Promising industries. The most promising technology industries. Elderly care

Russia has opportunities for economic growth. But until the ruling elite sees a new future, the country will not be able to use its global advantages. The article is published in the cycle "Russia after the crisis"

What good did the crisis bring?

The shocks in the foreign exchange market at the end of last year, along with the obvious negative changes in the economy, also give rise to certain positive consequences. Several industries - metallurgy, chemistry, agriculture - due to the devaluation have received significant advantages over foreign competitors, not only in the domestic but also in the foreign market. This may be related to some revival in the industry, recorded by both Rosstat and HSE market surveys. For a number of industries, devaluation means lower costs.

Russian metallurgy after the crisis of 1998-1999 was in a deep depression. World prices for the industry's products were not too high, besides, China turned from an importer of metals into an exporter, which created additional obstacles for the development of Russian industrialists. But in 2014, metallurgists began to make a profit. One of the factors behind this was the devaluation. Another, like the IEP polls, is the drop in production at Ukrainian factories, which traditionally competed with Russian producers. As a result, their incomes increased. For example, NLMK Vice President Alexander Sokolov said in February at a seminar at Voronezh State University that the plant ended 2014 with very good financial results owing to which tax revenues to the regional budget increased by 60%.

Another industry that wins in the short term is the agro-industrial complex. Immediately after the introduction of retaliatory food sanctions, the Russian market began to lack certain goods, and some businesses operated almost around the clock. There will inevitably be a shortage in the market for a while. But companies that work on the Russian market with Russian raw materials and Russian workers will definitely try to fill these niches.

Opportunities for major advances are emerging, for example, in cheese production. Russian cheeses were in the marginal zone: they were positioned as deliberately lower quality than foreign ones, they had more low price and manufacturers did not have the resources to develop and improve quality. Now, due to rising prices, they have received a delta that gives them opportunities for such development. This situation is somewhat similar to the one that developed after the devaluation of 1998, although the overall growth of the economy also played a very significant role then.

Another industry that could benefit from devaluation and rising geopolitical tensions is domestic tourism. Now the outbound flow of tourists is sharply declining, both due to restrictions on foreign travel for civil servants, and due to the rise in price of foreign tours. Against this background, the demand for tours within Russia will definitely increase, and those firms and regions that respond to it in time and with high quality have a chance to significantly expand their market share.

Will businesses be able to take advantage of these opportunities? In the short term, enterprises in these industries will receive or have already received additional income, and although inflation can eat them up, there is still an alternative: either spend them or invest in business development. And this decision will rest against long-term and medium-term trends. The uncertainty of economic policy is perhaps the main destabilizing factor that can bury the opportunities that have now arisen.

Global Benefits

On a longer horizon (10-15 years) the structure Russian economy will be determined by its basic competitive advantages. This is primarily the presence of various natural resources, as well as stocks of arable land.
There is a shortage of arable land in the world, while Russia is the owner of one of the largest reserves of this resource - about 120 million hectares, or about 9% of the world's reserves. Moreover, due to stagnation since the 1990s, many lands have been taken out of circulation and are still not used. Therefore, unlike most countries of the world, we have opportunities not only for intensive, but also for extensive expansion of agriculture.

Changes in global consumption must also be taken into account. Rapid economic growth in China and India was accompanied by a noticeable increase in household incomes, which led to a significant demand for food in the world market. This process will continue even with slower growth in these two countries. And income growth will lead to a change in the structure of consumption - with an increase in the share of meat and meat products. In the 2000s, this trend was successfully used by Brazil, which made agriculture, and especially livestock, one of the key sectors of its economy. Russia has no less potential here. But we will be able to fully use this potential only if we increase labor productivity and actively introduce new technologies, which implies investments in the development of the agro-industrial complex.

The very fact of the presence of large reserves of natural resources in Russia against the backdrop of growing demand for these resources will definitely lead to the development of extractive industries. And there is nothing wrong with that. The United States first supplied grain, cotton and metals to the world market, Canada and Australia also started as resource economies. Finland was a timber supplier, but managed to become a competitor of the leading economies in the IT market. That is, this is a question for ourselves - will we continue to supply raw materials to the world market, or will we be able to increase the degree of processing of our natural resources and begin to develop related sectors of the economy due to export earnings?

Russia is a big market

Now our institute is conducting a series of interviews with leaders foreign firms working in the Russian Federation. Many of them also point to the large volumes of the domestic market and the developed economy among the advantages of the Russian economy. human capital. Demographers do not expect an increase in the population of Russia, but one should not expect its noticeable reduction either. Thanks to the economic boom of the 2000s, Russia has become a big market, and the scale of this market is not going anywhere.

For all our educational problems, compared to other emerging economies, we are a highly educated country with a large urban population. Countries with this level of education and urbanization traditionally show strong demand for mass consumer goods and services. Such goods can be imported, but they can also be produced inside Russia, as it turned out quite successfully with automobile plants. foreign companies. With services, you also have a choice - you can develop them in Russia, or you can focus on importing them, financing the creation of added value at British universities, German and Israeli clinics, in Spanish and Turkish resorts at the expense of our income.

But, as in the commodity sector or in agriculture, for the production of mass consumer goods and for the service sector, the conditions for doing business in Russia are critical. And there is still a lot of ambiguity here. On the one hand, the authorities regularly report a variety of efforts in this area (including progress in Doing Business ratings, IPA activity, new system evaluation of the performance of governors, etc.). On the other hand, the same government is taking completely "perpendicular" measures, such as raising social payments for individual entrepreneurs, the return of the Investigative Committee of the powers to initiate criminal cases on tax structures without the consent of the Federal Tax Service or the arrests of large entrepreneurs. This nullifies all efforts to improve the business climate.

The future is not visible

The realization of the short-term and long-term opportunities of the Russian economy directly depends on the vision of the future of our elites, on their understanding of global competition. The traditional position of most experts and representatives of the elite: we need to move away from the raw material model, introduce innovations and develop high-tech industries. At the same time, we compare ourselves exclusively with Europe or the USA.

But we must understand that for a long time we have been competing not with developed countries - we are competing with India, Brazil, China, and South Africa. In terms of the level of development of institutions and the state, in terms of the level of corruption, Russia is much closer to developing countries. And the same China, which showed much less ambitions 30 years ago, has already surpassed us in many respects. And that is why we need to move from a huge amount of unrealizable plans to a pragmatic policy that takes into account our realities and sets adequate goals. economic development.

One of the key problems now is the Russian elite's lack of a vision for the future. In the 2000s, economic policy was guided by the model of oligarchic capitalism South Korea sample of the 1960s-1970s - with the dominance of "chaebols" in the economy and the primacy of the bureaucracy in politics. The crisis of 2008-2009 showed that such a model does not work in today's dynamic global market, and in such a large and heterogeneous country as Russia, it showed the inadequacy of the existing management system. After five years, this system has not been able to adapt to a new reality with a high degree of uncertainty, has not been able to learn how to respond to problems and impulses coming from below. As a result, economic agents have lost confidence in politics, which is clearly manifested in the panic in the foreign exchange market, in the large-scale outflow of capital and the rise in bank loan rates.

Having lost the vision of the future, the top elite is trying to replace it with images from the past, searching for ever new external and internal enemies. With such a policy, social support can be mobilized for a while, but nothing can be built. And this, in my opinion, is the main obstacle to the realization of both short-term opportunities and global competitive advantage Russian economy.

