Efficiency of equipment maintenance and repair. Development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the production and technical base of car service enterprises Denis Mikhailovich Lysanov. Notations and abbreviations


This article reflects measures to unite the efforts of disparate and independent functioning economic entities aimed at forming a single, holistic, production system in order to ensure rational maintenance of technical capacity. State of the art Agriculture determined food security country, providing the population with food and raw materials for the processing industry and largely depends on the degree of equipment of agriculture with means of production, their novelty, duration of use, and speed of renewal. Limited resources and an increase in the need for the final product produced in agriculture predetermine the processes of reproduction of technical potential in modern conditions. The article substantiates the need to use a set of technological, technical, financial and economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of the organization's production and economic activities. It is shown that statistical methods of multidimensional classification make it possible not only to minimize their number, but also to detect correlations for each indicator, which are the basis for improving the methodology for an integrated approach to assessing the performance of organizations.

material and technical base

machine and tractor park


repair services

repair products

1. Vakhrushina M.A. Management analysis: choosing the optimal solution. – M.: Omega-L, 2005.

2. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Gardariki, 2007. – 296 p.

3. Kudryashov V.I., Polunin S.V. Cooperation of peasant farms: problems, solutions, experience. – M.: State Unitary Enterprise Agroprogress, 2010. – 200 p.

4. Mkhitaryan Yu.I., Lagutin V.S. Improving business based on assessing and managing the quality of services. – M.: Interekoms, 2004. – 165 p.

5. Tikhonov V.A. Economics and organization of the use of technology in agriculture. – M.: Kolos, 2007. – 343 p.

6. Shatalova, T.N., Chebykina M.V. Resource potential of agricultural enterprises. – Orenburg, 2009. – 262 p.

7. Baskakova N.T. Conceptual approaches to choosing an option for the reproduction of agricultural machinery // Economic analysis: theory and practice. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 29–38.

8. Baskakova N.T., Zhemchueva M.A., Kulikov S.V. Strategy for repairs and renovation of major production assets// Economic analysis: theory and practice. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 16–36.

9 Website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia: http://www.minprom.gov.ru/activity/auto/return/1.

On modern stage development of agriculture, the repair and maintenance base should be considered as a single complex, problem solver maintaining and restoring the performance and serviceability of machinery and equipment for agricultural production. Its development and improvement occurs continuously in accordance with the development of the material and technical base of agriculture and its most active part - the machine and tractor fleet.

Maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet developed in farms and districts of the Chelyabinsk region along the path of concentration and specialization; repair enterprises and workshops were created to restore parts, components, assemblies, engines, and repair grain harvesters and other combines.

Repair enterprises, divisions and services of the agro-industrial complex developed along the path of separating repair enterprises into an industry specializing in the repair of agricultural machinery. This direction of development met the requirements scientific and technological progress in repair production.

The components of the repair and maintenance base are material and technical means for repair purposes, technology and organization of production in repair enterprises.

The repair and maintenance base of farms includes specialized repair shops and agro-industrial complex plants, central repair shops, points Maintenance, car garages, machine yards, oil warehouses, mobile equipment for maintenance and repair of farm machinery.

The need of commodity producers for technical maintenance services, in our opinion, should have increased, since the tractor fleet had aged significantly (almost 80% of tractors and other machines were operating beyond their depreciation period by this time).

Taking into account the fact that the annual costs of repairing tractors are a manageable element, we carried out special studies, the analysis of the results of which allowed us to identify the following factors-conditions as the main ones for the regions of the Chelyabinsk region: the degree of supply of tractor machine operators, the amount of arable land per tractor, production area workshops on farms per tractor - m2, production area of ​​a specialized repair and maintenance base of the agro-industrial complex per tractor - m2, production area of ​​technical service workshops (maintenance points) per 1 tractor - m2 and determine the degree of influence of each specified condition with their combined impact on the specific indicator of annual costs for machine repairs.

The relationship between the annual costs per ruble of book value for repairs and maintenance of machines and the above conditions is described by the following linear equation:

where x1 is the supply of machine operators, people/tractor; x2 - amount of arable land per tractor, ha; x3 - production area of ​​workshops on farms per tractor, m2; x4 - production area of ​​a specialized repair and maintenance base for one tractor, m2; x5 - production area of ​​workshops for maintenance points per tractor, m2.

In the above equation, the coefficients for the unknowns show how much the annual costs will increase (plus sign) and decrease (minus sign) per one ruble of the book value of the machines if the value of the variables increases by one accordingly (table).

Calculation of coefficients of influence of factors-conditions on the level of annual costs for tractor repairs in regions of the Chelyabinsk region


From the analysis of the resulting equation, it follows, first of all, that the factors under consideration have different effects on the annual unit costs of maintaining machines in working condition (see table).

The capacity of the specialized workshops of the agro-industrial complex of the region in the above equation has a 1.6 times more positive impact on reducing the costs of repair and maintenance of machines than the central repair shops, and the workshops of the industrial industrial complex, respectively, have a more than 4 times more positive impact than the central repair shops of farms.

The statistical reliability of these dependencies indicates the need to take them into account in the formation and development of the repair base of the central repair shop and service station of farms and a specialized service base, as special factors that significantly influence the cost of repair actions.

These theoretical conclusions are confirmed not only by the practice of work at various levels of repair workshops of farms and specialized repair enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, but also by foreign experience.

