Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Snow Maiden spring fairy tale. Read the book “The Snow Maiden” online in full - Alexander Ostrovsky - MyBook. Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky The Snow Maiden is a spring fairy tale in four acts with a prologue. The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in prehistoric times. Prologue on Krasnaya Gorka, near Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey. The first action in the settlement beyond the river Berendeyevka. The second act in the palace of Tsar Berendey. The third act is in a reserved forest. The fourth act in the Yarilina Valley. Prologue Faces: Spring-Red. Father Frost. The girl is the Snow Maiden. Leshy. Maslenitsa is a straw effigy. Bobyl Bakula. Bobylikha, his wife. Berendeys of both sexes and all ages. Spring Suite, birds: cranes, geese, ducks, rooks, magpies, starlings, larks and others. The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch tree; to the left is a continuous dense forest of large pines and spruces with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; The ice holes and ice holes are lined with spruce trees. Beyond the river is Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses, huts - all wooden, with intricate painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon turns everything silver open area . Roosters crow in the distance. Scene One The goblin sits on a dry stump. The entire sky is covered with birds flying in from across the sea. Spring-Red descends to the ground on cranes, swans and geese, surrounded by a retinue of birds. Goblin The roosters crowed the end of winter, Red Spring descends to the earth. The midnight hour has come, the Goblin has guarded the guardhouse - dive into the hollow and sleep! (Falls into a hollow.) Vesna-Krasna descends onto Krasnaya Gorka, accompanied by birds. Spring is Red At the appointed hour, in the usual sequence I appear on the land of the Berendeys, The gloomy country greets its Spring sadly and coldly. A sad view: under a veil of snow, deprived of living, cheerful colors, deprived of fruitful power, the fields lie cold. Playful streams are in chains, - in the silence of midnight you can’t hear their glass murmur. The forests are silent, under the snow the thick paws of the fir trees are lowered, like old, frowning eyebrows. In the raspberry fields, under the pines, Cold darkness huddled, icy icicles of amber resin Hanging from straight trunks. And in the clear sky, the moon burns like heat and the stars shine with an intensified radiance. The earth, covered with downy powder, In response to their cold greeting, the same shine, the same diamonds appear From the tops of trees and mountains, from flat fields, From the potholes of the flattened road. And the same sparks hung in the air, They waver, without falling, they flicker. And everything is just light, and everything is just a cold shine, And there is no warmth. This is not how the Happy Valleys of the south greet me - there are carpets of meadows, acacia aromas, and the warm steam of cultivated gardens, and a milky, lazy glow from the frosted moon on the minarets, on poplars and black cypresses. But I love the midnight countries, I love their mighty nature, Wake up from sleep and call from the depths of the earth The birthing, mysterious force, Bringing to the careless Berendeys the abundance of unpretentious lives. It is a pleasure to warm for the joys of love, for frequent games and festivities to clean up secluded bushes and groves with silk carpets of colored herbs. (Addressing the birds who are shivering from the cold.) Comrades: white-sided magpies, Cheerful chatterers and ticklers, Sullen rooks and larks, Singers of the fields, heralds of spring, And you, crane, with your friend the heron, Beautiful swans, and Noisy geese , and busy ducks, and small birds - are you cold? Even though I’m ashamed, I have to confess to the birds. It’s my own fault that it’s cold for me, for Spring, and for you. Sixteen years ago, as a joke and to amuse my fickle temperament, changeable and whimsical, I began to flirt with Frost, an old grandfather, a gray-haired prankster; and since then I have been in captivity with the old one. A man is always like this: give him a little will, and he will take it all, that’s how it’s been done since ancient times. I would like to leave the gray-haired one, but the trouble is, the old one and I have a daughter - Snegurochka. In the remote forest slums, In the unmelting ice, the Old Man brings back his child. Loving the Snow Maiden, Feeling sorry for her in her unhappy lot, I’m afraid to quarrel with the old one; And he is glad of this - he chills and freezes Me, Spring, and the Berendeys. The jealous sun looks angrily at us and frowns at everyone, and this is the reason for the cruel winters and cold springs. Are you shaking, poor things? Dance and warm up! I have seen more than once that people warmed up by dancing. Even if reluctantly, even if it’s cold, we’ll celebrate our arrival at the housewarming party with a dance. Some birds take up instruments, others sing, and others dance. Choir of birds Birds gathered, singers gathered in herds, herds. Birds sat down, singers sat down in rows, rows. And who are your birds, and who are your singers, big, big? And who are your birds, and who are your singers, the smaller ones, the smaller ones? Eagle is a governor, Quail is a clerk, Clerk, clerk. Owl - commander, Yellow boots, Boots, boots. Geese are boyars, Ducklings are nobles, Nobles, nobles. Chiryats are peasants, Sparrows are serfs, Serfs, serfs. Our crane is a centurion with long legs, legs, legs. The rooster is a kisser, Chechet is a trading guest, trading, trading. Puberty swallows – Killer whales damsels, damsels, damsels. Our woodpecker is a carpenter, the Fisherman is a tavern, the tavern, the tavern. Pancake heron, Whooper cuckoo, Whooper, whooper. The red face of the Crow is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. In winter along the roads, in summer along the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads. A crow in matting, There is no one more expensive, More expensive, more expensive. From the forest, frost begins to fall on the dancing birds, then snow flakes, the wind rises - clouds roll in, cover the moon, darkness completely obscures the distance. Birds are screaming and huddling towards Spring. Spring is Red (to the birds) Hurry into the bushes, into the bushes! Old Man Frost was planning a joke. Wait until the morning, and tomorrow they will melt for you in the fields of thawed patches, on the river, wormwood. You will bask in the sun a little, and begin to curl nests. The birds go into the bushes, Frost comes out of the forest. Second appearance Spring-Red, Santa Claus Frost Spring-Red, is it back well? Spring Are you healthy, Santa Claus? Frost Thank you, life is not bad for me. The Berendeys will not forget about this winter, it was merry; the sun danced from the cold at dawn, and in the evening the moon rose with its ears. I’ll think about going for a walk, I’ll take a club, I’ll find out, I’ll brighten up the night, That’s why I have freedom and space. Through the rich town houses, Pounding on the corners, Creaking with ropes at the gates, Singing under the runners I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it. From the fishing line along the path behind the cart, a creaking convoy hurries for the night. I will guard the convoy, I will run ahead, Along the edge of the field, in the distance, On the frosty dust I will lie in the haze, In the midst of the midnight skies I will rise in a glow. I, Frost, will spill into ninety stripes, I will scatter in pillars, countless rays, multi-colored. And the pillars push and spiral, And under them the snow lights up, A sea of ​​light-fire, bright, Hot, Lush; There is blue, there is red, and there is cherry. I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it. I’m even angrier about the early time, At the ruddy dawn. I reached out to the dwellings from the ravines into clearings, I will creep up, I will creep up in the fogs. Smoke curls over the village, perishes in one direction; I will freeze the smoke with gray fog. As it stretches, It will remain so, Over the field, over the forest, Overweight, I love it, Love it, love it, love it. Spring You haven’t feasted badly, it’s time to set off on your way to the north. Frost Don't drive me away, I'll leave on my own. I’m not happy with the old man, You quickly forget about the old things. Here I am, an old man, always the same. Spring Everyone has their own habits and customs. Frost I will leave, I will leave, at dawn, In the breeze, I will rush off to the Siberian tundra. I put a sable cap on my ears, I wear a deer cloak on my shoulders, I hang a belt with trinkets; Through the tents, through the yurts of nomads, Through the wintering quarters of fur-hunters I will wander, I will wander, I will charm, They will bow to my waist. My dominion in Siberia is eternal, there will be no end to it. Here Yarilo interferes with me, and you exchange me for a stupid breed of idle lovers. Just count the holidays and steam the Korchazhnye mash, and brew forty buckets of it. They know how to brew honey. They ask the sun for spring warmth. Why - ask? Not suddenly he starts plowing, the plow is not well laid out. Eves to rule Yes, revel, sing, walk in circles, Walk all night from dawn to dawn, - They have only one concern. Spring Who will you leave the Snow Maiden to? Frost Our daughter is old enough to manage without nannies. Neither on foot nor on horseback there is a road and there is no trace in her mansion. Oatmeal bears and seasoned wolves walk around the yard on patrol; eagle owl On the crown of a pine tree on a hundred-year-old night, And during the day, wood grouse crane their necks, Watching the passerby, the stranger. Spring Longing will take you among the eagle owls and goblin to sit alone. Frost And the dark servants! At her beck and call is a crafty gray fox, and little hares get her cabbage; Than the light runs on the fontanel marten With a jug; Squirrels are gnawing nuts, sitting on their haunches; ermines In the hay's minions in her service. Spring Yes, it’s still melancholy, think about it, grandfather! Frost Work, Wave the strands, trim your sheepskin coat with beaver fringe and trim your hats. Sew colorful reindeer mittens. Sushi mushrooms, lingonberries and cloudberries Prepare for the winter lack of bread; Sing out of boredom, dance, if you want, what else? Spring Oh, old man! The girl's will is the sweetest thing. Neither your chiseled tower, nor sables, beavers, nor stitched sleeves are expensive; on thoughts The girl Snow Maiden has something else: To live with people; She needs girlfriends Fun and games until midnight, Spring parties and burners With the guys, as long as... Frost What for now? Spring As long as it’s funny to her that the guys are vying for her until they fight. Frost And there? Spring And there one will fall in love. Frost That's what I don't like. Spring Mad And Evil Old Man! Every living thing in the world must love. Snow Maiden in captivity Your own mother will not let you torment. Frost That's why you're inappropriately hot, talkative without reason. Listen! Take a moment of sanity! The evil Yarilo, the scorching god of the lazy Berendeys, to please them, swore a terrible oath to destroy me wherever he meets me. Drowns, melts my palaces, kiosks, galleries, graceful jewelry work , Details of the smallest carving, The fruits of labor and plans. Believe me, a tear will come through. Work hard, artist, over the sculpting of barely noticeable stars - and everything will go to dust. But yesterday, a woman bird returned from across the sea, sat down on a wide clearing, and cried to the wild ducks in the cold, and scolded me abusively. Is it really my fault that I am too hasty, that from the warm waters, without looking at the calendar, without time, sets off to the north. She weaved and weaved, and the ducks cackled, The women were like nothing in the trading baths; And what did I overhear! Between the gossip Such a speech was blurted out by a bird-woman, - That, while swimming in the Lenkoran Bay, In the Gilan lakes, I don’t remember, A drunken ragged fakir and the sun had a heated conversation, I heard that the Sun was going to destroy the Snow Maiden; only And is waiting to plant the fire of love in her heart with his Beam; Then there is no salvation for the Snow Maiden, Yarilo will burn her, incinerate her, melt her. I don’t know how, but it will kill. As long as her soul is pure as an infant, he has no power to harm the Snow Maiden. Spring is full! Did you believe the stories of the stupid bird! No wonder her nickname is Baba. Frost I know without a woman that the evil Yarilo thinks. Spring Give me back my Snow Maiden! Frost I won't let you! Why did I get the idea that my daughter would trust such a turntable? Spring Why are you, red-nosed one, swearing! Frost Listen, let's make peace! What a girl needs most is supervision and a stern eye, and not just one, but ten. And you have no time, and you don’t want to look after your daughter, so it’s better to give her to the settlement of Bobyl the Childless, in her daughter’s place. There will be enough worries for her, and the guys have no self-interest in Bobylev’s daughter, cast their eyes. Do you agree? Spring I agree, let him live in the Bobylskaya family; If only he was free. Frost The daughter does not know Love at all, in her cold heart there is not a spark of destructive feeling; And you won’t know love if you are the spring warmth of languishing bliss, caressing, softening... Spring Enough! Call the Snow Maiden to me. Frost Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden, my child! Snow Maiden (looks out from the forest) Hey! (Approaches father.) Third phenomenon Spring, Frost, Snow Maiden, then Leshy. Spring Oh, poor Snow Maiden, savage, Come to me, I will love you. (Caresses the Snow Maiden.) Beauty, don’t you want to go free? Live with people? Snow Maiden I want it, I want it, let me in! Frost And what attracts you to leave the Parents' mansion, and what did you find with the Berendeys? Snow Maiden Human songs. Sometimes, huddled behind the prickly bushes, I couldn’t get enough of the girls’ fun. Lonely I feel sad and cry. Ah, father, With my friends, walk through scarlet raspberries, walk through black currants, and call upon me; and in the dawn of the evening leading circles to songs - that’s what’s so sweet to the Snow Maiden. Without songs, life is not a joy. Let me go, father! When, in the cold winter, you return to your forest wilderness, I will console you in the twilight, singing a Merry song to the tune of a blizzard. I’ll learn from Lelya and learn it quickly. Frost And Lelya How did you find out? Snow Maiden From Rakitov's bush; grazes cows in the forest and sings songs. Frost How do you know what Lel is? Snow Maiden, beautiful girls come to him and stroke his head, look into his eyes, caress and kiss him. They call him Lelushko and Lelem, Handsome and cute. Spring Is Prigozhy Lel good at singing? Snow Maiden Mom, I heard the larks singing, trembling over the fields, the swan's sad call over the quiet waters, and the loud peals of nightingales, your beloved singers; songs by Lelya Dearer to me. I'm ready to listen to his shepherd's songs day and night. And you listen, and you melt... Frost (to Spring) You hear: you melt! There is a terrible meaning hidden in this word. Of the various words invented by people, the most terrible word for Frost is: melt. Snow Maiden, run from Lel, be afraid of his speeches and songs. It is permeated through and through by the blazing sun. In the midday heat, When all living things flee from the Sun In the shade to seek coolness, proudly, impudently A lazy shepherd lies in the sun, In the languor of drowsy feelings, he selects crafty, tempting speeches, He plots insidious deceptions For innocent girls. Lelya's songs And his speech is a deception, a guise, truth And there is no feeling under them, only in the sounds Dressed in scorching rays. Snow Maiden, run away from Lelya! The Sun's beloved son is a shepherd, and looks just as clearly, with all his eyes, shamelessly, directly, and is just as angry as the Sun. Snow Maiden I, father, am an obedient child; but you are very angry with them, with Lelya and the Sun; really, I’m not afraid of Lelya or the Sun. Spring Snow Maiden, when you feel sad, Or you need something - the girls are whimsical, They are ready to cry about a ribbon, about a silver ring - you come to the lake, to the Yarilina valley, Call to me. Whatever you ask, you will not be refused. Snow Maiden Thank you, mother, Beauty. Frost Sometimes in the evening you walk around, stay close to the forest, and I will give the order to take care of you. Hey, friends! Lepetushki, Lesovye! Did you fall asleep, or what? Wake up, respond to my voice! There are voices of goblin in the forest. Ay, ay! Leshy crawls out of a dry hollow, lazily reaching out and yawning. Goblin Aw! Frost, watch out for the Snow Maiden! Listen, Leshy, whether someone is a stranger, or Lel the shepherd pesters without retreat, or wants to take by force, What he cannot do with his mind: intercede. Lure him, push him, confuse him Into the wilderness, into the thicket; stick it in a sackcloth, or squeeze it waist-deep into a swamp. Goblin Okay. (Puts his hands over his head and falls into the hollow.) Voices are heard in the distance. Spring A crowd of cheerful Berendeys is coming. Let's go, Frost! Snow Maiden, goodbye! Live happily, child! Snow Maiden Mom, whether I find happiness or not, I will look. Frost Goodbye, Snow Maiden, daughter! They won’t have time to remove the sheaves from the fields before I return. See you. Spring It's time to change anger to mercy. Quiet the blizzard! The people are taking her, the crowds are seeing off Shirokaya... (Leaves.) In the distance there are shouts: “honest Maslenitsa!” Frost, leaving, waves his hand; the blizzard subsides, the clouds run away. Clear as at the beginning of the action. Crowds of Berendeys: some are pushing a sleigh with a stuffed Maslenitsa towards the forest, others are standing at a distance. Scene Four: Snow Maiden, Bobyl, Bobylikha and the Berendeys. 1st choir of Berendeys (carrying Maslenitsa) Early on, the chickens began to sing, They announced spring. Goodbye, Maslenitsa! She fed us sweetly and generously, gave us wort and mash to drink. Goodbye, Maslenitsa! Pito, we had a lot of partying, and more than that was spilled. Goodbye, Maslenitsa! But we dressed you as Rogozina, Redina. Goodbye, Maslenitsa! We escorted you honestly, We dragged you on the logs. Goodbye, Maslenitsa! We'll take you into the forest, far away, so that your eyes won't see. Goodbye Maslinitsa! (Having moved the sled into the forest, they retreat.) 2nd choir Honest Maslenitsa! It’s fun to meet you, greet you, It’s hard and tedious to see you off from the yard. How can we turn you around and turn you around? Come back, Maslenitsa, come back! Honest Maslenitsa! Come back for at least three days! If you don’t come back for three days, come back to us for a day! For a day, for a short hour! Honest Maslenitsa! 1st choir Maslenitsa wettail! Get out of the yard, your time has passed! We have streams from the mountains, Play the ravines, Turn out the shafts, Set up the plow! Spring is Red, Our little girl has arrived! Maslenitsa wettail! Get out of the yard, your time has passed! Carts from the Poveti, Hives from the cage. To hell with the sled! Let's binge on stoneflies! Spring is Red, Our little girl has arrived! 2nd choir Farewell, honest Maslena! If you're alive, I'll see you. Wait at least a year, but know, know that Maslena will come again. Scarecrow of Maslenitsa The red summer will pass, The bathing lights will burn out. The yellow autumn will pass with a sheaf, a haystack and brothers. Darkness, dark nights, spend Karachun. Then winter will break, the Bear will turn over, the frosty time will come, Frosty-Caroling: Click on the Oatmeal-Carol. The frost will pass, a blizzard will come. In blizzards with winds, the day will come and the night will go. Under the roofs, the fences, the sparrows will stir. From the puddle, from the ice, the kochet with the chickens will drink. To warm up, on the heaps With ice icicles The guys will pour out of the huts. In the sun, in the hot weather, the cow's side will heat up. Then wait for me again. (Disappears.) Bobyl grabs onto the empty sleigh, Bobylikha grabs onto Bobyl. Bobylikha Let's go home! Bobyl Wait! How is this possible? Is it really all of her? It would seem that there was little walking and drinking of other people's things. As soon as I had a little fun, the hungry little womb refueled a little with the neighbor’s pancakes, and she was all done. Great, unbearable sadness. Live as you wish now, from hand to mouth, and toil without Maslenaya. Is it possible for a bob? No way. Where should you go, Bobyl's drunken head? (Sings and dances.) Bakul has no stake, no yard, No stake, no yard, No cattle, no belly. Bobylikha It's time to go home, shameless one, people are watching. Berendey Don't touch him! Bobylikha Was staggering all week; He doesn’t come from other people’s yards - he has his own hut, Unheated. Bobyl Al, is there no firewood? Bobylikha But where should they be? They don't walk out of the forest on their own. Bobyl You should have told me a long time ago. She won’t say that, really... I would... The ax is with me, we’ll chop two armfuls of Berezovs, and okay. Wait! (He goes into the forest and sees the Snow Maiden, bows and looks for a while in surprise. Then he returns to his wife and beckons her into the forest.) At this time, the Snow Maiden moves away and looks at the Berendeys from behind a bush; Leshy sits in her place near the hollow. (To Bobylikha) Look, look! Hawthorn. Bobylikha Where? (Seeing Leshy.) Oh, damn you! What an unprecedented thing. (Returning.) Wow! drunkard! I would have killed him, I think. The Snow Maiden returns to her place again. The goblin goes into the forest. One Berendey What kind of controversy are you having? Bobyl Look! A curiosity, honest Berendeys. Everyone approaches the hollow. Berendei (in surprise) Hawthorn! Is she alive? Alive. In a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens. Bobyl (to the Snow Maiden) Let me ask you, how far are you going? And what is your name and nickname? Snow Maiden Snow Maiden. I don’t know where to go. If you're kind, take it with you. Bobyl Will you order me to take you to the Tsar, to Berendey the Wise in the chambers? Snow Maiden No, in your settlement, I want to live. Bobyl Thank you for your mercy! And from whom? Snow Maiden Whoever found me first will be his daughter. Bobyl Is that really true, is it really coming to me? The Snow Maiden nods her head. Well, why am I, Bakula, not a boyar! Come, people, into my wide yard, on three pillars and on seven supports! Please, princes, boyars, please. Bring me dear gifts and bow, and I will break down. Bobylikha And how is it, you live and live in the world, But you don’t know your own worth, really. Let's take Bobyl, Snow Maiden, let's go! Make way for us, people! Step aside. Snow Maiden Farewell, father! Goodbye mom too! Forest, and goodbye to you! Voices from the forest Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye! Trees and bushes bow to the Snow Maiden. The Berendeys run away in horror, Bobyl and Bobylikha take the Snow Maiden away. Act one Persons: Girl – Snow Maiden. Bobyl Bakula. Bobylikha. Lel, shepherd. Murash, a rich Sloboda resident. Kupava, a young girl, daughter of Murash. Mizgir, a trading guest from Berendeev Posad. Radushka and Malusha are suburban girls. Brusilo, Malysh, Smoking Room - guys. Biryuch. Servants of Mizgir. Slobozhans: old men, old women, boys and girls. Zarechnaya settlement Berendeyevka; on the right side is Bobyl’s poor hut with a rickety porch; there is a bench in front of the hut; on the left side there is a large, carved Murash hut; in the background there is a street; across the street is the Murash hop and bee farm; between them there is a path to the river. Scene One The Snow Maiden sits on a bench in front of Bobyl’s house and spins. Biryuch comes from the street, puts his hat on a long pole and raises it high; Sloboda residents converge from all sides. Bobyl and Bobylikha leave the house. Biryuch Listen, listen, Sovereign's people, Sloboda Berendeys! According to the Tsar's order, the Sovereign's order, the old, primordial custom, you should gather for tomorrow at the evening dawn, warm, quiet, weather-beaten, in the Sovereign's reserved forest, at the park, at the playground, at the disgrace, curl wreaths, drive circles, play and amuse yourself until early dawn, until morning. We have stocked up for you, prepared Beer and mash, Old meads have been standing. And at the early dawn of the morning, they keep watch, greet the rising sun, and bow to the bright Yaril. (Takes his hat off the pole, bows on all four sides, and leaves.) The Slobozhans disperse. Bobyl and Bobylikha come up to the Snow Maiden and look at her, shaking their heads. Bobyl He-he, ho-ho! Bobylikha Ahti, Bobyl Bakula! Bobyl Khokhonyushki! Bobylikha They took their daughter for joy, We are all waiting and waiting for happiness to float. You believed someone else's conversation, That the poor were adopted for good luck, And then cry - the chickens got a laugh In their old age. Bobyl We will be lost forever, Carrying a purse on our shoulders is written. Whatever Bobyl Bakula grabs for, nothing will benefit him. I found a girl in the forest - they say, I’m taking help to an orphanage - but it didn’t work out: It’s not a hair easier. Snow Maiden himself is lazy, so there is no need to blame poverty. You wander around doing nothing all day long, but I don’t run around doing work. Bobyl What is your job! Who needs it? You won’t be rich from it, but only full; So you can, without work, feed yourself on scraps of the world. The bobylikha We suffered, need rubbed our shoulders, It’s time for us to live in the hall. Snow Maiden Who is stopping you? Live. Bobyl You're in the way. Snow Maiden So I will leave you. Farewell! Bobylikha That's enough! Live for yourself! Yes, remember about us, the named Parents! We could live just as well as our neighbors. Let me stuff my Moshna thicker, so you’ll see: I’ll cheer up such and such a pussy with horns, So just oh, go away. Snow Maiden How can an orphan girl have wealth? Bobylikha Your maiden beauty is like wealth. Bobyl There is no wealth, come to your senses. No wonder the proverb is that the mind is more valuable than money. Search the world with fire, you will not find happier than you: there is no end to matchmakers and matchmakers, the thresholds have been trampled. What a life, wife! Bobylikha Well, what! It was, Yes, it passed by. Bobyl And our guys have gone crazy; in droves, herds, they rushed after you without memory, abandoned their brides, quarreled, fought over you. Wife, what a life! Bobylikha Don't say, Bakula, don't upset me! There was wealth in his hands. And grab-grab, it went between your fingers. Bobyl And you drove everyone away with your harsh, unkind custom. Snow Maiden Why they chased after me, Why they left me, I don’t know. It is in vain that you call me harsh. I am shy, meek, and not harsh. Bobyl Are you shy? Shyness suits the rich woman. This is how it is always with the poor: What is needed is not there, what is not needed is a lot. Some rich man is ready to buy for money For his daughter at least a little modesty, But she did not come to our court. Snow Maiden What do you, envious people, want from the girl Snow Maiden? Bobyl Show respect and caress the boys. Snow Maiden What if it’s not to your heart’s content? Bobyl Involuntarily, Not according to your heart, but you attract the guy, And he will cling to you and will not leave you alone, he will walk around. Bobylikha Yes, give mother gifts. Drink Father with honey and mash. How long or how short has it been with you, but we have profit. If you get bored with one, take a closer look, shake the kitty, beckon the other, beckon! Bobylikha And I get gifts again. Bobyl And I want some honey and a brew with a tuft. What a day, then a feast, what a morning, then a hangover - This is the most lawful life! Snow Maiden My misfortune is that