I am looking for a job in Australia for Russians. Work in Australia: vacancies, visas and necessary documents. Labor migrants as a dope for the economy

Not everyone can get a qualified job in Australia, since this country puts forward considerable requirements for candidates for certain positions. But to get an unskilled job does not require much work. The country is happy to accept people who, for low pay (by Australian standards), are able to perform work that does not require additional knowledge or skills.

The famous Harbor Bridge in Australia

The country offers a wide list of vacancies in 2020 that will enable an immigrant to earn good money. However, in order to get this or that job, you need to know that Australian employers are very meticulous about the choice of employees. Therefore, before you go to earn money in this country, you should find out what requirements Australian entrepreneurs put forward for people who want to find a job in any state of Australia.

In order to enter Australia for work, a person must meet these criteria, as well as fulfill the following conditions:

If these basic requirements are met, then a work visa can be issued to a foreigner by right. Emigration from the country will be made, and the person will be able to carry out his labor activity in Australia.

Types of work permits

For Russian immigrants, as well as those wishing to come to Australia to work from other CIS countries, there are such subspecies of work visas:

  • Intermittent work (workshop);
  • Temporary work;
  • Work on separate plans (internship, practice);
  • Emigration for emigrant workers - specific specialists.

Intermittent work

What does an Australian visa look like?

The conditions for obtaining such a permit are as follows:

  • A firm that sends an invitation to a foreigner must have a sponsorship permit. The position of the enterprise about possible work- approved by the Department of Immigration and in no case should be made deliberately for the applicant;
  • The position to which a person from another country is invited must necessarily be in a special list of professions;
  • The sponsoring enterprise must be in one person and the employer of the applicant;
  • A foreign employee must have the appropriate qualifications, specialization, and work experience;
  • The invited person must know English language at a high level.

This class of permit is issued for four years.

If the deadline ends, then the person can apply for the next visa and can do this as many times as he likes.

A foreigner has the opportunity to bring his family members to the country, and they will have the right to study or work here.

Prohibitions for a foreigner

Having issued a temporary work permit at the invitation of the Australian side, a foreigner does not have the right to:

  • Change the place of work, if he has not agreed this with his immediate employer;
  • Doing work that does not correspond to his competence;
  • In parallel, work in another company or for yourself.

Short-term work on the mainland

Intermittent work in Australia gives you the opportunity to come to the mainland to work on a temporary basis. specialized work.

This subclass of visa is usually issued for a period of up to six weeks, however, in some situations this period can be extended to three months.


Such a sub-class of visa may be issued to those young foreigners who are actively involved in cultural exchange schemes. In order to obtain such a visa, you need to have a letter in which an Australian company invites a foreigner for an internship.

unskilled work

Immigrants who have settled in Australia as unskilled workers can earn approximately as much per month:

Over the past decades, the Australian economy has been actively developing. abundance natural resources and competent government reforms contribute to the growth of the welfare of the local population and the country as a whole. Australia is home to many ethnic groups, including English, Irish, Scottish, Italian, German. Many immigrants also came from the post-Soviet space.

Jobs in Australia for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries in 2020 are available in various fields, ranging from temporary employment in agriculture, ending with long-term employment for qualified professionals with permanent residence. To do this, the country has a number of immigration programs.

Unemployment in Australia about 5.2%. Three quarters of Australian workers are employed in the service sector Agriculture account for no more than 3.5%. For successful employment in Australia, you will need to analyze the local labor market, take into account regional characteristics and soberly assess your chances. Next, we will learn how to find a job in Australia, where to look workplace what salaries and vacancies are available in 2020.

How to go to work in Australia

Despite the loyal attitude of the Australian authorities towards potential immigrants, finding a job in Australia is not at all easy. The main requirements for foreigners are experience, qualifications, knowledge of English, and most importantly, the demand for the profession. The ideal employment option in Australia for Russians or Ukrainians is professional immigration programs.

Specialized Service Skill Select greatly simplifies the search for a suitable job in Australia and allows qualified applicants to obtain a work visa relatively quickly. Read more about this in the article how to emigrate to Australia. In particular, it describes the key requirements for foreign workers and types of professional migration programs.

