Russian standardization system. The system of standards in the Russian Federation The system of standardization in the Russian Federation is

With the transition to the market, the very approach to the organization and use of the standards system has changed. The organization of work on standardization has become more democratic, is carried out on a voluntary basis (with the participation of all interested parties), and the application of standards is mostly advisory in nature. However, the requirements state standards RF are subject to mandatory implementation if it is related to the safety of life and health of people, their property, protection environment etc. Mandatory for use at enterprises and organizations in Russia are also the requirements of the standards that are included in contracts for the production and supply of designed products, and the requirements provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, there are the following regulatory documents on standardization:

State standards of the Russian Federation (GOST);

Industry standards (OST);


Standards of enterprises and associations, associations, concerns;

Standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering unions, associations and other public organizations.

State system standardization regulates the processes of construction, presentation, and dissemination of standards in the Russian Federation and includes five fundamental standards:

1) GOST R 1.0-92 G.S.S. RF. Basic provisions;

2) GOST R 1.2-92 G.S.S. RF. The procedure for the development of state standards;

3) GOST 1.3-92 G.S.S. RF. The procedure for agreeing, approving and registering technical conditions;

4) GOST R. 1.4-92 G.S.S. RF. Enterprise standards. General provisions;

5) GOST R. 1.5-92. G.S.S. RF. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

Existing system standards pursues legal and socio-economic goals. First, the interests of the consumer and the state are protected by law in matters of product quality, environmental protection, safety of life and health of the population. Secondly, technical unity is guaranteed in the development, production, operation of products. Thirdly, the system of standards serves as a regulatory and technical basis for socio-economic programs and projects.

State standards also provide rational use resources by optimizing all types of work carried out in the quality system, developing unification, interchangeability of products and processes. Of great importance is also further development comprehensiveness, which provides for the coverage of all stages of production, processes and services by a system of standards in order to ensure the stable production of products of a predetermined level of quality.

Creation in Russia of a system of standards that meet the requirements market economy, allows:

Significantly expand the circle of customers and potential users of standards, significantly increase interest and change the motivation for their development, increasing attention to the problem of reducing production costs;

Turn standards into a practical tool in the struggle for the consumer market;

To stimulate, in the interests of consumers, the use of standards to increase competition between manufacturers for higher consumer properties of goods;

Turn standards into a product of democratic agreement (consensus) of stakeholders, which avoids dictate and ensures interest in the application and compliance with the requirements of the standards;

Create the necessary conditions competitiveness and successful work On the market.

In accordance with the Law "On Standardization", the State System of Standardization operates in the Russian Federation. The methodological issues of its organization and functioning are set out in the set of state fundamental standards "State Standardization System of the Russian Federation", new edition which was adopted in 1993 and entered into force on April 1, 1994. This complex includes the following documents:

GOST Ρ 1.0-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions";

GOST Ρ 1.2-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of State standards";

GOST Ρ 1.4-93 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Standards of industries, standards of enterprises, scientific, technical, engineering societies and others public associations. General Provisions";

GOST Ρ 1.5-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards";

PR 50.1.001-93 "Rules for approval and approval of technical specifications". The standardization system adopted in the Russian Federation provides and maintains up to date a single technical language, unified series of the most important specifications products, a system of building codes and regulations; size ranges and standard designs of products for general engineering and construction; a classification system for technical and economic information, reliable reference data on the properties of materials and substances.

In the conditions of market relations, standardization performs three functions: economic, social and communicative.

The economic function allows stakeholders to obtain reliable information about the product, and in a clear and convenient way. When concluding an agreement (contract), a reference to the standard replaces the description of information about the product and obliges the supplier to comply with the specified requirements and confirm them; in the field of innovation, the analysis of international and progressive national standards allows you to find out and systematize information about the technical level of products, modern methods tests, technological processes, and (importantly) to eliminate duplication; standardization of test methods allows obtaining comparable characteristics of products, which plays into big role in assessing the level of competitiveness of goods (in this case, technical competitiveness); standardization technological processes, on the one hand, contributes to the improvement of product quality, and on the other hand, to an increase in the efficiency of production management.

However, there is another side of the standard technological process: the possibility of a comparative assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise in the future. The constant use of only standardized technologies cannot ensure a technological breakthrough, and therefore, a leading position in the world market.

