Features of Russian business culture. Features of Russian management: main approaches to their application in practice What are the main features of modern Russian management

Japanese management.

Character traits:

1) Intercompany relations are built on trust, mutual understanding, family and friendly relations between company leaders.

2) A fairly high level of education for all categories of personnel, constant training, advanced training, a sense of complicity in the relationship of subordinates with the manager

3) Trust of partners in each other

4) Confidence in the success of the company's long-term plans

5) Understanding the joint contribution to the development of the company.

In Japan, companies not only provide employment and income to people, but also always give them the opportunity for self-development and self-expression. There are known cases in Japanese companies when a special department was created for a gifted specialist to develop his proposals and bring them to life, and the company could change or expand its profile.

The basis is the creation of friendly teams using a combination of formal labor organization factors with informal ones.

The difference from the American management style is the way Japanese businessmen conduct negotiations, who discuss all issues slowly, intermittently, gradually approaching the very essence of the issue. The goal is to first achieve mutual understanding and trust, and only then move on to solving business problems. There are times when lawyers may not be involved in negotiations.

Japanese management includes activities such as:

1) morning exercises for all employees,

2) it is customary for all employees to wear uniforms during working hours;

3) at meetings of managers that end with decision-making, the consensus method is used;

4) fostering loyalty to the company

5) mandatory remuneration for achievements achieved

6) the functioning of “quality circles”, which include workers, managers and company executives

7) the presence of one canteen for both managers and workers; periodic family dinners for all company employees.

8) In remuneration and promotion, the employee’s length of service in the company is of greatest importance.

9) Lifetime employment

10) Correct treatment of managers with their subordinates

11) Practice of just-in-time deliveries

12) Keep work interruptions to a minimum

13) Providing pension benefits to all family members of the worker after his retirement.

Features of management in the USA

Characteristic features are:

1) Individual responsibility

2) Self-affirmation of the heads of individual departments in the enterprise

Management participants: managers, owners, shareholders, government organizations, stock exchanges, consulting firms.

Does not allow banks or investment funds as key investors.

Distinctive features:

1) Businessmen act straightforwardly

2) They resort to pressure and orders in the process of agreeing on decisions during negotiations.

3) They do not make long digressions, but immediately go to the very essence of the issue, pragmatically classifying them, solving the issues one by one.

The main goal is a comprehensive agreement. One of the most important conditions is compliance with all laws, regulations, regulations, and not profit and agreement between partners. The American delegation at the negotiations must include an authorized representative who has the right to make decisions, a lawyer. American managers do not welcome their colleagues being interrupted during discussions or leaving to discuss their decision before making a decision.

features of management in Russia

There is no national model or concept of management in Russia. Management in Russia is a symbiosis of European and Asian management styles.

Reasons for the lack of a model and concept in the field of management:

1) a short period of existence of market relations in our country compared to foreign countries

2) Russian managers for the most part do not have knowledge that meets international requirements and market conditions

3) functioning of enterprises on kickbacks

4) criminalization of the most profitable areas of activity

5) high taxes on the activities of individuals and legal entities

6) multinationality of the country, the size of its territory and differences in legislation territorial bodies authorities complicate the work of organizations

Characteristics controls:

1) Disrespect and non-compliance with one's own laws

2) Attitude towards the state as a body that bears responsibility for the failures of entrepreneurs and is therefore obliged to provide constant support

3) Insecurity of property relations from the legislation

4) Focus on obtaining short-term benefits rather than long-term functioning due to the instability of the economy.

Main groups of Russian leaders:

1) People from Soviet leadership structures. Basically, people do not have an economic education and work on the basis of old dictatorial methods based on coercion. For them, workers are cogs whose personality does not matter much. Stimulation of activity occurs on the basis of penalties and constant intimidation. Such managers see the causes of their problems in unfortunate circumstances or poor quality work of their subordinates. Such hands shift responsibility for mistakes to subordinates

2) “New Russians” The main goal is to quickly make a profit, while the legality of the methods used for this is not given much importance. Subordinates are treated with disdain and are openly rude to them. The main method of motivation is economic. This method management allows you to receive colossal profits in short term, but the long-term existence of such an enterprise is impossible.

3) Hands of the “new generation”. A high level of knowledge and education, in practice they apply modern information in the field of management, regardless of whether they belong to the European or Asian style of management, the main thing is that they put human relations. Incentive methods are predominantly socio-economic.

26. In-house planning, during which proposals for individual alternatives are developed economic activity, is organized according to different schemes. As is known, the most preferable is a combination of “top-down” (break-down) and “bottom-up” (building-up) approaches. This scheme is implemented in the form of “goals down”, “plans up”. The management of the enterprise determines goals and objectives. Proposals are formed in the divisions of the enterprise. The planning process is coordinated by management. The functioning of this system is supported by the involvement of personnel in economic management. The involvement of personnel in management necessitated their participation in income, profits and property. In fact, in business practice there arises a system of involving staff in entrepreneurial activity firms

Strategic planning- this is the process of determining the mission and goals of the organization, finding specific strategies for selecting and acquiring the necessary economic resources, their distribution and use in order to ensure the effective operation of the organization in the foreseeable future.