In the territory of the former Federal Republic of Germany there are 5,723 specialized enterprises for the maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery. At the same time, in groups of farms with a production volume of 0.25-0.50 million euros, maintenance and repairs account for 86.6%, in groups of farms with 2-5 million euros, respectively - only 43.2%. The last large farms rely on the services of their repair shops.

The technical service system in the Republic of Korea is represented by dealer repair enterprises and their own enterprises (farmers). The share of dealers in the repair of tractors is 66.3%, and on the farm - 33.7%, respectively, for grain harvesters - 65.9 and 34.1%. In this case, the consumer is supplied with spare parts by dealerships.

An analysis of the work of technical workshops at various levels for servicing the machine and tractor fleet showed that they are an effective form of agricultural technical service and significantly reduce the costs of maintaining machines in working condition.

Method of determination economic efficiency performing maintenance and repair work on our own or in specialized enterprises, the agro-industrial complex was applied taking into account new principles of management in market conditions.

The main elements of novelty, along with the old ones, are: new criterion economic efficiency - increase in profit (reduction in production costs); determination of general (absolute) and comparative economic efficiency (new technologies with high efficiency compared to basic ones, for example, for repairs, do not receive approval if their use does not increase profits); The methods for calculating the costs of repairs and maintenance have been clarified (they include interest on loans, taxes, and insurance).

Previously, before determining the economic efficiency of repair and maintenance, a forecast calculation of the needs and demand of agricultural producers for various types of technical services was carried out, while it was stipulated that the volumes of individual complex work will be carried out by existing agro-industrial complex repair enterprises.

Economic justification A rational repair network involves establishing such sizes of repair plants and specialized workshops and their location in the region that should meet the demands of commodity producers at the lowest cost per unit of repair.

During the study, three options for a network of repair enterprises were calculated.

The first option is provided that the entire established volume of repairs of tractors and combines of commodity producers is carried out in the central workshops of former state farms.

The second option is that the established volume of current repairs is carried out in the workshops of former state farms, and capital repairs are carried out in currently existing factories with a capacity of 2 to 6 thousand conditional repairs.

The third option - the established volume of current repairs is carried out in the workshops of former state farms, and capital repairs are carried out at repair factories and workshops general purpose and workshops of service stations for energy-saturated tractors and workshops of car service stations located in agricultural areas of the region.

The calculations show that expanding the network of existing repair shops in the regions of the Chelyabinsk region, bringing technical services closer to the requirements of agricultural producers, specializing regional repair shops with repair plants will not only significantly reduce the cost of maintaining machines on farms, but will also make it possible to better use the production capacities of repair enterprises and central repair shops of former state farms.

When restoring scientifically based production volumes of agricultural products and with an appropriate machine and tractor fleet, taking into account the 3-fold increase in the number of commodity producers, it will be necessary to increase the capacity of workshops by 1.2-1.5 times through the construction of new ones and the reconstruction of old ones in newly organized farms (without farms) if repair specialization is not introduced.

Calculations show that with the current organization of machine repair only in farm workshops, the production capacity of 40.1 thousand conditional repairs will be required, and with the designed specialization - only 17.7 thousand conditional repairs. Consequently, when organizing a specialized network of repair enterprises (when converting a conventional repair unit into the production area it occupies, m2), less space will be required by 30 thousand m, or 21%, and capital investments - by 174,373 million rubles, or 82% less compared to the first option.

To comprehensively substantiate the economic efficiency of a specialized network of agro-industrial complex repair enterprises in comparison with farm workshops, it should be noted that in the conditions of the region, the removal of products from 1 m2 of area on average in service repair shops and in agro-industrial complex factories is 685 rubles, while in state farms - 261 rubles, productivity at repair enterprises of 1 worker is 33.6, and in repair shops - 11.7 thousand rubles, or less than 2.9 times, and capital productivity is correspondingly 2.6 times higher.

A specific reserve for reducing repair costs is reducing the cost of repair products. Calculations show that in the 3rd zone, which includes 6 districts of the Chelyabinsk region, occupying an area of ​​1848 thousand hectares, machine repairs account for only 14% of the total volume, the specific total costs of repairs are significantly higher than the average for the Chelyabinsk region.

As many years of experience and calculations show, specializing the repair of complex facilities at the district and zonal levels significantly reduces costs.

In general, in all zones of the region, as the analysis shows, with appropriate specialization repair work annual costs are reduced from 116,418 thousand rubles. up to 93966 thousand rubles, or by 19%.

To use existing production capacity Regional workshops of the agro-industrial complex require certain capital investments for the purchase of machines and equipment, of which fifty percent are completely worn out and require replacement.

Complex repairs of all equipment could be carried out at the seven existing repair plants in the Chelyabinsk region. The analysis shows that with an increase in the capacity of the enterprise to a certain size, the cost of a conventional unit of repair is reduced, but with an increase in capacity above these limits, transportation costs for the delivery of repair objects to the plant increase at a significant rate, which limits the growth of production of this enterprise.

Market business conditions require the creation competitive environment manufacturers of repair services, which significantly reduces selling prices and improves the quality of repair of machines, their components and assemblies. In modern conditions, the increase in existing agricultural industrial enterprises brings them closer to agricultural producers, allowing the latter to choose those that satisfy their needs and needs for technical services.

Of primary importance when choosing the most profitable and economical areas of specialization and concentration of repairs is reducing the cost of production, increasing the efficiency of capital investments, ensuring the greatest increase in the volume of repair products for each ruble of capital investments spent, and reducing their payback period.

