Dealer required without investment. Dealer activity: features of earnings and possible risks. Purposes of processing personal information of users

Business- this is a fairly broad concept, which is why to be realized in entrepreneurial activity under the power of almost every person.

If you do not have much money to start your own business, it is worth exploring the issue, how to become a dealer to earn money by representing a large company in the market.

Entering this business is not so easy due to serious competition, but if you meet all the requirements of the employer, you will get a good source of income for a long period.

How to become a dealer and what is it?

If you are interested in the profession of a dealer, then for a start it would be nice to understand what dealership is, so as not to make serious mistakes at the stage of work.

You must really assess your strengths and abilities before coming into this business!

Who is a dealer and what does he do?

WITH in English word dealer (dealer) is translated as a merchant.

This is a fairly broad concept, so dealers are also called dealers. securities(currency pairs) in international markets, and an official sales representative of a large company, and an entrepreneur, and even a croupier who plays.

Most real chance to become a dealer- start cooperating with some large company (international or domestic), selling its goods in your hometown.

As a dealer, you will perform a variety of duties:

  1. Promote the product in your home region.
  2. Provide customers with all information about the product and the manufacturing company.
  3. Build relationships with representatives of different industries for better market coverage.
  4. Convince customers to buy products from the company you represent.
  5. Achieve sales targets and bring profit to the company you work for.
  6. Follow the latest products.
  7. Organize exhibitions and other events that will help sell more goods, etc.

We will talk, first of all, about dealership, as about the official representation of a large company. This is actually the same business, only with a number of special advantages.

If you decide to become a dealer:

  • you will be able to significantly save on the advertising campaign, as it is taken over by the conglomerate that you represent;
  • you will not have to hire a lot of employees with whom you will have to share part of the profits, you can do this work yourself;
  • get the opportunity to organize your network in almost any region if you implement quality goods.

In general, we can safely say that this work is promising and profitable, unless, of course, you have the necessary character traits in order to become a dealer.

What qualities must a dealer have to become a representative of a large company?

No matter how attractive this job may seem to you, you should remember that not everyone can become a dealer.

Looking for sales representatives, companies (especially when it comes to international corporations with billions of dollars in turnover) put forward a number of requirements for applicants.

Conditions that must be met to become an official dealer:

  1. Be official to have more opportunities to promote the product.
  2. Financial stability and success of the entrepreneur - losers and near-bankrupts have very little chance of becoming a dealer.
  3. Have work experience in the field of business - they conclude a cooperation agreement with young companies less often than with those that have their own history.
  4. Have a "clean" reputation - if you have been seen in a number of semi-legal transactions or are not distinguished by honesty in doing business, an employer with a worldwide reputation will not want to have such a representative.
  5. Know what the corporation you want to represent does.
  6. Offer some ideas about how exactly you are going to market the product.
  7. Have the necessary technical base and infrastructure facilities (not all companies require this).
  8. Be ready to invest your money if required.
  9. Possess a number of necessary qualities, for example, the gift of persuasion, charm, punctuality, responsibility, initiative, etc.
  10. Constantly grow and develop, have the ability to learn - many large companies constantly conduct courses and trainings for their dealers, the presence of which is mandatory.

As you can see, there are many requirements, but they cannot be called too complicated.

If you are an experienced entrepreneur with a stable financial situation, then you are unlikely to be denied the desire to become an official dealer.

How to become an official dealer and make good money on it?

Large companies became such because they constantly expanded and conquered an increasing part of the market.

One way to do this is to hire a number of sales representatives who would distribute the product in the regions.

If you like this type of activity, then you need to think about becoming an official dealer.

What documents are needed to become an official dealer?

Before you go to an interview in the hope of becoming a dealer, get all your paperwork in order: founding documents firms, existing contracts, etc.

If the interview will take place successfully, and you will be taken as a representative, they will require you to present a number of documents.

