Calculation of the cost of design work for automated control systems. Development of documentation for automated process control systems. For the development of technical documentation

Date of introduction 1997-04-15

DEVELOPED by JSC "Research and Production Center "VNIPI SAU-40" and TP "CENTRINVESTproject" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

APPROVED by the Ministry of Industry Russian Federation March 14, 1997 on the recommendation of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (letter dated January 27, 1997 N 9-4/8)

From the date of its entry into force, the Price List for the development of technical documentation for process control systems, approved by the USSR Ministry of Electrical and Technical Equipment on February 19, 1991, becomes invalid.

1. Basic provisions

1. Basic provisions

1.1. Directory of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for automated control systems technological processes(APCS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is recommended for determining base prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contract prices for the development of technical specifications for the creation of process control systems and documentation for system-wide solutions, organizational, information, technical, mathematical and software automated process control systems, as well as for the development of documentation for automated process control subsystems that are part of integrated automated systems as their components for objects in industrial and non-industrial sectors.

1. 2. Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the labor intensity of the work, calculated in points, excluding value added tax.

1.3. The directory is intended for use by organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to perform the relevant work and have the status of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The prices in the Directory take into account all costs for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems, included in the cost price in accordance with the “Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), included in the cost price of products (works, services), and on the procedure for the formation of financial results taken into account when taxing profits ", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1992 N 552, with amendments and additions (except for the costs of purchasing special equipment and business trips).

1.5. The prices in the Directory are established in relation to the composition, procedure for development, approval and preparation for approval by the customer of technical documentation for process control systems, regulated by the relevant regulatory documents.

1.6. Prices in the Directory are set for the development of technical specifications (TOR) for the creation of automated process control systems and the development of design documentation for automated process control systems in the amount technical projects(according to SNiP 11-01-95 - projects) and working documentation. At the same time, prices are set separately for the development of each of the following parts design documentation for automated process control systems:

system-wide solutions (SW);

organizational support (OO);

information support (IS);

technical support (TO);

software (MS);

software (software).

1.7. The Directory prices do not include:

pre-design research work and development of the concept of process control systems;

research work carried out, if necessary, at the design stages of creating an automated process control system;

research and development work to create new automation tools;

development of a preliminary design for automated process control systems;

design and engineering work related to the development of individually manufactured automated process control equipment (including switchboards, consoles and other non-standard automation equipment), with the exception of drawing up initial requirements for the development of this equipment;

development of simulation equipment, debugging stands and testing grounds for debugging and testing the process control system and its components, as well as simulators for training process control system personnel;

costs for the purchase of special equipment, the need for which may arise during the development of process control systems;

business travel expenses;

additional costs associated with the performance of work by organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas;

costs of acquiring from the copyright holder the right to use the protected results of his intellectual activity, including in the field of automated process control systems;

costs of state supervision bodies, state examination and other interested organizations for the coordination and examination by them of the draft technical specifications and design documentation for the process control system;

development of documentation for construction, plumbing, electrical, fire-fighting automation and other related parts of the project;

work on equipping construction sites with equipment;

examination and acceptance of documentation developed foreign companies; review and finalization of documentation developed by foreign customers; drawing up specifications for materials, spare parts, components and components necessary for the operation of the process control system of a foreign facility; other work on separate instructions from the general supplier or general contractor;

development of construction and installation works (CEP) projects for the creation of automated process control systems;

work performed at the stage of putting the automated process control system into operation (including commissioning, design supervision of construction, provision of technical assistance).

1.8. Prices in the Directory are set depending on the labor intensity of the work, assessed by the main factors and expressed in points (Table 2.4). These tables are focused on automated process control systems being developed for the first time, taking into account the “basic” factors and conditions for their creation.

If there are other factors and conditions affecting the labor intensity of work, correction factors are applied when determining base prices (Table 1). Moreover, their values ​​for various parts design documentation for automated process control systems may be different.

1.9. The values ​​of labor intensity factors adopted when determining the price and the conditions for applying correction factors must correspond to:

for technical specifications - an application for the development (creation) of an automated process control system and the initial customer requirements for the system attached to it, and in case of insufficient data contained in the specified documents - other documents, the development of which preceded the development of technical specifications;

for project documentation for an automated process control system - the technical specifications for the creation of an automated process control system, and in case of insufficient data contained in the technical specifications - other documents, the development of which preceded the development of a technical or technical working design (according to SNiP 11-01-95 - a project or working draft, respectively) of an automated process control system .