there is no affection in me. Everyone interprets that there is love in the world, That a girl cannot escape love; But I don’t know love; I don’t know what the word “heart friend” is and what “darling” is. And tears at separation, And joy at meeting with a dear friend I saw among girls; Where do they get both laughter and tears from? Really, the Snow Maiden can’t figure it out. Bobyl There is no trouble here, that you don’t know love, Perhaps it’s better this way. Bobylikha That's true! A poor man will fall in love with sin, and spend his whole life, like I did with Bakula Bobyl. Bobyl The guys are still not cute to you - And caress everyone equally; Yes, at your leisure - Look after who is richer, Yes, you yourself are big, without elders, without a family. And if you look, you'll get married. Yes, lead this way so that Bobyl Bakula can live on bread, in honor of his son-in-law. Bobylikha Mother-in-law will be the mistress of the house and of you. Snow Maiden If it is true that the girl will not escape. It’s time for love and tears for the dear, wait, she will come. Bobyl Well, girl. Behind the stage is a shepherd's horn. Bobylikha Chu, horn! The shepherd brought the cattle. I don’t have any of my own, but at least I’ll admire other people’s cows. (Exits.) Lel and one of the Slobozhan Berendeys enter and approach Murash’s hut. Murash leaves the porch. Second appearance: Bobyl, Snow Maiden, Lel, Murash, Berendey. Berendey Where to take him? It's our turn. Murash I don't need it. Berendey And I’m not interested in self-interest. Murash And there's Bobyl! Let's take him to him! Lel (bowing low) Why are you, dear ones, as if from the plague, hiding from the shepherd? Murash Come on, deceive others with your bows, And we, my friend, know you well enough, What is taken care of is intact, they say. They approach Bobyl. Berendey (to Lelya) Go to him, spend the night at Bobyl’s! Bobyl What is my opportunity? What you? Have you forgotten that the world decided to free me from all burdens, due to my orphan poverty? What you! Murash You don't have any money to pay, just wait a minute! Will Bobyl ask for dinner? Without eating yourself, what day is it, but feed the shepherd! Murash There’s no mention of dinner, we’ll feed you; As for your overnight stay, there is no loss for you. Bobyl Is it possible to free him, brothers? Lel (bowing) Uncle, Let me go! Bobyl Divi, you would be sorry for the bread, but there won’t be room for it to stay with you. Berendey Yes, you see, this is what happened here: It’s doubtful to let Lelya in, a daughter of old age, of marriageable age with the matchmaker. (Pointing to Murash.) Bobyl The matchmaker has a daughter, what about you? Murash (pointing to Berendey) The wife is beautiful, but sometimes cowardly. Deliver us from Lelya and for our ancestors, let us come to you for our turn. Let's pay, It seems that the ruble is not a pity. Bobyl And there is a reason for it, Yes, that’s it, friend, and I have cabbage, Letting the goat go is not profitable for me. Murash That's it, what are you afraid of? The Snow Maiden is not like our women and girls. Bobyl Stay wherever you go, Lel. Murash Thank you, we'll make a deal, we won't stand, we'll pay. Murash and Berendey leave. Lel (to Bobyl) For a kind welcome, for a warm corner, the Shepherd will pay you with kind words and songs. Will you order me to sing, uncle? Bobyl I’m not too greedy for songs, the girls find the fun so sweet, and Bobyl puts a bucket of sweet, egg wash on the table, so you’ll be a friend. If you want, Play and sing to the Snow Maiden; but don’t waste Curly words in vain - stingy with affection. She has love and affection for the rich, And to the shepherd: “thank you and goodbye!” (Leaves.) Third scene Snow Maiden, Lel. Lel Will you order me to sing? Snow Maiden I don’t dare give orders, I humbly ask you. Listen to songs One of my joys. If you want, it's not a problem for you, binge! And for the service I am ready to serve myself. I’ll cover the Maple table with a fly, I’ll ask you to eat some bread and salt, I’ll bow, I’ll serve you; and tomorrow I’ll wake you up at sunrise. Lel I am not worth your bows. Snow Maiden How can I pay you for my songs? Lel Kind words, Friendly. Snow Maiden What kind of payment is this? I'm friendly with everyone. Lel I don't expect payment for songs. The shepherd boy Ubogoy will be loved and kissed by Polaskovey for his song. Snow Maiden Do you sing songs for a kiss? Is he really that expensive? When we meet, when we say goodbye, I kiss everyone - kisses The same words: “farewell” and “hello”! You sing a song for a girl, She pays you only with a kiss; How is it not a shame to pay her so cheaply, To deceive the handsome Lelya! Don’t sing for them, for the girls, they don’t know the value of your cheerful songs. I consider them more valuable than kisses And I won’t kiss you, Lel. Lel Pick a flower from the grass and give it to me for a song, that’s enough for me. Snow Maiden You're joking, you're laughing. What do you need a flower for? But you need it, and you can pick it yourself. Lel Flower It’s not important, but the Snow Maiden’s gift is dear to me. Snow Maiden Why such speeches? Why are you deceiving me, Lel? Does it really matter where you pick up the flower? You sniff it and throw it away. Lel You'll see, Give it to me! Snow Maiden (giving a flower) Take it! Lel I'll stick him in a visible place. Let the girls watch. They will ask where you got it from, I will tell you what you gave. (Sings.) A strawberry berry has grown under a bush; An orphan girl was born on the mountain, Lado, my Lado! A strawberry berry, Ripe without heat, An orphan girl grew up without a caretaker, Lado, my Lado! The strawberry-berry will freeze without warmth, the Orphan-girl will dry out without greetings. Lado, my Lado! The Snow Maiden, almost crying, puts her hand on Lelya’s shoulder. Lel suddenly sings cheerfully: How the forest rustles through the forest, Behind the forest the shepherd sings, My expanse! My fir-tree, my fir-tree, my frequent birch-tree, my freedom! Through the thick bushes, along a small path, a girl runs. Oh, he’s running, he’s in a hurry, He’s carrying two wreaths with him - for himself and for him. My icy well, Do not spill the water on the mosses, on the swamps. Don’t disturb along the paths, For the girl to run along the stitch-like paths. Don't make noise, green forest, Don't stagger, pine trees, in a clean forest! Don't swing, bushes, don't bother the girl to say two words. Two girls beckon Lelya from afar. He takes out the flower given by the Snow Maiden, throws it, and goes to the girls. Snow Maiden Where are you running? Why are you throwing the flower? Lel What do I need your wilted flower for? Where am I running? Look, there's a bird sitting on a tree! He sings a little and flies away; will you hold her? There, you see, they are waiting for me and beckoning with their hand. Let's run around, joke, laugh, Let's whisper under the noise, From the angry mothers on the sly. (Leaves.) Scene Four The Snow Maiden is alone. Snow Maiden How painful it is here, how heavy my heart has become! With a heavy insult, like a stone, a flower fell on my heart, crushed by Lelem and thrown away. And it was as if I, too, had been abandoned and abandoned, withered away from his mocking words. A shepherd runs to others; they are dearer to him; Their laughter is louder, their speech is warmer, They are more amenable to a kiss; They put their hands on his shoulders, look straight into his eyes and boldly, in front of the people, freeze in Lel’s embrace. There is fun and joy there. (Listens.) Chu! laugh. And I stand and almost cry with grief, I’m annoyed that Lel left me. How can you blame him! Where it’s more fun, That’s where his heart pulls him. Prigozhy Lel is right. Run to where they love, Seek love, you are worth it. The Snow Maiden's heart, cold for everyone, will not beat with love for you. But why is it offensive to me, vexation Squeezing my chest, painfully sad Looking at you, looking at your joy, Happy girlfriends of the shepherd? Father Frost, you offended the Snow Maiden. But I’ll fix the matter: between the trinkets, Beautiful beads, cheap rings, I’ll take a little from Mother Spring, A little warmth from the heart, So that the heart will just warm up a little. Malusha, Radushka, Malysh, Brusilo, Kurilka, Lel and other boys and girls appear on the street, then Kupava. The guys bow to the girls. Appearance 5: Snegurochka, Kupava, Malusha, Radushka, Malysh, Brusilo, Smoking Room, Lel and the Berendeys. Malusha (to the guys) Leave us! Come and flock to your Snow Maiden! Radushka (to Brusil) Don’t come closer, your shameless eyes! Brusilo How long will we languish, tell us! Smoking room Decide on something! Darling, go to the Snow Maiden! Once they exchanged their cherished friends for a new one, there is no faith. Malusha Find something better than us, since we are not good. Brusilo And if we get a smooth ride from the new bribe, Where then? Darling, don’t cry for you. Brusilo already repented; It’s not a time to grovel; It's time to forget about the old things. Radushka We won’t suddenly forget, don’t wait. (To the little one.) They laugh right in your eyes, take the Zealous thing out of your white chest, and then fawn over you like good timid kids: They say, it will pass like nothing, It will be forgotten. Malusha We will never forget you. Brusilo We submit, we confess, But we do not see pity above us. Darling Die in my eyes, and I won’t regret it. Brusilo The whole thing is apart and in two. Smoking room Aw! Even the howl of a wolf. Brusilo And apart, so apart; and they themselves are pining without us, reaching out to the world. Radushka the Blind said: Let's see. Girls and boys go their separate ways. Kupava (approaching Snow Maiden) Snow Maiden, you’re standing alone, poor thing! They left you, the guys forgot, At least Lelya would have caressed you. Snow Maiden Lel doesn’t like to be bored with me, he needs fun, hot caresses, but I’m shy. Kupava I am, Snow Maiden, how happy I am! I can’t find a place for joy, That’s how I would throw myself on everyone’s neck and tell them about joy, but not everyone wants to listen. Listen, Snow Maiden, rejoice with me! I was picking flowers on Krasnaya Gorka, A young man came towards me from the forest, Handsome, ruddy, chubby, Red, curly, like a poppy flower. Judge for yourself, not a heart of stone, You can’t live without a sweetheart, you’ll have to love someone, you won’t get by. It's better to have a handsome man than a bad one. Of course, out of girlish modesty, You try to hold back your zealous heart a little; well, but still you won’t be saved for every hour. The guy is handsome, promises to marry, Yes, he’s so quick, so quick that, really, he’ll make you completely crazy, you won’t be able to gather your wits. Well and how... it’s been a long time, or it’s short, But we just became friends. He is a rich Father's son, named Mizgir, a merchant guest from the royal settlement. My parents, of course, are happy about My fate; and he swore that on Yarilin’s day, at sunrise, to exchange wreaths in the eyes of the king And take me as his wife, then farewell. In his house, in the large royal estate, In full view, I am a rich housewife. Today my Mizgir will come to our settlement to get to know the girls and boys. You'll see, rejoice with me! The Snow Maiden kisses her. Let's have some fun. Let's go do laps on Krasnaya Gorka. Yes, here he is! (Runs and hides between the girls.) Mizgir enters, followed by two servants with bags. The Snow Maiden is spinning. Appearance Six: Snow Maiden, Kupava, Malusha, Radushka, Mizgir, Malysh, Brusilo, Smoking Room, Lel, Mizgir’s servants and the Berendeys. Kupava Dear maidens, The destroyer of maiden beauty has come, With girlfriends, with relatives, a separator. Don't give your girlfriend away, bury her! But hand him over for a great ransom. Mizgir (bowing politely) Beautiful maidens, isn’t the beautiful Kupava hiding between you? We, the girls, need Radushka Beauty Kupava ourselves. Give it away, so there will be no one to lead circles with, and sit in the evenings, and talk about girlish secrets. Mizgir Beauties, you need a girlfriend, but I need it more. I walk alone, there is no Mistress: to whom will I give the golden Keys to the forged caskets? Radushka (to the girls) Should I give it back or not? Malusha Don’t give up your girlfriend, We haven’t finished singing the songs yet, And we haven’t finished playing the games with her. Mizgir Beauties, you need a girlfriend, But I need it more than that. An orphan's task: Who will caress me, cherish me, undead, Who will scratch and groom my Russian curls? Radushka Should I give away my girlfriend or not? Malusha Will the Great ransom give? Darling, a ruble or half a ruble, It’s a pity for a ruble, even if you give a gold hryvnia to the girls, we’ll give Kupava away. Mizgir It’s not a pity for you to give either a hryvnia or a half-ruble, It’s not a pity to give a ruble to the girls. (Takes money from the servant’s bag and gives it to the girls.) The ship has arrived for you nuts and printed gingerbread. (Gives a bag of nuts and gingerbread.) The guys surround Kupava. Baby You won’t suddenly take Kupava. We won't give it back without a ransom. Guys, stand strong! Don't give it away for free! Otherwise they will take all our girls, and we ourselves will have a shortage in the settlement. Mizgir I greet the girls with affection and greetings, but with you I will speak differently; I'll give you some - let's give you some Berendey - Two handfuls, and the conversation is short. The kid holds up his Berendeyka hat, Mizgir pours out two handfuls and takes Kupava. Kupava Heartfelt friend, I exchanged my maiden will, Friends, relatives, for a dear friend; do not deceive Kupava, do not destroy the girl’s heart. They leave and sit on the porch of Murash’s hut. Brusilo However, Mizgir laughs in our eyes. Well, brothers, it’s a pity he didn’t attack me! You won't be able to talk to me much. I wouldn’t tolerate offensive words, I wouldn’t hand my guys over to a stranger for ridicule. Baby Oy? What would you do? Brusilo No match for you. It seems... (Rolls up his sleeves.) Baby Start, and we'll see. Brusilo Krutenek I am too heavy on my hand. It’s better if you tie me up, brothers, so that there won’t be any trouble. Baby, look, when you poke your head in, don’t back away. Brusilo Impossible, I'll treat you, I won't let you out of the settlement unbeaten. Smoking room, pick it up! Smoking room (to Mizgir) Hey, Mizgir, listen, brother, you guys are offended. Mizgir (gets up from the porch) For what? Smoking room For rudeness. Mizgir As if? Smoking room That's right. Mizgir (approaching the Smoking Room) Are you offended too? Well, why are you silent? Smoking room I'm okay. Mizgir So go away; Yes, send someone smarter. Smoking room I'm probably a fool, in your opinion? Mizgir is a Fool. Smoking room For business, Brusilo is going to beat you. Mizgir Brusilo? Where? Which one is this? Tell me! Give it to me! Kid (holds Brusil) Where are you going? Wait! Mizgir Brusilo you! Come closer here! Brusilo (to the guys who are pushing him) That's enough for you! (To Mizgiryu.) Don’t listen, sir! It is known that we fool around like this, for fun, among ourselves. Radushka Oh, unfortunate hero! Yes, that's what you need. Malusha Nishto them! In their eyes, strangers will take us too. Smoking room And we'll go after strangers' girls. Radushka And we forgot to think about you. The girls and boys go apart. Kupava (to the guys) Aren't you ashamed? The Groom has come to the Slobozhana girl, he needs to be greeted; And you are ready to get into abuse and fight. Little Brusilo is on fire here. Brusilo Disorder - Letting strangers into the settlement. If you wake up yourself, we’ll be left without the girls. We could have taken Kupava without him. Kupava If only you could, but I don’t know how to love you, that’s a shame. (To the girls.) Sing the merry louder, Girlfriends! Let's go to the meadow and start a circle! The girls sing: “Oh, there’s a little lip in the field” - and leave; the guys are behind them, at a distance. Lel sits down next to the Snow Maiden and braids the horn with birch bark. Kupava and Mizgir approach the Snow Maiden. Kupava Snegurochka, amuse your girlfriend For the last time, for the last time, let's go play in circles and play on the Red Hill. I won’t have long to frolic and have fun, The last day of my maiden freedom, Snow Maiden, the last. Snow Maiden I, Kupava, am going with you, let’s take Lelya too. I’ll take the yarn home and run after you. (He goes into the hut.) Kupava (to Mizgiryu) Dear friend, let's go! They'll catch up. Mizgir Wait, wait! Kupava The girls behind the settlement of the Regiment are standing and waiting. Mizgir Your friend Snow Maiden; and what does Lel have to do with you? The Snow Maiden comes out, followed by Bobyl and Bobylikha. Appearance seventh Snow Maiden, Kupava, Mizgir, Lel, Bobyl, Bobylikha. Kupava Snegurochka will be bored without Lelya. Mizgir Is it true? Wouldn't it be more fun for the Snow Maiden to go with me? Kupava What about me? Mizgir And just take Lelya. Kupava How is it, dear? After all, I am yours, yours; one grave will separate us. Mizgir Whether you go or not, I will stay here. Bobyl We humbly ask. Kupava First close my eyes with quick sand, crush the heart of poor Kupava with a heavy board, then take another. The eyes of the homewrecker will not see, the jealous heart will not sense the evil grief. Snow Maiden, envious one, give my friend back! Snow Maiden Dear friend, And you, her friend, leave us. Your words are offensive and painful to listen to. The Snow Maiden is a stranger to you. Farewell! Do not boast of your happiness before us, Do not reproach me with envy! (Wants to go.) Mizgir (holds her) Snow Maiden, stay! Who is your lucky lover? Snow Maiden Nobody. Mizgir So I will be. (Kupava) Look there, Kupava! You see, the Sun in the west, in the rays of the evening dawn, is drowning in purple fog! Will it come back? Kupava For the Sun There is no return. Mizgir And for extinguished love there is no return, Kupava. Kupava Woe, woe! My dear friends, come back! (Runs away.) Mizgir Love me, Snow Maiden! I will shower your priceless beauty with Priceless gifts. Snow Maiden You can’t buy my love. Mizgir And I will give my life in addition. Servants, bring my Treasury! Bobylikha (to the Snow Maiden) You, the Great One, don’t even think about refusing! Bobyl They are dragging the bags, Snow Maiden, remember your Parents! They wouldn't have carried Bobylikha by. And so the Horned Kika with the rolling pearls danced in the eyes. Snow Maiden Collect tribute, envious people, From your friend’s misfortune, grow rich in My shame. Don't complain, I agree. Pretend for your profits. Bobyl would treat the guest, but I don’t know what to serve: a honeycomb, a silver foot of standing honey, a honey mat and mash? Mizgir Whatever you don’t regret, give it. Bobyl Have mercy, am I sorry? What do you want? Mizgir Give me some honey! Bobyl Which one do you like: Raspberry, cherry, ginger? Mizgir Some kind. Bobyl And there is enough of everything, Not with us, but with our neighbors. Believe me, roll with a ball - not a crust of bread in the house, not a grain in the bottom, not a penny of iron in Bobyl’s purse. Mizgir Take the bag, old man, it will be a deposit for your daughter. Bobyl Take him to the hut, old woman, pore over him! Humbly give thanks! Now we’ll get some honey and beer, I’ll treat you and get drunk myself. Mizgir Give the treasury, so you know for what. Lelya, keep it away, otherwise we’ll make trouble. Let's quarrel, old man. Bobyl Is it such a thing to quarrel! Is Lel great, have mercy! Yes, as you please, so it will be - If you order them to drive away, we will drive you away. Mizgir Drive away! Bobyl Snow Maiden! The guest did not like that Lel was sticking out before his eyes. Daughter, Tell him to walk around and around the Bobylsky yard! And there’s no reason to hang around the hut, dear friend, that’s it! Snow Maiden Get away from us, get away from us, Lel! It’s not I who drive, need dictates. Lel Goodbye! Snow Maiden Why did you cry? Tell me what these tears are about! Lel When you cry yourself, you will find out what people cry about. (Leaves.) Mizgir (embracing Snow Maiden) You don’t know the value of your beauty. I walked around the world as a trade guest, I looked into the colorful bazaars of Muslims; There are beauties from all sides. Armenians and sea robbers are taking there, but I have never seen such beauty in the world. Kupava enters with girls and boys. Murash leaves the porch. Appearance Eight: Snow Maiden, Mizgir, Bobyl, Lel, Kupava, Murash, Radushka, Malusha, Baby, Brusilo, Smoking Room, Berendeys and Berendeyki. Kupava My dear friends, look! Father, look, your Kupava is in tears! Longing strangles her by the throat, her lips are dry and hot; and he is with the homewrecker, cheerful, staring straight into the eyes, looking, can’t get enough of it. Murash How can that be? Baby Wonder, guys. Radushka He offended Kupava bloodily. Malusha Everyone, Offended all the girls. Murash Such a thing is unheard of among honest Berendeys. Kupava Tell me, villain, in front of all the honest people, Did you deceive Kupava then, When you swore your love to her? Or did he really love her and deceive her now, Staring with unsatiated eyes at new loot ? Speak! Mizgir What are the words for? There is no pointer for the heart. You will take a lot of crazy vows in the heat of love, a lot of promises; Will you really remember them later? You consider oaths to be chains, I consider them to be words, I don’t remember them, and I don’t bind my hearts: He is free to love and stop loving; I loved you, now I love another, Snow Maiden. Radushka It’s a shame for the Berendeys to hear such speech from a Berendey. Brusilo What else! It can't get any worse. Murash I have lived a long time, and the old order is well known to me. The Berendeys, beloved by the gods, lived honestly. Without fear, we entrusted our daughter to the guy, The wreath for us is a guarantee of their love and loyalty to death. And not once was the wreath desecrated by betrayal, And the girls did not know deception, They did not know resentment. Radushka Offense to everyone, Offense to all Berendey girls! Kupava Why did you stop loving Kupava? Mizgir What is dearest to a lover is modesty and the timid glance of a girl; Sam-friend, she, left with her beloved, is looking for protection as if with her gaze. Shy eyes are pubescent, covered with eyelashes; Only furtively does a tenderly pleading gaze flash through them. He holds his friend jealously with one hand, and pushes him away with the other. And you loved me without looking back, hugged me with both arms and looked cheerfully. Kupava Ah, insult! Mizgir And I thought, seeing your shamelessness, That you were replacing me with someone else. Kupava Ah, ah! Father, dear ones, intercede! Everyone stands amazed. Is there no protection for Kupava? Everyone is silent. Kupava, raising his hands, turns to the beekeeper: Bees, bees! Winged ones, fly in an ardent swarm, Leave the honeycombs and stare into your shameless eyes! His tongue did not stutter, his throat did not choke To say that I am a girl without shame, And to shame my relatives. Cover up his face and the dog's look of a liar! (Addressing the hop grower.) Hmelinushko, stamen blade, You climbed high on the perch, You hung your pine cones wide. (Kneels down.) I beg you, curly-haired ardent hopper, ridicule him, the scoffer, of ridicule of the girl! At the long tables, Oak, at an intelligent conversation, In the circle of honorable, gray-haired guests, Make him, the deceiver, ignorant, uncouth and a total fool. When he goes home, hit his drunken head against the standing stool, straight into the puddle, and drop his shameless face! Oh river, icy water, deep, flowing, cover my melancholy and, together with my fierce grief, drown my zealous heart! (Runs to the river, Lel holds her, almost senseless.) Lel Why drown a zealous heart! The melancholy will pass, and the heart will come to life. Murash The Great Tsar is the intercessor for the deceived girls. Ask the king, Kupava. All For all orphans, intercessor Berendey. Kupava You are hateful, you are a hateful person! (Falls into Lelya’s arms.) Murash You received a curse from Kupava. It will not be long to wait for the disastrous wrath of the righteously punishing gods. Act two Persons: Tsar Berendey. Bermyata, a nearby boyar. Elena the Beautiful, his wife. Snow Maiden. Kupava. Bobyl. Bobylikha. Mizgir. Lel. Boyars, Boyars, Guslyars, Blind, Buffoons, Youths, Biryuchi, Berendeys of every rank, of both sexes. Open entryway in the palace of Tsar Berendey; in the depths, behind the turned balusters of the passages, the tops of the garden trees, carved wooden towers and watchtowers are visible. Appearance one Tsar Berendey sits on a golden chair, painting one of the pillars. Two buffoons are sitting on the floor at the king’s feet; a little further away are blind guslars with harps; The royal youths stand on the passages and at the doors. Guslars (singing) Prophetic, sonorous strings rumble Loud glory to Tsar Berendey. Let us lower our dimmed eyes. The darkness of the night has brought them together forever, With a sighted thought and a prowling glance we will look at our close neighbors and the surrounding kingdoms. What rings to me at dawn from afar? I hear trumpets and the neighing of horses, the paths groan dully under their hooves. Steel helmets are drowning in the gray mists, Ringed armor rattles loudly, Awakening flocks of birds across the steppes. The bows are tense, the bows are open, the scarlet banners are plowing in the wind, the warriors are galloping across the field in advance. The wives are crying on the walls and high towers: We will no longer see the joy of our dear ones, Our dear ones are perishing in an unknown field. Moans over the hail, trampled fields... From morning to night and from night to day, Rattai prowl like black corvids. Arrows rain down on blued shields, Swords rattle on steel helmets, Sulitsa pierce through armor. In order to obtain honor and glory for the princes, they crush and drive away the squads of the squads, trample them with komons, and cut them down with spears. The forest animals licked the bloody corpses, The birds covered the beaten ones with their wings, The trees and grass drooped tightly. Merry are the cities in the land of the Berendeys, Joyful are the songs in the groves and valleys, The kingdom of Berendey is beautiful in peace. Glory to the Guardian of Peace forever! The strings of accordions will not stop rattling. Glory to the golden table of Berendey. The king thanks the blind men with a sign and they are taken away. 1st buffoon Why is this the king - why, tell me, is it appropriate - At the bottom of the pillar he writes a cow’s leg. 2nd buffoon Al, are you blind? Where is she, the cow? 1st buffoon What? 2nd buffoon What! You see: a dog. 1st buffoon Cow, jester. 2nd buffoon Ay, dog. 1st buffoon An, cow, With hooves. 2nd buffoon Yes dog. 1st buffoon You yourself are a dog, a dog’s nose. 2nd buffoon And you are a cow. 1st buffoon Me? They fight. So I'll gore you with my horns! 2nd buffoon And I will bite you with my teeth! They get to their feet and disperse, preparing to fight with their fists. Tsar Take your place, you! The buffoons sit down. Neither a dog nor a cow, But the strong leg of a bay aurochs. The ward letter makes sense. Subscribers in the chambers decorate the high ceilings with heavenly circles; in the narrow walls they write, Joy for the eyes, azure flowers Between the green grasses; and the turya's mighty and sinewy legs On the lintels of doors, stove turs, The bases of straight pillars, on which the heavy weight of matriarchs rests. On the eve, so that guests enter the house more cheerfully, scribes paint pictures of jesters and fools like you. Well, do you understand, fools? 1st buffoon Tell me which of the two of us is more stupid. 