Scientific and technological revolution. Presentation on the topic "scientific and technological progress" II. Learning new material

Scientific and technological progress (STP) became possible thanks to the scientific and technological revolution (STR), which took place in the 40-50s. XX century. STP has affected all spheres of society. This lesson is devoted to the main achievements of the NTP.


The main characteristic of the scientific and technological revolution (NTR) of the second half of the 20th century. - the transformation of science into the main factor of socio-economic development. Thus, the scientific and technological revolution contributed to the transformation of industrial society into a post-industrial one.

post-industrial society- a society in which science becomes a factor of production, and the predominant type of labor is employment in the service sector (in contrast to the industrial society, which is dominated by work in factories, and pre-industrial, in which agricultural labor prevailed).

Such changes were only possible thanks to the technological development that made it possible to replace a person in factories with a machine (automated, computer-controlled production).


1942- Created the first nuclear reactor in the United States.

1953- studied the molecular structure of DNA, which stores the genetic code. This discovery marked the beginning of the development of genetic engineering.

1957- Launch of the first satellite into space (USSR).

1961- the first manned flight into space (USSR).

1965- the first manned spacewalk (USSR).

1969- manned flight to the moon (USA).

1953- Deciphered the structure of the DNA molecule.

1976- The personal computer appeared.

In the 1960s-1990s. experiments in physics, chemistry, engineering, etc., were particularly successful. Since the 1970s developed at an accelerated pace electronics and computerization. The point was that all the achievements of science were processed in one way or another and served man. Chemistry supplied man with new fabrics, paints and varnishes, etc., physics and engineering - televisions, receivers, etc.

Starting from the 1980s, scientific and technological progress began to take place in a new form. That "revolutionary base" of the 1950s-1970s, which was truly a breakthrough, began to be used to improve and develop the new. So, from primitive huge mobile phones by the beginning of the new millennium, the world came to almost invisible devices (Fig. 2). From powerful computers occupying entire floors to portable gadgets.

Rice. 2. Mobile phones over the past 40 years ()

The main focus on present stage scientific and technological progress is made on the so-called. nanotechnology, new sources of energy, for universal automation, and so on.

The world has entered the era of post-industrial society. This society is characterized by the primacy of high technology, informatization and computerization of all spheres of society. High technologies should make everyday life and work of a person even easier. The Internet has become an integral part of human society. Appeared new way communication. Human life has practically ceased to be any secret from others. Information society- it's a societyXXIcentury and subsequent centuries (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Information society ()

Coming at present post-industrial society characterized not only by universal informatization, but also by the fact that its main resource is a person, or rather, his intellectual abilities. It is scientists, and not the military, that have become more valued at the present stage of human development.

On the other hand, it is impossible not to note the disadvantages of NTP. Science not only began to serve man, but also began to serve the military. It was in the twentieth century that the world "acquainted" with such new types of weapons as the atomic, hydrogen and neutron bomb. There were nuclear weapons. With the development of technology, new types of "killing devices" have appeared.

Thus, STP helps people (although many believe that such help will lead to the final replacement of man by a machine), and at the same time can destroy him.

1. Aleksashkina L.N. General history. XX - beginning of the XXI century. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2011.

2. Zagladin N.V. General history. XX century. Textbook for grade 11. - M.: Russian Word, 2009.

3. Plenkov O.Yu., Andreevskaya T.P., Shevchenko S.V. General history. Grade 11 / Ed. Myasnikova V.S. - M., 2011.

1. Describe the information society.

2. How is the NTR different from the NTP? Give examples.

3. Why has intelligence become the main investment in a post-industrial society?

philosophy psychoanalysis science

New time replaces the Renaissance as a transitional period from feudalism to capitalism. The formation of the capitalist mode of production still nourishes the illusions of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. The place of the alliance "religion-philosophy" is occupied by the tandem "philosophy-science". Philosophy is experiencing its finest hour, raising ontological and epistemological, worldview and methodological problems. But the stake on reason and scientific and technological progress led to the fact that the humanistic anthropocentrism of the Renaissance gives way to a philosophical anthropocentrism of a scientistic nature. In a new capacity, anthropocentrism substantiated the need for industrial methods of mastering nature. The exploitation of nature turned into the exploitation of man, his alienation from everything, from everyone and from himself.

