Presentation “The First Civilizations. Presentation on history on the topic “Features of ancient civilizations. Civilizations of the Ancient East» free download The first civilizations of the ancient world presentation

For the era of the Ancient World, the following phenomena are fundamental: the formation of tribal relations, the creation of writing, the design of religious cults. On the basis of tribal territories, the first state formations are formed. The appearance of writing leads to the improvement of abstract thinking, takes communication beyond the memory of one person, and makes it possible to realize the connection of times and cause-and-effect patterns. The creation of a specialized communication system and the transition from primitive magic to religion frees fine art from informational functions. The era of the Ancient World corresponds to the model of a "one-dimensional universe", in which linear connections are put forward in the first place.

Myths of the one-dimensional universe, totem myths and myths of initiation, unlike calendar myths, have a linear compositional structure. Totem myths tell about the beginning of the family. The myths about initiation reproduce the ritual of introducing an adult member of the community to the secret of their origin from the totem ancestor and gaining secret knowledge from deceased ancestors. On the basis of the "basic myth" and the myths of initiation in the epic genre of literature, the classical structure of the archplot is formed. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the first example of an archplot. Gilgamesh holding a lion cub. 721–705 BC e. Scene from the Epic of Gilgamesh on a cylinder seal

Seated Buddha from Katre. The Kushan era. 2nd century In the fine arts of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Mesoamerica, the abstract principle of line is embodied through the unfolding of the ritual of worshiping the world tree. The basis of the composition of works visual arts from now on, the duality of the depicted is put - the object of veneration and the ritual of veneration. Buddhist iconography is characterized by symmetrical compositions. In them, the Buddha or the images replacing it are flanked to the right and left by the figures of worshippers. Stele of Naramsin, King of Akkad. 23rd century BC e.

Tomb of Seti I. XIX dynasty. Valley of the Kings, Luxor Images on the ceiling of the Hypostyle Temple of Hathor in Dendera Hypostyle of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera. 19th century drawing In ancient Egyptian art, the two-part scheme expands to infinity of frieze formations due to the repeated blocks of the veneration ritual with characters worshiping or bringing gifts.

The unfolding of the universe-line through an ever-growing list of material phenomena in ancient art is manifested in a kind of fear of emptiness. In Egypt, voids are filled with a carpet of hieroglyphic inscriptions or decorative elements of the landscape. In Mesoamerica, there are examples of continuous carpeting of entire architectural structures. Stele of Henen. 21st century BC. Tutankhamen with his wife in the garden Relief on the lid of the chest, XIV century. BC e.

The archetype of the world mountain has become a common basic model for different types pyramids, ziggurat and stupas. In ancient Egypt, the beam and the mountain existed both in separate and in fused form. Obelisk of Senusret III in the city of Junu (Heliopolis) Stupas in India are a model of Mount Meru, sacred for the Hindus, located in the center of the universe. In Mesoamerica, the scheme of the altar on top of the world mountain was relevant. Great stupa at Sanchi. 3rd century BC e. Piedras Negras. Mayan culture. 600–810 n. e. Reconstruction of T. Proskuryakova Pyramids in Giza. Egypt

In the composition of the temple complexes, the geometric abstraction of the beam is realized in the form of the idea of ​​the passionate Path of the Sun through the underworld. Due to the fact that in the myths of creation the unfolding of the world occurs from the waters of chaos to the sky, that is, from the bottom up, the Sacred Road is also directed from the lower, earthly world to the upper, heavenly one. Road of the Dead in Teotihuacan. 2nd century Alley of sacred rams to the Temple of Amun in Luxor. 14th century BC e. Alley of sphinxes to the temple of Amun in Karnak. 1504–1492 BC e.

In Luxor and Karnak, the temple becomes the architectural setting for the dual Path of the Sun - the original, when it rose from the waters of Nun (chaos), and the daily one. The Sun began its advance to the sky from the chamber immersed in darkness, where the Sacred Boat with the figure of God was kept. It was followed by rooms, where there was always a multi-column hall, symbolizing "reed fields", in the waters of which the sun originated. Columns of the Temple of Amun in Luxor. 14th century BC e. View of the Karnak temple complex. 1504–1492 BC e.

