What are the stories about the wolf where he is. Bedtime story about the wolf Pawn. Read and listen. The positive and negative role of the wolf in fairy tales: its origins

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My restless son loves to have one of us tell him stories. And they must start
"Once upon a time there was a wolf!" well, it’s impossible without a wolf, otherwise he doesn’t need such a fairy tale. Well, how much do we remember fairy tales about the wolf? And yet the time has come and we began to invent our own fairy tales.

First fairy tale.

There lived a wolf!
He lived in a deep forest in a small rickety house. He was good wolf and fairy tales told to children that wolves are evil and bloodthirsty upset him very much. Our wolf was completely different. He loved animals, picked berries and dried mushrooms for the winter. And he also had a small garden at the house, where he grew cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables.
Once, late in the evening, a wolf was sitting and listening to a cricket sing. Suddenly he hears someone crying. The wolf was surprised. “Did it feel like an old man?” he thought.
Again he listened, again someone was crying.
The wolf came out onto the porch and shouted loudly:
-Hey, who's crying?
Silence, don't hear anyone. Already he decided to go home and sobbed again very close by.
“Well, tell me, who is there?” he said menacingly.
A girl of six years old came out into the world and looked at the wolf with wide eyes from fear.
- How did you get here? - the wolf asked the girl.
- I... I'm lost: - she stuttered and wept bitterly.
The wolf scratched his head and said-
- Well, stop crying, come in then or something, you will be my guest ...
The girl stepped back.
- I'm afraid of you, you're a wolf, you'll eat me: - and sobbed even louder.
“There is nothing to be afraid of me, I won’t eat you, there’s nothing for me to do,” he said indignantly, “they told the children all sorts of stupid things,” the wolf muttered, and shouted loudly to the girl:
- Aren't you afraid in the forest alone?
"I'm afraid," the girl replied in a thin voice.
- Well, you come in, otherwise they completely froze the house, they let in the cold: - he grumbled and went into the house.
The girl timidly squeezed her way through the door and quietly closed it.
“Are you going to eat?” the wolf muttered.
"Yes," she replied in a trembling voice.
-And what's your name?
“Masha,” the girl answered quietly.
- A good name: - smile said the owner of the house.
How did you get here in such a wilderness?
“Yes, the guys and I wanted to pick mushrooms and berries, and I fell behind them, but I myself can’t find my way back, I’m still small!” And Masha began to cry again.
- Well, okay, okay, tears won’t help here, eat here, come on, here you have cabbage and mushrooms and berries. And I will think about how I can help you.
The girl was hungry and she pounced on the treat with pleasure. Having eaten, she looked around. Old stove, neatly stacked firewood. There was a flower in a pot on the window, which greatly surprised Masha. But in general, she liked it here. Firewood crackled in the stove and her eyes gradually began to close from fatigue.
“Thank you, uncle wolf, everything was delicious,” Masha thanked the wolf, yawning.
- Come on, good health - he was embarrassed ..
- Well, Mashunya, go get on the stove, and tomorrow morning we'll go look for your house.
Masha did not need to be persuaded for a long time, she quickly climbed onto the stove and immediately fell asleep soundly.
As soon as the sun rose, the wolf began to wake up Masha.
-Get up Mashunya, let's go already, the road is long, yours are already knocked off their feet, I suppose they are looking for you.
Masha rubbed her eyes, jumped up and dressed quickly. Now she was not a bit scared, and the wolf was very sweet and kind.
They packed up food for the journey and set off.
The paths in the forest were confusing and the wolf's instinct helped them find the right path. By late afternoon, the road led them to the village where Masha lived. They reached the edge of the forest and the wolf said
- Well, that's it Masha, then you will run alone! I can't go there, you know!
Masha was impatient to leave, but it was a pity to part with the wolf. Over a long journey, they managed to make friends. Masha went up to the wolf and hugged him with her little arms.
"Thank you for everything!" she whispered in his ear.
-Come on, not at all, - the wolf was shy.
“Well, run and don’t get lost again,” he muttered.
Masha, satisfied, ran along the path to her house. And the wolf looked after her for a long time, following her with his eyes. Already from afar, Masha turned and waved her hand to the wolf. He smiled and turned around slowly trudged back to his home.