Meaning strategic planning is the process of modeling the future, in relation to which goals must be defined and the concept of long-term development must be formulated.

Stages of strategic planning:

· formation of mission and goals;

· carrying out strategic analysis;

· assessment and selection of strategic alternatives;

Operational management carried out on the basis of the organization's strategy(s) and involves the development of operational (tactical) goals and action plans, which must be strictly executed and constantly monitored.

Operational management is carried out in five main areas:
finance (financial planning);
logistics and product sales;
staff(hiring, selection, training, retraining, performance assessment, advanced training, personnel rotation);
Information Support activities of the organization(analysis of internal and external environment, marketing research etc.);
temporary work management(construction of network diagrams, Gantt charts, scheduling of resource movements).

Operational planning, as a rule, is carried out for a period of up to 1 year.

The purpose of operational management is the implementation of planned targets and the fight against deviations from them. In the event of an unexpected deviation of performance results from planned targets, the organization's management turns to adaptive management.

The system of modern Russian management is not similar to any other system of management relations that currently exists in Europe, Asia and America. It has undeniable specificity and nuances. Let's consider the features of the modern domestic management system.

One of the features is the absence of optimization requirements. This makes the management system infantile; it does not need to change, since it can work with any level of impact. Becomes unnecessary information base about costs and results, and managers are deprived of an important tool for identifying “pain points”, that is, identifying places where there are mismatches between the components of the system. As a result, changes are random and often do not affect the final result.

Next feature Russian system management is due to the fact that it has never identified the main factor of success, the main strategic advantage, without achieving which one cannot survive. There is no such tradition, no need, no skills to do such work.

Therefore, it is natural that scattered “improvements” are used that do not give tangible results. Most often they focus on growth in sales volumes, believing that growth in production volumes can always be ensured, that is, the starting point is external in nature, but the real logic is different. Knowing what the consumer values, we ensure the production of products of appropriate quality, which allows us to increase sales if the sales process is properly organized. Thus, internal actions reinforce external ones.

And finally, the last feature of the domestic management system is related to the use of organizational culture. In the socialist economy, organizational culture was actively used, it was a good support for ineffective decisions and actions carried out in the name of future well-being. It allowed us to be proud of our “successes” and our “advanced enterprises.” The rejection of these values ​​led to increased social tension, a decrease in initiative and motivation for highly productive work, and a crisis of confidence.

There are three approaches to understanding Russian management:

First approach— the concept of creating a Russian theory of management. Based on full consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality using aspects of global management experience. At the same time, it is impossible to blindly copy Western and Eastern experience, nor completely deny the achievements of Western and Eastern schools of management. Both the first and second are equally inapplicable. Therefore, Russian management must have its own specific content, forms and methods of management that correspond to the specifics of the Russian mentality.

Second approach— Russian specifics should not be exaggerated; it is necessary to take the management model in its finished form and use it in economic management, since the processes scientific and technological progress are the same in all countries. He does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. To master the theory, you just need to translate Western textbooks and monographs into Russian. Then, without changing anything, use these provisions in practice. The likelihood of this concept being realized is very high due to its simplicity and the habit of mindlessly copying Western experience. But it also carries great danger. Suffice it to recall the use of the theory of “monetarism”, which was not adapted to Russian conditions, the concepts of “shock therapy”, voucherization, etc.

AND third approach— concept of adaptation of Western management theory. It assumes partial consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, i.e. not blind copying, but adaptation of Western theory to modern Russian conditions. This raises an important problem: which of the Western management theories will we adapt? Control systems of Japan, USA, Western Europe are very different from each other. Which of these options should be taken as analogous? But with any choice, we risk using a theory that takes into account the specific features, conditions of economic functioning, the level of socio-economic development of these countries, and the mentality of their inhabitants. Here it is advisable to recall the words of M. Weber: “Western-type capitalism could only arise in Western civilization.”

As a result, adapted theories that poorly take into account the specifics of Russian reality will not be able to provide Russian economy what is expected of them.

There are many foreign and domestic studies of Russian management. Only by considering these, sometimes diametrically opposed points of view, can we draw meaningful conclusions about the characteristics of Russian management. The most famous foreign study of the characteristics of Russian management, carried out in the mid-90s. Wharton Business School (USA), this is the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) project. The study is based on empirical data from a theory that explains the influence of national culture on the effectiveness of people’s behavior in an organization, where the same comparison parameters as in G. Hofstede’s model were used as the main characteristics of management and business leadership.