Andrey Yakovlev Director of the HSE Institute for Enterprise and Market Analysis

The reduction in the income of citizens, the rise in prices, and in fact the “collapse” of mass consumer lending and the increase in the volume of overdue loans do not contribute to the development of the consumer sector. The drop in volumes is expected retail in 2015 will average about 10%. The decrease in activity will affect a large number of sectors, ranging from food to electronics and cars. But still, some segments of the market have the opportunity not only to survive the crisis without loss, but also to grow. RSL interviewed experts and found out which goods and services market will be the most stable in the next six months or a year.

Oddly enough, but the demand for salon manipulations and procedures with an obvious effect is now growing. A noticeable trend can be traced in plastic surgery and cosmetology: ineffective beauty salon procedures remain unclaimed, and the demand for manipulations with a pronounced and immediate effect is growing. In addition, doctors note an influx of clients from Russian plastic surgeons, a significant part of which are foreigners. “Due to the exchange rate difference, it has become much more profitable to be operated on in Russia,” says Andrey Iskornev, a plastic surgeon, CEO clinics Platinental. “Many patients arrive for two or three days even from Central Asia to do thread lifting, face reinforcement with plasma gel, laser resurfacing, and so on.”

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov/Inna Zubareva/RG

The second category of entrepreneurs who can feel good in a crisis are sellers of very inexpensive but trendy accessories and knick-knacks. Residents of big cities, for whom shopping has become an important part of their weekly leisure, will find it difficult to adjust to saving mode. Many, by inertia, will continue to spend their weekends in shopping centers, but instead of serious purchases, they will get something inexpensive (worth 200-300 rubles), nevertheless pleasing to the eye.

"Over the past decade, Russians - and especially the so-called urban middle class - have significantly increased their level of well-being. Living standards have risen, and consumers have developed the habit of denying themselves little," agrees Ilona Lepp, director of retail chains in North-Eastern Europe Nielsen Russia - It is clear that today fewer Russians can afford, for example, frequent trips abroad, but the desire to please themselves and their loved ones does not disappear. unleashed consumer demand.

According to the expert, Russian consumers primarily try to save on entertainment outside the home, which means that they are likely to replace a trip to a restaurant with a trip to a grocery store, where they can please themselves with a purchase of a product from the premium segment. In a favorable economic situation, buyers would not agree to such a "deal" with themselves.

During the crisis, the trade in used cars is activated, repair household appliances and electronics, repair and tailoring of outerwear

For the same reason, the segment of mobile applications, content and services will grow slightly, but various formats. Mobile content is not very expensive, and it is always a pleasant purchase, addressed to the buyer personally. "The market for mobile applications, unlike the market for mobile phones and smartphones, is far from saturated, and developers are constantly offering new products to users," says Alexey Volostnov, director of business development in Russia, Frost & Sullivan.

The share of the Russian segment in the global mobile applications market is 1%. According to J son Partners Consulting forecasts, in 2015 the volume Russian market mobile applications will amount to 26 billion rubles.

Many large chain supermarkets and hypermarkets have goods own brand. As a rule, these are products of the lowest price category for personal hygiene: handkerchiefs, shampoos, soaps, toilet paper etc. and foodstuffs. According to Euromonitor International, in the near future chain retailers will begin to actively develop the direction of their own trademarks. "Within most categories of goods that are perceived as necessary - basic food, hygiene and care products, household chemicals - sales of the most affordable brands in the line are likely to grow. The consumer remains quite sensitive to the quality of the product, but will try to buy the cheapest products, still satisfying in terms of quality," says Anastasia Goncharova, Head of Market Research at Euromonitor International.

Sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate at the end of last year stimulated a large surge in consumer activity in the segment of household appliances, electronics and durable goods. Demand for real estate grew in December. But the consumer's interest was only in trying to keep savings in tangible assets. The surge in buying activity was short-lived and faded away at the beginning of the year.

However, according to Armen Danielyan, Member of the Management Board, Director of Marketing and External Relations at Delovoy Profile (GGI), it is during the crisis period that the sale of used cars, the repair of household appliances and electronics, the repair and tailoring of outerwear, and other services that provide opportunity to save. In the financial services sector, the role of NPOs and MFIs in consumer lending may increase, when the growth of refusals in banks will lead to an increase in demand for loans from alternative sources.

According to Maria Chernitskaya, president of the iConText Group, during the crisis, everything related to DIY (repair, Decoration Materials): "Doing it yourself has always been a good opportunity to save money. Now this is relevant. The construction industry is unlikely to decline, but there will most likely not be active growth either."


Hello! Today we are publishing another selection of profitable and promising business ideas for 2019. We divided them by the amount of the initial investment to make it easier for you to choose a profitable business idea based on your finances. At the end of the article, we also provided links to other collections of ideas.

Profitable business ideas with investments from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles

Below is a selection of 13 profitable business ideas with small investment from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

Business idea 1 - Opening a paintball club

Approximate investment - 260,000 rubles.

The essence of this business idea - open a modern paintball club for outdoor enthusiasts. This sport is gaining popularity among people of all ages who want to get new experiences, emotional relaxation. Active paintball is based on building strategies, the desire to touch military disciplines.

Implementation of the idea:

The amount of cash investments depends on the choice of indoor and outdoor sites, the number of personnel and the following necessary steps:

  • rental of premises for the winter season;
  • purchase of protective and shooting equipment;
  • organization of changing rooms, parking;
  • acquisition of additional targets, inflatable obstacles for the game.

Experienced organizers suggest starting with a minimum set of 10 sets of equipment, uniforms for players, filling station small arms equipment.

You can earn income by managing pricing policy the cost of one game. For example, setting a price of 600 rubles per person for a session of 2-3 hours, you can make a profit of at least 50%. The only difficulty is that it will take time for a full return on investment. Some savings can be obtained by inviting the owners of beer outlets to cooperate, acquiring a part of used equipment, and engaging in self-promotion in social networks.

Business Idea 2 - Water Amusement Business

Approximate investment - 240,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea : the idea of ​​the business is to organize a place of entertainment near the pond with the help of inflatable attractions. It's seasonal profitable view activities that do not require special training, education. The main problem is the choice of the optimal location for the equipment, which has good traffic and will provide a constant workload. The attraction is designed for people of all ages, children.

Implementation of the idea:

The main part of the expenses falls on the preparation for the opening and the purchase of everything necessary for work:

  • purchase of an inflatable attraction, accessories for it;
  • payment for renting a place of accommodation;
  • wage employee
  • transportation costs.

By placing such a slide or trampoline in a good busy place, you can get a monthly income of 100,000 rubles. With a total monthly cost of 35,000 rubles, the profit can be 65,000 rubles. The problem lies in the seasonal income, which is limited to the summer months. Among the positive features of this idea, one can note the possibility of renting the attraction, ease of storage in the off-season.

Business idea 3 - Opening a store selling loose tea

The preliminary amount of investments is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of this business idea consists in the organization of a stationary trading place for the sale of loose tea of ​​different varieties. This is a promising sector of work due to the large target audience and constant demand for products. Offering a wide range of well-known and unusual varieties at affordable prices, you can buy a solid range of regular customers, receive stable income.

