The following relationships are possible between parts of the IT infrastructure. What does an enterprise's IT infrastructure include? Approach to the implementation of the IT development concept

Not every successful leader can give precise definition IT infrastructure. Simply put, we are talking about a complex of software, hardware and telecommunications resources that are necessary to ensure the functioning of the company and the performance of assigned tasks by staff using various applications.

We can say that the simplest IT infrastructure is at least one PC with installed software and Internet access, if necessary for efficient work office or company. Now imagine how difficult it is to organize the uninterrupted functioning of a large and extensive company with representative offices not only in Moscow, but also in other cities.

Why is IT infrastructure created?

In modern realities, the success and profitability of a business, the efficiency of a company, and its competitive advantages are largely determined by the level of development, stability and security of the IT infrastructure. In fact, it is one of the company's most important assets. The priority aspect is the compliance of the IT structure with the needs and characteristics of a particular business.

A computer network is a tool that helps a company make money. It must be correctly selected, always in working order and updated in a timely manner.

Thus, for a large retailer in Moscow, it is important to be able to quickly integrate new warehouses into the system and outlets. The banking sector is more focused on security, protection of personal data and information about the movement of financial flows.

Regardless of the specifics of a particular company’s activities, the key task when working with many clients (customers):

  • ensuring the continuity of business processes, risk assessment, timely identification and elimination of problems;
  • application of unified solutions for easy business scalability;
  • maintaining a high level of security and protection of key data;
  • the ability to quickly make changes to work;
  • transparency and convenience of the management system;
  • reducing the costs of creating and maintaining assets.

What are the options for creating an IT infrastructure?

Among the main scenarios for creating an IT infrastructure, it is worth highlighting the following options:

  • creating IT from scratch;
  • modernization of existing infrastructure to optimize costs, improve security parameters, and reduce risks;
  • implementation of reorganization measures taking into account specific business objectives (introducing new services for clients, identifying and adding new elements, improving the quality of service).
Who should build IT and why is it so important?
predict long-term goals?

Creating a complete and effective infrastructure is very difficult process. It involves significant material costs and requires the involvement of highly qualified and experienced specialists.

That is why the development of the project, its implementation (physical implementation), selection of computer equipment and software, the creation of executive documentation is entrusted specialized company. Ideally, the same company can also deal with.

To avoid problems in the future, it is important to collect information about organizational structure enterprise and its needs, ongoing business processes, development prospects. This will allow you to build a reserve of resources, distribute them correctly and control them.

One of the most common mistakes is the desire to save on costs and create the simplest possible IT infrastructure, violating the sequence of process implementation. So, quite often the manager begins to implement in the company ERP systems, and only after that he finds out that the company’s IT infrastructure is absolutely not ready for this.

Another bad decision is trying to work with server business applications at the level of the entire company (1C Enterprise, etc.), neglecting the creation of a fault-tolerant server IT infrastructure and/or a proper backup system.

In the “correct” development scenario, business processes proceed without failures. The problem of equipment failure is solved either by duplicating or combining devices into a cluster.

To mitigate software failures and data corruption, backup and recovery systems are created. Even at the design stage, they provide for the possibility of introducing new users into the system and implementing changes in business processes in the most short time. (For example, rapid release of banking products, monitoring prices of competitors and prompt change of price tags).

What you need to know about IT risks?

Along with the advantages and new opportunities of IT infrastructure for business, there are also certain risks. The definition of risks is considered to be all Negative consequences caused by various threats. First of all, these include virus and hacker attacks, all kinds of methods of theft and/or deliberate damage to equipment or data.

It should be noted that the more advanced the IT infrastructure is (errors are eliminated at the design, implementation and maintenance stages), the lower the risks for the business. High-quality design, implementation and maintenance allows you to reduce business risks to almost “0”.

  • Monitoring



    IT infrastructure- this is a set of information resources that are necessary for the functioning of the enterprise and the performance of tasks by employees using existing applications.

    A simple infrastructure can be called a personal computer with installed software and an Internet connection.

    Composition of IT infrastructure

    Server is a personal computer whose task is to run service software without the direct participation of an employee.

    SCS(structured cabling systems) are the foundation of an enterprise's IT infrastructure. They combine PCs and equipment into one circuit, and also transmit data.

    LAN(local area network) is a system consisting of hardware and software and covering a relatively small area (for example, inside a school, a developed structure of enterprise offices, etc.).

    UPS(uninterruptible power supply) protects work processes and company devices from accidents in the event of a short-term shutdown of the main source.