The social function of standardization lies in the fact that it is necessary to strive to include in standards and achieve in production such quality indicators of the object of standardization that contribute to health, sanitary and hygienic standards, safety in use and the possibility of environmentally friendly disposal of the product.

The communicative function is associated with the achievement of mutual understanding in society through the exchange of information. This requires standardized terms, interpretations of concepts, symbols, uniform office rules, etc.

2.3. Bodies and services for standardization

Standardization activities are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

Standardization- activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary multiple use, aimed at achieving order in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

Standardization in Russia carried out in order to:

  • increasing the level of safety of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety, safety of life or health of animals and plants and promotion of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;
  • ensuring scientific and technological progress;
  • technical and information compatibility;
  • interchangeability of products;
  • increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services;
  • rational use of resources;
  • increasing the level of safety of facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made emergencies;
  • comparability of the results of research (tests) and measurements, technical and economic-statistical data.

TO documents in the field of standardization relate:

  • national standards;
  • standardization rules, norms and recommendations in the field of standardization;
  • used in in due course classification, all-Russian classifiers technical, economic and social information;
  • organization standards.

National body of the Russian Federation for standardization:

  • approves national standards;
  • adopts a program for the development of national standards;
  • organizes the examination of draft national standards;
  • ensures the compliance of the national standardization system with the interests of the national economy, the state of the material and technical base and scientific and technological progress;
  • takes into account national standards, standardization rules, norms and recommendations in this area and ensures their availability to interested parties;
  • creates technical committees for standardization and coordinates their activities;
  • organizes the publication of national standards and their distribution;
  • participates in accordance with the charters of international organizations in the development of international standards and ensures that the interests of the Russian Federation are taken into account when they are adopted;
  • approves the image of the sign of compliance with national standards;
  • represents the Russian Federation in international organizations carrying out activities in the field of standardization.

Any person can be a developer of a national standard. Notification of the development of a national standard is sent to the national standardization body and published in information system general use in electronic digital form and in the printed edition of the federal body executive power for technical regulation. The developer of the national standard must ensure that the draft national standard is available to all interested parties for review.

The developer finalizes the draft national standard, taking into account the comments received in writing from interested parties, conducts a public discussion of the draft national standard and compiles a list of comments received in writing from interested parties with summary the content of these comments and the results of their discussion. The period of public discussion of the draft standard cannot be less than two months.

The notice of the completion of the public discussion of the draft national standard must be published in the printed edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system. The draft national standard is submitted by the developer to the technical committee for standardization, which organizes the examination this project. Taking into account the results of the examination, the technical committee prepares a reasoned opinion on the approval or rejection of the draft national standard.

The national standardization body, on the basis of documents submitted by the technical committee for standardization, makes a decision to approve or reject the national standard. The notification of the approval of the national standard is subject to publication in the printed edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system.






1. General characteristics of the standardization system in the Russian Federation and the direction of its reform.

2. Bodies and services of standardization of the Russian Federation.

3. The concept of technical regulations.

4. The procedure for the development, adoption, modification and cancellation of technical regulations.

5. Types of national standards of the Russian Federation.

STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION is a set of organizational, technical, legal and economic measures carried out under the control of the national standardization body and aimed at developing and applying normative documents in order to protect consumers and the state.

1. INITIAL STAGE ( 1992-2002 .)

State standardization system ( GSS) began to function in 1992 in connection with the formation of the state independence of Russia as a separate state after the collapse of the USSR in 1991

State management of standardization was carried out Gosstandart of Russia through territorial bodies - Centers for Standardization and Metrology (CSM), there were more than 90 of them.

The basis of the GSS was a fund of laws, by-laws, regulations, which was four-tier system:

1 level - technical legislation, the basis of which was the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization", which became invalid from the date of entry into the Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" in 2002.

2 leveldocuments of the all-Russian level: state standards of the Russian Federation ( GOST R); interstate standards; state standards former USSR (GOST); rules, norms, recommendations on standardization, metrology, certification; all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

3 level- documents whose scope is limited specific industry National economy - industry standards ( OST) - or the field of activity - the standards of the scientific, technical and engineering communities ( ONE HUNDRED); the OST category was introduced in 1960, the STO category was introduced in 1992.

4th level- documents with limited scope within the organization (enterprise)- enterprise standards ( STP) and specifications ( THAT).

