Information about the registration of legal entities. Unified State Register. Organizations involved in the provision of the service

Here you can search and get information about legal entities (IP, LLC, JSC) for which an entry has been made in the Unified State Register legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

To check a counterparty, search for a legal or natural person, enter the details known to you in the search form. This may be the name of the organization, PSRN, TIN, or the address of the company.

The application allows you to track information about the organization among such registers as enforcement proceedings, participation of legal entities. persons in arbitration disputes, the presence or absence of debts to the budget, financial statements, information about the head and founders of the organization, information about the auctions in which the organization participated, etc.

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Mobile Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Windows application "Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP":

The application displays the most complete information about the organization - the participation of legal entities. persons in arbitration disputes, the presence or absence of debts to the budget, financial statements, information about the head and founders of the organization, information about the auctions in which the organization participated, enforcement proceedings, etc.

Within the framework of the service, a convenient search for a company is implemented by several parameters: search by OGRN, TIN, company address, manager's name, company name.

Information about legal entities available on 7Docs includes the areas of activity of the company, company details (OGRN, TIN, KPP, OKPO and others) and other useful statistical information.

If our service did not give YOU necessary information for a particular organization, then you can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (with more detailed information about the organization) by sending a request.

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Information on state registration of legal entities - this is information about organizations that is included in a specialized register. The composition of such information, methods of obtaining it and other important points are described in this article.

Composition of information on state registration

The main law, which is devoted to the composition of the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities ...” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on State Registration).

According to this law, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the following information about legal entities:

  • Name;
  • date of creation;
  • location;
  • information about the founders;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • way of education;
  • information about succession;
  • information about liquidation;
  • method of termination of activity;
  • information about the sole body;
  • information about issued licenses;
  • activity codes;
  • information about branches and representations.

This information is publicly available and is subject to release at the request of any interested person. The only condition for obtaining it is to pay a fee for the provision of public services. If the information is provided in the form electronic document then payment is not required.

However, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities also contains information that has limited access. These include information about documents proving the identity of an individual (Article 6 of the Law on State Registration).

IMPORTANT: the documents of a legal entity submitted during state registration are part of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and are contained in the registration file (order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 08.06.2004 No. SAE-3-09 / 357). Copies of these documents are also issued at the request of any interested person.

Obtaining copies of documents is necessary to assess the integrity of the counterparty selected for cooperation. It is their presence that will help to avoid tax liability in the event of a tax dispute, since the presence of these documents will be regarded by the court as a manifestation of due diligence (Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated February 6, 2014 No. F05-18109 / 2013).

Ways to obtain information about state registration

Information on registration of legal entities(extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) can be obtained in one of the following ways:

  • personally, through the district INFNS;
  • through an intermediary;
  • V in electronic format, through the site;
  • through the state service of the Federal Tax Service for the provision of information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, by providing unlimited or one-time access to the full database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • through a modernized version of the service "Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP via the Internet" (

INTERESTING: most often, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is received for an active person, but the question arises: is it possible to get an extract for an organization that has already been liquidated? There is no unequivocal answer, although the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation mentioned its position in one of the judicial acts. The court pointed out that the Law on State Registration does not contain an indication that extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for inactive legal entities should not be issued (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 6, 2009 No. GKPI09-1373). There is no such prohibition in other legal acts. Moreover, obtaining an extract for a liquidated person is not among the grounds for refusing to issue an extract.

Specificity of some methods

Each of these options has certain pros and cons.

So, if you receive an extract personally from the IFTS, then in addition to paying the state duty, you will also have to spend your own time - both on submitting an application and on receiving a finished extract.

When receiving information from the website, it should be remembered that the database is not updated daily, so the information will not be complete, but completely free and suitable for confirming the location of the counterparty (clause 3 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2011 No. 12).

The public service for the provision of information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in electronic form is very convenient, informative and complete, but it will cost 50,000 rubles for a single provision of registry information in full for one day. subscription service for a year at 150,000 rubles. For a one-time provision of updated registry information, you will need to pay 5,000 rubles (order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 15, 2015 No. 5n).

The upgraded version of the service "Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP via the Internet" on the website of the Federal Tax Service has been operating since the second half of 2015. This service allows you to receive an extract only for the person who applied for it. When using this method, you will need to have an electronic signature key certificate (clauses 27, 104 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 15, 2015 No. 5n). The statement will be provided only in electronic form. This service does not allow you to check the counterparty.

IMPORTANT: an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received in electronic form and signed with an enhanced electronic signature, has the force equivalent to a document on paper, signed with a handwritten signature and certified by a seal (clauses 1, 3, article 6 of the Law "On Electronic Signature" dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ).

