everything is so bad, then why is every twentieth person in the Czech Republic a foreigner? And this is only according to official information. In 2018, 500,000 legal migrants were recorded in the Chechen Republic, while the number of illegal workers significantly exceeds these figures.

The main reasons for choosing the Czech Republic as a place of work:

  • Small, at first glance, salaries are more than compensated state support mortgages, tax cuts, Special attention is given to young families, to increase the birth rate.
  • In the Czech Republic, medium and small businesses are very developed, starting a business is quite easy, bureaucratic obstacles are minimal.
  • If the business and work of a foreigner is beneficial to the Czech Republic from an economic point of view, brings income to the country's treasury, then there is a high probability of quickly obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence.

Among the advantages of working in the Czech Republic, one can note low taxes compared to other European countries, free education, low loan rates for business development.

Foreigners, choosing the Czech Republic as a country for work, often think about how comfortable life is there, whether it is convenient to transport a family, what is expected of children. In general, the Czech Republic is a country with a low crime rate, well-developed transport links, inexpensive accommodation, favorable environmental conditions - this is also a definite plus in favor of working in the Czech Republic.

The most demanded professions in the Czech Republic

In general, the shortage in the labor market in Europe is felt in working specialties: a welder, a mechanic, a turner, a driver. As for the national Czech labor market, for several years now the top five most demanded professions have looked like this:

  1. cook
  2. security guard
  3. driver
  4. welder
  5. waiter

In addition to them, in the Czech Republic there is a catastrophic shortage of doctors, IT specialists - those personnel who left for more than high salaries to Germany, France, America.

Also, in the Czech Republic, they need workers in mechanical engineering, logistics, laborers, sellers, drivers of heavy trucks.

How to find a job in the Czech Republic. Ways and methods of search.

Firstly, unemployment issues are dealt with at the state level, monthly a list of vacancies is published on the websites of the regional offices of the Ministry of Employment in the Czech Republic (UŘAD PRACE). Also, a foreigner with a residence permit can personally apply to the ministry and they will help him with finding a job, they will give information on the average salary in the country.

Secondly, in the Czech Republic, international and national job search sites have received great development. They have an extensive bank of vacancies, all the information is up-to-date.

Thirdly, there is great amount intermediary firms that are willing to find work for a certain percentage of the salary. Basically, these firms are focused on clients who have not yet left their native country, therefore they offer an integrated approach: job search, translation services, paperwork, visa consultations, and so on.

Minimum and average wages in the Czech Republic

Subsidies, support and development programs from the EU improve the quality of life of Czechs, the level of wages in the country increases every year.

Paradoxically, the times when the salaries of Russian or Ukrainian highly qualified specialists were significantly lower than in the Czech Republic are gradually passing away. In Europe, there is still a significant difference in the wages of workers in different countries.

If we talk about specific figures, then the minimum and average salaries in the Czech Republic are as follows:

  • 8,000 kroons - the minimum wage below which you are not entitled to pay;
  • 30,000 kroons average salary before taxes (slightly more than 40%, half paid by the employer, the other part by the employee);
  • 10,000 - 12,000 kroons - low salary, for example, a cashier in a supermarket, a waiter;
  • 15,000 - 30,000 kroons - the average salary of an office worker, service sector;
  • 40,000 - 60,000 - 80,000 kroons is a good salary that doctors, teachers, highly qualified specialists, programmers, scientists of various fields receive.

The upper salary bar rests on one hundred thousand crowns, only businessmen get higher.

Language proficiency requirements for employment in the Czech Republic

The Czechs are quite loyal to the knowledge of the Czech language by labor migrants. For many companies this criterion is not essential or significant. The same policy is followed at the state level: in order to obtain a work card in the Czech Republic, a residence permit is not required to pass the Czech language exam (for permanent residence, the language minimum A2 is required).

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • at the present time, mainly people come to work in the Czech Republic from Ukraine, Slovakia, Moldova, Russia, and due to the similarity of the language there is no sharp language barrier;
  • foreigners are offered low-skilled work (handymen, washers, cleaners), which does not require good ownership language;
  • a large number of companies owned by foreigners - Ukrainians, Russians, Vietnamese, hire their compatriots;
  • possibly work in foreign company, where English is selected as the primary language.

However, this does not mean that in the Czech Republic you can get any job without knowing the language, it all depends on the characteristics of the profession.

For example, doctors, IT-specialists, sales managers, bank employees, advertising agents most often pass the language proficiency exam. For high-quality work, they need a serious level of language proficiency, knowledge of terms.