In conditions where the emphasis is placed on science and the development of technology, a person turns into a means of dubious ends. “As a result,” as F. Nietzsche subtly remarked, “God died.” “But even man did not become God,” added F. M. Dostoevsky. Moreover, man lost himself, turned into a public function.

In the XX century. the slavery of capital is replaced by the slavery of the absurd. "Second nature" as a system of intermediaries got out of control and exacerbated global problems. Science has become a hostage to politics. It becomes more and more applied, fulfilling the order of the current moment. The ball is ruled by civilized barbarism, destroying culture and turning the people into a population, into an object of manipulation.

Under these conditions, the traditional opposition of materialism and idealism in philosophy is replaced by philosophical pluralism. Such directions as scientistic, activity, anthropological, philosophical and theological and socio-critical are being formed.

Philosophical schools of the scientistic direction develop the philosophical problems of science, shaping the worldview of the scientific and technical intelligentsia and those sections of society that consider scientific and technological progress as the only means of solving the global problems of our time.

Philosophical schools of the activity direction develop socio-political problems of the development of society, forming the worldview of the broad masses of the population, linking their fate with successful decision the indicated problems.

Philosophical schools of the anthropological direction cover the philosophical problems of an individual and his attitude to the world, forming the worldview mainly of the humanitarian intelligentsia, as well as those strata that most acutely experience or experience the results of human alienation.

Philosophical schools of the religious (theological) direction are associated with a range of issues aimed at substantiating the expediency of religion.

They form the worldview of believers, as well as all those who hope to find salvation from social and spiritual adversity in religion.

Philosophical schools of the socio-critical direction are focused on the analysis of what is and the design of what should be. They form the worldview of those broad circles of the public who are most acutely experiencing the global problems of our time and are ready to make their own contribution to their solution.

Philosophical pluralism of the 20th century. testifies that humanity is going through a protracted crisis, that non-standard problems requiring non-standard solutions have become actual in the “nature-society-man” system, and that the solution of these problems is far beyond the capabilities of classical philosophy.

Irrationalism is a philosophical doctrine that denies rationalism (i.e. opposition to classical philosophy).

The unshakable faith of scientists in the power of human reason and the obligatory nature of social progress was first given by the Great French Revolution (1789 - 1794), which gave rise to terror, civil war with tens of thousands of human casualties. This made many philosophers think about the real possibilities of reason and science and create their own, critical in relation to rationalism, philosophical systems.

The critical transition of the new philosophy played positive role in the development of philosophical knowledge:

· a critical assessment of rational cognition was given;

its boundaries, the limits of its capabilities were determined;

· the ratio of mental qualities of a person, as well as psychological qualities (will, emotions, feelings, etc.) was studied;

the spiritual world was not considered in its higher forms, but in terms of experience, practice, in psychological forms.

The new philosophy puts forward a number of bold and new ideas competing with the old classical philosophical system:

1. The idea of ​​studying the life of an individual and the importance of its analysis, the primacy of studying the life of an individual over the study of large human communities (classes, peoples, nations, ethnic groups).

2. Movement from the idea of ​​a free and reasonable person, capable of reshaping nature, society and himself personally, to a person who is rigidly determined by economics, politics, religion, etc. It turned out that a person has not only a mind and consciousness, but also a subconscious.

3. Consciousness and mind of an individual and (more importantly) public consciousness are not understood as an independent structure, but it is declared that they are subject to manipulation by various forces - the state, party, authorities.

4. The idea of ​​two non-intersecting lines of human knowledge - scientific and philosophical, which have as their product scientific truth, philosophical truth, is being actively pursued.

Irrationalism manifested itself in such currents of Western philosophy as:

philosophy of science;

· existentialism;

· psychoanalysis of Z. Freud;

· some variants of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology;

philosophical mysticism.

The first steps away from rationalism to irrationalism were made by Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche.

The first representative of the philosophy of life was the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). For some time, Schopenhauer worked with Hegel in the philosophy department at the University of Berlin. (Schopenhauer was assistant professor and Hegel was professor.) Interestingly, Schopenhauer made an attempt to teach his philosophy as an alternative course to Hegel's philosophy, and even scheduled his lectures at the same time as Hegel. But Schopenhauer failed and remained without listeners.