2nd buffoon Here is the task! A simple mind cannot figure it out. Tsar It’s nice to try on someone else’s mind with your own, To take for measure and weight; It’s stupid to measure - It’s in vain to waste labor. Bermyata enters. Get out! The buffoons leave. Second appearance Tsar Berendey, Bermyata. Bermyata Great king of happy Berendeys, Live forever! From a joyful morning, From your subjects and from me, Greetings to you! In your vast kingdom As long as everything is fine. King Is it true? Bermyata Truly. Tsar I don’t believe it, Bermyata. There is a noticeable ease in your judgments. More than once you have been ordered by word and decree, and I repeat again, so that you look deeper at things, into the essence, try to penetrate them, into the depths. You can’t easily, fluttering like a moth, Touch only the surface of objects: Superficiality is a vice in honorable persons, Placed high above the people. Don’t think that everything is fine, When the people are not hungry, do not wander with knapsacks, and do not rob on the roads. Don’t think that if there are no murders and no theft... Bermyata Steals little by little. Tsar And do you catch it? Bermyata Why catch them, waste your efforts? Let them steal for themselves, and someday they will get caught; by virtue of the popular proverb: “No matter how much a thief steals, he cannot escape the whip.” Tsar Of course, the sin of wrongful acquisition in small ways is not very great comparatively, but still it does not interfere with eradicating it. Let us not evade the main subject of conversation. Well-being is a great word! I haven’t seen him among the people for a long time, I haven’t seen him for fifteen years. Our summer is short, getting shorter year by year, and the springs are colder - Foggy, damp, like autumn, Sad. Until half of the summer the snow lies in ravines and ice fields, fogs creep out of them in the morning, and in the evening evil sisters come out - shaking and pale kumokhs. And they wander around the villages, breaking people, chilling them. Recently we walked with your wife, Beautiful Elena, in my shady garden. Under the bushes, hiding from the watchful eyes of the gardeners, lurked a melted piece of ice; Carefree, like children, we joked, frolicked with the Beautiful Elena; But a chill, hanging in a thin stream, touched her beautiful face; And suddenly the crimson lips swelled up and the right rosy cheek, like a mountain, instantly distorted the smile of honeyed lips. No, Bermyata, not everything is fine with us, friend. It seems that Yarilo has not responded to our call for fifteen years, when, meeting the Sun, On the great day of Yarilin, we in vain call to him in a crowd of thousands and glorify his greatness with songs. Yarilo is angry with us. Bermyata, the wise king, why should he be angry? Tsar There is a reason. I noticed a considerable cooling in the hearts of people; I haven’t seen the fervor of love for a long time among the Berendeys. The service of beauty has disappeared in them; I don’t see the youth’s eyes Moistened with enchanting passion; I don’t see brooding maidens, Sighing deeply. Before the eyes with a cloud, there is no sublime melancholy of love, But completely different passions are seen: Vanity, envy of other people's outfits, and so on. The cooling in married people is even more noticeable: the Berendey spouses, drowsy, look indifferently at the wives, outlandish beauties, with falcon eyes, at the lush swan whiteness of elastic shoulders. I wish I could... oh, old age, old age! Where are you? Past fun years of hot feelings and frequent hobbies? The illness of love did wonderful things in my soul: he was both kind and gentle. Then there was a happy Berendey, And he was ready to accept everyone into Open arms. Now I’m old and gray-haired, But still I don’t understand whether it’s possible to be cold, to remain dispassionate At the sight of ruddy, full-breasted wives. But let us not deviate to the side; we will return to what we were before. And the wives! It cannot be said that we have completely lost our ardent affection for our husbands, but nevertheless, marital fidelity has lost a little, so to speak, its inviolability and certainty. In short, friend, cold hearts are everywhere - hearts have grown cold, And here is the answer to our misfortunes and cold: for the cold of our feelings And the Sun Yarilo is angry with us And takes revenge with the cold. It's clear? Bermyata I understand, Great Tsar, but I am burning to help. I don’t see the means. Tsar And there must be means. Think about it, Bermyata! Bermyata, Wise Tsar, Issue a decree so that wives will be faithful, Husbands will look more tenderly at their beauty, All the boys will be madly in love with their brides, And the girls will be thoughtful and languid... Well, in a word, as they want, as long as there are Lovers. Tsar It’s a very simple method, but will we see any benefit? Bermyata None. Tsar Why then decrees? Bermyata Before the Sun Cleansing for us: it was ordered, they say, They don’t listen, it’s their fault, you can’t assign a watchman to everyone. Tsar It’s not a stupid idea, but it’s inappropriate. Prayers only soften the anger of the gods and sacrifices. Tormented by insomnia, I thought all night, until the morning, and this is what I settled on: tomorrow, on Yarilin’s day, in the reserved forest, the Berendeys will gather at dawn. We order to gather what is in my people, Maiden brides and boy grooms, And we will unite them all in an inextricable union, as soon as the Sun splashes Its ruddy rays on the green Tops of the trees. And then let them merge into a single cry of greetings to meet the Sun and a solemn wedding song. There is no sacrifice more pleasing to Yarila! Bermyata the Wise, the Great King, no matter how cheerful or joyful such a meeting with the Sun is, it’s just a pity that it’s impossible. King What? What can't you do, Bermyata? Is it impossible to fulfill what the king desires? Are you sane? Bermyata Don't be angry! The brides quarreled to the point of fighting with the grooms. Where to get married! On a fathom of the flywheel You won’t let each other down. King From what? Bermyata Some Snow Maiden recently showed up in the Zarechensk settlement. All the guys fought over her. The brides attacked the grooms out of jealousy, and the fighting goes on like this - strife that only hands are apart! Tsar Firstly, I don’t believe it, secondly, Perhaps you are right, then try to settle everyone and reconcile until tomorrow. My decision is irreplaceable. The boy enters. The boy is a red girl, asking and crowding to bring a petition to the petitioner. Tsar Are the entrances closed for girls and the doors closed? The youth introduces Kupava. Third Appearance Tsar Berendey, Bermyata, Kupava, youth Kupava (bowing) Father, bright king! Tsar (lovingly lifting her up) Say, I’m listening! Kupava Father, bright king, Isn’t this the way it is? Where is this written, Where is it shown? Having taken out my heart... (Crying.) Tsar Tell me, I’m listening. Kupava Having taken out the heart, chilled the soul, and with the girlish caress, having bragged to his heart's content, in front of people, Called the girl shameless. Tsar I hear, maiden, a tearful complaint, grief is heard, the truth is seen, it makes sense, dear, little by little. Tell me one by one, what happened and how, what you were offended by, who you were disgraced by! Kupava (crying) Should I say, bright king? Tsar Tell me, good girl! Kupava It’s spring time, Holidays are frequent, You wander around, strolling, Through the meadow, through the forest, How long does it take to meet, How long does it take for a girl to get to know guys? So I met. King Who did you meet, Who did you meet? Kupava Met with the young merchant Chinu, Rod Mizgirievo. Tsar I know, beauty. Kupava (crying) Should I say, bright king? King Tell me, tell me! Kupava Let me ask you, Father, bright king: Should I listen to oaths, Should I believe in my conscience, Should I have no faith in people at all? Tsar How can you not believe it, dear girl! What is the cost of light? Truth and conscience alone hold on. Kupava (crying) I believed it. Should I say, bright king? Tsar Tell me, good girl! Kupava Give-ko, I’ll ask again! The guy will like you, the guy will fall in love with you, you think you will live a century in happiness and joy; The guy is affectionate, is it necessary to love him? King Nado, beauty. Kupava (crying) So I did. Should I say, bright king? King Tell me, tell me! Kupava I forgot everyone, my dear father, my loved ones and relatives, my dear girlfriends, funny games, cherished speeches. I know and remember only a dear friend. When we meet, we kiss, we sit down, we hug, we stare into their eyes, we look, we admire. Father, bright king, Apparently, human happiness does not last long. They got it into their heads, went into the forest, took some girlfriends, called them Snow Maiden. As soon as he saw the Evil Homewrecker, he looked up like a Kite, rushed like a Falcon, Hovered near the Homewrecker, caressed, Chased, shamed me, the Faithful, former one. He himself bowed out, cried, begged for the girl’s heart, he himself reproaches, scolds: In front of people he called the girl shameless... Tsar Poor girl! Simple speeches touch the heart, truthful grief. Kupava Listened, listened, did not see the Light, My legs were fast, They were exactly knocked down, I was falling like a sheaf, Would you believe it, bright king, And so I was falling, Just look now, - And just like that the Earth crashed down. (She wants to fall, the king supports her.) Tsar Beauty, believe that if thunder suddenly roared in the middle of the clear, cloudless sky, I would not be as amazed as I am at your ingenuous words. Laugh at the abandoned girl, at the childishly trusting heart! Terrible! Unheard of, Bermyata! Scary to believe! Minions, look for the Criminal in the suburbs; put Mizgir on the court of the kings. The henchmen leave. Heralds, from the towers Call the people from the bazaars and trades To the royal court, to the royal formidable court, And call the cry politely, honestly, gracefully, So that everyone is honored according to their rank, According to their rank and years, there is honor. Yes, bow more often and lower! The heralds run along the passages to the towers. 1st Biryuch (shouts from the tower) Sovereign's people: Boyars, nobles, Boyar children, Cheerful heads, Wide beards! Do you, nobles, have greyhound dogs, barefoot serfs! 2nd Biryuch (from another tower) Trade guests, Beaver hats, Thick necks, Thick beards, Tight purses! 1st Biryuch Young ladies, Father's daughters, Well done wives! Do you have angry husbands, broken gates, embroidered sleeves, broken heads? 2nd Biryuch Clerks, clerks, Hot guys, Your job: to drag and reap, And to hold your hand with a hook. 1st Biryuch Old old men, Honest peasants, Underfloor dwellers, Women's servants! 2nd Biryuch Old crones, Owl eyebrows, Bearish glances, Your business: to stir things up, to gossip, To separate your son and daughter-in-law. 1st Biryuch Young fellows, Daring daredevils, Young and green, Take a walk. People are for business, you are for idleness. Your job is to look around the towers, to lure out the girls. 2nd Biryuch Red maidens, Cinnamon spoilers, Pot-killers, Your job is to polish your forehead, drag the house apart, bake cakes, bury them under the fence, and feed the guys. 1st Biryuch Listen, listen, Sovereign's people, to the Sovereign's will! Go through the red gates to the red royal courtyard! The veries are chiseled, the gates are gilded. From the red courtyard to the new vestibule, to the frequent steps, to the oak doors, to the sovereign's chambers, to judge the court, to line the row. They come down from the towers. Tsar I love the play of mind and words: Simple speech is harsh. Dresses color Beautiful wives; the high chambers are red with embellishments, and speeches are rich in style, flowing in harmony and a harmless joke. Are people gathering? The youth (from the passages) is coming in droves, Great King. Tsar (to Kupave) Maiden, don’t bother! Sadness darkens the living colors of faces. The maiden's grief is forgetful, the heart is quick-witted: like in a coal, under the ashes, the fire for a new passion lurks in it. Forget the offender! And for offense the avenger is the court and the king. Beautiful Elena and the noblewomen emerge from the inner chambers; from the outer doors and from the stairs - people; between the people of Murash and Lel. The henchmen bring Mizgir. Appearance Four Tsar Berendey, Bermyata, Beautiful Elena, Kupava, Murash, Lel, Mizgir, the royal youths, the people. Tsar (to Elena the Beautiful) Greetings to you, Beauty of the Palace, Beautiful Elena! Beautiful Elena Greetings to you, great Berendey, From wives and maidens, from young Berendeys, From all hearts that cherish love. Chorus of the people Greetings to you, wise one, Great Berendey, Lord of the silver-haired, Father of his land. For the happiness of the people, we protect you with Gods, And freedom reigns under your scepter, Silver-haired Lord, Father of your land. Long live the wise, Great Berendey! King (to the people) Thank you! Is the drive to blame? Bermyata The culprit is here, humbly awaiting trial. Tsar (to the people) Is his guilt known to you? People Known. King (to Mizgiryu) Are you to blame for your guilt? Mizgir I'm sorry. The Tsar His wine is terrible, Berendeys. For mercy, let's close our hearts This time. Regret for the villains Threatens disaster: the angry gods will bring down the blame on us, and the punishment will fall on the Berendeys. Revenge The criminal's threatened anger is subdued. Love is desecrated! A good feeling, a great gift of nature, happiness of life , Spring color is her! The love of the bride Scolded! The blossoming of the soul, Opened to the first feelings, the flower of fragrant Innocence! Shame And shame on my silver gray hairs! What is Mizgir guilty of, tell me! Bermyata Make him marry the Offended girl! Murash Make her beg for forgiveness at her feet, and if she doesn’t want to, then punish her with your thunderstorm. Tsar Mizgir, Do you want to make amends for your sin and take Kupava as your wife? Mizgir Mizgir's bride is the Snow Maiden. Bermyata You can force him, Wise King. The Tsar does not tolerate coercion. Free marriage. Murash Don't let him swear, the Offender! First ask Kupava, Does she want it herself? Tsar Kupava! Kupava Great king, Kupava is looking for love. I want to love him, but how do you love him? They are offended and heartbroken; Only hatred for him will remain in my chest until the grave. I don't need it. Tsar Honest people, worthy of the death penalty His wine; but in our Bloody Code there are no laws, let the gods Execute him according to the crime, And we condemn Mizgir to eternal exile by the people's court. Go away from us, criminal, desecrator of the fervor of trusting love, instilled in us by nature and the gods. Drive him away from every door, From every home where the customs of honest antiquity are sacredly revered! Drive him into the desert, into the forest! Animals - Comrades after your heart; The heart of the beast is with the beasts, Mizgir! Mizgir I don’t say a word in defense; But if you, great king, saw the Snow Maiden... The Snow Maiden's people are coming! The Snow Maiden enters, followed by Bobyl and Bobylikha, richly dressed and wearing a large horned kitty. Appearance five Tsar Berendey, Bermyata, Beautiful Elena, Kupava, Murash, Lel, Mizgir, Snegurochka, Bobyl, Bobylikha, the royal youths, the people. Snow Maiden (looking around the palace) What space, how clean everything is, how rich! Look, mother! Azure flower – Zhivekhonek. (Sits on the floor and examines the flower on the pole.) Bobylikha Yes, you should bow to the front of everything! And they will bow to us, After all, we are not the last either. (He pushes the Snow Maiden with his elbow and speaks quietly.) Are they looking at Kiku? Snow Maiden They marvel and look. Bobylikha Well, take a bow! Snow Maiden Forgot, don’t blame me! Well, hello, honest Berendeys! Bobylikha The boyars are standing, look! And Kiki Simpler, tea, mine? Snow Maiden Your horns. Bobylikha Well, that’s it, let them look and dry with envy! Snow Maiden (pointing to the king) Who is this? A patterned caftan, a golden harness and a gray beard to the waist. Bobylikha Yes, this is the king. Snow Maiden Ah! Mom, the Snow Maiden became scared. Let's go free. Bobyl Well, with the goodness of her mind, what a speech she said! For the first time, Bakula Bobyl had to admire the royal chambers, and go away! What bondage we have! We'll indulge until they give us a break. Bobylikha You're ignorant! You stare, your mouth open, around, and Father, the great Wise Tsar, wonders: what kind of fool ran into the high mansions, Uninvited. You are a village, a village! Go to him, don’t be afraid, he won’t bite, and bow lower! Snow Maiden (approaching the king, bows) Hello, king! Tsar (takes her hand) Mighty nature is full of miracles! Scattering her gifts abundantly, she plays whimsically: she leaves In a swamp, in a forgotten corner Under a bush, a pearl flower of spring, A thoughtfully bowed lily of the valley, sprinkles Cold dust of Silver dew on its whiteness, and the flower breathes with the elusive scent of spring, Seducing the eye and smell. Snow Maiden It’s a pity that the lilies of the valley faded so soon! If you had said that you loved them, then I would have picked you a bunch of them long ago, pretty ones. Not everyone knows the place, but I feel at home in the forest; if you want, come with me, I’ll show you the place. Tsar I don’t cry that the flowers have faded, Such a flower blooms before my eyes, That I look and look, but I don’t believe it, - In a dream or show a flower in front of me? The Snow Maiden looks at everyone with a satisfied look and preens herself. Her beauty will help us, Bermyata, Yarilin, to soften our anger. What a sacrifice is being prepared for him! When the Sun meets, We will hand it over to the happy spouse. Snow Maiden, your time has come: Look for a friend after your own heart! Snow Maiden I don’t know where to look for him. The King of the Heart will say. Snow Maiden My heart is silent. Tsar (taking Snow Maiden away) Don’t be ashamed! Advancement makes an old man equal to a maiden. Shyness is inappropriate Before old, dull eyes. Open up to me: for whom do you sometimes wait on a shaky porch in the evening? Who are you looking for in the distance, covering your eyes with your pen, on the canvas of the ruddy dawn? Who do you scold for slowness, to whom do you send a joyful smile, And a stream of tears, and scolding, and a kiss? Tell whom, girl! Snow Maiden No one. Bermyata Great king, she does not know love. Tsar With her beauty you don’t know love, Bermyata? I don't believe it. Such miracles have never been heard of in the world. Nature has invariably set the time for love for everyone. I don't believe it. But if it’s true, how can the heat giver not be angry? Let us redouble our efforts to correct this involuntary sin. Is it possible that none of the Berendeys will respond to my call? Which one of you is sweeter than the Snow Maiden? Who can ignite the infant soul in her with the desire of love, tell me! Bobyl They tried a lot, but they wasted their efforts in vain. Bobylikha There were a lot of people crying and dancing, but not a hair's worth came of it. Tsar Berendei, Whoever of you manages to captivate the Snow Maiden with love before dawn, will take her from the hands of the king, with a great reward, and will be the best guest at the royal tables at feasts, at the feast of Yarila. Bermyata is the great king, they are silent. Tsar (to Elena) Beautiful Elena, I want to ask you, women, whether you know better the affairs of the heart: Is that courage completely gone? In the hearts of men, those speeches, captivatingly crafty, bold glances, which were irresistibly true, were gone, Have we seduced girls and wives? Beautiful Elena, indicate who to choose from among the young Berendeys, capable of accomplishing the desired feat? Beautiful Elena the Great Tsar, observing the modesty of the Ordinary, I could, of course, excuse myself by ignorance; but the desire to serve for the benefit of the general Shyness orders one to sacrifice. Of the blossoming youths, the Berendeys, known to me, only one can Instill love in a maiden, shake the heart of a wife, even if our loyalty were as strong as steel - and this is Lel. King What an honor to you, shepherd. Lel Not me, Great King, but the Sun deserves such an honor. It nurtured me from childhood - taught me to sing songs; His warmth is in my speeches, and the girls hunt to listen to Lelya’s speeches. Its warmth is in my blood and in my heart, And it glows in my face like a dark blush, And it glows with the sweet spring bliss From my eyes. Snow Maiden, let's go make wreaths together with me, let's meet the dawn and sunrise! Look her in the eyes! She will fall in love By the dawn of the day - me or another, the Snow Maiden will certainly love, Believe me. And the poor shepherd boy, Curly Lel, for the sake of the Sun God and the bright king, will help her! Mizgir Great Tsar, delay my exile, - The fire of my love will ignite the Snow Maiden’s untouched heart. I swear to you by the great gods, the Snow Maiden will be my wife, and if not, let the Tsar’s Law and the terrible wrath of the gods punish me! Tsar Mizgir and Lel, with your promise I am at peace and will greet Yarilin’s day carefree. At the dawn of the evening, in my reserved forest, today we will gather for games and songs. The short night passes unnoticed, At a pink dawn, wearing a green wreath, Among his jubilant children, The happy king will go to meet the Sun. People Long live the wise, the Great Berendey, the Silver-haired Lord, the Father of his land! For the happiness of the people we protect you with Gods, And freedom reigns under your scepter! Everyone leaves. Act Three Persons: Tsar Berendey. Bermyata. Elena the beautiful. Snow Maiden. Bobyl. Bobylikha. Mizgir. Lel. Murash. Kupava. Radushka. Malusha. Brusilo. Smoking room. Leshy. Buffoons, horn players, bagpipers, the Tsar's retinue and the people. Spacious clearing in the forest; to the right and left there is a continuous forest wall; in front of the forest, on both sides, there are low bushes. In the distance, between the bushes, rich tents are visible. The evening dawn is fading. Appearance one Young Berendeys lead circles; one circle is closer to the audience, the other is further away. Girls and boys in wreaths. Old men and women sit in groups under the bushes and treat themselves to mash and gingerbread. In the first circle there are: Kupava, Radushka, Malusha, Brusilo, Kurilka, in the middle of the circle is Lel and Snegurochka. Mizgir, not taking part in the games, either appears among the people, or goes into the forest. Bobyl dances to the bagpipes. Bobylikha. Murash and several of their neighbors are sitting under a circle and drinking beer. The king and his retinue look at the players from afar. Girls and boys (walking in circles, singing) Ay, there is a linden tree in the field, Under the linden tree there is a white tent, There is a table in that tent, There is a girl at that table. She picked flowers from the grass, Weaved a wreath from a yacht. Who should wear the wreath? Wear a wreath for your sweetheart. The Snow Maiden puts a wreath on Lelya. The circle disperses, everyone looks at Bobyl, who is dancing to the bagpipes. Bobylikha (serving Murash) Welcome! And ours is not a sherbat Kopeechka - and we were amazed. Murash No refusal. Yes, treat your husband! I'm tired of it, but it will at least take my soul away. Bobyl stops dancing. Bobylikha (giving Bobyl a jug of beer) During the holidays, Bakula has the hardest time of all, He has enough trouble: he dances, dances, He gets enough of it, but doesn’t lag behind. Greedy for dancing. It's a pity to look at, really! Just look, when he dies from the attack, he dances. Murash A diligent man. Tsar (passes between the walkers.) A merry walk! It brings joy to my heart to look at you. Play, have fun, drive away your worries: there is a time for caring. The people are generous; they are great in everything; they will not interfere with idleness; work, work so hard, dance and sing - so much, until you drop. Looking at you with a reasonable eye, you will say that you are an honest and kind people; for Only the good and honest are able to sing so loudly and dance so bravely. Thank you in song and dance! Amuse yourself, amuse yourself! (To the buffoons.) Dance, somersault, break, fools! The buffoons are dancing. The dawn is clear and the morning will be clear. The cheerful day is passing, the last rays of dawn are burning out, the crimson light is getting higher and higher; the darkness clings to the branches and grows, chasing the ruddy glow of the dawn, and soon the night in the dewy forest will become level with the tops of the trees. It's time to go to the tents, in the circle of cheerful guests, end the day and meet a new one. Sing the Last Song, handsome Lel! Lel (sings) The cloud conspired with thunder: You, thunder, and I will pour out the rain, Let us sprinkle the earth with spring rain! The flowers will rejoice! The girls will go out for berries, the guys will follow them. Lel, my Lel! Leli-leli, Lel! In the grove, the girlfriends scattered separately, some in the bushes, some in the spruce forest. They took the berries, they shouted, their dear friend was gone. All the girls burst into tears: Wasn’t our friend eaten by a wolf? Lel, my Lel! Leli-leli, Lel! The girls met a stranger, a stranger, an old man: Stupid girls, you have lost your mind, What joy is it for you to come around, What profit is it for you to respond to her? You should have rummaged through the bushes. Lel, my Lel! Leli-leli, Lel! The cloud conspired with thunder: You, thunder, thunder, and I will pour out the rain, Let us sprinkle the earth with spring rain! The flowers will rejoice. Let's soak the buttock girls, soak them, and dry them. Lel, my Lel! Leli-leli, Lel! Tsar Thank you, Lel! Girls, don't be ashamed! I don't believe it. Well, is it enough to lose a girlfriend in the dense bushes? You have pleased the king's heart, Lel. Have some more fun! In the circle of bashful friends, choose a beautiful maiden, bring her to me, and for everyone to see, let her reward the Singer of Love with a hot kiss for her song. Lel goes to the girls. Snow Maiden (quietly, Lelya) Take me! Lel Izvol. Go to the side! You can’t help but bypass the girl’s circle, at least for appearance’s sake. Why offend them? The Snow Maiden moves away, looks cheerfully, recovers and preens itself. Lel takes Kupava, brings him to the king and kisses him. The Snow Maiden runs away into the bushes in tears. The king warmly penetrated the old man's heart with a distinct and ringing kiss, - As if I had drunk a heavy cup of stagnant, intoxicating mead. By the way, I remembered about hops. It’s time to go to the tables, Beautiful Elena, and give honor to the hops. His delights And old age are available. Let's hurry! Have fun, kids! (Leaves with Bermyata and the Beautiful Elena.) Some Berendeys, including Lel, go after the king. Brusilo Everything is Lel and Lel! He's so happy! Why aren't we great? We can dance and sing just as well. Radushka And Kupava Why such an honor? There will be beauties, no match for her, among us. Smoking room We'll prove it to him, you just have to dare and want it. Brusilo Let's prove it, Let's dare, let's play our Game in front of the people, which we taught for two years Quietly from everyone, burying ourselves in barns. (Sings a song, and the Smoking Room represents the beaver.) The beaver was swimming, swimming black in the fast river. Ay, leli-leli! Didn't take a bath, just got dirty. Rolled out in the mud. Ay, leli-leli! He entered the hill, shook himself off, preened himself. Ay, leli-leli! I looked around to see if anyone would find anything? Ay, leli-leli! The hunters are whistling, the dogs are prowling, they are looking for the black beaver. Ay, leli-leli! They want to sew a fur coat, fluff it with beaver, give it to the girls. Ay, leli-leli! The girls are black-browed, They are wearing new fur coats, The edges are beaver. Ay, leli-leli! (Stops singing.) Isn’t it sung? Smoking room Oh yes we are! Radushka It’s clear that we have to put up with you guys. You guys are no worse than anyone else. Let Lel find out, and we will prove to him that the guys are not running around us. I would be glad to hug Radushka someday, but it’s too late; She has a boyfriend, and he gets kisses from Radushka. Malusha Malusheny Smoking room. Brusilo (embracing