What do multi-colored price tags on goods mean? Hypermarket "Lenta. Marketing tricks and red price tags What are discounts and promotions

Experiment with different price tags

Many people affectionately call the price tag a “cardboard seller,” and this is not surprising, because in the absence of a real seller, it is the price tag that will communicate the cost of the product and other information, as well as help sell the product. Surely you have noticed that very often among the usual black and white price tags you can find colored ones, most often red or yellow. Let's talk about how it works today.

The use of colors to focus attention on a particular price tag (and, accordingly, on a product) is based on the psychology of color perception, the study of which allows you to navigate how a person reacts to a particular color. Interestingly, color can evoke not only an emotional, but also a physical reaction, and this property of colors is actively used by marketers.

Emphasize the discount using a tag

Red is the color of activity and confidence; it is objects painted red that immediately come to the fore for a person. A large amount of red can provoke an increase in heart rate; this color attracts attention and literally does not allow you to pass by.

Accordingly, if red is used for a price tag, its purpose is to make a person not only pay attention to a certain product, but also with a high probability of buying it. Since the color red is a symbol of action, sales of products with a red price tag increase significantly.

discount sticker below

Another color that is popular in highlighting price tags is yellow, the most positive color in the spectrum. It is associated with optimism and expressiveness, so highlighting a product with a yellow price tag will be a good move. If the red we mentioned earlier, although it attracts attention, is somewhat aggressive, then yellow is conducive to communication and friendliness, evokes positive emotions and the desire to purchase goods. But you should be careful when using yellow, because this color of the spectrum is processed by the visual analyzer first, so the abundance of yellow can tire you very quickly.

sticker on the back side

The use of color for the background or lettering requires certain rules to be followed in order to improve the perception of such price tags. So, to use a red font, it is better to stick to a regular white background, but if you choose a yellow background for one of the price tags, the font color should be black.

There are also colors that should not be combined with each other, their combination significantly complicates the perception of information: a red font is not suitable for a blue background, just like blue letters are not suitable for a red price tag; such a useful and bright yellow color will look bad next to blue . Of course, a lot here depends on what shade of color is used and how saturated a particular color is, but it is important to understand that colors should harmonize and highlight each other, and not overwhelm.

Actively use different options and test them, good luck with your sales!

The color scheme in which the store is decorated has a strong influence on the visitor in the process of choosing a product and making a purchase...

Price tags for a product, product or service have long ceased to serve simply as an indication of cost. Today, with the help of this product, many trade organizations attract customers and also provide customers with the necessary information. In our online store you can buy price tags for wholesale or retail trade at an inexpensive price from the manufacturer.

Thus, if you are running a promotion, you want to attract the attention of visitors and increase sales of the retail chain, then labels for price tags will help you, which you can buy in our online store wholesale or retail.

Where to buy price tags?

Today, numerous manufacturers present a wide variety of similar products. Price tags are divided into the following types:

  • self-adhesive colored. Among the variety of colors, you can choose white, red, yellow, orange price tags. Pay special attention to the yellow and red options, as these are the colors that indicate a sale and, accordingly, attract the attention of buyers;
  • chalk price tags. This is a very fashionable and modern type of product, providing prestige and status to a modern retail chain. These accessories are made from acrylic; they can be in the form of a sticker glued to a wooden sign or the display case itself. The cost of the product is indicated in ordinary chalk. The main advantage of this option is that the numbers can be easily changed by erasing some and immediately indicating the required ones;
  • cardboard. The main advantages of these products are their original design and long service life.

Price tags are used in trade: clothing stores, furniture stores, for goods at a fair, for a flower salon and others. The most common type are self-adhesive products, which can also be purchased in the online store. Their popularity is explained by their affordable price and versatility of use.

In conclusion, I would like to note that our online store offers products of exceptionally high quality. So you will be satisfied with the result. Self-adhesive colored, chalk price tags and many other types will help highlight your product. They are bright and original, the inscriptions on them will not be wiped off. High-quality materials are used to manufacture the products, so you can be sure of their long service life.

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I stopped by Lenta today after work to buy groceries and some household chemicals. By the way, the feed opened with us a few months ago. This is an event for our city, although this is far from the first store of this format, but if we consider the entire City Park shopping center, then before we didn’t have such a scale, Rio is much smaller.

But this is what I encountered. I needed a 5 liter bottle of water. The price is quite reasonable 39 rubles. , but the eggplants stand on the shelf, wrapped in shrink film, two at a time. The film is strong enough, I fiddled with it for a couple of minutes to remove the eggplant. It is clear why this is being done. I think no more than 2-5% will not pick at the film, but will throw the packaging into the basket, due to which there will be a slight increase in sales, but such tricks do not paint the Tape.

There's a lot of history about red price tags. In Lenta, all the price tags are yellow - yellow means discounts, and where there are super discounts, the price tags are red. Last time, I bought a couple of items with red price tags, but at the checkout they said they had yellow ones. I was indignant at the checkout. I went up to the reception. The girl from the reception and I reached the shelves with goods - the price tags were yellow! It was in the morning, perhaps yesterday's prices were not removed, but it was still unpleasant. That’s why today I took what I bought with red price tags and took pictures of, people looked at me like I was a local madman :-)