10 high paying jobs. The highest paid professions in the world and Russia. The highest paid professions in Russia

Every employee dreams of a profession with big salary. This is a logical and perfectly justified desire of any person. After all, no one wants to work, receiving in return a penny that is barely enough for the most necessary.

The information about high-paying professions is of the greatest interest to young people who have not yet made a choice and are just starting their careers. A lot can depend on the choice of the field of activity. After all, building a successful career takes a decade or more. If you do not make a mistake with the choice and master a profession with a large salary, it is highly likely that the dream of high income will come true.

How are things in the capital?

Moscow has always been and continues to be an attractive place for workers from all over the country and even from neighboring countries. There are reasons for this.

The largest salaries in the profession are usually received by metropolitan workers. According to statistics, their remuneration is 50 percent or more higher than in similar positions in the regions. Such injustice is forcing people from the provinces with high-paying professions to move to Moscow. Here, much greater prospects open up for them than in a small town.

There are many more companies in the capital that offer favorable working conditions and larger payments compared to the provinces. This is why capital cities always attract applicants from all over the country. Some simply cannot settle in their city due to a lack of jobs.

What occupations have the highest salaries?

There are a variety of reasons why people ask this question. Someone is looking for a prospect, wanting to get a higher paying position, or even new profession with a big salary in Russia. Someone is simply interested in how things are with more successful colleagues. There are those who simply study the situation on the labor market. Let's get acquainted with the professions, whose representatives receive large salaries.


Even during a period of financial instability, this position is still among the highest paid. During crises, the ability to attract customers becomes an especially valuable skill. After all, even the most quality goods and services may remain unclaimed and not profitable if there is no one to sell them to. A marketer is responsible for attracting customers, and with high-quality work, he can count on a salary of 100-200 thousand rubles. Some experts consider this profession as a start. Having gained experience in promoting other people's goods and services, they think about creating and promoting own business.


Any big company representatives of this profession are needed. These may be auditors who specialize not only in financial indicators but also on the overall quality assessment. To count on a salary of 60 to 160 thousand rubles, you need to compete with your colleagues. To do this, novice specialists have to gain experience by working in less paid vacancies.

HR manager

In other words, they are HR professionals. They are quite promising and at the same time demanded vacancies. Large employers are constantly hiring and firing employees. This whole, in fact, continuous process, someone must control. Therefore, the state provides a place for HR managers. Practical skills are important for potential candidates. One theory without real interviews is usually not enough to interest the employer.


Despite the inconsistency of this profession, it continues not only to exist, but also to remain one of the most popular and well-paid. This is especially true of the capital. The Moscow real estate market is so fluid that successful professionals receive the highest salaries. On average, its size is 150 thousand rubles. But since realtors work for a percentage of the transaction, there is no upper bar. In fact, the specialist himself forms his salary. The more transactions, the more expensive the property, the higher the income. At the same time, it is very curious that people without higher education often become realtors. Usually, the profession is mastered by those who used to be somehow connected with sales - managers, insurance agents.


This specialty is not the first year remains popular. Increased interest from applicants has led to an excess of staff. Among lawyers, there are many who cannot get a job in their specialty. However, this does not prevent the representatives of the profession from receiving high incomes. After all, it is not easy to find a competent specialist. Experienced lawyers in banking and manufacturing are especially valued. Large holdings will also be glad to see them among their employees. The prospects for this profession remain attractive for some. In this area, you can earn 100-220 thousand rubles. There is a prospect of opening your own legal office and increasing your income to 500 thousand rubles or more.

IT specialist

Computer techologies so deeply penetrated into life ordinary people that the answer to the question of which occupations earn the highest wages becomes clear. These are IT professionals. They are so in demand that they can work not only in Russia, but also abroad. This profession can be seen as a chance to improve your financial situation. It is not surprising that the competition for IT-specialties in universities becomes more complicated year by year. Working in a capital company, a representative of the profession can earn 100-300 thousand rubles, which is comparable to the income of some top managers.

civil aviation pilot

There are whole legends about income in the aviation industry. Talking about professions, this area is never bypassed, which is not at all surprising. Of course, not all pilots receive the same high income. Salary depends on many factors, among which experience plays an important role. However, if a number of conditions are met, pilots receive a worthy reward in the amount of 200-300 thousand rubles and even more.


