Manufacture of fences for industrial facilities. Protections of industrial objects. Sectional fencing

fences industrial enterprises- extra strong structures that serve to ensure the safety of industrial complexes. The installation of such systems warns:

  • theft of equipment and materials;
  • acts of vandalism;
  • terrorist threats;
  • environmental blackmail.

Metal and concrete structures installed on the territories of industrial zones provide optimal level protection. Properly selected materials and reinforced elements, manufactured to meet the requirements for operation at industrial facilities, are a guarantee of this.

Basic requirements for industrial fencing

High demands are placed on industrial fencing. An important condition for the reliability of the system is increased strength indicators. Deaf concrete sections have a high windage, so they are produced taking into account significant loads. Systems are constantly exposed to moisture and temperature fluctuations. The material must retain its operational properties in such conditions.

Because the production processes assume a high level of noise, noise-insulating materials are used on the enclosing structures, which prevent sounds from penetrating beyond the perimeter of the industrial zone.

Also, when choosing industrial fences, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • long service life;
  • immunity to influences environment;
  • moderate price;
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

Types of industrial fences

Types of industrial fences are classified accordingly structural features on through and deaf. Galvanized metal and concrete are used for the manufacture of fences. Let's describe the options in more detail.

Functions of industrial fencing

All enclosing systems for industrial complexes are divided into 4 types, depending on the functions performed.

  1. Restraining. Do not allow intruders to enter the plant. They have a solid construction and one appearance instill a sense of security. They are a physical barrier.
  2. delimiting. Mark the boundaries of the territory. Made from translucent materials.
  3. Delaying. Their main task is to detain the intruder until security or police arrive.
  4. Controlling access. Such fences are used to register all people arriving on the territory of the enterprise and Vehicle. Equipped with access control systems: video cameras, motion sensors, alarms.

Parameters to pay attention to when choosing an industrial fence

Depending on the place of operation of industrial fences, the type of barrier system and materials of manufacture are chosen.

  • The perimeter of the object. Reliable physical fencing is equipped with an access control system. Structures perform a restraining function. Complete with sliding gates.
  • Workshops. Production areas are fenced with systems with a delay effect. For the entrance of employees, turnstiles with devices for reading personal cards are equipped.
  • Warehouses. To protect them, they install retaining fences made of metal mesh with large-diameter cells. The material is difficult to cut. Systems are equipped with sliding gates.

If you need a fence for an industrial complex in Moscow, order its installation at Masterovit. We develop reliable systems that are distinguished by a long service life.

Fencing of the territory of industrial enterprises - standards and regulations

According to the rules and norms of design, the territory of industrial enterprises must be surrounded by a fence. The fence prevents unauthorized entry of unauthorized people into the territory of the plant, prevents the looting of material assets.

Features and characteristics of fencing industrial enterprises

The fence must protect the entire territory of the enterprise. To do this, along its perimeter, support pillars are installed in concrete pillows, then the sheathing is mounted to them. The choice of skin material is determined by many factors.

Industrial organizations often make a lot of noise. In this case, during the construction of the fence, special noise-insulating materials are used, which makes it possible to reduce the noise level outside the perimeter of the territory.

Durability is also an important characteristic of the design. Heavy deaf (solid) fences have a large windage, so they must withstand significant loads.

The main types of fencing for industrial enterprises

Industrial enterprises are protected by a permanent fence or a light structure, depending on the risk factors.

Main risk factors:

  • vandals
  • unauthorized entry by strangers
  • theft and damage to equipment or material assets
  • terrorism and attacks

There are four types of fencing industrial enterprises.

The main purpose of containment fences is to prevent unwanted persons from entering the fenced area. It must be a strong structure that can withstand the loads calculated in terms of reference for design.

  • delimiting

The main function of the delimiting fences is the division of the internal territory into different zones. These fences are not capable of restraining a person, since they are usually of low height. Usually, translucent sheathing is chosen for such fences.

High security fences, the main characteristic of which is the delay time. In this case, the most important thing is how long they can hold back a person trying to get inside before the police or guards arrive.

  • Access control (detecting)

These fences also restrict access, but their main task is to detect and control all people and vehicles entering the territory. To do this, such structures are equipped with special equipment: video cameras, motion sensors, alarms and special lighting.

Basic standards and regulations for the construction of industrial fences

According to the regulations, different safety requirements are applied to different industrial facilities, depending on the following factors:

  • noise level
  • type of production
  • distance from the settlement
  • sanitary requirements
  • safety requirements
  • availability of valuable materials

Warehouses and logistics areas require an increased level of security.

The materials used to organize fences must meet operational and aesthetic requirements. The underground part of the fence must be protected from moisture. The above-ground part is erected from non-corrosive materials.

The territory of each enterprise must be fenced. This will ensure its protection from outsiders, and property from theft. Strong and durable should be used as fencing for industrial enterprises.

fencing requirements

There are many factors to consider when choosing an industrial fence. Here are the basic requirements:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • anti-vandal properties;
  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • affordable cost;
  • ease of installation and repair;
  • aesthetics.

A strong, stable fence is a guarantee that unauthorized people will not enter the territory. The perimeter of organizations is sometimes quite large, so guards and cameras cannot completely cover it. Only a good fence can stop intruders.