New in the legislation on state registration

Previously, the Law on State Registration said that all the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is reliable, which was confirmed by the applicants with their signatures when submitting documents for registration of a legal entity (Article 5; 12 of the Law on State Registration). The tax authorities did not have the right to verify the information submitted for registration, which led to a distortion of the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (determination of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District of February 26, 2013 in case No. A64-4252 / 2012).

Since the end of March 2015, amendments have been made to the Law on State Registration regarding the verification of the accuracy of information provided during registration of legal entities. The grounds and procedure for checking the accuracy of the information provided are established by clause 4.2. Art. 9 of the Law on State Registration. Providing inaccurate information entails a denial of state registration. Authenticity check can also be carried out in relation to the information already entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (clause 6, article 11 of the Law on State Registration). If the accuracy of the information already entered is not confirmed, then an entry is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about their unreliability.

In addition, liability for providing false information has been tightened (Article 114.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; Article 170.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Legislation has fixed the concept of "front men" (Article 173.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

From January 1, 2016, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities included information on the company's decision to change its location (subclause "Clause 2," Clause 1, Article 5 of the Law on State Registration). The notification procedure and the list of documents are established by Art. 17 of the Law on State Registration.

So, information on state registration of legal entities allow obtaining sufficiently complete, reliable and comprehensive information about the legal entity. Requiring such information will make it possible to draw a conclusion about the counterparty's good faith, or it can become an excellent argument in court.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is worth paying more attention to choosing the method of obtaining extracts and documents from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as remembering the importance of making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in a timely manner and providing reliable information.

Information on state registration of legal entities

The Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Centralized Data Processing notifies taxpayers that the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in electronic form, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, is equivalent to an extract on paper, signed by the handwritten signature of an official of the tax authority and certified by the seal of the tax authority (paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 6 federal law dated April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature").




Mobile service OGRN-INN

Electronic extract from register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP is a PDF file that is received at the MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the data center and signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (EDS).

A fee of 200 (Two hundred) rubles is charged for receiving one document.

At the end of the document there is a conditional graphic designation of the signature:




Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free

Information is posted by the Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 129-FZ and the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 5, 2013 N 115n.

The information obtained through the service is for informational purposes only and has no legal force.

Attention: The service opens in a new window and is not currently adapted for mobile devices with a screen size of less than 768x1024.

Or create a paid request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and receive an official document by e-mail within 10-15 minutes.

Open service

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities


Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP

Available for all regions of Russia.

The document is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the data center.

Extract for any legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

The cost of the request is 200 rubles.

Request execution time is less than 1 hour.

Round the clock ordering and processing requests.

Official document by e-mail.

You can print, copy and save the file.

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The finished document arrives at email user, usually within 10-15 minutes. The maximum period for obtaining a document from 8-00 to 24-00 is 1 (One) hour. At night from 00-00 to 7-00, the execution time of requests can be increased to several hours

Check the SPAM folder directly on the website of the mail service.

Access and download finished document There are three ways to authorize:

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Individual entrepreneurs (IP)

A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without education legal entity from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

OGRNIP - the main state registration number individual entrepreneur contains

TIN - taxpayer identification number of an individual contains:

In the absence of information in the register for the specified OGRN or TIN, a Certificate of absence of information in the USRIP register is issued

Extract from USRIP

Make a request

Legal entities (LE)

A legal entity is an organization that has separate property and is liable for its obligations, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise civil rights and bear civil obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

OGRN - the main state registration number of a legal entity contains

TIN - taxpayer identification number of a legal entity contains

In the absence of information in the register for the specified OGRN or TIN, a Certificate of absence of information in the register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is issued.

Law 129 "On State Registration of Legal Entities"

The legal norms for the registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are regulated by Federal Law-129. At the end of the previous year, Law No. 129 underwent significant changes. Next, we will take a closer look at recent changes, as well as analyze their impact on society as a whole.

Description of the law

Federal Law No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" was adopted by the State Duma on July 13, 2001 and approved by the Council Russian Federation July 20 of the same year. Law No. 129-FZ considers all issues related to the registration of business entities. State registration legal entities means entering information about the legal entity in the state register.

Law No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" contains the following information:

  • the essence of state registers and the norms for their maintenance;
  • step by step instructions when entering information about the legal entity and individual entrepreneur;
  • registration of new legal entities;
  • entering into the state register information related to the reorganization of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, the change of owners or location;
  • removal of all information from the state register about a legal entity and individual entrepreneur;
  • the reasons that served as a refusal to register the relevant person, as well as the procedure for appealing this decision.