A person who controls all financial flows and pays salaries simply cannot have a low income. However, the exact amount depends on the position. The chief accountant earns much more than his less successful colleagues. With experience and a good position, the income can be about 350 thousand rubles. Agree, this is a very worthy reward. However, to achieve such a bar, you need to be well versed in your industry, and in a sense, become an indispensable specialist.

Top manager

When answering the question of which profession has the highest salary, one cannot ignore representatives of leadership positions. It is they who receive the highest income among other workers. According to various sources, managers in various fields earn from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles a month. In large companies, fees can be even higher.

Professions with big salaries for girls

Girls (unlike men) are more inclined to perform monotonous work that requires accuracy and concentration. Based on these qualities, we can distinguish the following professions that enterprising ladies successfully master.

  1. Personnel specialist. According to statistics, most employees change jobs within three to five years. Therefore, many companies, especially large holdings, are constantly experiencing staff shortages. The recruiter must find a candidate who meets the requirements and can fulfill the obligations assigned to him in a quality manner. The average salary is 70,000 rubles.
  2. Confectioner. This work for girls is attractive because it allows you to show creative imagination. You can not only work in a pastry shop, but also find customers on your own by offering custom-made cakes. With sufficient volumes, you can reach a good income. On average, a confectioner can earn 50,000 rubles. Such a salary for women (especially in the regions) is considered worthy.
  3. PR manager. This specialist controls public relations Preference is given to sociable candidates who know how to establish business contacts. You can earn up to 150,000 rubles per month.
  4. Work in the field of beauty. This industry is so popular that its representatives are never left without offers. In particular, hairdressers, stylists, manicurists are in demand. Income, as a rule, depends on the flow of customers. Those masters who have an established base will find it easier to reach a stable and high income. You can earn up to 150,000 rubles by becoming an employee or working independently.

How to get a job with a big salary?

Everyone dreams of a profession with a high income. But few people dare to make their desire a reality. More experienced professionals share their advice.

  1. First of all, you need to set a goal. What is the average salary in your area? If it is too small, pay attention to the capital's market. But first, be clear about your goal. You must know what figure you are aiming for - 35, 50, 100 thousand rubles or more.
  2. You need to believe in yourself. This quality will allow you not to be afraid to knock on the doors of large companies, to hold on to an interview with dignity and not be upset because of temporary setbacks. Successful specialists also started somewhere, made mistakes, but continued to strive for their own goal.
  3. Change your place of residence. If you think that you do not have worthy prospects in your region, you should pay attention to megacities. It is here that the most talented and ambitious specialists flock. Because big cities offer more prospects.
  4. Try different ways. You can’t just wait for the employer to offer a high-paying vacancy. The applicant must be active. View vacancies on specialized sites, visit interesting companies in person, arrange interviews, send resumes.
  5. Achieve results. Some applicants give up very quickly. Even if several interviews ended in vain, do not despair. One must continue the search without abandoning one's own goal. It's important to be persistent.

It is curious that the work should bring not only material reward, but also moral satisfaction. In this case, the specialist achieves great success.

Even if you are quite satisfied with the nature of your work, you will probably still be curious to take a look at this rating. And even more so, it will be interesting and useful to people who want to do something more profitable. After all, we will talk about professions that are considered the most in demand and, as a result, highly paid in Russia.


Dentist is the only medical profession included in the rating of the most demanded and highly paid in Russia. She overtook even plastic surgeons, although the cost of their work is traditionally paid much higher. The fact is that in our country the services of plastic surgeons are rarely used, while a visit to the dentist is often booked, regardless of income level.

In this regard, Russia differs from other countries, for example, from America, where plastic surgery occupies a leading position among other branches of medicine. At the same time, it is far from Russian.

