Popular sed. What is electronic document management? A complete definition of the concept, functions, pros and cons of electronic document management. State initiatives around the “Electronic document”

A few years ago, electronic document management systems were talked about as a bright future. Today they are already actively used in private and state enterprises. But the most important thing is that the demand for EDMS is constantly growing. Let's look at electronic document management and how it works using the example of systems operating in the Russian Federation.


To better understand how an EDMS program works, you need to review the basic concepts and tasks. The key factors are those on which the choice of a particular system depends.

If an organization can function under conditions of informal management, then there is no need for document flow. With the advent of business processes, there is a need to manage the mechanism with the help of organized documentation. If you do not deal with papers in a timely manner, they will begin to accumulate and get lost.

Used as an alternative to paper media special scheme storing files on the server. But it doesn’t work for long either. As the company's volumes grow, the need for information storage and synchronization increases.

A dilemma arises: whether to use old paper media or an EDMS to store information. What important things can be obtained through an electronic system? Increase the efficiency of the organization.

Economic effect

Work efficiency can be increased in two ways: reduce costs or increase results. EDMS documents allow you to achieve two goals at once. That is, the implementation of the system allows the organization to spend less but earn more.

Cost reduction is carried out by reducing paper costs, wasted time, accelerating the process of information exchange, and changing corporate culture.

To evaluate the effectiveness that the EDMS program provides, you need to calculate the amount of working time spent on paper documentation. According to consulting companies, such operations take up 20% of working time. In the Russian bureaucracy, this takes even more - 60% of the time. Implementation of EDMS will reduce these costs by at least 10 times.

Office work and document flow

These two terms are interrelated. Office management is a term that refers to a formal set of rules for working with documents. Some EDMS systems can be configured to fit the rules of office work, but there are also those systems on the basis of which office work is already formed.

A document is a unit of information storage in an EDMS. Document flow is formed from different sources: other systems, applications, Email, but above all - from scanned paper media. Therefore, scanners and other equipment are an integral part of the EDMS. The system stores all documents, maintains their history, ensures movement throughout the organization, and carries out business processes with them.

Such a database contains a decision, instruction and order of the EDMS. The organization is managed through them. Any document is supplied with a “certificate”. The set of fields in the form depends on the type of document. In is stored in the form of a database of each field of such a card.

Functions and tasks of the EDMS

The document management program is designed to solve the following problems:

  • systematization of work with documents.
  • creation of documents using templates, their registration and storage;
  • accounting automation;
  • classification of documents.

Let's take a closer look at the functions of the EDMS. The document management program is used for:

  • creating cards.
  • forming the text of the document;
  • saving data in pdf or ms word format;
  • managing user access rights;
  • creating routes;
  • document movement management;
  • sending notifications, reminders;
  • maintaining journals, directories, classifiers;
  • generation of instructions;
  • searching and signing documents;
  • generation of reports.

System-wide functions include:

  • remote work with documents;
  • using a DBMS to store data;
  • simultaneous work with EDMS;
  • security through certificates, barcodes and personalization.

Advantages and disadvantages

Switching to EDMS has more advantages than disadvantages. However, an incorrectly organized project can destroy all the advantages of automation. The objectives of the implementation of the EDMS must be achievable. The advantages include:

  • centralized structured storage of information;
  • the same approach to the formation and processing of documents;
  • use of templates;
  • search;
  • access audit.

Disadvantages include high start-up costs and extensive user training.

Document processing processes

In EDMS electronic document management goes through a series of stages during which the document is assigned certain properties. Processing is carried out both manually and automatically. In the second case, the following are specified:

  • conditions for transitions between stages;
  • route separation;
  • processing cycles;
  • launching subprocesses, timers, processing procedures;
  • user roles are specified.

Types of treatments:

  • Creating a document.
  • Editing.
  • Renaming.
  • Moving.
  • Preservation.
  • Indexing.
  • Delete.

Expenses for EDMS

Document flow cannot fully function without a license, servers, full configuration and training for all users. Each of these elements requires large financial expenditures. In addition, we should not forget about the integration of the EDMS with other systems, database and software updates, technical support consultations and other support costs.

