The main problems of reputation management in the information society. The Importance of Reputation Management

Brand reputation- this is a set of fixed judgments about him on the basis of criteria that are significant for the target audience (honesty, responsibility, decency). Reputation involves an analytical approach in forming an opinion and is based on reliable knowledge and assessments. Most often, this is supported by the consumer's own experience.

Reputation is a dynamic process in which strategic objectives of the company calculated for the long term. Reputation depends on how and by what methods entrepreneurial activity companies. It reflects deep economic and social characteristics brand.

Why is reputation important?

Reputation is equally important for every socialized object - from a person to an international company.

According to research, more than 60% of investors consider brand reputation as one of the main factors in shaping its value. Reputation can provide from 20 to 80% of the shareholder value of the company, representing the real asset of the company. Reputation is slowly formed, but, unlike tangible assets, is relatively stable and is not subject to market price fluctuations.

reputation significantly affects the sales performance of branded products. 87% of people who shop online are sure to ask for company reviews before buying a product. 73% of consumers are more likely to trust a company if the majority of its reviews are positive. 80% of online shoppers cancel their order after reading a negative brand review. Reputation is sometimes referred to as "credibility" - 62% of consumers believe that a company with a good reputation will not produce poor quality products.

At the same time, reputation is important to a company. when hiring employees. Potential employees are always looking for information about a future employer. 67% of professionals turn down a job offer due to poor corporate reputation brand.

A good company reputation helps to attract new customers and retain existing ones, increase investment inflow and sales efficiency. Long term reputation supports the company in the event of economic difficulties due to loyal customers.

Brand reputation and image

Quite often, consumers and even brand leaders equate the concept of "image" and "reputation". In fact, image is a component of reputation and has other prerequisites for its formation.

Acquaintance of the consumer with the brand begins with interaction with the components of the corporate identity - this is a means of objective positioning. When these elements are perceived, an image is formed in the human mind - this is an ideal image that is created by the brand to create a certain impression of the company in the minds of the target audience. Thus, image is an artificially created opinion among a certain group of people. Its task is to create a positive image of the brand among the audience.

Unlike the image reputation cannot be created need to earn. Reputation can be thought of as the response or reaction of the public to a company's policy. Reputation building occurs throughout the brand's activities and works on long term. If the image depends on external characteristics, then reputation depends on a holistic perception of both internal and external qualities of the brand.

What is reputation management

For the effective implementation of brand reputation management, a reputation strategy. This program defines a set of measures for the formation of a positive reputation and mechanisms for their implementation.

Who is in charge of brand reputation management?

Brand reputation management brand managers. A company may have its own or hired specialists who develop a comprehensive strategy for building a reputation. The main officials of the company should take part in the creation of a reputation strategy and its immediate implementation.

Brand reputation management strategies

Formation of reputation at the expense of the first persons and top managers of the company

In many cases reputation of the head of the company is inextricably linked to brand reputation. A public leader earns respect potential clients and consumers, and partners, employees. A recognizable person inspires confidence in the company, confidence in its professionalism and respect. Such a leader will serve as a strong motivation for other employees who will also work to improve the brand's reputation.

More about personal branding read our article.

A strong team as the basis for building a reputation

This aspect of reputation management is most important for those organizations that provide various expert services or technology solutions. For example, in branding agencyKoloro Several specialists are working on the creation of the brand - a project manager, a designer, a marketer, a copywriter. All of them are responsible for different aspects of the work. Productivity and quality of work is supported by effective communication between all responsible employees.

Careful study of the mission and philosophy of the company

A brand philosophy based on core virtues helps shape the image responsible, decent or honest company. Over time, if the image is reinforced with appropriate events, it will turn into a positive brand reputation.

Emphasis on the strengths of the company

The easiest way to manage reputation is through such brand value as quality(products or services). This effectively increases the loyalty of existing customers and attracts new ones. In addition, the quality is easy to check (by trying or giving it for analysis) or test (by ordering a service).

As an advantage of the company, you can use years of experience in the provision of services and indicators of successful implementation projects. A big plus in favor of building a positive reputation will be confirmation of the quality of work by certificates and participation in international competitions or exhibitions.

Financial stability can also be used as one of the components of a reputation strategy. This will help to gain the trust of investors and partners, potential employees.