Of course, to work as a dentist, you have to study for a long time - as with any medical specialty. And in order to earn a lot, you will also need to work hard, gaining a good reputation and experience. After all, high salaries are usually for those specialists who either work in private dental clinics or open their own. dental offices. State institutions do not have much to offer their employees - this fact must be borne in mind.

On a note: dentistry is not only profitable, but also promising industry. The current ecological situation is not conducive to maintaining health, but a large number of harmful impurities that we inhale with air and drink with water, have a devastating effect on the condition of the teeth.


Another profession in demand in Russia is a lawyer. A law degree can be useful in many areas, from the legal profession to the police force. Multivariability is an additional advantage, as it allows you to choose a more profitable line of business in an unstable economy, for example, during a crisis.

According to analysts, the highest wages await specialists with a legal education in non-state law firms. Also, experienced lawyers can earn good money by working for themselves - opening their own offices.

Employees earn the lowest wages in this industry government agencies and structures. In such institutions, the level of income directly depends on the length of service, so remuneration is most often disproportionate to the contribution and real qualifications of employees.

On a note: despite the fact that the profession remains in demand for several recent years, the labor market is overflowing with candidates for vacant positions with a legal background. To become a highly paid specialist in this field, you will need not only to provide the employer with a diploma, but also to have the necessary successful work skills and personal qualities. These will primarily include systems thinking, attention to detail and the ability to make the right decisions in the face of a lack of information.


Another profession in demand today is an economist. Specialists with an economic education, like lawyers, can work in many areas, thereby avoiding the risk of being left unclaimed in the event of crises or, for example, massive layoffs in an organization or even an entire industry.

Important: as well as lawyers, there are enough economists in the labor market. At the same time, good professionals are in demand, because economic areas of activity make rather high demands on the personal qualities of specialists.

It is believed that the most profitable destinations V economic sphere- Analytics, accounting and finance. The highest paid positions are, for example, a trader in the stock or currency exchange, Chief Accountant large firm, financial analyst.


Marketing and advertising specialists are also in demand in modern Russia. After all, it is high-quality analytics of the needs and inclinations of consumers, as well as the compilation of effective information on the basis of these data. marketing strategy are the key to successful promotion of goods and services in any industry. Not a single large company or production can do without it.

Marketers solve various tasks - from analyzing the range of consumers and competitors' offers to assessing the quality of an implemented marketing program and making recommendations for sellers or manufacturers. At the same time, large companies usually have a whole marketing department, since there are a lot of tasks to solve.

Typically, such a department includes the following specialists:

  • Marketing Analyst.
  • Marketing economist.
  • Product Manager
  • Event manager.
  • BTL manager.
  • Brand manager.
  • Marketing director.

All these areas are considered to be in demand, the average level of wages in them is approximately the same. Most of all, the director of marketing or specialists holding a similar position as the head of the marketing department usually receive. Appointed to it, as a rule, in the presence of a long work experience.


One of the professions in demand in Russia in 2018 is an engineer. It also has many varieties that allow specialists to get jobs in the most profitable industries.

HeadHunter analysts concluded that among all engineering specialties, the most highly paid are:

  • Production engineer who controls production processes, specializing in the installation, adjustment and repair of equipment.
  • Design engineer involved in the design, invention, testing and commissioning of new devices and mechanisms.

Important: despite the large number educational institutions that offer a secondary education in engineering, it will not be enough to work in this specialty. Only a professional with a higher education will be able to occupy a highly paid position, since only it provides the breadth of specialized knowledge necessary for the quality performance of work.


Realtors, or real estate agents, are another highly paid line of work. The essence of this profession is to mediate in transactions for the purchase / sale or lease of premises - both residential and office. Indeed, in such transactions, the risk of concluding an unfavorable agreement is quite large, and large sums are always at stake.

Few people, not knowing the market and having no experience of interacting with the real estate sector, can independently assess the success of the transaction and the competitiveness of the proposed price. In addition, it is necessary and correct to conclude an agreement in order to insure yourself against financial risks and not stumble upon the pitfalls that exist in any area.

