Just about the electronic signature. Where an electronic signature is used - an overview of the main options. Enhanced Qualified Digital Signature

With the help of which it is possible to establish whether the information contained in an electronic document has been distorted since the moment the signature was formed, and also allows you to confirm that a particular document belongs to the owner.

Deciphering the basic concepts

Each electronic signature must be confirmed by a special certificate that certifies the identity of the owner. You can get a certificate in a special center or from a trusted representative.

The owner of the certificate is an individual to whom the certification center has issued an electronic signature certificate. Each owner has two signature keys: public and private. The ES private key allows you to sign electronic documents, it can be used to generate an electronic signature. It is kept secret, like a pin code from a bank card.

The function of the public key is to verify the authenticity of the signature on documents. It is associated with a closed "colleague" in a one-to-one order.

In law

The Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signature" subdivides ES into several types: simple ES, enhanced unqualified and qualified ES. Using a simple electronic signature, you can confirm the fact of creating an ES for a specific person. This is done through the use of passwords, codes, and other means.

An enhanced unqualified digital signature is the result of a cryptographic transformation of information, which is performed using the private key of the electronic signature. With the help of such a signature, it is possible to establish the identity of the signer of the document, as well as to detect, if any, changes that have occurred since the signing of the papers.

Qualified signature

The enhanced qualified ES has the same features, however, to create it, the DS is verified using cryptoprotection tools certified by the Federal Security Service. Certificates of such a signature can only be issued in an accredited certification center, and nowhere else.

According to the same law, signatures of the first two types are equivalent to a handwritten signature on a paper document. Between people performing any operation using ES, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement.

The third type (qualified digital signature) is an analogue of not only a handwritten signature, but also a seal. Thus, documents certified by such a signature have legal force and are recognized by regulatory authorities (FTS, FSS and others).

Application for legal entities

Currently, EDS is most often used for a legal entity. The technology of digital signatures in electronic document management is widely used. The purpose of the latter can be different: external and internal exchange, documents can be of a personnel or legislative nature, organizational, administrative or commercial and industrial, in a word, everything that can get by with only a signature and a seal. EDS registration must be produced in an accredited center.

For internal workflow, a digital signature is useful in that it allows you to quickly initiate the fact of approval of papers that organize internal processes. EDS allows the director not only to sign documents while out of the office, but also not to store piles of papers.

In inter-corporate document management, an electronic digital signature is one of the most important conditions, because without it, digital papers have no legal force and cannot be used as evidence in the event of a lawsuit. An electronic document signed with an enhanced electronic signature retains its legitimacy even when stored in an archive for a long time.

Electronic reporting

EDS is indispensable for reporting to regulatory authorities. Many documents can be submitted to in electronic format instead of carrying a whole stack of forms. The client can not only choose the time and not stand in line, but also submit reports in a way convenient for him: through 1C programs, portals public institutions or separate software specifically designed for this. EDS will be a fundamental element in such a process. For a legal entity that has received an electronic signature certificate, the main criterion should be the reliability of the certification center, but the method of its delivery is unimportant.

public services

Most citizens have come across the term "electronic signature" on various sites. One of the ways to verify an account, for example, on a portal that provides access to many government services, is confirmation by means of an electronic signature. Moreover, digital signature for individuals allows you to sign any digital documents sent to a particular department, or receive signed letters, contracts and notifications. If the body executive power accepts electronic documents, then any citizen can send a digitally signed application and not waste their time submitting papers on a first-come, first-served basis.


An analogue of an EDS for individuals is a universal electronic card into which an enhanced qualified electronic signature is embedded. The UEC has the form of a plastic card and is an identification tool for a citizen. It is unique, like a passport. Through this card, you can carry out many actions - from paying and receiving public services, to replacing documents such as a medical policy and a SNILS card.

A universal electronic card can be combined with an electronic wallet, bank account and even a travel ticket, in a word, with any of the documents that can be accepted digitally. Is it convenient to carry only one document? Or is it easier to keep everything in paper form? This issue will have to be resolved by every citizen in the near future, because technology is becoming more and more firmly rooted in our lives.

Other applications

Also, documents signed by ES are used to conduct electronic trading. The presence of a digital signature in this case guarantees buyers that the offers at the auction are real. In addition, contracts not signed with the help of the EOC have no legal force.

Electronic documents can be used as evidence when considering cases in an arbitration court. Any certificates or receipts, as well as other papers certified by a digital signature or other analogue of a signature, are written evidence.