Detailed information on the types of work visas to Australia, lists of scarce professions and labor immigration conditions can be found on the official government portal of the country - australia.gov.au. Much attention should be paid to language skills. Working in Australia without knowing the language is an absolutely losing option that will not bring you financial or moral satisfaction.

Good chances for employment in Australia have qualified young people aged up to 45-50 years, with sufficient work experience and excellent command of English, which must be confirmed by a certificate. Take resume writing seriously cover letter tailored for local employers. The process of obtaining a work visa takes 2-3 months. Finding a suitable job can take even longer.

How to find a job in Australia. Job search.

Every year, the Australian immigration authorities issue several hundred thousand work visas, both permanent and temporary. At the same time, competition in the local labor market is quite significant. Searching for a job in Australia at a distance, that is, if you are in your own country, is complicated by the lack of open jobs in the public domain. Up to 70% of vacancies are simply not posted on the Internet.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of job search options in Australia, including for Russians, Ukrainians and other foreigners. For example, in modern conditions should be actively used social media, especially professional - linkedin.com . Communication with experienced immigrants can bring results. Write job offers to employers directly. Australia has many large companies, in particular, Caltex Australia, Suncorp, Wesfarmers, Qantas and others.

Carefully study the list of scarce professions in Australia. Here is a link to the list with changes relevant for 2020. Visit the official site public service Employment Australia - employment.gov.au and national portal with a database of open vacancies - jobactive.gov.au.

Popular Job Search Sites in Australia

Notable Australian newspapers

If you can’t find a job in Australia on your own, you can contact one of the local recruitment agencies. Use the resource - yellowpages.com.au to search.

Jobs and salary in Australia in 2020

Australia has a wide range of jobs that foreigners can apply for. This may be seasonal work, for example, on farms, in the hotel and restaurant business, in the service sector. There are options for long-term employment, which mainly require qualified specialists technical professions. Among foreign applicants, work in Australia in the mines, in the region information technologies, construction and other sectors of industry.

If we take available jobs in Australia for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians in 2020, first of all, you need to research list of scarce professions. In particular, this year there will be jobs for medical workers, however, there may be difficulties with the recognition of education or additional training may be required. There is a demand for engineers, builders, mechanics, electricians, social workers, plumbers.

The average salary in Australia in 2020 is about 5.3 thousand Australian dollars per month or 3.7 thousand in US currency. The official minimum hourly rate as of July 1, 2019 is $19.49. You can earn money on types of unskilled labor popular among citizens of the post-Soviet space, for example, work in Australia for harvesting, as well as waitresses, cleaners, nurses, nannies, bartenders, and so on. up to 2 thousand dollars per month. Experienced and qualified foreigners, with good ownership English, may well count on 3-4 thousand dollars and higher.

Australia is a country with a high quality of life and a stable developed economy. This is what attracts people who want to earn money. Only 22 million people live on a vast territory, so there is a constant need for workers in agriculture, mining and processing industries, as well as qualified specialists in various fields.

Work Visa

In order to get a job, a foreigner will need a work visa. Without it, it is impossible to get a job or even just enter the territory of the state. There are several types of such documents.

Family members are included in the immigration certificate. Everyone must pass medical checkup and provide a document on the absence of problems with the law and tax authorities.

The following types of work permits have been developed for citizens of the CIS countries:

  1. Temporary workshop. The specialist arrives at the invitation of the sponsoring company, has the right to bring his family.
  2. Intermittent work. An invitation from the employer is also required.
  3. Internship programs for young professionals. Usually last from 6 to 12 months. Can be found through specialized agencies. Most often, this is a restaurant, tourist and hospitality business.

Employers have a number of requirements for applicants:

  • good knowledge of English;
  • age up to 45 years;
  • diploma of higher or incomplete higher education;
  • an entry in the work book about work in the specialty.

The Department of Immigration website has a list of professions under which you can apply for a job. It is updated every 8 months.