Excessively large repair enterprises have a number of significant disadvantages compared to medium and small ones. These include: transportation over relatively long distances of repair facilities, spare parts, materials, causing an increase in transport costs; limited possibilities for uniform distribution of these enterprises throughout the agricultural areas of the region and a large distance between agricultural producers and service providers.

Reconstruction of regional agro-industrial complex workshops with their simpler equipment and organization, short terms re-equipment with a separate small number modern equipment and small existing fixed assets is completely economically justified and expedient.

The proposed specialization of the repair network, which includes specialized workshops, will free factories, as well as workshops of former farms, from the unusual functions of repairing many machines, components and assemblies, or restoring parts in small batches and will contribute to the specialization of large and small production.

It is shown that the specialization of repairs, the use of the existing extensive network of repair enterprises of the agro-industrial complex with the corresponding re-equipment of their equipment make it possible to bring the scope of technical services closer to the consumer, to most fully and efficiently satisfy in market conditions the diverse demand of commodity producers for technical services and ensure that they receive an economic effect.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the trend of expanding the production capacity of repair plants in the region, which has existed for many years, has a negative experience and does not contribute to increasing economic efficiency.


Koledin S.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Chelyabinsk Branch of the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after. M.V. Ladoshina", Chelyabinsk;

Pryakhin G.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State University physical culture", Chelyabinsk.

The work was received by the editor on January 14, 2013.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=31128 (access date: 03/24/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

UDC 658.58


A.V. Fedorov

A methodology for assessing the quality of the process of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines has been developed and a practical example of its use in the production conditions of an industrial enterprise is given.

Keywords: quality, service, process, machines, repair.

Modern concept Total Quality Management (TQM) and international standards ISO 9000:2000 focuses on process approach, according to which manufacturing process on industrial enterprises is proposed to be considered as a network of interconnected and interacting processes, the management of which should be carried out according to the Deming-Shewhart cycle PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) (Fig. 1), which includes the functions of planning, execution, quality control and regulation for each process .

Managing an organization as a network of processes necessitates quality control of each component process. According to , process quality control means taking measurements of monitored process parameters and comparing them with established requirements in order to determine compliance or non-conformity. Based on this definition, we can conclude that to implement the process quality control function in PDCA cycle it is necessary to have measurable process parameters (its characteristics that are subject to measurement and control).

process indicators;

process product indicators;

indicators of customer satisfaction with the process.

Each of the listed groups of indicators can be expressed in cost, technical and time terms. Cost, time and technical indicators, in turn, can also be distributed among the levels of employee, site, workshop, subprocess, and function.

For the main business processes of an enterprise, the direct result of which is the release of products, carrying out activities to identify the characteristics of the processes that are subject to measurement and control in the PDCA cycle is usually not difficult. But when identifying measured parameters for auxiliary processes,

related to maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines, providing basic production with equipment, fixtures, cutting and measuring tools, i.e. promoting the normal flow of the enterprise's main business processes, certain difficulties arise.

For example, in Fig. Figure 2 shows a matrix that takes into account the relationship between the measured parameters of one of the most important auxiliary processes in industrial enterprises - the process of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines and the requirements for its quality control.

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the quality of the maintenance and repair process cannot be comprehensively assessed by all elements of the matrix, since they are absolute indicators of the process and its product (functional equipment) and are expressed in quantitative form. Therefore, indicators for assessing process quality cannot be taken from operational data. They should be defined as relative values, i.e. as ratios. In this case, the conditions contained in the root columns of the matrix must be taken into account.

Based on the above, as measured parameters for comprehensive assessment quality of the maintenance and repair process were selected:

efficiency and effectiveness indicators (PER) of the repair service;

material damage to the main production from equipment downtime and unscheduled repairs.

Registration of values ​​of measured parameters with a certain pe-

frequency should be carried out in monitoring cards for the process of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines.

Measured parameters of the maintenance and repair process

ISO 9000 Cost indicators Time indicators Technical indicators

Process indicators Total cost of inventories, cost of subcontracts, labor costs for RS personnel Total time spent on repair work Level of RS technical equipment, advanced equipment fleet

Process product indicators Cost of repair work for a specific piece of equipment Time for subsequent operation of the equipment Technological accuracy

Indicators of consumer satisfaction with the process Total cost of repair work, share of repair costs in the cost of production Time to troubleshoot and troubleshoot Number of complaints, equipment failures

Maintenance and repair process monitoring map

STP for the maintenance and repair process

Requirements for the process owner to analyze deviations from the normal course of the process and document these deviations

Requirements for analyzing the effectiveness of corrective actions

Requirements for generating process reporting for a senior manager

Requirements for determining the planned values ​​of process indicators for the next period

Rice. 2. Quality parameters of the maintenance and repair process

Obviously, the most important parameter qualities for the maintenance and repair process are PER, as they reflect the degree to which the actual results of the process correspond to the planned ones, as well as the relationship between the achieved result and the resources used. The advantage of PEDs is also that they can be used as a tool for continuous process monitoring.

A number of technical and economic performance indicators of the repair service were selected as the PER, which fully satisfy the conditions of the matrix (Fig. 2).

To obtain a visual representation of the level of quality of the maintenance and repair process, in monitoring maps it is advisable to use pie charts constructed according to the relative technical and economic indicators of the quality of the maintenance and repair process, and their weight coefficients (Fig. 3).

Each indicator is depicted on the diagram as a circular sector, the radius of which, μ, is equal to the value of the indicator relative to the selected analogue, and the central angle is the weight coefficient, expressed in a conventional value in degrees or radians. Basic values ​​for all indicators are depicted by a circle with a radius equal to one. The central angle for the I-th indicator with the weight coefficient aI is defined as f = 2sh, rad, or f;- = 360°sh, deg.

