Production of cardboard packaging business plan. Business: workshop for the production of cardboard boxes. What equipment to choose for the manufacture of gift wrapping

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Production of cardboard boxes

You have chosen such a type of business as the production of cardboard boxes. So, let's look at all the nuances this business in more detail.

Profitable business ideas are sometimes so invisible to the eye that they are not even known to the general public.

Let's take a look at an example: an ordinary fountain pen, of which millions are sold daily in the world. Have you ever wondered how it is made? I bet you don't. Meanwhile, very often all the details for a fountain pen - the body, the tube with paste, the ballpoint, are made at separate production facilities, and they are all assembled separately, too. Do you know which company produces ballpoint nibs for fountain pens? Here's something! And me too! Meanwhile, from those daily millions from sales of fountain pens, this company "falls" a good jackpot. Production is a penny, and the sales volume is simply huge.

The packaging business has been “neighboring” next to the production of most goods for many years, forming a kind of symbiosis with them, allowing them to exist at the expense of each other. The most profitable areas of such a business are the production of boxes from the most different materials- plastic, wood, metal, cardboard. The latter just rightfully occupies a leading position among the rest. Let's see why.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:2,800,000 - 3,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: no limits
Situation in the industry:average saturation of the production and supply market
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Advantages of cardboard boxes

  • Firstly, these are the most affordable prices, both in terms of production costs and bulk purchases by consumers.
  • Cardboard boxes, subject to storage conditions, have a long service life and the possibility of repeated use.
  • It is easy to change the equipment for the production of boxes to produce products of other sizes and shapes.
  • Cardboard boxes meet all environmental requirements.
  • In terms of transportation, boxes are a very convenient cargo. When folded, thousands of boxes can be loaded into one truck.
  • Boxes can bring additional income to the manufacturer if advertisements are placed on their surface.

How can cardboard boxes be used?

The question of where and how cardboard boxes can be used is rather rhetorical, because the scope of their application is as wide as it is known. But let's still try to see where the boxes are most in demand. This will be useful to us in determining the distribution channels for products.

By virtue of the main characteristic features of their material - cardboard: environmental friendliness and light weight, boxes are most often used in:

  • food industry, in particular, at factories of dairy, margarine, confectionery products, and distilleries
  • packaging household appliances and electronics
  • Packaging of cabinet prefabricated furniture

Abroad, the range of use of cardboard packaging is much wider. For example, in China and England they make ... coffins from cardboard. When folded, they quietly gather dust somewhere in the corner of the house, waiting in the wings. In Japan, cardboard houses were built for refugees, then this practice spread throughout the world. And what? Also a kind of ... container.

Cardboard boxes, by the way, can be made very beautiful, and then people will be willing to pay much more for them. One of the first to understand this was the American company BoxCycle, which provides services for some individuals and various companies to search for cardboard boxes in any quantity, any size, density, and at any price, and for others it helps to get rid of unnecessary cargo. The client simply leaves a request indicating the parameters of the boxes he needs, or those that he would like to liquidate. How much such services are needed can be judged by the fact that the annual turnover of BoxCycle is several hundred thousand dollars, and the company is not going to leave the market in the foreseeable future.

Of course, it is difficult to judge how possible such a business is in our country, after all, the thinking of people separated by an ocean is strikingly different from each other. But many american business ideas successfully implemented in Russia. Examples of such projects can be found.

Where to produce boxes

I will once again draw your attention to the topic of the article - the production of cardboard boxes, and not the cardboard itself. If at least a few requests are received, then I will definitely consider this business idea, but for now I can say that the production of cardboard is a very costly, but also very profitable, huge-scale production, which is carried out by large pulp and paper mills in Russia. And the production of boxes from this cardboard is a project accessible, if not to everyone, then with a certain starting amount and desire, to many. By the way, the collection of recyclable materials used in the production of cardboard is also a separate business idea. How to open a waste paper collection point can be found at this link.