The crisis of the late 90s played positive role in the development of the managerial class in Russia. Important competitive advantage became the level vocational training management team of the company. Accordingly, the idea of ​​Russian management has changed somewhat, and among the advantages, the following characteristics have been identified: a penchant for innovation, a taste for risk, play, ambition, self-criticism, a penchant for selfless help, and a love of learning. And among the shortcomings they note the politicization of Russian management, a derogatory attitude towards themselves and their country, squandering and extravagance (in relation to the resource of time), egocentrism and greed; wide-ranging.

Russian projects are characterized by a regional approach to the study of specific features, due to the fact that Russia is a huge, multinational country, and enterprise management differs significantly depending on the region.

Russian researchers highlight the main features of Russian management:

— participation of regional administrations in the formation of management teams of enterprises;

- semi legal regulation activities; use of force; the power of informal relationships;

— excessive diversification of activities and increased risk appetite;

- lack of inclination to regular and painstaking work; penchant for large-scale unique projects involving a huge number of material and human resources;

— the desire to avoid the practice of delegating authority from the highest level to the lowest;

— indifference to the values ​​of an individual career; centralization management functions-clan approach to doing business, etc.

This is far from full list features that characterize management currently existing in Russia. It should be noted that Russian researchers look at the problems of Russian management differently than foreign ones. And knowledge of some problems will help to properly organize the work of companies on the Russian market.

Modern management of the Russian Federation is still far from the parameters set by globalization at all levels: from an individual company to society as a whole. However, the years of market reforms have laid positive preconditions for the formation market principles management and a new generation of managers with new views and attitudes. They know how to establish and organize a business, conclude deals, manage rationally, know how to reduce the cost of production and the volume of goods, and find a supplier and consumer. They care about their own reputation and image. They are prosperous and are engaged in philanthropy. As a rule, this is a highly educated class, where it is not uncommon to have two higher education, candidate and doctoral degrees. Many of them have completed training at prestigious foreign universities and internships in successful companies. This class has its own associations, unions, associations and even political organizations and through them initiates the solution of important local, regional and national problems, the state is obliged to take this new class into account, and society is obliged to comprehend this new phenomenon of Russian life. Their business philosophy, high professional education and pronounced intellectual and voluntaristic talent, coupled with patriotic thoughts and high responsibility for the fate of the fatherland, are the key to the high competitiveness of Russian business and rapid adaptation to the conditions of globalization.

Thus, in conclusion, we can say that Russian management is modern stage- this is a creative understanding of foreign experience taking into account Russian specifics, i.e. synthesis of global experience of effective management and existing domestic experience based on the national and historical characteristics of our culture.


1. Hunt I., Suvorova I., Ageev S. Russian management: between past and future // Management in Russia and abroad. 2008. No. 2. pp. 23-25.

2. Kartavyi M., Nekhamkin A. Methodological principles of formation of Russian management // Management in Russia and abroad. 2006. No. 3. pp. 17-21.

3. Gorbunova M. Specifics of business management systems in Russia and abroad // Management in Russia and abroad. 2004. No. 3. pp. 13-16.

Modern management in Russia has a number of specific and general features in accordance with the conditions of its formation and evolution. General features and characteristics of modern Russian management are characterized by socio-economic formation, economic model and level of scientific and technological development.

Specific features and prerequisites for the formation of modern Russian management:

  1. National social specifics,
  2. Features of the development of society, which have developed historically,
  3. Geographical and natural conditions,
  4. Factors of the cultural environment, etc.

The features of modern Russian management depend on the history of the state itself; it developed naturally as it evolved, and its origins have deep roots.

The mentality of the Russian person also influenced the characteristics of modern Russian management, as it was determined by polarity, inconsistency and taking situations to extremes.

Features of modern Russian management

The most important feature of modern Russian management is the absence of optimization requirements, which gives the management system an infantile character. In this case, the information base of costs and results becomes unnecessary, and management loses the main tool for identifying the degree of mismatch of all components of the system. As a result, changes are random, often without affecting the final result.

The peculiarities of modern Russian management also lie in the fact that it has never established a key success factor, which represents the main strategic advantage. There is no such tradition, there is no need, and the skills to perform this work have not been formed.

It is natural that managers use scattered “improvements” that sometimes do not produce tangible results. Most often, companies are focused on increasing sales, while believing that production growth can be achieved.

Thus, the starting point is clearly external, but the real logic is different. Knowledge of the main priorities of consumers, ensuring the production of goods (services) of proper quality what's with proper organization implementation and would allow increasing sales.

Organizational culture as a feature of modern management

The features of modern Russian management are largely related to organizational culture. In a socialist economy organizational culture used actively, she was good at supporting ineffective decisions and actions that were taken for future well-being.

Abandonment of these values ​​causes an increase in social tension, a decrease in motivation and initiative for high productivity.