Popularization of tea in Russia is now at its peak. Many show business stars also promote this natural drink. Many shops host tea ceremonies and tastings of new and unusual varieties. And some stores, in addition to selling loose tea, offer gourmet Gift Baskets, which "with a bang" diverge on the eve of the holidays.

Implementation of the idea:

  • purchase of inventory for the first period;
  • rent of retail space;
  • purchase of equipment, showcases;
  • purchase of packing materials.

The most significant expenses fall on the purchase of circulating goods, which go on sale with a 100% markup. The total amount of sales with a good location of the place can reach 200,000 rubles. After calculating the cost, deducting rent and wages of employees, a profit of 40,000 rubles remains. An increase in income can come from the supply of a by-product, certain types of spices, coffee, or tea-drinking accessories.

Business idea 4 - Opening a culinary school

The investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of this project - the opening of a modern school, where anyone can learn how to cook certain dishes, get acquainted with world-famous recipes. This type of useful leisure is becoming especially popular among people of all ages, housewives and those who want to join the haute cuisine of office workers. It is logical to open such a business in big cities, offering thematic courses.

Implementation of the idea:

Opening a school is a costly project at the first stage, which requires significant financial investments. Most of the investments are for renting a room, which can be a cafe, a dining room or a large hall with communications. In addition, you need:

  • modern professional equipment;
  • several sets of dishes and accessories for cooking;
  • wages for a qualified chef with regalia.

For the convenience of customers, one-time programs, weekly or monthly courses, and field classes can be offered. The average check with one-day training is 800-1000 rubles. Groups of up to 10 people can work daily. After deducting all the overhead costs of utilities, every day the school can bring from 5,000 rubles, fully covering the costs for two to three months.

Business idea 5 - Opening a massage parlor

Estimated investments - 220,000 rubles.

Project basis - opening of a specialized salon for the provision of preventive and therapeutic massage services for clients. This procedure is very popular among visitors of different ages, professions who are serious about their health. Many beauty salons have a good profit from conducting sculptural massage courses for weight loss.

Implementation of the idea:

Such a project is highly competitive, so the choice of a place to work, the qualifications of future employees are in the first place. The items of expenditure will be:

  • purchase of special tables and equipment;
  • purchase of towels, clothes and accessories for work;
  • renovation of the premises to bring them in line with sanitary standards;
  • payment to staff.

At the initial stage, advertising is needed, promotion of the salon with the help of leaflets, social networks. The average price for a popular back massage starts at 400 rubles. Serving at least 6-8 customers daily, we can talk about a turnover of 3200 rubles. The price includes overhead and administrative costs of 50%, so the monthly profit can be 48,000 rubles, which gives access to self-sufficiency in six months.

Business idea 6 - Organization of scientific and educational shows for children

Initial costs - up to 150,000 rubles.

The meaning of this interesting ideas in organizing thematic performances, holidays and staging numbers at events for children of different ages, teenagers. This the new kind mass entertainment, which consists in enchanting shows based on simple chemical and physical experiments, in which small clients can participate. Such a service is of interest as an alternative to the usual puppet theater or clown performances.

Implementation of the idea:

Such a spectacular project does not require special financial costs with the independent development of all organizational issues. The spending plan consists of several items:

  • office rent;
  • purchase of reagents for experiments;
  • the cost of inventory, tailoring suits;
  • advertising, site content.

Carrying out mysterious experiments with lightning, explosions, manufacturing cotton candy costs customers an average of 5,000 rubles. It is easy to calculate that if 20 such shows are shown per month, the self-sufficiency threshold will be overcome in 2 months. Given the considerable cost and price of the compositions for experiments, we can talk about real income in 4-6 months. Of great importance is constant advertising, which is not worth saving.

Business idea 7 - Rufa fish peeling business

Approximate investments - 170,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea consists in providing an exotic peeling service with Rufa fish. This interesting procedure has long been known in expensive beauty salons, where it is popular for its pleasure and originality. Many customers already prefer this type of fishicure to the usual one. Miniature fish living in warm countries perfectly remove unnecessary skin, bring a feeling of relaxation.

Implementation of the idea:

An unusual business project does not require large financial costs. The best option there will be a sublease agreement with a beauty salon, a swimming pool, a sauna, or the organization of such a place of work for a master at home. For one client, a room of 3-4 square meters is enough. Main costs:

  • buying a set of Rufa fish;
  • a spacious aquarium of a certain shape;
  • a complete set of equipment to create ideal conditions;
  • comfortable chair for clients.

An unusual idea requires mandatory advertising. The minimum price for processing feet with Rufa fish starts at 600 rubles. When providing additional services (pedicure, massage), it can be significantly increased. With an average workload and one aquarium, the investment can be recouped in less than a year.

Business idea 8 - Making seals and stamps

The cost of investments is from 150,000 rubles.

Production of stamps and seals for enterprises, organizations - profitable business, which is independent of the season and has a constant demand. Given the growth of small businesses, constant changes in re-registration and change of name, the number of customers will steadily increase. Additional income is the production of seals for archives and libraries.

Implementation of the idea:

For work at the first stage, you can get by with a standard set of sketches, and one trained person can handle the technical work. The main costs associated with opening such a workshop depend on the range of services, the choice of manufacturing technology:

  • rental of premises for work;
  • acquisition of computer equipment, special equipment;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • payment of taxes and wages.

Despite the demand for such services, most projects pay off no earlier than 8 months, even when located in large cities, and the self-sufficiency threshold begins in six months. Given the increasing competition in this market, in order to increase profits, new manufacturing methods, modern technological materials and components should be constantly introduced.

Business idea 9 – Sale of electronic cigarettes, hookahs, vapes

The amount of initial investment is about 200,000 rubles.

The basis of the business idea consists in organizing a point for the sale of electronic cigarettes, hookahs, vapes, the necessary compositions and mixtures for refueling. This is the current look. entrepreneurial activity, absolutely legal and legal, which is able to bring the owner an average income.

The target audience is people of all ages who want to replace real cigarettes, entertainment places and trendy hookahs. The relevance of this idea is also obvious, especially against the background of the introduction of a law on the ban on smoking in in public places. Electronic cigarettes don't smoke, they release steam. In addition, sophisticated gadgets are a great topic for discussion among connoisseurs of vape culture.

Implementation of the idea:

The best option for opening such a store would be to use a franchise that will solve the problem with the supply of goods and support at first. At the opening stage, the main costs fall on the following items:

  • rent of premises for a retail outlet;
  • purchase of the first batches of products;
  • minimum set of equipment and furniture.

The cheapest electronic cigarettes have a price of 400 rubles. Therefore, when selling products for 4,000 thousand per day, we can talk about the transition to full self-sufficiency after two months of stable sales. In conditions of great competition in this sector, it is necessary to carry out active advertising, permanent promotions, discounts to attract customers.

Business idea 10 – Selling packaged honey

Approximate investment - from 150,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed business idea consists in organizing the process of purchasing fresh honey from farm apiaries, packing it and selling it through retail outlets. The relevance is due to the constant increase in demand for high-quality and natural products among residents of the metropolis, which are practically not found in modern supermarkets.

Implementation of the idea:

To implement the project, it is necessary to find several apiary farms that will provide raw materials, as well as:

  • rent a place to work;
  • purchase packaging equipment;
  • find a supplier of new packaging;
  • design and order stickers in the printing house.