Innovations to the Federal Law 129-FZ were introduced at the end of 2016 and entered into force on January 1, 2017. The main purpose of the relevant changes is to provide the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with reliable information. In the next paragraph, we will provide summary Law 129, and we will also describe in detail the latest changes that were introduced into the new version of Law No. 129-FZ.

Recent changes to Federal Law 129 on state registration of legal entities

To register an individual entrepreneur, the tax authority will require you to provide a whole package of documents:

  • an act proving the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • a photocopy of the passport with a residence permit;
  • act on the transition to a simplified taxation system.

The Federal Law on state registration of legal entities at the end of 2016 underwent a number of changes. According to new edition Federal Law 129-FZ changed the general content of state registers, the functions of notaries during state registration, and the program for verifying the accuracy of information was also strengthened. The legislation of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on strengthening administrative and criminal liability.

Separately, it is worth noting a number of articles that have been changed or finalized:

Changes in Federal Law 129, introduced in Article 5, affected the information and documents about the legal entity that are contained in the state register. As well as the procedure for providing documentation during registration. It was decided to expand the range of cases when it is possible to refuse state registration. The last changes to Article 5 were made on December 28, 2016, and entered into force on July 28, 2017.

Now in paragraph 1.2 states: information about the initiation of proceedings on the default of the relevant person and the procedures being carried out in relation to him, is applied in the bankruptcy case.

Clause 4.2. The information that is entered into the registration authority is carried out on the basis of information received from the Arbitration Court and information provided by the operator of the Unified Federal Register.

No adjustments were made to Article 9 of Federal Law 129-FZ in the previous year. The latest changes were introduced in 2015 and affected:

  • paragraph 1. They were related to applicants who have the right to be members of the company, to execute wills, when changes are made to the GRUL;
  • point 4. The verification of the reliability of information provided to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was tightened;
  • paragraph 6. An interested citizen has the authority to send a written objection to the appropriate institution regarding the forthcoming state registration.

The last amendments to Article 11 of Federal Law No. 129 were made on March 30, 2015. Now in paragraph 3, when providing documentation to the registration service by a notary, are sent by the registration authority to strictly fixed time. The notary issues papers to the applicant, on the basis of a certificate of equivalence in electronic or paper form.

Item 5 Article 11 of the Federal Law-129 obliges to make an entry in the document about the unreliability of information.

Adjustments regarding Article 12 were made at the end of December 2015. The law regulated the process of confirming the application. Now a legal entity must be guided by the relevant charter approved by its founder or founding agreement. Documentation must also be submitted in duplicate.

The innovations introduced in 2016 are associated with an increase in the statutory capital of the company, this decision is made on the basis of general meeting society or decisions of a single member of the community.

Paragraph 2 reads: if a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur needs to make changes regarding the transfer of a share or part of a house, a judicial act obtained from the Arbitration or Arbitration Court should be submitted.

At the end of 2016 (December 28, 2016), Article 21 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ underwent many changes. According to the new implementations in paragraph 4, the application must be motivated and drawn up in a special form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation by the federal body executive power. Deadline for submission - no later than 3 months from the date of publication of the decision. A legal entity is excluded from service by decision of the registering authority. And also, a decision on the upcoming exclusion is not accepted if there is information provided for in Article 5.

According to the new version of the law, the procedure for excluding a legal entity from the Unified State Register is applied if:

  • the legal entity does not have enough funds for the expenses required for its liquidation;
  • an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the unreliability of the information.

In the new version of the law, the registration service does not exclude an inactive legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 5.

In the updated legislation, this Federal Law should be obtained only from the rights registration authority, and not from the executive authority that performs the functions of state registration of property rights to real estate and transactions with it.


The Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" includes 9 chapters:

  • Chapter I - General provisions law;
  • Chapter II - State registers;
  • Chapter III - Procedure for state registration;
  • Chapter IV - State registration of legal entities upon their creation;
  • Chapter V - State registration of legal entities by reorganization and entering data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Chapter VI - State registration of changes made to the founding documents;
  • Chapter VII - State registration in connection with the liquidation or exclusion of a person from the Unified State Register;
  • Chapter VII.1 - State registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • Chapter VIII - Denial of state registration and liability for violation of the order;
  • Chapter VIII.1 - The procedure for appealing the decision;
  • Chapter IX - Transitional and final decisions of the law.

In total, Law No. 129-FZ contains 27 articles. You can download Law No. 129 “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” on the following link.