2. TRANSITION STAGE (2003- 2010)

With the adoption in December 2002 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", the next stage of reforming the standardization system of the Russian Federation began - a transitional one. According to the law, it is equal to seven years, i.e. until 2010

In 2006 developed The concept of development of the national standardization system(adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 266-r dated February 26, 2006), according to which the State Standardization System ( GSS) should be converted to the National Standardization System ( NSS) with change legal status systems from state to voluntary.

In 2004, instead of the Gosstandart of Russia, the national body for standardization approved the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation, Metrology and Standardization - Rostekhregulirovanie.

The basis of the NSS is a fund of laws, by-laws, regulations, which was three-tier system:

1 leveltechnical regulations of the Russian Federation (TR) that set mandatory requirements to the objects of technical regulation (products, buildings, structures and facilities, processes of life cycle)

2 levelnational standards of the Russian Federation (NS) that set requirements on a voluntary basis to the objects of technical regulation (products, buildings, structures and facilities, processes of the life cycle program).

3 levelorganization standards (STO).

From the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" national recognized as operating at that time in the country state (GOST R) And interstate standards ( GOST).

The transitional stage of reforming the standardization system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" was to end in 2010 d, when the current NSS had to finally acquire the form and content in accordance with the underlying idea - i.e. must run by a non-governmental organization the TR fund should be finally formed within 7 years from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", and in connection with the end of the formation of the TR fund, the NC will be documents of purely voluntary use.

Fundamentals of standardization

State standardization system
The concept of standardization covers a wide area social activities, which includes scientific, technical, economic, economic, legal, aesthetic, political aspects. In all countries, the development of the state economy, the increase in the efficiency of production, the improvement in the quality of products, and the growth of living standards are associated with the widespread use of various forms and methods of standardization. Properly set standardization contributes to the development of specialization and cooperation in production.
In Russia operates state standardization system (SSS), uniting and streamlining work on standardization throughout the country, at all levels of production and management based on a set of state standards.
Standardization– Establishment and application of rules to streamline activities with the participation of all interested parties. Standardization should ensure the fullest possible satisfaction of the interests of the producer and consumer, increase labor productivity, economical use of materials, energy, working time and guarantee safety in production and operation.
The objects of standardization are products, norms, rules, requirements, methods, terms, designations, etc., which have the prospect of repeated use in science, technology, industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, culture, healthcare, as well as international trade.
Distinguish state (national) standardization And international standardization.
State standardization- a form of development and implementation of standardization, carried out under the guidance of government agencies on a single government plans standardization.
International standardization is carried out by special international organizations or a group of states in order to facilitate mutual trade, scientific, technical and cultural ties.
The norms established during standardization are formalized in the form of regulatory technical documentation for standardization - standards and specifications.
Standard- a regulatory and technical document that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization and approved by the competent authority. The standard can be developed both for items (products, raw materials, samples of substances), and for norms, rules, requirements for objects of an organizational, methodological and general technical nature of labor, the procedure for developing documents, safety standards, quality management systems, etc.
Specifications (TU)- a normative and technical document on standardization that establishes a set of requirements for specific types, brands, article numbers of products. Specifications are an integral part of the set of technical documentation for the products to which they apply.
Goals and objectives of standardization
the main objective State Standardization System (SSS)- with the help of standards that establish indicators, norms and requirements corresponding to the advanced level of domestic and foreign science, technology and production, to help ensure the proportional development of all sectors of the national economy of the country.
Other goals and objectives of standardization are:
1. Establish quality requirements finished products on the basis of standardization of its qualitative characteristics, as well as the characteristics of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components;
2. Development and establishment of a unified system of indicators of product quality, methods and means of control and testing, as well as the required level of reliability of products, taking into account their purpose and operating conditions;
3. Establishment of norms, requirements and methods in the field of design and production in order to ensure optimal quality and eliminate the irrational variety of types, brands and sizes of products;
4. Development of unification of industrial products, increasing the level of interchangeability, efficiency of operation and repair of products;
5. Ensuring the unity and reliability of measurements, the creation of state standards for units of physical quantities;
6. Establishment of unified documentation systems;
7. Establishment of systems of standards in the field of ensuring labor safety, environmental protection and improving the use of natural resources.