The realtor receives payment either in the form of a fixed fee or as a percentage of the transaction amount. The responsibilities of a real estate agent include:

  • Real estate market analytics.
  • Comparison of existing supply and demand, assessment of the amount of the transaction.
  • Placement of advertisements for the purchase / sale or rental, as well as other activities to search for buyers or tenants.
  • Organization of viewing of the object of purchase / sale or lease by prospective buyers or tenants.
  • Coordination of the time and place of signing the contract between the parties.
  • Preparation of necessary documentation for the transaction.

The demand for real estate agents is determined by the demand, which is always there - in any crisis or any other difficult period for the economy, people continue to make deals, buying, selling, renting or renting apartments, rooms, land etc. Therefore, this profession is also considered in demand in Russia.


Another rather difficult, but demanded and highly paid profession is an auditor. Auditors are engaged in checking the financial and tax documentation of various organizations, on the basis of which they make an opinion about financial condition company, as well as the effectiveness of its work in general and various departments in particular.

Important: auditors are visiting experts who evaluate the performance of an organization from the completely independent position of a third-party analyst. That is what they are valued for, since any other employees of the company, as interested parties, cannot make an unbiased judgment.

An auditor is a rather difficult profession, as it requires comprehensive knowledge and an excellent understanding of the global processes that occur at all levels of the enterprise. Only an analysis of the company's work as one integral complex system will make it possible to identify and eliminate its weak links.

In particular, the auditor is responsible for:

  • Conducting inspections and drawing up expert opinions.
  • Checking the correctness of financial and tax reporting.
  • Evaluation of financial transactions on the degree of their rationality and riskiness.
  • Consultations of heads and senior managers on financial matters.

Recommendations made by auditors allow managers to see more clearly the picture of the functioning of the enterprise and make changes if some areas do not pay off or do not work productively enough.

System Administrator

System administrators are also one of the professions in demand in Russia. This is justified by the fact that any company uses computers and other equipment that needs to be configured and maintained in working order. System administrators also work with software and deal with information security issues in the organization.

The duties of such a specialist usually include:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment.
  • Computer and network setup, software installation.
  • Network security.
  • Organization of data backup.
  • User technical support.
  • Preparation of work reports.

System administrators can work both in state structures and in private companies. The rates in the latter are considered to be higher paid. Often, specialists can work for themselves by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC - the services of such incoming workers are preferred by small organizations so as not to include the position of a system administrator in the staff.

Business Development Manager

Another highly demanded and highly paid profession is a business development manager. This is a relatively new area of ​​activity for Russia. The development manager analyzes and directs in the right direction the entire set of processes taking place in the organization: from effective strategy communicating with the company's customers to establishing more productive interaction between its various departments and substructures.

Key responsibilities of a business development manager include:

  • Interaction with partners and clients of the company.
  • Market and competitor monitoring.
  • Control of marketing and advertising.
  • Optimization of the work of the team, training of new personnel.
  • Participation in presentations and exhibitions.
  • Drawing up plans and development strategies.
  • Performance analysis and reporting.

The requirements for such a specialist are extremely high, because only a comprehensive understanding of what is the key to business success, as well as the ability to see strategies for achieving maximum results, will allow a development manager to perform his work in a quality manner.

IT specialist

Another highly paid and sought-after profession in Russia related to information technology, is a generalist IT specialist. According to the Superjob company, the most paid IT specialists are:

  • Head of IT department.
  • Head of development department.
  • System Architect.
  • Head of software implementation department.
  • SAP Implementation Consultant.
  • Head of testing department.
  • Java, Oracle, 1C, PHP programmers, etc.

These areas of activity require not only in-depth knowledge of the functioning of system processes and skills in interacting with programming languages, but also experience practical work. The profession of an IT specialist is currently considered the most profitable, but there are few workers with a sufficient level of knowledge and skills.

Summing up

These were ten professions that are considered the most in demand and highly paid in Russia. Each of the presented activities will help active, enterprising and ambitious employees to reach their potential, getting the maximum profit for it.

Everyone wants to find a job with high salary. If you carefully study the labor market, you can understand that there are many vacancies, not only with a good salary, but also with a perspective. career development. In this article you will find a list of the highest paid professions in Russia that are in demand in the modern world.