Implementation of EDMS

The implementation of the project may take several months. The process depends both on the number of documentation processes and on financial, organizational and resource capabilities. The implementation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • creation of a working group, identification of a leader;
  • defining goals and objectives;
  • review of existing documentation processes;
  • development of technical specifications;
  • choice of EDMS;
  • concluding an agreement for the implementation of EDMS;
  • development and approval of work regulations;
  • checking the initial content of directories;
  • preliminary testing of EDS;
  • staff training;
  • test implementation of EDMS;
  • analysis of test work results;
  • error correction;
  • full implementation of EDMS.

Implementation errors

Particular attention should be paid to those processes that require a paper document. The main mistake is duplicating a paper document with an electronic one. This makes work more difficult and causes a negative attitude towards automation. No one pays extra for doing double work. It is necessary to build automation processes without duplication. The second mistake is untrained personnel. Most often, new processes are met with hostility. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to employees why the EDMS is being implemented at all, so that they consciously approach the learning process.

Document storage technologies

In an EDMS, electronic document flow consists of attributes on the basis of which search, classification, grouping and reporting are carried out. Sometimes a document is created using a template, sometimes by transferring data from the database. Attributes are stored in tables. The file itself is placed in the storage folder, the information from it is placed in the DBMS directory. Only users of the EDMS system have access to data.

What is stream scanning?

Continuous processing of documents with subsequent placement of their samples in the archive is carried out using scanners. During the scanning process it is possible automatic creation barcode on a document and its registration in the database with subsequent direction along a given route.

Optical text recognition

This electronic document management system EDMS converts an electronic image of a document in photo or jpeg format into text format. In this case, special software is used in the form of a stand-alone application or integrated ESCOM.BPM in the EDMS. What is ESCOM.BPM? This is a program for recognizing documents typed in different fonts. It is worth noting, however, that stand-alone applications have more capabilities and even recognize handwritten text.


This technology provides a set of procedures for creating and applying a graphic barcode to a document. A unique barcode is created through the system server. It also provides identification of the document, its quick search in the database and distribution in storage areas. When registering a document, a barcode corresponding to the electronic card identifier is printed on the label. It is glued to the paper version of the document.


Allows you to verify that the document is correct and the data is unchanged. Signing is carried out using a crypto provider and a software key - a certificate. The latter is a file in a special format that is regenerated at the license issuing center. To ensure the safety of information, you should store the certificate on a smart card or I-Token keys. They are protected by a PIN code. If the PIN is entered incorrectly several times, the certificate will be automatically blocked.

Full-text and attribute search

Attribute search is carried out through a special form using several values ​​from the card fields. For example, the "Account" criterion searches for data in the "Recipient" or "Sender" field. In this case, the system compares the entered criteria with the data in the cards and enters into the result those cards that match. The search is carried out taking into account exact or partial matches.

Full-text search is carried out using data in the document itself, including word forms through built-in DBMS tools, such as MS SQL SERVER, ORACLE. For a full search, files must be entered into the database in the format of a document (doc), table (xls), presentation, message.

Basic concepts of electronic document management

Basic principles of electronic document management

  • Single registration of a document, allowing you to uniquely identify a document in any installation of this system.
  • Possibility of parallel execution of operations, allowing to reduce the time of movement of documents and increase the efficiency of their execution
  • Continuity of document movement, allowing to identify the person responsible for the execution of the document (task) at each moment in the life of the document (process).
  • A unified (or coordinated distributed) database of document information, which eliminates the possibility of duplicating documents.
  • An effectively organized document search system that allows you to find a document with minimal information about it.
  • A developed reporting system for various statuses and attributes of documents, allowing you to control the movement of documents through document flow processes and accept management decisions, based on data from reports.

Russian electronic document management systems

Proprietary EDMS

EDMS paid from the budget

  • EDMS for organizations participating in the budget process is provided by the Federal Treasury


see also


  • Just about electronic document management, business processes and interaction. Blogs. Discussions.
  • Selection of enterprise management automation systems according to criteria

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "EDS" is in other dictionaries:

    EDMS- EDMS electronic document management system technical. EDMS summary economic department of finance. EDMS System of "Electronic Democracy" http://e democratia.ru/ ...