Approaches of modern management in Russia

Understanding Russian management contains several approaches. The concept of creating a domestic theory of management, based on the specifics of the Russian mentality, applies aspects of foreign management experience.

But blindly copying Western or Eastern experience is not entirely effective, nor is completely denying the achievements of Western and Eastern management schools. For this reason, the features of modern Russian management should be based on the specifics of the mentality using the forms and methods of management of foreign schools.

The concept of adapting foreign management theories should involve partial consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, and not blind copying of foreign theories to the conditions of our state.

The main features of Russian management

Domestic managers identified several main features of Russian management:

  1. Participation of regional administrations in the process of forming management teams of enterprises,
  2. Semi-legal regulation of activities;
  3. Greater degree of informal relationships;
  4. Widespread use of force methods;
  5. The desire to avoid the practice of delegation and risk appetite, etc.

Currently, the features of modern Russian management are far from the parameters set by globalization, but the market reforms carried out lay positive preconditions for the formation of management principles of a new generation.

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In Russia, the word “management” means management in conditions market economy is a new term, the essence of which differs from the traditional management of the centralized command and administrative system that functioned in Russia throughout the Soviet period.

This topic is relevant due to the fact that management in Russia is still far from the parameters set by globalization at all levels: from an individual company to society as a whole.

However, the years of market reforms have laid positive preconditions for the formation of market principles of management and a new generation of managers with new views and attitudes. They know how to establish and organize a business, conclude deals, manage rationally, know how to reduce the cost of production and the volume of goods, and find a supplier and consumer. They care about their own reputation and image. They are prosperous and are engaged in philanthropy. A cautious, long-term approach to the formation of Russian management, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, the diversity and breadth of Russian conditions, is the most important strategic task of society, on which Russia’s place in the world community depends. Understanding Russian management is of great importance for the modern practice of management development in our country.

Today the Russian Federation is at an important stage in its development. It is necessary to restore and strengthen Russia's position in the world. In accordance with this, the topic of the characteristics of Russian management is very relevant at the present time.

This work is a theoretical overview of the problems, development and features of management in Russia.

The object of the study is the model of Russian management.

Subject of research: features of the Russian management model.

The goal is to identify the characteristics of Russian management, modern problems Russian management.

The main objectives of this course work are:

Identify the main stages of development of Russian management;

Explore the factors influencing the formation of Russian management.

Consider the main problems of management in Russia in comparison with foreign management models.

The methodological basis for this course work was the works of the following authors: I.T. Pososhkova, M.M. Speransky, O.A. Yermansky, A.P. Volynsky, P.I. Shuvalova, A.S. Stolypina, A.L. Ordin-Nashchokina, VN. Tatishcheva, A.G. Aganbegyan and others.

The course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

1. History of management development in Russia

.1 Russian management during the 18th century

The development of management in Russia began in the 18th century, when the process of merging regions, lands and principalities began. There was a unification of fragmented regional markets into a single national market.

In systems development government controlled A.L. played an important role. Ordin-Nashchokin (1605 - 1680). He tried to introduce city self-government in the western border cities of Russia. Thus, A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin is considered one of the first Russian managers to raise the issue of developing not only strategic, but also tactical (at the micro-level) management.

Economic management is a special era in the development of Russian management. The range of his administrative actions is very wide, from changing the calendar to creating a new state administrative apparatus.

In Russia big role in development organizational activities played a role in the reforms of public administration carried out by Peter 1 (1672 - 1725). Reforms state apparatus were an important step towards transforming the Russian autocracy into a bureaucratic-noble monarchy with its bureaucracy and service classes. In particular, Peter 1 carried out administrative reform.

In 1708 - 1709 instead of counties, voivodships and governorships, 8 (later 10) provinces were established, headed by governors. In 1719, the provinces were divided into 47 provinces.

Promoting the development of domestic industry, Peter 1 established central bodies (collegiums) in charge of industry and trade, began to transfer state-owned enterprises into private hands and issue subsidies to their owners. In addition, he introduced a tariff that protected new domestic industries from foreign competition.

Detailing and specifying the managerial aspects of the reign of Peter I, we can highlight the following transformations in central and local government:

development of large industry and state support of handicraft industries;

promoting agricultural development;

strengthening the financial system;

intensifying the development of foreign and domestic trade.

Well-known legislative acts of Peter I regulated various areas activities of the state. The issuance of decrees, regulations, instructions and control over their implementation is nothing more than state management of the era of Peter I.

We can highlight the management ideas of I.T. that appeared during this period. Pososhkova (1652 - 1726). TO original ideas I.T. Pososhkov should include the division of wealth into material and immaterial.

By the first he meant the wealth of the state (treasury) and the people, and by the second - effective management country and the presence of fair laws. Principles of I.T. Pososhkov’s idea of ​​improving economic management was based on the decisive role of the state in managing economic processes. He was a supporter of strict regulation of economic life.

