The wireless network connection is connected but the Internet does not work. How to fix the problem: unidentified network without Internet access? Checking network settings

Good day!

It happens that you sit after a working day, watch TV - and then, bang... the doorbell rings: a fellow neighbor comes and really asks you to figure out where his Internet went missing. Actually, this is how topics for articles are born (when you spend half an hour crawling through the dusty corners of an apartment, dealing with a problem that arose out of nowhere) ...

In today’s article I want to look at the main reasons why the Internet may not work on a computer that is connected via a network cable to a router (I think that many PCs are connected to the Internet this way, and Wi-Fi is used by laptops, smartphones, etc. devices).

So, let's get down to business...

Note: You may be interested in an article on how to properly connect and configure a new router -

Why the Internet may not work

In general, in general, an article of this kind should be divided into two possible cases:

Option #1: no network connection, cable not connected

1) Check if the router is turned on, if the cable is intact, if it fits tightly in the sockets

I’ll say it again that when you connect the switched-on router and the computer with a network cable, there should be no icon with a red cross! If it is on, then some equipment is almost certainly turned off (or faulty), or there may be a problem with the cables.

To begin with, I recommend simply reconnecting the network cable to both the router and the computer’s network card. Next, reboot your router and PC. Please note that several LEDs should flicker (light) on a working router

Damaged USB cable // This is what happens when equipment is not transported carefully

2) Is there a driver for the network card? Try updating it

The second thing I recommend paying attention to is the network card driver. The fact is that for most network adapters, Windows automatically installs drivers (but they do not work correctly with some cards, and it is advisable to update the driver by downloading it from the official website).

I note that in rare cases (for some network cards) when installing even modern Windows 10, the OS cannot find the driver and the card does not work at all.

To see if there is a driver for your network card, open device Manager . For this:

In Device Manager, open the “Network Adapters” tab: all your network adapters (note: for which drivers are installed) should be listed here.

Usually, the name of the network card is something like “Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller”, “Intel Network Controller” (can be an Ethernet controller, Network Controller, etc. derivatives).

If your card is not in the list of network adapters, check the "Other devices" tab (it displays devices for which there are no drivers). Please note that on devices for which there are no drivers, yellow exclamation marks are lit.

As a help!

The best programs for automatic update drivers -

How to update drivers if the Internet does not work (no network!) -

I also want to note that the device can simply be turned off - then a dark “arrow” will light up opposite it in the device manager (see screenshot below). If so: just right-click on such a device and turn it on.

3) Is the network adapter enabled?

The network adapter can also be disabled in the Windows Control Panel (there is a special “Network Connections” tab there). To open it:

  • press a combination of buttons Win+R ;
  • enter the command ncpa.cpl and click OK.

In the network connections directory that opens, look to see if the network adapter is disabled (example in the screenshot below). A turned off adapter is colorless and has the status “Disabled”.

I note that you may have several adapters: Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, etc. Pay attention to Ethernet (or “connection via local network").

To enable the adapter, just right-click on it and select the “Enable” option.

At the very least, the icon should become colored, as in the screenshot below.

If you are unable to enable the adapter, please also note that it can be disabled in the BIOS. It would be a good idea to check this.

As a reference! How to enter BIOS/UEFI for different versions Software and manufacturers:

4) Try connecting the network cable from your Internet provider directly to the PC's network card

To save money!

Very cheap components and various cables (adapters, etc.) can be purchased in Chinese online stores. Moreover, the prices are more than affordable:

Option #2: there is a locale. network, but without internet access

By the way, built into modern Windows 10 excellent master for diagnosing and troubleshooting. If you have problems accessing the network, try right-clicking on the network icon and selecting “Diagnostics”. In many cases, a specialist can help solve the problem.

1) Check the connection status in the router settings. Is there internet at all?

First, what you need to make sure is whether the router itself is connected to the Internet (and how it can distribute it to you if it itself is not connected to the Internet...).

In order to do this, it is necessary go to the router settings .

You can also try connecting to the Wi-Fi (if you have a router - that is, Wi-Fi as well?) network using other devices: phone, laptop, etc. Do they have Internet?

Usually, to open the router settings, you just need to enter the IP address into the address bar of your browser:, or, or (depending on the device model. Use admin as the login and password).