1.10. When determining the base price using several coefficients greater than one, the overall increasing coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one.

When determining the base price using several coefficients less than one, the overall reducing coefficient is determined by multiplying them.

In the case of simultaneously increasing and decreasing coefficients, the total increasing and total decreasing coefficients are first determined in the indicated order, which are then multiplied.

1.11. When determining the base price, the values ​​of labor intensity factors corresponding to the volume of work under the contract should be used. Taking into account indicators characterizing both previous and subsequent stages of development of a technological control object and process control system is not allowed.

1.12 Determining the base price for the development of design documentation for an automated process control system by summing up the base prices for the development of design documentation for its individual subsystems that are not an automated process control system is not allowed.

1.13 The prices of this Handbook take into account work on local automation systems included in the process control system. In this regard, if the price for developing an automated process control system is determined according to this Directory, then the base price of design work for the construction of a facility equipped with an automated process control system, determined according to the Collection of prices for design work for construction or the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction, must be reduced by the amount provided for in this Collection or Directory of the cost of design work for this object of automation of technological processes (including technological control, process signaling, technological dispatch and telemechanization) .

1.14. Relative cost individual species work in the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems by the efforts of one organization is established by this organization depending on the labor intensity of the work performed.

The relative cost of work performed by subcontractors is established in agreement with these organizations.

1.15. The base price for the development of technical documentation for an automated process control system in a reduced volume compared to the volume taken into account in prices (for example, when developing documents not of all types and names established by state standards; when adjusting previously adopted design decisions; when developing an automated process control system for a facility where automation work has already been carried out , etc.) is determined based on the base prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems using a reduction factor, the size of which is established by the developer in agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

1.16. An explanation of the terms used in the Directory is given in Appendix 1.

1.17. Prices in the Directory are established as of January 1, 1995 and are adjusted taking into account inflation indices in accordance with information letters from the Ministry of Industry of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Odds to set prices and conditions for their use

Table 1

Conditions of use

Coefficient designation

Coefficient value


1. The process control system is reusable

From 0.3
up to 0.9

The coefficient value is selected depending on specific gravity reused design solutions in the total number of design solutions for process control systems

2. Process control system is being developed
for the purpose of replication

From 1.2
up to 1.4

3. The customer’s initial requirements for the process control system provide for a high degree of development of the system’s control functions

From 1.1
up to 1.2

Applicable only for technical tasks with IV-VII degrees of development of control functions of automated process control systems (see Table 4)

4. The process control system is developed taking into account several options for constructing (implementing) the system

From 1.05
up to 1.3

It is used for parts of design documentation for automated process control systems that require variant development, if there is a corresponding requirement in the technical specifications

5. Process control system is created using technical means, which are in the stage of production development

From 1.05
up to 1.2

1. Not applicable for technical specifications

2. The mastery of production is considered completed with positive results of qualification tests documented in a protocol (act).

3. The value of the coefficient is selected depending on the share of technical means that are at the stage of mastering production in the total number of technical means of automated process control systems

6. The process control system is created using foreign technical means

From 1.05
up to 1.25

1. Not applicable for technical specifications

2. Applicable when the developer of the process control system uses technical means of this type for the first time

3. Does not apply if a coefficient is applied

4. The value of the coefficient is selected depending on the share of foreign technical means in the total number of technical means of automated process control systems

7. The automated process control system is created using telemechanics devices, radio communications or high-frequency communications over high-voltage power lines for the data transmission network

From 1.1
up to 1.2

1. Applicable only for maintenance and software documentation

2. The belonging of the technical means used to the specified devices is determined by their OKP codes

8. The process control system is created as part of an automated technological complex(ATK) included in the experimental construction plan or in the list of unique or particularly important (critical) objects (constructions)

