Job description for a technical consultant. Job description of a sales consultant, job responsibilities of a sales consultant, sample job description of a sales consultant. Sample resume for sales consultant

Perhaps the most in-demand profession in sales is a sales consultant. Another common job title is sales manager.

Although this specialty is not taught in educational institutions, the functional requirements for candidates for this position are the highest.

And this is no coincidence: every company engaged in trade, in conditions of great competition, tries to offer best service to our clients to establish long-term relationships, thereby increasing sales.

Responsibilities and tasks

The job description of a sales consultant contains a description of all the tasks that a specialist must perform.

A sample instruction can be downloaded.

A sales consultant is a specialist who conducts consultative sales, which means the seller is the initiator and offers the buyer a product using persuasion methods.

The specifics of the work are determined by the field of activity of the enterprise; the key functions can be identified as follows:

  1. Professionally advises clients on the product in compliance with company standards.
  2. Displays goods if required by work regulations.
  3. Engaged in pre-sale preparation. Product integrity check, testing, packaging.
  4. Knows how to correctly draw up documentation (draw up a sales contract, issue invoices, invoices, warranty cards, etc.).
  5. Works with complaints if this is within his competence. Most often this is done by a senior manager or individual.

It is worth noting: effective work sales consultant is one of the most important keys to the success of any enterprise.

According to the work of the seller, the buyer develops general impression about the company, and even if the client is satisfied with the purchase, but he did not like the service, he will certainly tell his friends and family about it. And, conversely, a satisfied and loyal client will definitely bring new customers and return himself.


The main requirements that employers indicate to future candidates:

  1. Excellent knowledge of the product technical characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Good communication skills, competent speech, knowledge of etiquette standards.
  3. Stress resistance . A sales consultant must always be polite and be able to work with objections.
  4. Good health. Often, a sales consultant spends the entire day on his feet; this requires good physical endurance.
  5. Learning ability. Not everyone comes to a sales position with knowledge of the specifics of the product. A novice specialist can first work as an assistant to a sales consultant in order to understand all the intricacies of the profession.
  6. Skill to work in team. Mutual assistance and mutual assistance, participation in team projects - these are the main components of teamwork.
  7. Experience. Since the main job of a salesperson is sales, employers are more willing to hire a specialist with experience.

Often, applicants are presented with additional requirements that are important to the employer:

  1. Ability to use a computer, knowledge of basic office or graphics programs.
  2. Knowledge cash register. The sales consultant must have the skills.
  3. Knowledge of foreign languages. When working with foreign partner companies, this may be the main requirement of the employer.
  4. Possession of a driver's license or own car. For example, a car sales consultant will not be able to work without a license.
  5. Availability of a health certificate. For example, if the place of work is in grocery store or supermarket.
  6. Availability specialized education. Thus, to work in a pharmacy, a candidate must have a pharmaceutical education;
  7. Presentable appearance will be important for working as a sales assistant in a jewelry store.

Expert advice: When sending your resume to a sales consultant position, you should write down what additional skills you have. It would be a good idea to indicate your personal and professional achievements at work.

Where are they in demand?

As a rule, these are large companies offering a large assortment products with which the client is often unfamiliar or requires additional advice and assistance.

Most often, sales consultants are required in the following places:

  • store (sales floor employee);
  • furniture and home goods store;
  • cosmetics store, women's and men's perfumes;
  • shoe store;
  • clothing and lingerie store;
  • car dealerships;
  • construction company office;
  • building and finishing materials store;
  • shop .

Often, an employer needs a generalist salesperson who one person will be able to ensure high-quality work of the store or point of sale. In job descriptions you can often find pictures showing a future specialist - a smiling, attractive salesperson and a happy buyer, this is exactly what the employer expects from a future employee.

Watch the video in which experts explain the basics successful work sales consultant:

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The profession of a sales consultant does not require specialized education or highly specialized skills. However, a number of requirements for the personality of the applicant applying for this position still exist. Most often, these include general wishes related to the lifestyle and character of the applicant:

  • communication skills;
  • goodwill;
  • restraint;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • politeness and knowledge of etiquette.