Everyone in the forest knew that the wolf is an evil and rude animal. He drove hares, offended squirrels, took away mushrooms from hedgehogs. The wolf often robbed the fishermen who were fishing in the hole or frightened the children walking in the field and picking flowers. The fairy tale about the wolf will tell about how Tanya managed to change the evil beast with the help of an ordinary tangerine.

Tale about the wolf read

One winter, a small but smart girl, Tanya, went skating on a frozen lake in the forest. Parents forbade Tanya to go into the forest alone. But the girl really wanted to learn how to skate like a figure skater, and then perform at the Olympic Games. The lake was completely frozen, there was no one on it, it was possible to ride all day. Tanya told her parents that she would be with her friend. And she honed her skills on the ice.
Sitting down to rest after a long workout, Tanya drank hot tea and ate a tangerine. Suddenly she heard that someone had crept up to her. Tanya looked around and saw a wolf:
“Ha ha, gotcha, girl!” - said the wolf and howled loudly throughout the forest.
But Tanya was not afraid and did not run away. Although, of course, her heart sank into her heels and it was very creepy. But she realized that the wolf would not do anything to her. If I wanted to do it, I would have already done it. And so he most likely just decided to scare her. But why?

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and heat.Would you like to support our project? Let's be vigilant, with new strength we will continue to write for you!

Once upon a time there was one wolf in the world.
common wolf,
Everything is as it should be: eyes, teeth,
Far from plant food.
Could this wolf
If asked, make a “click with your teeth”,
And such a physiognomy, they say,
Move away, I'm very angry
And very dangerous.
In short, this Wolf was quite formidable
And looking very serious
However, he had one strange habit -
He loved to look at the stars.
It used to come out in the dark
Sit on the hill
The night chill creeps over the grass,
And he sits and looks into his eyes
to the Big Dipper,
To the North Star...
His friends, predators, call to hunt,
And he says: "I will not go,
I want to sit here
These stars are more for me
Your rough hunting please.
Oh, how cute they are!
What beauties they are!”
And from the happiness of this Wolf
From tail to withers
Inside, everything just trembled.
And from this wolf happiness,
Believe me, children, nature flourished around:
Violets bloom in the middle of the night
Like nightingales, jackdaws sang,
And snowdrops in the fall got out from under the ground,
Although at this time they couldn’t bloom, well, in any way!
But such joy seethed inside this Wolf,
Such happiness sang in him incessantly,
That even nature was bewildered.
But there were difficulties, there were, my friends, there were,
And we will tell about them in our true story,
Not in some fairy tale, but they were real.
In a word, when our Wolf looked at the stars,
Although he was still ugly in appearance,
Such a wave of kindness spilled from him,
That there are different bugs, spiders
And the smallest little thing
He was not afraid.
And even allowed herself the most daring prank.
Is it a squirrel or a mouse
Pushes a lump in his ear,
And then a mole, a shrew or a ladybug even
A bow will tie a wolf on the tail!
And he sits happy
Looking at the star Betelgeuse
And he does not notice this impudent insolence at all.
Of course, many friends and relatives
Our wolf was condemned.
Veterans of the Wolf Movement, wearing medals,
They called him to a meeting
drew his attention
To the fact that the genus of wolves covers with shame,
Allowing yourself to laugh
Almost ciliates.
I remember one veteran
The smasher of our Wolf is what the light stands on:
“If you were born a predator, then conform!
Don't you dare break the laws of nature!
You gotta grab, you know
This insolent hare
Or unbelted hoopoe
And make a crumb out of it
crush into crumbs,
Rather than let some slippery snail
Creeped up from behind and made you horns!
Our wolf listened to his comrades,
But he looked uncomprehending.
And then he whispered:
If you knew, friends,
(No, it can't be explained)
How joyful and wonderful
In warm weather or even in bad weather,
Sit on the hill, on the grass
Too late
And look at the stars!
Yes, next to this joy and pleasure
All everyday little things and even dirty tricks,
Like an empty dream, like an absurd delusion!
This joy is higher than insults and steps, and horns,
And even higher than science and art.
Oh, what a pity that you do not yet know this feeling!
Well, then, then...
The wolf began to look at the sky again,
Like it was his home
without which he could not live,
How people cannot live without bread,
And he smiled and sighed softly...
And the predators looked at our Wolf
And they felt sorry for him.
And our Wolf felt sorry for the predators.
Tell me, and next to you unexpectedly
Have violets ever bloomed?