Subsequently, from the second half of the 19th century, the glory of Schopenhauer eclipsed the glory of Hegel. The failure of the lectures in Berlin was doubly offensive to Schopenhauer, since he sharply negatively assessed Hegelian philosophy, sometimes calling it the delusions of a paranoid, then the impudent nonsense of a charlatan. Especially unflattering was Schopenhauer's opinion about dialectics, which he considered a cunning technique that masks the absurdity and shortcomings of the Hegelian system.

Schopenhauer's main work is The World as Will and Representation (1819). The title of this work reflects the main ideas of Schopenhauer's teachings. The whole world, from his point of view, is the will to live. The will to live is inherent in all living beings, including man, whose will to live is the most significant, because man is endowed with reason, knowledge. Each individual person has his own will to live - not the same for all people. All other people exist in his view as dependent on the boundless egoism of a person, as phenomena that are significant only from the point of view of his will to live, his interests.

One of his original works was the "Treatise on Love", Schopenhauer believed that love is too serious a phenomenon to be left only to poets. In Schopenhauer's "Treatise" there are many interesting, vivid images arising from his system, for example, love is a strong attraction that occurs between two people of the opposite sex. Attraction, a mysterious force that attracts lovers, is a manifestation of the will of an unborn being, their unborn child - that is, nature “calculates” at the level of organisms of two people that, from a biological point of view, the combination of these organisms will give optimal offspring, and as a result, the energy of mutual attraction of these organisms.

Schopenhauer is usually called one of the founders of irrationalism, meaning by this term all those directions that belittled the role of a rational, conscious person in human behavior. According to the views of supporters of some philosophical schools, irrationalism is a negative phenomenon.

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  • What changes will technology in the 21st century bring about in our lives?
  • What threatens society with the destruction of the natural environment?
  • Scientific and technological progress - good or bad?
  • slide 3

    Scientific and technological revolution

    The scientific and technological revolution is a leap in the development of the productive forces of society, their transition to a qualitatively new state on the basis of fundamental changes in the system of scientific knowledge.

    slide 4

    The scientific and technological revolution is a leap in the development of the productive forces of society, their transition to a qualitatively new state on the basis of fundamental changes in the system of scientific views.

    slide 5

    • 1st stage (60-70 years). Production automation
    • 2nd stage (70-90 years). Computer (information) revolution
  • slide 6

    Stage 1: 60-70 years. XX century:

    • automation of production processes,
    • robots, machine tools with program control,
    • flexible production lines

    Qualitative shifts in technology, in the tools of production

    Slide 7

    Since the end of the 70s. – computer revolution:

    • The computer controls and manages the machine, freeing the person from contact with it.
    • They are characterized by a speed of movement and thought inaccessible to the human hand.
  • Slide 8

    Slide 9

    • Information-intensive technologies and new technological thinking began to play a decisive role in production
    • Changing the principles of production
  • Slide 10

    • directions of development of modern technologies
    • obtaining materials with desired properties
    • biotechnology (genetic engineering)
    • changes in the subject of labor
  • slide 11

    slide 12

    slide 13

    • One of promising directions– biotechnology
    • Creation of new structural materials
    • The position of man in the production system is changing
    • Changes in various fields public life
  • Slide 14

    • Internet
    • New scientific and technological civilization
  • slide 15

    Economic content of the new stage of scientific and technological revolution

    • strengthening the social orientation
    • economic development
    • The complexity of modern production (economic reasons)
      • highly educated
      • psychologically stable
      • strong-willed worker
  • slide 16

    • Go to extensive way production development
    • Reducing the number of people employed in production
    • Reducing the use of raw materials and energy
    • Refusal of the territorial binding of enterprises to sources of raw materials.
  • Slide 17

    • A sharp increase in investment in R&D
    • Increasing the role of scientific research
    • Reduction of terms of replacement of technologies
    • The emergence of scientific and production associations
  • Slide 18

    Economic consequences of scientific and technological revolution

    • Transition to an intensive way of production
    • transcontinental companies
    • Investments in high technology industries
    • Complex scientific and production associations
  • Slide 19

    Social consequences of scientific and technological revolution

    • The rapid development of the sphere of industrial and consumer services
    • The face of the working class is changing:
    • Increasing skills of the working class
    • Reduced old professions (miners)
    • Scientific and technological revolution causes fundamental shifts in the organization of production and labor, in the production management system.
  • Slide 20

    Scientific and technological revolution and natural environment

    Growth of scale economic activity led to a violation of the ecological balance on the planet, the consequence of which is an ecological crisis.