An additional item of expenditure will be the maintenance of the car, personnel. Main market options: retail network stores, wholesale buyers, own outlet.

An approximate calculation of profit can be made at the rate of one kilogram of a sweet product: purchasing it at a price of 500 rubles per kilogram, you can package it in containers of 200 grams. The sale of each jar at a price of 200 rubles allows you to increase profits up to 1000 rubles. Subtracting from this amount the cost of honey, packaging, overhead and organizational costs, you can get a significant income of 300-400 rubles per kilogram. Good savings are obtained by involving family members, your own car or premises in the process.

Among the shortcomings of this project - its seasonality, which will not allow you to make a profit all year round.

Business idea 11 - Improvement and decoration of the territory

Initial investment - from 150,000 rubles.

At the heart of the business idea - organization of the full process of improving the territory with laying tiles, asphalting individual sections, installing fences and laying out flower beds. This service is in demand among owners of private housing construction, shops, recreation centers and industrial enterprises who want to beautifully decorate the paths, the parking area or ennoble appearance adjacent area.

Implementation of the idea:

Building materials are purchased by the customer of the project, so the main financial items of the entrepreneur's expenses are:

  • purchase of the necessary tools for work;
  • payment of wages to employees;
  • maintenance of office space and inventory storage;
  • transport services.

The cost of services must be calculated on the basis of an estimate, which should take into account taxes, all costs of time, depreciation and depreciation of construction equipment. The calculation is made for the convenience of the client per square meter. The amount of profit is also included in the estimated cost and is at least 20%.

A certain disadvantage of such a project is the complete absence of orders in the winter. This period should be devoted to finding customers, advertising and studying new technologies.

Business Idea 12 – Making Photobooks

The amount of the initial investment is 150,000 rubles.

An interesting and enjoyable photobook making business is available for people willing to engage in creative work. The new service is in demand among young parents, couples and wedding photographers. It consists in the production of an individual commemorative album in book format from the photographs of the customer.

Implementation of the idea:

The project does not require a huge room, and the main costs consist of several points:

  • purchase of the necessary machine for printing;
  • purchase of equipment for manual processing of albums;
  • training in binding and designing photo collages;
  • service advertising;
  • purchase of consumables.

Such a project is perfect for implementation in a small town, thanks to the ability to work with orders via the Internet. Having determined the cost of one printed page, it is easy to assume profit. For example, by declaring the price of a sheet and a hardcover cover as 100 and 500 rubles, respectively, you can determine the price of one photobook at the level of 1,500 rubles. If the costs amounted to 600 rubles, then each simple order will bring income in the amount of 900 rubles. To attract customers and increase the price, you should add original covers, photo processing.

Business idea 13 - Sports nutrition store

Initial investment - 150,000 rubles.

Such a project is a purchase from sports nutrition suppliers, its implementation through its own store with an extra charge. The relevance of the business is due to the growing interest in a healthy lifestyle, the cult of a beautiful physique and a certain fashion for relief muscles. Sports nutrition is in demand among young people who want to stick to a certain diet.

Implementation of the idea:

Opening such a store will be profitable in a city with a large number of gyms, health centers and sections. Good passing places can be retail space in hypermarkets, sublease in a large store or cooperation with the sporting goods department. For full work you will need:

  • small room;
  • purchase of a trial batch of goods;
  • trade equipment and racks;
  • advertising.

The average trade margin for a similar product is 50%. With a monthly turnover of 100,000 rubles, after deducting the cost of the seller's salary, transport and advertising expenses, remains a net income of 20,000 rubles. By taking on the functions of a seller and delivering, the project owner can significantly reduce these cost items.

Profitable and relevant business ideas with investments from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles

Below is a selection of 14 profitable business ideas with investments from 300 to 500 thousand rubles, which are currently relevant.

Business idea 14 - Production of stretch ceilings

Preliminary investments - at least 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to organize a complete production process production of stretch ceilings of any size and type by order of customers. The relevance of opening such an enterprise is due to the growing interest in this type of interior design. Homeowners and designers choose stretch ceilings due to the practicality and affordability of this decorative element. Impractical and short-lived whitewashing is a thing of the past, but modern technologies only gaining momentum, every year only increasing demand.

Implementation of the idea:

To implement the idea, you should choose the optimal size production room to purchase the necessary equipment. Additional investments will require:

  • purchase of high-quality raw materials (films);
  • staff salaries;
  • advertising costs, website content.

To save money at the stage of starting work, it is worth stopping at cooperation with wholesale buyers, construction and design companies to refuse the maintenance of a brigade of installation workers.

According to the results of the work of most enterprises producing stretch ceilings, we can talk about profitability at the level of 31%, the project's self-sufficiency in six months, subject to average capacity utilization.

Business Idea 15 – Opening a Kono Pizza Sales Point

Approximate investment amount - 270,000 rubles.

The essence of the plan - opening and equipping a small stationary point for baking and selling kono-pizza. This is a relatively new type of fast food that is gaining popularity due to the perfect combination of consumer-favorite taste and convenient form of serving the product. The relevance of the project is reinforced by the novelty of the product and the lack of great competition.

Implementation of the idea:

Such a point should be opened in places of large congestion potential clients: transport stops, stadiums and recreation parks, railway stations. The bulk of the cash investment will be required for the purchase necessary equipment and the stall itself:

  • thermal showcase for kono-pizza;
  • oven;
  • special press.

With a proper study of the target audience and determining the place of sale, the monthly sales of Kono-pizza can be at least 3,000 pieces. Having laid income at the level of 30% in the cost finished product 90 rubles, you can fully recoup the opening of the project in the first 4 months of stable work. Savings can be achieved at the first stage by replacing a stationary kiosk with a more mobile mobile counter, offering your delicious products at city and children's holidays.

Business idea 16 - Selling milk through milk machines

The preliminary cost is up to 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the project - purchase of high-quality fresh milk from the manufacturer, its sale to consumers through a special milk machine. This type of sale of a healthy product enjoys stable popularity in Europe and the USA and is equipped with devices that dose milk into the customer's container without the slightest intervention of the seller. The relevance of the business is due to the minimal competition in this sector, the desire of consumers to obtain high-quality healthy products.

Implementation of the idea:

For implementation, you will need to purchase a compact device - a milk dispenser. In addition, you should:

  • rent a small area for its installation;
  • enter into an agreement with a milk producer that works with similar installations;
  • ensure a constant supply of raw materials.

The level of income depends on the daily turnover of milk. High performance can be achieved by installing a milk dispenser in places with a large flow of customers: the halls of clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, shopping center areas. It is important to ensure strict control of the quality and freshness of the product in order to create a flow of regular customers. The problem is created by distrust of such installations on the part of consumers, the difficulty of working with it among older people.

Business Idea 17 – Opening a Makeup School

Preliminary investment - 200 000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to create conditions for teaching everyone the basics of cosmetology services through specially designed courses. The relevance of such a project is emphasized by the ever-increasing demand for the work of masters of the beauty industry, henna tattoo, make-up artists and eyebrow artists among clients, salon owners.