According to the logic of the myth, the development of the bottom and the inner core of the cosmos took place initially. The path of the primordial Ray unfolds in the bowels of the earth or the world mountain. The pyramid is a model of the world mountain in its purest form. In the rock temples of Egypt and India, the sacred core is hidden under the thickness of the mountain. D. Roberts Interior of Abu Simbel Temple 1830s Ajanta Temple. Vihara - hall for general meeting 5th century India Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. 1482–1473 before. n. e. Deir el-Bahri, Egypt

In the ancient world, the principle of ornamentality as the basis of the compositional and rhythmic organization of fine arts retains its position. The ornamentality of pictorial compositions remains a sign of cosmic supernatural forces that bring order to the Universe. In Egypt, ornamentality symbolizes the eternity of the afterlife. In Mesopotamia, the syncretism of the plot and ornamentation points to the identity of the macro- and microworlds. In India, a deceptively beautiful, infinitely changing, imperceptibly sliding pattern of being is weaved by the deceptive Maya. The transition of the role of a sample of the universe from a vessel as a container of being to architecture led to the opening of a circular ornamental composition and its transformation into a linear one. The spiral running around the vessel loses its quadrupleness, which means a closed annual or daily cycle, and turns into a line of an endless braid.

The idea of ​​a vertical creative beam in dance was most clearly embodied in the cosmic dance of Shiva. According to the myth, Shiva performed this dance at the middle point of the earth. The "cosmic dancer" is depicted with four arms, trampling the dwarf Apasmaru, the demon of ignorance, with his right foot. In his hands he holds a drum and a flame. The whole figure is surrounded by a fiery ring. From the point of view of sacred geometry, the act of creation is realized by a circular wave from one point to all four sides. Dancing Shiva. 11th century

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ancient civilizations. The artistic culture of ancient civilizations is an important period in the history of mankind, which gave the world great works of art. From the depths of centuries came to us the amazingly beautiful cave drawings of the first artists of the Earth, the mysterious menhirs and cromlechs - the prototype of future religious buildings, the majestic pyramids and temples of Ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian America, the Sumerian writing of Ancient Mesopotamia.

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Periodization of the history of mankind and its culture. Stone Age (40-4 thousand years BC): Paleolithic (40-12 thousand years BC), Mesolithic (12-8 thousand years BC), Neolithic (10- 4 thousand years BC). In the Neolithic era, copper displaces stone, bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) appears, and then iron. The era of bronze and iron among the peoples began at different times (3-1 thousand years BC)

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From what sources do scientists learn about primitive culture? The sources of our ideas about primitive artistic culture: Archeology - the science of antiquity, studies the past on the basis of the material remains of human activity. Ethnography is a science that studies the everyday and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world, the so-called traditional art. Linguistics is the science of language (or linguistics). She turns to proverbs, riddles, fairy tales.

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What are the features of primitive culture? Primitive culture is syncretic - rite, ritual, custom occupied an important place in the cultural process of all people. All drawings have the same degree of convention, similarity in details and technique. It did not stand out and did not distinguish between its main types: fine arts, theater, music and dance. The main reason for this syncretism of art was its close connection with religious beliefs and characteristics. labor activity primitive man. As the tools of labor improve, the intellect of a person is formed, this prompted in him the need to know the laws of the Universe. A person began to create objects that are more and more like works of art.

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The history of primitiveness began with the appearance of the first people on earth. They made many discoveries. The primeval era was the longest period in human history. THE FIRST ARTISTS OF THE EARTH. Did primitive art exist?

