microsoft powerpoint app. How to install PowerPoint: detailed instructions

One of the versions of the official Microsoft Office package included PowerPoint. And if you want to download PowerPoint to your computer, then you can only do this with the package. However, this does not detract from the merits of the utility, which allows you to prepare visual materials for reports, presentations and thematic lectures.

This electronic assistant has wide functionality and flexible tools that can be customized to your requirements.

So, it is not in vain that they say that any information is well perceived by ear if it is accompanied by visual material. Moreover, it is the latter that allows the main points to be fixed in memory. After all, there are a number of people who have auditory memory, but a large percentage of those who have more developed visual memory.

Therefore, many try to make various presentations. And if earlier you had to draw posters by hand or put the main points on the board with chalk, now it’s enough to turn to this software. Moreover, the result obtained is mobile and can be easily displayed on a large screen.


With the help of the program you can:

  • create and view created presentations,
  • print the file completely or only individual slides.

The utility can work in full screen mode, supports many formats, including .potx, .ppt, .pps, .pot, .ppsx, .pptm, .potm, .pptx, .potx.

Despite the wide functionality, you can expand it if you decide to buy a Freeware license.

It is worth noting the user-friendly interface. It is not surprising that many users are thinking about how to download PowerPoint for Windows 10, 8, 7.


The program is included in the package Microsoft programs office. You must download the Microsoft Office package and select PowerPoint during installation.


The latest versions of the program have a number of features that improve its performance and efficiency.

Among them:

  • adaptation for gadgets with a touch screen,
  • new tools that allow you to design a slide,
  • improved video and sound settings,
  • imported data from other programs that are part of the Microsoft Office suite,
  • saving the received project in the cloud storage,
  • the presence of the OneDrive service, which allows you to work on a project together with friends, even if you are in different places.

Dignity last version appreciated by those who are used to working with the Internet. However, if you have to show a presentation in places where there is no network, then it is still better to use ordinary removable media, flash drives.

In addition, this version of the program allows the speaker to see the notes to the materials on the working computer. Moreover, the notes themselves will not be visible to the audience.

It is also worth noting that you can download PowerPoint for free if you have the Microsoft office suite. This program is optimized for Windows 7 and Windows XP.


Taking into account the fact that there is a free version of the program and a paid one, the first version still has a somewhat truncated functionality.

Thus, the program can only create, view and print presentations. So if you created a document in this format, then nothing can be corrected there. Therefore, carefully check everything before clicking on the appropriate icon.


The central part of the screen is the work area. Here you will be prompted to enter a title for the slide.

All control buttons are located in the right corner. Here you can minimize, restore, close the program window. A little lower you will find the program menu bar and toolbar buttons. The slide list itself will be placed on the left side of the window. Thus, you can literally move slides in one click, create new ones or delete those that you do not need.

There are also tools for changing appearance slide. For example, you can put a picture as a background or fill it with color. Text elements and animation effects are also edited.

At the bottom of the window there is a field for making notes to the slide. It is noteworthy that these notes are not shown when the slide show mode is started, but the speaker can use them as hints.

In addition, the program offers to choose one of the operating modes. Among them: normal mode, outline mode, slide, slide sorter and slide show mode.

Slide View is handy if you want each slide to have a unique look. Thus, you will have to create each slide separately, setting certain settings for it.

Outline view allows you to explore the structure of your presentation. In this mode, it is convenient to navigate with a large number of slides.

The sorter mode is useful if you need to set the duration of a particular frame on the screen, and also if you need to set up transitions.

The slide show mode is designed to show the audience the final document.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 - This program is from the Microsoft Office 2007 office suite, which does not require activation! Fully in Russian and built-in support for Windows 7/XP 32bit-64bit. This necessary program, today is in certain demand from the Schoolboy, ending with Serious firms. Do not be afraid of the fact that, supposedly, it is separate and not complete No! The functionality is completely preserved in its original form. You can download Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Russian version from our website in full news. PowerPoint 2007 helps you create impactful, dynamic presentations by integrating a more secure workflow and techniques that make it easy to share data. In PowerPoint 2007 Rus is available: Choosing a template, Arranging slide elements, Setting up animation, Recording comments on slides and other functions will be available to you when using Free version Microsoft Office 2007 Rus. The new version of Microsoft's presentation software is more flexible in terms of customizing the presentation and also allows you to create more interactive, visual and beautiful presentations.

With Office PowerPoint 2007, you can quickly create stunning, dynamic presentations.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 gives educators the ability to quickly create compelling dynamic presentations by integrating user workflow and easy ways to share information. With the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface and new formatting and graphics tools, Office PowerPoint 2007 demonstrates new level opportunities to create beautifully designed presentations.