    ATS(automatic telephone exchange) is a set of devices capable of automatically transmitting a call signal from subscriber to subscriber.

    network hardware- These are devices that ensure the functionality of the network.

    Network switch- a device that connects nodes within a selected network or several networks at once. The data is delivered exclusively to the recipient. This increases the reliability and performance of the network by removing data processing tasks that are not addressed to them from other segments.

    Network hub or “hub” is a controller that connects several Ethernet devices into one segment (transmits traffic from device A to device B).

    Router- a device that sends data between network segments and performs actions based on rules and routing tables.

    Work station- a set of tools, including equipment for data input and output, software, possible additional devices: printer, scanner, etc.

    Software- a set of programs that allows the user to use the resource of a personal computer.

    IT infrastructure tasks

      preventive measures against failures in the organization’s internal business processes;

      implementation of proven solutions for rapid enterprise scalability;

      ensuring data storage security;

      transparency and ergonomics of the control system;

      reducing the costs of creating assets and their further maintenance.

    IT infrastructure monitoring

    Many people think that it is necessary to purchase expensive solutions to monitor the IT infrastructure. But where does this prejudice come from? We studied the most popular monitoring applications and selected the most convenient and effective. I must admit: analyzing applications was a time-consuming, complex task, but this issue is worth all the effort in the future.

    What is “IT infrastructure monitoring”? This is a system for tracking infrastructure parameters that helps keep the values ​​of various indicators within normal limits, promptly eliminate failures and work to prevent their occurrence.

    When choosing a monitoring tool for an enterprise’s IT infrastructure, the following criteria must be taken into account:

      functionality of the tools (must correspond technical requirements and take into account business needs);

      level of training of IT specialists.

    Below are common tools for monitoring the information environment of an enterprise.


    Nagios is one of the main IT infrastructure monitoring systems. She has open source, and is also capable of providing information on end-user workstations, information services and active network components. It is also possible to get commercial Nagios XI, which has new features and convenient web interfaces. These interfaces allow you to work with information panels that include an overview of hosts, services, and network devices. The task of modernizing the IT infrastructure is solved by generating a trend graph and visually informative capacity planning tools.

      output of a complete information structure diagram;

      automatic application restart;

      multi-user access;

      restricting access to control visibility for individual users (solves the problem of providing access to elements of the IT infrastructure associated with a specific area of ​​responsibility)

      possibility of expanding the architecture.


    Zabbix is ​​an IT infrastructure monitoring system that has increased performance when generating data and can be extended to the entire structure large company. Moreover, it is open source.

    Zabbix boasts a straightforward installation, but configuration will require some understanding of the process, especially if you configure a special verification mode.

    The main list of capabilities of this IT infrastructure monitoring system:

      analysis of Java application servers using Java Management Extensions technology;

      protecting user interfaces on the client side from unwanted actions;

      increasing functionality using external scripts (programming languages: Python, Java, PHP, etc.);

      ability to integrate with other IT system management tools.


    Cacti is on the list of essential IT infrastructure monitoring applications. Has open source code. This application Easily interacts with Linux and Windows operating systems. Cacti generates statistical data for specific time intervals and provides the ability to display them graphically.

    The main list of capabilities of this IT infrastructure monitoring system:

      the CDEF function generation tool or the Cacti chart template provide the ability to create huge amount graphic elements;

      autocomplete for graphs;

      RRD file support;

      ease of use of the application;

      function of selective collection of user data.


    Today, cloud solutions are becoming increasingly popular. In many organizations they have become corporate norm in solving certain business problems. IT infrastructure monitoring using cloud tools is easier to implement, but will require Special attention to data privacy, access control.

    Application performance determines enterprise profitability. Application performance management tools will soon take their rightful place in the IT professional's tool portfolio. A key parameter that affects business process parameters and the ability to retain customers is the so-called “responsiveness” of applications.

    But it is necessary to take into account that the market is changing and companies need to get results faster and faster. As a result, the business community is switching to rapid (agile) development methods, which make it possible to reduce the software release time.

    We can safely say that solutions that seemed like bold projects of leading companies yesterday are already becoming the norm in business processes today. We help businesses keep up with the times.


    To ensure the successful functioning of an enterprise, its IT department develops an information infrastructure (applications, servers, disk arrays, networks) that allows it to provide services at the appropriate level.

    The historically established way of building IT departments fully reflects the structure of the used information systems. Moreover, each specific department supports a specific information system. With this approach, as a rule, there is no effective system interaction with business users and problems arise with determining the quality of the services provided.