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Even 150 years ago, this question would have caused bewilderment and a negative answer by scientists. But in 1879, an amateur archaeologist, the Spanish nobleman Marcelino de Sautuola, decided to excavate in the Altamira cave. The images of animals were so perfect that other scientists did not believe and accused Sautuola of deceit. 25 life-size color drawings of bison adorned the walls of the cave. Some animals lay on the ground, others calmly nibbled grass, others, falling from the hunter's arrow, writhed in agony. The blacks, browns, reds and yellows looked fresh and bright, as if they had just been applied to the stone. It was a real painting of the first artists of the Earth. Altamira Cave has received worldwide fame. Later, drawings were discovered in caves in France, Mongolia, in the South Urals (Kapova cave)

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When did art originate? “It did not start at a strictly defined moment - it gradually grew, formed and changed along with the person who created it.” (N. Dmitriev)

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What made primitive man draw, cut, sculpt? Hunting belonged to all the thoughts and feelings of man. Even while resting, I thought about the cunning and insidious beast. Drawing the figure of an animal, a person "mastered" the animal, as he knew it. "The vital necessity of figurative knowledge was the cause of the emergence of art"

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The most common plot of the first drawings are single images of large animals: horses, lions, rhinos, deer, bison - the main objects of human hunting. The drawings were often life-sized and showed knowledge of the body structure and habits of animals. That is why people talk about the realism of the art of primitive man. "an animated reality", created according to the laws of beauty. G.V. Hegel (1770-1831) German philosopher.

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The first weapons of people were hands, nails and teeth, Stones, as well as fragments and branches of forest trees ... The forces of iron and then copper were discovered. But the use of copper rather than iron was recognized. Lucretius 1st century BC Roman poet and philosopher.

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The most ancient images include prints of a hand with widely spaced fingers.

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The first artists of the Earth still did not know the laws of perspective, and therefore the proportions between the size of individual animals were not observed in their drawings.

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characteristic feature primitive fine arts was the transfer of the depth of space and the volume of animals is visible, plasticity was achieved by a skillful distribution of light and dark tones. With the help of one composition, a whole plot is reproduced.

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A dynamic scene of a man hunting deer. Figures of archers in the form of lines, but how unique they are. "Fighting Archers"

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Primitive sculpture. For the most part, it is represented by figures of women carved from soft stone, limestone, mammoth bone. Numerous female figurines were of a cult nature and were revered as shrines. Paleolithic "Venus" is a generalized image of the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of fertility. Despite external primitivism, they are perceived as genuine art, a real hymn to Mother Woman.

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In the Neolithic era there was ceramic tableware which has no analogues in world art. Designed to store liquid, it was made without the help of a potter's wheel. See page 13 of the textbook. Symbols.

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Origins of architecture. The transition to agriculture and cattle breeding gradually changed the way of life of people, they had a need to build the simplest dwellings in the form of rounded huts from poles or bones of a killed mammoth covered with skins. Settlements turned into villages of farmers, in the Neolithic era the first cities and rather complex structures grow up, which do not have domestic purposes, but are associated with the religious ideas of primitive man, and they were of enormous size. Their construction is attributed to giants who possessed incredible physical strength. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that blocks of stone were moved or thrown from palm to palm without much effort by one-eyed giants - cyclops. In fact, buildings were erected ordinary people, armed with the simplest devices: levers, logs-skating rinks, leather belts.

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Slides captions:

The Ancient World is the birth of the first civilizations.

Civilization The word comes from the Latin language, is associated with the words state civil

More than 5 thousand years ago, among the small villages of farmers and pastoralists, the first CITIES appeared - settlements of artisans, merchants and rulers.

There were new organizations engaged in the management of society - STATES

Oral stories were not enough to convey this information; WRITING appeared

Civilized countries were not alike. appearance of cities state orders forms of writing varied greatly

Ancient Civilizations Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient China Ancient India Ancient Greece Ancient Rome

Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

I believe, I do not believe. 1. Do you believe that the Sumerians wrote on clay tablets, from which they created clay books?