First, let's talk about the highest paid profession in Russia for men. The demand for oil specialists is constantly growing in the labor market. This is a fairly broad concept, which includes various professions, ranging from workers in the oil fields to managers. large corporations. In this area, each person can find a job that he will like.

The most romantic profession is an oil geologist. It is associated with frequent moving and business trips. Such specialists receive 40-50 thousand rubles a month. Drilling engineers have a much higher salary - 90-100 thousand rubles. In the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia, oil engineers occupy one of the first places. To master this specialty, you need to know mathematics and technical sciences well.


Of the 10 highest paid professions in Russia, auditors should be noted separately. These are the experts who inspect financial activity and business accounting. At the moment, auditors are trained in many domestic universities. Young professionals with no work experience receive 20–25 thousand rubles. Over time, the salary increases to 60-90 thousand rubles. Experienced professionals with extensive work experience can receive up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

The main disadvantage of the profession can be called painstaking monotonous work, which is not suitable for everyone. Irregular working hours and frequent business trips lead to chronic fatigue and nervous breakdowns.


If you are interested in the highest paid working professions in Russia, pay attention to the construction industry. There is a whole group of related professions associated with the construction of residential buildings and public buildings:

  • Bricklayers;
  • joiners;
  • painters;
  • Finishers.

The main advantage of these professions is high earnings, 50-100 thousand rubles a month. But they are physically heavy and traumatic. As a rule, men work more often in the construction industry. The simplest bricklayer or plasterer gets much more than, for example, a school director. If you ask experts to name the 5 highest paid professions in Russia, they will, in any case, mention builders.


If you have not yet decided on your vocation, and are looking for the highest paid profession in Russia, become a lawyer. These are professionals who always stand guard over the law. They work in courts, prosecutors and other regulatory bodies. Legal departments often created in large companies and banks. Lawyers who are engaged in private practice help ordinary citizens resolve issues related to housing disputes, disagreements with employers or the division of property. Their monthly earnings reach 100-150 thousand rubles.

Good lawyers are always in demand in the modern labor market, but in order to get highly qualified you have to put in a lot of effort. If you recently graduated from a university and cannot get a job in your specialty, before going to the next interview, consult with specialists and draw his attention to your person.


Everyone knows that in our country there are many enterprises that are harmful environment. It is impossible to close them, since there will be a shortage of a certain category of goods. For example, you cannot stop the production of plastic or plastic. Ecologists are responsible for the level of harmful emissions, therefore, enterprises producing such products cannot do without them.

At first, young specialists receive a small salary, 30-40 thousand rubles, but they can travel a lot in their own country and abroad. Over time, the salary begins to grow and people who wanted to change their profession realize that they will no longer be able to do some other business. Speaking about the shortcomings, it should be noted various man-made disasters, when environmentalists have to work in extreme conditions.

IT specialist

In our time of high technology, specialties related to software and information technology are rightfully put on the first lines in. The most demanded profession is a programmer. A person who owns such a specialty can earn good money, both in our country and abroad. Many programmers work remotely. By the way, this is a great option. The disadvantages of the profession include long painstaking work, since IT specialists often have to perform large amounts of work in short time. Sometimes there is not even an opportunity to interrupt in order to have a normal rest. Sitting at a computer for a long time can lead to serious health problems, such as visual impairment.

It is important to remember that only highly qualified specialists receive a good salary. To reach this level, you need to study a lot. Technical progress does not stand still, so you need to constantly update your knowledge, engaging in self-education. Many experts argue that a programmer is one of the highest paid professions in Russia in the future, since it is inextricably linked with information technology and the development of technology.


Today, this profession is considered the most popular in the world. Senior managers working in large companies earn 100-200 thousand rubles each. This highly paid profession attracts people who aspire to earn big money. Certainly, in order to successful manager, it takes a lot of work and quality work.

Any student who studies in the last year of the university can get a job as a manager. He must quickly learn the specifics of the company and build relationships with other employees. This work teaches young professionals to understand people. Every client has a unique experience. In reputable companies, the earnings of managers depend on the results of their work.