    Along with the first information systems, the need to manage corporate infrastructure arose.

    Information technology in companies is usually understood as a set of information systems that provide support and automation of existing business processes.

    The IT used in the service differs in a number of features:

    • The variety of applied IT, which is associated with the presence large quantity subject areas related to the service sector and their diversity.
    • IT intellectualization. The service must implement the entire range of intellectual services related to individualization, i.e. with more efficient operation of the product in the specific conditions of its use by a given consumer (or with the expansion of the scope of usefulness of the product for him).
    • Unification and standardization, the need to take into account Russian and international standards regulating the use of IT in the service sector.
    • Individualization of IT, focus on a specific user. The success of service activities is determined by the demand for the service offered and how accurately and timely the service enterprise is able to determine the needs and individual preferences of each of its clients, offering a product or service at a higher level than its competitors, which is possible thanks to IT.
    • IT scalability to meet the needs of both small and large service enterprises.
    • IT adaptability, the ability to meet the diverse demands and needs of clients, and to transform directly in the service process.

    Information technology is a system of organizational structures that ensure the functioning and development of the enterprise’s information space and means of information interaction. The basis information technologies makes up the IT infrastructure.

    Infrastructure(lat.infra - below, under and naT.structura - structure, location) - a complex of interconnected service structures or objects that make up and/or provide the basis for the functioning of the system

    Information technology infrastructure (IT infrastructure)- this is an organizational and technical unification of software, computing and telecommunications tools, connections between them and operational personnel, ensuring the provision of information, computing and telecommunications resources, capabilities and services to employees (divisions) of the enterprise (organization) necessary for the implementation professional activity and solving related business problems.

    The IT infrastructure includes a set of various applications, databases, servers, disk arrays, network equipment and provides consumer access to information resources. IT infrastructure becomes the technological component of any service and ensures its provision in accordance with agreed rules and procedures.

    Enterprise IT infrastructure is a unified set of software, technical, communication, information, organizational and technological means to ensure the functioning of the enterprise, as well as means of managing them.

    To ensure efficient operation modern enterprises need an IT infrastructure consisting of an integrated set of systems, programs and services. The IT infrastructure must be holistic, as reliable as possible, well designed, have a large margin of safety, correspond not only to the current state of the business, but also take into account its development in the future.

    The core IT infrastructure is the technological foundation for the operation of other layers of the enterprise architecture. Its correct design allows:

    • Reduce IT costs;
    • Simplify the modernization of existing infrastructure;
    • Minimize the likelihood of operational downtime or system failure;
    • Maintain the security of the organization's infrastructure at the proper level;
    • Ensure simple IT infrastructure management;
    • Increase the reliability of the organization's IT infrastructure.

    One of the conditions for the effective functioning of the IT infrastructure is the well-established practice of its operation. The operation of the IT infrastructure should be based on policies and procedures developed and established as corporate standards. Distribution of functions and tasks within IT departments must ensure timely maintenance of all elements of the IT infrastructure.

    Maintenance is a set of measures at the software and hardware level, carried out at the stage of production operation and aimed at ensuring the required reliability and efficiency of the information system.

    At the moment, we can distinguish the following group of tasks solved by the IT department:

    • Ensuring efficiency, accessibility, and confidentiality of processed information.
    • Ensuring the operation of IT infrastructure.
    • Preventing and eliminating failures.
    • Planning crisis situations and their management.
    • Providing automatic monitoring of IT health.
    • Ensuring the reliable functioning of the IT infrastructure.
    • Ensuring information security.
    • Equipment modernization.
    • Minimizing the cost of maintaining IT infrastructure.

    Ideally, the IT infrastructure responds to environmental changes

    functioning, increasing load, tightening business requirements, while maintaining its functionality, integrity, readiness, and the agreed level of security. Market development forces organizations to change business models, which, in turn, requires adequate changes in the IT infrastructure.

    Components of an enterprise IT infrastructure

    Over time, the composition of the IT infrastructure has changed.

    In the days of mainframes, the infrastructure was:

    • communication lines,
    • modems,
    • energy supply systems,
    • conditioning.

    During the development period local networks the infrastructure remained the same, but the structure of its elements became more complex.

    The transition to global networks has further complicated this concept.

    At the same time, the complexity increased:

    • by increasing the number of elements,
    • connections between them,
    • due to the complication of the internal structure of the elements and the redistribution of functions between them.