Corporate social responsibility of the company

It is important to take into account not only the interests of the company, but also society - from suppliers to ordinary employees. Care and concern of the company about its employees plays an important role in shaping the reputation of the brand. By voluntarily taking responsibility for improving the quality of life of its employees and society as a whole, the brand gains additional advantages, especially against the background of inactive competitors.

The best results can be achieved by integrating at least two or three strategies in the company at the same time. Special attention should be paid corporate identity development, which is closely related to brand reputation. Koloro branding agency specialists are developing the name, slogan, logo and other elements corporate identity.

Reputation management technologies

To achieve the above strategies, the following technologies can and should be used.

Organization of special events and promotions

It is a powerful tool for attracting public attention. This includes the organization of exhibitions, presentations, fairs, participation in conferences or seminars, competitions, social events.

This helps to implement several reputation management strategies at once. A public leader who confidently speaks about the merits of a brand at a conference will attract new partners and customers. A strong team of employees represented at the competition will show the professionalism of the company.

Plays an important role carrying out social actions- they best show the responsibility of the company.

Every day, thousands of workers traveled from South Asia to Dubai to get jobs to support their families. The cost of a call abroad is $0.91/minute, while the average wage- $6/day. Workers were unable to contact their families regularly. In 2014, Coca-Cola launched a promotion helloHappinessphoneBooth. A special machine accepted caps from cola bottles (can cost $0.68) and provided 3 free minutes for calls abroad, allowing workers to save money.

Strengthening internal corporate relations

Patriotism of workers in relation to their company also contributes to strengthening the reputation. The following activities will help build a strong team:

  • association of employees for achieving one goal: the formation of common values;
  • support high level of professionalism: development of employees through trainings, seminars;
  • employee motivation and formation of corporate culture;
  • support favorable atmosphere for the work of all specialists;
  • understanding between employees;
  • implementation elementscorporate identity .

Business-to-business (B2B) communications

Interaction with partners should be based on conscientiousness implementation of agreements and transparency cooperation goals. Reputation building in the business environment depends on rational brand leaders and their thoughtful decisions.

Media relations

Competently built press relations to a large extent influence the attitude of the public towards the brand. From time to time it is worth holding press conferences, inviting several representatives of the media to them. Good relations with the press is not as important for building a positive reputation as it is for preventing negative reviews of the company. Therefore, journalists should be supplied in a timely manner necessary information about the activities of the company.

Do you want to know more about creating an ideal image and building a reputation? Subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page and call by phone - we will be happy to advise you on all your questions! Do not forget to order the development of corporate identity from us - this is the foundation for building the reputation of your brand!

Sooner or later, any company is faced with the need to purposefully shape its reputation. According to Alexey Zlovedov, the author of the book “Reputation Management (RM). A little hosanna in honor of RM or why and why it is worth spending money on it ”the preferred option is a situation where, against the backdrop of prosperity, the company is laying the foundations for future stability in the form of investment in reputation.

For example, in 2000, Klodt's horses on the Anichkov Bridge, having stood on Nevsky Prospekt for about a century, required restoration. The Museum of Urban Sculpture, in charge of which they were, at that time did not have the funds to carry out the work. Baltinvestbank (at that time Baltonexim Bank) came to the rescue. When entering the St. Petersburg market, he positioned himself as a strong city bank and a solid business partner. As part of a PR campaign to maintain its reputation, the bank signed an agreement with the Committee for the Protection and Use of Monuments of St. Petersburg to finance restoration work, held a tender for construction works and organized a press conference alerting city funds mass communication about the "long-playing" PR-project. At the same time, the Culture Support Fund was established at the bank. All this activity was regularly covered in the city press and on television, which brightly and nevertheless unobtrusively worked to strengthen a positive reputation among the residents of St. Petersburg [Strategy and tactics of business communications. L.V. Azarova, K.A. Ivanova, V.M. Shadrova, T.G. Sheremetyeva, I.P. Yakovlev. St. Petersburg: SPbGETU "LETI", 2007, 92 p. Tutorial With. 35].

Often, the process of building or correcting a reputation is driven by the prospective sale of the company in the future and the desire to maximize revenues, since the “good name” is valued very dearly by the market. However, a forced emergency correction of the reputation is also possible, which may be associated with the need to overcome the crisis experienced by the company due to a variety of (depending and not dependent on itself) reasons.

