Skills and abilities for resume example engineer. The two main qualities of an engineer. Foreign language skills

Being an engineer is an honor and respect. But what professional skills and personal qualities of an engineer distinguish him from other specialists? Let's find out!

It is difficult to imagine at least one enterprise or production without an engineer. Most often, several of them work at enterprises, each is responsible for his own direction, and controls their work. Chief Engineer. What do engineers do, what are they responsible for and what skills should they have?

The professional skills of engineers are varied. They are responsible for the direction of the technical development of the enterprise in the conditions market economy, for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, for the development of specialization for the future.

Engineers provide rational use production resources, high quality products, provide technical operation and repair of equipment.

There are areas where the professional skills of an engineer include control over installation and construction work, over the quality of work performed, over compliance with design and engineering discipline, ensuring compliance with labor protection and safety standards.

There are many specialties and in each of these areas of activity there is a separate engineer who is responsible specifically for this area. But, despite the variety of positions, there are General requirements to the skills, knowledge, personal qualities of engineers.

Applicants with a higher, narrowly focused education are accepted for the position of engineer (for example: process engineer, design engineer, environmental engineer, safety engineer, petroleum engineer). Many professional skills are suitable for any line of work.

Therefore, the engineer must:

  • have deep knowledge in the field of technology and organization of production;
  • mathematical, economic, analytical knowledge;
  • be able to work with customers;
  • have the skills of maintaining documentation, drawing up acts, statements, estimates, financing schedules;
  • promptly decide technical questions on objects;
  • select contractors and work with them;
  • have a good understanding of the design documentation coming from the designers, and clearly follow it;
  • be able to draw up acts on the violations committed at the facility;
  • know regulations and GOSTs;
  • have a high level of computer use and knowledge of specialized programs;
  • be fluent in technical English (documentation for many types of equipment can be in English);
  • be able to clearly and quickly make decisions in non-standard situations;
  • not be afraid to take responsibility for difficult situations;
  • be able to understand the psychology of subordinates and participate in the selection of personnel.

Personal qualities of an engineer

In addition to the professional skills of an engineer, big role his personal qualities play in his work. An engineer can sometimes have from several tens to several hundred employees subordinate to him.

Therefore, the ability to work in a team, rationally manage a team, regulate work so that there are no force majeure circumstances is a great merit of an engineer.

To do this, an engineer must have a number of personal qualities that contribute to fruitful work. These include:

  • high organizational skills;
  • discipline - only by example can you demand discipline from employees;
  • attentiveness - documentation, estimates, projects, drawings do not tolerate any errors;
  • responsibility for the assigned work, the object being built, for a certain direction in the work;
  • self-organization;
  • Result Oriented - Achieve your goals deadlines overcoming all obstacles;
  • technical thinking;
  • ability to learn - the ability to undergo retraining and gain access to occupying another position, conducting additional work, management of new facilities;
  • desire to broaden one's horizons;
  • good memory;
  • inclination to the exact sciences;
  • balance - a necessary feature when working with a large number of employees, the ability to bypass critical moments, both with customers and with management;
  • concentration;
  • purposefulness;
  • patience;
  • skill to work in team;
  • politeness;
  • punctuality;

Development of professional qualities of an engineer

Most of the professional qualities of an engineer are instilled in educational institution and in the process of work, and the personal qualities of an engineer can be brought up in oneself, but some are innate and difficult to obtain. These qualities include everything related to the types of thinking and temperament.

Technical thinking and a penchant for the exact sciences are also difficult to cultivate in oneself, therefore, to develop professional quality an engineer can only have an inclination towards them.

And professional skills will be acquired faster, of course, from someone who has personal qualities suitable for this profession. Accordingly, and promotion, the quality of the work performed by such employees will be higher.

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What does a sample engineer resume look like?

Proper engineer resume template

Rokotov Valery

Career objective: Engineer
Desired income level: 60 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 10/25/1982
Residence: St. Petersburg, Kalininsky district
Ready to move. Ready for business trips.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
E-mail: vrokotov@ххх.ru

Key knowledge and skills:

  • Knowledge of the principles of operation of thermal power equipment;
  • Strong knowledge of engineering design laws and regulations;
  • Successful experience in designing heating systems for large facilities;
  • Excellent knowledge of AutoCAD and ArchiCAD;
  • Responsibility, ability to work in a team;
  • Striving for professional development.