The main problem of this business is precisely the premises, because the production area of ​​​​this size is approximately 1000 square meters. meters for machines + 500 sq. meters for a warehouse of finished products is difficult to find, and rent for such a room it will be such that it’s scary to imagine. But, it's worth it. The demand for cardboard containers is so great that the payback of the project will be just over a year.

There are special requirements for the premises:

  1. Firstly, it is the temperature and humidity of the air - after all, we are dealing with paper material (the temperature in production must be at least +18 0 C, in the warehouse - at least +5 0 C, and air humidity should be no more than 80 %)
  2. This is where the problem comes from. fire safety and ventilation, which must be installed in accordance with all the rules
  3. The production area must be safe from all natural species moisture (ground, melt, rain water)

What equipment is needed for the production of boxes

Equipment for the production of cardboard boxes is the second most costly stage of organizing a “box” business. You will probably be surprised no less than me when you find out that there are several dozen manufacturers of machines for the production of cardboard boxes in the world, both foreign and domestic. Among this set, one can note the equipment of the Italian company Emmeci Group, the Chinese TRANSPACK, and the South Korean company Young Shin Machinery, whose equipment for the production of cardboard boxes is considered one of the best in the world.

The machine for the production of cardboard boxes is called an automatic press for cutting (cutting out products with complex shapes from a large sheet of cardboard by hitting a stamp along a given contour), creasing (applying a straight groove that facilitates the subsequent bending of the product in this place), and embossing (improving the appearance ).

The equipment for the production of cardboard boxes is fully automatic, electronically controlled, and requires minimal human intervention, which minimizes the number of possible errors in production.

Production technology

The whole process of producing cardboard boxes can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Cutting sheets on a special cutting and scoring machine
  • Printing on cardboard with a flexographic station (used in the production of cardboard boxes with a logo, advertising, etc.)
  • Making box molds on an automatic press
  • Gluing containers on a folder gluer

How to set up your business

The business format itself involves registration legal entity in the conduct entrepreneurial activity. The best option- OOO. You can read how to register an LLC here -.

So, you have finally decided to start your own business and not depend on the authorities. Work for your pleasure and for yourself. In this article, we will look at how to start production and what you need for this.

To begin with, you have decided on the type of production and are ready to spend N-amount of money for its implementation. You have chosen such a type of activity as the production of cardboard boxes. So, let's consider all the points in more detail.

The room is a workshop.

You must decide on the room where you will install the production line. You must understand that you cannot produce cardboard boxes without a special well-established production line. And for such a line you need a special room. You must choose a room from 50 square meters or more. If you already have your own premises that you can use for this production, then you are in luck.

If you do not have a room, then you will need to look for a room and rent it. The rental price will depend on many different factors, such as location - in the city or outside the city, on the number of inhabitants in the locality where you are going to start your cardboard box production line and on your ability to close deals. For example, you are going to open your business in a small town with a population of about 150 - 200 thousand people, where your business will not have strong competition.

The rental price of the premises will be approximately $0.5 -0.7 per square meter. That is, in our case, the rental of premises will be about $ 750, subject to a minimum area and the best price rent.

Production personnel.

The next thing you need to work on is the staff. To begin with, you need to understand what kind of participation you personally will take in this production, either you are the general director, or one of the part-time employees. For example, for starters, you decided to take an active part in production and save on one employee's salary. We will also jump a little ahead and decide that our company will produce the boxes. automatic line or machine.

In this case, you will need at least one more employee besides you. The employee will not need special skills and abilities, because his main task will be to assemble the boxes and test them for strength, which the employee can learn quite quickly. The average salary usually in small provincial towns is about $200-300 per month.

The next item you should consider is the automatic production line. As I wrote above, jumping ahead, for this production you need an automatic line or machine for the production of cardboard boxes. This machine manufactures printing of cardboard boxes from corrugated cardboard sheets. It is possible to buy it both new and used. On average, the cost of such a machine is about $ 10,000 - $ 15,000, depending on what you come across and on your ability to negotiate and receive discounts.

