How to get automatic settings. How to set up Internet on Tele2 - receiving automatic settings on your phone. Using an MTS modem and setting it up


How to order Internet settings on Tele2? This question may arise for every person if for some reason you cannot connect to the World Wide Web from your phone automatically. We will tell you how to get Tele2 Internet settings on your phone in two main ways - via SMS and on the operator’s official website.


To successfully request Internet settings from Tele2, several conditions must be met:

  • If your phone has two slots for SIM cards, then the Tele2 SIM card must be in the first of them.
  • Check that data transfer is enabled on your device.
  • After receiving a message with data, you need to save it, and then be sure to restart the phone.

Method 1 - SMS

Here's how to request Internet settings on Tele2 via SMS:

  • Dial 679 . The call will be free.
  • In response, you will be able to receive an SMS with Internet settings on Tele2. Save them and then reboot your device.
  • Ready!

Method 2 - USSD command

Using the command *202# You can also get all the necessary data, although you will have to enter it manually. The system will also be able to send them to you in the form of SMS, and you yourself will enter all the parameters in the right places.

Method 3 - official website

On the official Tele2 website you can also order automatic Tele2 Internet settings. Here's how to do it:

  • Connect to the World Wide Web using Wi-Fi.
  • Open this link to the official website.
  • Click on the "Get Settings" button.

  • If you are not logged in yet, click on the link that opens the entrance to the site.
  • Enter your number in the login form and click “Login”.
  • A temporary login password will be sent to your phone in a message. Rewrite it in the appropriate column and log in to the site.
  • Select “Order automatic Internet and MMS settings.”

If you are interested in information about that, follow the link provided and read another article on our website.

Method 4 - help from a specialist

Just in case you are not sure that you can cope with this problem on your own, there is an alternative option - come to the store where you got the SIM card or to any Tele2 communication store and ask an employee to help you set up your phone or tablet.

Although this approach to the communication salon will take you a little time, you will be sure that everything is configured correctly and you will not be left without a connection to the World Wide Web. In this case, specialist help will be free.

Alexander Grishin

If you don’t know how to order automatic Internet settings on Tele2, then take a couple of minutes to read these instructions. We will tell you how to get them, as well as what to do if the settings do not arrive or cannot be installed. The instructions are suitable for smartphones on different platforms: Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile.

Receiving automatic Tele2 settings

In order to receive automatic Internet settings on your phone with a Tele 2 SIM card, you need to make a request by dialing a short number 679 . After this, the operator should almost immediately send Internet/MMS settings. Save them and restart your phone - the Internet should work.

If it doesn’t work, go to the settings section and check whether the access point is selected as the default access point.

check path:

  • for smartphones on Android 5.1 (in earlier versions a different path is possible): Menu -> settings -> mobile network -> APN access points
  • for Windows 10 Mobile: Menu -> settings -> network and wireless connections—> cellular network
  • for Windows Phone: Menu -> settings -> network and wireless connections -> cellular network
  • for iPhone: Menu -> settings -> main network -> cellular data network

If Tele2’s automatic Internet settings do not arrive, you will have to enter them manually

Manual Internet setup Tele2

You can manually set up the Internet on Tele 2 as follows:

  1. Go to the menu and select the “Access Point” subsection. How to do this is written above.
  2. Create a new profile and give it a name, for example “Tele 2 INTERNET”
  3. In the APN (access point) field write:
  4. In the MNC field, enter: 20
  5. In the MCC field enter: 250
  6. In the APN Type field, select: default.
  7. In the home page field, enter:
  8. Proxy server: Not installed or Off.

You can leave all other fields blank. In the end it should look like this:

Save the settings, try restarting the Internet - it should work.

Manual settings parameters can also be ordered via SMS using a code *202# or find them on the operator’s official website.

P.s. if after automatic or manual settings Tele2 Internet does not work, check whether your tariff has a mobile Internet service (GPRS/EDGE).