So, in the spring of 2002, the reputation of the Ochakovo brewing company suffered from information disseminated by the State Trade Inspectorate that Ochakovo products contain sodium benzoate, a preservative dangerous to human life. Despite the fact that the good name of the company was restored (the court satisfied the claim of Ochakovo against the State Trade Inspectorate), it suffered significant damage.

The company builds its reputation long years, but it can lose in one day, and no company is immune from such situations. What matters is how she handles the problems that arise. If the company does this with dignity, promptly accepting necessary measures, then the damage caused to the reputation with a high degree of probability can be compensated. And in some cases, the position of the company in the eyes of target audiences may even intensify.

Thus, it can be concluded that reputation management is an integral element competitive behavior companies. It should be recalled that the term "management" means "a set of coordinated activities aimed at achieving the goals" .

So reputation management is a set of strategic measures aimed at forming, maintaining and protecting the company's reputation.

K.S. Buksha in his book Reputation Management. Russian and foreign PR-practice" says that in working with reputation there is a "minimum program" - to become recognizable and at the same time cause positive reactions and a "maximum program" - to become loved.

The researcher says that business reputation has a certain "base" and "superstructure".

Since the author of this work considers the issue of reputation management in a chain of stores, in this case, the “basis” will include such simple things as the availability of the necessary goods, the cleanliness of the store halls, the accuracy of the form of the sellers, the absence of queues, honesty, in other words, the presence of care about the buyer. It should be noted that the interaction of all the above qualities is important, since only together they can lead to the formation of the desired positive reputation. In other words, everyone should know that the company is honest, caring and reliable.

The "superstructure" is what makes a company's reputation a valuable tangible asset worth a lot of money. This includes all those components of reputation that make it not just good, but very good, provide special competitive advantages (bright personality of the leader, corporate legends, special supervision over the speed and quality of services provided, social responsibility) .

Having analyzed a large number domestic and foreign sources, the author of the thesis came to the conclusion that the following main stages of working with reputation can be identified:

1. Creating intangible value

This is the actual actual activity of the enterprise to create competitive advantage, such as quality product, bright and target-oriented brand, well-trained staff, clear financial structure, excellent relationship with suppliers and customers and so on.

2. Communication

At this stage, it is important to determine which of the competitive advantages will be the most important in communication with different market participants. Not all of them need the same information about the company. Suppose investors need to submit a quarterly report on activities, and clients will mainly learn about the company, its shares from advertising campaigns, news from the site, publications in the media. In other words, specialized information packages should be prepared and distributed on a continuous basis, providing certain groups with the information that they need and are interested in.

3. Evaluation of the reaction of target audiences

The significance of the reaction of each individual target audience should be constantly reviewed, that is, what information and how influences its reaction and behavior.

4. Estimating cost changes

At this stage, it is necessary to assess how the reputation building work has affected the capitalization of the company and its financial performance. It is easier to do this for those firms that can assess the initial impact of each partner, consumer (group of consumers), investor on the value of the business, and determine the dynamics of this cost impact under the influence of directed communications.

5. Protection of corporate reputation, in case the company for one reason or another wants to be discredited

It is important to note that it is not necessary, and indeed impossible, to build a universal reputation by trying to please everyone, it is wiser to focus on the key audiences that are most important to the company. To successfully build its reputation, an organization must be aware of who to communicate with in order to maintain its reputation and speak to each target audience in its language, taking into account their preferences and expectations. G. Dowling, one of the world's leading experts in the matter of business reputation, identified four major groups of target audiences:

Regulatory groups establish general laws and rules for the activities of the organization, as well as evaluate these activities. This group includes government agencies, authorities, regulators, public organizations, business and professional associations.

Functional groups directly affect all aspects of the daily activities of the organization, contributing to the development of production and customer service. These groups include those you deal with every day: employees, suppliers, distributors and service organizations, advertising and marketing agencies, law firms and consulting firms. They form the most public opinion about the company and then distribute it throughout the business community.

Diffuse groups show interest in the organization in connection with the protection of the rights of other members of society. They are interested in freedom of information, protection environment, equal opportunities for employment, the situation of socially unprotected citizens, etc. One of the most important groups here - journalists who decisively shape public opinion.

Consumers represent an extremely important segment of target audiences, while being very heterogeneous. Marketers argue that consumers do not buy goods or services from organizations, but solve their problems and satisfy their needs. At the same time, different types of consumers want to receive from the organization different sets of solutions to such problems, therefore, certain components of reputation are important for each consumer group.