    For example: channel management programs have moved to managing network devices. That is, in parallel with the increasing complexity of the equipment, the mathematics became more complex - infrastructure management programs

    The standard complex network infrastructure of any company includes the following components:

    IN physical composition includes:

    • wiring, routers,
    • switching devices,
    • servers, desktop computers,
    • cable system;
    • passive and active network equipment;
    • client workstations;
    • additional equipment (printers, faxes, authorization devices);
    • system software (operating systems (OS), information security tools, device drivers);
    • standard application software (processing tools spreadsheets, working with texts, by email, files);
    • network services (DNS servers, packet protection, authorization, Internet access and application servers - database management systems (DBMS), mail services);
    • technical support services, dispatch and quality control center.

    Organizational and administrative components:

    • instructions for setting up server and client software, work regulations;
    • rules for dividing the network into areas in accordance with security and performance needs;
    • special software aimed at supporting certain business processes (design, warehouse accounting, accounting, interaction with suppliers, production management).

    Information infrastructure at various levels (global, national, industry, organizations, etc.) contains:

    • distributed informational resources, including web resources (sites, portals, etc.), banks and databases (including with remote access), digital libraries, electronic magazines;
    • distributed computing resources, including shared computing centers, supercomputer centers, network computing resources of organizations, individual computers;
    • telecommunication resources that ensure interaction of remote users with information and computing resources.

    Types of IT infrastructure

    Types of IT




    lack of coordination, manual support, scattered workplaces.

    building a server infrastructure;

    introduction of directory service for authentication;

    establishing services for automatic update; application of anti-virus protection; traffic protection; implementation of basic network technology scenarios (DNS, DHCP).


    centralized management of IT infrastructure, availability of automated basic processes, directory service for authentication,

    updates are automated,

    anti-virus protection in workplaces;

    backup system for critical servers;

    central firewall;

    internal DNS, DHCP.

    updating workplace software for the latest versions of the OS and office application package; active use of System Management Server;

    application of solutions for centralized backup and disaster recovery; organizing remote access to VPN networks;

    Isolation of critical servers using the IPSec protocol (for Active Directory / Exchange).


    centrally managed and consolidated IT

    implementation of identification management automation technologies;

    infrastructure, use of directory services and group policies for centralized administration; automation of control/monitoring of software and hardware functioning;

    server monitoring; backup and recovery for all servers and workstations; remote access (VPN, Remote Desktop); server isolation using IPSec.

    using System Management Server to manage servers; checking applications for compatibility;

    managing images of workstations;

    deployment/management of firewalls in workplaces;

    organization of secure wireless network access Internet Authentication Service (IAS) and Active Directory.


    fully automated IT infrastructure, fully meeting user needs in heterogeneous environments; automatic control server updates; automatic testing of application compatibility and automatic management of workstation images; firewalls - on servers and workstations; Wireless connections are protected.

    solution for automatic distribution of server images; solution for determining load level;

    support for workplace quarantine;

    workplace productivity monitoring;

    readiness to switch to a new OS version;

    tools for effective transition to new software versions; Active Directory domain isolation using IPSec.


    Currently, information technology is one of the main tools for creating competitive advantages. Information technologies make it possible to organize processes such as management at a qualitatively new level project activities, operational management, risk management, sales management, financial management and other business processes.

    High quality, timely and prompt execution daily business functions of the Company's employees are largely determined by the reliability and functionality of the corporate systems used, and operating activities depends on and is completely built on the capabilities of information systems.

    The development of information systems, in turn, can only be carried out within the framework of appropriate infrastructure support. This concept includes the entire complex of interconnected systems, equipment and communication channels that combine separate hardware and software systems into a single interaction environment. It is the capabilities of infrastructure support that determine the ability of applied information systems to process and transmit the required amount of information via communication channels, uniting all participants in information exchange into a single information technology space.

    The uninterrupted operation and development of existing corporate information systems, as well as for testing and implementation of new business applications in accordance with development plans, must be based on a reliable, modern, adaptive, flexible, functional IT infrastructure.

    The development of information systems of any organization is primarily based on business needs. The requirements generated by business are used to analyze the information systems market and select the most suitable solutions.

    1. Strategic goals for the Company’s business development

    There is no strategy that is the same for all companies, just as there is no single universal strategic management. Each company is unique in its own way, therefore the strategy developed by each individual company is unique, since it depends on the company’s position in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods it produces or services provided, the state of the economy, and the cultural environment and many more factors. And at the same time, there are some fundamental points that allow us to talk about general principles of behavioral strategies and the implementation of strategic management. As a rule, the main strategic goal commercial organization is to ensure profitability and growth of business capitalization.