The first quarter of the 18th century was a period of Peter the Great's reform of economic management, both at the macro and micro levels. The control system created by Peter I was irreversible.

The administrative system of Ivan the Terrible, which was first based on the “territorial-sectoral” principle (“orders” for regions and areas of activity), was replaced only by the next wave of reforms carried out in conditions of instability - under Peter I. Time has shown the amazing viability of many institutions created by Peter. The colleges existed until 1802, that is, 80 years; the capitation tax system, introduced in 1724, was abolished only in 1887. The synodal administration of the Russian Orthodox Church remained unchanged for almost 200 years, from 1721 to 1918; the governing Senate was liquidated only in December 1917, 206 years after its formation.

The ideas of public administration are reflected in the works of A.P. Volynsky (1689 - 1740). A consistent ideologist of serfdom was V. N. Tatishchev (1686 - 1750). In the field of management of economic affairs of Russia V.N. Tatishchev attached particular importance to the management of financial policy. He believed that the state should not observe economic processes, but actively regulate them in the interests of Russia. In the second half of the 18th century, management thought developed in the spirit of the reforms of Catherine II. In order to improve the management of the Russian economy, at the direction of Catherine II, the “Institution for the management of the provinces of the Russian Empire” was published.

Actual manager domestic policy from the early 1750s he was P.I. Shuvalov, whose activities are associated with the abolition of internal customs and the organization foreign trade (1753) .

During the reign of Catherine II in Russia, “Volnoye” was established economic society"(1765), a "general survey" was begun to streamline landownership.

Catherine II convened the Commission on the Code and drew up instructions for it, widely borrowing the ideas of advanced Western thinkers in terms of organizational activities.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the impossibility of governing the Russian state using old methods and the need for its transformation were recognized by the highest authorities themselves.

1.2 Russian management during the 19th century

The main changes in economic management at the beginning of the 19th century occurred during the reign of Alexander I (1777 - 1825). In 1860, a manifesto was issued on the establishment of ministries, which were built on the principles of individual power and responsibility.

A special role in the development of management in Russia is given to M. M. Speransky (1772 - 1839). He saw the goal of the reforms in giving the autocracy the external form of a constitutional monarchy, based on the force of law. Speransky proposed dividing the power system into three parts:




Those. Legislative issues would be under the jurisdiction of the State Duma, judicial issues would be under the jurisdiction of the Senate, and government administration would be under the jurisdiction of ministries responsible to the Duma.

A whole series of moderate liberal reforms, including the establishment of ministries and the cabinet of ministers, were adopted during the reign of Alexander 1. At his proposal, Speransky developed a draft of government reforms, including the “Note on the structure of judicial and government institutions in Russia” (1803). In 1809 he prepared a plan for state reforms, in which he recommended giving autocracy external forms constitutional monarchy (election of some officials, organization state control, separation of powers, etc.).

Of particular importance for social development Russia, of course, had the peasant reform of 1861, which abolished serfdom and marked the beginning of the capitalist formation in the country.

In 1864, Alexander II approved the “Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions,” which approved all-estate self-government.

3 Russian management during the 20th century

At the beginning of the 20th century. management changes were carried out under the leadership of such individuals as S.Yu. Witte and A.S. Stolypin. Reform program A.S. Stolypin affected all branches of public administration and was intended by its author to last for 20 years.

Soviet management dates back to November 7, 1917. In search of non-capitalist forms of management. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) implemented a number of measures, the main ones of which were the following:

introduction of workers' control;

creation of the Supreme Council of the National Economy;

education of local authorities economic management.

The period of “war communism” is characterized by directive-command management methods from top to bottom. During the new economic policy From a management perspective, three levels were distinguished:

An important role in the development of the scientific organization of labor and management in the USSR belongs to the prominent economist O.A. Yermansky, who made a significant contribution to the creation of the theory of socialist rationalization. Yermansky's concept was subjected to sharp criticism, but, despite the criticism, Yermansky's contribution to the development of the theory and practice of labor organization is significant.

Beginning in 1957, a transition was made to the management of industry and construction on a territorial basis through the councils of the national economy of economic administrative regions. The main purpose was to suppress departmental trends in industrial development.

The period of time, from 1965 to the present, is characterized by the implementation of three reforms in the country aimed at improving the national economic management system. These include:

Economic Management Reform (1965)

Management reform (1979)

Acceleration of socio-economic development (1986) and the transition to market relations (from 1991 to the present).

In connection with the serious changes that have occurred in the political system of government, a discussion has developed in the country about the mechanism of transition to the market. A special commission headed by academician A. G. Aganbegyan proposed three alternative options for the transition to market relations:

introducing individual market elements into the existing command-administrative management system;

rapid transition to the market without any government regulation;

creation of a management system based on a regulated market economy. This option for improving the management system was in line with the government's proposals.