The level of quality of the maintenance and repair process is determined on the basis of a complex average weighted indicator Uk, referred to here as the average weighted circular indicator. It is equal to the radius of a circle whose area is equal to the sum of the areas of the sectors of the diagram. It can be calculated using the formula

Rice. 3. Procedure for constructing a pie chart

where n is the number of relative indicators of the quality of the maintenance and repair process; w - weight coefficient; q is the value of the i-th indicator.

Experience shows that Uk is close to the weighted arithmetic average: deviations of Uk from this indicator in a wide range of changes in relative indicators and weighting coefficients do not exceed 10%.

The value of the average weighted circular indicator is graphically displayed by a circle in the form of a dotted line (Fig. 3). Uk< 1 означает, что уровень качества процесса ниже условного относительного аналога. Предлагаемый здесь средний взвешенный круговой показатель для широкого диапазона изменений относительных показателей и коэффициентов весомости имеет значения, близкие к значениям среднего взвешенного арифметического показателя. Более того, он обладает важным преимуществом по сравнению с арифметическим показателем. Оно заключается в том, что круговой показатель имеет геометрический смысл: он равен радиусу круга, площадь которого равна сумме площадей секторов диаграммы.

Weight factors for all indicators at each enterprise should be assigned using expert assessment methods and adjusted when compared with past results. The PERs themselves are also selected by a specially created expert group, depending on the characteristics of the maintenance and repair process and the current balanced scorecard (BSC) at each enterprise, and after a certain period of recording the indicators, the manager of the maintenance and repair process should determine standard and target values ​​for each of them .

When determining material damage to main production processes from unscheduled repairs and equipment downtime, utilization indicators should be taken into account in the maintenance and repair process monitoring map work force and equipment. Then the amount of actual damage (My) can be determined with a sufficient degree of reliability by the amount of material losses due to downtime of equipment (Mo) and workers (Mr).

Mu = I Mr + £ Mo, (2)

where n is the number of workers taken into account; m is the amount of equipment taken into account.

To make claims for each specific case of violation of production conditions, a special act on economic claims is drawn up. If the costs of claims are recognized by the guilty service,

ba, then the claim signed by the parties is transferred by the interested party to the economic planning service of the enterprise. Next, the correctness of the calculations made is checked, and the amount of expenses is reflected in the reports of the relevant departments.

To automate the task of managing the process of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines according to the RBSL cycle, a computerized system for its dispatch and control was developed, which includes a process quality monitoring module. In Fig. Figure 4 shows a pie chart constructed by this automated system and characterizing the quality of the maintenance and repair process of metal-cutting machines at the Rudakovsky Mechanical Plant Branch of Tulatochmash OJSC.

No. Indicator Value

01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013

1. Failure rate 0.744 0.756 0.810 0.797

2. Share of repairmen’s salaries in maintenance and repair costs 0.925 0.894 0.914 0.873

3. Time lost due to breakdowns 0.870 0.886 0.895 0.871

4. Degree of development of subcontracts 0.801 0.843 0.900 0.850

5. Operational readiness coefficient 0.635 0.667 0.685 0.661

6. Available level of spare parts 0.691 0.689 0.751 0.720

7. Equipment utilization rate 0.740 0.762 0.792 0.753

UK 0.778 0.790 0.825 0.793

Rice. 4. Pie chart level of quality of the maintenance and repair process in March 2013 at the Rudakovsky Mechanical Plant Branch

OJSC "Tulatochmash"

The diagram shows those PER that most fully take into account the connection between equipment operation and the amount of labor and spare parts at the enterprise. Monitoring cards compiled by an automated system for dispatching and monitoring the process of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting machines allow the manager to monitor the quality of this process, i.e. receive a signal when various inconsistencies occur during maintenance, conduct systematic comparisons with past results and find out trends in changes in parameters, judge the results of the work of various departments of the repair service.

The application of the proposed methodology for assessing the quality of the maintenance and repair process of metal-cutting machines is successfully used at the Rudakovsky Mechanical Plant Branch of Tulatochmash OJSC and can contribute to the real implementation of the principles of the process approach and TQM at

other domestic industrial enterprises.


1. Quality management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, N.D. Ilyenkova, V.S. Mkhitaryan et al.; edited by S.D. Ilyenkova. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. 334 p.

2. Antsev V.Yu., Fedorov A.V., Dolgov V.V. Management of the process of maintenance and repair of metalworking equipment // Directory. Engineering magazine. No. 8. 2004. pp. 55-58.

3. Zheleznov G.S. Graphic representation of the level of product quality // Methods of quality management. 2002. No. 12. P. 26 - 27.

4. Antsev V.Yu., Trushin N.N., Fedorov A.V. Resolution of uncertainties in technological design problems based on the method of expert assessments // Technological systems engineering. Sat. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Scientific and Technical Conference. Tula: Grif and Co., 2002. pp. 229 - 233.

5. Litvak B.G. Expert assessments and decision making. M. "Patent", 1996. 56 p.

6. Statistical methods analysis of expert assessments. M.: Nauka, 1977. 384 p.

7. Management and marketing. Volume 2. Textbook / ed. A. Zhichkina. M.: "European Center for Quality", 2002. 200 p.

Fedorov Alexey Valentinovich, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Russia, Tula, Tula State University


Developed a method of assessing the quality of the process of maintenance and repair of machine tools and a practical example of its use in the production of an industrial enterprise.