Implementation of the idea:

Opening a make-up school requires a relatively low financial investment, but can bring good income with the right goal setting:

  • attracting well-known masters as teachers;
  • holding master classes with interesting guests;
  • development curricula with the latest advances and technologies.

The main costs are spent on renting and equipping a room for a classroom, wages for masters, and the purchase of consumables for study. With an average cost of courses of 10,000 for a few days, a one-day master class of 2,500 rubles, such courses can be recouped in a few months. The main task is the creation of a positive image, work on the quality of teaching material and the constant introduction of new relevant disciplines.

Business idea 18 - Opening a coworking center

Minimum costs - from 500,000 rubles.

The essence of such a business project - opening a specially equipped place for negotiations, business meetings, mini-offices, creating conditions for the work of visitors. Such centers are widespread in many large cities. developed countries helping start-up entrepreneurs, lawyers, freelancers save on office rent. The relevance of such a project lies in the minimum worthy competition in the market.

Implementation of the idea:

To open, you will need to find the largest and most spacious room, next to which there is a transport interchange, parking. To organize a coworking center, you need:

  • purchase a variety of furniture for leisure, work;
  • purchase office equipment;
  • ensure the highest possible quality of communication, the Internet.

Such a center will not bring a quick return on investment. It will require constant advertising of services, attracting customers through discounts and gradual price increases. Income can be obtained from the provision of premises for large organizational events. Coworking is a business project with a long-term perspective, which may soon begin to bring a decent profit.

Business idea 19 - Opening a climbing wall

The minimum investment is 350,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - organization in indoors a special attraction that simulates climbing the rocks, providing everyone with sports and entertainment services based on it. Modern modular complexes make it possible to place such a climbing wall in small rooms. The relevance of such an attraction is due to the increased interest of young people in this sport, the desire to get new emotions, relieve psychological stress.

Implementation of the idea:

The main expenses for the organization and implementation of such a project:

  • rent of a suitable height and size of the premises;
  • acquisition and installation of special mobile modules;
  • wages for trainers with relevant mountaineering skills.

By placing such a climbing wall in large shopping centers, recreation parks, next to places of entertainment for young people, you can quickly get the first profit. With an average cost of an hour of classes of 800 rubles and a 50% load of the attraction, you can earn up to 500,000 rubles a month. This is possible after conducting a high-quality advertising campaign, creating conditions for the simultaneous employment of several clients, field shifts in summer recreation areas.

Business idea 20 - Opening a massage parlor

The minimum investment is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening of a special equipped salon to provide different kind massage services: wellness, cosmetic or modeling. Given the growing interest in following healthy lifestyle trends, high demand to hire a good massage therapist, such a salon can bring a stable income in any season.

Implementation of the idea:

To implement such a project, it is necessary to invest the main amount of funds in renting premises in an area with good transport interchange for the convenience of customers, as well as:

  • purchase special tables and massage chairs;
  • buy furniture and arrange a waiting room;
  • to equip the premises with separate offices, rooms for staff.

A large expense item can be the wages of craftsmen, their regular retraining for advanced training, and the purchase of cosmetics. But the salon can bring an excellent income, given the minimum cost of a simple massage of 250 rubles, anti-cellulite - 500 rubles. Providing 50% workload of 5 jobs, daily profit can be from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles or up to 300,000 rubles monthly, which will help you quickly recoup your investment.

Business idea 21 - Opening a fitness club

The minimum investment is 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the project- opening of an equipped sports hall, involvement of professional trainers in cooperation, provision of related services. This type of business is relevant due to the increase in demand and the popularization of an active lifestyle, a beautiful toned body. A modern fitness club, whose target audience is middle-class visitors, will enjoy stable interest from clients of different age categories.

Implementation of the idea:

To open a small fitness club, you will need an equipped room in a densely populated area, near a bus stop. Most of the financial investment will go to:

  • purchase of high-quality professional simulators;
  • equipping the fitness club with equipment for training;
  • re-equipment of locker rooms, showers, rest areas for staff and clients.

The average cost of one hour of classes in such an institution starts from 100 rubles. If you achieve an average number of visitors from 50 people per day, you can talk about a minimum monthly profit of 150,000 rubles. With such work, it will begin to pay off approximately in the second year of its operation. You can get additional profit from subleasing a place for a massage or beauty parlor.

Business Idea 22 – Donut Production

The initial investment is 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - organization of a small stationary point for baking donuts with various fillings, their sale to consumers. The modern fast food market, with high competition, requires new players to show originality. Therefore, the production of this type of product can be a good investment.

Implementation of the idea:

Open a small cafe or tent fast food should be close to places of large concentrations of consumers: large shopping centers, recreation parks, next to the buildings of universities or the station. To implement the project you will need:

  • purchase of commercial and industrial equipment;
  • purchase of furniture for visitors;
  • design of an attractive place of sale;
  • employees' wages.

In the case of organizing the process in the street, a specialized van, a tent will become a replacement for the premises. The device can produce from 250 to 600 delicious products per hour. By correctly combining the place of trade, a large selection of toppings, high-quality service, you can achieve high profits by laying a trade margin of 100% on some types of donuts.

Business idea 23 - Opening a design studio

Preliminary investments - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of this project - the opening of a small bureau or studio that provides services for the development of interior design projects that accompany them at the implementation stage. Such services are becoming increasingly popular against the backdrop of growing interest in individuality, originality of repairs in residential and commercial premises, and the growth of the well-being of a certain part of the population.

Implementation of the idea:

The main expense item is a well-equipped and properly located office. The best place would be the business center, non-residential premises in the central area with convenient transport interchange. To organize the process you will need:

  • office equipment, personal computers high power;
  • licensed programs;
  • furniture for staff, meeting rooms with clients.

In most cases, the salary of employees depends on the number and total amount of orders, and the owner is an experienced designer who is able to lead serious projects at the initial stage. The initial cost of developing an individual design ranges from 1000 rubles per 1 m2. Therefore, the profitability of such a studio depends only on the talent of employees and a good advertising component.

Business idea 24 - Opening a jewelry workshop

Initial investment - from 400,000 rubles.

The project is based on the idea of ​​equipping a modern jewelry workshop, which provides the public with services for cleaning, repairing expensive jewelry, manufacturing exclusive and original products. Such a business project will be relevant due to low competition and consistently high demand for precious metal products.

Implementation of the idea:

The place for opening should be chosen carefully, located near jewelry stores or renting a few meters in jewelry stores. This will help solve the problem of security and a constant flow of customers who want to adjust the size of the ring or bracelet after purchase.

The main costs in the implementation of the idea are:

  • acquisition of modern equipment and tools for repair;
  • decoration of the premises, showcases and waiting areas for customers;
  • expenses for advertising, signage;
  • payment for the services of a qualified employee.

Most of the jewelry repair services offered are inexpensive, so you can have a high income only by working for a good reputation, completing orders with high quality and on time. This will help attract customers for more expensive exclusive orders, which can make up a significant part of the profits and help the project pay off in a minimum period of time.

Business Idea 25 – Skydiving

The essence of the idea - opening of a compact dropzone for organizing a full cycle of skydiving, including training for beginners and training for professional teams. The growing interest in adrenaline sports and outdoor activities makes this type of business quite relevant. There is little competition in the market for such services, which allows you to quickly occupy a free niche.