Another commission, led by Academician S. Shatalin, prepared a program called “500 days,” which outlined a whole range of measures necessary for the transition to a regulated market. This program was considered by many scientists as “shock therapy.”

In October 1991, B.N. Yeltsin addressed the deputies and the people at the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, in which he proposed taking measures to denationalize property, create a market environment and form new forms of governance at all levels.

The legal basis for freedom of enterprise is the Constitution Russian Federation, adopted on December 12, 1993, which established the diversity of forms of ownership, state support competition and protection of private property rights.

A fundamentally new approach to local governance (in cities, districts, rural settlements) was the introduction of local self-government, organizationally separate from state bodies.

Liberty economic activity opens up new opportunities for improving the management of an organization (enterprise). However, in Russia, the effectiveness of organization management depends largely on external factors and above all, public management.

And so, above is an overview of the most important stages in the development of management in the period from the 18th century to the present, and also considers the unstable state of the management system. It has been revealed that the enormous potential of our country is used to a much lesser extent than was achieved in previous periods. Because the management system is just beginning to be put into operation, management mechanisms have been idle, unable to find a worthy application in the new conditions.

2. The formation of modern Russian management

.1 The influence of mentality on the formation of Russian management

The concept of copying Western management theory. It does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. Russia “needs to take a ready-made management model and use it in managing the economy...”. To master the theory, you will only need to translate Western textbooks and monographs into Russian. Then, without changing anything, use these provisions in practice.

The concept of adaptation of Western management theory. It assumes partial consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, i.e. not blind copying, but adaptation of Western theory to modern Russian conditions. But it should be taken into account that adapted theories that poorly take into account the specifics of Russian reality will not be able to give the Russian economy what is expected of them.

The concept of creating a Russian theory of management. Based on full consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality using aspects of global management experience. At the same time, it is impossible to blindly copy Western and Eastern experience, nor completely deny the achievements of Western and Eastern schools of management. Currently, it is generally accepted that national and regional mentalities - most important factor influencing the forms, functions and structure of management.

Thus, analyzing the forms and methods of management in different countries, we cannot ignore German punctuality, English conservatism, American pragmatism, Japanese paternalism, Russian laxity. A person cannot be free from society, from himself, from his mentality. Even when alone, he directs his actions, actions emanating subconsciously from his mentality.

The correspondence between management and mentality determines a relatively stable production system, smoothes out contradictions between the managed and the managers, and helps to overcome crisis situations. The correspondence between management and mentality is one of the fundamental features of the equilibrium of social systems, characterized by the absence of social conflicts. The contradiction in the “mentality - management” system is one of the reasons determining the emergence and duration of socio-economic crises. A striking example is Russia, where the transition to a market and the associated need to reform the management system involves bringing it into line with the specifics of the Russian mentality.

The main problem is this: should Russia blindly adopt the theory of Japanese, American, etc. management and apply them in practice? Traditionally, there were several points of view regarding the types of Russian mentality:




Westerners (P.Ya. Chaadaev, A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky and others) denied the original form of Russian thinking. In their opinion, a transition to Western standards and forms of thinking is necessary. Westernism had a significant impact on the Russian mentality. This had a particularly strong impact among the intelligentsia and entrepreneurs, who adopted some features of purely Western mentalities (the desire for freedom, individualism, pragmatism, etc.). At present, pro-Western sentiments have many convinced supporters in the Russian environment. They consider the Western mentality to be the only correct, dominant and fundamental in the formation new system economic relations.

Slavophiles (A.S. Khomyakov, I.V. Kireevsky, K.S. Aksakov and others) on the contrary believed that Russia has a fundamentally different development path from Western Europe, its own way of thinking based on its originality, patriarchy, conservatism and Orthodoxy . The basis of this mentality is the social form of management.

However, extreme points of view are often wrong. In our opinion, Russia is a bizarre combination of Westernism and Slavophilism. This is reflected in the theory of Eurasianism. The latter does not deny the influence on the Russian mentality of both the West and the East. Berdyaev noted: “...The inconsistency of the Russian soul was determined by the complexity of Russian historical destiny, the clash and confrontation of the eastern and western elements in it.”

A similar psychology was formed in the 60s. It turned out to be especially relevant for our country, where the object of management has become a worker without initiative. Thus, both individualism and collectivism came into conflict with the traditions of the command economy. The latter was one of the most important reasons for the ineffectiveness of the Soviet system.

Currently, the dualism of the Russian mentality, its inconsistency, has moved to a qualitatively different level. There is a new wave of growth of individualism, on the one hand, and the erasure of communal traditions, on the other. However, dualism has been and remains the main feature of the Russian mentality. Moreover, the formation of Russian management should take into account the main trend in the development of mentality towards developing individualism, increasingly focusing on the individual, the implementation of individual control, taking into account individual contribution and payment according to it. This means that promotions based not on acquaintances and family connections, but solely on the personal abilities of each individual, should become increasingly important in enterprises. A modern Russian manager must be flexible in defining management goals and objectives and firm, and when a goal is chosen, in a relentless pursuit of its achievement.