Basic information about the state registration of legal entities

Why do we need information about the state registration of legal entities? Registration information indicates that the established commercial organization has the right to legally conduct its activities. By Russian legislation the company from that moment acquires the status of a legal entity. State registration makes it possible to control economic activity and eliminate illegal business.

The organization is subject to taxes, the funds from which go to the country's budget. Company data is subject to statistical accounting. Information about business entities is available to regulatory authorities and everyone involved in economic turnover. Each company has its own characteristics. The differences relate to many nuances, including taxation. If a person wants to become an entrepreneur, then he should find out in advance how this can be done. Information on the state registration of legal entities is public. And access to them is limited only in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Individuals are citizens with legal capacity and legal capacity. This means that a person has the right to property, entrepreneurial activity. He also has responsibilities. Legal capacity means the ability of citizens to acquire rights and legal obligations when performing actions. In Russia, a citizen who has reached the age of 18 has legal capacity.

A simplified form of entrepreneurial activity is the creation of a small enterprise by an individual. There are a number of downsides to doing business this way. For individual entrepreneurs the best way to avoid many disadvantages is to create an enterprise in the form of a legal entity.

If an enterprise is a legal entity, this means that it owns property for which it is responsible. When registering an organization, the founders make contributions to its property. After that, the property of the legal entity is considered separately from the property of the founders. If the organization has debts, it pays them out of its property. The founder is not threatened with confiscation of personal property, so at night he sleeps peacefully.

As for individual entrepreneurs, the situation is rather serious. Losses and inability to pay creditors lead to the fact that the IP is declared bankrupt and closed by court order. In this situation, the citizen will have to pay the debts himself. All his property can be arrested and sold for debts. The employer must pay the employees.

Legal entities have an independent balance sheet (estimate) and are required to keep accounting records. It is enough for individual entrepreneurs to keep records of income with expenses in order to correctly calculate the amount of tax. Often a citizen who wants to have his own business starts doing business as an individual. In 1 or 2 years, he will accumulate capital and gain experience. After that, he boldly registers a small business and begins to work as a legal entity.

If disputes arise between individual entrepreneurs and organizations, they are considered in the arbitration court. To register an organization, certain cash, however, in the future, you will not need to worry about your personal property, regardless of whether your business goes uphill or not. Individual entrepreneurs have high risks of going bankrupt, so before registering, you need to consider your decision. An individual entrepreneur does not have a separate property of the organization from which debts can be paid. He has to rely on his own strength. Be aware of the potential risks and carefully consider your business plan.

Ways to register a legal entity

If we consider how legal entities are formed, then the following methods of registration are distinguished: notification, registration, indicative, normative, statutory.

In the first method, constituent documents are submitted to the state or municipal authority. Documentation can be sent by mail. Alternative way is a phone call.

The registration method involves the passage by a citizen of the registration procedure in the relevant body. At the same time, it is checked to what extent the submitted documents comply with the law.

The permissive procedure involves considering the question of whether the creation of a legal entity is really useful and expedient.

Significant and normative orders are optimal when it is planned to form an organization from an economic category: an economic entity, a manufacturer of goods.

The statutory procedure is similar to the notification procedure. However, there is no need to notify state bodies or local governments about the creation of a legal entity.

The registration procedure assumes that all founders have come to a unified decision on what the new organization will be like in the future. The data is transferred to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If you need to make changes, you must pay a state fee. Its size is 4000 r. The registration procedure is carried out within 3 working days. The countdown should be carried out from the moment when the package of documents was submitted to the registration authority for consideration. Registration is carried out at the place of residence of the citizen.

The documentation includes an application, a check confirming the payment of the state duty, a protocol with a decision to establish a legal entity, a charter, and a lease agreement. Any citizen can get acquainted with the form required documents. It should be taken into account that the charter of an organization with one founder differs from the charter of an organization with several founders. You will need to take a passport to the tax office for registration. If all documents are drawn up correctly, then there will be no refusal, and in a few days you can start work related to entrepreneurial activity.

Taxation of legal entities

When a legal entity is formed, the organization is registered with the Federal Tax Service. The most common taxation regime is the traditional taxation system. General system relevant for large industries and large enterprises. For business owners of small or medium-sized businesses, this option is not economically viable.

OSNO involves the payment of the following taxes:

OSNO is a system of taxation applied to all taxpayers who have not decided to use another system. This is the so-called "default" option. Be careful when filling out registration documents.

If a company applies the OSNO, it is obliged to pay value added tax.