Document flow between individuals occurs mainly in paper form, however, it is possible to transfer papers or conclude contracts using ES. Remote workers can use a digital signature to electronically submit acceptance certificates.

How to choose a certificate

Since there are three types of electronic signature, citizens often have a question about which certificate is better. It should be remembered that any ES is an analogue of a handwritten signature, and at the moment the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that a person has the right to use them at his own discretion.

The choice of a digital signature directly depends on the tasks that will be solved through it. If reports are being prepared for submission to regulatory authorities, a qualified signature will be required. For inter-corporate document management, a qualified electronic signature is also most often required, because only it not only gives documents legal force, but also allows you to establish authorship, control changes and the integrity of papers.

Internal document flow can be carried out with all types of digital signatures.

How to sign an EDS document?

The main question for those who need to use an electronic digital signature for the first time is how the document is signed. Everything is simple with papers - I signed and gave it away, but how to do it on a computer? Such a process is impossible without the use of special software. The program for EDS is called cryptographic provider. It is installed on a computer, and various activities with forms are already carried out in its environment.

There are a fairly large number of crypto providers, both commercial and free. All of them are certified by government agencies, however, if interaction with 1C:Enterprise is required, then the choice should be made on one of two products: VipNet CSP or CryptoPro CSP. The first program is free, and the second will need to be bought. You should also be aware that when installing two crypto providers at the same time, conflicts are inevitable, therefore, for correct operation, one of them will have to be removed.

Convenient, according to user reviews, an application for generating digital signatures is called CyberSafe. It not only allows you to sign documents, but also works as a certification center, that is, this program checks the digital signature. Also, the user can upload documents to the server, so the signed agreement or certificate will be available to all enterprise specialists who have access to the program, and there will be no need to send it to everyone by e-mail. On the other hand, you can also make it so that only a certain group of people get access.

EDO - mandatory or not?

Many enterprises have already appreciated that EDS is a convenience, and electronic document management(EDI) saves time, but whether or not to use it is entirely a personal choice. For the implementation of EDI, it is not necessary to connect the operator, by agreement, you can use regular e-mail or any other method of electronic transmission of information, it all depends on the agreement between the participants in the exchange.

The organization of any electronic document management is associated with certain costs, in addition, you will have to install and configure a program for signing documents - a cryptographic provider. This can be done like on their own, and use the services of specialists who install software remotely, even without a visit to the client's office.

EPC in internal EDI

In the case of intercorporate turnover, the pros and cons are immediately clear, and positive sides in the clear majority. Among the shortcomings, one can note only the costs of the EDS key, the organization of software (even if this is a one-time waste), as well as minimizing personal meetings of company representatives and managers, but if necessary, a meeting can be organized.

But what will be useful electronic document management within the enterprise? How will the costs of supplying all employees with EDS keys be paid off?

Using digital documents saves time: instead of first printing out the necessary paper and then looking for it among a pile of printouts or even going to another office if a network printer is used, an employee can sign and send everything without getting up from the table. In addition, when switching to EDI, the cost of paper, toner and Maintenance printers.

Digital documents can also be a tool for maintaining confidentiality. An electronic signature cannot be forged, which means that even if an employee or manager has ill-wishers inside the company, they will not be able to perform any substitution of documents.

Often, innovations move slowly, so that it may be difficult for employees to get used to the new format of filing documents at first, but once they appreciate the convenience of the EDS, they will no longer want to return to running around with pieces of paper.

Psychological barrier

Electronic digital signatures have appeared relatively recently, so it is difficult for many to perceive them as a real analogue of familiar paper documents. At many enterprises, a similar problem arises: employees simply do not consider the contract signed until the paper has a real seal and signature. They use scans from paper documents and easily lose their EDS key. To overcome this psychological barrier will help ... one more piece of paper. Officially certified by a "wet" signature, the regulation on electronic document management will let employees understand that this is a serious thing and treat digital documents should be the same as for analog.

Another problem may arise in the educational part. Many companies employ older workers. They are valuable personnel, experienced in their field, have a lot of experience, but it can be quite difficult for them to explain how to use an electronic digital signature, because they have just recently been mastering e-mail, and here everything is much more complicated, and even there are many nuances.

The task of training can be transferred to the IT department or to resort to the help of third-party specialists. Many companies provide computer training and courses for their employees, where they are explained the basics of working with e-mail and various programs. Why not include an application for generating digital signatures in this list?