From 1.1
up to 1.3

The inclusion of ATK in the plan (list) must be documented

9. The process control system must be created abroad and the following complicating factors exist:

9.1. Translation of technical documentation into foreign language

9.2. Translation of foreign customer materials used in the process of developing process control systems into Russian

9.3. Double check of technical documentation, production of duplicate copies, increased requirements for the design and packaging of documentation

9.4. Use of equipment and materials purchased in the country of the foreign customer or supplied from third countries

9.5. Application of foreign norms and standards for equipment and materials

9.6. Additional requirements for design documentation for the construction of ATK on contract terms, including the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials temporary import

Applicable only for maintenance documentation

10. The process control system is subject to operation in special conditions, characterized by the following factors:

10.1. High-risk production (explosive; fire hazardous; explosion and fire hazardous; chemically hazardous; radiation hazardous; nuclear hazardous; biological hazardous)

From 1.1
up to 1.3

The use of the coefficient presupposes a mandatory design assessment of the system reliability

10.2. Tropical, maritime or cold climate

Applies only to technical specifications and maintenance documentation

10.3. Dusty or aggressive (corrosive)
active) environment

10.4. Seismic terrain

10.5. The current frequency and voltage in the power supply network differ from those established by Russian standards

10.6. The control object is mobile or underwater

11. Design of a process control system consists of linking a previously developed process control system (standard, or imported, or individually developed) to the conditions of a specific control object

From 0.05
up to 0.3

1. Applicable for parts of design documentation for automated process control systems that require binding (for maintenance documentation - at least 0.2)

2. The price of other parts of the project documentation is determined by the costs of its reproduction

12. Development of technical documentation for automated process control systems is carried out in connection with its reconstruction (technical re-equipment)

From 0.4
up to 1.2

13. A process control system is created at an existing or reconstructed (expanded, technically re-equipped) control facility or control facility import supply

From 1.1
up to 1.3

14. The implementation of automated process control systems is provided without the use of programmable computer technology (that is, without the development of software and software)

From 1.5
up to 2.0

Applicable only for maintenance documentation if there is a corresponding requirement in the technical specifications

15. The automated process control system provides for measuring channels that are subject to metrological certification

From 1.03
up to 1.15

1. Not applicable for technical specifications

2. The value of the coefficient is selected depending on the proportion of measuring channels subject to metrological certification in the total number of information channels of the system

16. The process control system is characterized by a strictly regulated level of functional reliability, since its failures lead to shutdowns of the control object, and perhaps to emergency situations and even disasters

From 1.05
up to 1.2

1. Does not apply if a coefficient is applied

2. The use of the coefficient requires a mandatory design assessment of the reliability of the system

2. Procedure for determining the base price

2.1. Base price formula

Base development price terms of reference and each part of the project documentation for the process control system is determined depending on the number of points calculated according to the main labor intensity factors, the corresponding value multiplier and the general correction factor according to the formula:


- value multiplier (million rubles);

Sum of points;

- general correction factor.

2.2. Development of technical specifications for the creation of automated process control systems

2.2.1. The number of points characterizing the complexity of developing technical specifications is determined according to Table 2.

Labor intensity of developing technical specifications for creating an automated process control system (in points)

table 2

Number of points

1. The degree of scientific and technical novelty of the technological control object (TOU) (F1)

1.1. I degree - TOU has existing analogues in Russia and, possibly, abroad

1.2. II degree - TOU has valid analogues only abroad

1.3. III degree - neither from a design nor from a technological point of view, the TOU is not a fundamentally new object, but it has no existing analogues

1.4. IV degree - from a design and (or) technological point of view, the TOU is a fundamentally new object

2. The nature of the controlled technological process over time (F2):

2.1. Continuous (with long-term maintenance of conditions close to steady-state, and almost non-stop supply of raw materials and reagents)

2.2. Semi-continuous (continuous, with transient regimes that are significant for control, caused by additions (replacements) of raw materials or reagents or the release of products)

2.3. Continuous-discrete - I (combining continuous and intermittent modes at various stages of the process)

2.4. Continuous-discrete - II (combining continuous and intermittent modes with short duration of continuous modes in emergency conditions)

2.5. Cyclic (intermittent, with significant duration of intervals of continuous operation for control and cyclic sequence of intervals with different modes)