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    Electronic document management system is an automated multi-user system that accompanies the process of managing the work of an organization in order to ensure the performance of its functions. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    SED GO UR- Electronic document management system government agencies Udmurt Republic state, Udmurtia Source: http://www.cnews.ru/news/line/index.shtml?2013/12/20/554261 … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    EDMS PD- electronic document management system for financial primary accounting documentation. Source: http://mskit.ru/news/n57353/ … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    EDMS Chancellor Type Document flow automation system, EDMS Developer IBA, Minsk Website www.kancler.by www.iba.by This term has other meanings, see Chancellor. Chancellor ... Wikipedia

    SEDO- EDMS EDMS electronic document management system... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    - – an electronic document management system developed by specialists of the Ukrainian company “Bankomsvyaz”, which is designed to build a full-fledged system for managing business processes of document processing and monitoring their implementation. JSC... ... Wikipedia

    EDMS type, Corporate information system Developed by JSC Industrial Information Systems Written in... Wikipedia

    LanDocs is a software platform for building corporate content management and electronic document management systems (ECM/EDMS). Own development of the LANIT company. LanDocs Type ECM, Document Flow Automation System, EDMS Developer... ... Wikipedia


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Electronic document management system (EDMS)- this is a system ( computer program. software etc.), allowing you to organize and automate work with electronic documents (i.e. electronic document management) throughout their entire life cycle. The main functionality of the EDMS should include the ability to create, modify, store and route documents, as well as a number of service capabilities, such as search, classification, etc.

EDMS, in addition, is intended for organizing and automating interaction processes between employees (transferring documents, issuing tasks, sending notifications, etc.). Employees can quickly receive any necessary information according to the company's clients. In this case, documents can be both structured objects of the information system, which have a certain set of standard details, and unstructured ones (Word, Excel, .pdf, .jpg files, etc.). EDMS may include an electronic archive of documents, which makes it possible to collectively process information, and a system for automating business processes (workflow). Also, EDMS is one of the options for using a BPM system.

Traditionally, the concept of document automation is associated with working with correspondence, administrative and organizational documents, etc. However EDMS They also allow you to associate each document with the actions that should be performed with it. Thanks to such a system, it becomes possible to track the performance of certain tasks by employees. Thus, EDMS provides not only effective management of document flows and information security in the company, but also increased control over the execution of work on documents and employee productivity.

Electronic document management systems (EDMS) are currently used in the IT infrastructure of almost any company - both private and public. Most companies have either already implemented an EDMS or are planning to implement it in the near future. Electronic document management systems solve an increasingly wide range of problems, integrate with accounting systems, and allow you to manage the vital indicators of an enterprise (build KPI or BSC systems).
By using EDMS the enterprise becomes transparent and manageable: all the simplest business transactions (for example, shipment of goods from a warehouse or transfer of materials to production) are accompanied by their reflection in the accounting system in the form of electronic documents. Business operations can be accompanied by accounting and recording of business process indicators. The accumulated information on indicators is integrated into the EDMS into top-level indicators, and thus we receive a balanced scorecard system reflected on the manager’s panel.

Electronic document management systems have a number of advantages, which include the possibility of single registration of an electronic document, parallel execution of necessary operations with tracking of the person responsible for their execution, as well as the presence of an effectively organized document search system and a developed reporting system.

Besides, EDMS, as a rule, contain tools for group work on documents and projects, scheduling and loading of employees to work with documents, maintaining the history of work with documents and safe work with remote offices and divisions of the enterprise. On the most common platform in Russia "1C:Enterprise 8" example EDMS is . With the advent of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, the distribution of the 1C program family was reoriented from small to medium and corporate segments of enterprises. Electronic document management is an attribute of a full-fledged information system for such enterprises, while workflow class systems and a more advanced version of BPMS are a standard module of the corporate information system of an enterprise in which the number of office employees reaches more than 50 people.

Should not be industry specific. The main and most common option for electronic document management are packaged products, and EDMS on the 1C platform is no exception.