(EDS) is an attribute of an electronic document designed to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private key of an electronic digital signature and allowing to identify the owner of the EDS key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of information distortion in the electronic document.

Regulatory documents related to EDS

The use of EDS when concluding transactions is regulated by the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N1-FZ "ON ELECTRONIC DIGITAL SIGNATURE". The law proclaims general provisions"rules" in electronic markets regarding the recognition of an EDS in an electronic document as equivalent to a handwritten signature in a document on paper.

  • Attached electronic digital signature
    • Timestamp Service

      The validity period of any EDS certificate is limited to a certain period of time. After the expiration of its validity period, all documents created using this EDS lose their legal force, because. it is impossible to determine whether the certificate was up-to-date at the time of signing this document or not? This automatically means the invalidity of the document in accordance with the Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signature".

      The time stamp service allows you to prove the fact of the existence of a document at a certain point in time.

      The Time Stamping Service can be a Certification Authority that has an accurate and reliable time source and provides time stamping services.

      The time stamp is analogous to the date on the signed document. It also confirms that the certificate was valid at the time the document was signed. This means that it is still possible to use the revoked certificate to verify digital signatures created before the revocation. This problem is relevant for all electronic document management systems. The timestamp can also be used to confirm the receipt or dispatch of a document when needed.

      What else allows you to use a digital signature?

      An electronic digital signature is one of the most important elements for organizing a full-fledged electronic document management, because serves as an analogue of a person's handwritten signature. In addition, the use of a digital signature allows you to:

      * Integrity control of the transferred document: in case of any accidental or intentional change of the document, the signature will become invalid, because it is calculated based on the initial state of the document and corresponds only to it.
      * Protection against changes (forgery) of the document: the guarantee of forgery detection during integrity control makes forgery impractical in most cases.
      * Impossibility of refusal of authorship. Since it is possible to create a correct signature only if the private key is known, and it should be known only to the owner, the owner cannot refuse his signature on the document.
      * Evidence of document authorship: Since it is possible to create a correct signature only if the private key is known, and it should be known only to the owner, the owner of the key pair can prove his authorship of the signature under the document. Depending on the details of the document definition, fields such as “author”, “changes made”, “timestamp”, etc. can be signed.

      What needs to be done to work with EDS?

      To work with EDS you need:

      • ensure the availability of a PC in accordance with the requirements;
      • ensure the availability of specialized software for working with EDS;
      • determine the person to whom the EDS certificate is issued;
      • choose the method of obtaining an EDS;
      • conclude a CA agreement and pay for services for issuing a signature key certificate.

      Leave your comment!

What is an electronic digital signature. For what purpose is it used. Where can I get it.

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Benefits scientific and technological progress, which humanity has reached, is used by everyone today.

Through the Internet, most organizations seek to simplify the process of collaborating with each other and customers. State regulatory bodies are no exception. Russian Federation.

They make maximum use of Internet resources for work and communication with accountable persons. For this purpose, created information portals, which allow you to get information in a convenient way.

The Internet can also be used to transmit information to government agencies. This is what email boxes are for.

But the transfer of data to government regulatory authorities, as well as between counterparties, has its own characteristics, which are important to be aware of.

Important Aspects

Today at electronic form You can send any information, including different type documentation.

Thus, you can conclude transactions, submit reports to the tax authorities, social security authorities, send documents to a banking institution, etc.

But it is important that these documents are not only correctly drawn up, but also executed in accordance with established by law norms.

The presence of all the necessary details and attributes allows the document to obtain legal force. One of the main design elements is an electronic signature.

What it is

An electronic signature is data obtained by cryptographic processing of an electronic image.

It is displayed using a special code above the content of the document. This form of data processing eliminates the possibility of falsification.

The electronic signature system consists of two keys. The first - individual - should be known only to the owner of the signature and not to tell anyone.

The second code is open and known to everyone to whom these documents are sent. With help software using the public key, the recipient can verify the authenticity of the signature.

This system allows the use global network not only for negotiating, but also for making deals.

Why is she needed

The main purpose of an electronic signature is to prove the authenticity of the signed document, since each code is individual and only the author can know it.

Electronic documents with this encoding have legal force. An electronic signature allows a legal entity to perform the following tasks:

  • take part in electronic auction;
  • enjoy public services in electronic form;
  • maintain reports to state bodies in electronic form;
  • exchange documents with other legal entities, including banking institutions.

In addition, the system increases the level of protection of the document itself. It cannot be faked once signed.