Key words: quality, service, process, machine, repair.

Fedorov Alexey Valentinovich, candidate of technical science, docent, Russia, Tula, Tula State University

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STO 70238424.27.100.012-2008



Methods for assessing the quality of repairs of power equipment

OKS 03.080.10

Date of introduction 2008-10-31


The fundamentals for ensuring the safe operation and repair of hazardous production facilities, including power plant equipment, the goals and principles of standardization of relevant norms and requirements are established by the Federal Laws of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" and of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation".

This fundamental standard of the organization NP "INVEL" establishes general requirements for assessing the quality of repairs of main and auxiliary equipment of thermal and hydraulic power plants. Specific requirements for the quality of repairs of each type (type) of equipment are established by separate standards of the organization " Specifications for major repairs of equipment. Norms and requirements", compliance with the requirements of which determines the quality of repairs.

The use of this standard, together with other standards of NP "INVEL", will ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements established in the technical regulations for the safety of technical systems, installations and equipment of power plants.

Standard information

1. DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Central Design Bureau Energoremont" (OJSC "TsKB Energoremont")

2. INTRODUCED by the Central Commission of RAO UES of Russia for Technical Regulation

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of NP "INVEL" dated 07/01/2008 N 12/9

4. INSTEAD OF STO w/n (Order of OAO RAO "UES of Russia" dated April 23, 2007 N 275)

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This fundamental organization standard:

- is a regulatory document that establishes technical and organizational requirements for assessing the quality of repairs and repaired equipment of power plants, aimed at ensuring industrial safety, environmental safety, increasing reliability and operational efficiency, and also defining the methodology that should be used in this assessment;

- establishes the basic provisions, procedure, norms and methods for assessing the quality of repairs of main and auxiliary equipment of thermal and hydraulic power plants;

- intended for use by wholesale, territorial and regional generating companies, operating organizations at thermal and hydraulic power plants, repair and other organizations performing repair maintenance of power plant equipment.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ

GOST R 1.4-2004 Standardization in Russian Federation. Organization standards. General provisions

GOST R 1.5-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of construction, presentation, design and notation

GOST 1.5-2001 Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for the interstate standardization system. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design, content and designation

GOST 2.102-68 one system design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.601-95 * Unified system of design documentation. Operational documents
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 2.601-2006 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 2.602-95 Unified system of design documentation. Repair documents

STO 70238424.27.010.001-2008 Electric power industry. Terms and Definitions

STO 70238424.27.140.001-2008* Hydroelectric power plants. Methods for assessing the technical condition of capital equipment.
* The document is not valid. STO 70238424.27.140.001-2011 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions in accordance with STO 70238424.27.010.001-2008, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 characteristic: Distinctive property. In this context, the characteristics are physical (mechanical, electrical, chemical) and functional (performance, power...);

3.1.2 quality characteristic: An inherent characteristic of a product, process or system resulting from requirements;

3.1.3 regulatory and technical documentation; NTD: Documents establishing requirements;

3.1.4 quality of repaired equipment: The degree of compliance of the totality of quality characteristics inherent in the equipment, obtained as a result of its repair, with the requirements established in the regulatory and technical documentation;

3.1.5 quality of equipment repair: The degree of fulfillment of the requirements established in regulatory and technical documentation when implementing a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of equipment and restore the service life of the equipment or its components;

3.1.6 assessment of the quality of equipment repair: Establishing the degree of compliance of the results obtained during inspection, defect detection, control and testing after elimination of defects, with the quality characteristics of equipment established in regulatory and technical documentation;

3.1.7 Methodology for assessing the quality of equipment repair: A document establishing requirements for the use of a set of methods for inspection, defect detection, control, testing of equipment and for determining characteristics;

3.1.8 technical specifications for major repairs: Regulatory document, containing requirements for defect detection of the product and its components, repair methods to eliminate defects, technical requirements, values ​​of indicators and quality standards that the product must satisfy after a major overhaul, requirements for control and testing during the repair process and after repair.

3.2 Symbols and abbreviations

The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this standard:

Whether or not this publication is taken into account in the RSCI. Some categories of publications (for example, articles in abstract, popular science, information journals) can be posted on the website platform, but are not taken into account in the RSCI. Also, articles in journals and collections excluded from the RSCI for violation of scientific and publishing ethics are not taken into account."> Included in the RSCI ®: yes The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI. The publication itself may not be included in the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated."> Citations in the RSCI ®: 0
Whether or not this publication is included in the core of the RSCI. The RSCI core includes all articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus or Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) databases."> Included in the RSCI core: No The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI core. The publication itself may not be included in the core of the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated."> Citations from the RSCI ® core: 0
Journal-normalized citation rate is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given article by the average number of citations received by articles of the same type in the same journal published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this article is above or below the average level of articles in the journal in which it was published. Calculated if the RSCI for a journal has a complete set of issues for a given year. For articles of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation rate for the journal: 0 Five-year impact factor of the journal in which the article was published, for 2018."> Impact factor of the journal in the RSCI: 0.22
Citation normalized by subject area is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given publication by the average number of citations received by publications of the same type in the same subject area published in the same year. Shows how much the level of a given publication is higher or lower than the average level of other publications in the same field of science. For publications of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citations by area: 0

Regulatory and technical documents;


Rules of technical operation;

Technical specifications;

Operating organization.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 The Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" defines the safety of products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal as a state in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, individual workshops, sections and production sites of power plants are identified as hazardous production facilities that pose a threat to the health and life of plant personnel, the population and the environment . The Law includes maintenance and repair of equipment and technical devices used at hazardous production facilities identified in the types of activities in the field of industrial safety. in the prescribed manner as part of power plants.