Visiting specialists confirm their qualifications and knowledge of the English language in special licensed institutions. With official employment, an employee does not have the right to work for another company or for himself.

No work visa is required for politicians, athletes, journalists, people who want to get a job seasonal work.

Get good high paying job in Australia it is quite difficult, since the country's policy is focused on employment, first of all, of its citizens. The employer still has to prove that he could not find a specialist for a specific job in his country. In addition, the applicant for some professions will have to obtain a local license. But the demand for low-skilled labor is very high, you can always find a job here.

Jobs and pay level

On the website of the Migration Department, you can find out not only which professions are required by the state, but also the average income level for each of them. The concept of "minimum wage" is not legally established.

Average salary in Australia (in Australian dollars, AUD)

Specialists receive higher pay than unskilled workers. But even unskilled workers here receive the highest in the world. hourly pay- 15 Australian dollars, in addition, on holidays and weekends, the payment is doubled.

Different states of the country require different specialists. So, in Cunnington, miners are needed, the southern states are waiting for electricians, plumbers, welders, fitters, Queensland wants to see hairdressers, dentists, architects. Wages are highest in the capital, in the provinces the same specialists receive less money, but life there is cheaper.

Seasonal and temporary work

Citizens of the European Union, the United States and some other countries are most likely to be hired for seasonal work. It is more difficult for our compatriots to get there. This work is provided by:

  • farms;
  • hotels and hotels;
  • services sector.

Agriculture is one of Australia's priority sectors. Sheep and cows are bred here, fruits and vegetables are grown. The country has vast areas of wheat fields. And sugarcane also occupies an important place in the economy.

Invited for part-time work:

  • building sector;
  • manufacturing industry;
  • mining industry.

Chefs and drivers are also often required. You can work as a driver for up to three months without getting an Australian license, but then you will either need to complete training or pass an exam and get a local document. Knowledge of the language in this area is required.

Especially it is possible to allocate such work as looking after children. Here you can’t do without knowledge of English, but there are enough vacancies in this area.

If a foreigner is left without a job, and the visa is still valid, he is given the opportunity to find a new place, and they will even pay unemployment benefits for some time.


The country has a progressive income tax rate. For non-residents of the country:

Job Search

Jobs can be found via the Internet, there are local and international resources, it will not be superfluous to refer to the official website of the Department of Immigration.

Job sites in Australia:

  • www.australiajobs.net
  • www.careerone.com.au
  • www.bluecollar.com.au
  • www.jobnet.com.au
  • www.jora.com
  • www.seek.com.au

It also makes sense to send your resume to potential employers. Job advertisements can be found in local newspapers. Although places for non-residents are rare here.

Often looking for work, directly contacting construction sites, cafes and restaurants, farms. The recommendation system works very well, if you can get a letter of recommendation from your previous job, getting a new one is much easier.

Employment agencies also work, however, they are not interested in the employment of a particular person, they are more interested in filling a vacancy and receiving their commission from the employer.

Types of employment

The hardest thing is to find a full-time job with a social package. Usually, applicants find it, already being in the country and having worked according to the temporary scheme.

Where do Australians work?

Migration services regularly conduct raids to identify illegal workers. The country has an electronic service VEVO, which reflects all received visas and work permits. The caught violator is sent to the Illegal Workers Detention Center, after which he is deported from Australia. And the employer faces a large fine, and subsequently a trial, as this is a direct violation of the law.

Finding a good job in Australia is not easy or quick, but those who manage to get a job are always satisfied with decent pay, decent working conditions and a high level of quality of life.

By the standards of the CIS countries, wages in Australia quite high. It is this fact that pushes the inhabitants of the Russian Federation to go to work in Australia.

Australia through the eyes of Russians looks like a state that offers decent pay professionals in any field. Partly it is!

If you are a qualified worker, know English at a sufficient level and sincerely wish to live and work on the territory of this mainland, then you will find your place.

This year, the list of professions in demand is really wide. If you are interested in working in Australia for Russians, then you find your employer.