  • slide 21

    • Increased consumption of natural resources
    • Pollution of the planet and the World Ocean, and atmospheric air
    • 16-18% of the territory of Russia are regions where the environmental risk to health is 10-100 times higher than the norms established by most countries.
  • Scientific and technological progress and society in the 19th century Prepared by the teacher of history and social studies of the FGOU secondary school No. 4 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Latypova O.Sh. SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF NATURE. In the 19th century, speculative ideas about the atomistic structure of matter became on a solid experimental basis. Scientists have found the atomic weight of many chemical elements, created models, discovered the phenomenon of isomerism of chemical elements of molecular structures, introduced the concept of valency. The development of synthetic organic chemistry began

    J. DALTON (1766–1844)

    English physicist and chemist who played big role in the development of atomistic ideas in relation to chemistry, he discovered several new empirical laws: the law of partial pressures (Dalton's law), the law of the solubility of gases in liquids (Henry-Dalton's law) and, finally, the law of multiple ratios (1803). He introduced the concept of atomic mass and, taking the mass of the hydrogen atom as a unit, in 1803 compiled the first table of the relative atomic masses of the elements.

    D.I.MENDELEEV (1834 - 1907)

    Great Russian scientist; discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, which is the natural scientific basis of the modern theory of matter. Published in my life 431 scientific work, including 99 works were devoted to various fields of technology.

    He invented the new kind gunpowder, defended his doctoral dissertation, organized the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures in Russia, wrote works on aeronautics, meteorology, economics, agriculture, public education. But D.I. Mendeleev made his most famous discovery in 1869, he discovered the Periodic Law, which brought him worldwide fame.


    An outstanding English physicist, is the creator of the theory of the electromagnetic field and the electromagnetic theory of light.

    Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism received experimental confirmation and became generally recognized. classical basis modern physics.

    Russian physiologist and educator publicist, rationalist thinker, founder of the physiological school, encyclopedic scientist, evolutionary biologist, psychologist, anthropologist, anatomist, histologist, pathologist, psychophysiologist, physical chemist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, hematologist, narcologist, hygienist, culturologist, instrument maker, military engineer


    In the classic work "Reflexes of the Brain" (1866), he gave a natural scientific explanation of the conscious and unconscious manifestations of human activity. He interpreted reflexes as an automated stereotyped reaction of the body to external stimuli and divided them into unconditional (innate) and conditional (acquired)

    EVOLUTIONARY PICTURE OF THE WORLD The development of scientific thought in the 19th century radically changed people's understanding of the world around them. The structure of living and non-living matter and living organisms, regularities natural phenomena and social development - this and many other evolutionary approaches to understanding nature and society were increasingly introduced into scientific circulation.

    English naturalist and traveler, one of the first to come to the conclusion and substantiate the idea that all types of living organisms are evolving T in time from common ancestors. In his theory, a detailed presentation of which was published in 1859 in the book On the Origin of Species, Darwin called natural selection the main mechanism of evolution. Later he developed the theory of sexual selection. He also owns one of the first studies on the origin of man

    C. R. DARWIN (1809 - 1882)

    In "The Origin of Species by natural selection» (1859) established the main factors of the evolution of the living world and its laws. In his other work, "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection", he substantiated the theory of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor. Darwin's concept of life is the idea of

    movement of its forms from

    simplest to more

    complex and perfect.

    Russian biologist and pathologist

    one of the founders

    pathological evolutionary embryo

    logy and immunology, creator

    scientific school, founded (1886)

    the first in Russia bacteriological


    expounded the phagocytic theory

    immunity. Created a theory

    origin of multicellular

    organisms. He owns

    papers on the problem

    aging. Nobel Laureate

    prizes (1908)

    I.I. MECHNIKOV (1845-1916)

    The French philosopher formulated the "law of three stages".

    First stage-

    theological, when all phenomena are explained on the basis of a religious view of the world. The second is metaphysical, when explanations become abstract. The third stage is positive, i.e. scientific. It makes possible the study of society and its rational organization.

    O. KONT (1798-1857)

    German philosopher, sociologist, economist, writer, public figure, founder of dialectical and historical materialism. Marxism represented the development of society as a change in socio-economic formations (primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, communist)

    K.MARKS 1818-1883

    DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION. Throughout the 19th century, there was a process of separation of school education from the church, the formation of a secular school. Compulsory education covers children from 6 to 12-13 years old. In elementary education, a transition was made to the state school system.

