Drawing of two wolves, one evil and the other good. Parable of the Wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian said to his grandson:

There are two wolves fighting in every person. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, courtesy, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins?

A barely noticeable smile touched the old Indian’s face, and he replied:

The wolf you feed always wins...

You don't choose times, that's for sure! But each of us can choose which wolf in himself he wants and will feed. Each of us can choose which wolf he wants and will identify with. It would be nice to add to the old saying: man is not so much a wolf to man as everyone is his own wolf, both the first and the second.

Which wolf will win?..

The sacred art of being oneself does not provide a ready answer to this question. Probably because it requires common sense and great patience. And also in order not to make another show that has little behind it.

Perhaps it’s still too early to ask which wolf will win? We all walk under God, what will happen in the end, time will tell, the people who will remember us or not remember us, and the traces that we will leave. The key question should be: “Which wolf will win today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, a month, a year?”

Philosophers ancient world We were very rooting for our second wolf, for our true Self, for the exquisite aroma of our Soul. And they advised to give him special food, which not only strengthens the soul, but also gradually heals amnesia... The advice is very simple: please try to name ten things without which your soul cannot live, remember them and return to them every day... Try to observe, how empty and bad it is when one of these is missing for a day, a week, a month, a year. You will immediately see how your first wolf (that same consumer and egoist) will rage, how many stupid things he will manage to do during this time and how many wonderful things he will not allow you to do, because you allowed him to do it, followed his lead.

You will also immediately feel how much your heart (and the people around you) yearn for the second wolf, for the scent of your true Self.

Light nostalgia, that same Inner Voice from the Beautiful Far Away, is a great helper for everyone who wants to remain themselves.

And if, among that which you cannot live without, there is a craving for knowledge or mastery, and you have neither the time nor the means to study, then every moment of fate, every person, every image of nature will become teachers for you. And lo and behold, then books, museums, concerts, lectures, masters and wise people- because like attracts like... And if among the things you cannot live without, there is a need for true love and true friendship, and you are very, very lonely, meet people halfway, help those who are even more lonely than you, who suffers more than you. And you see, then, supposedly by chance, someone will say that they are fascinated by you, and another will say that you have a special aroma of kindness, and the third will not stop admiring your special beauty and nobility, and the fourth will thank fate for the fact that there is such a little man in the world. light - because like attracts like... And if, among what you cannot live without, there is a need for a real, cherished dream, a life’s work and great adventures, wait, please, do not run ahead of the locomotive, show sacred patience! Learn to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of every moment, every person, every situation you touch, as if they were the same, treasured ones! Find a special meaning in them, break away from stereotypes, routine, and cruel reality. Love again everyone and everything: people, animals, birds, the sky and stars, your trials and your tears, your joys and unfulfilled dreams... And lo and behold, God will hear and show the road that you yourself must pave, for his sake and for the good of those, who needs you - because like attracts like.

Just don't give up! God be with him, with the first wolf, don’t waste your time or energy on him. He himself will run away when he realizes that if he remains in your soul, he will simply die of hunger. Search, believe, love, dream and pave the way... and you will succeed!


“Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:
- There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:
- Which wolf wins in the end?
The old man smiled and answered:
“The wolf you feed always wins.”
A cure for sin. Proverbs, - M.: New Thought, 2010. – 256 p.

Once upon a time, long ago, probably
The wise grandfather opened
To my grandson the simple truth,
What people have long forgotten:

Know what is in every person
There is an eternal struggle.
Like wolves fight forever
Evil with good. Always like this.

Lies, betrayal and pride
Against truth, purity.
Greed, pettiness and meanness
Against faith, simplicity.

Peace, love, hope, loyalty
Together with truth and goodness
They fight with envy and rudeness,
Selfishness, lies, evil.

Every day and even now
The struggle continues.
Now weaker, now stronger,
Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it's crowded.

With the cunning gait of a cat
The evil wolf may be coming.
Trying to deceive goodness
To strike your blow.

So many temptations
There are on the path of life.
And under the guise of lust
Often the truth is not to be found.