Radushka) A gracious life. Smoking room (hugging Malusha) What’s better: There is a girlfriend, so the heart is at home. Brothers, let's go look at the royal tents. Everyone leaves - the guys with the girls, Kupava with Murash, Bobyl with Bobylikha. The Snow Maiden comes out of the bushes, Lel from the opposite side. Second appearance Lel, Snow Maiden. Lel Where did she go? Kupavushka! Isn't she? (Approaches the Snow Maiden.) No, the Snow Maiden is alone in tears. What are you yearning for? The girls are having fun, There is a cheerful hum throughout the forest: Now songs, now ringing laughter, now cooing whispers, now timidity and happiness A short, abrupt sigh. And you are alone in tears. Snow Maiden Don’t you really feel sorry for offending the Orphan like that? Lel I don’t know what kind of offense you found. Snow Maiden How so? Beautiful Snow Maiden or not? Lel Beauty. Snow Maiden And you take Kupava, take him to the king, kiss him. Is Kupava better than Snegurochka? This is an insult that cannot be forgotten. Lel (hugging Snow Maiden) Why be angry, Snow Maiden? A kiss is not precious With all the honest people, secretly It is more valuable and sweeter. Snow Maiden I don't believe it. It's hard for me to sneak kisses. Think about when you will now wait for the Tsar to order, of all the beautiful girls, to put Beauty on display! Lel You don't have to wait long. Snow Maiden Again you will deceive, Again you will take another. Lel How can this be? If you take you, others will be offended; Take another one and offend you. Soon the rosy dawn will break, the people with the king will go to meet the Sun. And I should go ahead and sing with my girlfriend. Who should I take? Don't know. Snow Maiden Beautiful Lel, take me! Lel the Other will not spare her soul for this honor. Snow Maiden Whatever you want, Snow Maiden will give you everything in the world. Lel Let's see. Snow Maiden Nice and pretty, take it. Lel Well, apparently, take it. Snow Maiden Pretty, listen! If you want poor Snow Maiden’s heart not to hurt, stop hanging out with other Girls! You caress them, but my heart hurts, You kiss them, and I look and cry. Lel A shepherd boy can’t live without affection! He neither plows nor sows; since childhood he has been lying in the sun; Spring cherishes him and the breeze caresses him. And the shepherd basks in freedom. There is only one thing in your mind: a girl’s caress, and you only think about it. Snow Maiden Caress me, Kiss me, pretty one! Let them see that I'm your girlfriend. It's bitter, it hurts to wander alone! Both girls and boys look at her as if she were a stranger. I would go to look at the royal tables, but with whom? The girlfriends are all with their boyfriends, they look askance, They avoid: leave me alone, they say, don’t bother! To go with the old women and with the old men - They will finish you off with ridicule and abuse. It's so scary to go alone. Be a friend, Pretty! Lel It’s her own fault, I loved you a lot, I shed a lot of burning tears on the sly. The Snow Maiden is still stupid - forgive me, handsome Lel! Lel And you had only to caress Polaskova with even a word, and you would have enslaved Me forever and taken away my freedom. Snow Maiden Don’t remember the old things, handsome Lel! Love me a little, wait for the Snow Maiden to love you herself. Take me to see the Tsar’s tents and make me a friend to meet the sun! Nice, pretty, take it! Lel Wait for me, I’ll take it. I'll go see the guys. I haven't had dinner yet - I'll be right back. (Runs away.) Third scene Snegurochka, then Mizgir Snegurochka What a delight! What a joy! Not among the people, In a dense crowd, from behind someone else’s back, The Snow Maiden will look at the holiday - She will go forward. Both the king and the people will say: It’s amazing to find such a couple! (Takes off the wreath.) The wreath has withered; the next morning you need to weave a new one out of thin flexible branches; I’ll weave cornflower flowers into it. (He begins to sing in thought.) Oh, cornflowers! Mizgir comes out. Mizgir Snegurochka, I have been looking for you for a long time. (Takes her hand.) Snow Maiden (with fear) Oh, no. Go away! No need. Mizgir I will not leave Your hand until, in prayers and groans, I tell you how my heart aches, what melancholy my soul is sick with. Until now she did not know the love of suffering, Joys are only known to her; but the heart was accustomed to ordering, it did not pray, it did not cry. It’s not a boy standing in front of you in tears, but a proud-spirited one Humbles himself. Until now I haven’t cried And I haven’t even spent much on words - I only beckoned the girls with my Hand to share their love And threw gold for caresses; Now I have broken under the yoke of burning passion and I am shedding tears. Look, a proud man bows his knees in front of the girl. (Falls to his knees.) Snow Maiden Why, why? Get up, Mizgir! Mizgir Will you love me, will you love me, tell me! Snow Maiden Oh no! Your words are frightening, your tears are terrible; There's something I'm afraid of with you. Go away! Leave me, please! Let me go! You are kind, Why scare the Snow Maiden? (Tries to pull his hand away.) Mizgir Wait! It's true that I'm scary. It was not in vain that ruddy shame cut stripes across my face; You will pay for the bitterness of humiliation. Snow Maiden Oh, if everything is like this Love lives among the people, I don’t want to, I won’t love. Mizgir Let's look for the means to achieve the Desired of our own free will. Snow Maiden, near the island of Gurmyza, Where the warm, raging sea Foam gushing on the stones of the coastal cliffs, Brave divers set out without fear to search along the bottom of the sea for profitable prey. I tried, I waited for luck; gave a high price for the lives of people and sent nimble divers to the bottom for pearls, and brought me one grain that is not in the crowns of kings, nor in wide necklaces of queens. You can't buy it; Half the kingdom is worth the Pearl. Take turns? - You can’t find things equal. The price is equal to him, Snow Maiden, one love is yours. Let's take turns, take priceless pearls, and give me love. Snow Maiden Keep priceless pearls for yourself; I value my love inexpensively, but I won’t sell it: I change from love to love, But not with you, Mizgir. Mizgir You will give it for free. Enough words, enough convictions! Throw away the girlish wreath! You are a wife, Snow Maiden. I swore by the gods before the king and I fulfill the oath. Snow Maiden Leave it! Let me go! Run, save the Snow Maiden, Handsome Lel! Mizgir Oh! If Lel... then first Mizgir will take what the shepherd wants to take. Leshy hugs Mizgir from behind; The Snow Maiden breaks free and runs across the clearing. The goblin turns into a stump. Mizgir wants to run after the Snow Maiden - a forest rises from the ground between him and her. The ghost of the Snow Maiden appears to the side. Mizgir runs towards him - the ghost disappears, in its place there remains a stump with two fireflies stuck to it, glowing like eyes. I am a madman, intoxicated with love, Took a dry stump for a sweet image, The cold shine of green fireflies - For the Snow Maiden's bright eyes. The ghost of the Snow Maiden appears from the forest and beckons Mizgir. Bushes and tree branches take on changing fantastic images. Mizgir runs after the ghost. Goblin Brody runs all night after a ghost! Catch alluring dreams come true! Only a bright day will dispel your dreams. (Leaves.) The clearing takes on its previous appearance. Lel comes out, followed by Beautiful Elena. Appearance Four Lel, Beautiful Elena. Beautiful Elena Captivating shepherd, where are you heading? Look back! Lel Beautiful Elena! Beautiful Elena You are amazed. Why am I wandering alone in the forest at a late hour? Handsome Lel, I was enticed by the singing of the Singer of Spring; the thundering nightingale, flying from bush to bush, beckons a heart open to hobbies, and further into the dangerous forest lures Beautiful Elena. Lel You are wandering not far from the royal tent. Return to him through the open clearing! You won't find any danger. Beautiful Elena Evil Shepherd! You don’t want to lead Beautiful Elena along a cozy path through a dense, shady forest. Lel I would go as a guide, but my heart is not in the right place: In the partying I lost the whole flock, Now I am looking for the sheep through the bushes. Beautiful Elena Through the bushes? Nasty, the heart senses what kind of sheep you are catching in the forest. Oh, poor little sheep, keep hiding! He will find Lel and, with a net of flattering speech, entangle him in the same misfortune. Which one he brought the Beautiful Helen into. You made the unfortunate woman jealously follow you in sad reflection: How harmful it is to entrust yourself to you, shepherds. Lel Hurry to the tents, Beautiful Elena! Your absence will be noticed soon. Beautiful Elena Oh, dear Lel, I’m afraid! LEL What, Elena the Beautiful, are you afraid? Beautiful Elena (snuggling up to Lel) Oh, Lel, I’m afraid of everything. Look, the bloody eyes of wolves flash in the bushes and glow like candles. But there’s a goblin hanging on a tree like a cat, squinting his eyes and sticking out his tongue, trying to pretend to be strangled. And there’s another one - just for a joke, sticking his shaggy paw into a thorny bush, closing his eyes, waiting for the fairy to tear it apart and make a hole in it where it’s not needed. I’m afraid of everything, both light and darkness, I’m afraid of both beast and man, and the goblin, the evil prankster. Only Lelya the Handsome, with my eyes closed, without fear of the Cold One, I entrust myself to. (Closing your eyes, lie down on Lelya’s chest.) It’s sweet to lie and melt in your arms. Bermyata enters. Lel hands him Beautiful Elena and leaves. But the flame of my feelings does not ignite the fire in Lelya’s chest! Appearance 5: Elena the Beautiful, Bermyaga. Bermyata Lel, handsome, runs from the flame of your love. Beautiful Elena What a blow! Bermyata I won’t blame and be surprised; This is not the first time I’ve seen a beautiful wife in someone else’s arms. Come with me! Sometimes in the forest at night And someone will meet you, but it’s still more decent for you to wander with your husband than with Lel. Beautiful Elena Dear husband, Robber Lel doubles your Wife’s tenderness towards you. His action convinces the Beautiful Elena, That the young men are all brazenly heartless, But the husbands are both sweet and kind. They leave. Lel enters, Snow Maiden comes out of the bushes. Scene six: Lel and Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden ordered, and I’m waiting for you; I ordered, and I’m waiting. Let's go to the king! And I wove myself a new wreath, look. Handsome Lel, take it with you! Let's hug! I'll cling tighter to you out of fear. I’m trembling, Mizgir scares me: he’s looking for me, he’s catching me. And listen to what he said! That the Snow Maiden is His wife. Well, is it enough: the Snow Maiden is a wife? What a clumsy word! Lel (seeing Kupava running) Should we wait here? Isn't it over there, look! Snow Maiden Is it here or there, After all, you are with me. What else? Lel Podpasok Runs here in secret to say a word to me. Wait over there! Snow Maiden If you please! (He goes to the other side into the bushes.) Kupava comes running. Appearance seventh Lel, Kupava, Snow Maiden. Kupava It was with great effort that I found you, my beloved, heartfelt friend, my blue-winged darling! Not on the eyes, no, not on the cheeks, but lie at your feet, my blue-winged darling, Kupava should lie at your feet. Lel That's enough! Flies fly and cling to the honeycomb, a leaf clings to the water, a bee clings to the flower - to Kupava Lel. Kupava Blue-winged darling! My heart is warm, I will forever remain grateful to you; You saved Kupava’s maiden pride from shame, from the burning needles of ridicule and submission. In front of all the honest people, with a kiss He compared me, forgotten, with everyone. Lel Yes, didn’t I know what kind of heart I would buy for myself, kissing you. If a stupid shepherd boy has no reason, then with a prophetic heart he will find a Girlfriend. Kupava Podruzhku? No, a dog. Beckon me when you want to caress me, Chase me and hit me when the caress gets boring. I’ll leave you behind without a complaint, I’ll just tell you with a teary look that I’ll come again when you beckon. Lel, the Joy of my Soul, Kupava, the little orphan, walked away in his joy-freedom. The victorious head swayed to dear hands, the eyes longed for dear eyes, the heart longed for a warm shelter. Kupava Lel is handsome, I don’t know how long your love will last; My love forever and until the Last Hour, blue-winged darling! Lel Let's go quickly! The shadows of the night are fading. Look, the dawn, with a barely visible stripe, has cut through the edge of the eastern sky, It is growing, clearer, wider. This day has awakened and opens the eyelids of shining eyes. Let's go to! The time has come to meet the rising of Yaril the Sun. Proudly, in front of the crowd, Lel will show his beloved friend to the Sun. The Snow Maiden runs out of the bushes. Snow Maiden Stop! Deceiver Lel, why did I wait, weaving a wreath? After all, it’s not so that you can wet it with tears afterwards. You would have said that then: Snow Maiden, weave, weave a wreath and cry, shed tears on every leaf, on every petal! And you beckoned. Kupava Snegurochka, how can you greet the rising of Yaril the Sun? When we meet him, the power of life, The fire of love burns in our eyes, Love and life are the gifts of Yaril the Sun; His gifts are brought to him by maidens and young men; and you wove a wreath, put beads on your neck, combed your hair, smoothed yourself - both the cuff and the New Girl's cats - your only concern, Like a stupid child, is to admire your outfit and get ahead of yourself, stand at a distance - to twirl in people's eyes And show off your new clothes. Snow Maiden Kupava, Homewrecker! This is your word; You yourself called me a homewrecker, but you yourself are separating me from Lel. Lel Snegurochka, eavesdrop more often on Hot Kupava’s speeches! Time to find out how your heart speaks, When it lights up with love. Learn to love from her and know that Lelya does not need childish love. Goodbye! (Runs away with Kupava.) Snow Maiden The Snow Maiden is deceived, offended, and killed. O mother, Red Spring! I run to you with a complaint and a request: I ask for love, I want to love! Give the Snow Maiden your girl's heart, mom! Give me my love or take my life! (Runs away.) Act four Persons: Tsar Berendey. Snow Maiden. Mizgir. Lel. Spring is Red. All the Berendeys, Spring's retinue, flowers. Yarilina Valley: to the left (from the spectators) there is a gentle slope, covered with low bushes; on the right is a continuous forest; in the depths there is a lake overgrown with sedge and aquatic plants with luxurious flowers; along the banks there are flowering bushes with branches hanging over the water; on the right side of the lake is bare Yarilina Mountain, which ends in a sharp peak. Morning dawn. Appearance One The ghost of the Snow Maiden rushes, barely touching the ground. Mizgir follows him. Mizgir All night a sweet image flashes in your eyes. Snow Maiden, wait a moment. (Runs away after the ghost into the forest) The Snow Maiden comes down from the mountain. The second appearance is the Snow Maiden, then Spring. Snow Maiden (addressing the lake) Darling, in tears of melancholy and grief, your abandoned daughter is calling you. Come from the quiet waters - to hear the moans and complaints of your Snow Maiden. Spring rises from the lake, surrounded by flowers. Spring Snow Maiden, my child, what are your prayers for? With great gifts I can console you goodbye. The last hour of Spring spends with you, With the dawn of the day, the god Yarilo comes into his own and summer begins. (Approaches the Snow Maiden.) What are you missing? Snow Maiden of Love! Everyone around me loves me, everyone is happy and joyful, but I am the only one who is sad; I'm envious of other people's happiness, mom. I want to love, but I don’t know the words of love, And there is no feeling in my chest; I’ll start caressing - I’ll hear abuse, ridicule and reproaches For childhood shyness, for a cold heart. I recognized painful jealousy without knowing love yet. Father Frost, and you, Red Spring, gave me an evil, envious feeling in return for love as an inheritance; In the dowry for my daughter they put Sleepless, languid nights and a meeting of the day without joy. Today, washing my face on a cold spring, I looked into the mirror streams and saw in them my face in tears, crumpled by the melancholy of a sleepless night. And I’m scared: my beauty will fade Without joy. Oh mom, give me love! I ask for love, girlish love! Spring Daughter, you have forgotten your father’s salvation. Love will be your death. Snow Maiden Mom, Let me perish, one moment of love is dearer to me than years of melancholy and tears. Spring If you please, child, I am ready to share my love; an inexhaustible spring of love powers in my flower wreath. Take it off! Come closer to me! Spring sets on the grass. The Snow Maiden is next to her. Flowers surround them. Look, child, what a combination of Flowers and herbs, what play of colors and pleasant smells! One flower, whichever you take, Awakening the slumber of your soul, Will ignite in you one of the new feelings, Unknown to you - one desire, Joyful for a young heart, And together all, in one fragrant wreath, Intertwining colorfully, merging aromas Into one stream, - will ignite all the feelings at once, And the blood will flare up, and the eyes will light up, The face will be painted with a living blush of the Playing One, and the chest will sway The girlish love you desire. The dawn of spring, the fragrant color, touches the whiteness of your cheeks, The white lily of the valley, the pure lily of the valley will illuminate with languid bliss. The lordly arrogance of scarlet velvet will plump your lips, a small flower will give a smile - Forget-me-not beauty. The rose will turn red like a rose On the chest and on the shoulders, The cornflower will turn blue And will be enlightened in the eyes. Porridge honey will flow from the lips with the enchantment of the mind, and the sticky Dream will sneak into the soul unnoticed. Mack will cloud your heart, Mack will lull your mind. The intoxication of the cheek will turn red and your head will spin. (Puts a wreath on the Snow Maiden’s head.) Snow Maiden Oh, mom, what’s wrong with me? What beauty the Green Forest is dressed in! You can’t stop admiring the shores and the lake. The water beckons, the bushes call me under their shade; and the sky, mother, the sky! The dawn spills out in shifting waves. Spring Snow Maiden, farewell, my child! Your soul is filled with the aroma of love. The ebullient Delight of passions will soon embrace you; Until then, you admire the beauty of the meadows and the mirror lake until your eyes turn to the young man. Then only you will fully recognize the power and power of love over the heart. From the first meeting, you give love to the lucky one, no matter who you meet. But, joy-daughter, That love from the eyes of Yaril the Sun, Hurry home without delay: do not admire the Crimson streams of dawn, - The tops of the mountains are covered with gold, And soon the king of the stars will illuminate the earth. Run home along forest paths In the shade of bushes and avoiding meeting; A premonition troubles my heart. Goodbye, child, see you again, And don’t forget your mother’s advice. (Drops into the lake.) Snow Maiden What a treasure I keep in my chest. The Snow Maiden ran as a child into the green forest - she emerges as a Maiden with a happy soul, full of joyful feelings and golden hopes. I will carry my treasure along an unknown path; I was the only one who wandered along it, the goblin trampled it between the swamp and the lake. No one walks on it, Only goblins, for fun, bitter drunkards Beckon along it to lead them into a quagmire with no way out. (Goes into the forest.) Mizgir comes out to meet her. Appearance three Snow Maiden, Mizgir. Mizgir Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden Ah, meeting! Mizgir Snow Maiden, my strength is weakening, I’ve been catching you all night. Stop! Are you afraid? Snow Maiden Oh no, Mizgir, my soul is not full of fear. What a beauty in your speeches! What boldness of gaze! A tall brow's brave appearance and proud posture attract, beckon to you. The strong one seeks support, The brave one seeks protection, a shy and timid heart. With the love of the Snow Maiden, the trembling breast will press against your chest. Mizgir (hugging her) I catch your words with greedy ears, I’m afraid to believe Bliss, I, Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden Oh dear, forgive me! I was afraid of something, ridiculous and ashamed myself, I was saving some treasure, not knowing that everything that is dear in the world lives in just one word. This word: Love. Mizgir More encouraging words, more, And there will be no measure of happiness. Dear Snow Maiden, Let me look into your face, into the fire of your eyes! Listen, before I considered girlish cuteness, silver fluff on the cheeks and tenderness of the skin as the best beauty. I don’t understand, I was blind, I was stupid. Is it possible to compare the beauty of girls with your beauty? Immature color of a girl's delicate skin Equate with a man's coarse blush? Your Snow Maiden, take your wife into your home, I will love and undead, catch your gaze, prevent your desires. But, my dear, let’s run quickly, hide our love and happiness from the sun, it threatens with death! Let's run, cover me! The ominous bloody rays frighten me. Save, Save your Snow Maiden! Mizgir Child, Save you? Your love is the salvation of the Exile. At sunrise, Mizgir will show you as his wife, And the king’s truthful anger will be tamed, And, rich in mercy, Berendey will show affection to his young couple. Snow Maiden (on her knees) The covenant of father and mother, oh dear, I don’t dare break. With their prophetic hearts They sensed trouble - They told me to hide my love from the Sun. I will die! Save my love, save my heart! Have pity on the Snow Maiden! Mizgir You are accustomed to owning submissive hearts, accustomed to amusing your whimsical custom with pleasures. But at heart I am not a boy - and I can love, And I know how to order: stay! Snow Maiden Not a whim, no. The Snow Maiden will die in your hands! Mizgir Leave childish fears of unknown trouble! But if Trouble really comes, then we will die together. Snow Maiden Look, look! The east is burning brighter and more terrible. Squeeze me in your arms, With your clothes, with your arms, shade me from the furious rays, cover me under the shadow of the branches bending over the lake. (Stands under the shadow of a bush.) People come down the mountain from the forest; in front are guslars playing the harp and shepherds playing horns, behind them is the king with his retinue, behind the king are brides and grooms in pairs in festive clothes, then all the berendei. Having descended into the valley, the people are divided into two sides. Appearance Four: Snow Maiden, Mizgir, Tsar Berendei, Lel and all the people. Everyone looks to the east with anticipation and begins to sing at the first rays of sun. General chorus One side: And we sowed millet, sowed, Oh Did-Lado, sowed, sowed. Other side: And we will trample down the millet, trample it down, Oh Did-Lado, trample it down, trample it down. 1st: And what do you need to trample, trample, Oh Did-Lado, trample, trample? 2nd: And we’ll let the horses out, let them out, Oh Did-Lado, let’s take over, let’s take over. 1st: And we will take over the horses, we will take over, Oh Did-Lado, we will take over, we will take over. 2nd: And we will buy back the horses, we will buy them back, Oh Did-Lado, we will buy them back, we will buy them back. 1st: And what do you need to buy, buy, Oh Did-Lado, buy, buy? 2nd: And we will give the maiden, maiden, Oh Did-Lado, maiden, maiden. 1st: And our regiment has arrived, arrived, Oh Did-Lado, arrived, arrived. 2nd: And our regiment is gone, gone, Oh Did-Lado, gone, gone. When singing, both parties move closer together in slow steps to the meter of the song. At the end of the song, the grooms take their brides and bow to the king. King May your union be blessed with abundance and happiness! Live in wealth and joy until your last years in your family of children and grandchildren! I look sadly at the celebration of the People: the angry Yarilo does not seem, and the bald top of his Mountain is covered with clouds. Yarilin's anger promises bad things: Cold mornings and dry winds, Unprofitable spoilage of honeydews, Incomplete filling of grain grains, Stormy harvesting - lack of crops, And early autumn frosts, A difficult year and impoverishment of granaries. Mizgir (bringing the Snow Maiden to the Tsar) Great Tsar, your desire was the Law to me, and I fulfilled it: Bless the Snow Maiden for marriage, Forgive my guilt and anger at the mercy of Change! Voices from the People Oh, marvelous, the Snow Maiden fell in love. Tsar Are you willing, maiden Snow Maiden, to hand over your Fate to the groom? With your hand together Do you give him love? Snow Maiden O king! Ask me a hundred times, I will answer a hundred times that I love him. In the pale morning I opened my love to the chosen one of my soul and threw myself into his arms. In the brilliance of the day now, in front of all the people, In your eyes, great Berendey, I am ready for the groom and the speech, And to repeat those caresses first. A bright ray of sun cuts through the morning fog and falls on the Snow Maiden. But what about me: Bliss or death? What a delight! What a feeling of languor! O Mother Spring, thank you for the joy, for the sweet gift of love! What languishing bliss flows through me! O Lel, There are enchanting songs in your ears, There is fire in your eyes... and in your heart... and in your blood. There is fire in everything. I love and melt, melt from the sweet feelings of love! Goodbye, all girlfriends, goodbye, groom! Oh dear, the Snow Maiden’s last look to you. (Melts.) Mizgir Snow Maiden, deceiver, live, love me! The Snow Maiden was not lying like a ghost in a hot embrace: There was warmth; and I felt near my heart, How a human heart trembled inside her. Love and fear fought in her soul, She prayed to escape from the light of day. I did not listen to the plea - and before me, like spring snow, she melted. Snow Maiden, you are not the deceiver: I have been deceived by the gods; This is a cruel joke of fate. But if the gods are Deceivers, it is not worth living in the world! (He runs away to Yarilina Mountain and throws himself into the lake.) The Tsar of the Snow Maiden’s sad death And the terrible death of Mizgir They cannot disturb us; The sun knows whom to punish and have mercy on. The True Judgment has taken place! Frost's offspring - the Cold Snow Maiden died. For fifteen years she lived among us, For fifteen years the Sun was angry with us. Now, with her miraculous death, the Intervention of Frost has ceased. Let us banish the last trace of cold from our souls and turn to the Sun. And I believe it will look welcomingly at the devotion of the obedient Berendeys. Cheerful Lel, sing a song of praise to Yarila, and we will come to you. Scorching God, we praise you with the whole world! The shepherd and the king are calling you, appear! Lel (sings) Light and power, God Yarilo. The Red Sun is ours! There is no one more beautiful in the world than you. General choir Light and strength, God Yarilo. The Red Sun is ours! There is no one more beautiful in the world than you. At the top of the mountain, the fog clears for a few moments, Yarilo appears in the form of a young guy in white clothes, in his right hand a luminous human head, in his left - a sheaf of rye. At the king’s sign, the servants carry whole roasted bulls and rams with gilded horns, barrels and valleys of beer and honey, various dishes and all the accessories of the feast. Chorus (finishes singing) Grant, God of light, Warm summer. The Red Sun is ours! There is no one more beautiful in the world than you. Krasnopododnoye, Summer is grain-bearing. The Red Sun is ours! There is no one more beautiful in the world than you. 1873