Besides, responsibilities of a sales consultant, as a rule, require long-term standing on your feet without the possibility of rest during the working day. Therefore, the requirements for endurance and excellent health can be considered quite fair.

No less true is the employer’s desire to get an experienced employee who can quickly make decisions when emergency situations arise.

Depending on the type of activity of the enterprise inviting a sales consultant to work, additional requirements may be put forward. For example, fluency foreign language, knowledge of the characteristics of the product being sold, etc. Sometimes the gender of the employee also matters (for example, in a women’s underwear store, a female salesperson would be more appropriate).

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Key sales consultant skills, abilities and capabilities

A sales consultant is a specialist in consultative sales. Unlike transactional sales, when the buyer independently takes the initiative to purchase and selects a product, consultative sales involve information support, the use of persuasion methods, and sometimes overcoming objections. All this is included in responsibilities of a sales consultant.

That is, he must master the basic methods and techniques of psychological and verbal interaction with clients, as well as have an understanding of existing sales technologies. Of course, in the absence of work experience, it is almost impossible to obtain such skills, which is why many companies practice preliminary training for employees: theoretical courses, seminars, trainings, etc.

One more professional skills of a sales consultant Necessary for successful work is the ability to work with documents and product accounting programs (for example, “1C: Trade and Warehouse”). Otherwise, the seller risks providing the client with incorrect information regarding availability required unit goods in the store.

Main responsibilities of a sales consultant: for a resume and successful work

As a rule, in job responsibilities of a sales consultant includes the following functionality:

  • Negotiating with clients of all levels;
  • customer service in accordance with sales technologies;
  • providing consulting assistance to customers regarding the properties, characteristics of goods, rules of their use, pre- and post-sales service, care;
  • calculation of the final purchase price;
  • packaging of goods;
  • handling complaints;
  • acceptance and exchange of goods;
  • checking the serviceability of the product, compliance with its name printed on the packaging, visual inspection, etc. (that is, pre-sale preparation).

This list is by no means exhaustive - it all depends on trade policy the company, the direction of its activities and many other factors. For example, often official sales consultant instructions contains a clause on monitoring consumer demand, although this is more within the competence of the marketer.

Contents and example of a resume for a sales consultant

Main responsibilities of a sales consultant- this is providing the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product, providing practical and advisory assistance in choosing it and, ultimately, completing the sales cycle, that is, selling the product.

Therefore, in order for a potential employer to show interest, sales consultant resume must contain information about ownership of the item of sale, that is, knowledge of its characteristics, purpose, main target audience etc. If you have work experience in a similar or related field, it is worth dwelling on this in more detail and describing your own achievements in your previous place.

In addition, the image of the company (store), and therefore the level of customer loyalty to it, directly depends on the sales consultant. Thus, the resume should indicate compliance with the requirements for employees whose work involves interaction with customers: lack of conflict, friendliness, etc.

Sometimes a little trick helps increase the chances of getting the desired position: usually, when posting a vacancy announcement, the employer quite fully indicates the requirements for the applicant; When writing a resume, it’s enough to rephrase the specified qualities a little - and here it is, compliance! But this is only permissible if it does not contradict the truth too much - otherwise you can end up in an awkward situation.

It will easily help you overcome difficulties with formulations and descriptions of previous achievements. sample resume for sales consultant. It’s easy to find it on the Internet, but it’s better to specify the request and indicate the sales area in which employment is planned: for example, “ resume sample sales consultant hardware store."