But in moments of enlightenment
You understand what's what.
Pushing aside the vanity,
You resist evil.

My grandson was touched by that story.
He thought seriously
Over wise history,
And he asked his question.

How do you know who's winning?
The wolf is good or bad,
Who is ahead of whom?
In the struggle between light and darkness?

Grandfather said: My dear, remember
The wolves are waiting for food from us.
And who do you feed more?
One is stronger, the other - alas.

He who does not know suffers
Sweet evil beckons him.
What will you choose, my dear,
That's what will win in you.

November 2011


"The Parable of Two Wolves" (Vladimir Shebzukhov)

Between Truth and Lies,
Known only to One,
Why is this opportunity given?
Make a choice – yourself!
An Indian shared with his grandson
One ancient truth.
The grandson strived for knowledge
And... to wisdom, as such.

Grandfather told me that in a person -
The struggle of two seasoned wolves.
One - for kindness in the world,
The other is for the kingdom of sins!

Barely, for a while, they will scatter,
How they will cling to each other again.
One - to serve revenge on a saucer,
The other is for peace and love!

The grandson, listening in fascination,
I felt for sense in the story.
I asked the question casually:
“Which wolf wins?”

Satisfied with this question,
And with wise cunning in the eyes,
(Grandfather told, apparently, not just
A tale of two wolves):

“Since I asked a question, listen:
To be undefeated -
Only the wolves want to eat,
Who do you choose to feed!”

3. Fragment class hour based on the parable “About two wolves”. 1) Introduction to the parable. Introduction to the topic of the class hour. The teacher gives the students a printout of the parable, the children read it to themselves, then the student who reads it well reads it. The parable of two wolves. Once upon a time, a grandfather revealed one vital truth to his grandson. There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty... A little grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, for several thought for a moment, and then asked: “Which wolf wins in the end?” Grandfather smiled barely noticeably and answered: “The wolf you feed always wins.” THE PARABLE OF THE TWO WOLVES (The parable is not read, it is given as a gift at the end of the lesson) poems by Vladimir Shebzukhov

There is such a parable: “Two wolves”...

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...

The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins!

Why did I tell you this parable? I will say, today Ukraine has chosen its wolf, the wolf of envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition and most importantly - lies... All of today's politics in Ukraine are built on lies... Lies all around, in the Internet space, in the Ukrainian zombie box, in speeches Ukrainian politicians, in reports of Ukrainian journalists. False victories at the front, false stories about joining the European Union, lies about a “near rosy future”...

And people in Ukraine live now... today... and for many tomorrow, this is an unrealistic future...

The poverty of the nineties is once again blooming like a poppy in Ukraine...

Quite by accident, I came across an article by Evgenia Pushkanskaya, with exactly the same article title as mine... Zhenya came to Kiev in May 2016 to see with her own eyes what has happened to Ukraine since 2014, because... works in a clinic and decided to see with my own eyes those “Banderaites” that refugees from Ukraine talked about...

I will give a few quotes from her article:

“I arrived in Kiev in May 2016. Blooming chestnut trees, friendly faces, Khreshchatyk, rebuilt after the Maidan events of 2014. Two years ago, like many former Kiev residents, I was inspired by the Maidan events. I saw how the “population” turns into the people who fights for the right to go his own way."

“On my last visit to Kyiv, I had to personally communicate with the Ukrainian “punishers” - fighters of the Aidar battalion. They consider themselves heroes and freedom fighters, and at the same time they proudly call themselves “punishers”. About their opponents, the “separatists” (apparently referring to the dissatisfied residents of Donetsk and the Russian soldiers, in their opinion, sent by Putin) they spoke in the same vein as in Hitler’s Germany they spoke about the Jews. When I tried to remind them that we are talking about Ukrainians like themselves ( or the same Slavs) they looked at me as if I was crazy. Sometimes the reaction was “You are a woman, what do you understand about men’s affairs.”

The entire article can be read here: http://relevantinfo.co.il/2200...