2.6. Discrete (intermittent, with a small, insignificant duration of continuous technological operations for control)

3. Number of technological operations performed at TOU (FZ):

3.2. St. 5 to 10

3.3. St. 10 to 20

3.4. St. 20 to 35

3.5. St. 35 to 50

3.6. St. 50 to 70

3.7. St. 70 to 100

3.8. for every 50 over 100

4. Number of variables characterizing the TOU (F4):

4.1. up to 20

4.2. St. 20 to 50

4.3. St. 50 to 100

4.4. St. 100 to 170

4.5. St. 170 to 250

4.6. St. 250 to 350

4.7. St. 350 to 470

4.8. St. 470 to 600

4.9. St. 600 to 800

4.10. St. 800 to 1000

4.11. St. 1000 to 1300

4.12. St. 1300 to 1600

4.13. St. 1600 to 2000

4.14. for every 500 over 2000


1. For top-level process control systems and multi-level process control systems:

a) when assessing factor F3, the number of technological operations performed at the TOU section, equipped with its own automated process control system, is taken equal to 1;

b) when assessing factor F4, the number of variables characterizing the TOU section equipped with its own automated process control system is taken to be equal to the number of variables generated in this automated process control system for transmission to the higher hierarchical level of the created automated process control system.

2.2.2. The basic price for developing technical specifications, calculated for a number of points up to 41 (), is shown in Table 3.

Base price for developing technical specifications for creating an automated process control system (in million rubles) ()

Table 3

Number of points

Base price

2.2.3. An example of determining the base price for developing technical specifications is given in Appendix 2.

2. In the case of creating an automated process control system for a technical installation, composed of several identical (same type, unified) production and technological sub-objects (sections, departments, sections, complexes), when calculating points for factors F3 and F4 quantification these factors are made using the following correction factors:

Serial number of the TOU sub-object

5 or more

Correction factor

2.3. Development of design documentation for automated process control systems

2.3.1. The number of points characterizing the labor intensity of developing each part of the design documentation for the process control system is determined according to Table 4.

Labor intensity of developing design documentation for automated process control systems (in points)

Table 4

The main factors determining the complexity of development

Number of points for parts of project documentation ()

1. The nature of the controlled technological process over time (F2):

1.1. Continuous (with long-term maintenance of conditions close to steady-state, and almost non-stop supply of raw materials and reagents)

1.2. Semi-continuous (continuous, with transient regimes that are significant for control, caused by additions (replacements) of raw materials or reagents or the release of products)

1.3. Continuous-discrete - I (combining continuous and intermittent modes at various stages of the process)

1.4. Continuous-discrete - II (combining continuous and intermittent modes with short duration of continuous modes in emergency conditions)





Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation

March 14, 1997 on the proposal of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

(letter dated January 27, 1997 No. 9-4/8)

A directory of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems (APCS) was developed by JSC Research and Production Center VNIPI SAU-40 and TP CENTRINVESTproject of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

The Directory comes into force on April 15, 1997. From the date of its entry into force, the Price List for the development of technical documentation for process control systems, approved by the USSR Ministry of Electrical and Technical Equipment on February 19, 1991, becomes invalid.

Explanations and consultations on the use of the Handbook are provided by:

CJSC NPC “VNIPI SAU-40” (107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya str., 15a; tel. (095) 975-58-46; tel./fax (095 ) 975-33-65)

State Enterprise "CENTRINVESTproject" (125057, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 63; tel. (095) 157-39-42; tel./fax (095) 157-46-51)

1. Basic provisions

1.1. A directory of base prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems (APCS) (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) is recommended for determining base prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contract prices for the development of technical specifications for the creation of automated process control systems and documentation for system-wide solutions, organizational, information , technical, mathematical and software of automated process control systems. as well as for the development of documentation for automated process control subsystems that are part of integrated automated systems as their components for industrial and non-industrial facilities.

1. 2. Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the labor intensity of the work, calculated in points, excluding value added tax.

1.3. The directory is intended for use by organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to perform the relevant work and have the status of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The prices in the Directory take into account all costs for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems, included in the cost price in accordance with the “Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), included in the cost price of products (works, services), and on the procedure for forming financial results taken into account when taxing profits,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1992 No. 552, with amendments and additions (except for the costs of purchasing special equipment and business trips).