To help! Instructions for entering the router settings:

In the router settings, just open the “Status” tab - and you can find out whether the router is connected to the Internet. As an example, I gave a couple of screenshots from different models of routers (pay attention to the English version of the firmware: Network Status - connected).


Perhaps your Internet settings have simply gone wrong! Check them, try resetting and reconfiguring them. An example of setting up Internet access on a TP-Link router -

2) Check IP, DNS settings

Need to open network connections : To do this, press the keyboard shortcut Win+R, and enter the command ncpa.cpl.

Then you need to open the properties of the network adapter through which the connection is made (as a rule, its name contains “etherner”, “local network connection”, “network connection” and other derivatives) .

Then you need to open properties IP version 4 (as shown in the screenshot below).

In most cases, to connect to the router you need to set automatic receipt IP addresses and DNS. Pay attention to the red rectangles in the screenshot below.

By the way, you can register and as DNS (this is DNS from Google, and they are an order of magnitude more stable than DNS from most providers).

3) If the Internet is available when you connect an Internet cable directly to the PC, check whether your provider is blocking the connection by MAC address

  1. You have incorrect settings in your router (WAN section) to connect to the Internet. Check them again with the data provided to you by your Internet provider when connecting;
  2. Perhaps your Internet provider blocks devices by MAC address: each network card and router has its own. And for security reasons, some providers prohibit Internet access to unfamiliar devices. In this case, in the router settings you just need to specify the MAC address of your network card through which you previously (before installing the router) accessed the Internet.


MAC address: what is it and where to find it. How to clone the MAC address of an old network card -

4) Try disabling antivirus utilities for a while

Some network security utilities (for example, antiviruses, firewalls, etc.) can block incoming/outgoing connections. While testing the network and searching for causes of inoperability, I recommend disabling (temporarily!) such software.

5) Are there any problems on the provider side...

If all of the above did not help, try checking with your provider to see if he has any problems, for example, a line break.

Wi-Fi without Internet access: yellow exclamation mark in tray is lit -

Although it is on a slightly different topic, the causes of the problems are the same. Therefore, I recommend you to read it.

That's all for now...

Additions and criticism are welcome...

All the best!

Everything is fine, the laptop connects to Wi-Fi, but it says that there is no access to the Internet or the network is not recognized in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7? This is a common problem and we will now look into it in detail. possible options solutions. It should be noted here that the main reasons for this situation are errors when setting up the router, a router that is not configured at all, something is wrong with the Internet provider, problems on the connected computer, laptop or other device. Let's take a look at all this in order.

The very first thing you should do, even before checking all the options below, is to go to the web interface of the router and see if your provider is connected. If yes, there is most likely something wrong with the connected device. If not, there is a problem with the router, cable, or Internet. This doesn't have to be the case, but it's a good place to start.

Option 1. The Internet does not work with the provider or the router needs to be rebooted

You should pay attention to this option if everything worked for you with the same Wi-Fi router before. First, try simply unplugging the router from the outlet and plugging it back in - there is a high probability that everything will work. A wireless router is also a kind of computer, and therefore it can freeze and not behave quite normally.

If rebooting the router does not help, go to the router settings (how to do this is described in each router setup instruction on this site, open any that corresponds to your device model) and look at the connection status. It is possible that the problem with the Internet is with the provider itself and you just need to wait until everything is fixed. It may also be that for some reason the router’s settings were reset (this also happens), in which case it will have to be configured again.

Option 2. You have not configured the router

Often we have to deal with the fact that a novice user has connected the wires to the router (connected correctly), started the Internet on a desktop PC - everything works. But I connect from a phone and tablet - the sites do not open, on the laptop it says that there is no access to the Internet.

Let me explain: the fact is that the router needs to be configured initially, and the fact that the Internet is connected to the computer does not mean anything (after setting up the router on the computer, you do not need to start it at all, as this can lead to the problem described in this article). And the phone and laptop will connect to Wi-Fi in any case - to do this, you can simply plug the router into an outlet without connecting wires, that is, this also does not mean anything.