“We ourselves choose which wolf to feed - what to believe, how to interpret the events around us, the behavior of certain people, the processes taking place in society. I choose to see the “good wolf” in the enemy and talk to him. That is why I joined the movement “Women for peace” - the final lines of Zhenya’s article...

Maybe I’m more radical, but it’s difficult for me to accept a “good wolf” in an enemy, especially after the crimes that criminals from Ukraine have committed and are committing... I cannot accept their values... the values ​​of humiliating and killing people who chose another point of view...

You and I are all people, and each of us has the same number of arms and legs, each of us has a head on our shoulders, and each of us chooses his own path... the path of evil or good... I cannot come to someone else's house and destroy people, just because they don’t think like me, and the Ukrainian authorities can... I don’t have the right to lie... I have to tell the truth... bitter at times, but the truth...

So think about “what wolf” are you feeding... that’s how you’ll end your life...

Everything has its time...

30.04.2008, 12:13 [#911]

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth:
- There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:
- Which wolf wins in the end?
The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:
- The wolf you feed always wins...

Previous posts on this topic:

    04/30/2008 at 14:06

  • 04/30/2008 at 21:11

    But what to do if you constantly feed the evil wolf, and you don’t have the strength to feed the good one?
    and you feed him, and you feed him. and you live like this, and you live. and that's all. there is no continuation. you don't become good. you don't start feeding the good wolf. and it doesn’t matter that you have to feed the wrong wolf. and there is no understanding that it is time to change something.

    • 04/30/2008 at 21:38

      there are no good and bad wolves
      all wolves are predators, and this is their essence
      just as the essence of a person is his yetzer ra - his bad beginning. It possesses us without any of our effort. And in order for the yetzer to prevail in us product - good beginning, you need to work hard. By purifying and correcting yourself, striving for the Creator, to be like oneself with Him. And then the result will be wonderful, and our yetzer ra - a bad beginning, will become a slave to our good beginning.

      04/30/2008 at 21:37

      The true-false analysis system, of course, contradicts the parameters of bitter and sweet. If you measure on a bittersweet scale, then I prefer what is sweet. Let's say I love sweets. However, doctors say that I have diabetes and I can’t have sweets. Is there a contradiction here? Eat. But I want something sweet! And they prohibit it. What to do? I can analyze the situation either on a bittersweet or true-false basis. How do I deal with these two systems? I do not know what to do.
      I need to connect them together. That is, I must assign the categories truth and lies the same standards as the categories bitter and sweet. Let's say that the truth is like a kilogram of chocolate, and a lie is like a kilogram of acid. How else can I compare these things? After all, they are not in the same range of perception in me, so that I can compare which of them is smaller and which is larger. One belongs to the realm of feelings, and the other to the realm of reason. It is clear from people that they are not able to connect these two systems and therefore suffer.
      But if you basically want to use two systems to achieve a goal, you need to connect them together in order to control one with the help of the other. Based on feelings, the formation of reason is possible. After all, the mind grows only in accordance with how much you feel, for we are sentient beings. We are made up of the material of the desire to enjoy. And as much as we suffer from the inability to achieve pleasure, the mind grows.
      After humanity has passed through the inanimate, plant and animal levels, which correspond to bodily pleasures, money, power and knowledge, the spiritual level is revealed. And then a system of analysis appears in us according to the parameters of truth and falsehood. But before it didn’t exist. Before, such concepts as truth and lies did not exist. And only now we open them opposite the point in the heart.
      On one side we have our heart, which represents all our desires. With this heart we advanced through beats, i.e. according to the principle of bittersweet. The bittersweet rating scale was needed to see what is sweeter and less bitter. And so we moved forward, ran forward.
      Now a completely different system is being introduced into us. In addition to the parameters of bitter and sweet, a point from the higher world appears in me, called the point in the heart. And she pulls me towards spiritual pleasure. I don't understand what this is. This is the AKHAP of the highest – the reverse side of the highest level.
      The intelligence that I developed was cultivated by me only next to the animal sensation of bitter and sweet, like an animal. And I have no more intelligence than is necessary to serve my desire. Thus, I have an earthly animal mind, as well as desires.
      Regarding the point in the heart, I must begin to build a new analytical system, which, in fact, will become a real spiritual system of analysis according to the parameters of truth and falsehood. This is something new that I'm going to build.
      In this case, I cannot compare the two systems. However, the measurement must be made by me in the area of ​​desires to which numbers are attached. Psychologists want to do the same, but they do not have a Kelim for this. Let’s say that such and such a desire is equivalent to the number “plus five”, such and such a desire is “minus two”, such and such a desire is “plus seven”, another is “minus ten”... Not only “plus” and “minus” signs are possible here ", as well as coefficients between numbers, various functions. Here 613 desires are combined into a certain structure called Adam. This is a huge system, like an organism, consisting of various organs with all their interconnections. And then, using the correct formula, I can calculate all my actions. This is called the spiritual appearance of a person, created in this way by me.
      However, I must give weight to literally every desire. Otherwise, I won't be able to work with them. How can I weigh these desires? After all, they are completely different. Can I compare the desire to sleep with the desire to listen to music, eat... We don’t know what and how. In our world, we determine what is more significant and what is less, according to the degree of pleasure.
      But eventually we really begin to explore desires. We have no other choice. If I want to bring desires to the correct calculation, I need to connect them together. And connect them so that they work for one goal - to become like the image of the Creator, who presents himself to me in this form. And then it turns out that my mind analyzes according to the parameters of truth and falsehood only regarding the possibility of becoming like the Creator. That's how they work.