1.5. The prices in the Directory are set in relation to the composition and development procedure. coordination and preparation for approval by the customer of technical documentation for process control systems. regulated by relevant regulatory documents

1.6. The prices in the Directory are set for the development of technical specifications (TOR) for the creation of an automated process control system and the development of design documentation for an automated process control system in the scope of technical projects (according to SNiP 11-01-95 - projects) and working documentation. At the same time, prices are set separately for the development of each of the following parts of design documentation for automated process control systems

Modern production is currently very difficult to imagine without the use of automated control systems. Technological processes are quite complex, contain many repetitive operations, and require extreme precision and speed of response. APCS is designed to solve all these problems, significantly reducing the “human factor” in production processes.
Before definition development costs automated process control system (APCS), let's look in more detail at what it is APCS and what constitutes design of automated systems.

Automated process control system (APCS) - is a system consisting of personnel and a set of software and hardware designed to create control automation systems technological equipment And production processes at enterprises ( production automation).
Automation systems take over control and management technological processes, providing a person with the opportunity to observe them and manage production using key parameters. Application APCS leads to a significant reduction in financial costs, more careful control over the process, prevention of many emergency situations, increased productivity industrial enterprises and quality of manufactured products. In particular, an automated process control system is necessary when the technological processes used in the organization are complex and inadmissible failures, which can lead to significant material losses

Creation of automated process control systems is a very complex and lengthy process containing stages design, manufacturing and packaging of its constituent elements, installation, commissioning. The most difficult ones are multi-level process control systems, consisting of two or more process control systems different levels hierarchy.

Design automated control systems is the process of creating a set technical documentation, models and prototypes necessary and sufficient for the manufacture, installation, commissioning and operation of automated control systems.

Technical documentation for automated technological process systems (APCS) consists of documents defining technical requirements for automated process control systems ( technical task for the creation of automated process control systems) and design solutions.

Technical task ( TK) for the creation of an automated process control system - this is an important pre-project document that determines purpose of creation systems, requirements for the system and the procedure for its creation, in accordance with which the process control system is developed and accepted upon commissioning.

Project documentation involves two-stage development :

  • Technical design (TP)/ project (P).

  • Working documentation (DD) .

Instead of stages TP (P) And RD it is allowed to develop an automated process control system in one stage. Technical working draft/ Working draft(TPP/ RP). TRP stage ( RP) are performed in cases of use standard projects Process control systems or when reusing cost-effective individual projects.

So, we have highlighted the goals of creation, general points and basic concepts of automated process control systems; we will now determine the procedure for calculating the cost of developing technical documentation.

The cost of developing technical documentation for automated process control systems is determined according to the “Directory of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems (APCS)”

The cost is determined separately for development TK (Table 3 SBC) and development of each of the following parts design documentation for process control systems (Table 5 SBC):
system-wide solutions (OP) : automation concept, tasks of the automated process control system, automated functions, functional structure of the automated process control system, design assessment of the reliability of the automated process control system, local estimate calculation, program and testing methodology for the automated process control system;
organizational support (OO): organizationaland IstructuresA, rights and responsibilities of users and operating personnel of the NPP under operating conditions, inspectionAand provisionespeaker performance;
information support (IS) : formssdocuments, classifiers, regulatory framework and implemented decisions on the volume, placement and forms of existence of information used in the AS during its operation;
technical support (TO) : structure of the complex of technical means (CTS), common types, schematic diagrams, locations, connections and connections, specifications of materials and equipment, operating instructions for the CTS;
software (MS) : mathematicallyemethods, modelAndand algorithms, appliedpittedyou;
software (software) : programsson storage media and softwareedocuments, intendedsfor debugging, operation and testing the functionality of the speaker system.

The basis for determining the cost of developing technical documentation for automated process control systems is the determination of its complexity and labor intensity, assessed by main factors and expressed in points (Tables 2, 4 SBC).
These tables are aimed at automated process control systems developed for the first time taking into account the “basic” factors and conditions of their creation. If there are other factors and conditions affecting the labor intensity of work, correction factors are applied when determining base prices (SBC Table 1). Moreover, their values ​​for different parts of the design documentation for process control systems may be different.