Forms of standardization
Depending on the method of solving the main problem, there are several forms of standardization.
Simplification- a form of standardization, which consists in simply reducing the number of brands of semi-finished products, components, etc. used in the development of a product or in its production. up to a quantity that is technically and economically feasible, sufficient to produce products with the required quality indicators. Being the simplest form and the initial stage of more complex forms of standardization, simplification turns out to be economically beneficial, as it leads to a simplification of production, facilitates logistics, warehousing, and reporting.
Unification– rational reduction in the number of types, types and sizes of objects of the same functional purpose. The objects of unification are most often individual products, their components, parts, components, grades of materials, etc. Unification is carried out on the basis of analysis and study of design options for products, their applicability by bringing together products that are similar in purpose, design and size, their constituent parts and parts to a single standard (unified) design.
Currently, unification is the most common and effective form of standardization. The design of equipment, machines and mechanisms using unified elements allows not only to reduce the development time and reduce the cost of products, but also to increase their reliability, reduce the time for technological preparation and production mastering.
Typing- This is a kind of standardization, which consists in the development and establishment of standard solutions(constructive, technological, organizational, etc.) based on the most advanced methods and modes of operation. In relation to structures, typification consists in the fact that some constructive solution (existing or specially developed) is taken as the main one - the basic one for several products that are identical or close in functional purpose. The required range and product options are built on the basis of the basic design by introducing a number of minor changes and additions to it.
Aggregation- a method of creating new machines, devices and other equipment by assembling the final product from a limited set of standard and unified units and assemblies that have geometric and functional interchangeability.

  • international standard
  • Regional standard
  • Gosstandart of the Russian Federation (GOST R)
  • Interstate standard (GOST)
  • Industry standard
  • Enterprise Standard

Rules (PR) - a document that establishes mandatory general technical provisions, procedures, methods for performing work (GOST R 1.0).
Recommendations (R) - a document containing general technical provisions, procedures, methods of work that are voluntary for use.
Norm - a provision that establishes quantitative or qualitative categories that must be satisfied (ISOMEK2).
A regulation is a document containing mandatory legal regulations and accepted by the authorities.
Technical regulation- a regulation that establishes the characteristics of products (services) or related processes and production methods (GOST 1.0).

Unified state systems of standards
On the basis of complex standardization in the Russian Federation, systems of standards have been developed, each of which covers a specific area of ​​activity carried out on a national scale or in certain sectors of the national economy.
Such systems include the State Standardization System (SSS), the Unified System design documentation(ESKD), Unified system for technological preparation of production (ESTPP), Unified system technological documentation(ESTD), the Unified System for Classification and Coding of Technical and Economic Information, the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI), the State System of Labor Safety Standards (GSSBT), etc.
Let's consider some of them.
State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (GSS RF) began to take shape in 1992. Its basis is the fund of laws, by-laws, normative documents on standardization. The Fund presents a four - level system:

  • Technical legislation - legal basis GSS.
  • State standards, all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information.
  • Industry standards and standards of scientific, technical and engineering societies.
  • Enterprise standards and specifications.

The legislative base of the SSC is in its infancy.
Unified system for design documentation (ESKD). This system establishes for all organizations in the country the procedure for organizing design, uniform rules for the implementation and execution of drawings and maintaining a drawing economy, which simplifies design work, improves the quality and level of interchangeability of products and facilitates reading and understanding of drawings in different organizations. ESKD includes more than 200 standards.
Unified system of technological documentation (ESTD) is a set of state standards that establish:
forms of documentation general purpose(route map of the technological process, summary specification, map of sketches, diagrams and adjustments, etc.);
rules for registration of technological processes and forms of documentation for the processes of casting, cutting and cutting blanks, mechanical and heat treatment, welding, processes specific to the industries of radio engineering, electronics, etc.
There is a close relationship between ESTD and ESKD. These systems play a big role in improving production management, increasing its efficiency, in introducing automated systems management, etc.
State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (SSI) establishes general rules and norms of metrological support. The main objects of GSI standardization are:
units of physical quantities;
state standards and all-Union verification schemes;
methods and means of verification of measuring instruments;
nomenclature of normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;
measurement accuracy standards;
methods of expression and presentation of measurement results and indicators of measurement accuracy;
measurement technique;
methodology for assessing the reliability and presentation of data on the properties of substances and materials;
requirements for standard samples of the composition and properties of substances and materials;
organization and procedure for conducting state tests, verification and metrological certification of measuring instruments, metrological examination of normative-technical, design, design and technological documentation, examination and certification of data on the properties of substances and materials;
terms and definitions in the field of metrology.