Implementation of the idea:

Opening a project will require big investments due to the characteristics of the organization:

  • runway rental, conclusion of an agreement with an organization that carries out flights and has an appropriate license;
  • purchase of special equipment and uniforms;
  • salary of the instructor team;
  • the cost of providing a comfortable stay for customers.

The minimum level of profitability of such dropzones is at least 10% and reaches 60% for well-known and stable operating ones. Additional income can be obtained from the provision of comprehensive services for the training of professional teams, excursions, arranging a small campsite or organizing fast food on the territory of the jumping zone. The disadvantage is the seasonality of this business project and the search for real professionals to work as instructors.

Business idea 26 - Opening a cafe on wheels

The minimum investment is 450,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project - opening of a fully equipped mobile cafe in an equipped trailer, offering visitors fresh fast food and drinks. The choice of a product option (patties, shawarma, pancakes, hot sandwiches) should be made after a thorough analysis of the market for such services in the city. Such a project will be relevant only with the right choice of location for implementation.

Implementation of the idea:

For opening, the best option in terms of cost and convenience would be to purchase an equipped and converted trailer that has access to minimal public services, stoves, showcases. In addition, it requires certain costs:

  • purchase of high-quality semi-finished products;
  • seller salary;
  • payment for the lease of land.

It is cost-effective to open such points near areas with high traffic: stations, markets, bus stops and clinics. With an average check of 30 rubles and a minimum number of customers of 200 people per day, we can talk about a good daily turnover of 6,000 rubles. This will make it possible to pay back the project in 4-5 months, especially with the constant development of the assortment and high quality service.

Business idea 27 - Opening a mini-coffee shop

The minimum investment is 400,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea - Arrangement of a small coffee shop for the preparation of several varieties and types of coffee, its sale to consumers in a convenient container. Such practical mini-coffee houses are especially popular among fans of aromatic drink of different ages. The relevance of this type of business is possible when choosing the optimal location, organizing high-quality and fast service.

Implementation of the idea:

For a successful project, a small mobile coffee shop without tables for visitors or concluding a franchise agreement with a promoted and established brand would be an excellent option. The second option makes it easier to search:

  • suppliers of raw materials for work, packaging materials;
  • employee training;
  • preparation of necessary documents;
  • purchase of equipment for the preparation and sale of the drink.

In most cases, it is impossible to achieve high profits without offering additional services to visitors: snacks, confectionery, original fillers and additives. The level of 40% is considered to be excellent profitability, which will allow the project to pay off in 4 months, but requires maintaining a high pace of work.

  • Podbrobny.

Promising and successful business ideas with investments from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles

Below is a selection of 11 promising and successful business ideas with investments from 500 thousand rubles to 1,000,000 rubles. Although the investment is up to a million, it is still considered a small business.

Business Idea 28 - Opening a School of Foreign Languages

The estimated investment is 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening of a specialized school for deep learning foreign languages, development of complex or individual training programs. Such a project can bring good profit and does not require large financial costs. The demand for such knowledge is constantly growing, making this business relevant.

Implementation of the idea:

The opening of training courses begins with obtaining a compulsory license and finding a room. It should be located near transport stops, have several isolated rooms, facilities for students and staff. To ensure the learning process requires:

  • purchase of comfortable furniture;
  • development and production of working materials;
  • advertising to attract customers;
  • selection of qualified personnel.

The profitability of such a language business project is quite high. If the average cost of one lesson hour in a group ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, then a group of 5 people will bring 1500-5000 rubles. Individual training of a student is in great demand, which costs at least 600 rubles per hour. Daily courses can bring from 9,000 rubles, helping to fully recoup the costs of the school in 2-3 months.

Business idea 29 - Maternity clothing store

The minimum investment amount is 600,000 rubles.

The essence of the project – opening of a comfortable store offering clothes and accessories for pregnant women. In such a special period, there is a need for a comfortable and high-quality wardrobe, various additions to it. Many women do not save on health by choosing the best products for themselves. The idea should be implemented in cities with a large population, where there are potential buyers with an average income.

Implementation of the idea:

Such a store is best located in the central area of ​​​​the city near transport stops. You can rent a ready-made trading place in a well-known supermarket. A good effect will be given by the proximity to the departments of toys or children's products. To do this, you will need to equip comfortable fitting rooms for expectant mothers, purchase a small set of equipment, racks and mirrors.

To get a stable profit, you should focus on pregnant women with different financial capabilities. The size of the trade margin can vary from 30 to 100%, depending on the size of the product and its initial cost. The most favorable months are March and August, when it is time to update the wardrobe.

Business idea 30 - Production of self-leveling floors

The minimum investment amount is 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project – opening of an enterprise that provides comprehensive services for the manufacture of self-leveling floors of various configurations for private and corporate clients. The service is becoming increasingly popular in the construction and design of many design projects. There is some competition in this market sector, so it is better to start your own business under a franchise agreement with a well-known company.

Implementation of the idea:

The main technical work on the manufacture and installation of self-leveling floors is carried out at the customer's site, so it is not required to equip a special workshop. It is better to rent an office near a stop or metro station, focusing on the comfort of potential customers. In addition, certain costs will require:

  • training of workers at specialized courses, their retraining;
  • acquisition of the necessary equipment and a set of tools;
  • advertising services in the region.

The profitability of the project for the production of self-leveling floors is 40–50%, which helps to have a monthly net profit of 120,000–150,000 rubles. If the project is managed independently without acquiring a franchise, it can cover the investment in 4-6 months.

Business Idea 31 – Car Tuning Workshop

Initial investment - 700,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project – opening of a specialized center providing services for external and internal tuning of cars of any brand. Many motorists resort to re-equipping their car, wanting to make it more powerful or give it personality. Such workshops are popular among motorists with an average income.

Implementation of the idea:

To implement the idea, it is required to rent a large room, which will be adapted for car repairs. In addition to the hall with pits, it is necessary to have a demonstration room for working with clients and resting the staff. A successful workshop should provide a wide range of services:

  • airbrushing (drawing drawings);
  • interior design, upholstery replacement;
  • exterior tuning, changing external parts;
  • technical improvements of the units.

The cost of the services of such workshops is sometimes comparable to the price of an inexpensive car, but the demand for them is consistently high. The minimum cost of airbrushing starts from 6000 rubles per 1 sq. m., and the full equipment of the jeep can reach the amount of 700,000 rubles. A good studio with an integrated approach to work annually brings the owner more than 1,000,000 rubles, quickly repaying the invested capital.

Business idea 32 - Opening an ultrasound diagnostic room

The minimum investment is 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project – opening of an equipped private office with modern ultrasound equipment to provide diagnostic services to the population. Without this type of examination, it is impossible to get high-quality treatment. The relevance of this idea is due to long queues in city hospitals and the lack of good equipment in them.

Implementation of the idea:

Such a project should be handled by an experienced diagnostician who can bring in a partner to ensure continuity of patient intake. Diagnostic services require a special medical license. The main expense item is the purchase of a modern ultrasound machine with many functions. It is not worth saving on this in order to be able to conduct complex expensive studies for those who wish. A portable device for working at home will add customers who are in dire need of such services.

Despite the high cost of a high-quality ultrasound machine, the daily turnover of the office reaches 15,000–20,000 rubles. At monthly income the invested amount of 450,000 rubles will pay off in just 2–3 months of stable operation.