So, if you did not set up the router or set it up according to the instructions in the box, then find the instructions for your provider and model on the Internet (for example, on this site) and set it up. If you have set it up, do not launch the Internet connection on your PC (if you previously launched a separate icon for Beeline, Rostelecom,, the Aist program, or something like that).

Option 3. There is no Internet on the laptop when connected via Wi-Fi

And now about laptops. It happens that everything works on other devices, but not on the laptop. The router status says that the provider's connection is connected. In this case, first check the wireless connection settings on your laptop, use this, just do all the steps for your Wi-Fi connection.

After this, especially if you have an unidentified network without access to the Internet via Wi-Fi in Windows 10, try removing the existing Wi-Fi drivers on your laptop (those that Windows 10 most likely installed itself) and manually installing the Wi-Fi driver from the laptop manufacturer's website for your model (and not through "Update Driver" in Device Manager). In general, the same method is suitable for Windows 7 and 8 (8.1) - if you installed some “assemblies” and now the Internet via Wi-Fi sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t, or it doesn’t work all the time.

Every user global network sooner or later they face the problem of accessing the network. There are many reasons, both software and hardware, why network access suddenly stops. In this article we will look at such a common error typical for Windows as “Unidentified network without Internet access.”

Why are we seeing this message?

Any difficulty regarding the Internet and any network in general can arise for one of two main reasons - the fault of the network equipment or the fault of software. An error like “Unidentified network without Internet access” usually results from malfunctions in the computer software or communication devices. This may include the actions of malware blocking the network, incorrect settings of network services of the operating system, PC network equipment or external communication devices (wired or Wi-Fi router, modem or even provider equipment).

A message like this means that the computer is currently connected to some network, but does not have access to the World Wide Web. An existing network is a connection, for example, through a wired router or another computer, WiFi networks, as well as to the provider’s equipment (if a computer or laptop is connected to the Internet via a cable coming into the room).

We will try to figure out why this happens, and also give solutions on what to do in such a situation.

ISP related problems

If the PC is connected via a network cable coming into the room from outside, then access to the global network is most likely blocked due to the fault of the provider. The reason may be a situation with equipment malfunctions on the provider's side - a short-term malfunction, incorrect settings of the hub, lack of communication between the equipment and the provider's server (possibly due to a broken cable connection). But in such cases, there is nothing left to do except wait for the problem to be resolved by the provider.

A similar problem can occur due to the provider blocking access to the Internet due to the expiration of the subscription fee or a deliberate termination of the provision of services (this happens, for example, in the case of DDoS attacks on the server from the client’s computer). The last case of shutdown is, of course, very rare, but still possible.

In the last two cases, the laptop will also be connected to the network (provider equipment), but also without access to the World Wide Web. This is why Windows writes to the user “Unidentified network without Internet access.”

Network settings

If there is accurate information about the performance of the provider’s equipment and the absence of blocking on its part, then the problem most likely lies in communication devices (for example, a Wi-Fi router), local network settings, or in the settings of the OS itself. All this can be checked directly from your computer.

If in your case a wired or WiFi router is used as a communication device, the problem may be hidden in incorrect IPv4 protocol settings. You can fix them as follows (it is recommended to do further actions in any case, especially if you access the Internet via a local network through a router):

Now your laptop or computer should display information about a successful connection to the network. If there is Internet, Windows will write in the “Network Center...” section in the “Access Type” item – “Internet”.

But what should you do if Windows continues to report that there is no connection? Open the IPv4 protocol properties window again, and change the value “0” in all fields to “1”, like here:

The last step must be done in cases where the standard factory address of a wired or Wi-Fi router is different from “”. If this address was changed by you or other users yourself, we recommend that you find it and enter the necessary data in the IPv4 properties.

For example, if your Wi-Fi router, which connects to a PC via a local network, has an IP address of “”, then in the IPv4 settings in the “IP address” section you need to specify, for example,, and in “Default Gateway” and “Preferred DNS Server” change the last two digits to 1 and 55, respectively.

Does your laptop still say “No network access”? Then the Internet disappeared, most likely due to the settings of the wired or Wi-Fi router. But there is also a possibility that your laptop is experiencing connection difficulties due to a failure in the system’s network parameters. It can be fixed.