Its size is determined by the type of entrepreneurial activity. If the organization is engaged in export, then the tax is 0%. When a company makes foodstuffs, books, children's things and medical products, the VAT increases to 10%. The remaining cases involve the payment of a tax of 18%.

Despite the fact that personal income tax must be paid by individuals, organizations are also required to transfer this tax. Its interest rate varies from 9 to 35%.

Income tax must be calculated in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Given the specifics of the organization, it can be complex. It is calculated depending on the type of activity. If the organization works in the field of education or medicine, then this tax on dividends will be 0%. In addition, the legal entity pays tax on the property of the organization. LLCs must report income taxes on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Who can choose USN

A simplified taxation system (STS) can be chosen by businessmen when, for 9 months of work after registration, the organization's income amounted to no more than 45 million rubles. Not all companies have the opportunity to choose a "simplified". So, banks, notaries or pawnshops cannot use this taxation system.

The indisputable advantages of the “simplification” include the ability not to pay taxes on profits, property of the organization and VAT. This system involves the annual submission of a declaration. LLC without fail submits calculations related to the payment of insurance premiums every quarter.

For individual entrepreneurs who have been registered as individuals, a patent taxation system is available. In particular, individual entrepreneurs do not pay VAT, tax on income and property of individuals, they have the right not to use cash register equipment and not to tax reporting. However, working on a patent, you cannot receive more than 60 million rubles in revenue. in year.

Organizations engaged in certain activities have the right to choose UTII, or single tax on imputed income. In this case, it is not the income actually received that is taxed, but the one that is supposed to be received. Keep in mind that you cannot select UTII if this system is not up to date in your region.

Businessmen should be aware that not all types of taxes are listed here. Businessmen may be required to pay local tax or transport tax once they start their business. Those who work in the countryside should be aware of the unified agricultural tax.

Information on registration of legal entities

Often, citizens make purchases, and then the products break down long before the end of the declared warranty period. What to do if the company phone is not answered? You can find the manufacturer if you get information about its registration.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the necessary data. This document contains the date of registration, issuing authority, passport. However, such information may be provided to public authorities. As for the copy of the founding document, access to it is unlimited.

The state registers contain information about each legal entity or individual entrepreneur. They are provided in the form of an extract or a copy of the document contained in the register. When the requested information is not available, then the corresponding certificate will be issued. You can easily find an unscrupulous manufacturer if you contact the tax department.

If the rights of consumers are violated, they are able to call the offender to account in judicial order. After receiving contact information, a citizen can make a written claim and submit it to the seller company. When it is not possible to resolve the conflict out of court, then an independent examination is carried out. The buyer draws up and submits a statement of claim to the court. At the same time, he has every chance to win the business he has begun.

To understand all the "wisdom" of conducting own business consult with a professional lawyer. If you are starting your own business, you also need to consult an accountant. Proper planning and thoughtful actions are the key successful development your business. This means that you will be able to work, make a profit and not be afraid that tomorrow the activities of the enterprise will be suspended due to mistakes made during registration.

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Unified State Register of Legal Entities, abbreviated Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains complete information and information about all legal entities that are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities also contains information on changes made to the constituent documents (and other changes), as well as information on the liquidation of a legal entity.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a software and information complex that allows you to easily and quickly enter and change information that relates to legal entities. This complex was put into operation in 2002, and this made it possible to significantly simplify and make the process of registration of legal entities more understandable, as well as to systematize all the data stored in it.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities allows you to extract information about a legal entity in any department of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the location of the organization. Such extracted information is called .

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information about a legal entity, which is mandatory for any organization that is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also contains information about the fact of registration, amendment or liquidation.

Information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  • name of the legal entity: full and abbreviated in Russian, as well as in a foreign language if such a name exists;
  • organizational and legal form of the organization (LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.);
  • location address of the organization (legal address);
  • method of formation of a legal entity (creation or reorganization);
  • full information about the founders, the size of their shares;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • the name and details of the documents that were provided during the registration of a legal entity;
  • information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney;
  • information about succession;
  • information about the changes made;
  • information about licenses;
  • information about the types of activities of the organization;
  • information on registration with the tax authority;
  • information about the TIN;
  • information about the termination of activities (liquidation).

Information about the registration of a legal entity

Information about the registration of a legal entity includes:

  • OGRN - the main state registration number, which is assigned to it at the time of creation;
  • state registration number of the record on the establishment of the organization;
  • the date on which the creation was recorded;
  • the date on which the record of the reorganization was made;
  • the date of entry of the liquidation record;
  • dates of making entries on the changes made to the constituent documents and other information about the legal entity;
  • information (series and number) on the document confirming the fact of making changes;
  • the name of the registering authority;
  • date of registration and name of the body that registered the organization.