Some believe that it is better to receive a small but constant salary. In fact, if you are not lazy and focus on sales, there will definitely be a result. Literally after three months of hard work, you can count on decent bonuses. In addition, in this area there is an opportunity for rapid career growth. Sales plan managers are often asked to train new hires. If the student shows good results, most likely, you will soon be offered a leadership position. Of course it will small department with 2-3 subordinates, but he will be your first step leading to success.


If we are talking about the highest paid professions in Russia, one cannot help but think about accountants. In our country it is considered honorable to have such a specialty. The salary of experienced accountants ranges from 60-70 thousand rubles. But in order to fill such a vacancy in solid company or in a large enterprise, you need to have higher education and work experience of at least 5 years. Also, the applicant must know all the rules and regulations. Mostly women accountants work, and only half of them have higher education.

TO positive aspects this profession can be attributed to a normalized working day, the absence of any problems with employment, since accountants are needed always and everywhere. Another advantage is the ability to Additional income, for example, an ordinary accountant who works in a large company can simultaneously keep records in some small firm. Main disadvantage- This is a great responsibility. For errors in bookkeeping, you can be severely punished, up to and including imprisonment. In the list of the highest paid professions in Russia, accountants have a special place, since such specialists earn good money.


One of the highest paid professions for women in Russia is a designer. In principle, this work cannot be called exclusively female, since in Lately many men do this. successful career a designer can be built by anyone capable of creative thinking. To form the necessary professional skills, you need to undergo special training and learn various professional terms that you need to operate in a conversation with a client. In this case, you will look like a competent, successful and sought-after specialist.

To obtain practical experience, you can work for some time in a company providing design services after graduation. After you have mastered all the subtleties of this profession, you can safely take on the most difficult projects that will help you master new techniques and form your own author's style. Once you have gained the necessary experience, the next step is to have your own design studio. This is excellent.

Bank employee

Among the highest paid professions in Russia for girls, I would like to single out specialties related to work in banking institutions. These are specialists from different levels knowledge, from cashiers to management. Bank employees must have an economic education. The higher the qualification, the higher the salary of a specialist. Least of all in the bank are cashiers, although this is a very responsible position. Middle managers have the highest salaries, as they are engaged in customer acquisition and receive a good bonus for this.


  • Paid holiday;
  • stable salary;
  • Excellent working conditions;
  • Permanent schedule;
  • Communication with customers.


  • Business style clothing;
  • Can't leave workplace to solve some personal problems;
  • In small "family" banks there are no career prospects, since all managerial positions are occupied by relatives of the founder;
  • Responsibility for documents.

The duties of bank employees include servicing and advising customers, planning and forecasting.

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In the top of the highest paid professions in Russia in 2019, one of the first places is occupied by psychologists. Becoming a consultant requires taking training very seriously. At the end of the university, the study of psychologists does not end. To become a true professional in your field, you need to constantly update and replenish your knowledge. This specialty is among the 10 highest paid professions in Russia in 2019.


  • Helping people solve real problems;
  • Continuous professional development;
  • Use of acquired knowledge in everyday life;
  • Development of tolerance and tolerant attitude towards people.

Working as a psychologist has several disadvantages:

  • Many professionals face such a problem as emotional burnout;
  • Some psychologists take clients' problems to heart;

Ten professions that are not dominated by inflation, sanctions and creative crises.

Interview: Maria Mikulina @MariaMikulina

Yes, difficult times come. if in one word. Economic crisis, if two. Quite the edge, if in two pathetic words. and creative agencies are closing. Office plankton flocks to the street. Scooter prices skyrocketed, smoothie blood levels dropped. On Facebook, all you can hear is: “Reduced! Fired! There are no jobs!”

But this is not true. We intend to prove the opposite to you: there is work, there is. Real men's work hands. This is always in demand - and in well-fed times, and in a crisis. And this is not an unfounded statement. Meet ten men who know how to make money in any conditions. And take an example from them. Or at least just exclaim: “Wow, well done!”