I. General provisions

1. A business consultant belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (economic or legal) education, additional training in the field of management, marketing, and other related fields, work experience in a supervisory, administrative or advisory position in production, trade or service of at least

(3 years; others)

3. A business consultant must know:

3.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

3.2. Market economy, business and commercial law.

3.3. Basic methods and principles of doing business.

3.5. Procedure for pricing and taxation.

3.6. Basics of business valuation, real estate and movable property.

3.7. Basic rules for working with securities, banking and stock exchange legislation.

3.8. Techniques for working with instruments of the commodity and stock markets.

3.9. The procedure for developing business plans.

3.10. Basic tools for the financial recovery of an enterprise.

3.11. Contract law.

3.12. Enterprise management structure.

3.13. Prospects for innovation and investment activities.

3.14. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology.

3.15. Office standards.

3.16. Ethics of business communication.

3.17. Terms of use technical means, communications, computing.

4. Appointment to the position of a business consultant and dismissal from the position are made by the head of the enterprise upon recommendation.

5. The business consultant reports directly.

Business consultant:

1. Provides advice on running a business.

2. Assess the business condition of the enterprise, financial, inventory and labor resources enterprises.

3. Assesses the production and innovation potential of the enterprise, determines the problems of the enterprise in the business sphere.

4. Assesses the development prospects of the enterprise.

5. Analyzes ongoing projects enterprise development; develops new draft plans for the development of the enterprise, calculates their economic feasibility.

6. Develops schemes of measures for the financial recovery of the enterprise (attracting financial assistance (credits, loans, etc.), changing organizational structure enterprises, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities of the enterprise, etc.).

7. Develops a plan for the financial, material and technical recovery of the enterprise (measures to reduce costs and generate additional income, to increase production volumes, change contract schemes, to cooperate with other enterprises to increase the overall potential and increase the sales market for manufactured products, etc. ).

8. Monitors business trends and market needs, prepares source materials for the development of business projects, prepares financial and economic feasibility studies for projects, coordinates work on the implementation of individual projects.

9. Coordinates its actions with the actions of enterprise divisions and individual specialists in the implementation of business projects.

10. Provides advisory assistance to the business manager in the development of business plans, commercial conditions, concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assessment of the degree possible risk; when conducting negotiations with counterparties, when making large transactions.

11. Draws up reports on his work.

1. Information about all indicators of the enterprise’s performance.

2. Involve specialized enterprise specialists in planning.

3. Request and receive from the heads of relevant departments of the enterprise and specialists necessary information and documents.

4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the enterprise.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.



I. General provisions
1 A business consultant belongs to the category of specialists.
2 A person with a higher professional (economic or legal) education, additional training in the field of management, marketing, and other related fields, work experience in a supervisory, administrative or advisory position in production, trade or service of at least _____ is appointed to the position of a business consultant. (3 years; others).
3 A business consultant should know:
4 — Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities.
5 — Market economy, business and commercial law.
6 — Basic methods and principles of doing business.
7 — Fundamentals of marketing, management, advertising, auditing.
8 — Procedure for pricing and taxation.
9 — Basics of business valuation, real estate and movable property.
10 — Basic rules for working with securities, banking and stock exchange legislation.
11 — Techniques for working with instruments of the commodity and stock markets.
12 — The procedure for developing business plans.
13 — Basic tools for the financial recovery of an enterprise.
14 - Contract law.
15 — Enterprise management structure.
16 — Prospects for innovation and investment activities.
17 — Fundamentals of sociology, psychology.
18 — Standards of office work.
19 — Ethics of business communication.
20 — Rules for the use of technical means, communications, and computer equipment.
21 Appointment to the position of a business consultant and dismissal from the position are made by the head of the enterprise upon recommendation
22 Business consultant reports directly to