There are professions where a deep knowledge of the Czech language is not required to a large extent, on the contrary, even a superficial knowledge of other languages ​​popular in this area is in demand. We are talking about waiters, sellers, realtors.

In general, without knowledge of the Czech language, you can get a job as an auxiliary worker, handyman, or a specialist in a compatriot's company, or in the provision of services only for compatriots. But it must be taken into account that this state of affairs is possible only in large cities and places where a large community of native speakers lives.

The Czech Republic is interested in the visitor integrating into society as soon as possible, learning the language, imbued with local values ​​​​and mentality - this impressively reduces the number of criminal illegal immigrants, therefore, free language courses are actively offered.

Diploma nostrification

The Czech Republic has a low percentage of people with higher education, therefore, foreign specialists from good rating universities in Russia and Ukraine (doctors, scientists, technical specialists) are especially valued here.

In order for a labor migrant in the Czech Republic to go to work in their specialty, or to continue their studies or scientific activity, it is necessary to obtain a nostrification of the diploma. A diploma of a foreign state in the Czech Republic has no legal force if it is not confirmed by a higher education institution of the Czech Republic.

Diploma nostrification consists of the following steps:

  1. A foreign specialist must make a copy of the diploma and an insert indicating the disciplines passed, the number of hours, grades, legal translation of papers and notarize all this.
  2. Find the Czech university that graduates such specialists, fill out the nostrification application form on the website of the institution, attach certified copies of your diploma.
  3. Pay the fee.

Confirmation (or denial) will be sent to the address indicated in the application no later than 60 days after the application was submitted. Nostrification is not needed if two universities cooperate and they have signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education.

The refusal can be for several reasons: there is no similar specialty in the Czech Republic, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the diploma, the number of hours and the name of the disciplines sharply diverge from the norms of the local education system.

The applicant may be asked to retake some disciplines, or to pass a qualifying exam, which will convince the commission of the Czech university that, indeed, the applicant has sufficient knowledge in accordance with the specialty.

Legal employment in the Czech Republic

All activities of labor migrants in the Czech Republic are regulated Labor Code CR and the Aliens Act in paragraphs relating to work.

According to the law, residents of the EU, the European Economic Area and those from Switzerland can do without issuing a special package of documents giving the right to work in the Czech Republic. Everyone else who wants to work in the Czech Republic will have to obtain permission.

So, theoretically, any foreigner can get permission to work in the Czech Republic: work for himself, become an entrepreneur or establish a company, or work in a Czech company. A work permit can be canceled at any time if the migrant has violated the legislation of the Czech Republic.

There are many subtleties and nuances in matters of doing business in the Czech Republic, it is advisable to know about them before becoming a jednatelem (member in a legal entity) or živnostnikom (private entrepreneur).

It is important to note that obtaining, for example, a visa on the basis of participation in a legal entity does not mean at all that a foreigner can work in the Czech Republic. Most likely, he will have to be a hired director (to act as a director under an agreement with his own company) in his own legal entity and receive remuneration, not a salary. As a rule, the owners of the company have no problem getting a full-time job, but they prefer to remain on the remuneration. Such a scheme is actively used as a way to minimize the tax burden, otherwise even the minimum wage would have to pay more than four thousand crowns of taxes, an unjustifiably small salary would cause the competent authorities to suspect the legality of everything that happens, but the amount of remuneration can be any.

Currently, the main option for foreign qualified personnel to get a job in the Czech Republic is to obtain a blue card. Previously, it was required to obtain two separate permits: for work and residence for the purpose of work, since 2014 these concepts have been combined into a blue card. The introduction of the blue card greatly simplifies the processing of documents for work, increases the period of work and residence permits from 6 months to two years.

For legal employment in the Czech Republic, a foreigner can use the following options and conclude the following types of employment contract with the employer:

  • pracovni smlouva - a standard and familiar work contract, according to which the employer pays the necessary taxes, and the employee has a full social package (vacation, decree, sick leave);
  • Dohoda o provedeni prace - an agreement on the performance of work, this contract is strictly regulated in content and must reflect the whole essence of the working relationship, the working time should not exceed 300 hours per year, but an employee may have several signed Dohoda o provedeni prace with different employers;
  • Dohoda o provedeni činnosti - an agreement on labor activity, when it comes to one-time work, an analogue of freelancing.

It is up to the foreigner to decide how profitable it is to be an economic migrant. Here it is important to take into account what its initial conditions are, what are the requirements for new job. But if we consider the Czech Republic as a place of main work for a long time, properly prepare for the move, then it is likely that the activity will be successful and well paid.