Each company has its own requirements for documents, but in most cases the list looks like this:

Some of the papers will have to be notarized, but the future employer will tell you in more detail about which package of documents and in what form you need to present.

Serious companies issue certificates to all their official dealers.

You will present this certificate when offering this or that store / salon to take some goods for sale or for use.

This certificate does not have a single sample - the company itself is engaged in its design. The document may look different:

Where can a dealer look for employers?

The easiest way to become an official dealer is to look for vacancies on the Internet.

This can be done using the following resources:


Choose the offers that you are interested in, write a good resume and send it to the specified addresses.

You can do otherwise: for example, you have and would like to become an official dealer in this company in your region.

So, send your resume to a specific address, and you will look for other options if you are refused here.

You, as a dealer, will be offered two options for cooperation:

    Working capital.

    Roughly speaking, you will have to meet some kind of minimum sales and profit target.

    With dealers that do not cope with the task, they usually terminate the contract.

    Legal content.

    You will become not just an official certified representative in some region.

    You will become a person who must form his dealer network to promote the product.

If your resume is of interest to a future employer, you will be called for an interview (by the way, it can also be done via Skype if the main office is far from you).

How well you pass the interview will determine whether you get the job or not.

Your chances of becoming a dealer will increase if you:

  1. Be aware of the company's affairs, its product, turnover.
  2. Suggest specific steps for your dealership.
  3. Demonstrate confidence and the ability to convince the interlocutor.
  4. You will look presentable, as befits a dealer of a serious corporation.
  5. Show how exactly you differ from other candidates for the better.

How to become a successful dealer?

If you do everything right, you can easily become the official representative of a corporation that is pleasant and profitable to work with.

But from your successful work depends on how long you stay in this business and how much you can earn.

Here are some tips for those who want to become a successful dealer:

  1. Choose the right person for whom you want to work - sometimes the problem is not with the dealer, but with his employer.
  2. The product that you sell should not be too expensive, but at the same time be of good quality.
  3. Choose products that are in demand for dealerships, the demand for too exotic goods will not be great, which means that you will not earn much.
  4. Build your customer base and constantly strive to expand it.
  5. Appreciate your regular customers, who give you most of the profits, offer them small bonuses and benefits.
  6. A successful dealer looks good, smells good, speaks well, smiles radiantly, and people like him.
  7. Be moderately assertive when interviewing potential clients- without it, you can make profitable deals.

And it is also very important to constantly learn and polish your skills, because without this you are unlikely to be able to achieve great success in dealership.

Is it possible to become a dealer without investment?

If you want to become a major regional dealer, then get ready for the fact that you will have to invest a fairly large amount of money, which will go to:

  • purchase of goods;
  • payment for storage facilities;
  • staff salaries, etc.

In this case, investments will amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles, and no one will give you a guarantee that you will recoup these investments, and even in a short time.

But do not get upset ahead of time, because you can become a dealer even without financial investments.

3 ways to become a dealer without financial investments:

    Realization of goods.

    In this case, the work is done according to the principle: first - products from the manufacturer, then its sale by the dealer, and only then - money for the manufacturer.

    A lot of dealers work exactly according to this scheme.

    Work under the order.

    Let's say you offer a product to a customer. He chose several positions and gave an advance payment.

    You place an order for the manufacturer, when he fulfills it, you transfer a batch of products to your client, you receive the rest of the money, you send it to the manufacturer minus your remuneration.

    That is, in fact, you work without your own investments.

    The official representative of the company.

    A large company hires you to work as a dealer, but, in fact, you are - Sales Representative, which travels with a price list and product samples, offering all this to customers.

    For successful transactions you receive wages.

Ready to become a successful dealer?

Video about the features of the profession and about choosing a niche for you:

If you love working with people, have the gift of persuasion and are good at business, then you are absolutely right in what you think. how to become a dealer.

In this type of activity, you will surely succeed.