Main state registration number records of the creation of a legal entity is the main details in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It serves as an organization identifier in the registry.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, which are arranged in the following order:


  • 1. C (1st character) - a sign of assigning the state registration number of the entry:
  • to the main state registration number (OGRN) * - 1, 5
  • to another state registration number of the record - 2
  • to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) * - 3
  • 2. YY (from the 2nd to the 3rd character) - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register
  • 3. KK (4th, 5th characters) - the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 4. НН (6th and 7th digits) - code number of the interdistrict tax office that issued the PSRN to the legal entity
  • 5. ХХХХХ (from the 8th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry made in the state register during the year
  • 6. H (13th character) - control number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the control number is 0 (zero).

Why do we need information about the state registration of legal entities? Registration information indicates that the established commercial organization has the right to legally conduct its activities. Under Russian law, the company from that moment acquires the status of a legal entity. State registration makes it possible to control economic activity and exclude illegal entrepreneurship.

The organization is subject to taxes, the funds from which go to the country's budget. Company data is subject to statistical accounting. Information about business entities is available to regulatory authorities and everyone involved in economic turnover. Each company has its own characteristics. The differences relate to many nuances, including taxation. If a person wants to become an entrepreneur, then he should find out in advance how this can be done. Information on the state registration of legal entities is public. And access to them is limited only in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Individuals are citizens with legal capacity and legal capacity. This means that a person has the right to property, entrepreneurial activity. He also has responsibilities. Legal capacity means the ability of citizens to acquire rights and legal obligations when performing actions. In Russia, a citizen who has reached the age of 18 has legal capacity.

A simplified form of entrepreneurial activity is the creation of a small enterprise by an individual. There are a number of downsides to doing business this way. For individual entrepreneurs, the best way to avoid many of the disadvantages is to create an enterprise in the form of a legal entity.

If an enterprise is a legal entity, this means that it owns property for which it is responsible. When registering an organization, the founders make contributions to its property. After that, the property of the legal entity is considered separately from the property of the founders. If the organization has debts, it pays them out of its property. The founder is not threatened with confiscation of personal property, so at night he sleeps peacefully.

As for individual entrepreneurs, the situation is rather serious. Losses and inability to pay creditors lead to the fact that the IP is declared bankrupt and closed by court order. In this situation, the citizen will have to pay the debts himself. All his property can be arrested and sold for debts. The employer must pay the employees.

Legal entities have an independent balance sheet (estimate) and are required to keep accounting records. It is enough for individual entrepreneurs to keep records of income with expenses in order to correctly calculate the amount of tax. Often a citizen who wants to have his own business starts doing business as an individual. In 1 or 2 years, he will accumulate capital and gain experience. After that, he boldly registers a small business and begins to work as a legal entity.

If disputes arise between individual entrepreneurs and organizations, they are considered in the arbitration court. To register an organization, you need some money, but in the future you will not need to worry about your personal property, regardless of whether your business goes uphill or not. Individual entrepreneurs have high risks of going bankrupt, so before registering, you need to consider your decision. An individual entrepreneur does not have a separate property of the organization from which debts can be paid. He has to rely on his own strength. Be aware of the potential risks and carefully consider your business plan.

Ways to register a legal entity

If we consider how legal entities are formed, then the following methods of registration are distinguished: notification, registration, indicative, normative, statutory.

In the first method, the constituent documents are submitted to the state or municipal body. Documentation can be sent by mail. An alternative way is to apply by phone.

The registration method involves the passage by a citizen of the registration procedure in the relevant body. At the same time, it is checked to what extent the submitted documents comply with the law.

The permissive procedure involves considering the question of whether the creation of a legal entity is really useful and expedient.

Significant and normative orders are optimal when it is planned to form an organization from an economic category: an economic entity, a manufacturer of goods.

The statutory procedure is similar to the notification procedure. However, there is no need to notify state bodies or local governments about the creation of a legal entity.

The registration procedure assumes that all founders have come to a unified decision on what the new organization will be like in the future. The data is transferred to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If you need to make changes, you must pay a state fee. Its size is 4000 r. The registration procedure is carried out within 3 working days. The countdown should be carried out from the moment when the package of documents was submitted to the registration authority for consideration. Registration is carried out at the place of residence of the citizen.