A specific feature of Russian management should be its reliance on the employee’s hard work, focus on diligence and punctuality. These inherent qualities in the people must be encouraged in every possible way. By cultivating these qualities, in the process of establishing a national management system, we can make a gradual transition from rigid management decisions to more flexible. In the management system being formed, we must also take into account the relationship between such qualities as perseverance, the desire to achieve the goal and the existing slackness. The latter must be eradicated by a special system of management measures using both collective and individualistic measures of the influence of economic and legal factors.

2.2 Characteristic features of Russian management

Currently in Russia, management that meets international standards is in its infancy.

One cannot but agree, in general, with the assessment of the level of development of Russian management.

Its low efficiency seems to be a fact.

That is why the problem of training specialists in the field of management, especially economists-managers, is so urgent in our country.

The characteristic features of the modern Russian management model are:

the desire to integrate different models and approaches to management;

individualism of the second type and “strict collectivism”;

polychronic perception of time;

a clear delineation of responsibilities and powers, a fairly rigid management structure, allowing for the delegation of power;

hierarchical management with the concentration of enormous power at the very top of the organization, almost complete dependence of employees on the arbitrariness of management;

the existence of a huge power distance, employees’ acceptance of inequality in the distribution of powers, decision-making, and remuneration;

opacity and secrecy of decisions made;

relations towards subordinates are mixed - formal and informal;

desire for corporate culture in the spirit of tolerance, equality;

focus on narrow specialization employees and managers;

stepped, specialized, both inter-organizational and intra-organizational careers;

career is determined by personal relationships with management and personal results; .

responsibility is usually collective;

control method, usually based on collective indicators;

recruitment method - mixed (according to business qualities and after graduation);

hiring for an indefinite period;

low guarantees for workers;

the ideal of a manager is a strong personality capable of taking risks;

Russian business and management is not isolated from the world. For Russian management practice, the condition for further successful development is not blind copying, but adaptation and a gradual transition to modern foreign management models, without denying the country’s previous development experience, making maximum use of the potential of the national cultural and ethical factor, without creating a conflict with other factors.

2.3 Features of Russian business culture

Russian experience in area business management comes down only to the use of planning methods and control over the implementation of plans.

Russian so-called “new commercial structures» not yet business, but purely speculative enterprises Manufacturing plants trying to work in market conditions encounter many problems and limitations in the field environment their economic activities.

Therefore, it is important for Russian managers to study foreign management experience and creatively use it in new Russian conditions in order to build a new type of organization for our country, including modern methods corporate and crisis management oriented towards diversification, competitiveness and financial stability.

An approach from the perspective of the human factor is very important for Russia, which has many years of experience in administrative-bureaucratic, overly formalized management.

Thus, Russian business culture is in the process of formation. The constant rotation of entrepreneurs and the absence in most cases of stable, close-knit social circles slow down this process. At present, we can talk not about an established culture, but about certain behavioral features that have a chance to gain a foothold as cultural traits, or may not gain a foothold.

Behind last years Many comparative studies have been conducted to identify the characteristics of the emerging Russian business culture. These studies note its characteristic features, as well as psychological and behavioral characteristics Russian entrepreneurs. With a large degree of convention, these traits can be divided into positive and negative.

Positive features include:

High adaptability to non-standard situations and the ability to find a way out of the most impasses. This trait was developed in the most active part of the Russian superethnos during centuries of extensive development, when both nature and society itself systematically created the least predictable situations. It was this feature that allowed, for example, for several months in 1941 - 42. create in the eastern regions of the country military industry based on ultra-modern technologies for that moment, and then within 10 years after the Great Patriotic War restore almost completely destroyed National economy.

The ability to concentrate on achieving a specific goal in force majeure situations and do the impossible, working 16 - 18 hours a day.

A high level of professional training of a certain part of entrepreneurs, a broader and more diverse general culture, compared to most Western colleagues. First of all, this applies to that part of entrepreneurs who came from the ranks of engineers and intellectuals. The history of recent decades has clearly confirmed what was clear before.

The presence of a significant contingent of people with a diverse general humanitarian culture, that is, familiar with many classical Russian and translated literary works, who have some understanding of painting, music, theater, and are interested in the problems of Russian and general history. This tradition comes from engineers (junior researchers) of Soviet times.

At the same time, the same factor - the extensive nature of development - also gave rise to the main negative features Russian entrepreneurship, also largely stemming from the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. These include:

Non-obligation to fulfill the clauses of the agreement; focus on the immediate situation, to the detriment of achieving strategic goals; unpredictability of behavior for partners.