2. Do you believe that there was a theater in Ancient Greece?

3. Do you believe that the Latin letters A, B, C ... were invented by the ancient Romans?

4. Do you believe that many of the names of the months of our calendar come from the names of Roman gods or emperors?

5. Do you believe that the Great Wall of China not only served as a defense, but also was a road at the height of a three-story building?

6. Do you believe that silk was brought to Ancient Rome from China and paid for with gold and precious stones?

I believe, I do not believe. 1. Do you believe that the Sumerians wrote on clay tablets, from which they created clay books? YES

2. Do you believe that there was a theater in Ancient Greece? YES

3. Do you believe that the Latin letters A, B, C ... were invented by the ancient Romans? YES

4. Do you believe that many of the names of the months of our calendar come from the names of Roman gods or emperors? YES

5. Do you believe that the Great Wall of China not only served as a defense, but also was a road at the height of a three-story building? YES

6. Do you believe that silk was brought to Ancient Rome from China and paid for with gold and precious stones? YES

The presentation was made by Tarasova Irina Valentinovna Uchitel primary school GBOU lyceum №150 St. Petersburg

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Slides captions:

The ancient world - the birth of the first civilizations

Do we use a calendar, hourglass, numbers, alphabet in the modern world? What do you think of the above listed ancient items? “What achievements of the Ancient World era do we still use?” What is the Ancient World? Could clocks, calendars, letters, numbers appear in primitive society?

What items could appear in the era of the Ancient World? What knowledge do we lack? We know We don't know What are the clock, calendar, letters, numbers for? What is the difference between the era of the Ancient World and the era of the Primitive World? Ancient World - Second Age world history What items could appear in the era of the Ancient World?

Civilization is a new, higher stage in the development of mankind, different countries with its own special culture The main signs of civilization: State (king, taxes, army) Cities Writing

Ancient Rome Ancient Greece Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Ancient China Ancient India

Ancient Rome Ancient Rome is located on the Apennine Peninsula. The capital is the city of Rome, founded in 753 BC. on the banks of the Tiber River by the twins Romulus and Remus, sons of the vestal Rhea Sylvia and the god of war Mars. The city was founded on the top of the Capitol Hill, where later administrative buildings arose: the Senate, the tribune. The Romans were brilliant builders and architects. Rome was built according to an ideal layout. Open squares alternated with straight avenues and streets that intersected at right angles, the squares were decorated with statues. In the history of Rome, there are a lot of events of interest: the life of Gaius Julius Caesar, the uprising of Spartacus, the Punic Wars

Ancient Rome They invented the water mill, Tyronian marks (in modern meaning shorthand), concrete; and the habit of the Romans to salt greens led to the formation of the word "salad". Multi-story houses. High-rise buildings appeared in Rome not at all from a good life. The problem of overpopulation was already familiar in those distant times. The only way out was high-rise buildings that were rented out. The poor lived under the roof. They had to climb up to the very roof along the outer staircase, which began right on the street. These apartments were so low and cramped that the only way to walk around the rooms was to bend over.

Ancient Rome Sewerage. The sewage was constantly washed away through an inclined pipe with water from a nearby thermal source. This was the first full-fledged sewage system, also known as the “Cloaca”, the diameter of the main tunnels of which reached 7 meters. Double-glazed windows. Of course, glass was not invented by the ancient Romans. But it was they who brought window craft to perfection. The world's first correct construction of a window measuring 1 x 1.7 m was located under the vault of the dressing room of the bath in Pompeii and consisted of a bronze frame with frosted glass. At the same time, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome realized that the main part of the warm air leaves through the window, and if you put two glasses, one after the other with a distance of five centimeters, then the house becomes much warmer.

Ancient Rome Triumphal arches are also a Roman architectural innovation, possibly borrowed from the Etruscans. Arches were built for various reasons - both in honor of victories and as a sign of the consecration of new cities. However, their primary meaning is associated with a triumph - a solemn procession in honor of the victory over the enemy. Passing through the arch, the emperor returned to his native city in a new capacity. The arch was the boundary between one's own and the other's.