II. Job responsibilities of a Business Consultant

Business consultant:
1 Provides advice on running a business.
2 Assesses the business condition of the enterprise, financial, inventory and labor resources of the enterprise.
3 Assesses the production and innovation potential of the enterprise, determines the problems of the enterprise in the business sphere.
4 Assesses the development prospects of the enterprise.
5 Analyzes current enterprise development projects; develops new draft plans for the development of the enterprise, calculates their economic feasibility.
6 Develops schemes of measures for the financial recovery of the enterprise (attracting financial assistance (credits, loans, etc.), changing the organizational structure of the enterprise, changing the structure of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise, etc.).
7 Develops a plan for the financial, material and technical recovery of the enterprise (measures to reduce costs and generate additional income, to increase production volumes, change contract schemes, to cooperate with other enterprises to increase the overall potential and increase the sales market for manufactured products, etc.) .
8 Monitors business trends and market needs, prepares source materials for the development of business projects, prepares financial and economic feasibility studies for projects, coordinates work on the implementation of individual projects.
9 Coordinates its actions with the actions of enterprise divisions and individual specialists in the implementation of business projects.
10 Provides advisory assistance to the business manager in developing business plans, commercial conditions, concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assessing the degree of possible risk; when conducting negotiations with counterparties, when making large transactions.
11 Draws up reports on his work.

III. Rights of a Business Consultant

A business consultant has the right:
1 For information about all indicators of the enterprise’s performance.
2 Involve specialized enterprise specialists in planning.
3 Request and receive the necessary information and documents from the heads of relevant departments of the enterprise and specialists.
4 Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
5 Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the enterprise.
6 Require the management of the enterprise to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility of a Business Consultant

The business consultant is responsible for:
1 For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2 For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3 For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
structural unit:
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I have read the instructions:
"____" ____________ ____G.

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General Director of JSC "AAA"
_____________ A. A. Ivanov

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sales consultant

I. General provisions
1.1. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of sales consultant professional education and work experience in the profile for at least _____________ years.

1.2. The sales consultant must know:
-decrees, instructions, orders, other governing and regulations relating to the operation of a trading enterprise;
-commodity science, standards and technical specifications on goods, their main properties, quality characteristics, prices, history of the creation of manufacturing companies, storage conditions, use of goods;
- management structure, rights and responsibilities of employees and their work schedule;
-rules and methods for organizing customer service;
- the procedure for decorating the salon and shop windows;
-fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;
- personal selling technology; labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- labor protection rules and regulations;
- safety rules, industrial sanitation and hygiene, anti- fire safety, civil defense;
- main competitors, manufacturing companies, products, prices;
-rules and standards of labor protection, safety and fire protection;
- internal labor regulations.

1.3. Appointment to a position and dismissal from a position are made by order
the head of the organization on the recommendation of ______________________________
1.4. The sales consultant reports to _________________
1.5. During the absence of the sales consultant (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by the person appointed to in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.6. ___________________________________

II. Job responsibilities
The duties of the sales consultant include:
2.1. Carry out full pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, labeling compliance, unpacking, inspection of appearance.
2.2. Inform your immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, the administration of the enterprise, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.
2.3. Place and lay out goods in accordance with the principles of merchandising by groups, types, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand, ease of use.
2.4. Monitor the availability of goods in the sales section, check the quality, availability and compliance of labels, price tags and their correctness.
2.5. Monitor customer demand.
2.6. Draw up a request for goods to provide customers with the most complete products.
2.7. Inform customers about goods that are not available in their department, but may be in another, and, if necessary, about the timing of transfer.
2.8. Know the approximate timing of the next deliveries.
2.9. Create for buyer the necessary conditions to select and familiarize themselves with the goods they are interested in, and to monitor the absence of violations of trade rules.
2.10. Provide customer service in accordance with personal selling technology.
2.11. Provide assistance to customers in choosing goods, advise customers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, rules for caring for goods, prices, offering interchangeable goods, new and related products.
2.12. Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.
2.13. Inform management about existing shortcomings in customer service and measures taken to eliminate them.
2.14. _________________

III. Rights
The sales consultant has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.3. Require the management of the organization to provide the conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.
3.4. _______________

IV. Responsibility
The sales consultant is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage to the organization within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. __________________________

The job description has been developed in accordance with
(name, number and date of document)
Head of structural unit


Head of the legal department
(signature) (surname, initials)

Head of HR department
(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:
(signature) (surname, initials)