Also, thanks to the electronic signature, you can determine the real date of signing the document. A document protected with such a key cannot be hacked.

Legal framework

A properly executed electronic signature obtained from the state tax authorities and certified by the Federal Security Service has legal force on a par with a handwritten capitalized autograph.

It is used to sign documents that are legally recognized as valid.

Since state regulatory services are involved in the creation of an electronic signature, all actions related to ES are regulated by a certain legal framework.

First of all, all questions regarding the purpose, creation, and authenticity of the electronic signature are approved in:

Of the above standards, the first is relevant today.

Since with the help of an electronic signature contracts of different meaning and content between individuals and legal entities can be concluded, it can be attributed to regulatory acts.

Information on the legality of using an electronic signature when submitting documentation and reports to the fiscal service can be found in.

Emerging nuances

To work using an electronic signature, you need to prepare your working equipment. As a rule, this Personal Computer, since most operations are still carried out with its help.

But many business people today are choosing other types of gadgets for work as they are more convenient, portable and allow access to work documents and other information anywhere at any time.

In this regard, when installing software, it is worth paying attention to Special attention what type of equipment it is intended for.

In order to use an electronic signature, you will need the following:

After that, you will be able to create documents in electronic form and put your signature under them. At the same time, you no longer need to spend time traveling to the addressee or money for sending by courier companies.

What are the types

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following types of electronic signature are defined:

Unqualified electronic signature (NES) It is intended for registration of internal documents or the conclusion of transactions. In the second case, an agreement must be concluded between the counterparties in writing, drawn up in two copies, stating that documents drawn up in this way are considered valid, any commercial company that has the skills of cryptographic encryption can create such a signature.
Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) It can be used at the same levels as the NEP, as well as to send reports to regulatory authorities or participate in electronic trading. Such a signature can only be obtained in government bodies fiscal service, which operates a letter of credit certification center. Signature certification must be certified by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In this case, it will be equivalent to a signature made by hand

The choice of the type of electronic signature depends on the purpose of use. Still, it is best to use the second option, as it is more versatile. In this case, of course, the cost of the service may vary.

Where to get an electronic digital signature for legal entities

An electronic signature allows you to speed up the process of concluding a deal, submitting documents to state regulatory authorities.

Therefore, of course, it is desirable for every legal entity to receive it. The question arises - where and how to obtain an electronic digital signature for a legal entity.

Obtaining an electronic digital signature depends on its type. An unqualified EP can be issued using commercial organizations who specialize in working with cryptographic encryption.

But you have already learned about the disadvantages of such a digital signature from the previous paragraph. If you want to get a more universal "autograph" that would have full legal force, you should contact a special letter of credit certification center for keys.

As a rule, it was created by the fiscal service or other state bodies.

To obtain an electronic digital signature for legal entities for public services, you must contact this center at the place of registration of the legal entity.

In the event that this tax office does not have a similar one, you can visit any other within the region.

It should be noted that individual entrepreneurs have the right to receive an electronic signature at any branch of the fiscal service, regardless of the place personal registration or registration of IP.

Required documents

To obtain the key, you must personally visit the tax office. You can get free consultation, which will explain what package of documents is required to obtain a certificate and signature.

Or you can come with the papers already collected and get the code. The following documents will be required:

Completed legal entity card The giver, signed by the person himself
Application for registration card In duplicate
Original Or a certified copy
Document Evidence that a person belongs to the organization of which he is a representative
Copy of permission for foreign citizens If there are any in
Copy of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation of the subscriber or residence permit For foreign citizens who have an official residence permit in Russia
Copy of taxpayer card

If, for any reason, this package needs to be supplemented with other certificates and papers, the employee of the fiscal service who accepts the documents will notify you about this.

Price in Moscow

The cost of registration and approval of an electronic signature depends on its type and intended use.

The higher its legal value, the stronger the cryptographic protection is formed. As a result, the cost of services also increases. It can vary from 1500 to 5000 rubles.

The service life of an electronic digital signature is 365 days (1 year), after which the legal entity has 1 month (30 days) left for renewal.

Signing key certificate

An electronic signature is created using special software. Its authenticity is confirmed by an electronic document called a certificate.

He builds a connection of the data necessary for verification with the person who put the signature, confirms that the signature is identical to the original.

The certificate must be certified by a key certification authority, which is a provider of services for creating and using an electronic signature.

Security levels

Unfortunately, the Internet resource has become not only a convenient platform for facilitating the cooperation of various structures, but also turned into a space for the activities of various kinds of scammers.