Next, what we will consider are the raw materials that you must purchase for the production of boxes. As already mentioned, you will need sheet corrugated cardboard. There are a lot of suppliers on the market now and feel free to choose a reliable supplier with suitable raw material prices and good reviews. The average cost of one sheet of corrugated cardboard is now about $ 0.5 per piece about 1.2 meters long. To begin with, we will order at least 1,000 pieces of corrugated cardboard, that is, in the amount of about $ 500.

Next, we are looking for clients and launch advertising on radio and newspapers. The cost of such advertising will be approximately 70 - 100 $ per month, but it will help you a lot in finding customers. Now the market is very large. You can safely contact any confectionery company to sell your products. Usually confectionery firms pack their goods only in cardboard boxes, so for a start it will be enough for you to establish relations with one / two confectionery companies, and then gradually expand your production. The cost of one such box is about $ 0.2-0.5. From one sheet of corrugated cardboard you can produce about 10 boxes.

Costs and profits.

The cost of one sheet of corrugated cardboard is $0.5, and from one sheet we produce 10 boxes at a price of $0.35 per piece. That is, the profit from one sheet of corrugated cardboard comes out to $ 3. Under the condition of processing 1,000 sheets of corrugated cardboard, your profit will be about $ 3,000.

Now, from our profit of $3,000, we subtract the cost of a monthly rent of $750 and wages one employee $250 and get a profit of $2,000.

It is also necessary to subtract from the profit the amount of other expenses (for example, the cost of shipping boxes, advertising on radio and newspapers and your gasoline expenses, and so on) about $ 500, then we get a profit of $ 1,500. That is, a machine for $ 15,000 will pay off in a year.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors! It is important to remember that your desires and aspirations are the engine of your personal development.

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Do you have a business idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability Online!

It is cardboard boxes that have been leading the market for many years. various kinds packaging products. Cardboard packaging favorably stands out from the general range with a whole list of advantages: simplicity and speed of manufacturing boxes, affordable price, strength and long service life, a variety of sizes and shapes. Today, when the issue of pollution is becoming more and more urgent environment, cardboard boxes and various containers are the most environmentally friendly, which increases their rating at times. The ability to use the cardboard packaging itself as an advertising solution or space is also important.

Here we will talk about the production of cardboard boxes (packaging), equipment for it, manufacturing technology.

Reasons for popularity

Indispensable for the transportation and storage of almost all groups of goods is a cardboard container, which, if necessary, can be covered with food moisture-resistant film, which makes it possible to use it for fragile, loose, confectionery and other demanding products. This container is lightweight, economical and highly durable.

Corrugated packaging is probably the most popular type of cardboard packaging. It is preferred over metal, wooden and plastic boxes due to its low weight, the ability to choose the appropriate size (from the smallest boxes to very large boxes with multi-layer faces). Corrugated packaging has an indispensable property in many situations - it is easily folded during transportation and occupies a minimum of space in transport or in a warehouse. In addition, only a cardboard box can be burned without harm to others and the environment. It can be recycled and made into new cardboard and paper packaging, as well as into cheap toilet, wrapping or stationery paper.

Necessary equipment

An automatic line is used for the production of cardboard packaging. It is very easy to set up using the touch screen in a few seconds. 50 programs this equipment allow you to make cardboard boxes of any size, including those that are necessary for you, for a specific product. During one cycle, the machine can produce both three- and five-layer blanks, and the cardboard is fed automatically.

Line Emmeci MS 92, price from 100,000 euros

Automation of the process reduces the burden on employees and significantly increases the productivity of the enterprise (for an hour of operation, such a machine produces about a thousand boxes measuring 20 cm by 30 cm). It is necessary to enter only the dimensions you need in the end (length, height, width), and the computer will complete all the remaining calculations itself and the blanks will be carefully cut out, with all the necessary cuts and overlaps.

Video of the line for the production of cardboard packaging Emmeci MS 92:

The “machine” for boxes has a system of anti-slip guides (rubber rollers) that guide the workpiece smoothly without shifts throughout the entire process. The design of the knives clearly cuts off excess cardboard from the blanks, saving time and costs.