In conditions modern development business EDMS must solve problems related to cost optimization, with the possibility of saving internal resources of the enterprise. At the same time, the most the best option is a situation for an enterprise when the implemented information electronic document management system allows you to quickly (in 2-3 months) recoup the implementation costs. A necessary condition For such an implementation, the enterprise must have an employee who has knowledge in the field of process management, skills in constructing notation diagrams for describing business processes, and has a fairly good understanding of the business processes occurring in the enterprise implementing the EDMS. Formalized business process diagrams can be an important help.

Implementation EDMS should always address the issue of optimizing business processes and saving labor costs for both management and ordinary employees of the enterprise. At the same time, the maximum effect of implementation is achieved when electronic document management operates in a single information space with a management and accounting system. Such a combined system allows you to solve a significantly larger number of problems.

There are a number of standard applications EDMS on the 1C platform, for example, automation of contract work. But solving such problems as personnel document flow, work with business trips and expense reports, applications for cash, the processes of supporting sales, purchasing, production and warehouse document flow can only be solved in a unified information system with an accounting system. For example, on the 1C 8 platform electronic document management system "PiterSoft: Process Management" or

For example, on the 1C 8 platform electronic document management system can work in a single database with the product "1C: Salary and HR Management" or "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management", which allows you to comprehensively solve functional tasks (for example, recruiting), accounting (salary calculation) and management (making motivational decisions about a salary increase or a fine), and the task of interaction and transmission of information (passing a document along the route, associated with timely notification of all interested participants in the process in accordance with a previously approved procedure).

29.05.18 71 255 13

Documents can be signed on paper or electronically. On paper for a long time, electronically - it is not clear how.

Pavel Ovchinnikov

12 years of experience working with electronic documents

But I’ve been dealing with electronic documents for twelve years and I’ll tell you: it’s an incredible thrill. Let me tell you how it all works, with examples.

Briefly speaking

To start managing electronic document management, you need:

  1. Convince counterparties to start exchanging electronic documents.
  2. Buy an electronic signature certificate.
  3. Decide on the method of sending documents: through a special service or without it.

Who needs electronic documents

Despite the convenience and modernity, few maintain electronic document management. If an entrepreneur with simplified taxation enters into a couple of contracts a year, it may not be so scary for him to send printed documents a couple of times. But there are cases when electronic document management is extremely useful.

Large companies electronic documents help reduce costs if the volume of external correspondence exceeds several hundred documents per month. For them, the delivery of papers directly affects the speed of transactions. Documentation costs can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles a year, and the risks associated with losses, errors and fines from the tax office further increase costs.

Even if you now sign one act every six months, this does not mean that your business will not grow. You may have large partners who work with electronic documents, and they will demand the same from you.

For example

The online store regularly accumulated tens of millions in receivables due to the fact that once again an error was made in the invoice: the goods were in a truck and could not be accepted into the warehouse. Days pass while they wait for the courier with the corrected document to arrive from the supplier. We introduced electronic documents, and now all adjustments to documents take less than an hour.

And in a large energy sales company, during on-site tax audits, inspectors annually found violations and errors in documents. The check for fines reached 120,000 rubles per year. It's gotten to the point where financial department budgeted this money in advance as overhead expenses. Electronic document management has been introduced, and now the accuracy of documents is controlled by programs, not people. There are no more errors.

What is an electronic document

An electronic document is a regular document or PDF file that can be created and read in any editor. It is important that it be signed with a special electronic signature and sent in a special way.

So that a partner, lawyer or judge has no doubt that you signed the electronic document and no one changed it, digital security specialists came up with an electronic signature. It's like a fingerprint placed on your document's unique set of bits and bytes. Roughly speaking, when you sign something electronically, you are saying, “I am authenticating this set of bits.”

An electronic signature is attached to any document, after which it is considered signed. The document can be read without a signature. It only guarantees that you have the same unchangeable document in front of you, in the form in which it was sent to you. If you change something in a document and save it, its set of bits will change - the signature will be invalid.

For example

The two companies decided to sign an electronic contract. We drew up a contract and agreed on the terms. Now one company signs the contract with its signature and sends it to the other. She opens the contract and decides to quietly correct something, for example the amount of fines. Corrects. Saves. Sends first. She looks - oops! - the original signature on this agreement was broken. It means they fixed something, the villains. Then they go to punch him in the face, probably.