“The Snow Maiden” is perhaps the least typical of all Alexander Ostrovsky’s plays, which stands out sharply among his other works for its lyricism, unusual themes (instead of social drama, the author paid attention to personal drama, identifying the theme of love as the central theme) and absolutely fantastic surroundings. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, who appears before us as a young girl desperately yearning for the only thing she never had - love. Remaining true to the main line, Ostrovsky simultaneously reveals several more: the structure of his half-epic, half-fairy-tale world, the morals and customs of the Berendeys, the theme of continuity and retribution, and the cyclical nature of life, noting, albeit in an allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The appearance of the play in Russian literary world owes it to a happy accident: at the very beginning of 1873, the Maly Theater building was closed for major repairs, and a group of actors temporarily moved to the Bolshoi. Having decided to take advantage of the opportunities of the new stage and attract spectators, it was decided to organize an extravaganza performance, unusual for those times, using the ballet, drama and opera components of the theater team at once.

It was with the proposal to write a play for this extravaganza that they turned to Ostrovsky, who, taking the opportunity to implement a literary experiment, agreed. The author changed his habit of looking for inspiration in the unsightly sides of real life, and in search of material for the play he turned to the creativity of the people. There he found a legend about the Snow Maiden girl, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

In the early spring of 1873, Ostrovsky worked hard to create the play. And not alone - since stage production is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with the then very young Pyotr Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, this is precisely one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of “The Snow Maiden” - words and music were composed in a single impulse, in close interaction, and were imbued with each other’s rhythm, initially forming one whole.