We hope we were able to help you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or our

In order for a mobile phone to be able to access the Internet and send/receive MMS messages, it is necessary to configure the appropriate settings in it. Without settings, access to the above services will not be possible. In principle, almost all modern phones are configured automatically - activating a new SIM card leads to the automatic ordering of settings that only need to be applied. After this, just in case, you need to restart your phone so that the settings take effect as correctly as possible.

But sometimes it happens that the phone remains unconfigured. In this case, you need to make manual settings or order automatic settings from the network. In this review, we will look at all the ways to make settings for Internet access from Tele2. MMS settings will also be discussed.

The easiest way to set up your phone is to order automatic Internet settings on Tele2. They will be accepted from the network and registered in the appropriate profiles. You can order Internet settings on Tele2 by calling 679— they will be received within a few minutes in the form of incoming SMS messages. After this, you can go online using a built-in or downloaded browser from somewhere (for example, Opera Mini, which saves traffic).

How to manually set up Internet on Tele2

If Tele2 Internet settings are not accepted or installed for some reason, you should set up manual settings. There is no need to put your phone in the hands of specialists and, especially, to pay money for it - all the settings can be set yourself, there is nothing complicated about it. To enter the settings, you need to create a network profile and enter the following items there:

  • Profile name – Tele2 Internet (you can enter anything);
  • Home page –
  • Proxy – disabled (accordingly, we do not enter any settings here);
  • Connection type – GPRS;
  • Access point (APN) – (without http://);

If necessary, indicate the created profile in the browser settings.

Some phones provide a profile for Java applications. If Internet access does not appear, the phone needs to be rebooted. You will have to struggle with the settings of Chinese phones, since the names of the items there can be completely different.

How to set up Internet from Tele2 on Android

If the operating system version is 2.3 or lower, you need to follow the following path: Settings – Wireless – Mobile networks – Internet access points. After that, click Menu and select Create APN. Here we specify the following settings:

  • Name – TELE2 Internet;
  • APN – (without http://);
  • MCC – 250;
  • MNC – 20;
  • APN type – default.

Other items should be left blank. Next, click Menu and Save, and then try to go online. Don't forget to enable data transfer. Does your smartphone run Android 3.0 or higher? Then the settings will be different. We follow the following path: Menu – Settings – More – Mobile network – Access points (APN). Call the menu using the button or virtual button in the corner of the screen (it all depends on the design of your smartphone) and select New access point. At the created point we specify two single settings:

  • Name – Tele2 Internet;
  • APN – (without http://).

We save the settings and try to access the Internet, having previously activated data transfer. Also in the smartphone settings you need to set automatic or forced operation in 3G networks. Don't want to bother with manual settings? Call 679 and order automatic settings, which you only have to activate and save.

How to enter Internet settings on Tele2 on iPhone

It all depends on the version of the operating system installed on the smartphone. If your iPhone is running iOS 7.x.x, you need to follow the following path: Settings – cellular(here we turn on the toggle switches Cellular data and Enable 3G) – Cellular data network. If your smartphone has iOS version lower than 7.x.x, then the path will be as follows: Settings – General – Network – Cellular data network. Next, you need to register the APN access point – (without http://), and leave the username and password empty. After this, you can try to launch the browser and open a website.

When making settings on phones and some smartphones, you need to be prepared for the fact that some items may be called differently.

How to get MMS Tele2 settings

Sending/receiving MMS is a service based on Internet access. And for it to work, settings will also be required. If they don't come automatically, you need to call 679. After a couple of minutes, a message with MMS settings will be sent to your phone. Save, activate, reboot and use.

How to manually set up MMS on your phone

If automatic settings do not arrive or are not registered, you need to enter manual settings. Create a profile:

  • Profile name – Tele2 MMS (the name can be anything);
  • MMS server (Home page) – (without http://);
  • Proxy server – enabled (unlike Internet settings);
  • IP address (proxy server) –;
  • Port – 8080 for phones with WAP2, 9201 for older phones with WAP1;
  • Connection type or channel – GPRS;
  • APN (access point) – (without http://);
  • Username and password are left blank.