Therefore, when transferring particularly sensitive data, care must be taken to protect it from unauthorized opening.

Video: obtaining an EDS for a legal entity

The use of an electronic digital signature provides a high level of data protection through the use of special connections.

The program encrypts data saved and transmitted in the E-DOC format using an HTTPS connection, which blocks the access of the browser server to the document itself.

The protection of information in documents signed with an electronic digital signature is provided by two levels:

Due to the high-quality protection of documents from hacking, in some situations it is much safer to use EDS and electronic system data transfer than the standard way.

An electronic digital signature is a cryptographically processed data that is converted into a special encoding, with which a person certifies the documentation.

It can be used by individuals, entrepreneurs or legal entities. Allows you to conclude a deal by signing contracts electronically.

This not only speeds up the process of concluding a transaction, but also provides a high level of protection of documents from outside interference, which can lead to information leakage.

Electronic digital signature (EDS)- this is an attribute of an electronic document designed to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private key of an electronic digital signature and allowing to identify the owner of the signature key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of information distortion in the electronic document.

An electronic digital signature is a software and cryptographic tool that provides:

    checking the integrity of documents;

    document confidentiality;

    identification of the person who sent the document.

Benefits of using a digital signature

The use of digital signature allows:

    significantly reduce the time spent on processing the transaction and the exchange of documentation;

    to improve and reduce the cost of the procedure for the preparation, delivery, accounting and storage of documents;

    ensure the accuracy of the documentation;

    minimize the risk of financial losses by increasing the confidentiality of information exchange;

    build a corporate document exchange system.

Types of digital signature

There are three types of electronic digital signature:

Simple digital signature

Through the use of codes, passwords or other means, the simple digital signature confirms the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person.

A simple digital signature has a low degree of protection. It only allows you to determine the author of the document.

A simple digital signature does not protect a document from forgery.

Enhanced unqualified digital signature

1) obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using an electronic signature key;

2) allows you to identify the person who signed the electronic document;

3) allows you to detect the fact of making changes to the electronic document after the moment of its signing;

4) is created using electronic signature means.

An enhanced unqualified digital signature has an average degree of protection.

To use an unqualified electronic signature, you need a certificate of its verification key.

Enhanced Qualified Digital Signature

A qualified electronic signature is characterized by signs of an unqualified electronic signature.

An enhanced qualified digital signature corresponds to the following additional features of a signature:

1) the electronic signature verification key is specified in the qualified certificate;

2) to create and verify an electronic signature, electronic signature tools are used that have received confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the law.

Enhanced Qualified Digital Signature is the most versatile and standardized signature with a high degree of security.

A document endorsed with such a signature is similar to a paper version with a handwritten signature.

You can use such a signature without any additional agreements and regulations between the participants in the electronic document management.

If a document has a qualified signature, you can accurately determine which employee of the organization put it.

And also to establish whether the document was changed after it was signed.

When different types of signature are used

Simple digital signature

The appeal of applicants - legal entities for the receipt of state and municipal services is carried out by signing the appeal by an authorized person using a simple electronic signature.

Using a simple electronic signature to obtain a state or municipal service allowed if federal laws or other regulations no ban on applying for state or municipal services in electronic form has been established, and the use of another type of electronic signature for these purposes has not been established

Enhanced unqualified digital signature

Cases in which information in electronic form signed with an unqualified electronic signature is recognized as an electronic document equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature are not defined in the Tax Code.

According to the Ministry of Finance, for the purposes tax accounting a document executed in electronic form and signed with an unqualified electronic signature cannot be a document equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature.

Therefore, although the economic parties, in the presence of a legally valid agreement, can organize electronic document management using an enhanced unqualified electronic signature, if there is a possibility of disputes with the regulatory authority, the meaning of such documents is lost.

Enhanced Qualified Digital Signature

For some types of reporting, the use of a qualified signature is directly defined by regulatory documents.

For example, this order is set for:

    annual financial statements, which must be submitted to Rosstat;

    forms RSV-1 PFR;

    reporting to the tax office - declarations.

An electronic invoice should be signed only with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the head or other persons authorized to do so by order (other administrative document) or a power of attorney on behalf of the organization, individual entrepreneur.

An application for registration (deregistration) with the tax authority shall be certified only by an enhanced qualified signature.

Applications for the refund or offset of the amount of tax are also accepted only if they are endorsed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Electronic digital signature (EDS): details for an accountant

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