    A network of secondary general education schools developed, which in most countries were called gymnasiums or lyceums. They taught subjects of the humanities and natural sciences. The 19th century marked the beginning of mass education for women. Mass literacy and the growth of the intelligentsia became a factor of progress and changed the face of the world.


    MASS MEDIA In the 19th century, newspapers became a source of information. In the second half of the 19th century, daily newspapers began to be published in almost all countries of the world. Various magazines (literary, popular science, etc.)
    • ". Reuters
    • popular)

    The newspaper "New York Times"

    Information Agency

    ". Reuters

    In the 19th century there was a differentiation of book business. The largest circulations were fiction and textbooks. In the second half of the 19th century, popular science literature began to be in great demand.

    Encyclopedia Britannica.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron.

    US Library of Congress

    Public library in St. Petersburg

    SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS AND SOCIETY The 19th century began as a “age of steam”, and ended with the transition from steam energy to electricity and internal combustion engines. The energy capabilities of advanced countries and the opportunities associated with the introduction of new technologies in production have expanded. lifespan. Scientific and technological progress has also affected everyday culture.

    Russian electrical engineer, military engineer, inventor and entrepreneur. Known for the development of an arc lamp (which went down in history under the name "Yablochkov's candle"), which laid the foundation for the first practically applicable electric lighting system


    The first experience showed the great advantage of a candle in comparison with gas lighting.

    "Russian Light" appeared in the capitals: Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin, Naples - and spread to the east. In Europe, companies began to operate the Yablochkov candle.

    The use of the Yablochkov candle caused new inventions and improvements. Candles Yablochkov included in the chain sequentially in the amount of 4 - 5 pieces. Instead of the old regulators, Yablochkov used transformers



    inventor. Only in the USA Edison received 1908 patents and about 3 thousand in other countries.

    peace. He improved the telegraph, telephone, film equipment, developed one of the first successful variants of an electric incandescent lamp.

    niya, created a super-powerful electric generator and participated in the construction and commissioning in New York of the world's first central thermal power plant with an extensive power supply network (1881)

    T. A. EDISON

    Edison invented the alkaline iron-nickel battery, the fuse, the rotary switch, the megaphone.

    Participated in the creation of drugs, dyes and other materials, developed a process for obtaining synthetic phenol and liquid products of the distillation of coal.

    He laid the foundation for electronics and invented his own method of enriching iron ore.


    Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of Russian military field surgery, founder of the Russian school of anesthesia.

    N. I. Pirogov “created new research methods in the study of anatomy, new methods in clinical medicine, and military field surgery was also created. In these works, in the philosophical and scientific part, he gave a method, approved the dominance of the method and showed an example of the use of this method. In this, Pirogov found his glory ”(N. N. Burdenko, On the historical description of the academic activities of N. I. Pirogov (1836-1854).

    Honored Russian Professor, Director of the Imperial Clinical Institute of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg, author of works on field surgery of the abdominal cavity.


    The French microbiologist and chemist, who proved that fermentation is a biological process caused by the activity of microorganisms, proposed a way to preserve food products through heat treatment. L. Pasteur studied contagious diseases (anthrax, rabies, night blindness, rubella, etc.). He proposed a method of vaccination against these and other infectious diseases using weakened cultures of the corresponding pathogens. He proposed to call the weakened cultures vaccines, and the procedure for their application - vaccination. In 1880 Pasteur established the viral nature of rabies.

    German microbiologist, one of the founders of modern bacteriology and epidemiology. Proceedings on the identification of pathogens of infectious diseases and the development of methods to combat them. Formulated the criteria for the etiological connection of an infectious disease with a microorganism (Koch's triad). Opened (1882) the causative agent of tuberculosis ("Koch's wand"). For the first time, he isolated a pure culture of the anthrax pathogen, proved its ability to spore formation. Proposed methods of disinfection. Nobel Prize (1905).

    References %83%D0%B8


    Society and scientific and technological progress

    Option 1

    The current state of scientific and technological progress is determined by the concept of scientific and technological revolution. Scientific and technological revolutiontion(NTR) is a qualitative leap in the development of the productive forces of society, its transition to a new state based on fundamental changes in the system of scientific knowledge.