    2. Goals of the informatization strategy

    The relationship between the strategic goals and objectives of the Company and the informatization strategy can be expressed as follows:

    • The business strategy determines the directions of development of the main area of ​​activity of the Company and the reasons for movement in this direction;
    • The information technology strategy identifies those information technologies that are required to support and optimize the business strategy and shows how these technologies and systems can be implemented in the Company.

    Thus, the informatization strategy is intended to determine a set of priority initiatives in the field of information technology, which will allow for the consistent and coordinated development of the Company’s information technology complex, with the participation of all divisions, on the basis of uniform requirements to achieve the Company’s strategic goals.

    3. Analysis and assessment of the current state of the Company’s IT support

    Goals and objectives of diagnosing the current state of IT software

    The purpose of diagnostics is to determine the current state of IT software for its further development in accordance with the developed IT strategy.

    To carry out diagnostics, the following main tasks must be completed:
    Diagnostics of IT support for basic, functional business processes and management tools;
    IT infrastructure analysis;
    Characteristics of information security;
    Characteristic organizational support information technologies;
    Typology and characteristics of costs for IT support;

    4. Formation of the IT development concept

    Basic principles of IT development

    The development of the Company’s information technologies should be based on the following principles:

    • The development of information technology must be in line strategic development Companies, and information technologies themselves are a strategic component of the Company's business architecture;
    • The architecture of information technology must consolidate and support both the structure of the Company’s activities and the content of the key business processes of these activities;
    • Satisfaction priority tasks business: cost reduction, improvement of the Company's manageability, financial transparency, common information space.
    • Protecting IT investments: implementing systems that are least exposed to the risk of business strategy uncertainty;
    • Comprehensive solution: IT investments should go towards creating a “holistic asset”.
    • Balance between current and strategic objectives: the implementation of long-term projects in the IT field should not lead to blocking the ongoing work of functional departments.

    The real return from the Company's automation can only be obtained by optimizing management processes in the Company, managing operational processes and managing financial funds. Therefore, the development of the Company’s IT should proceed in four main directions:

    • Consistent automation of all operational processes ensuring increased cost reduction and improvement key indicators efficiency of the company's business units;
    • Development of a corporate information system based on an integrated solution and effective procedures for collecting, processing and providing information;
    • Creation of an information technology infrastructure that meets modern requirements for reliability and security;
    • Improving the efficiency of users and IT unit staff.

    5. Approach to the implementation of the IT development concept

    Projects for the implementation of the IT development concept

    The scope and timing of projects are determined based on the results of an assessment of the current state of the Company’s IT support, a detailed analysis of the results and determination of the direction of development of the Company’s IT. The project implementation program begins with a set of works to prepare for implementation and detailed planning of work on individual tasks of automating business functions as part of the IT development strategy.

    6. Organization of work to implement the concept

    Roles and functions of IT departments

    In the organizational structure of the IT department, there are divisions responsible for IT development - this is the IT project management department.
    The activities of this division are based on a project basis. The head of this department forms the required number of project teams (according to the number of projects in their area), which bring together specialists of the relevant specialization. At the same time, project teams can be formed from specialists who are administratively subordinate to other heads of departments, depending on the specifics of each specific project.

    Basic principles of management and control during the implementation of the concept

    Managing the IT Strategy implementation process and monitoring the progress and results of each project are based on the following principles:
    Project goals should be set based on the S.M.A.R.T methodology.
    The IT service must have a group of specialists - project quality auditors.
    Every project must have a quality controller.
    The Company must clearly define and approve the principles of project risk management.
    The Company must approve uniform indicators for monitoring project processes.
    The motivation of project participants should be related to the outcome of the project.
    A procedure for monitoring the project upon its completion is mandatory.
    A uniform frequency of control processes must be established.
    After each project, internal “project lessons” should be formed (lessons learned).


    The primary challenge facing any IT manager is to ensure that the enterprise's IT infrastructure and information systems meet business requirements. The development of information technology requires significant investment, which is why a qualitative analysis of business needs in order to select information systems that meet these needs is of great importance for the head of an IT department.

    The concept of IT infrastructure development defines the rules for building a company's IT infrastructure, basic architectural solutions and standards, an infrastructure management model and requirements for management processes. The concept also defines the principles of transition from the existing state of the enterprise IT infrastructure to the target state.