Packaging production technology

Before starting work, it is important to clearly define all the components of the final product: purpose, material, size, shape, quantity. You can order any shape and size, from standard square and rectangular boxes to unusual round packages.

Video of the production technology of corrugated cardboard boxes:

Cardboard packaging is mainly made of gray cardboard and micro-corrugation. Less often, they choose a more interesting light one, and for special occasions, customers usually order a colored box made of colored cardboard. IN Lately Much attention is paid to the design development of packaging products. To increase the attractiveness of carton packaging resort to bright images, cutting and other ways to improve appearance boxes.

Containers made of corrugated cardboard continue to be very popular and not only in our country. If we consider the report of experts, then in Russia 78% of all freight traffic are carried out using corrugated cardboard packaging, which means that every year there is an increase in demand for products by at least 10%.

Such boxes are mainly created using corrugated cardboard. Such business can be engaged not only in large private companies, but also in medium and small businesses.

Required premises

First you need to choose the right premises for your business. It is also important to take into account that equipment for the manufacture of boxes should be freely located in it, and this is not less than 50 sq.m. territory. Thus, if you have your own large room, then this is a big plus. Otherwise, you will have to think about renting first.

Like the lease of any territory, its cost depends on many factors, ranging from the city to communications. For example, consider a small city with 200,000 inhabitants, and the location is envisaged on the outskirts. In this case, the approximate cost will be around $1 per sq.m. To rent a room of 100 square meters, you will need $ 1,000 per month, roughly speaking.

Working staff

After you have decided on the premises, you will need to think about hiring people, which should also be included in the business plan for the production of cardboard packaging. To do this, you will still need to think about whether you yourself can take part in the production process or only perform duties CEO. After all, you can initially combine both in order to somehow save money.

Taking into account that the production of boxes will be almost completely automatic line, then you will need only one employee to start the job, who will assemble such boxes and check them. For such work, special knowledge is not needed, everything can be learned very quickly. In order for all the work to be done with high quality, you can put a salary of $ 300 for the worker. This in a small town will be more than enough.

Equipment, raw materials and advertising

For a full-fledged production, you will need a production line, which can cost $ 15,000 if you consider a second-hand option. This is an almost fully automatic line, which can be operated by one person.

In order to be able to produce products, you will need raw materials in the form of corrugated cardboard sheets, from which boxes will then be stamped in disassembled form. You can easily find suppliers of such material, as there are plenty of them on the market. Do not rush to start working with the first one that comes across, take a closer look at the prices, the quality of the material and other nuances. Perhaps there are reviews of those people who have already worked with them. In general, you need to choose the most the best option.

To start production, it will be necessary to prepare at least $ 1,000 for the purchase of 2,000 sheets 1.2 meters long.

Income and expenses

One sheet of corrugated cardboard can cost half a dollar, and you can make products from it for $5 if you can find one. good customer. Thus, the income from one sheet of paper will be 4.5 dollars. If you invest $1,000 to buy 2,000 sheets, you can sell the product and earn $10,000. But it is better to count on 5000-6000 dollars of net income from such a number of sheets and taking into account all costs.

Now you just have to look for new customers and expand own production. And the equipment itself will be enough for you for a very long time, because the simplest one can produce about 100 pieces of products per hour. And here it is already easy to calculate how much you can earn approximately per day with a full load of production and work in three shifts.

As you can see, the cardboard box making business itself is not complicated at all. the main task is to find regular customers who can be sold finished products and it will bring you a lot of money.

Almost any person who purchases an expensive gift for his friend, colleague or acquaintance is ready to invest several hundred rubles in the purchase of original gift packaging!

How is the production of cardboard packaging?

Production of cardboard packaging: economic feasibility of business + general information about products + marketing research+ organizational issues + development stages + recommendations on raw materials + requirements for premises, personnel + technical equipment of the enterprise + sales features + profitability.

How to start making gift wrapping?

To open a mini-production enterprise, you must first conduct a marketing research.