      04/30/2008 at 21:49

      Katya: the awareness that you are feeding evil spirits (the wolf is given as an allegory) is already enough for started work, and You initially do not have your own powers and you must ask for these powers (MAN) from the Creator.
      The importance of feeling a good “wolf” will come to you when you acutely feel that by feeding the evil wolf, you are feeding dead desires and until you start feeding the good wolf, you will be like the evil wolf - spiritually dead!

      05/01/2008 at 10:06

      Yesterday I was told a short story that in the human body there are two animals called good and evil principles. And whatever animal you feed, that animal grows and dominates you. Of course, one of them rules, but which one will rule, you choose by feeding it.
      I was asked if this is correct? On the one hand, this folk history, people have noticed that this is so. “Habit will become second nature” - in the place to which a person is accustomed, he receives all his concepts, his path, the rules of his behavior. We are witnesses to this, these are known things.
      What does it mean to nurture the good or bad animal in a person? A person tries to do this himself with the help of books and teachers, with the help of the environment. In any case, we are talking about some kind of choice on the part of a person, when he can feed either his good or his evil beginning. But this is the way of the masses. This is how people are taught - so that a person chooses good comrades, so that he reads good books to think about good things. Thanks to this, he will get used to these things, that's all. What do you mean get used to it? He will feed a good, kind animal, it will constantly grow, he will get used to the fact that it operates in him, and these habits will become his nature.
      Our path is the opposite of this - “the opinion of the Torah is opposite to the opinion of the masses.” And this is not how it works for us. Firstly, a bad animal constantly grows faster than a good one, whether we feed it or not - the Creator feeds it. He constantly grows it inside us without our asking. And God grant us, with the same strength, at the same pace, to raise a correspondingly good animal, so that they are balanced. But we will never be able to do this.
      We see that despite the fact that humanity understands all these wisdoms, it cannot cope. Our path is the path of the Torah, which is opposite to the path of the masses. And only with the help of light returning to the source, when we attract light, we can elevate a good animal, and make a good and good animal out of an evil bad animal. Make good out of two animals, which is why it is said “twice good.” And there is no other way.
      While a person is at the stages of growing up, possessing a small Aviut, all these tips can still somehow hold him back, presenting a certain level of moral teaching, defining the boundaries of behavior, keeping him within certain limits. But in our time, all these tips do not work, and all of us, all of humanity, only need light that returns to the source. Only this can curb our evil inclination and even turn it into good.