Where to study

I studied for several months at courses for professional retraining of personnel. In general, I graduated from the Institute of Culture and Arts. He worked at, was even a store director, a business coach. Some people like to work in the office, some don't. To me - no.

Where to get clients

I work for DES. Each of the electricians has either its own client base, or foremen with whom you constantly cooperate. The client base develops by itself: a good specialist is always needed.

Initial set

DEZs do not issue anything. However, a large amount of tools for working in the DEZ is not needed, because the work is mainly with the operation of equipment. The tool will cost literally two thousand rubles, if you know what you need.

How in general?

The working day starts at 9 am. Officially. But that doesn't mean you have to be there exactly by nine. You can safely drink coffee without fear of being late. The most important thing is that there are no complaints. Personally, I work in shifts, two after two. I don't like being tied down, I like relative freedom, and here I feel like I'm on a horse. Here you can see the end result. The light bulb does not light - you changed the light bulb, it caught fire. Immediately satisfaction from own work.

You can have from 70 to 100 thousand rubles a month. The question is where do you live, how do you work. In any case, there is always work and you can always earn a piece of bread. I still remember very clearly the crisis of 2008, when I was not paid for four months in my place in the office wages.


Andrey, 45 years old, Moscow

Where to study

In Moscow, there are courses called - School of Russian Masters. Education - two months, there are full-time and correspondence courses. It costs something around 30 thousand rubles. Then they can take in assistants - the second person, the third person in the team. Courses do not provide practical knowledge. You know the theory, but how in practice ... But the community of stove-makers does not leave its people in trouble. You can choose any of the list - call, ask. Gradually, you learn from your mistakes, from your bumps.

Initial set

The more you plunge into the profession, the more tools you need. And at first you can get by with a grinder, a trowel, nothing else is needed.

How in general?

I have been laying stoves since 2010. There are professions where people earn money. There are professions that people do for the soul. And in this work, you can combine both. All my clients constantly call, congratulate me on all the holidays, invite me to visit: “If you drive by, stop by for tea.”
There is also a negative. Now there are many guest workers everywhere, they do everything. Starting with the construction of fences and digging wells and ending with the construction of houses and the construction of stoves. When you arrive at the facility and find out that you are already the third stove-maker, that the person was burned twice ... But if you know your job, after 5-6 days this negativity disappears and normal relations appear.

At least 100 thousand rubles a month. More than the average salary in Moscow.


Where to study

I have a secondary special education, I studied after school. You can get a job as an apprentice to the master - usually not very qualified workers go.

Initial set

A basic set of carpenter's tools will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

How in general?

In general, I like the work. I get pleasure. Again, variety: you can make furniture and stairs, especially if you work for yourself. So I just started building a workshop on my site. The only bad thing is the injuries. Well, yes, two days ago I drilled my hand. I'm already used to the fact that for each order a drop of blood is standard. When I make furniture - either a deep splinter, or something else.

If you work for hire, on average you can get 40-50 thousand rubles. And if you yourself, like me, then you can easily receive from 30 to 100 thousand rubles a month, depending on orders. You choose when to rest, when to work. I actually have a higher economic education. But what's the point? Then I will receive the same 30 thousand rubles, but by working all month. And as a carpenter, if I work hard, I can earn them in three days.


Where to study

You can not study at all, since often nurses are required without special education. A few years ago I found myself in Moscow without work and housing, and at first it so happened that I contracted to sit with the grandfather of a friend, and then I realized that, in principle, I was satisfied with such a life. I work under private agreements, but there are also agencies where they will train, if necessary, and draw up documents. If there medical education, you can do injections, droppers, dressings - you will earn more, although sometimes the difference is very small.

Initial set

All that is needed, including rubber gloves, is provided by the relatives of the ward. All you need is physical strength. And more. Sometimes patients are very full, and they have to be lifted, turned over, and some of them even carried to the bathroom, for example. And if a person has it, then you need to be able to hold him, fix him, if necessary ... It is also important that there is no physical disgust and what I would call good-natured indifference: if you worry too much about the patient, it’s harder for you, but it’s also the last thing to get angry at him, get annoyed .