  • Simplified the scheme of work with customers at the design stage, which made it possible to increase work efficiency;
  • Developed a project for a heating system with minimal energy losses in an office building.


11.2009–06.2015 Building maintenance engineer

OOO Vector (, St. Petersburg

Scope of the company: Maintenance commercial real estate

  • Organization of operation of heating systems in buildings;
  • Support for the smooth operation of equipment;
  • Doing technical documentation.

08.2004–10.2009 Design engineer

OOO LDK (, Vsevolozhsk (Leningrad region)

Company field of activity: construction

  • Drawing up layouts of heating systems in buildings;
  • Preparation of technical documentation;
  • Coordination of work in the implementation of projects.


2014 "Russian School of Management", Moscow

Seminar "Energy saving management, energy efficiency tools", certificate of professional development

2008 CNTI "Progress", St. Petersburg

Passed the course Technical operation objects of commercial real estate”, certificate of advanced training

2004 St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg

Faculty of Engineering Ecology and Municipal Economy, specialty: "Heat power engineering and heat engineering", higher education, diploma

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English language– medium level (B2).

PC knowledge: confident user (MS Office; AutoCAD, ArchiCAD).

Posted On 02/07/2018

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Lebedev Mikhail Andreevich


Applying for an engineer position


  • 1955 Moscow Power Engineering Institute
    Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering
    Department of Mathematical Modeling


  • 10.2008 - 04.2012 Magistral LLC
    Position: Lead Design Engineer
    — Development of project documentation
    — Development terms of reference
    — Setting a task for subordinate design engineers
    — Control of execution, verification of the results of work
    — Collection of initial data
  • 06.2000 - 09.2008 Spetsstroy LLC
    Position: design engineer
    — Implementation of design technological studies
    — Preparation of technical and commercial offers
    — Implementation of coordination of work in the implementation of projects
    - Keeping records of material costs
    — Preparation of technical documentation, drawings, diagrams, layouts
    — Conducting technical negotiations with customers and subcontractors
    — Carrying out the necessary calculations and selection of equipment
  • 09.1995 - 04.2008 OJSC Energosvyaz
    Position: electrical engineer
    — Selection of equipment for power supply systems
    — Organization and control installation work power supply systems
    - Safety control
    — Ensuring trouble-free and reliable operation of serviced equipment
    — Drawing up technical documentation

Professional knowledge skills

  • Successful experience in designing large facilities
  • Confident PC user (MS Office: Word, Excel, Outlook; AutoCAD; Internet)
  • Knowledge of design regulations

Foreign language skills

  • German language - technical level


  • Efficiency, systemic thinking
  • High operating speed
  • Responsibility for achieving results

Date of Birth: October 1, 1973
Citizenship: Russia
Telephone:+7 (XXX) XXX-XX-XX
Email mail: [email protected]

Family status: married, two children
Desired work schedule: full time work

civil engineer resume

Organization of the work of mechanical services (refrigeration, electronic mechanical, technological), operation and repair of Engines Internal Combustion, operation and repair of tanks, pipelines, pumps, related fittings and instrumentation (air, water, fuel, oil, steam) systems.

Dear Sirs,
Please consider my resume for the position of Mechanical Engineer. Worked as a mechanic since 1986.

Documents: Working diploma of the international standard of the Chief Mechanic (without limitation of power capacity), allowing to perform the following functions:

Managing ship operations and taking care of people on the ship, - Operation of ship mechanical installations,

Operation of el. equipment, el. equipment and control systems,

Maintenance and repair.

Responsibility level:

Management level.

Types of special training:

Extended firefighting program

First aid.

I would be happy to receive an invitation from you for an interview.

Psychophysical model of a civil engineer (open one of the blocks of the model)

⇐ Previous12345678

The psychophysical model is a set of professionally important psychophysical qualities of an engineer.

Three blocks: (You need to open one)

1) Mental abilities:

Intellectual abilities (computational, spatial, quick thinking, logical, etc.)

Socio-psychological qualities (neuro-emotional stability, diligence, organizational skills)

Character traits (sociability, leadership, reliability)

2) Physical qualities:

Endurance, strength, speed, balance, coordination, fine motor skills

3) Psychophysiological reserves:

Vision (acuity, eye, peripheral vision)

Visual and auditory motor response

Stability of functional systems (vestibular apparatus, geoclimatic stability, etc.)