After this, you need to try to send MMS - the network must know that your phone can receive and send MMS. Otherwise, instead of incoming MMS, your phone will receive SMS with links to view multimedia messages.

How to set up Internet on a 3G and 4G Tele2 modem

As a rule, Tele2 modems are supplied already configured. But if for some reason there are no settings, then they need to be entered manually– for this, a profile is created with an arbitrary name (for example, Tele2 Internet), the dial-up number *99# and the access point are indicated, the username and password remain empty. We save the profile, set it as the “default” profile and try to establish a connection.

Anyone, even the most old-fashioned person today prefers to connect the Internet to their smartphone in order to establish a connection with World Wide Web, if necessary, visit your service Email, chat with friends in in social networks, download some games or applications, or even control your business!

It would seem that everything is quite simple, but in practice we see such a picture that not every subscriber of the Tele2 operator is able to set up the Internet on their gadget independently. Therefore, in this material we will help you solve the problem that has arisen and tell you about all the intricacies of this issue.

How to get automatic settings

There are two ways here: You can simply call the operator or order settings in your personal account on the operator’s website.

  1. The subscriber must make a call to the number 679 , after which the system will check if there is common base data is your model, for which the settings have already been generated. In 99% of cases they are. If everything is in order, you will be informed - “Your application has been accepted.” And after a while you will hear the sound of an input message with the necessary settings. You must save them and restart the device.
  2. You can also get settings through your personal account. To do this, you need to log in to the page and order settings for your phone, after selecting it from the list. They will be sent to your number. Save, reboot the device and you can safely use the Internet.

Sometimes the option with automatic settings does not work and you have to “shamanize” the phone manually. In this case, you will need to specify the following parameters for your smartphone:

If you have any additional fields in your smartphone, then do not touch them, but simply leave them unchanged. Next, save all changes and restart the device.

We also decided to separately describe the procedure for the most popular operating systems - iOS and Android, since some things are different in these operating systems, and many users are simply confused.

This instruction is suitable for all owners of Android smartphones. Please note that the instructions are described using system version 4.3 as an example, so for earlier or later versions it may not be correct, because Menu items may be arranged in a different order. But you should understand the general meaning.

If you are the owner of an iPhone, then the setup here will be significantly different, because these devices run the iOS operating system. We will look at an example setup for an iPhone 4s with iOS 8.4.

That's it, the setup is complete! Now all you have to do is reboot your phone and check its functionality!

It is important to know that on iPhones and Android devices, in most cases, Internet and MMS settings are configured as soon as the user inserts his SIM card into the device. Therefore, before manually entering all the parameters, check the previously created accounts for accessing the Internet.

Another important point! For correct and stable operation of the Internet, it is recommended to use Tele2 (or other operators) SIM cards of the new generation, which support 3G, 4G in most cities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Remember before using the Internet. It is advisable to use tariff options with a specific traffic package, because... iOS and Android operating systems are constantly updated along with applications, and this costs a large number of traffic.


How to get automatic Tele2 Internet settings on your phone - we’ll look at all the methods in the article. To access the Internet from a cell phone and send MMS messages, you must first enter certain connection parameters in it - mode, access point, user name.

Getting automatic settings

Method 1: automatic

For the convenience of customers, operators have developed a procedure for automatically receiving the necessary data: when activated, the SIM card tries to send a request, the necessary information is received in response, and you can immediately go to your favorite website. But sometimes the well-established procedure for setting up tele2 gprs fails and the necessary parameters are not set.

Let's figure out how to get automatic Tele2 Internet settings on your phone and how to register them manually for different smartphone models.

Method 2: Using your network operator

If you inserted a new SIM card into your phone, but the connection data does not arrive, use the auto service from the operator company.