One of the features of this reference book is that all coefficients greater than one are complicating, that is, when determining the base price using several coefficients greater than one, the overall increasing coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one
The overall reduction factor is determined by multiplication.
In the case of simultaneously increasing and decreasing coefficients, the total increasing and total decreasing coefficients are first determined in the indicated order, which are then multiplied.

If the documentation is not developed in full, for example, when adjusting previously adopted design decisions, when developing a process control system for a facility where automation work has already been carried out, etc. - a reduction factor is applied to base prices K about, which is established by agreement with the customer in accordance with the complexity of the work. It can also be applied separately to some parts of the design documentation.

Prices in the Directory are set according to the condition as of January 1, 1995, Directory 1997 edition, therefore, based on Letters of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated January 13, 1998 No. 9-1-1/6 a denomination coefficient is applied to prices Kd = 0.001.

One more important feature What can be highlighted from the directory is that the prices take into account work on local automation systems included in the process control system. In this regard, if a technological control object is designed TOU(for example, a furnace, a production workshop, a department) with automated control of the technological process on it, the cost of developing an automated process control system is determined by“Directory of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems (APCS)” , That base price design work of a facility equipped with an automated process control system must be decreased by amount provided in the Collection or Directory cost of work By design for this object automation of technological processes(including technological control, technological signaling, technological dispatching and telemechanization). For example, for "Objects of various industries" there are RPDs “Automation”, “Automation”, “Automation of technological processes”, in this situation these RPDs should be excluded from the cost of design work.
The base price for the development of technical specifications and each part of the design documentation for the process control system is determined depending on the number of points calculated according to the main labor intensity factors, the corresponding value multiplier and the general correction factor according to the formula:

C base = S * ∑B * K , Where

S - value multiplier (million rubles);
∑B - sum of points;
TO - general correction factor.

For technical specifications, labor intensity (sum of points) is determined by Table 2 SBC based on 4 factors:
F1 - The degree of scientific and technical novelty of the technological control object (TOU). Depends on whether the TOU has existing analogues in Russia and abroad.
F2 - The nature of the controlled technological process over time (6 options, continuous, discrete, cyclic, etc.)
F3 - The number of technological operations performed at the TOU. A technological operation is a completed part (stage) of a technological process. Examples of technological operations: loading, heating, cooling, simmering, crushing, cutting, welding, roasting, etc.
F4 - The number of variables characterizing the TOU. Variables are parameters that take on different values ​​and characterize either the state of the automated technological complex (ATK), either the process of functioning or its result. Examples of a variable: temperature in the furnace working space, pressure, coolant flow, installation efficiency, daily unit productivity, etc.

When calculating the quantitative assessment of F3 and F4, the following should be taken into account that in the case of creating an automated process control system for a technical equipment, composed of several identical (same type, unified) production and technological sub-objects (sections, departments, sections, complexes), the quantitative assessment of F3 and F4 is made using the following correction factors:

Serial numberPsub-object TOU 1 2 3 4 5 or more
Correction factor 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2

For example, a TOU consists of 5 subobjects of the same type and 3 non-uniform subobjects; similar subobjects contain 20 variables, non-uniform 35, 40, 42 . The sum of variables for objects of the same type will be: 20*1 + 20*0.8 + 20*0.6 + 20*0.4 + 20*0.2 = 60
The total number of TOU variables - the sum for non-uniform subobjects and similar ones will be: 35 + 40 + 42 + 60 = 177 .
According to Table 2, we determine the labor intensity of F4 - 5 points.

Factors F3 and F4 do not have quantitative boundaries; for F3, for every 50 operations over 100, 1 point is added to the complexity of 100 operations; similarly, for F4, for every 500 variables over 2000, 1 point is also added to the complexity of 2000 variables.
After determining the labor intensity, add up the points and multiply by the cost factorS technical specification = 2.76 million rubles.