Egypt is an ancient state that existed in the valley of the lower Nile. The territory of Egypt was a narrow ribbon of fertile soil stretching along the banks of the Nile. On both sides the valley was bordered by mountain ranges. At first, the country was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt. The ancient Egyptians grew barley, wheat, grapes, figs and dates, bred large and small cattle. In 3 thousand BC. imperial power was significantly strengthened and consolidated. This was reflected in the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt - the pyramids. Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt 1. Ancient Egypt made a huge contribution to world culture. The Egyptians found a more suitable material for writing than clay - papyrus. This is a reed that grows in abundance along the banks of the Nile River. They wrote in drawing-like characters called hieroglyphs. The Egyptians called them "divine speech." They attached important religious and magical significance to the writings. 2. The Egyptians built their dwellings from clay, silt and straw. Later they learned how to make bricks out of clay, burn them in the sun and build houses out of them.

Ancient Egypt 3. The Egyptians grew wheat, barley, flax, from which they wove linen and sewed clothes. Raised cattle. The Egyptians hunted on land from chariots and on water from boats. They hunted hippos with harpoons and ropes. 4. The highest and oldest is the pyramid of Cheops. It reaches 146 meters in height. This is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. It has been under construction for 20 years. 100 thousand people worked on its construction and six and a half million tons of stones were used.

Ancient Egypt 5 . There were medical schools in Egypt. Ancient Egyptian doctors were well versed in how the human body works. Belief in an afterlife led the Egyptians to embalm (mummify) the bodies of the dead. 6. The Egyptians wore light clothing made of linen, which was not hot. Both men and women used cosmetics. Wealthy people wore wigs and jewelry made of gold and semi-precious stones.


Ancient China They made silk fabric (even books were made from this material, but they were very expensive). Invented a cheap material - paper Invented a compass Learned to grow - tea A single coin of China The Great Wall of China

Ancient Greece Ancient Greece was located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and included the islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. From the 8th century BC The Greeks called themselves Hellenes. The population of Ancient Greece was engaged in agriculture, gardening (especially the cultivation of grapes and olives), cattle breeding (preference was given to small livestock - goats). And the handicraft was also developed. In historical times, the territory of the Hellenes was divided into many small states. The largest policies were Sparta and Athens. The ancient Greeks believed in many gods: Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Neptune, Hera, Artemis, Hermes and others. Ancient Greece gave the world the Olympic Games.

Ancient Greece 1. Sparta, even in peacetime, looked like a military camp. The sons of citizens of Sparta at the age of 7 entered schools, where they underwent severe hardening. In order to teach the boys to endure the hardships of military service without a murmur, they were cruelly flogged in churches once a year. At the same time, the boys were not even supposed to moan. The greatest attention was paid to the development of strength, endurance, courage, the ability to obey and command. The boys were also taught correct speech(it had to be clear and concise - concise), reading and writing, playing the musical instruments, choral singing. The girls were brought up in the family, they were also necessarily developed physically. Young men from the age of 20 began military service, which lasted until the age of 60.

Ancient Greece 2. In another Greek state - Athens, named after the goddess Athena - the Goddess of war, wisdom, knowledge, arts, crafts, bravery and courage were revered, but sciences and arts were of great importance. Especially valued oratory - eloquence. He was specially taught to boys in gymnasiums.

Ancient Greece 3. Above all, the ancient Greeks valued scientific knowledge, which amazed even their descendants. One of the most famous Greeks - Archimedes - a scientist, mathematician, mechanic, founder of theoretical mechanics and hydrostatics. He made many discoveries: the law of floating of bodies, named after him, invented a propeller for lifting water to land. Pythagoras is a mathematician-geometer, philosopher, religious and political figure. He is credited with studying the properties of integers, proving the Pythagorean theorem, and more. Writers Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides became famous for their plays. The historian Herodotus is called the "father" of history. The great philosophers were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. The theater also came to us from Greece, Archimedes Pythagoras

Ancient Greece 4. The art of mosaic was born in Ancient Greece, where images were made from colorful pebbles. In ancient Greece, they were engaged in painting ceramic vessels: amphoras (a sharp-bottomed vessel), kylix (an elegant bowl), craters (a large vessel). Legends, myths, scenes from everyday life, competitions of athletes served as subjects for painting.