Cognitive functions of the brain (memory, attention)

8-4 Psychophysical model of a civil engineer

The psychophysical model of a civil engineer is a set of professionally important psychophysical qualities of an engineer-builder (PVK) ranked on a 10-point scale. PVK include three blocks of qualities: mental capabilities and characterological features of the personality, physical qualities and psycho-physiological reserves of the body.

The model is compiled according to professional profiles for builders for four types of activity of a civil engineer. Professiograms contain the following: parameters:

Typical labor activities, operations;

Typical mistakes;

Physical activity;

Basic and auxiliary labor movements;

Working posture;

The nature of mental and psychophysical stress;

Meteorological and sanitary conditions, ecological situation;

occupational hazards and diseases;

■ professionally important physical qualities;

Key professionally important psychophysiological functions;

■ professionally important motor skills and abilities;

■ professionally important mental qualities and abilities;

■ professionally significant business and personal attributes.

8-5 Professional mental readiness.Basic. prof important physical …..

Any engineering activity, as well as the activity of a civil engineer, can be represented in the form of four or five areas: practical activity (work at a construction site as a foreman, foreman, site manager, etc., as well as a production technologist); work as a designer, constructor in a design bureau; work on the operation of equipment; scientific activity; leadership activity.

For these types of activities, we will consider the working conditions and what qualities and to what extent a civil engineer should have in order to work efficiently and efficiently in a certain area of ​​activity, without loss of ability to work.

Practicing Civil Engineer.

Working conditions are close to extreme: work is carried out in open areas, at any time of the day, at any geographical latitude, at any height, at any time of the year, sometimes with a sharp change in temperature.

a person spends most of his working time on his feet, can climb various structures, descend into pits, walk along shaky bridges and structures, etc.,

The work is carried out in a zone of increased danger, because.

there are a lot of moving construction equipment on the construction site, cranes are working, there may be live wires, there are gaps, trenches, pits. Emotional and intellectual stress is above acceptable standards, because. one has to solve complex problems in conditions of lack of time with increased responsibility, including for the safety of others.

PVK - in terms of physical qualities, the foreman must be well prepared, the main requirement is high dynamic endurance - 10 points. Strength can be in the range of 5-6 b. Reactions should be well developed: auditory-motor, visual-motor and tactile. Those. he saw something, heard something, felt something abnormal, he must quickly assess the situation, and for the logo he must have the speed of thinking, and give the necessary command to his subordinates in understandable words; for this, the logical thinking must be well developed, there must be a certain vocabulary.

The foreman should have a developed eye, preferably by 8-10 points, tk. in work, you need to correctly assess the distance to moving objects (in the zone of increased danger), length, height, etc.

Psychophysiological reserves should have a high level: 8-10 points. SSS, CNS. The respiratory system, the vestibular apparatus must be free of pathologies, i.e. the person must be absolutely healthy. The vestibular apparatus must be trained, because. you have to climb to the heights and pass the bridges at the height. There must be high geo-climatic stability.

The quality of attention (concentration, switching, volume) - an average of 6-7 points. Memory - especially verbal - 7 points.

Mental qualities: the general level of intelligence may be low, tk. the foreman does not have to process a large flow of information in the course of his activity, within 5 points. But some components should be higher: spatial thinking - 7-8 points, because you have to work with drawings.

The foreman must be emotionally stable - 8 points; this quality is important for a leader, because the emotional climate in the team depends on the degree of emotional stability of the leader. Normativity, or adherence to moral standards, is also a high level - 7 points.

Organizational skills - 7 points, because he leads the team.

A very important quality is honesty. For the builder, it is professional, because. the safety of buildings, structures and people depends on the conscientious observance of all requirements and norms of construction.

In general, the highest requirements are imposed on the foreman in terms of these indicators.

Design engineer, economist.

Working conditions: works indoors, in a confined space, with a lack of lighting, air, in the presence of dust from drawings (paper), when designing with a computer - under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Motor mode - passive, working posture - forced, constantly sitting with an inclination, if working, (drawing) sitting, or standing behind a drawing board, makes small movements.