Among the numerous fairy tales of the peoples of the whole world, those stand out, one of the main characters is the wolf. In some, he personifies courage and dexterity, while in others stupidity and deceit. But in any fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.

How many fairy tales about the wolf do we know? Russian folklore offers a large number of variety of options. But modern storytellers went further and began to invent their own, new stories. In them, the wolf not only lives in a hole in the forest, but can also drive a car and even make friends with hares.

Russian folk tales

In some fairy tales, the wolf acts as a naive fool. So in one of the tales, a smart fox deceives a wolf, and he is left without a tail, leaving him in an ice hole. The event develops around a cunning fox and a stupid wolf. The grandfather, who had caught the fish, was taking her home. The fox, having deceived the old man, stole all the fish from him. After that, the wolf was also deceived. Due to his stupidity and gullibility, our gray friend was left without a tail. Suffering from his naivety, he can still gain the mind of reason.

In some fairy tales, the wolf acts as an aggressive robber, treating everyone without a sense of pity, and he can be defeated either by brute force or cunning. So in the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" he tries to blow away the houses of the piglets, in order to have lunch. Naive piglets are afraid of a predator one by one, but when they come together, they defeat a stupid wolf. In the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” and “Little Red Riding Hood”, our hero acts as an invader who tries to deceive others by impersonating their loved ones. He tries to imitate his grandmother, dressing up in her robes, or turning to a blacksmith, he tries to impersonate the mother of little goats. Despite the fact that he succeeds, the wolf will be subsequently punished. Goodness and intelligence will always win over evil and deceit.

Modern fairy tales

When reading such stories, much will seem familiar, but they are rewritten in new way. In most cases, the main character is positive. The wolf helps small animals or children. So in one of the tales, the wolf found the lost girl Masha in the forest, warmed her in his hut, fed her, put her to bed, and took her home in the morning.

In most of the stories presented, the wolf evokes sympathy, but this does not make the stories about the gray hero boring. On the contrary, they represent him as smart and brave, ready to come to the rescue of the small and helpless.

Modern interpretations of famous fairy tales allowed old stories to sparkle with new colors for both kids and their parents.

All the best for kids

We read fairy tales about the wolf - this catalog contains Russian folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, in which, one way or another, the role of one of the heroes is a gray hunter. Here you can not only read your favorite children's works to your child at night, but also listen to fairy tales about the wolf online.

Here you can find stories for all ages. If the baby is still very small, the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, about the Wolf and the seven kids or the Winter House of animals will be ideal. For older children, you can read about Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf.

By reading bedtime stories to a child, you not only strengthen relationships with each other, but also develop the most positive qualities and teach your child goodness. It is known that real animals cannot have human qualities, but fairy tales are designed to explain to the baby in a playful and most accessible way what is good and what is bad.

Our site offers to read bedtime stories or listen to them online for free and without registration. The catalog contains the most complete collection of fairy tales about the wolf. You no longer need to look for a fairy tale in a book. It is enough to drive your favorite story into the search bar and your favorite fairy tale will open before you. Choose the best for your kids.