Ancient Greece Now vases - giants, then dwarfs - vases And each vase with a picture of a story! A hero in a chariot flies to war. The Argonauts are sailing into a foreign country. Perseus kills the Gorgon Medusa. But Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, shoots someone with a well-aimed bow. And this is Orpheus playing the lyre. And this is a sports trophy. The ancient Greeks plied the seas, They found time for sports, And they also invented the Olympic Games in ancient days! Ancient Greek theater in Pergamon.

In the city of Olympus, the all-Greek sports competitions - the Olympic Games - were held every 4 years. They celebrated in honor of the god Zeus. Competitions were held in running, wrestling, chariot races. The head of the winner was crowned with a laurel wreath. During the Olympic Games, all hostilities ceased. Artists and poets used to come here. Here the custom was established to read literary works and recite poetry. The Greek states during the Olympics announced the conclusion of important treaties, sealed them with oaths at the altars of the gods.

Mesopotamia The large cities of Mesopotamia were the centers of states that appeared more than 5 thousand years ago. During excavations in Mesopotamia, archaeologists found many clay tablets covered with wedge-shaped icons, which turned out to be the oldest writing system on Earth. It turns out that the Sumerians opened the era of written history, found a means of expressing speech in the form of symbols. The Sumerians used soft clay tablets as a material for writing, on which they squeezed out badges - “wedges” with a special stick. Each icon represented a whole word. The tablets were fired for durability. The cuneiform script used 700 characters, so few people owned it. The profession of a scribe was highly respected.

Mesopotamia They established order in society, regulated relations between people. The laws are carved on a basalt slab found by archaeologists in 1901. contained 282 articles. In the laws you can find information about the purpose of their creation, about the features of the economy of Babylon, about the development of society, about slavery, trade, the army, and many others. The Sumerians invented a wheel, a plow, an irrigation system, a bow for hunting, they first began to grow wheat, flax, peas, grapes, thousands of years ago the Sumerians knew mathematics, astronomy. Since the X century. BC. they make extensive use of iron.

The development of ancient Indian architecture has some peculiarities. Monuments that existed until the III century BC. e., have not survived to the present day, since building material tree served. From the III century BC. e. stone is used in construction. Large stupa No. 1, where the relics of the Buddha are stored Cave temple in Ajanta (Gupta Empire) Ancient India

Ancient Indian Art Buddha Statue Ancient Fresco from Ajanta Temple (Under Guptas) Decimals Chess

Lesson summary: What is the era of the Ancient World? What civilized countries existed in the era of the Ancient World? What is the main difference between the era of the Ancient World and the era of the Primitive World?

Summary of the lesson: What surprised you at the lesson? What did you buy, feel, think? Have you discovered something new for yourself? What more succeeded? Why do we need this lesson? Evaluate your work in the lesson: Green - I was active and satisfied with my work. Yellow - I tried, but I didn’t succeed. Red - I didn't work well enough. Draw a circle of the selected color next to the topic of the lesson in " Workbook»

Do we use a calendar, hourglass, numbers, alphabet in the modern world? What do you think of the above listed ancient items? “What achievements of the era of the Ancient World do we still use?” What is the Ancient World? Could clocks, calendars, letters, numbers appear in primitive society?

What items could appear in the era of the Ancient World? What knowledge do we lack? We know We don't know What are the clock, calendar, letters, numbers for? What is the difference between the era of the Ancient World and the era of the Primitive World? The ancient world - the second era of world history What objects could appear in the era of the ancient world?