4.2 During the operation of power plant equipment, a change in its technical condition occurs, which determines a decrease in reliability, efficiency of use and the likelihood of deterioration in industrial, environmental and other types of safety. Restoring the quality of equipment is carried out within the framework of the system of maintenance and repair of power plant equipment.

The main purpose of the functioning of the system of maintenance and repair of power plant equipment operating at power plants is to perform maintenance and repair and ensure the required level of quality of repaired equipment to ensure the safe operation of the power plant, the reliability of the repaired equipment, maintaining stable operational characteristics of the equipment and its efficiency during the service life in the established regulatory and technical documentation within the limits of safety, reliability and efficiency.

4.3 Monitoring and assessing the quality of repairs are prerequisite ensuring the required level of quality of repaired power plant equipment.

The quality assessment of repairs of power plant equipment is carried out:

- in terms of quality indicators of repaired equipment;

- according to the degree of fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for repairs to components, assemblies, parts and equipment as a whole during the repair process, which determines the quality of the repaired equipment.

4.4 This standard has developed a methodology for assessing the quality of repairs for various types power plant equipment, which is based on a unified methodology, according to which the methodology for assessing the quality of repairs of a specific type (type) of power plant equipment includes two components:

- methods for assessing compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for repairs to components, assemblies, parts and equipment as a whole during the repair process to restore the physical and functional properties of the equipment.

4.5 The main regulatory documents establishing the quality indicators of repaired equipment and the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for repairs to components, assemblies, parts and equipment as a whole during the repair process are the standards of the organization of the group “Technical conditions for major repairs. Norms and requirements” (hereinafter - technical conditions for major repairs) corresponding to the type and type of power plant equipment.

4.6 When accepting equipment from repair, an assessment of the quality of repair must be carried out, containing:

- assessment of the quality of repaired equipment;

- assessment of the quality of repair work performed.

When determining these estimates, the results of meeting the requirements of technical specifications for equipment repairs must be taken into account.

5 General requirements for assessing the quality of repairs

5.1 Assessing the quality of repaired equipment

5.1.1 Assessment of the quality of repaired equipment characterizes the technical condition of the equipment after repair and its compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Regulatory and technical documentation, in accordance with which the quality of repairs is assessed, includes: Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation, standards "Technical conditions for major repairs", regulatory and design documentation of equipment manufacturing plants.

Repaired equipment may be assigned one of the following quality ratings:

- meets the requirements of NTD;

- meets the requirements of normative and technical documentation with restrictions;

- does not meet the requirements of NTD.

5.1.2 The rating “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation” is established if all defects identified as a result of inspection of equipment components have been eliminated; NTD requirements defining the quality of equipment have been met; acceptance tests showed that the start-up, loading and operation of the equipment in different modes comply with the requirements of the operating standards (instructions); the quality indicators of the repaired equipment are at the standard level.

5.1.3 The rating “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with restrictions” is established if:

- some of the NTD requirements for repaired equipment are not met;

- individual defects with which the equipment can temporarily work have not been eliminated;

- there are comments on the operation of the equipment in various modes;

- the values ​​of individual quality indicators do not correspond to the standard level, but further operation in accordance with the requirements of the NTD is possible, and the acceptance committee makes a decision on the temporary operation of the equipment.

5.1.4 Equipment repaired with the rating “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with restrictions” is allowed for operation with a limited period of further use, and an action plan must be developed to eliminate the identified deficiencies and a deadline for its implementation must be established.

5.1.5 If during the period of controlled operation it is determined that defects have arisen on the equipment that can lead to emergency consequences, or the operation of the equipment in any modes is characterized by a deviation from the permissible parameters and further operation is impossible, and the elimination of defects requires removal for repair five or more days, then the equipment must be taken out of service and a rating of “does not meet the requirements of the technical and technical documentation” is assigned to it. After repairs are carried out to eliminate defects, the equipment is re-accepted from repair, supervised operation is carried out, and a new quality assessment is established for the repaired equipment.

5.1.6 A quality rating is established for each type of repaired equipment.

The quality assessment of the repaired installation is usually established by assessing the quality of the main equipment, taking into account the quality assessments established auxiliary equipment, included in the installation, which can limit the power, efficiency and reliability of the installation as a whole during subsequent operation.

5.2 Assessment of the quality of repair work performed

5.2.1 Assessment of the quality of repair work performed characterizes the organizational and technical activities of each of the organizations involved in the repair.

An organization may be assigned one of the following ratings for the quality of its repair work:

- Great;

- Fine;

- satisfactory;

- unsatisfactory.

5.2.2 An assessment of the quality of repair work performed is established for each organization within the scope of equipment repairs performed by it, taking into account the fulfillment by this organization of basic and additional requirements.

The main requirements include:

- implementation of the agreed statement of planned repair work, updated based on the results of defect detection;

- fulfillment of the requirements of the normative and technical documentation for the repair of equipment and its components;

- lack of assessment of the quality of the repaired equipment “does not meet the requirements of the normative and technical documentation” or “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with restrictions” due to the fault of the repair contractor;

- absence of equipment shutdowns during the period of controlled operation due to the fault of the repair contractor, with the exception of the need for one shutdown of the boiler or boiler body for a period of up to three days to eliminate defects in the welding of pipe joints that emerged during the period of controlled operation, and also with the exception of the need for shutdowns provided for during the period of controlled operation to monitor the condition of repaired critical components, to carry out adjustments and adjustments, including vibration, to balance the turbine unit shaft line in its own bearings.