When you call, the automated service will determine your phone model. In a couple of minutes you will receive an SMS message with the necessary parameters - just open it and confirm acceptance. The data will be entered automatically. Next, restart your phone to update the settings and open websites on the internet.

Manual Internet settings Tele2

Method 3:
If you cannot get the parameters automatically due to some error, enter them manually. This is a simple procedure that you can easily complete yourself - you will need to enter the address and select the desired mode.

To configure the Tele2 Internet manually, open the phone menu and find the corresponding network access settings item. Create a new profile with any arbitrary name, set it to:

  • access point address –
  • connection – select GPRS;
  • proxy – disabled;
  • Leave the name and password fields blank.

For correct settings apn tele2 access point, enter the address in the same way, without the http:// prefix at the beginning. Save the created profile, specify it as the main one in the browser (if required). Restart your smartphone for the changes to take effect. To quickly, read other detailed instructions.

Setting up Tele2 mobile internet on Android

For Android smartphones, which include popular models from Samsung and Sony Xperia, the specific settings for setting parameters will differ slightly depending on the version of the loaded operating system.

For the youngest generations of Android up to version 2.3: open the “Wireless Networks” subsection, check the “ Mobile Internet" Select the “Mobile network” menu, the “Access point” item, hold down the key to call the submenu - select “Create APN” in it.

For Android versions 4, 5, 6: in the “Data transfer” subsection, move the “Mobile data” item to the On position. For devices with two SIM cards, first select the Tele2 card you are using. Go to the “More…” submenu, “Mobile networks” section, “Access points” sub-item. Activate the submenu icon, go to initialize a new point.

To set up Internet Tele2 on an Android phone, then enter the following values ​​in the fields:

  • Profile name: any;
  • APN field:;
  • Authentication: none;
  • APN type: select default,supl.

Do not touch the remaining parameters, leave them empty. Open the submenu, click “Save”. Select the profile you created. Restart your device, try opening the website.

If an error occurs, carefully check that the parameters are written correctly and pay attention to the presence of dots in the address.

We have collected all the features for you in our next article.

Video instructions for Android:

How to set up Internet on Tele2 on iPhone

For users of Apple smartphones, the operator has developed a special Configuration Profile suitable for all OS versions. It is available in Personal account, will help you establish network access even when traveling abroad. You can also write it yourself free internet Tele2 settings for iPhone.

If you want to know, read our other article.

If your iPhone 4 and 5 have iOS version 7 or lower: in the main settings, open “Network”, turn on the “Cellular Data” sub-item.

For OS 7,8,9 and higher: in the “Cellular Communications” subsection, connect “Cellular Data”.

Go to the “Cellular data network” subsection, write to APN: Do not write anything in the name and password fields.

iPhone modem mode allows the smartphone to provide network access to third-party devices via Wi-Fi. To open it, in the section of the same name, enter exactly the same APN address as for connecting to the Internet. Do not provide a username and password. Restart your phone, activate the mode in the “Cellular” section. Create a Wi-Fi password that you will indicate on third-party devices when connecting to the iPhone.

The hotspot name is the name of the iPhone, which you can see in the About this device section.

Tele2 Internet settings for Windows Phone

To quickly set up Internet Tele2 on a Windows background, for example, on a Nokia Lumia 630, follow these simple steps. Go to the “Network” menu, “Network and SIM card” item, connect data transfer. In the SIM card settings, open “Access Point”, add a new one. Enter the name of the profile to be created, write the connection address next to the dot:, IP type - set to IPv4, authentication - no. Save the created profile for Windows background. Depending on the version of the operating system installed, menu items may have slightly different names. Other detailed instructions will help you !

How to set up 3G and 4G on Tele2 on a modem and phone

To manually configure id tele2 3g on the modem, create a new profile with an arbitrary name, specify the auto-dial number: *99# , enter the access point address. Do not fill out the name and password fields.

Our detailed instructions in the next section will tell you how.