Presentation has become an integral part of our life today. It has become an indispensable tool in business and education. What is a presentation? For example, you sell a product, tell customers about it for a long time and in detail. But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. You can create a presentation that will consist of changing slides with pictures and captions to talk about your product. All you have to do is add your verbal comments.

Presentations are often used by lecturers to illustrate lectures to improve the quality of teaching. In fact, the scope of using presentations is huge, and in the conditions of modern life, when society every day more and more uses information in in electronic format, every person just needs to be able to create high-quality presentations.

System requirements:

Computer and processor: Frequency not lower than 500 MHz
Memory: RAM at least 256 MB
Hard disk space: 1 GB. Part of the disk space will be freed up after installation by removing the original boot package from it.
Disc Reader: CD or DVD drive
Screen: Resolution not less than 1024x768 pixels
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later*

PowerPoint 2007 is one of the main and most popular components of the Microsoft Office 2007 suite. It is the best program to create colorful presentations. Any user will be able to arrange a high-quality slide show. All this thanks to this program. PowerPoint can currently be downloaded as a standalone software, so you can download microsoft office powerpoint 2007 presentation software from the link below.

The program is characterized by a convenient ribbon interface that makes the application easier and more understandable to use and navigate.

In PowerPoint 2007, you can easily set the settings for yourself. By clicking on a specific component, you will see a toolbar for editing the presentation. The application is generally stunning with a set of tools that allow you to create entire masterpieces in the most short time. Spectacular transitions and animations will especially attract your attention. Graphs, diagrams, audio recordings, videos will make your work more meaningful.

The software works with such formats as:

  • ppa and others.

The options below the "File" button will allow you to get acquainted with the data about the document, set up security, make compression, and so on. The program provides for rehearsal of presentations before the show. You can record the result on video, and then view it.

Let's note some more characteristics of PowerPoint 2007:

  • A wide variety of themes. You can select them from the list by clicking on the topic you like. You can create your own slide layouts.
  • Alignment of text and graphics.
  • Navigation grid, thanks to which you can control the order of the slide show.
  • Instant start of the creation process new presentation. This is facilitated by the initial screen.
  • Slide Zoom.
  • A considerable number of different formats in which you can create presentations.

Download a large number of additional templates and themes if you don't have enough presented in the application.

The presentation has long been an integral part of life, becoming an indispensable tool in both training and business. Presentation slides transmit information in electronic form, so the scope of such work is huge.

The PowerPoint application at the moment remains the same popular software among the vast majority of users. So feel free to download the 2007 version to quickly create and edit beautiful presentations.

Microsoft Office can be safely called one of the most popular office suites. Unfortunately, not everyone can purchase this creation from the software giant, because in order to fully enjoy the functionality of Microsoft Office, you will have to spend a tidy sum. Therefore, Microsoft decided to release a number of free tools, which are separate functions of their well-known package. good example such a program is a tool PowerPoint Viewer. As the name suggests, this program serves as a tool for viewing documents (in particular presentations) created in PowerPoint.

The advantages of the program include support for documents created both in earlier versions of the program and in the latest ones. As well as support a large number formats, including .ppt, .pot, .potm, .pptm, .pps, .potx, .ppsx, and .ppsm. The utility allows you to easily switch to full screen mode, display graphic effects added to the presentation and play sound. The tool allows you to print presentation slides or add comments to them. The main and, most likely, the only drawback of the application is the inability to make changes to the document. In general, before us useful program, which is useful for people who have to work with presentations. Especially Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer will help those who do not want or are not able to work with a full-fledged Microsoft Office suite.

Download free software to create PowerPoint presentations 2010 for Windows 7. A stable build in Russian is available for download. You can download it through our website or via torrent.

PowerPoint - convenient version with the latest improvements of the famous application for creating and processing slideshows. It has a "Transform" option, thanks to which the user adds animated transitions. This gives you the opportunity to show your creativity and apply interesting solutions.

Power Point free download for Windows 7

The user can display files in the required sequence using the navigator. And this can be done regardless of the initial order established during creation. The audience who came to your presentation will view the information you demonstrate, and you will simultaneously deal with the visual grid.

The program has a useful feature that protects against the loss of information. The user can mark the conditions, following which allows you to upload the presentation to the Internet.

The possibilities are supplemented by some practical commands. For example, the developed search system - Tell me - is integrated. This allows you to quickly find essential tool, entering only the first letters of its name in the allotted line. A variety of settings will make your presentations original and effective.

This version of Power Point is included in the product.

Download and install a simple yet powerful presentation creation and editing program - PowerPoint 2010. The program is available for download from our website.

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For free!
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