The fence is exposed to moisture and temperature changes. The material must retain its performance characteristics even under such conditions. The fence is usually designed for more than a dozen years, so its choice must be approached wisely.

The territory of the enterprise can be quite large, so the cost of the fence plays a decisive role. If the sections are expensive, then the organization will not fit into the allocated budget.

The fence is the face of any organization. If it looks presentable, then day after day it will form the image of the institution.

The best options for industrial fencing

As a material, durable, wear-resistant metal is optimal. Fencing options can be varied.

Mesh fences

The most budget option for fencing an industrial site or enterprise are. They are strong, durable, lightweight and easy to install. Such a fence looks neat and unobtrusive, its installation and repair does not require serious costs.

Modular metal fences

Thanks to a wide selection of modular fences, you can choose best option for any organization. Such sections are highly durable and look quite presentable.

If outsiders often try to enter the territory of the organization, it is advisable to choose modules with pointed peaks at the top. Such a fence will be quite difficult to climb over and go unnoticed by the guards.

If the territory of the organization needs to be hidden from prying eyes, a modular fence with a plastic plug will do.

Let's talk about structures erected around factories, factories and other enterprises. As a rule, such fences have their own specifics and represent an impregnable bastion for unauthorized persons, which requires them to have a high degree of strength and reliability.

The reasons why production organizations you need to get your own reliable fence, mass. Firstly, this design is destined to become a very important part of the security system. Secondly, its main purpose will be to protect not only your equipment, raw materials and finished products, but also technical values, scientific and technological developments from encroachments from outside. By the way, to possible risks, from which fences protect enterprises, one can include theft, and deliberate damage to products, and vandalism, and attacks on employees, and terrorist acts.

Designs of industrial fences and their features.

Typically, structures around industrial facilities consist of separate modules, each of which is a copy and a logical continuation of the previous one. This makes the assembly of the modules very simple and takes a minimum of time, and the design itself is uniform along the entire length of the fence.

The ZavodZaborov company can offer you the manufacture and installation of both low-cost mesh structures and very durable welded panels. If desired, such a fence can be equipped with auxiliary systems to provide an even higher level of security.

Types and functions of industrial fences.

There are four types of industrial fences, each of which has its own mission:

  • Containment structures, with an extremely strong structure and a respectable appearance, do not allow random persons to enter the territory of the enterprise.
  • Delimiting fences define the border of the territory, while not having a deterrent and slowing down effect. Usually such a fence is transparent and translucent.
  • Delay fences delay unauthorized entry into the territory for a certain period of time until the security system responds and security services arrive.
  • Access control (detection) barriers detect, contain and control access to the premises of the enterprise. Their system, which often includes special lighting, audible alarms and surveillance cameras, is tasked with detecting and recording violations of the integrity of the protective structure in a timely manner.
What are fences made of?

Since consumers make rather high demands on such structures, including an impressive level of protection, special strength and indifference to strong gusts of wind, they are most often made of stainless steel or galvanized iron. The relatively low cost of these structures can be explained by the fact that industrial facilities, as a rule, occupy large areas, which requires special efficiency from the fence.

Sometimes fences for industrial areas are made of aluminum. This metal is resistant to temperature extremes, a high level of environmental friendliness, does not need to be repaired and painted. Especially aluminum fences are suitable for industrial facilities located in fire hazardous areas.

The most popular among ZavodZaborov's customers are those that can last at least 50 years, while retaining all their original characteristics. Protected against metal corrosion with a special coating, they will protect your enterprise for as long as you want!

Industrial fences in a complex and in the most effective way solve the problem of object barriers industrial production, storage facilities for raw materials, finished products, technological equipment, car parks and special equipment.

Various fencing designs

The fence consists of fences made according to various projects from a variety of materials and their combinations - these are sections, gates, gates, support pillars. For the construction of industrial fences are selected various options structures. These are budget types from welded lightweight mesh mesh systems, chain-link mesh, you can also choose massive, durable and stable welded metal panels. A wide range of barrier systems are available with galvanized work surfaces, either powder coated or polymer treated to prevent corrosion and mold attack. These measures significantly increase the service life of protective systems. It is allowed to use additional consoles in the form of barbed wire.

Fences from metal sections

For fencing at industrial enterprises, metal sections are often used, inside of which there are parallel bars welded to a transverse supporting frame. You can also buy industrial fences in the form of individual panels. The main material for fencing is stainless steel or galvanized iron, due to which the products acquire the properties of stability, special strength, level of reliable protection at the same time low cost. With a large length and area of ​​protected areas, such fences should not need special methods of expensive maintenance and meet the requirements of economy.

Aluminum railings - economy option

Today, the market also offers aluminum fences. They have a high level of resistance to weather and climatic factors, high humidity, temperature extremes and chemicals. Aluminum railings do not require painting and maintenance, they are environmentally friendly, for this reason it is the best material for railings at gas stations, gas stations, gas pipelines, as aluminum does not spark in case of mechanical damage. Aluminum railings are best to choose at stations mobile communications, since aluminum is inert to electromagnetic radiation.

Our company offers to buy industrial fencing or factory fencing from well-known manufacturers at affordable prices.