It is symbolic that Ostrovsky put the last point in “The Snow Maiden” on the day of his fiftieth anniversary, March 31. And a little more than a month later, on May 11, the premiere performance took place. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century literary scholars firmly agreed that “The Snow Maiden” is the brightest milestone in the playwright’s work.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girl, born from the union of Frost and Spring-Red, her father and mother. The Snow Maiden lives in Berendey's kingdom, invented by Ostrovsky, but not with her relatives - she left her father Frost, who protected her from all possible troubles, - but in the family of Bobyl and Bobylikha. The Snow Maiden longs for love, but cannot fall in love - even her interest in Lelya is dictated by the desire to be one and only, the desire for the shepherd boy, who equally gives warmth and joy to all the girls, to be affectionate with her alone. But Bobyl and Bobylikha are not going to shower her with their love; they have a more important task: to cash in on the girl’s beauty by marrying her off. The Snow Maiden indifferently looks at the Berendey men who change their lives for her, reject brides and violate social norms; she is internally cold, she is alien to the Berendeys, who are full of life - and therefore attracts them. However, misfortune also befalls the Snow Maiden - when she sees Lel, who is favorable to another and rejects her, the girl rushes to her mother with a request to let her fall in love - or die.

It is at this moment that Ostrovsky clearly expresses the central idea of ​​his work: life without love is meaningless. The Snow Maiden cannot and does not want to put up with the emptiness and coldness that exists in her heart, and Spring, which is the personification of love, allows her daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she herself thinks it’s bad.