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Dealers are people who take goods in bulk for subsequent resale to sellers or shops individually or in small lots (and not just drug dealers, as many used to think). Most newcomers in this business do not want to make any special investments: they are afraid of “burning out” if they suddenly do not buy the goods, there is not enough money to start, or for other reasons, it doesn’t matter. Such a desire is often not good for product owners, so there are not so many options to implement the plan.

How to become a dealer without investment?

Method one - trade under the order

Maybe you have come across in the price lists of online stores the mark “under the order” opposite the indicated cost of the goods. It means that you first need to pay the full cost of the goods to the seller's account, and only then, after a while, it will be transferred to you for use. If you look at the situation from a business point of view, everything looks like this:

  • The dealer concludes an agreement with suppliers for the delivery of goods at a dealer price (in some cases, it is possible to work without an agreement).
  • The product is put up for sale at the dealer's point of sale. More precisely, not the product itself, but the lines in the price list and promotional materials.
  • The buyers are charged an advance payment, for which the dealer buys the goods from the suppliers.
  • The purchased goods are transferred to the buyer.

Please note that if you work according to the “made to order” scheme, it is better to cover the segment of the market for goods of medium price group(5-20 thousand rubles). It will be easier for buyers to buy cheap goods in a nearby supermarket, albeit at a slightly inflated price, but quickly and immediately. If the goods are too expensive, you will have to spend extra money on renting a good office or store. For example, the same car dealers, in order to impress customers, are forced to rent large areas for showrooms.

Method two - goods for sale

Many manufacturers also provide such an option for cooperation. The dealer is given a certain time for which he must sell the product. After due date, the goods will need to be paid, and the amount will be 1-2% higher than if you paid all at once, so the risk of “burning out” does not disappear anywhere. Do not meet the time - you will have to compensate suppliers for losses. Only in rare cases can they take the goods back from you (the return conditions must be specified in the contract).

Method three - free testing

If the manufacturer you are going to work with agrees to send free samples of their products so that you can try them “in combat conditions”, then you are very lucky. Most suppliers do not want to work according to this scheme, so the chance to check the product for free is extremely rare.

The fourth way is to become an official representative of the company

By choosing this option, you will receive advertising, information and consulting support, development assistance, trade organization and, most importantly, a guarantee that the product you sell will be of interest to the end consumer. In addition, advertising specialists are engaged in the promotion of goods, which saves you from having to do it yourself.

As you can see, it is quite possible to start a career as a dealer without investments, while risking nothing (or almost nothing, as in the case of taking goods for sale) and without being obliged to anyone. Of course, you will have to make a decent amount of effort, which in the end will have to pay off.

Readers' opinions

I read the title of the topic - “How to become a dealer?”, I don’t know about you, but I immediately have associations with drugs.

Qwer, I think that under "test in combat conditions" a test of the ability of a product to arouse consumer interest and its quality, of course, too. If consumers buy the first small batch of goods and speak well of it, then it will be possible to safely buy an even larger batch (this time for their own money) and sell it without problems. The dealer, by the way, can also thanks free samples study the characteristics of the product offered to him for sale.

The idea is good, but the risks are too many. First of all, I think you should study the market and test the quality of the goods. In this case, you need to thoroughly study the product that you sell. And only then offer implementation services. In general, it is troublesome, but worthwhile.

There are risks everywhere. And even more so as a dealer, but here usually dealers are not ordinary people, but those who have been engaged in some kind of art for years. For example, a person who is a fan of paintings, here he can easily become a dealer in this area, since this is his element, and he will not buy low-quality goods for a lot of money.

If you become a company representative, there will be control from the company, which will not be very good for your desire to sell. But for the sale of goods is given less and less every year. If they gave children's goods for sale, I would open a store myself.

Many trading companies offer to become distributors or dealers only to their own regular customers who have proven themselves with positive side on the basis of an agreement concluded with them, but not a single foreign firm will not give goods for sale to a supplier that they do not know, this is very risky for them.