How in general?

Fine. Of course, you are tied to the place, it is not always possible even to go to the store if there is no replacement. But I am a loner in life, I like to read, watch movies, play games, surf the Internet - and there is enough time for all this. I now have a paralyzed patient who is quite elderly, he sleeps most of the time. You wash him, change his clothes, feed him, give him pills, read something to him aloud, go about your business - and the day has passed.

I have my own room in an apartment, travel card, Internet, full meals and 30 thousand a month for personal expenses. In principle, there is nothing to spend on, I convert almost everything into foreign currency and save it for the future.

crane operator

Where to study

I studied at the company, there were three-month courses. And he immediately got a job there. In general, now there are many courses for crane operators, any licensed institution teaches. I don't want to learn. There are also requirements for candidates, mainly medical ones. Still, we are dealing with different factors: chemical compounds, elevated temperature. Completely pass the medical examination. If healthy in all respects, they give admission to training.

Initial set

The cost of the courses is free. And during the training, you also get paid some kind of salary.

How in general?

This interesting job. Mechanisms and pieces of iron are what any man is interested in. Be sure to know the basics of repairing equipment. Work in shifts: there is a morning shift, there is an evening shift. Morning - from 6:30 to 14:00, evening - from 14:00 to 22:00. The actual workload is about half the shift, 4-5 hours.
The first time you study, you work in tandem with a slinger who walks under a crane. It shows the commands you need to understand. Stress, of course, is still there, as it is dangerous: the cable can break at any moment. But you get used to it with time.

The average salary is 40-50 thousand rubles. For our region, this is a very good salary. My wife works in a kindergarten for 10 thousand. The average salary in our city is 30 thousand rubles. So I'm not complaining.

Greenhouse assembler

Where to study

I came to the organization when I knew nothing, and I was trained. They saw the enthusiasm and took me. The main thing is to have a desire to learn. Started working in 2005, the work was related to glazing. Now for several years I have been engaged in greenhouses.

How in general?

If I didn't like the job, I would look for something more interesting. I think a person should always strive for the best. The number of orders depends on the season. In the spring, the snow melts - everyone leaves for the gardens, they start ordering greenhouses. But, in principle, in winter there is a demand for greenhouses: they are cheaper out of season. If you engage in glazing in different directions, then you can all year round occupy yourself. The working day can start very early - sometimes you have to wake up, for example, at four in the morning. Hours of operation are not standardized. I adhere to this principle: "If a person does not find time for rest, he will find time for treatment." Weekends are a must with the family, family comes first. In general, I have time to relax.

The average salary of an assembly worker, if we take our region, is about 40 thousand rubles. This is quite enough for our places. During the season you can earn more. There are a lot of wrong things going on in our region when it comes to work. They don't pay salaries to people. At my old place of work, in a different specialty, I still owe money. Now I am much calmer financially.


Where to study

I have been in the profession for over five years. I did not finish the course, I studied along the way. I consulted with the guys and coached myself, so to speak.

Initial set

A basic set of plumbing tools is at least 40–50 thousand rubles. You also need a power tool: a puncher, a grinder.

How in general?

In general, I like the work: I am my own boss. At least I haven't found anything better yet. My working day starts at six in the morning, because I live in the Moscow region, and I work in Moscow - it takes a lot of time to get to the object. But it all depends on the order - if anything, I can later. The main negative in the work: misunderstanding with the customer. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.

We work piecework, month after month is not necessary. On average - from 70 thousand rubles a month.


Where to study

I studied for three months at the Master Groom firm in St. Petersburg. To sit on the tail of a specialist - now there is no such thing. Great amount courses, seminars. Within a year you become a normal groomer. Training is not everything, experience is needed.

Where to get clients

Our firm has a VKontakte page, and I have a VKontakte page. For example, people walk with dogs: “Where did you cut your hair so beautifully?” - "Over there." - "Okay, give me the phone number." word of mouth works stably.

Initial set

Desire and understanding that this is a physically and psychologically difficult profession.