Resetting network settings

If the PC writes a message about the absence of the Internet due to a failure of the network parameters, then they can be returned to their original state by performing a few simple steps:

Windows also writes a message about the lack of access to the World Wide Web if the wired or Wi-Fi router has incorrect settings. There is a similar problem when the laptop connects to the Internet directly via a cable. If you have suspicions about this, then there is nothing left to do except call a specialist to set up your computer (but, most likely, you will have to set up a Wi-Fi router).

The difficulty of describing this problem in one article is that the provider may provide network access using one of several communication technologies - for example, ADSL or VPN. To connect a laptop or computer to the Internet, you need to obtain settings data from your provider, which, in most cases, is individual for each user and case. But describing them all is labor-intensive, so in such situations it is better to turn to specialists.

This problem exists, and many users have suffered from it. Its essence is as follows: a Wi-Fi router is purchased, it is connected and configured, but the Internet is still missing and the Internet is not distributed to remote devices. A network without Internet access is a situation that has various causes:

  • The router may be faulty, which is quite rare, but it does happen.
  • The router may not be configured correctly.
  • WAN use may be limited by your provider. For example, if you are late in paying for services.
  • The problem may be with your computer or laptop.

And some others. A network without Internet access can be tested on different devices. If the Internet is not available when different subscribers are connected to the router, this means that the problem should be looked for in the router or find out whether the network is limited by the provider.

The latter is especially easy to do - you just need to call the operator. But most often, a network without Internet access is caused by incorrect router settings. Next we will consider just such a situation.

What does the picture look like in practice?

Below is a picture that shows a typical grid without Internet access:

All this is completely independent of the router model, but is only a consequence of incorrect settings. To begin with, such settings need to be “reset” - that is, the router must be transferred to the state in which it was immediately after leaving the assembly line. Each such device has a button marked “Reset”. It can be located either on the side of the device body or on its rear wall.

As a rule, the button is small in size. This is done to prevent it from being pressed accidentally. Another protective measure is the need to hold the button down for some time (usually about 10 seconds). This is the only way to make it work. So, take an object with a sharp tip and press it on the button, holding it for a while. A signal that the settings have been reset will be multiple blinking of the front panel lights.

Beginners may find the following figure helpful:

It shows the correct connection of the ISP cables, interconnect cable and power supply cord. Check if your router connection matches what is shown in this picture.

Is the connection type specified correctly?

Among the router's software settings, there is one parameter that is critical for the normal functioning of Wi-Fi. This is a type of Internet connection. If you specify the connection type incorrectly, access to the Internet becomes impossible. If physically correct connection router to the computer when setting up the router, Windows writes “without access to the Internet” - first of all, check the connection type. this parameter can take the following values:

  • PPPoE.
  • L2TP.
  • PPTP.
  • Static IP.
  • Dynamic IP.

Each connection type requires its own settings. You should ask your provider what type of connection it uses to connect subscribers. The most basic way to connect to a network is to use a dynamically assigned address.

In this case, you will not need to specify any additional parameters, such as IP address, gateway addresses, etc. PPTP, PPPoE and L2TP usually require you to specify a login and password assigned to you by your provider. This data is usually specified in the connection agreement. Static IP will require you to specify the IP address, gateway address and DNS addresses in the router settings. They must match those of the computer connected to the device. It’s easy to find out all these parameters by typing the command in the Windows console: ipconfig /all.

Binding by MAC address

This is a common technology for identifying users by the provider. Each network device is assigned a unique identifier - the so-called MAC address. When connecting, the provider can control this parameter and, if it does not comply with what is stated in the contract and the provider’s internal database, reset the connection. Many people have encountered this situation when reconnecting the provider cable to another computer or laptop. In this situation, you have to manually enter the MAC address in the Internet connection settings.

About the same thing has to be done when connecting to a router network. To do this, there is a special interface in its settings, usually equipped with a button with an inscription like “Clone MAC Address” or something like that. If you have correctly specified the type and parameters of your network connection, but you still cannot connect to the Internet, try cloning the MAC address. Or call your provider asking for advice on this matter. Detailed information may also be available on your Internet service provider's website.

How to find out the MAC address of your computer? Using the above command: ipconfig /all. Its output list also contains such information.