The documentation includes an application, a check confirming the payment of the state duty, a protocol with a decision to establish a legal entity, a charter, and a lease agreement. Any citizen can familiarize himself with the form of the necessary documents. It should be taken into account that the charter of an organization with one founder differs from the charter of an organization with several founders. You will need to take a passport to the tax office for registration. If all documents are drawn up correctly, then there will be no refusal, and in a few days you can start work related to entrepreneurial activity.

Taxation of legal entities

When a legal entity is formed, the organization is registered with the Federal Tax Service. The most common taxation regime is the traditional taxation system. The general system is relevant for large industries and large enterprises. For business owners of small or medium-sized businesses, this option is not economically viable.

OSNO involves the payment of the following taxes:

  • income tax;
  • personal income tax;
  • other fees.

OSNO is a system of taxation applied to all taxpayers who have not decided to use another system. This is the so-called "default" option. Be careful when filling out registration documents.

If a company applies the OSNO, it is obliged to pay value added tax.

Its size is determined by the type of entrepreneurial activity. If the organization is engaged in export, then the tax is 0%. When a company produces food products, books, children's items and medical products, the VAT increases to 10%. The remaining cases involve the payment of a tax of 18%.

Despite the fact that personal income tax must be paid by individuals, organizations are also required to transfer this tax. Its interest rate varies from 9 to 35%.

Income tax must be calculated in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Given the specifics of the organization, it can be complex. It is calculated depending on the type of activity. If the organization works in the field of education or medicine, then this tax on dividends will be 0%. In addition, the legal entity pays tax on the property of the organization. LLCs must report income taxes on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Who can choose USN

A simplified taxation system (STS) can be chosen by businessmen when, for 9 months of work after registration, the organization's income amounted to no more than 45 million rubles. Not all companies have the opportunity to choose "simplified". So, banks, notaries or pawnshops cannot use this taxation system.

The indisputable advantages of "simplified" include the ability not to pay taxes on profits, property of the organization and VAT. This system involves the annual submission of a declaration. LLC without fail submits calculations related to the payment of insurance premiums every quarter.

For individual entrepreneurs who have been registered as individuals, a patent taxation system is available. In particular, individual entrepreneurs do not pay VAT, tax on income and property of individuals, they have the right not to use cash registers and not to do tax reporting. However, working on a patent, you cannot receive more than 60 million rubles in revenue. in year.

Organizations engaged in certain types of activities have the right to choose UTII, or a single tax on imputed income. In this case, it is not the income actually received that is taxed, but the one that is supposed to be received. Keep in mind that you cannot select UTII if this system is not up to date in your region.

Businessmen should be aware that not all types of taxes are listed here. Businessmen may be required to pay local tax or transport tax once they start their business. Those who work in the countryside should be aware of the unified agricultural tax.

Information on registration of legal entities

Often, citizens make purchases, and then the products break down long before the end of the declared warranty period. What to do if the company phone is not answered? You can find the manufacturer if you get information about its registration.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the necessary data. This document contains the date of registration, issuing authority, passport. However, such information may be provided to public authorities. As for the copy of the founding document, access to it is unlimited.

The state registers contain information about each legal entity or individual entrepreneur. They are provided in the form of an extract or a copy of the document contained in the register. When the requested information is not available, then the corresponding certificate will be issued. You can easily find an unscrupulous manufacturer if you contact the tax department.

If the rights of consumers are violated, they are able to call the offender to account in court. After receiving contact information, a citizen can make a written claim and submit it to the seller company. When it is not possible to resolve the conflict out of court, then an independent examination is carried out. The buyer draws up and submits a statement of claim to the court. At the same time, he has every chance to win the business he has begun.

To conduct any business activity, whether it is a single owner or a legal entity, current legislation registered in a special register. The only difference in registration is that an individual does it on his own, while a legal entity uses services commercial organization with a government agency. Doing commercial activities without state registration, is subject to an administrative fine. The rules for filling out applications provided for by the Order of the Federal Tax Service can be found on the website of the territorial tax service, or in the fact-finding information, directly when filling out the form. To understand how to carry out these operations, let's take a closer look at the necessary information.

What is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, how it stands for

The abbreviation of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in its full name sounds like this: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This register contains data on all entrepreneurs and organizations in the country that are engaged in commercial activities, and is indicated by a number of 13 digits. This code is used for quick search V electronic system if necessary, by the legal entity itself, and for controlling state structures. Each number contains specific information.