I ordered different tools from the factory for cultivating the land for a summer residence. After payment, I was offered to become a dealer in my region. Unfortunately, at that time I could not do this, since I had just bought the goods, and it was winter, and I did not test it in work. Then it was too late. Especially in the autumn I checked the markets where they were already trading with might and main.

Before becoming a dealer (that is, well invested financially and organizationally), it is reasonable to work as a sales agent (the same option "on order" or similar in essence). Thanks to this, sales tools will be formed, a circle of regular customers will be accumulated. And in general, it will be possible to feel confident in this sales market.

Dara, I was also offered to do distributorship through a company distributing cosmetics, one of the cosmetic lines, but I was not satisfied with their working conditions. They have a sales plan, and hence bonuses and cash rewards, but this is acceptable for those who are free from other work, otherwise, it takes a very long time.


This summer I will experiment with different fertilizers. If I can, I'll consider selling. At the same time I will conduct an experiment with film and polycarbonate. It is possible to conclude an agreement for the sale of Svetlitsa film, which is still rare for us. But I'm more interested in biohumus. True, it is expensive and I’m not sure whether they will buy it in the village.

Dara, why is he so good? It’s just that I also have a problem with flowers, they grow poorly, the leaves are allowed, but they don’t bloom. I tried to make different soils, but to no avail, they are still capricious. I read a lot of reviews about HB101 fertilizer, but they do not send one or two packs, but only a batch.


Oh, about the colors, there is solid chemistry. I bought flowers at the market for planting, so they all bloom and are beautiful and lively. But I planted them from a hypermarket, so they don’t bloom and even grow poorly. I think that initially you need to buy good planting material. Regarding dealership, the idea is good, especially now many goods are offered for sale, but it is important to take into account the demand in the region so as not to make a mistake with a niche.

And I have with car dealers. Everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity, as they say. But the mark “no attachments” does not quite fit this topic. We need at least a retail outlet, about which the TC wrote. And at the beginning, few people will dare to pay you the full amount of the prepayment in the case of “custom-made” sales.

Angelica, biohumus, and specifically even vermicompost in their composition have all the necessary elements for plant nutrition. Plus, this soil is clean from all viral and fungal diseases. No pathogen develops in vermicompost. And now about flowers. For flowering, different conditions are needed and the soil and its composition are not always to blame. Sometimes a cold winter is needed for flowering.

Zikam Stone, distributors or dealers, these are the same sales workers who have their own property (shop, warehouse, outlet), who decide to take a large batch of goods for sale, or immediately purchase it. As for sales agents, their task is to offer manufactured goods, conclude a supply contract, and control the flow of this type of product. Therefore, in many ways, they have different functions. But, both of them are united by the fact that they have a common task, which is to sell goods and find new customers.


Do not think that I am very picky about trifles, but I’m wondering if there are differences between a dealer and a distributor, I can’t even pronounce this word correctly. Why are the names different if the function is the same. Or is a dealer still not a distributor?
I would like to test something for free, a walk-behind tractor for example: rolleyes: .

Dara, this is the same thing, but now many vacancies are borrowed from other languages, but in fact their meaning and functions do not change, that is, a wholesale batch of products is taken from the company at the same price, and then it is distributed to its customers, but with a preliminary margin . The company encourages those dealers who take an active part in the promotion of their products, and periodically rewards them with a bonus system.


The most normal way is to take the goods kind of sale. Here the profit will depend only on you. If you simply become a representative of the company, then you will receive a percentage of sales. He's usually not that tall. Yes, and it turns out that you are not doing business, but working for some company.

Dimcha.k, taking goods for sale is probably the best way, but no one just like that, without checking you and making sure of your decency and business viability, will not dare to entrust you with such a batch of goods on which you can earn really good money. This is a lot of time. But through a sales office, success can be achieved much faster, even if not having complete freedom of action, especially if you choose the right one. product niche for work.