Additional requirements include:

- availability of the necessary set of repair documentation;

- use of the necessary technological equipment, devices and tools provided technological documentation, and compliance of their parameters with passport data;

- compliance of the performed technological operations, including control ones, with the requirements of technological documentation;

- carrying out incoming inspection of materials and spare parts used during repairs;

- availability of a complete set of executive and reporting documentation for repairs.

5.2.3 An “excellent” rating is established when all basic and additional requirements are met.

A “good” rating is established when all basic and partial fulfillment (at least 50%) of additional requirements is met.

A “satisfactory” grade is assigned when all basic requirements and partial fulfillment (less than 50%) of additional requirements are met.

An “unsatisfactory” grade is assigned when one or more of the basic requirements are not met.

5.2.4 Repaired equipment may have a quality assessment - “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with restrictions” for the following reasons not related to the quality of the activities of repair organizations:

- reduction in power associated with the combustion of non-design types of fuel and fuel of degraded quality, restrictions on thrust and blast, restrictions on the circulating cooling water of turbine condensers;

- lack of necessary spare parts and materials;

- the presence of structural defects, consequences of accidents and the impossibility of performing the required volumes of work;

- other reasons not related to the quality of the repair organization’s activities.

In such cases, the assessment of the quality of the repaired equipment - “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with limitations” does not affect the assessment of the quality of the completed repair organization repair work.

5.3 Procedure for assessing the quality of repairs

5.3.1 The quality of equipment repair is assessed during the repair process and upon acceptance of equipment from repair.

5.3.2 The order and procedure for monitoring and assessing the quality of repaired equipment and the quality of repair work performed is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Procedure and procedure for monitoring and assessing the quality of repairs

Stage name

List of work performed


Documentation to be completed

In the process of repairing the installation (power unit)

Incoming inspection of materials and spare parts used in repairs.

Defects of equipment components.

Clarification based on the results of defect detection of the scope of repair.

Quality control of repaired components, which consists of checking their compliance with the requirements of technical documentation, technological and design documentation.

Quality control of repair work performed. Checking compliance with technological discipline.

Work managers of enterprises and organizations involved in repairs, together with responsible representatives of the operating organization

Results of incoming inspection, certificates for materials and spare parts used in the repair process.

Executive documents for equipment defect detection.

Statement additional work for repairs and work exclusion protocol.

Act on the use of substitute materials.

Protocol of technical solution for identified but not eliminated defects.

Test reports, measurement cards

Acceptance of repaired equipment, control, testing and testing before presentation to the acceptance committee

Acceptance: responsible representatives of the operating organization.

Testing, testing: under the guidance of a responsible representative of the operating organization with the participation of repair performers

Testing protocols individual species equipment included in the installation, protocols for hydraulic tests, etc.

Protocols for hidden work.

List of completed repair work.

Other documents as agreed upon by the operating organization and the repair contractors

Permission to start the installation (power unit)

Monitoring the results of inspection of the installation (power unit), testing and testing of equipment, checking and analyzing documentation compiled during the repair process

Order from the technical manager of the power plant to start up the installation (power unit).

The start-up is carried out after the repair contractors submit the work permit for repairs.

Operating personnel in the presence of repair managers or persons appointed by them

Before start-up, repair work managers submit written requirements to the authorized representative of the operating organization about the specifics of start-up and testing during acceptance tests that do not contradict the PTE

Acceptance tests

Start-up tests

Monitoring the operation of the installation (power unit).

Testing and testing of equipment in accordance with the acceptance testing program.

Defect detection.
Elimination of detected defects that require immediate shutdown

Operational log, list of quality indicators.

Note - Statements of quality indicators are compiled in accordance with the table given in 7.10 in Fig. 5 of this standard

Load test (48 hours)

Checking equipment in operation under load at nominal parameters.

Testing of equipment in accordance with the acceptance testing program.

Determination of some quality indicators of repaired equipment.

Defect detection.
Elimination of detected defects that prevent equipment from operating at rated load or require immediate shutdown

Operating personnel with the participation of repair performers

Operational log, list of quality indicators

Completion of repairs

The end of the repair is considered to be the time the generator is turned on to the network or the time the boiler is connected to the station live steam pipeline. If during acceptance tests defects were discovered that prevent the equipment from operating with the rated load, or the detected defects require immediate shutdown, then the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated

Acceptance of equipment included in the installation from repair

The results of acceptance tests and documents drawn up by the repair contractor are considered.

A decision is made on acceptance from repair.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements and criteria that determine the assessment of the quality of repaired equipment and the quality of repair work performed.

Installed preliminary estimates quality of repaired equipment included in the installation.

Preliminary assessments of the quality of the repair work performed are established.

Warranties are accepted.

The results of the commission’s work are documented in an act of acceptance from repair of equipment included in the installation, which is signed within 5 days after the end of acceptance tests

Acceptance certificate for repair of installation equipment. The report is accompanied by protocols, certificates, statements and other documents drawn up by the operating organization and the repair contractor and reflecting:

List of completed planned work;

List of work performed in excess of the planned volume;

List of uncompleted works and reasons for their non-fulfillment;

List of directive documents, the requirements of which are met during repairs;

Modernization works;

List of works performed with deviation from established requirements, reasons for deviations.