For project documentation the complexity (sum of points) of each part is determined by Table 4 SBC based on 7 factors:
F2 - The nature of the controlled technological process over time;
F5 - Number of technological operations controlled or managed by automated process control systems;
F6 - Degree of development of information functions of automated process control systems (4 degrees of control, measurements and analysis);
F7 - Degree of development of control functions of automated process control systems (choice of 7 degrees of regulation or control);
F8 - Mode for performing control functions of automated process control systems (5 types of mode);
F9 - Number of variables measured, controlled and recorded by the automated process control system;
F10 - Number of control actions generated by the automated process control system. The control action is intended to purposefully influence the process of functioning of the automated technological complex (ATK). Examples of control actions: turning on a mechanism (unit), emergency shutdown of a mechanism (unit), prohibiting the engine from starting, etc.;
When quantifying factors F5, F9 and F10 For A TOU composed of several similar and heterogeneous subobjects is calculated in the same way as for factors F3 and F4 For TK, that is, using correction factors for similar subobjects.

Serial number of the TOU sub-object 1 2 3 4 5 or more
Correction factor 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2

These factors also do not have quantitative restrictions.

For each part of the design documentation ( OO, OR, IO, TO, MO, PO) the base cost is determined similarly:

Tschpd = S chpd * ∑B * K , Where

S emergency situation - value multiplier of the corresponding part of the project documentation (million rubles);
∑B - the amount of points determined for the corresponding part of the project documentation;
TO - general correction factor for the corresponding part of the design documentation.

General base price for two-stage development of design documentation for process control systems (Tspd) consists of the base prices of each part of the project documentation:

Tspd = Tsor + Tsoo + Tsio + Tsto + Tsmo + Tspo , Where:

Tzor - price for developing documentation for system-wide solutions;
Tsoo - the price of developing documentation for organizational support;
CIO - price for developing documentation for information support;
Tsto - price for developing documentation for technical support;
Tsmo - the price of developing documentation for software;
Tspo - the price of developing software documentation.

The approximate distribution of the base price for a two-stage development of design documentation for automated process control systems by stages is given in Table 6 SBC, is established by agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to highlight that the work not taken into account in the SBC is listed in paragraph 1.7 Basic provisions, including in the cost of developing technical documentation for automated process control systems commissioning works, the cost of which is calculated according to a separate document.
An example of calculating the cost of developing technical specifications and design documentation for automated process control systems will be considered in the next post using the example of a program "Adept: Project".





Date of introduction 1997-04-15

DEVELOPED CJSC "Research and Production Center "VNIPI SAU-40" and TP "CENTRINVESTproject" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia APPROVED Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation on March 14, 1997, on the proposal of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (letter dated January 27, 1997 N 9-4/8) From the date of its entry into force, the Price List for the development of technical documentation for process control systems, approved by the USSR Ministry of Electrical and Technical Equipment on February 19, 1991, becomes invalid.