This will help you choose the specialization of your business!

A win-win option is the release intended for women (jewelry, phones, etc.).

Of course, on the eve of the holidays, the business concept will need to be adapted to the needs of consumers:

So, on Valentine's Day, it makes sense to release in the form of a heart.

Before new year holidays several batches should be made for toys, artificial Christmas trees and other holiday attributes.

How much money do you need to start a gift wrapping business?

To launch such a project, an initial investment of about 400,000 rubles will be required.

For the operation of the enterprise will need to rent production room at least 500 square meters

About $ 100,000 will need to be invested in the purchase of a high-precision technical equipment designed for the production of gift packaging made of plastic, cardboard and other materials.

What equipment to choose for the manufacture of gift wrapping?

The production line will consist of such elements as:


The staff of an enterprise for the production of packaging products must necessarily include designers, specialist technicians, operators, sorters, and handymen!

- a business area that, if properly managed, will bring a decent profit to the entrepreneur. This is due to the really high demand for production results, i.e. finished products.

Take a look at one of the major industrial sectors of each state, namely, at. You will see that over the past 10 years, packaging has become a priority product in the national economy.

Packaging consumption is high, especially in industrialized countries such as Russia. 78% of freight traffic occurs with the help of cardboard containers. This means that the need for pallet containers is growing by at least 10% every year.

Interestingly, the Russian Federation is characterized by a significant predominance (12 times) of imports over exports. Those. hundreds of millions of dollars, which would be quite enough for the establishment and development of domestic industrial production packages are used to purchase imported packaging products of various types.

Gift packaging sales:

The most difficult stage in the organization of such a micro-business is the search for distribution channels for gift wrapping:

It is advisable to use several ways to sell gift products at the same time.
Can work with big trading networks, specialized stores, event agencies

Of course, the creation and promotion of a quality website will require certain expenses (about 700 thousand rubles), however financial results the performance of the enterprise will improve in a few months.

Marketing research of the carton packaging market:

On Russian market the largest segment is . Consumption of packaging products exceeds 25 kg per person. This is about 50% of the world average, despite the fact that domestic producers do not fully satisfy the needs of buyers (by 60-70%). Even periods of crisis in the Russian economy do not affect production. There has been a positive trend since 2012. The output of packaging products is crowned by no less than 8.1%.

How much can you earn making gift wrapping?

The payback period of investments in this business project depends on the volume of sales. A businessman can expect to receive a net profit in the amount of 100 to 500 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account the payback of equipment for 3 years

Which OKVED should be indicated during registration?

OKVED 17.29 - production of other products from.
OKVED 22.29 - production of other plastic products.
OKVED 21.21 - production of corrugated cardboard, paper and cardboard packaging
OKVED 21.11 - production of cellulose and wood pulp

What documents are needed to open a business?

To start production, you need to register a business either as individual entrepreneur(IP), or as a limited liability company (LLC). The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is simpler, takes less time and is cheaper. But, if you register an LLC, you do not have to answer with your property for the fulfillment of contractual obligations. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence.

It is recommended to register an enterprise as an LLC or OJSC, and choose a general taxation system. The production of cardboard packaging must be carried out in accordance with the standards of GOST 7376-89, 7691-81 and 7420-89.

What system of taxation to choose for registration?

STS - a simplified taxation system in two different versions: STS Income and STS Income minus expenses; UTII - single tax on imputed income; ESHN - single agricultural tax; Patent system of taxation (only for taxation of individual entrepreneurs). Types of taxation for LLCs in 2018... Simplified taxation system (STS) in the STS versions Income and STS Income minus expenses; Single tax on imputed income (UTII); Single agricultural tax (ESKhN). General or main system of taxation (OSNO); Simplified Taxation System (STS) in the STS Income and STS Income minus expenses options; Single tax on imputed income (UTII); Unified agricultural tax (ESKhN)

Do I need permission to open a business?

To engage in the production of packaging products, you must obtain permission from the sanitary - epidemiological service and fire protection.