The mother turns out to be right: the beloved Snow Maiden melts under the first rays of the hot and clear sun, having, however, managed to discover a new world filled with meaning. And her lover, who had previously abandoned his bride and was expelled by Tsar Mizgir, gives up his life in the pond, striving to reunite with the water, which the Snow Maiden has become.

Main characters

(Scene from the ballet performance "The Snow Maiden")

The Snow Maiden is the central figure of the work. A girl of extraordinary beauty who desperately wants to know love, but at the same time cold at heart. Pure, partly naive and completely alien to the Berendey people, she turns out to be ready to give everything, even her life, in exchange for knowledge of what love is and why everyone craves it so much.
Frost is the father of the Snow Maiden, formidable and strict, trying to protect his daughter from all kinds of troubles.

Vesna-Krasna is the mother of a girl who, despite a premonition of trouble, could not go against her nature and her daughter’s pleas and endowed her with the ability to love.

Lel is a windy and cheerful shepherd who was the first to awaken some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was precisely because she was rejected by him that the girl rushed to Vesna.

Mizgir is a trade guest, or, in other words, a merchant who fell in love with the girl so much that he not only offered all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, his failed bride, thereby violating the traditionally observed customs of the Berendey kingdom. In the end, he found reciprocity with the one he loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself lost his life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters in the play, even the minor characters turned out to be bright and characteristic: Tsar Berendey, Bobyl and Bobylikha, Mizgir’s ex-bride Kupava - all of them are remembered by the reader and have their own distinctive features and characteristics.

“The Snow Maiden” is a complex and multifaceted work, including both compositionally and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to the unique rhythm and melodiousness present in literally every line, it sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. “The Snow Maiden” is also decorated with the rich use of colloquial expressions - this is a completely logical and justified step by the playwright, who, when creating the work, relied on folk tales telling about a girl made of snow.

The same statement about versatility is also true in relation to the content: behind the outwardly simple story of the Snow Maiden (she went out into the real world - rejected people - received love - was imbued with the human world - died) lies not only the statement that life without love is meaningless, but also many other equally important aspects.

Thus, one of the central themes is the interrelation of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, cold and light, winter and the warm season outwardly oppose each other, enter into irreconcilable contradiction, but at the same time, a red line through the text runs the idea that one does not exist without the other.

In addition to the lyricism and sacrifice of love, the social aspect of the play, displayed against the backdrop of fairy-tale foundations, is also of interest. The norms and customs of the Berendey kingdom are strictly observed; violation is punishable by expulsion, as happened with Mizgir. These norms are fair and to some extent reflect Ostrovsky’s idea of ​​an ideal old Russian community, where loyalty and love for one’s neighbor, life in unity with nature are valued. The figure of Tsar Berendey, the “kind” Tsar, who, although forced to make harsh decisions, regards the fate of the Snow Maiden as tragic, sad, evokes definitely positive emotions; It is easy to sympathize with such a king.

At the same time, in Berendey’s kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of the Snow Maiden as a result of her acceptance of love, Yarila’s anger and dispute disappears, and the Berendeyites can again enjoy the sun and warmth. Harmony triumphs.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Snow Maiden

spring tale in four acts with a prologue

The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in prehistoric times. Prologue on Krasnaya Gorka, near Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey. The first action in the settlement beyond the river Berendeyevka. The second act in the palace of Tsar Berendey. The third act is in a reserved forest. The fourth act in the Yarilina Valley.

Persons :


Father Frost.

Girl – Snow Maiden.


Maslenitsa- straw man.

Bobyl Bakula.

Bobylikha, his wife.

Berendey of both sexes and all ages.

Spring Suite, birds: cranes, geese, ducks, rooks, magpies, starlings, larks and others.

The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch tree; to the left is a continuous dense forest of large pines and spruces with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; The ice holes and ice holes are lined with spruce trees. Beyond the river is Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses, huts - all wooden, with intricate painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon silvers the entire open area. Roosters crow in the distance.

First appearance

Goblin sits on a dry stump. The entire sky is covered with birds flying in from across the sea. Vesna-Krasna on cranes, swans and geese descends to the ground, surrounded by a retinue of birds.


The roosters crowed the end of winter,

Spring-Red descends to the earth.

The midnight hour has come, Goblin's gatehouse

If you watch out, dive into the hollow and sleep!

(Falls into a hollow.)

Vesna-Krasna descends onto Krasnaya Gorka, accompanied by birds.


At the appointed hour in the usual sequence

I appear on the land of the Berendeys,

Greets you sadly and coldly

Spring its gloomy country.

Sad view: under a veil of snow

Deprived of living, cheerful colors,

Deprived of fruitful power,

The fields lie cold. In chains

Playful streams - in the silence of midnight

You can't hear their glass murmur.

The forests are silent, under the snow

The thick paws of the fir trees are lowered,

Like old, frowning eyebrows.

In the raspberry fields, under the pines they were shy

Cold darkness, icy

Amber resin icicles

Hanging from straight trunks. And in a clear sky

How the moon burns and the stars shine

Increased radiance. Earth,

Covered with downy powder,

In response to their greetings, the cold one seems

Same shine, same diamonds

From the tops of trees and mountains, from flat fields,

From the potholes of the road flattened.

And the same sparks hung in the air,

They waver without falling, they flicker.

And everything is just light, and everything is just a cold shine,

And there is no heat. That's not how I'm greeted

Happy valleys of the south, there

Carpets of meadows, acacia scents,

And the warm steam of cultivated gardens,

And the milky, lazy glow

From the frosted moon on the minarets,

On poplars and black cypresses.

But I love midnight lands

I love their powerful nature

Wake up from sleep and call from the depths of the earth

Giving birth, mysterious power,

Bearing to the careless Berendeys

Abundance lives unpretentious. Lubo

Warm for the joys of love,

For frequent games and celebrations, clean up

Secluded bushes and groves

Silk carpets of colored grasses.