1. Basic provisions

1.1. The Directory of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems (APCS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is recommended for determining base prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contract prices for the development of technical specifications for the creation of automated process control systems and documentation for system-wide solutions, organizational, information , technical, mathematical and software of automated process control systems, as well as for the development of documentation for automated process control subsystems that are part of integrated automated systems as their components for industrial and non-industrial facilities. 1.2. Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the labor intensity of the work, calculated in points, excluding value added tax. 1.3. The directory is intended for use by organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to perform the relevant work and have the status of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 1.4. The prices in the Directory take into account all costs for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems, included in the cost price in accordance with the “Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), included in the cost price of products (works, services), and on the procedure for the formation of financial results taken into account when taxing profits", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1992 N 552, with amendments and additions (except for the costs of purchasing special equipment and business trips). 1.5. The prices in the Directory are established in relation to the composition, procedure for development, approval and preparation for approval by the customer of technical documentation for process control systems, regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. 1.6. The prices in the Directory are set for the development of technical specifications (TOR) for the creation of an automated process control system and the development of design documentation for an automated process control system in the scope of technical projects (according to SNiP 11-01-95 - projects) and working documentation. At the same time, prices are set separately for the development of each of the following parts of design documentation for process control systems:
  • system-wide solutions (SW);
  • organizational support (OO);
  • information support (IS);
  • technical support (TO);
  • software (MS);
  • software (software).
1.7. The Directory prices do not include:
  • pre-design research work and development of the concept of process control systems;
  • research work carried out, if necessary, at the design stages of creating an automated process control system;
  • research and development work to create new automation tools;
  • development preliminary design APCS;
  • design and engineering work related to the development of individually manufactured automated process control equipment (including switchboards, consoles and other non-standard automation equipment), with the exception of drawing up initial requirements for the development of this equipment;
  • development of simulation equipment, debugging stands and testing grounds for debugging and testing the process control system and its components, as well as simulators for training process control system personnel;
  • costs for the purchase of special equipment, the need for which may arise during the development of process control systems;
  • business travel expenses;
  • additional costs associated with the performance of work by organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • costs of acquiring from the copyright holder the right to use the protected results of his intellectual activity, including in the field of automated process control systems;
  • costs of state supervision bodies, state examination and other interested organizations for the coordination and examination by them of the draft technical specifications and design documentation for the process control system;
  • development of documentation for construction, plumbing, electrical, fire-fighting automation and other related parts of the project;
  • work on equipping construction sites with equipment;
  • examination and acceptance of documentation developed by foreign companies; review and finalization of documentation developed by foreign customers; drawing up specifications for materials, spare parts, components and components necessary for the operation of the process control system of a foreign facility; other work on separate instructions from the general supplier or general contractor;
  • development of construction and installation works (CEP) projects for the creation of automated process control systems;
  • work performed at the stage of putting the automated process control system into operation (including commissioning, design supervision of construction, provision of technical assistance).
1.8. Prices in the Directory are set depending on the labor intensity of the work, assessed by the main factors and expressed in points (Table 2.4). These tables are focused on automated process control systems being developed for the first time, taking into account the “basic” factors and conditions for their creation. If there are other factors and conditions affecting the labor intensity of work, correction factors are applied when determining base prices (Table 1). Moreover, their values ​​for different parts of the design documentation for process control systems may be different. 1.9. The values ​​of labor intensity factors adopted when determining the price and the conditions for applying correction factors must correspond to: for technical specifications - an application for the development (creation) of an automated process control system and the initial customer requirements for the system attached to it, and in case of insufficient data contained in the specified documents - other documents, the development of which preceded the development of technical specifications; for project documentation for an automated process control system - the technical specifications for the creation of an automated process control system, and in case of insufficient data contained in the technical specifications - other documents, the development of which preceded the development of a technical or technical working design (according to SNiP 11-01-95 - a project or working draft, respectively) of an automated process control system . 1.10. When determining the base price using several coefficients greater than one, the overall increasing coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one. When determining the base price using several coefficients less than one, the overall reducing coefficient is determined by multiplying them. In the case of simultaneously increasing and decreasing coefficients, the total increasing and total decreasing coefficients are first determined in the indicated order, which are then multiplied. 1.11. When determining the base price, the values ​​of labor intensity factors corresponding to the volume of work under the contract should be used. Taking into account indicators characterizing both previous and subsequent stages of development of a technological control object and process control system is not allowed. 1.12 Determining the base price for the development of design documentation for an automated process control system by summing up the base prices for the development of design documentation for its individual subsystems that are not an automated process control system is not allowed. 1.13 The prices of this Handbook take into account work on local automation systems included in the process control system. In this regard, if the price of development of an automated process control system is determined according to this Directory, then the base price of design work for the construction of a facility equipped with an automated process control system, determined according to the Collection of prices for design work for construction or the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction, should be reduced by the amount provided in this Collection or Directory of the cost of design work for this object of automation of technological processes (including technological control, technological signaling, technological dispatching and telemechanization). 1.14. The relative cost of individual types of work when developing technical documentation for automated process control systems by one organization is established by this organization depending on the labor intensity of the work performed. The relative cost of work performed by subcontractors is established in agreement with these organizations. 1.15. The base price for the development of technical documentation for automated process control systems in a reduced volume compared to the volume taken into account in prices (for example, when developing documents not of all types and names established state standards; when adjusting previously made design decisions; when developing a process control system for a facility where automation work has already been carried out, etc.) is determined at the base prices for the development of technical documentation for a process control system using a reduction factor Kob, the size of which is set by the developer in agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work. 1.16. An explanation of the terms used in the Directory is given in Appendix 1. 1.17. Prices in the Directory are established as of January 1, 1995 and are adjusted taking into account inflation indices in accordance with information letters from the Ministry of Industry of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia.