Formatting inscriptions and drawings for presentation. Formatting text in a PowerPoint presentation. Learning new material

Class: 7 a, b Date: 02/06/14 Class: 7 c Date: 02/07/14

Informatics lesson plan on the topic:

“Inserting graphic objects and decorative inscriptions. Formatting inscriptions and drawings"

Goals: Explain to students the order and methods of inserting objects into the text. Acquiring skills in inserting into text and formatting graphic objects, symbols, and decorative inscriptions. Practicing skills in working with the tools of the Image Adjustment panel.



    • Master the application interface Microsoft Word

      Reinforce the knowledge gained in the previous lesson on working with MS Word

      Master the methods of inserting objects into text WordArt, pictures

      Strengthen the ability to edit and format information objects inserted into a text document

      Continue to introduce students to the basics of design when creating a document.

    Correctional and developmental

    • Development of cognitive interests

      Development of students' horizons

      Developing the ability to clearly and logically answer questions asked

      Development of skills to apply knowledge in practice;

      Development of cognitive skills (highlight the main thing);

      Correct switching of attention by changing forms of work during the lesson

      Replenishment vocabulary by studying special terminology on the subject

      Development of fine motor skills of hands


    • Instill love for the subject

      Fostering motives for learning and a positive attitude towards knowledge;

      Instilling discipline;

      Ethics of conduct



    Multimedia installation

    Textbook "Informatics", 7th grade

    Handouts Interface, Formatting, proverb options

    Presentation Repetition

    Presentation Inserting objects into a text document

During the classes

    1. Organizing time

Checking students' preparation for the lesson

Class greeting

Motivating students for the lesson (Today we will have a very interesting lesson where you can gain knowledge and, most importantly, you will evaluate yourself. To do this, fill out the Evaluation Sheets that lie on the edge of your desk)

    Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson

Topic of today's lesson: Inserting graphic objects and decorative inscriptions. Formatting text and pictures

The purpose of the lesson is: Learn to insert graphic objects, pictures, and decorative inscriptions into a text document in MS Word and format them.

    Updating students' knowledge

Review with students the knowledge gained in the previous lesson using presentations Repetition

    • What is the name of the program for creating text documents? (Microsoft Word )

      What type of program is Microsoft Word? (applied)

1. A paragraph is:

    indented text

      deleting characters

      copying text fragments

    4. A space is inserted:

      before punctuation

      after punctuation

      cut, copy




    Slide 5: Verification by mutual verification. Students exchange notebooks and check their work.

    Answers: 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a

    Add grades to the Score Sheet

      Learning new material

      Lecture material

    Add fancy text using WordArt.

    To create a special effect, click on the Insert tab and select a WordArt object in the Text group. The WordArt Collection window will appear on the screen. Microsoft programs WordArt for choosing a text style.

    Having selected a style, a window will appear for entering the text itself. Enter the text, and after clicking on the OK button

    it will appear on the page at the location where the cursor is located.

    Inserting an image

    Now we will look at inserting two types of illustrations onto a slide: pictures from the gallery and images from files.

    Inserting pictures. By selecting on the tab Insert>Clip..., you find yourself in a gallery of pictures, divided into categories or located together. When you click on the selected picture and then click on the Insert Clip button in the drop-down menu, that picture is inserted into the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times, inserting the required number of pictures.

    Inserting from a file. You can insert images stored on your computer as files into a slide. various formats. By selecting on the tab Insert>Drawing, you will be taken to the Add Picture window. At the bottom there is a window for selecting the picture format. At the top is a window for selecting a disk, and below is a window for selecting a folder and the desired image file.

    Inserting shapes: Select on the Insert tab – Shapes

      Repetition of TB when working on a PC

    TV video showing

      Reinforcing the material learned

      Draw 1st, 2nd, 3rd place medals using autoshapes

      Create an award certificate



    took _____ place

    at the 22nd Winter Olympic Games

    By _______________________

    Copy pictures from the 2014 Olympics Folder

      Draw an Olympic Teddy Bear using AutoShapes

    Enter grades on the Score Sheet.

      Reinforcing the material covered

    Oral survey:

    1.How can I insert decorative inscriptions into MS Word?

    2. In which tab are Shapes located?

    3. How can I insert ready-made pictures from a file?


    Create a Valentine's Day greeting card

      Lesson summary, lesson grading

    Discussion with students about the course of the lesson and its results.

    When summing up the lesson, pay attention to the complexity of this topic and the need to study it. Praise students and give marks.


    What new did you learn in class today?

    TM – 7 – 37

    1. A paragraph is:

      a piece of text ending with pressing the Enter key

      indented text

      text starting with multiple spaces

      3. Paragraph formatting operations include:

        alignment, line spacing, indentation

        style, size, color, font type

        deleting characters

        copying text fragments

      4. A space is inserted:

        on both sides of the punctuation mark

        before punctuation

        after punctuation

      5. What commands save a piece of text to the buffer?

        cut, copy




      TM – 7 – 37

      1. A paragraph is:

        a piece of text ending with pressing the Enter key

        indented text

        text starting with multiple spaces

        Change the appearance of your slides

        Text formatting is one of the main stages of creating professional presentation. A well-chosen font and various text effects that PowerPoint allows you to set improve appearance presentation and make it more attractive and visual.