Other possible causes of the problem

Be sure to check the network on a computer with a directly connected provider cable (that is, without using a router). You may have configured the network settings on the computer itself incorrectly.

If the network is lost or there is no access to the Internet, this may be the result of a broken cable from the service provider or a malfunction of the home equipment responsible for distributing the network to apartments. In both cases, the router has nothing to do with it, but you need to check all the options.

If you are using a configuration of an ADSL modem and router, then in the settings of the latter, enter a dynamic IP address, regardless of the provider’s technology. All necessary parameters must be specified in the ADSL modem settings.

Check that the Internet settings on the devices connected to the router are correct. Incorrect settings may also cause the “connected but not able to access the Internet” message.

The network signal may disappear for other reasons. For example, you may find that there is no wireless connection, but when you connect devices via cable, the problem disappears. This can also be caused by various reasons. The simplest of them is that the signal does not reach the subscriber due to the presence of obstacles in its path. Another option is that the signal can be suppressed by external devices operating at the same frequency as the router.

A loose connection between the provider cable and the router connector can also cause devices to operate without access to the Internet. On the body of any good router there is a special light that indicates that the contact is not strong enough.

Another one possible reason network failures – problems with Windows or another operating system installed on the subscriber device. This should also be kept in mind when the error we are considering appears. To detect such failures and fix them, you can try using the built-in Windows tool: “Diagnostic Center”:

Remember, you need to configure everything carefully and, if possible, with knowledge of the matter. If our information about what to do when working without access to the Internet was useful to you and the Internet is available, then we can consider our task completed. But it may turn out differently: I connect, but it says that the network works without the Internet - try writing to us about this, providing detailed information- we will tell you how to fix it.

In this article we will deal with probably the most popular problem that occurs on computers with Windows 7 when connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This "No Internet access" when, after connecting to a Wi-Fi network, the Internet does not work, and a yellow triangle with exclamation mark. And if you hover your cursor over this icon, the message “Without Internet access” will appear.

And in the network control center, there may still be an inscription “Unidentified network”. I myself have encountered this problem more than once, the solutions are very different. Now we will try to figure out what to do if your connection becomes without access to the Internet. On this page we will solve the problem using the example of Windows 7, since in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, there are a number of other reasons and solutions, therefore, there will be a separate article on them. Since this error can appear when connecting to the Internet via a network cable or Wi-Fi, in this article we will deal with connection via wireless Wi-Fi network. As for problems with accessing the Internet via cable, I will also write in a separate article so that the instructions are simpler and clearer, and you don’t get confused.

This means that if you have a Windows 7 laptop, you are connected to your Wi-Fi router, and you have a connection without access to the Internet, then you have come to the right address, now we will try to solve the problem that has arisen.

Windows 7: "No Internet access." What to do and how to find the reason?

I looked at articles on solving this problem on other sites, and almost everyone immediately writes about some actions that need to be performed on laptops. Check IP settings, etc. But, as practice shows, the reason that the Internet does not work in Windows 7 when connected via Wi-Fi is the router itself, its settings, or the Internet provider.

The main thing is to determine what the problem is, in the laptop, router, or Internet provider. Then you can do something to solve the problem.

Now I’ll explain everything and tell you, what to do first:

  • Many people have this The problem appears during the router setup process. If you are setting up your router, it seems like you have already set it up, you connected a laptop to it, and the connection status is “Without access to the Internet,” sites do not open, then you need to look for the problem in the router settings. Most likely, you have incorrectly configured the router to work with the provider, take a look. Find instructions on how to set up your routea on our website, or write in the comments, I’ll try to tell you where to look for these settings. Connect other devices to the Internet (if possible), check if they work.
  • If you have such a problem with Wi-Fi suddenly, the Internet was working and suddenly stopped, or after turning it off/on, then first of all, restart your computer (laptop) and router. Then, connect again. Perhaps this will solve the problem.
  • Check Is the cable from the provider to the router connected correctly? whether it is inserted well into the WAN connector. I had a case when the Internet did not work for relatives - “Without access to the Internet.” Everyone was without the Internet for a week. I looked, and it turned out that they connected the cable from the provider to the wrong connector on the router (connected to LAN, disconnected during a thunderstorm):). I just changed the connector and the Internet worked.
  • Make sure that your internet is paid for. Perhaps your provider simply turned off your Internet for non-payment.
  • Determine what the problem is: in a laptop, router, or Internet provider. It's not difficult to do this. For example: try connecting another device to this router. If the Internet works on it, then the problem is in your computer. If the Internet does not work, then the problem is either in the router itself or in the Internet provider. To check who is to blame, the router or the provider, you need to try connecting the Internet directly to the computer into the network connector. Bypassing the router. If the Internet works, then the problem is most likely in the router. You can also call your provider and ask if they have problems in your area. I will write again that it is very important to determine what the problem is.
    You can also connect your laptop to the router not via Wi-Fi, but via a network cable. Perhaps this is how the Internet will work.