Ancient Rome They invented the water mill, Tyronian marks (shorthand in the modern sense), concrete; and the Roman habit of salting greens led to the formation of the word salad. Multi-story houses. High-rise buildings appeared in Rome not at all from a good life. The problem of overpopulation was already familiar in those distant times. The only way out was high-rise buildings that were rented out. The poor lived under the roof. They had to climb up to the very roof along the outer staircase, which began right on the street. These apartments were so low and cramped that the only way to walk around the rooms was to bend over.

Ancient Rome Sewerage. The sewage was constantly washed away through an inclined pipe with water from a nearby thermal source. This was the first full-fledged sewerage, it is also the Cloaca, the diameter of the main tunnels of which reached 7 meters. Double-glazed windows. Of course, glass was not invented by the ancient Romans. But it was they who brought window craft to perfection. The world's first correct construction of a window measuring 1 x 1.7 m was located under the vault of the dressing room of the bath in Pompeii and consisted of a bronze frame with frosted glass. At the same time, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome realized that the main part of the warm air leaves through the window, and if you put two glasses, one after the other with a distance of five centimeters, then the house becomes much warmer.

Ancient Rome Triumphal arches are also a Roman architectural innovation, possibly borrowed from the Etruscans. Arches were built for various reasons - both in honor of victories and as a sign of the consecration of new cities. However, their primary meaning is associated with a triumph - a solemn procession in honor of the victory over the enemy. Passing through the arch, the emperor returned to his native city in a new capacity. The arch was the boundary between one's own and the other's.

In the city of Olympus, the all-Greek sports competitions - the Olympic Games - were held every 4 years. They celebrated in honor of the god Zeus. Competitions were held in running, wrestling, chariot races. The head of the winner was crowned with a laurel wreath. During the Olympic Games, all hostilities ceased. Artists and poets used to come here. Here the custom was established to read literary works and recite poetry. Greek states during the Olympics Announced the conclusion of important treaties, sealed them with oaths at the altars of the gods.

Ancient Egypt 1. Ancient Egypt made a huge contribution to world culture. The Egyptians found a more suitable material for writing than clay - papyrus. This is a reed that grows in abundance along the banks of the Nile River. They wrote in drawing-like characters called hieroglyphs. The Egyptians called them "divine speech." They attached important religious and magical significance to the writings. 2. The Egyptians built their dwellings from clay, silt and straw. Later they learned how to make bricks out of clay, burn them in the sun and build houses out of them.

Ancient Egypt 3. The Egyptians grew wheat, barley, flax, from which they wove linen and sewed clothes. Raised cattle. The Egyptians hunted on land from chariots and on water from boats. They hunted hippos with harpoons and ropes. 4. The highest and oldest is the pyramid of Cheops. It reaches 146 meters in height. This is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. It has been under construction for 20 years. 100 thousand people worked on its construction and six and a half million tons of stones were used.

Mesopotamia They established order in society, regulated relations between people. The laws carved on a basalt slab found by archaeologists in 1901 contained 282 articles. In the laws you can find information about the purpose of their creation, about the features of the economy of Babylon, about the development of society, about slavery, trade, the army, and many others. The Sumerians invented a wheel, a plow, an irrigation system, a bow for hunting, they first began to grow wheat, flax, peas, grapes, thousands of years ago the Sumerians knew mathematics, astronomy. Since the X century. BC. they make extensive use of iron.

Lesson summary: What surprised you at the lesson? What did you buy, feel, think? What did you discover new for yourself? What was more successful? Why do we need this lesson? Evaluate your work in the lesson: Green - I was active and satisfied with my work. Yellow - I tried, but I didn’t succeed. Red - I didn't work well enough. Draw a circle of the selected color next to the topic of the lesson in the Workbook

The material of the textbook "The world around us," Man and humanity "Grade 4" was used. Publishers M.: Balass, 2012. The world around ("Man and humanity"). 4th grade. Guidelines for the teacher. - 2nd ed., - M .: Ballas, 2011 In preparing the presentation, materials from the sites were used: - pictures