    When developing the concept, an analysis of the current state of the Company’s IT support is carried out, which includes an assessment of the existing IT infrastructure, the level of information security, and organizational support. After the analysis, they evaluate various options development, the direction of IT development in the Company is determined, the target IT architecture and requirements for infrastructure services are developed. Based on the data obtained, the level of compliance of the current IT state with the target state is determined and stages of achieving the required level are formed, software and hardware solutions are selected. Preparation and implementation of selected solutions is carried out on a project basis.


    1. Gurkov I.B. Strategy and structure of the corporation, Moscow, 2008, 288 p.
    2. Mikhailov A. “ Strategic planning system development information support" Moscow, 2001, 134 p.
    3. Danilin A. SlyusarenkoA. Architecture and strategy. "Yin" and "Yang" of enterprise information technologies, Moscow 2005, 504 p.
    4. White T. What business wants from IT. Minsk, 2007, 256 p.
    5. Ermoshkin N., Tarasov A. Strategy of enterprise information technologies. How Cisco Systems and the world's leading companies use the Internet Business Solutions. Moscow, 2003, 360 p.
    6. Marasco D. IT projects: front-line essays. Moscow, 2007, 384 p.
    7. Snedaker S. IT project management, or How to become a full-fledged CIO. Moscow, 2009, 616 p.
    8. Thompson A, Strickland A. Strategic management. Moscow, 2000, 412 p.
    9. Rumyantsev M. IT strategy: what’s in my name for you. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 9, 2002. [ Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    10. Mikhailov A. Consolidation of IT resources of the holding. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 5, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    11. Mikhailov A. Seven approaches to the development of IT strategies. Moscow, magazine “Director of Information Service” No. 02, 2004. [Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    12. Nekrasova E. Strategic document. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 3, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    13. Nekrasova E. Our slogan is “Not IT for IT, but IT for business.” Moscow, CIO magazine No. 8, 2003. . [Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    14. Ercola E. CIO tasks are becoming more complex. Cnews | Analytics, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Date of access: 01/12/2009.
    15. Rumyantsev M. Start from scratch. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 11, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Access date 01/12/2009.

    Copyright © 2010 Shlyaptsev A.O.

    We are used to using many modern technologies and developments, but often we do not fully understand their essence, and we even use their names, as they say automatically. To understand and understand the content of this term, you should first disassemble it in parts. If we talk about the origin of the word infrastructure, then it came to us from the Latin language and in literal translation it sounds like the structure of something, the location. The modern and adapted understanding is somewhat different. Infrastructure usually refers to complexes or objects that are collective or interconnected and ensure the proper operation of the entire system. IT is a multicomponent system of disciplines, areas of activity that belong to methods of data management and processing. However, under this term in Lately most often understood for the most part Computer techologies, although they are only part of the IT scope.

    Combining the two terms we get the following full meaning. IT infrastructure is a combination of technical and organizational nature of separate software, computing and telecommunications tools, as well as connections between them and service personnel, which does the provision of this resource and services available. Here it is worth remembering about the implementation of a monitoring system: you can read about it in the corresponding article. Its main task is to collect and provide certain data for its subsequent processing and analysis from the perspective of business workflows and for further maintenance of performance.

    At the moment, the organization of IT infrastructure has important for a company of any type and size. In other words, you have your personal computer, on which some software is installed and has access to the Internet. This entire complex is used by you for work, therefore, you have a small, but personal IT infrastructure. What does this give? The main thing is that now you can easily understand and evaluate what place it occupies in your business, how fully it is built and the effectiveness of its use.

    One of the issues is the total cost of the components of this infrastructure. The structure of the constituent components per small company will include the following groups of expenses:

    • for office equipment (computers, servers, office equipment, etc.), taking into account the cost of installation and installation;
    • for consumables (cartridges and drums, as well as paper);
    • for software, including setting parameters and installation;
    • for services on maintenance hardware and software, including system updates;
    • for remuneration of employees who are involved in setting up equipment and maintaining it in working condition;
    • for repairs and materials for planned maintenance;
    • for communication services;
    • for training IT staff and ordinary users.
    • for rent or taxes for the premises where the server is located, as well as the costs of the air conditioning and ventilation system in it.
    • For electricity and depreciation.
    • Loss of time due to personal participation in organizing the IT infrastructure, as well as its downtime due to malfunctions.

    Thus, the creation of such an infrastructure is not a simple and time-consuming task, requiring special knowledge and material investments. The total cost of ownership in practice is much higher than organizational leaders think. However, the introduction of IT infrastructure into a company's work provides significant benefits and increases efficiency. Therefore it is important to find ideal point balance between these three factors.