The report can be drawn up for a group of individual types of equipment included in the installation, or various components of the main equipment repaired by one enterprise

Preliminary quality assessment

Preliminary assessment of the quality of repaired equipment included in the installation

Monitoring compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation that determines the quality of repaired equipment.

Checking the elimination of identified defects.

Analysis of the results of acceptance tests. Comparison of quality indicators with standard ones. Establishing an assessment of the quality of repaired equipment

Acceptance committee headed by an authorized representative of the operating organization

The assessment of the quality of the repaired equipment is entered into the acceptance certificate for the repair of the installation equipment. If the equipment is rated “complies with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation with restrictions,” then an action plan is developed to eliminate the identified deficiencies, indicating the time frame for its implementation.

Preliminary assessment of the quality of repair work performed

Monitoring compliance with basic and additional requirements.

Establishing an assessment of the quality of repair work performed:

For each type of repaired installation equipment included in the acceptance certificate;

To the repair company for the entire amount of work it performed on the installation

Acceptance committee headed by an authorized representative of the operating organization

An assessment of the quality of the repair work performed is entered into the acceptance report for the repair of plant equipment.

Receipt from installation repair

Review of the results of acceptance tests and documents compiled on the equipment included in the installation. Making a decision on acceptance of the installation from repair. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an acceptance certificate for the repair of the installation. The act is signed within 5 days after the end of the acceptance tests. The act includes preliminary assessments of the quality of the repaired equipment included in the installation, and preliminary assessments of the quality of the repair work performed by the enterprises performing the repairs. Preliminary quality assessments are accepted based on acceptance certificates for repair of installation equipment.

The acceptance certificate for the installation from repair includes requirements for the need for shutdowns during the period of controlled operation to control critical components, to carry out adjustments and adjustments. These shutdowns do not affect the assessment of the quality of repair work performed.

Acceptance committee headed by the technical manager of the power plant

Acceptance certificate from installation repair

Controlled operation of repaired equipment.

Start - after completion of acceptance tests.

Completion - 30 calendar days from the moment the equipment is put under load

Checking the operation of equipment in all modes, testing and adjustment, determining the quality indicators of repaired equipment. Carrying out shutdowns provided for in the acceptance certificate for installation repairs

Operating personnel with the involvement of repair contractors if necessary

Quality Indicator Sheets


Detection of defects on equipment during controlled operation that could lead to emergency consequences or deviations from acceptable parameters characterizing the impossibility of further operation in accordance with the requirements of the PTE (repair duration to eliminate defects is at least 5 days). The equipment is taken out of service and subject to repair to eliminate defects. After repair, re-acceptance from repair is carried out, controlled operation

Operating personnel, repair performers

The equipment is rated “does not meet the requirements of the technical documentation.” After re-acceptance, a new quality rating is established for the repaired equipment.

The repair company, through whose fault the repeated repair occurred, is given an assessment of the quality of the repair work performed - "unsatisfactory"

Final assessments of the quality of the repaired equipment included in the installation and the repair work performed

Analysis of the results of controlled operation of equipment.

If the owner or operating organization, on the basis of instructions from authorities state control based on the results of the inspection, gives a conclusion on a change in the quality assessment of the repaired equipment, the power plant is obliged to notify the repair contractor about this within three days after receiving the report indicating the reasons for the change and call his representative to make an agreed decision

Acceptance committee headed by an authorized representative of the operating organization

The preliminary quality assessment is considered final if the operating organization does not inform the repair contractor about its change. If, based on the results of controlled operation, the operating organization considers it necessary to change the preliminary quality assessments, then it is obliged to inform the repair contractor about this within 3 days after the end of controlled operation, indicating the reasons for the change, and call his representative to make an agreed decision. The final quality assessments are entered into the acceptance certificate for repair of plant equipment

Assessment of the quality of the repaired installation as a whole

Analysis of the results of controlled operation of the installation as a whole and the installation equipment. Analysis of quality assessments of repaired equipment included in the installation

Acceptance committee headed by the technical manager of the power plant

An assessment of the quality of the repaired installation is entered into the acceptance certificate from the repair of the installation after the end of controlled operation

Preparation of reporting documentation for repairs performed

By the end of the supervised operation, the reporting documentation for repairs is fully completed and provided to the operating organization.


All documents drawn up during the repair process, acceptance tests and controlled operation by repair performers

Upon completion of controlled operation, within 10 days, the operating organization fully prepares the reporting documentation for repairs

Operating organization personnel

All documents drawn up during the repair process, acceptance tests and controlled operation

Note - In Table 1 and Figure 1, “technical manager of a power plant” is a person on the staff of the operating organization authorized to make decisions and give orders on all technical issues related to the equipment and structures of a given power plant

The table shows the stages of assessing the quality of repairs in their technological sequence, a list of work performed at each stage, performers and documentation drawn up during this process.

5.3.3 The schematic diagram of quality assessment is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Schematic diagram for assessing the quality of repairs

Picture 1 - Schematic diagram repair quality assessment

6 General requirements for methods for assessing the quality of repairs of power plant equipment

6.1 The methodology for assessing the quality of repairs for various types (types) of power plant equipment is based on a unified methodology, according to which assessment of the quality of repairs of a specific type (type) of power plant equipment includes two components:

- methods for comparing quality indicators of repaired equipment;

- methods for assessing compliance with normative and technical documentation requirements when repairing equipment.

The block diagram of the methodology for assessing the quality of repairs is shown in Figure 2.
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