        When setting formatting options, you should ensure consistency in the design of all presentation slides and do not use different fonts or multiple highlighting methods on one slide.

        The basic techniques for formatting text in PowerPoint are the same as in Word. To format selected text PowerPoint program provides a large number of funds:

        • -- tools of the Formatting panel; -- command Font menu Format;
        • -- tools of the Animation Effects panel;

        / -- facilities Microsoft applications WordArt. /

        Characters entered into a text field are assigned the formatting options set for that field. Typically, information on slides is presented in the form of bulleted lists, so many auto-layouts contain text fields designed to create such lists. When you enter text in a field that previously displayed a click enters text prompt, each keystroke creates a new bullet point.

        To change the standard formatting options for a field, you need to mark it and use the commands in the Format menu. The first six commands of this menu allow you to change the font, size, color, style, alignment method, line spacing and other text attributes. The buttons on the formatting toolbar can also be used to change formatting.

        Copying object or text attributes

        Attributes of an object (such as fill color and AutoShape border) can be copied and applied to another object. You can copy only text attributes (font, color, size, etc.) and apply them to other text.

        Copy appearance and text style

        • 1 Select the text whose style you want to copy.
        • 2 Click the Format Painter button and select the text to which this formatting is applied.

        Note Font and font size cannot be copied into text created using the WordArt tool from the Draw panel.

        Add, change, or remove shadow or relief from text

        There are three ways to create shadow text and embossed text. First, shadow text can be written directly using the Shadow button on the Formatting toolbar. This method does not allow you to change shadow characteristics such as offset or color. The second way is to add a shadow to an unshaded object containing text. In this case, the text forms a shadow with object parameters that can be changed. The third method is based on using the WordArt tool on the Drawing toolbar, which allows you to insert a text special effect: a drawn object containing text.

        Adding a Shadow to Text

        Select the text to add a shadow to.

        Instead of using the Drop Shadow button on the Drawing toolbar, use the Drop Shadow button on the Formatting toolbar. The Shadow tool creates a shadow on objects.

        Add or remove a raised effect from text

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 Select Font from the Format menu.
        • 3 Select or clear the Relief check box.

        Changing the appearance of text

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 From the Format menu, select Font.
        • 3 Set the desired options.

        To get help about an option, click the question mark, then click the option itself.

        Tip To have changes you make later become the default for new text, select the Default check box.

        Changing character case

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 From the Format menu, select Register.
        • 3 Set the desired switch.

        Change text color

        • 1 In Slide view or Notes page view, highlight the text you want to edit.
        • 2 On the Drawing toolbar, click the arrow next to the Text Color button.
        • 3 To restore the default text color, click Auto.

        To set a color from the color scheme, click one of the eight colors under Auto.

        To set a color outside of the color scheme, click More Colors. Select a color from the Standard tab, or go to the Spectrum tab and create a custom color, then click OK.

        Make text bold

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 Click the Bold button.

        Italicize text

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 Click Italic.

        Reducing text

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 Click the Decrease Font Size button.

        Enlarge text

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 Click the Increase font size button.

        Underline text

        • 1 Select the text you want to underline.
        • 2 Click the Underline button.

        Setting a specific text size

        • 1 Select the text you want to change.
        • 2 In the Size list, click right size font in points.

        Replacing straight quotes with double quotes while typing

        • 1 On the Tools menu, click Options, then click the Edit tab.
        • 2 Select the Replace straight quotes with paired quotes check box.

        Replacing the font in the entire presentation

        • 1 From the Format menu, select Replace Fonts.
        • 2 In the Replace list, click the font you want to replace.
        • 3 In the To box, click the font to use as a replacement, and then click Replace.

        Insert text using the Caption tool

        • 1 On the Drawing toolbar, click the Text Box button.
        • 2 To insert text that does not break to another line, click where the text will appear and type it. To insert text that does not break to another line, move the tool to the point where the text begins and type it.

        Note To replace the shape of a text box with an AutoShape, select the box, click the Actions button on the Drawing toolbar, point to Edit AutoShape, then select a category and click the shape you want.

        Slide 1

        Text formatting

        computer science teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2 in Ershov, Saratov Region” Marina Valentina Nikolaevna

        Slide 2

        After the text has been entered from the keyboard and edited, various operations are performed to format it

        (by giving the document the appearance it will have on paper).

        Slide 3

        Slide 4

        TITLE TEXT

        When formatting (design), the appearance of the text changes by choosing: font type; font colors; font style; paragraph alignment.

        Slide 5


        All computer fonts can be divided into four groups: serif, sans serif, calligraphic, decorative

        Slide 6

        SErif FONT

        Some fonts have small lines called serifs at the ends of the letters. When reading, the eye “clings” to them. Serifs facilitate the visual perception of letters, and therefore the reading process. Serif fonts are used in books, textbooks and other publications with long lines.

        Slide 7


        Chained fonts are used in newspapers and magazines, where the text is arranged in short lines (in several columns).