Business idea 33 - Opening a hookah bar

The minimum investment is from 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - the opening of an entertainment facility that specializes in smoking hookahs. This popular type of recreation is relevant among young people and middle-aged people. Such establishments can exist as part of a modern restaurant or be a separate hookah bar. The second option has a more economical budget and is a non-standard way of spending leisure time in a cozy environment.

Implementation of the idea:

The location of such a hookah bar in the central part of the city, not far from well-known restaurants or cafes, would be optimal. Visitors to these places will be happy to move after dinner to the hookah bar, where you can try light drinks, snacks and smoke a fragrant hookah. Joint projects with owners of expensive clubs or restaurants, who provide the venues of their establishments for sublease, are becoming increasingly popular.

To get started, it is enough to purchase a set of four hookahs and the necessary accessories for them. The main emphasis should be on the style, design and advertising of the hookah bar to ensure constant flow clients. This will help to fully recoup the institution in a year.

Business Idea 34 – Opening a Candy Store

The minimum investment is 580,000 rubles.

The essence of the project - opening of an equipped store selling confectionery products. Such small shop will offer its customers interesting pastries, chocolate surprises or other types of sweets (jam, honey, ice cream). The relevance of the business project is due to the stable demand for such products among consumers with different incomes.

Implementation of the idea:

Open Candy store it is better in a residential area near public transport stops, subway exits or children's institutions. This will help ensure the flow of regular customers at any time of the day. The main amount of the initial investment will be required:

  • for renting premises;
  • equipping it with the necessary furniture and equipment;
  • purchase of food stocks for trade.

Additional income can come from the opening of a mini-cafeteria for 2-3 tables, which will allow visitors to drink coffee and soft drinks. Trade assortment can be supplemented with several types of tea or coffee in gift boxes. With an average traffic of 150-200 people a day with a minimum check of 50 rubles, such a business project can pay for itself in a few months.

Business Idea 35 – Opening a Sushi Bar

The minimum investment is 600,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project - opening a small cafe that specializes in serving Japanese cold dishes. The popularity of the sushi menu among people of different ages and wealth shows a steady growth every year. Such an original establishment with a non-standard assortment can quickly acquire regular customers.

Implementation of the idea:

You can implement the project on your own or with the involvement of a franchise from a well-known company. In the second case, most organizational and legal issues will be resolved without difficulty. With the sole opening of a sushi bar, an entrepreneur will need:

  • comfortable room with a small kitchen;
  • purchase of stylized furniture and decor items;
  • training of cooks and improvement of their qualification.

The sushi menu is distinguished by a large number of cold snacks, which require special kitchen equipment and storage conditions. Savings can be achieved by contracting with seafood suppliers, who often offer branded refrigerators or thermoses for free. With an average trade margin from 100 to 300% and a profitability of 50-60%, the sushi bar will fully pay off the investment in 5-6 months.

Business idea 36 - Rental and installation of billboards

The minimum investment is 1,000,000 rubles.

Implementation of the idea:

To organize a business project for working with billboards, you will need to solve several production issues:

  • make banners on your own or order a design from specialized organizations;
  • obtain permission to place them in certain places from local authorities in compliance with all legal norms;
  • rent office space in an area convenient for customers;
  • hire qualified personnel capable of monitoring the quality of information on the board.

This affects the total initial cost. Profitability depends entirely on location billboard. The rental price can start from 10,000 rubles per week. The profit and payback period of the project is calculated based on the number of billboards that are at the disposal of the company.

Business idea 37 - Opening a pancake shop

The minimum investment is 900,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project – Opening of a small fast food business specializing in making pancakes as the main dish on the menu. A hearty and inexpensive snack in Russian traditions can be a good substitute for the usual fast food. Hot pancakes are served in portions with delicious additions, original toppings and drinks. This market is in the growth stage, so this idea can become profitable and relevant.

Implementation of the idea:

The most optimal format for a pancake shop can be the organization of a small eatery on an area rented in mall with a steady stream of customers. In this case, you have to make a choice:

  • open a pancake shop on your own;
  • attract a franchise of a popular brand.

Both options have certain subtleties and positive aspects. In any form chosen, the main costs will be: the purchase of equipment for the kitchen and the trading process, the design of the dining area, and staff salaries. With good traffic and an average check of 200–300 rubles per visitor, daily revenue can start from 6,000 rubles. The payback time for such a project is in the range of one to two years.

Business idea 38 - Opening a karaoke bar

The minimum cost is 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project – opening of an entertainment facility with professional equipment for karaoke performance by visitors. A fashionable way of spending leisure time in the company of friends is popular. In the market for such entertainment services, there is a stable, albeit small, growth. Regional entrepreneurs are especially interested in opening such places of recreation, where karaoke bars are an interesting and fresh type of family leisure.

Implementation of the idea:

The most optimal format would be a small cafe for 10-12 tables, which will offer visitors karaoke services, good cuisine and affordable prices. The main part of the costs at the opening stage is the purchase of high-quality equipment and installation, taking into account all the requirements of acoustics. The original design of the hall and an impromptu stage will help create an interesting image.


Managers are traditionally considered leaders in terms of salaries in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of major business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper bar is usually hidden behind the wording "by agreement". This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, the earnings of managers are close to a million rubles.

In second place are experts. highly qualified in the field of IT. Recruiters assure that this direction is more promising. A specialist in the development of mobile applications, who has proven experience, can, after 3-4 years of work in the industry, qualify for a salary that a manager grows up to in 10-12 years.

Also among the highest paid professionals are airline employees. Managers (eg. technical director) offer from 300 thousand rubles, to the aircraft commander - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, to the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines usually pay employees annual performance-based bonuses.

Recently, Aeroflot introduced lump-sum payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the co-pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paid vacancies in July in Moscow

  1. Marketing director / head of marketing department in a pharmaceutical company - up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of accounting, reporting and tax planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the Procurement Department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of external logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles (the average salary of the highest paid workers in the industry is 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communication - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and oil products; chemicals and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production, finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects

Good salaries can be received by both non-narrow (as, for example, pilots) and not the most experienced (as managers with long experience) specialists.

Superjob analyzed the offers of employers for employees with qualifications of at least an average level and work experience from one to three years.

Here is what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of software testing department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax Lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found out that the most demanded employees today are skilled workers in the metalworking and machine-building industries, high-level specialists from the fields of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.

In March 2013, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia presented the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development Forecast Russian Federation for the period up to 2030

The Forecast, which is a system of scientifically based ideas about the directions and results of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the forecast period, identifies the leading sectors and branches of the economy that are priority for the development of the Russian Federation for the coming decades.

The leading sectors of the economy are: the innovation sector, the oil and gas sector, the raw materials sector, transport, wholesale and retail trade.

Structural shifts in the economy and the modernization of the leading sectors will have to be ensured by the whole range of economic policy measures, with the use of broad measures of state support.