Priority of interpersonal relationships over the requirements of the law; the desire to “circumvent” unsatisfactory legislative acts. This applies to both relationships within the company and relationships with partners.

Focus on ultra-high profits and reluctance to invest money and effort in promising, but initially low-profit enterprises.

Failure to comply with " corporate rules games" that ultimately ensure the collective success of the entire class of entrepreneurs.

Lack of habit of rational planning of resource use, known colloquially as “Russian “maybe”. By resources we mean not only finance, fuel or equipment, but also time resources, employee qualifications, and administrative resources.

Insufficient skills in accounting and generating demand for manufactured products.

Insufficient or lack of skill in independently forming “horizontal” connections, because under socialism all allied partners were “appointed” from above.

Low ability for class self-organization and defending collective interests, both at the political and everyday levels (opposition to crime and the state).

Low level of development of social responsibility, which is manifested in low and irregular charity.

At the same time, a business person entering into intercultural contacts is obliged, if possible, to overcome these qualities in himself, that is, to a certain extent he must rise above the narrow framework of his own ethnic culture.

3. Problems of modern management in Russia

.1 Main problems of management in Russia

During the formative years in modern Russia Many problems have accumulated, without solutions to which it would be pointless to talk about further integration of our business into the global community. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Training of managers in accordance with international standards. This is a difficult process, largely complicated by both the lack of highly qualified management teachers and the lack of appropriate equipment and tools.

Understanding the essence of management by Russian managers. Managers who have gone through the old, Soviet school of life often do not see the difference between management and management. Calling themselves managers in a new way, they use in practice old management methods that have nothing to do with management. “Management” is defined only as the management or planning or conduct of a business. However, if a manager cannot correctly and completely define management, there is concern that practical activities they will miss some important directions.

Inability to make decisions. As an analysis of the management experience of a number of Russian enterprises shows, their leaders and managers do not know how to timely accept right decisions, which can lead to dire consequences: loss of profit, customers, bankruptcy and even death of people (employees or third parties).

Managers' inability to delegate authority. Due to his mentality, a Russian leader often prefers to do everything himself, loading himself with those tasks and responsibilities that could be safely delegated to subordinates.

Low professionalism. There is not a sufficient number of either professional managers or professional specialists for professional managers to supervise.

Insufficient implementation of elements into the management process information management. Most Russian enterprises suffer from a lack of computer and office equipment. Lack of specialized computer programs does not allow to build effective system information management. (Many managers look at the possibility of creating an information management (IM) system at the enterprise as an additional headache.)

Inability to apply modern management methods and techniques in practice. Unfortunately, very few Russian managers are proficient in such management methods and techniques as brainstorming (method brainstorming, used in making management decisions), moderation (an approach that assumes freedom of opinion, used for effective preparation, conduct and analysis of a workshop, seminar, business meeting), role-playing games, presentations, etc.

Lack of product sales skills. Managers do not master modern marketing tools.

Inability to effectively manage the company’s financial resources and use modern motivation methods in practice. Emergence and implementation of the system financial management at Russian enterprises caused by market transformations and the formation of securities<#"justify">Conclusion

management management mentality culture

Currently in Russia, management that meets international standards is in its infancy. Its low efficiency seems to be a fact. That is why the problem of training specialists in the field of management, especially economists-managers, is so urgent in our country

In accordance with the previously stated objectives, the following conclusions can be drawn from the work.

The main stages of management development in Russia have been identified. The transition to the market brought forward the task of forming Russian management. Its formation depends, firstly, on the level of development of commodity production. Secondly, on the level of technical and technological development of society. Thus, the revolution in the management system that occurred in the 19th and early 20th centuries was caused by the transition from handicraft to machine production. The management system also changed during the transition to conveyor production. It is also changing with the transition to the latest automated and information technologies.

Determined that Russian companies, as a rule, are well adapted to force majeure situations and are able to concentrate on achieving a specific goal. However, Russian managers find it more difficult to lose established informal connections and relationships with subordinates. This applies to both business partners and employees.

The most important factor influencing the specifics of management is the mentality of the nation. Currently, in the basic concepts put forward for the formation of Russian management, mentality is given different meanings.

A specific feature of Russian management should be its reliance on the employee’s hard work, focus on diligence and punctuality. These qualities inherent in the people must be encouraged in every possible way. By cultivating these qualities, in the process of establishing a national management system, it is possible to make a gradual transition from rigid management decisions to flexible solutions.

It is of great importance to study the advanced and progressive management experience of foreign countries and use it in the analysis of one’s own management problems. Therefore, studying the history of the development of the theory and practice of foreign management is extremely important.

It should be noted that Russian management is still far from perfect at all levels: from an individual company to society as a whole.

However, the years of market reforms have laid positive preconditions for the formation of market principles of management and a new generation of managers with new views and attitudes.

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