        The text of this slide is located in two columns and is typed in font.

        Slide 8

        Calligraphy fonts

        Calligraphic fonts imitate human handwriting. They are often used to design covers and postcards. They type congratulations and letters.

        Slide 9

        Slide 10

        Sample Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting

        Font type Arial Arial Black Comic Sans MS Monotype Corsiva Times New Roman

        Slide 11


        The regular font does not stand out in any way. Bold font is darker and more visible. Italic font is slanted. And this is the underlined text.

        You can apply multiple styles to pieces of text at once (for example, bold underline, underline italic, bold italic, or bold underline italic).

        Slide 12

        FONT SIZE

        Font size is measured in points. 1 point = 1/72 inch (0.3 mm).

        Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting

        Slide 13

        Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting

        FONT COLOR

        Slide 14

        When text is aligned to the right, the right paragraph border forms a straight line. Each line ends at the same distance from the edge of the page. This paragraph is right aligned.

        Centered, or centered, text is positioned like this: on both sides of each line, the width of the white space is the same. The edges of the paragraph appear uneven on both sides. This paragraph is center aligned.


        When text is aligned left, the left border of the paragraph forms a straight line. All lines have the same indentation from the left edge of the page. This paragraph is left aligned.

        Slide 15

        Independent work

        Describe the text document according to plan: font, style, alignment.

        Slide 16


        Formatting is the stage at which various operations are performed to give the document the appearance it will have on paper.

        font - serif style - italic underlined alignment - right

        font – sans serif style – italic bold alignment – ​​left

        font – calligraphic style – italic bold underlined alignment – ​​centered

        Slide 17

        Invitation card Dear friend! We invite you to New Year's party, which will take place on December 31 at 10.00 at the House of Culture. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

        Practical work Design an invitation card according to the example:

        Slide 18

        Computer science: textbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. Informatics: workbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. Presentation “Text: history and modernity” - Electronic application to the textbook “Informatics” for grade 5

        “How to create Word” - Text document. Text editor. Document scale. All text documents created in Word are stored on disk. Text file. Text. Document viewing modes. Toolbars. Saving the document. Questions. Code table. Opening a document. Microsoft Word. Text format. Encoding tables.

        “Work in Word” - All you have to do is click OK. How to insert a table: “Table” - “Add” - “Table”. Let's continue. Close the window. The text has taken on volume. In the menu that appears, click on the top icon and close the window. Choose a type or pattern, color. Click OK. Now you need to open a window that shows the filling methods. The color is done.

        “Images in Word” - Insert an image from a file into Word. 7. Left-click INSERT. 1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the image. 5. Select the folder from which you want to insert the image. 5. In the clip collection window, enter the theme of the image. Left-click INSERT CLIP. 2. On the menu bar, left-click INSERT.

        "Templates" - Templates for essays and messages. Template for English Questions to the listened text. Creation of crosswords. The Tools f?r Lehrer und Sch?ler macro can be used for any items – foreign languages, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geometry, etc. Creating grammar exercises based on the vocabulary of a text fragment.

        “Inserting objects into a document” - Inserting objects into a document. Insert date and time. Inserting symbols. Change the size and position of the inserted object. Inserting mathematical formulas. Inserting a picture. Inserting objects. Insert a picture from the clipboard. Questions. Insert page number. Inserting a table.

        “How to create a table in Word” - One of the library design styles. Framing type. Align the entire table. Changing column widths and row heights. How to create and edit tables. Copying table elements. Adding a column. Creating and editing tables. Design of tables. Removing table elements. Tables and borders.

        There are a total of 38 presentations in the topic

        Game “ANAGRAMS”

        Your task is not only to find the correct answer, but also, after decoding the word, to give a definition

        Your task is to listen carefully to the statement and pick up the card:

        red is true, green is false.

        • Program Word - standard and intended

        for creating and processing images .

        • In a programme Word There are 2 types of lists:

        Marked and numbered.

        • In a programme Word there are 3 types of style

        text: italics, bold, underlined.

        • In a programme Word It is impossible to save documents.
        • In a programme Word impossible to implement

        insertion of pictures and graphic text.

        Allows you to decorate a document with decorative text

        Insert – Text – WordArt or

        Insert – Drawing - WordArt

        Insert – Drawing – Images or

        Insert – Drawing – from File


        • A drawing created in a graphic editor can be added to a text document using: A. Clipboard.

        2. Indicate the incorrect statement. B. Object text WordArt cannot be changed later.

        3. Command Insert – Illustrations – Clip: D . Allows you to add a drawing to a document from the built-in MS Office drawing libraries.

        4. Command Insert – Illustrations – Drawing: A. Allows you to add a drawing to a document from a file.

        5. You can add a figure to the document with the command: C. Insert - Illustrations - Figures.

        6. To add decorative text use the command:

        Insert – Text – WordArt

        7 . To select multiple objects use the key: D . SHIFT .

        8. Commands for grouping and ungrouping objects: D. Are located on the Format ribbon tab that appears, there is a selected object.

        9. Inscription in the figure: D. Added to any shape (except lines) by the context menu command Add caption