What data plan is included here? This is the name (full and abbreviated) of the organization in Russian and foreign languages; date of registration (the last two digits of the year are indicated in the code); type of ownership; full legal address; legal basis creation; company details; the size of the authorized capital and its distribution among the participants are indicated; list of participants by name, indicating leadership positions. Information about a representative who can, without a power of attorney, perform actions on behalf of a legal entity. faces. Number and date of registration as an insured in pension fund, Social Security Fund is also included in the application items. The amount of the authorized capital indicated in the constituent document is indicated. All this information is encoded in the state registration number.

When is information entered?

The prerequisites for registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are: the creation, reorganization, addition of additional structures, changes in any data about the legal entity, termination of activities or liquidation of the organization or division itself.

The initial design is the most voluminous. To be included in the registration catalog, when submitting documents, a special application form of the established sample is filled out, with the signature of the legal entity-applicant certified by a notary. The application contains all legal, statutory, permissive information about the enterprise, its divisions, subsidiaries and branches. All registry data has two types of maintenance, it is both paper and electronic variant. If there are any inconsistencies between the data submitted to printed version and electronic form, paper records are considered reliable.

In the event that any changes occur in the organization, it is necessary to issue without fail making changes to the state register of legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities). This can be as a complete replacement of data (when changing economic activity), and the replacement of some part of the informative data (when expanding the enterprise or changing the activities of a certain structure of the organization). All actions of a legal entity are entered into a single register based on the submitted application, which confirms that the constituent documents of the enterprise are reliable and comply with the law.

When liquidating or suspending commercial activities, a legal entity is also required to declare in writing on a special form about the action being taken. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, at the same time, information about such an enterprise remains in the database, but with a mark of an appropriate nature.

Access to information registered in the register of a legal entity is available to executive authorities, the Ministry of Justice, employees of the Central Bank.

Record sheet

Any change in data entails making a new entry with a link to the changed information. Each entry is registered under its own number, date and content. To register changes or additions, a numbered application form is filled out, where the essence of this item is set out in detail, with the relevant regulatory documentation. This form can be obtained directly from the tax office or printed from the service website.

Extract from the register

An extract can be obtained both within two days from the date of the request, or faster if you have a passport, power of attorney, and a receipt for payment of the state duty. The extract does not reveal any changes in the register, but contains full information and data about the business entity.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities (acre. Unified State Register of Legal Entities) - federal information resource, containing general systematized information about legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia through the territorial bodies.

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    Unified State Register of Legal Entities - how to search for information about companies and legal entities

    How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP in electronic form?


  • records of state registration during the creation, reorganization, liquidation of legal entities;
  • records of state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • records of changes in the information contained in the state register, including in connection with errors made by the registering authority;
  • documents submitted to the registration authority.

The procedure for maintaining the register and access to data

Entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are made in chronological order. Each entry corresponds to the state registration number (GRN). For each legal entity, the number of the first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the main  state registration number  (OGRN).

The register is kept on paper and electronic media. In the event of a discrepancy between paper and electronic records, paper records take precedence.

With the exception of certain personal data about individuals information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are open and publicly available.

At the request of the interested person, the registration authority is obliged to provide information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of:

  • extracts from the state register;
  • copies of the document (documents) contained in the state register;
  • certificates on the absence of the requested information.

An extract from the register is provided no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the relevant request in the form established by law.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about him is provided to state authorities and a legal entity free of charge, to other persons - for a fee.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be necessary to perform certain legally significant actions. Information from the registry can also be obtained in the public domain via the Internet. Such information does not have the legal force of a properly executed extract.

Registry data about the legal entity

  • full and abbreviated name in Russian;
  • the location of the permanent executive body of the legal entity (the person performing its functions);
  • way of education;
  • information about the founders (participants);
  • in a relationship joint-stock companies- information about the holders of registers of their shareholders;
  • in relation to limited liability companies - information on the size and nominal value of shares in authorized capital companies owned by the company and its participants, on the transfer of shares or parts of shares as collateral or on their other encumbrance, information about the person who manages the share that passes by way of inheritance;
  • originals or notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • information on succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities whose constituent documents are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that have ceased their activities as a result of the reorganization;
  • the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, or, in cases established by law, the date of receipt by the registering body of a notification of changes made to the constituent documents;
  • method of termination of activity;
  • information about being in the process of liquidation;
  • the size specified in founding documents commercial organization of the authorized capital;
  • data of a person entitled to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney;
  • information about branches and representative offices;
  • taxpayer identification number, reason code and date of registration with the tax authority;
  • number and date of registration as an insured:
    • V territorial body Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • information about being in the process of reorganization;
  • information that the legal entity that is economic society, is in the process of reducing its authorized capital.