(Addressing the birds who are shivering from the cold.)

Comrades: white-sided magpies,

Cheerful tickler talkers,

Gloomy rooks and larks,

Singers of the fields, heralds of spring,

And you, crane, with your friend the heron,

Beautiful swans and geese

Loud and fussy ducks,

And small birds - are you cold?

Even though I'm ashamed, I have to admit it

Before the birds. It's my own fault

That it’s cold for me, Vesna, and you.

Sixteen years since I'm just a joke

And amusing my fickle temper,

Changeable and whimsical, has become

Flirting with Frost, the old grandfather,

A gray-haired prankster; and from then on

I am in captivity with the old one. Man

It’s always like this: give me a little will,

And he’ll take it all, that’s how it goes

From antiquity. I would like to leave the gray one,

But the trouble is, the old man and I have a daughter -

Snow Maiden. In the deep forest slums,

In the unmelting ice it returns

The old man is his child. Loving the Snow Maiden,

Feeling sorry for her in her unhappy lot,

I'm afraid to quarrel with the old one;

And he’s happy about it - he’s chilling and freezing

Me, Vesna, and the Berendeys. Sun

The jealous one looks at us angrily

And frowns at everyone, and that's the reason

Cruel winters and cold springs.

Are you shaking, poor things? Dance,

Keep warm! I've seen it more than once

That people warmed up by dancing.

Even reluctantly, even in the cold, but dancing

Let's celebrate our arrival for a housewarming party.

Some birds take up instruments, others sing, and others dance.

Choir of birds

The birds gathered
The singers gathered
In herds, in herds.

The birds were landing
The singers sat down
Rows, rows.

Who are your birds?
Who are you singers?
Big, big?

Who are your birds?
Who are you singers?
Smaller, smaller?

Eagle - governor,
Quail - clerk,
Clerk, clerk.

Owl - commander,
Yellow boots,
Boots, boots.

Geese - boyars,
Ducklings are nobles
Nobles, nobles.

Chiryats are peasants,
Sparrows are slaves,
Slaves, slaves.

Our crane is a centurion
With long legs
With your feet, with your feet.

The rooster is a kisser,
Chechet is a trading guest,
Trade, trade.

Puberty swallows –
Orca maidens,
Girls, girls.

Our woodpecker is a carpenter,
Fisherman - tavern,
Tavern, tavern.

Pancake heron,
Whooper cuckoo,
Clique, clique.

Red face
The crow is pretty,
Pretty, pretty.

On the roads in winter,
In the summer, at the end of the day,
I'll get stuck, I'll get stuck.

Crow in matting,
There is no one more expensive
More expensive, more expensive.

From the forest, frost begins to fall on the dancing birds, then snow flakes, the wind rises - clouds roll in, cover the moon, darkness completely obscures the distance. Birds are screaming and huddling towards Spring.

Vesna-Krasna (to the birds)

Hurry into the bushes, into the bushes! I'm planning on making a joke

Old Man Frost. Wait until the morning

And tomorrow they will melt for you in the fields

Thawed patches, wormwood on the river.

Bask in the sun a little,

And you will begin to make nests.

Birds go into the bushes, come out of the forest Freezing.

Second phenomenon

Vesna-Krasna, Father Frost


Spring-Red, is it back well?


And are you healthy, Santa Claus?


My life is not bad. Berendey

They won’t forget about this winter,

She was cheerful; the sun was dancing

From the cold at dawn,

And in the evening I woke up with ears full of ears.

I’ll think about going for a walk, I’ll take a club,

I’ll clarify, I’ll make the night silverier,

That's why I need freedom and space.

Through rich town houses

Pounding in the corners

The ropes creak at the gates,

Sing under the runners

I love it

Love, love, love.

From the fishing line along the path behind the cart,

A creaking convoy hurries to spend the night.

I guard the convoy

I'll run ahead

On the edge of the field, in the distance,

On the frosty dust

I'll lie down in the haze,

In the midst of the midnight skies I will rise as a glow.

I will spill, Frost,

Ninety stripes

I’ll scatter in pillars and countless rays,


And the pillars push and spiral,

And under them the snow lights up,

A sea of ​​light-fire, bright,

Spring fairy tale "Snow Maiden"


In the forested region of the Kostroma region, among wonderful nature, is located Shchelykovo, a former estate, and now a museum-reserve of the great Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky.

Ostrovsky first came to these places as a young man. He was twenty-five years old.

Since then, the writer had a cherished dream - to settle in Shchelykovo. He was able to realize this dream only 19 years later, when, together with his brother, he bought the estate from his stepmother. Having become a co-owner of the estate, Ostrovsky came there every year in early May and left only in late autumn.

Nature appeared before him in bright diversity, changing its clothes. He observed its revival, lush flowering and withering.

He also had his favorite places here.

Ostrovsky with early years had a passion for fishing. At the dam of the winding Kuekshi river, he spent long hours with fishing rods. Near the steep banks of the Sendega River he could be seen with a spear. He went with a seine to the wide Meru River, which flows into the Volga.

The writer found great pleasure in walking through the surrounding villages, forest tracts and clearings.

He often went to a grove with the strange name “Pig Forest”. Centuries-old birch trees grew in this grove.

Alexander Nikolaevich descended from the mountain on which the estate is located to the old bed of the Kueksha River and walked along the wide valley, which served as a place of festive games and entertainment for the surrounding youth. At the top of this sloping valley there is a spring. During Ostrovsky’s time, a fair was held here every spring, which attracted crowds of people.

The writer also visited a round clearing near the village of Lobanovo. Surrounded by forest, it was also a place for Sunday rest for peasant youth. Here the playwright watched the round dances and listened to the songs.

Ostrovsky often visited his friend I.V. Sobolev, a skilled woodcarver, in the village of Berezhki. The extraordinary silence of this forest corner, the sparseness of people (there were only a few houses there) and the peculiar northern architecture of the tall, sharp-topped barns that belonged to the residents of this village created the impression of some kind of detachment from the world, a fairy-tale quality.

Ostrovsky also had other places he liked.

His affection for Shchelykov only grew stronger over the years. He more than once expressed his admiration for the beauty of Shchelykovsky nature in letters to friends. So, on April 29, 1876, he wrote to the artist M. O. Mikeshin: “It’s a pity that you are not a landscape painter, otherwise you would have visited my village; You’ll hardly find a Russian landscape like this anywhere.”


Ostrovsky's observations of the people and nature of the Shchelykovo environs were reflected in many of his works.

They were most clearly reflected in the spring fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” (1873). The basis of this poetic work was made up of folk tales, traditions and legends, rituals and customs, sayings and songs, which the writer became familiar with from childhood. He colored folk fantasy with the bright colors of his own invention, imbued the work with subtle humor and inserted the images of his fairy tale into the frame of Shchelykov’s picturesque nature.

“The Snow Maiden” is a fairy tale about the beauty of powerful, ever-renewing nature and at the same time about human feelings, about the people, their aspirations and dreams.

In this life-affirming work, Ostrovsky paints his ideal of social life, which defines fair, beautiful human relationships.

The playwright begins his tale with the meeting of Frost and Spring on Red Hill.

Builder of ice palaces, owner and ruler of blizzards and blizzards, Frost is the poetic embodiment of winter, cold, freezing nature. Spring-Red, appearing accompanied by birds, is a warm breath and light penetrating the kingdom of winter, the personification of the fertilizing force, a symbol of awakening life.

The girl Snegurochka is a beautiful child of Frost and Spring. There is coldness in her soul - the harsh legacy of her father, but it also contains life-giving forces that bring her closer to her mother Spring.

Frost and Spring gave the Snow Maiden, when she was 15 years old, to the trans-river settlement of Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey. And so Ostrovsky paints before us a kingdom of happy Berendeys.

What gave the poet the idea to create the image of the fabulous Berendey kingdom?

Ostrovsky obviously heard that in the Vladimir province there is a Berendeevo swamp. The legend about the ancient city of the Berendeys was associated with it. This legend could have suggested to Ostrovsky a fantastic image of the Berendey kingdom.

Russian village life, ancient rituals and customs, folk types that Ostrovsky admired in Shchelykov helped him recreate the appearance of the cheerful Berendeys.

The remarkable feature of Ostrovsky’s fairy tale is that it is fantastic and at the same time true, that in its conventional, bizarre images one can clearly see the deep truth of human feelings.

Ostrovsky embodied in the Berendey kingdom the people's dream of a fairy-tale country where peaceful labor, justice, art and beauty reign, where people are free, happy and cheerful.

Tsar Berendey personifies folk wisdom. This is “the father of his land”, “an intercessor for all orphans”, “a guardian of peace”, confident that the light “only holds on to truth and conscience.” The bloody deeds of war are alien to Berendey. His state is famous for its working, peaceful and joyful life. He is a philosopher, worker and artist. Berendey paints his chambers with a skillful brush and enjoys the luxurious colors of nature.

Berendey loves fun too. His close boyar Bermyata is a joker and wit, to whom the king entrusts the organization of folk amusements and games.

Ostrovsky admires in his fairy tale the simple people - noble, humane, cheerful, tireless in work and fun.

Tsar Berendey, addressing the singing and dancing Berendeys, says:

The people are generous
Great in everything: interfering with idleness
He won’t work and work like that,
Dance and sing to the fullest, until you drop.
Looking at you with a reasonable eye, you will say,
That you are an honest and kind people, for
Only the kind and honest are capable
Sing so loudly and dance so bravely.

The inner world of the Berendeys is clearly revealed in their attraction to art. They love songs, dances, music. Their houses are painted with colorful paints and decorated with intricate carvings.

Berendeys are distinguished by strong moral principles. They highly honor love. For them, love is the expression of a person’s best feelings, his service to beauty.

In their understanding, love is the attraction of free feelings, independent of selfish motives. Berendey’s words sound like law:

Does not tolerate coercion
Open marriage.

For the Berendeys, love is inseparable from fidelity. Slobozhanin Murash states:

I've been living for a long time, and the old order
Quite well known to me. Berendey,
Beloved by the gods, they lived honestly.
Without fear, we entrusted our daughter to the guy,
For us, a wreath is a guarantee of their love
And loyalty to death. And never once
The wreath was not desecrated by treason,
And the girls knew no deception,
They knew no resentment.

Fidelity to this word is valued above all else among the Berendeys.

Mizgir, a merchant from the royal settlement, had not yet entered into marriage with Kupava, but, having promised to exchange wreaths on Yarilin’s day, he thereby forever linked his fate with her. And when, captivated by the beauty of the Snow Maiden, he broke his word, in the eyes of the Berendeys he became a terrible, unheard-of criminal.

The Berendeys have no bloody laws. The death penalty is replaced here by eternal exile. They apply this measure of the highest punishment to Mizgir.

Condemning Mizgir, Tsar Berendey says:

Get away from us, criminal, scoffer
The fervor of trusting love,
Instilled in us by nature and the gods.
Drive him away from every door,
From every dwelling where they are sacredly venerated
Honest old customs!
Drive him into the desert, into the forest!

The Snow Maiden, the offspring of Frost, could not remain among the people praising the Sun, living by the warmth of its hot rays. The sun melted it and turned it into a stream.

Mizgir, who saw his dream in the graceful charm of his appearance, in modesty, in simple-minded naivety, in the spontaneity of the Snow Maiden’s character, was deceived in his hopes of happiness with her.

He complains:

I have been deceived by the gods; it's a joke
Cruel fate. But if the gods
Deceivers, the world is not worth living!

He runs away to Yarilina Mountain and throws himself into the lake.

Snegurochka and Mizgir died. But their death did not pass without a trace. She confirmed the correctness of the life and morals of the Berendeys. She melted the coldness and alienation between them, returning their inherent love and loyalty.

Addressing the people, before whose eyes the Snow Maiden and Mizgir died, the wise Berendey says:

Snow Maiden's sad death
And the terrible death of Mizgir
They can't disturb us. The sun knows
Whom to punish and have mercy on? Finished
Truthful trial! Frost's offspring -
The Cold Snow Maiden died.
For fifteen years she lived among us,
Fifteen years he was angry with us
Sun. Now, with her wonderful death,
Frost's interference ceased.
Let's drive away the last trace of cold
From our souls we turn to the Sun.

The Sun God Yarilo returned to the earth, and it came to life, promising abundant shoots.

The chorus of cheerful Berendeys welcomes Yarila, bringing warmth and abundance:

Grant, god of light,
Warm summer!
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful person in the world!
Summer is grainy
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful person in the world!

The fairy tale ends with this life-affirming hymn.

We know Ostrovsky, the author of plays that illuminate all aspects of contemporary Russian life, severely criticizing the “dark kingdom” of money-grubbers and tyrants. And in these plays the playwright showed the beauty of the Russian folk character, the poetry of Russian nature.

In “The Snow Maiden” Ostrovsky is a soulful lyricist, a singer of man and nature. Here the beauty of the characters, their unique originality are embodied in amazingly poetic language and melodic verses. Listen to how his verse sounds and sings, sometimes decorous and solemn, sometimes lively and folk-like, fervent, to how flexible this verse is, how obediently it submits to the poet’s thoughts.

The monologue of Spring flows majestically, describing the country under the rule of Frost:

Greets you sadly and coldly
Spring its gloomy country.
Sad view: under a veil of snow,
Deprived of living, cheerful colors,
Deprived of fruitful power,
The fields lie cold. In chains
Playful streams - in the silence of midnight
You can't hear their glass murmur

The song of birds is similar to a folk song:

The birds gathered
The singers gathered
In herds, in herds
The birds were landing
The singers sat down
Rows, rows.

And in a completely different way, decorously and solemnly, the people glorify Berendey:

Long live the wise one,
Great Berendey,
Lord silver-haired,
Father of his land!

Ostrovsky is a sorcerer of language and verse, a poet, like Pushkin, who masters all its modes, all its tones.

“The Snow Maiden” is a truly polyphonic work. The voices of the fantastic Frost and Spring, the cheerful songs of birds and the monologues of people sound differently. The solemn song of the blind guslars gives way to the silly chants of the boby Bakula, the wise measured speech of Tsar Berendey - to the passionate hymns of Lelya, addressed to the Sun.

“The Snow Maiden” also delights us with the play of its folk humor. We laugh heartily at the brave in words and cowardly in deeds Brusila, the narrow-minded Bobyl and Bobylikha, these lazy and stupid residents of the settlement beyond the river.


The images of “The Snow Maiden” are so wonderful, her poetic style is so musical that she charmed and captivated many artists.

Famous painters V. M. Vasnetsov, K. A. Korovin, B. M. Kustodiev, A. A. Arapov reproduced her images with their brushes.

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov created the opera “The Snow Maiden”, in which he preserved Ostrovsky’s words.

It was no coincidence that the writer embodied this wonderful fairy tale in dramatic form. He intended it to be staged. Ostrovsky created a special type of play, full of fantastic transformations, enchanting scenes, and unbridled folk fun.

This fairy tale, the first in Russian drama, is distinguished by its rare entertainment and vivid theatricality.

The Snow Maiden was first staged at the Bolshoi Theater on May 11, 1873. In 1900, “The Snow Maiden” was staged almost simultaneously by two famous Russian directors: A.P. Lensky on the stage of the Maly Theater and K.S. Stanislavsky on the stage of the Art Theater.

For the production of “The Snow Maiden” at the Art Theater, composer A. T. Grechaninov wrote wonderful music.

K. S. Stanislavsky said this about Ostrovsky’s spring fairy tale: ““The Snow Maiden” is a fairy tale, a dream, a national legend, written and told in Ostrovsky’s magnificent sonorous verses. You might think that this playwright, the so-called realist and everyday life writer, never wrote anything ", except for wonderful poetry, and was not interested in anything else except pure poetry and romance."

Ostrovsky's fairy tale, staged by the Art Theater, made a huge impression on A. M. Gorky. In a letter to A.P. Chekhov, he noted: “But The Snow Maiden is an event. A huge event - believe me!.. I, you know, am filled with some kind of joy from The Snow Maiden, and although I saw terribly sad things in Moscow , but left it - as if he had bathed in living water.”