Since the company's reputation cannot be "touched", for effective work with it it is necessary to determine what the reputation is made of. From many years of research by various scientists, the author of this work was able to identify six components of reputation, the quality of work with which directly affects the company's success in the market and which are taken into account target groups when forming a stable opinion about the company.

1. Emotional attraction. This factor is important for companies offering consumer goods. The buyer is always looking for at least some sign of "decency" or "dishonesty" of this company in order to make the right choice. And any “little thing” can become such a sign, moreover, not necessarily directly related to the company’s services: the tone of voice of the seller, the impression after visiting the store, the information seen the day before on the Internet or heard from a “trusted person”, the conversation of employees who are sure that their no one hears, the general feeling of contact with the company.

2. Product quality. Today, without this, there is nothing to do on the market, and a company that produces low-quality products is simply doomed.

3. Relations with partners. This includes both external partners and suppliers, as well as company employees. The latter, leaving work, become part of the outside world, in which they and the people around them talk and write about the company. The role of relations with external partners cannot be overestimated, given that suppliers and project partners are usually familiar with the side of the company that is not covered in advertising and rarely in communication with customers and the media. Companies that do not pay enough attention to working with external partners, in fact, put a “time bomb” into their own reputation, because in the event of a deterioration or break in relations, offended partners will have “something to tell” about the company.

4. Reputation of management. Given the stage economic development, where most of the countries of the post-Soviet space are located, when the transition from capital accumulation to professional management it still continues, the head or owner of the company (and often this is the same person), regardless of his real level of authority, is perceived by the public as the “face and conscience” of this company. That is, all the decisions and actions of this person, which become known, invariably affect the attitude towards the company's products and the company in general.

5. Social responsibility. Although the social responsibility of business is just beginning to enter the sphere of priorities of companies in our latitudes, public expectations of the social contribution from business are quite high. There are many types social responsibility: political, legal, moral, etc. Their essence is the obligation of the company to fulfill the relevant political, legal and moral requirements imposed on it by society, the state, the team. The organization must, on the one hand, choose the right social guidelines, on the other hand, use all available opportunities (knowledge, experience). To ensure the effectiveness of public initiatives and strengthen the reputation of a socially responsible business, it is important to approach social spending as an investment: find those who need it, study the needs, develop a plan for cooperation, reporting and reporting results.

6. Financial indicators. A business that does not make money is not a business by definition. And the fact that the company is doing well, of course, affects its reputation.

According to reputation specialists I.V. Oleinik and A.B. Lapshov, reputation management is a strategy aimed at shaping and strengthening the reputation of a firm and its top managers by non-productive means and methods. This is a developed action plan that provides for all possible developments for the company, defined for various periods, depending on the needs of the company, including public relations (external and internal), relations with government agencies, advertising, press service events and special events aimed at promoting the company. The combination of all of the above components makes it possible to achieve ease and predictability of management, efficiency in achieving the goal in reputation management.


1. General Provisions

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4. Composition of user information

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5.1.1. The use of personal data for the purpose of conducting advertising and information mailings occurs until the User unsubscribes from them through a link in the received letters.

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5.1.4. The site does not collect, store and process Special personal data specified in Clause 4.3. of this Privacy Policy. Such Special Personal Data is entered by the user directly on the site of the ChronoPay electronic payment gateway and transmitted to him in encrypted form. ChronoPay's activity complies with the requirements of the law "On Personal Data". All actions with personal data of payers are carried out exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the requirements of international payment systems, after the completion of the payment, your card details are not stored either in the Site system or on the authorized ChronoPay server.

6. Rights and obligations of users

6.1. Users have the right:

6.1.1. On the basis of a request, receive from the Site Administration information regarding the processing of his personal data.

6.1.2. Withdraw consent to the processing and storage of personal data by sending a written application to the address 125466, Moscow, st. Yurovskaya, house 92, room I, room 40.

6.2. The site is an official resource and the main function of the site is to provide reliable information about the company's services site. Data provided by Users is not visible to other Users.

7. Measures to protect information about Users

7.1. The Site Administration takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

8. User requests

8.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Site Administration, including requests regarding the use of their personal data in the form electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Site Administration undertakes to consider and send a response to the user's request within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

8.3. All correspondence received by the Site Administration from Users refers to restricted access information and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User except to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.

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