If you doubt whether you should go to work in this state, then check out these rules and then the decision will be made as carefully as possible.

So, main requirements to Russian applicants in Australia:

  • at the time of applying for a visa you should be less than 45 years old;
  • necessary know English not lower than the level of Vocational English;
  • you need to have a diploma of higher or incomplete higher education;
  • your chosen profession Necessarily must appear on the Australian Department of Migration's declared official list of occupations;
  • in the declared profession you must work at least one year and present work book confirming this fact.

Fulfillment of these requirements will allow you to easily register residents of the Russian Federation in this country, and you will no longer wonder how to find a job in Australia.

Attention! Please note that Australian companies select employees very meticulously and carefully. It will not be possible to hide important facts and silence information about yourself.

Types of work permits and areas in demand for Russians

Today Australia offers such types of work permits:

  • fickle(master) work - only those who have received an invitation from an Australian company and are issued for 4 years can work;
  • short-term work - temporary work related to the performance of specialized services, which is issued for up to 6 weeks;
  • internship- issued to Russians who take part in cultural exchange schemes, upon invitation from the firm;
  • unskilled work- work in Australia for Russians without knowledge of the language.

Today, residents of the Russian Federation can try themselves in various fields offered by this country. For example, in the field of agriculture. Both professionals and inexperienced workers can get a job here.

It is important to know! Working on a farm in Australia is incomparable with working conditions in agricultural enterprises of the CIS countries. Australian farms are equipped with the latest technology, so working on them is very attractive for residents of the Russian Federation. Moreover, even handymen are paid well here.

Another popular area that many immigrants choose is the processing industry, as well. Working in the mines of Australia well paid and, as a rule, involves payment by the employer for housing and meals for workers.

Russian men can also find a number of interesting vacancies in the field of construction and women have the opportunity to take care of children in Australia.

Salary of Russians in Australia

Unskilled labor is the least paid in Australia. unskilled workers in 2017 receive:

  • cleaning woman - from 1800 dollars;
  • fast food worker (cook, waiter, bartender) - from 2200 dollars;
  • salesman in the store - from 2500 dollars;
  • handyman - from 2500 dollars;
  • nurse - from 1500 dollars;
  • driver - from 2000 dollars.

Concerning wages on a farm for Russians, then the salary of workers who are involved in animal husbandry is in 2017 16-20 dollars per hour. Agricultural specialists receive from $25 per hour.

Demanded jobs with high salaries

There are a number of professions that in demand on the mainland, but not every resident of the Russian Federation can work in these positions.

And all because Australian companies make serious demands knowledge of their profession, as well as the English language.

Among the popular and well-paid vacancies for Russians in Australia positions can be identified like secretary, accountant, programmer and engineer.

Specialists in these areas receive in Australia from 4800 to 5600 dollars. They also have decent pay. skilled workers mining industry who receive from 80 to 240 thousand dollars a year.

It is important to know! Engineers get well - from 60 to 210 thousand dollars a year. Medical workers in Australia will receive from 130 to 150 thousand dollars a year.

Job vacancies by state

Find full list vacancies can Australian Department of Migration website. The suggested list will depend on which state you choose.

So, in South Australia in 2017 required:

  • welders;
  • electricians;
  • auto mechanics;
  • masons;
  • plasterers;
  • cooks.

queensland offers vacancies:

  • welders;
  • carpenters;
  • hairdressers;
  • dental technicians;
  • bakers;
  • artists;
  • plumbers;
  • architects.

State of Victoria invites to work:

  • plumbers;
  • carpenters;
  • installers;
  • confectioners;
  • cooks;
  • mechanics.

To summarize, today in Australian companies most needed experts such as:

  • locksmiths;
  • electricians;
  • upholstery specialists;
  • car restorers;
  • auto mechanics;
  • confectioners;
  • welders.

Life in Australia for Russians not always so simple or so complicated as it is presented. It all depends on the individual applicant, his position and qualifications.

If you learn in detail about the requirements for Russians, as well as confident in their abilities and knowledge then you can find a job on the Green Continent and get a good salary.