There was also a package key projects, the implementation of which will have a significant positive effect on a particular sector of the economy. They will be implemented both with the help of budget funds and by attracting private investment. Mention should be made of the development of transport infrastructure (modernization of the Moscow transport hub, the construction of airports as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the construction of a high-speed highway Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg), the development of science and high-tech industries (space technologies, the restoration of production of rare earth elements, development of structural and functional composite materials new generation, power electrical engineering and power engineering, aviation, shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals), regional projects for the development of the Far East, the North Caucasus region. The largest amount of funds is expected to be spent on projects in the field of transport infrastructure development (2.5 trillion rubles, or 39% of the cost of priority projects). Expenses on projects in the field of development of high-tech industries for 2013-2020 will amount to 145 billion rubles (2.3% of the expenses on priority projects). Projects in the field of science for 2013-2020 are estimated at 789 billion rubles or 12.4% of the cost of priority projects.

In the field of transport, accessibility and quality will be ensured transport services for all segments of the population in accordance with social standards that guarantee the possibility of movement throughout the country; a dedicated network of high-speed railway lines and high-speed railway lines will be formed; a constant year-round connection of the road network of all rural settlements with development prospects will be provided, an effective flexible state tariff policy will ensure the affordability of transport services for all segments of the population in accordance with social standards. In terms of the development of air transport, it is planned to develop regional and local aviation, modernize the Moscow aviation hub, and renew the aircraft fleet.

Stimulation scientific research and development will be carried out, including through "forcing innovation" large companies with state participation and the development of innovative development programs by them. As a result, technological platforms will be formed, i.e. bringing together representatives of the state, business, science and education around a common vision of scientific and technological development and common approaches to the development of appropriate technologies. Their activities will contribute to the effective commercialization of the accumulated scientific and technical reserve, which will improve the technological level Russian business and, accordingly, its competitiveness, including foreign markets. In a number of areas, as a result of the activities of technological platforms, it is planned to increase the share of domestic products in world markets by 2-3 times by 2020. On regional level projects of innovation centers will be implemented, as well as innovative territorial clusters, including Skolkovo near Moscow and science cities.

Priority areas of development in the region information technologies will be the formation of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure; ensuring a high level of its availability, providing quality services on its basis; development of the economy of the Russian Federation based on the use of information technologies; improving the quality of education, medical care, science, social protection of the population, promoting the development of culture and means mass media based on information and communication technologies; ensuring competitiveness and technological development of information and communication technologies; efficiency improvement government controlled and local self-government, interaction of civil society and business with authorities state power, including opposition to the use of information and telecommunications technologies to threaten Russia's national interests. The growth of the information technology market will be facilitated by the creation of technoparks in the Russian Federation in the field of high technologies, the introduction of supercomputers and grid technologies; development of cloud computing, rendering public services electronic.

The introduction of modern electronic technologies in education, facilitating access to high-quality training programs in the field of information technology, as well as the development of programs to attract qualified specialists from abroad will increase the number of qualified personnel working in the IT industry. Implementation of these solutions and others necessary measures may allow IT professions to enter the top five most popular professions in Russia by 2018. It is planned to double the number of employees in the information technology sector.

Increasing the competitiveness of key industries is also one of the key tasks. The priority areas for the development of the oil and gas complex are stimulating the introduction of promising production technologies, the formation and development of new major centers oil production and related infrastructure.

In 2016-2018 it is planned to commission new large deposits, such as Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Russkoye, Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye, Kuyumbinskoye, Zapadno-Messoyakhskoye, Tagulskoye.

It is planned to implement the second stage of construction of the ESPO oil pipeline and complete the construction of the BPS-2 oil pipeline. This will optimize oil export supplies by unloading less efficient routes and reduce transit risks.

The commissioning of new fields will allow increasing the total volume of gas production in the coming years. In the geography of gas production, the role of Western Siberia will remain (due to the development of deeper productive horizons and, first of all, the Nadym-Purtazovsky region, where the main fields being developed and commissioned in the near future are concentrated). The expansion of gas production is planned at the expense of the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the fields of the Yamal Peninsula, the Ob and Taz Bays and other fields of the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The increase in gas production by 2030 will be 73-254 billion cubic meters. m to the level of 2011, depending on the development option.

The machine-building complex is one of the key sectors of the economy, the level of development of which largely determines the state of the economic potential of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that the production machine-building complex in 2030 relative to the level of 2011 will increase by more than 3.2 times.

For example, in the field of aircraft construction, it is planned to carry out the following major activities:

Refine the SSJ-100 aircraft and expand its sales on the domestic and global markets, implement military transport aviation projects (including the An-70, An-124, Il-76), develop and bring to market the MS-21 mainline aircraft, new and modernized samples of military aircraft;

Increase sales volumes of mass-produced civil and military helicopters, as well as put into production helicopters that are in the final stages of creation or modernization (Mi-38, Ka-62, Mi-26T2, Ka-226T and others);

Increase the competitiveness of manufactured products;

Improve the production and technical potential of aviation industry enterprises by implementing projects for the technical re-equipment of existing and creating new facilities (it is expected that by 2025 the profitability of sales of aircraft will reach about 11%, helicopters - 8%).

It is expected that in the period up to 2020, the average annual growth rate of production of the radio-electronic complex will be about 107%, by 2030, relative to the level of 2011, the volume of production will increase by more than 5 times. It is planned to increase the share of domestic radio-electronic products in the domestic market up to 40%, including in connection with the development of new market areas of radio-electronic products in the field of radio frequency identification, coordinate-time support, digital television, telecommunication and technological equipment, industrial electronics and other areas.

In the long term, it is assumed that the development of ferrous metallurgy will be characterized by involvement in the development of deposits, primarily in Siberia and the Far East; the withdrawal of inefficient steel production by the open-hearth method by 2020; an increase in the volume of production of products of deep processing, the creation of its new types; an increase in the volume of production of scarce types of products; coated metal, stainless steel, progressive types of rolled and cast steel, including rolled rails and component parts for railway rolling stock; improving the quality and competitiveness of metal products.

In the non-ferrous metallurgy for the period up to 2030, the implementation of major investment projects is planned:

Construction of Boguchansky and Taishet aluminum smelters with a capacity of 600 and 750 thousand tons of aluminum, respectively;

Modernization of existing facilities with re-profiling of plants located in the European part;

The development of new, smaller Urals and Kazakh copper deposits will improve the supply of raw materials, which will allow to maintain annual refined copper production with a slight increase of an average of 3% over the period until the commissioning of Udokan capacities;

Construction of new zinc plants.

The implementation of promising innovative projects in the chemical and petrochemical industries will allow entering the production of new types of products, which will create conditions for effective import substitution and reduce the dependence of the domestic market on the influence of foreign companies in a number of goods (plastics, chemical fibers and threads, paints and varnishes, industrial products). and household purposes from plastics, containers and packaging from polymeric materials).

Long-term development scenario light industry provides for a qualitative change in the structure of textile production based on the introduction of new production facilities for synthetic fibers and threads (primarily in Ivanovo region), flax fibers(as a result of the implementation of pilot and other projects), reorientation to the production of technical textiles (including nonwovens), the creation of new types of woolen fabrics based on the introduction of innovative developments. The domestic cotton industry will continue as an industry to a greater extent, since it is fundamental in the textile industry and is of great importance in the country's security.

Based on the prospects for the development of the economy, indicated in the Forecast of the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation, it can be assumed that in the domestic labor market in the coming decades there will be a great demand for specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, information technology, construction, transport, oil and gas processing. Everyone will be needed - both engineers and highly skilled workers. The development of the innovation sector will also entail the revival of domestic science, making the profession of a scientist highly paid and prestigious.