Now that we have sorted out the most important points, we can move on to solving this error. I think you found the reason.

Solving the error “No Internet access” if the problem is in the laptop

If, for example, the Internet works on other devices, but not on your computer, then most likely the problem lies there. It would be nice to immediately try connecting it to other networks and see how it works. If the problem with the Internet via Wi-Fi on Windows 7 suddenly appeared, then try to remember, maybe you installed something, or changed some settings.

The most popular solution in Windows 7, which everyone advises, is to register static IP and DNS, or, conversely, try to set these parameters to be automatically received if you have static data. I already wrote about this in an article. Let's try.

Right click on the internet connection icon (which we should have with a yellow icon) and select Network and Sharing Center.

Right click on the adapter Wireless network connection and choose Properties. In the new window, highlight the line "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and press the button Properties. If you have automatic IP and DNS acquisition set there, then set static parameters, as I have in the screenshot below. Your IP and Default Gateway may be different. It depends on the IP address of your router (you can see it on the sticker on the router itself). Maybe IP (50 - this number can be set to another, for example, 100). We set DNS: And .

If you just opened the parameters, and you already have some settings specified there, static addresses, then set automatic IP and DNS retrieval. You should also try with static addresses (set manually), and with automatic receipt.

Save the settings and restart your laptop. Perhaps changing these settings will solve the problem with Internet access.

Another solution: enabling Federal Standards Compliance (FIPS) mode

Click on the Internet connection icon in the notification bar, then right-click on your Wi-Fi network that you are connected to (and with which there are problems), and select Properties. In the new window, go to the masonry Safety, click on the button Extra options, and check the box next to Enable Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance mode for this network.

Click Ok, and restart your laptop.

How else can I try to fix this error in Windows 7? You can also disable your antivirus, firewall, and other programs that may block the connection. If all else fails, you can also update the driver for your laptop’s Wi-Fi adapter; there is some information about this.

How to fix if the problem is in the router or Internet provider?

Well, I think everything is clear with the provider. If the Internet does not work when connected directly, then the problem is with the provider. Something is wrong with the equipment, they are doing some work, etc. Or you just forgot to pay off the Internet. In such cases, we call support and clarify everything. Personally, I have had such cases more than once. I immediately started checking the settings, and it turned out that this was a problem with the provider.

If the router is to blame for everything (in this case, the Internet will not work on any device; sites simply will not open on mobile devices), then you need to check the settings and cables. As I wrote above, check if the Internet is connected correctly. It should be something like this:

Check everything thoroughly, reboot the router.

If this does not help, and especially if the problem arose during the process of setting up the router, then you need to check the WAN settings. Simply put, Internet settings. Most often, the “No Internet access” error appears when the router cannot connect to the provider, which is why there is actually no Internet access. But it cannot connect to the provider, most likely because the connection parameters in the router settings are incorrectly set.

In the router settings, on the WAN or Internet tab (different manufacturers call it differently), you need to correctly indicate the type of connection that your Internet provider uses. And set all the parameters that may be needed.

I think you can find instructions for your router manufacturer.

That's all, I will update the article and add new solutions here. If you know something new about this problem, maybe you solved it somehow differently, then share interesting information in the comments, I think it will be useful to many.

I hope you were able to remove this error and the Internet is working on your laptop. You can ask your questions. Describe the problem, attach screenshots, I will try to answer quickly and help with advice.