    In the scientific and technological revolution, there are two stages

    1) 50s - late 70s. 20th century (the main engine of change is automation production processes);

    2) the end of the 70s. to the present (the main engine of change is the development of microelectronics, the introduction of computers, the technological revolution, computerization).

    The main directions of scientifictechnical revolution:

      automation and computerization production;

      introduction of the latest infomationtechnologies

      development biotechnology;

      Creation new structural materials;

      mastering the latest sources energy;

      revolutionary changes in means of communication and connections.

    Socio-economic consequencesscientific and technical rerevolutions:

      the nature of labor changes in the direction of its complication, Youcrowding out the share of simple labor, increasing the requirements for qualifications and education of employees;

      increase capital investmentscience and knowledge-intensive industries;

      changes social structure society, a significant increase in the number of people with highereducation;

      intensifies social orientation economic growth;

      problems are getting worse employment of the population;

      environmentally e problems

    Option 2

    Society and scientific and technological progress

    Scientific and technological progress (STP) is an interdependent, progressive development of science and technology, production and consumption. Scientific and technological progress first began to converge in the 16th-18th centuries, when the development of manufacturing, trade, and navigation required the theoretical and experimental solution of practical problems. Since the end of the 18th century, science and technology have finally converged, which determines their interconnected, interdependent further development.

    The current stage of scientific and technical progress is characterized by a sharp acceleration of its pace, which gave rise to the introduction of the term "scientific and technological revolution" (NTR). Scientific and technical revolution includes: carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research; bringing their results to practical use in the form of scientific and technical developments, engineering solutions; organization of production new technology; improvement of the organization of production, labor, management; constant technical re-equipment of enterprises.

    Scientific and technological revolution determined such innovations of modern society as integrated automation, computerization, robotization, informatization, radioelectronicization, chemicalization, biologization, genetic engineering, the use of atomic energy, the creation of new materials, etc.

    Scientific and technological revolution covers all spheres of society, exerting a huge influence on politics, ideology, international relations, and the development of countries. It involves the expansion of the sphere of human activity, the development of new areas of the biosphere and outer space. The main feature of scientific and technological revolution is the intellectualization of all types of human activities.

    However, the scientific and technological revolution is also fraught with serious dangers to public life. According to social scientists, the abuse of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, even under conditions of a certain control over their use, can lead to the creation of a totalitarian technocratic system in which the overwhelming majority of the population will be under the rule of a privileged ruling elite for a long historical period. If the scientific and technological revolution takes the form of an uncontrolled process, then it can lead humanity to a thermonuclear, environmental or social catastrophe.

    Thus, science and technology in their development bring not only benefits, but also a threat to man and mankind. This has become a reality today and requires new constructive approaches in the study of the future and its alternatives. Already in today's reality, the prevention of undesirable results and negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution has become an urgent need for humanity as a whole. It offers timely anticipation of specific dangers, coupled with the ability of society to counteract them. The problem of the humanistic use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the interests of society, in the interests of the spiritual enrichment of all mankind, comes to the fore today.

    Option 3

    The current state of scientific and technological progress is determined by the concept of scientific and technological revolution.
    The scientific and technological revolution is a qualitative leap in the development of the productive forces of society, its transition to a new state based on fundamental changes in the system of scientific knowledge.
    There are two stages in the scientific and technological revolution:
    1) 50s - late 70s. 20th century (the main engine of change is the automation of production processes);
    2) the end of the 70s. to the present (the main engine of change is the development of microelectronics, the introduction of computers, the technological revolution).
    The main directions of the scientific and technological revolution:
    1) automation and computerization of production;
    2) introduction of the latest information technologies;
    3) development of biotechnologies;
    4) creation of new structural materials;
    5) development of the latest energy sources;
    6) revolutionary changes in the means of communication and communications.
    Socio-economic consequences of the scientific and technological revolution:
    1) the nature of labor is changing in the direction of its complication, the displacement of the share of simple labor, the increase in requirements for the qualifications and education of workers;
    2) investments in science and knowledge-intensive industries are increasing;
    3) the social structure of society is changing, the number of people with higher education is growing significantly;
    4) the social orientation of economic growth is enhanced;
    5) the problems of employment of the population are aggravated;
    6) environmental problems are rising to their full potential.