Requirements for the level of PVK: in terms of physical qualities, the main ones are static and general endurance, coordination (for performing small movements). The requirements for other qualities are reduced. According to psychophysiological reserves: The main thing is good vision and good eye. Good verbal (for words) and visual memory, attention span.

The most important requirement in the block of mental abilities: must b be highly developed spatial thinking and computational abilities. A person must be diligent and most importantly, as for a foreman, conscientious.

Operational engineer.

The working conditions are approximately the same as those of the foreman, if the work is related to the technical inspection of buildings, structures, equipment, etc. Those. the motor mode is active, but less than that of the foreman. The nature of the requirements for the PVK is the same as that of the foreman, but at a lower level.

Special requirements are imposed on an engineer working with automated controls for various equipment of buildings and structures. This is work in the machine rooms of the control of power plants, heating plants, etc. Work here is associated with great psycho-emotional stress, the need to constantly maintain a large amount of attention, concentrate attention on the readings of various devices, switch attention from one device to another. Therefore, there are strict requirements for the central nervous system, it must be resistant to psycho-emotional stress. Scientific activity.

Not all people can engage in scientific activity. Of course, those who have a large amount of knowledge in the chosen field, but also necessarily those who have a high intellectual level, i.e. there is a large amount of knowledge in other areas of science. There are no special requirements for the level of health and physical fitness. There are increased requirements for the PV contained in the block of mental capabilities. First, the person doing scientific activity must have analytical warehouse mind, i.e.

Sample resume of an Engineer (chief, technical engineer, designer, labor protection, designer)

e. the ability to analyze events, identify the main ones among them, and draw connections between them, etc. Of the character traits - the main one is the desire to achieve the goal, without this quality very often scientific work remains unfinished. The desire to achieve a goal is characterized by the ability to set a goal, look for ways to achieve it, strive to achieve it. This quality is developed when practicing those sports in which the athlete seeks to establish his personal achievements: weightlifting, running, skiing, etc. These qualities are transferred to them in life.


The work of a manager (organization of construction, construction production, project management) is associated with great physical and psycho-emotional stress, because. the manager is personally responsible for the performance of the work.

Ivshin Nikolai Sergeevich
Residence address: Moscow, st. Moskvina, 23, apt. 41
Telephone: +7(495)946-****
Date of Birth: 07/30/1983
Email: [email protected]

Target: obtaining a position as a civil engineer.


Company: JSC "Stroydom"
2005-2012 technical department engineer
2012-2015 leading construction expert

Functional responsibilities:

  • Production quality control system. installation work,
  • Introduction of new technologies in construction,
  • Finding and establishing relationships with customers, working with regulatory authorities,
  • Interaction with the customer, designer, gene. sub. contractor
  • Managing the production of construction and installation works (CEW) at all stages of production, budgeting,
  • Organization of technical preparation of construction,
  • Revision, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation,
  • Control over compliance with SNiP, GOST, TU, approved project and work schedule, commissioning of facilities on time. Solving financial and technical issues arising during the design and construction and installation work,
  • Administrative management and management of the construction process,
  • Building and managing a team,
  • Analysis and adjustment of the work of the gene. contractors and sub. contractors,
  • Carrying out construction and technical surveys of buildings and structures, examination, participation in the formation, conclusions in accordance with regulatory documentation,
  • Implementation of activities to establish a causal relationship between defects in structures, buildings and structures and poor-quality design, construction, operation of the facility.

2000-2005 Dnepropetrovsk Civil Engineering Institute‚ Faculty of Civil Engineering (Industrial and Civil Engineering) (higher), Specialty: civil engineer.


2015 Higher School of Economics, IPB, Moscow. Certified professional accountant.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English with a dictionary

Knowledge and skills: I own a computer, I have a driving license of category "B", I can work with programs for designing construction projects.

Professional quality: diligence, punctuality, organization and management of the construction process, negotiations with customers, contractors; control over the execution of construction schedules and budgets, selection of subcontracting companies, quality control of the work performed, management of line personnel, preparation and commissioning of facilities.

Engineer yesterday and today. What two main qualities will help any newcomer to this profession, how professional development goes, what needs to be got rid of, and what, on the contrary, to develop - he showed by the example of his own career Sergey Vinogradov, design engineer NPO Rodina.

- Sergey, how was the start of your career?

When I was in my fourth year, I realized that I wanted to work in my specialty. Before that, there were only part-time jobs that brought a certain income, but I did not see them as an opportunity for professional and career development. At the beginning of the fourth year, I got a job at NPO Rodina as a design engineer, which allowed me to combine work and study thanks to a flexible schedule.

I believe it the surest way to young specialist- get a job at the initial stage of training. I had no barriers to starting my career.

- How to combine work and study without prejudice to each other?

First of all, the possibility of combining work and study depends on the employer. If he is interested in attracting young specialists to the enterprise, appropriate conditions will be created for this - flexible schedule, leave for the duration of the session, etc. Our company has it all.

- How did the number of responsibilities grow?

At our enterprise, there is a division of design engineers into categories. Depending on the category, the number of responsibilities that are spelled out in job description. Accordingly, I can single out several stages of increasing the number and severity of my competencies.

At the initial stage, it was work with texts and documents under the guidance of more experienced employees. Then - the design and coordination of drawings with the leading specialists of the enterprise, technologists, metrologists, metallurgists. Next - the development of individual parts, components of the product. And finally, the highest degree of severity involves the appointment of an object design engineer. The employee holding this position is responsible for the final product of the enterprise or a particular department.

What are your qualities that have contributed to your success? What advice do you have for others starting out in the profession, what to work on first of all?

Professional growth is followed by career growth. In our profession, in addition to the fundamental knowledge laid down at the university, a person must have a number of qualities that will help him in his future career and professional growth.

The first quality is the ability and desire to learn, to adopt knowledge from older generations, to develop. The second is a responsible attitude to tasks, which is formed in the process of the work itself. These two basic qualities will help any newcomer to our profession.

- And what qualities interfere - how did you get rid of them?

At the institute, I had not quite the right attitude to work. Everything was initially aimed at the result, at the assessment, i.e. subtotals were not important. Only with time did the understanding come that there are no intermediate stages, each stage of work is important, and the result will be if the work is done correctly from the very beginning.

- What records or results are you proud of?

Records are more related to sports, it is more appropriate for us to talk about results and success. At our enterprise, the final product is the result of the work of a large team, I can only be proud of my participation in the work on some large project. I can say that the units that were implemented with my participation are now either undergoing state tests or are successfully functioning as part of the main facilities. Just a month ago, the RP85N drive with a fundamentally new architecture, for which I prepared a set of drawings, successfully passed research tests.

- Are you satisfied with your current position? What are you striving for now?

Such concepts as "satisfied" and "satisfied" in the professional sense should be temporary, because if a person is completely satisfied with something, he stops developing. At our enterprise, there is a system for dividing design engineers into categories, at the moment I belong to the first category, the next step I aspire to is a lead design engineer. IN professional development a person constantly encounters difficulties, one has to turn to additional literature, learn something new.

I have a vivid example of success in career and professional growth in front of me - this is my immediate supervisor, who is currently the deputy head of the department, head of the design team, defended his Ph.D. thesis, has a large number of successfully completed projects that have received major awards.

- Are you satisfied with the way the young engineers who come to you are trained?

I have been working in this area since 2007, and this, in my opinion, is too short a time to give any assessments on the scale of a professional environment. I can only say that last years NPO "Rodina" increased the number of orders due to the import substitution program. Accordingly, increased wage design engineers and other specialists of the enterprise. In universities, as far as I can judge, there is an increase in the number of state-funded places for technical specialties, while the number of applicants for these specialties has sharply increased.

Accordingly, the passing score in these universities also increases, and, ultimately, more competent specialists come to the enterprises. However, it should be noted that each field of activity has its own specifics, and only at the enterprise a young specialist will get a complete picture of it. At NPO Rodina, in my experience, it takes two to three years of work.

- What ways do engineers have to cope with the burden of responsibility - after all, the lives and health of people depend on their calculations?

Of course, the responsibility is enormous. However, I must say that the final product of NPO "Rodina" comes to the consumer after passing a full cycle of tests, as a result of which all inaccuracies that were made at the design stage are eliminated in the working documentation and product design. If we proceed from the understanding of the word "responsibility", then readiness to be responsible for one's actions and deeds is, in my opinion, rather personal quality person.

He either accepts this responsibility and thus grows as a professional, or shirks it. Therefore, there is probably no way to cope with the burden of responsibility, it all depends on the ability and desire of a particular person to take it upon himself.

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