Where to get an electronic signature

An electronic signature is purchased at a special certification center. You just need to find a convenient center in your city. The main thing is that it is included in the list of accredited centers of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

The same thing can be done right at the office of the certification center: just come with all the documents and fill out an application. But in this case, you will have to wait until the cashless payment goes through - this may take several hours. You cannot pay for a certificate in cash for a company, just as you cannot receive it remotely.

How does an electronic signature work?

The legal force of an electronic signature is described in the federal law “On Electronic Signatures”.

The law defines the types of signatures: simple, unqualified and qualified. You can sign documents from any of them, but with reservations: qualified - for tax purposes, trading, and in some cases for court; simple and unqualified - for everything else.

Simple or unqualified signature

An affordable and cheap option, but with limited use. An unqualified signature contains cryptographic algorithms, but is not verified by any certification authority. A simple one is just a combination of login and password, an account on a government services website or an email address of a counterparty.

Such signatures are suitable if you do not participate in electronic trading, do not exchange electronic primary messages and do not send tax reporting. A simple signature can be used for contracts, invoices and acts, but you will have to sign a separate agreement with the counterparty and record the agreement of the parties to trust such a signature.

If you have dozens of counterparties and different documents, the scheme will not work. You will have to sign such a document with everyone, and over time this process will slow down, not speed up, the work. Then it is better to think about another electronic signature certificate.

To use a simple electronic signature, you need to print and sign a paper version of the agreement or include a special clause in the agreement with the counterparty - this is a legal requirement.

Qualified Signature

This signature is suitable for invoices and tax purposes. By law, electronic invoices can only be signed with this signature. A qualified certificate costs from 1000 RUR, it can only be purchased at a certification center that is part of the trust zone of the Federal Tax Service.

Every year, the qualified signature certificate must be renewed, which adds additional worries: you need to monitor the validity period and order a reissue on time.

To work with qualified signature you need to install a special program - a means of cryptoprotection of information. The program attaches an electronic signature to the document and verifies the signatures of other participants in the exchange.

You can choose a paid program (“Cryptopro TsSP”) or free (“Vipnet TsSP”). Functionally, they are almost the same, but compatibility problems may arise with the free one. Both work on Windows and Mac. The paid one costs about 1000 RUR, the annual payment for an electronic signature certificate is about 1000 RUR.

Some use a cloud-based electronic signature, for which you do not need to install a cryptoprotection program. The cloud signature is stored in the exchange service, and every time you sign a document, you receive an SMS confirming the action on your phone. Such a certificate is cheaper and more convenient to use, but less secure than a cryptographic protection program.

Why do you need a document management operator?

A signed electronic document can be sent via regular email, but this is not secure. If your email is hacked, the documents will end up in the hands of the criminals. Therefore, for example, the tax office accepts declarations only through special services. Through the same services, you must exchange electronic invoices, otherwise you will violate the order of the Russian Ministry of Finance. Such services are called document flow operators.

For the average user, this is a pumped-up email. Works through a browser, there are folders with incoming and outgoing, address directory, built-in search, document editor. Inside - a highly loaded service with secure communication channels and encryption, which ensure the security of document transmission.

You don’t even need to enter into an agreement with the electronic document management operator. Just register, upload an electronic signature certificate and pay the bill. The operator takes care of the rest: notifies the Federal Tax Service that you have joined the exchange, monitors the formats and guarantees compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

There are several dozen such services in Russia. In terms of price, functionality, reliability and speed, they are about the same. It is customary to choose operators based on the quality of service: how quickly technical support works, whether the operator is ready to help connect counterparties, what opportunities he offers, and whether he has analyst consultants who will help you implement the service into work.

Your counterparty will also have to connect to the operator. He can choose yours or anyone else - then the exchange will go through roaming, as in cellular communication.

How much do electronic documents cost?

When working through an operator, you only pay for the document signed by both parties. On average, the cost of sending a document is about 6-8 R, and all incoming messages are free.

Usually, beginners buy a minimum package of 300 documents, which runs out very quickly. Then you need to buy the next package. It is more profitable to buy an unlimited annual package or negotiate individual terms.

Switching to electronic documents is beneficial if you send 100 or more documents per month or at least 1000 documents per year. Then you will reduce paper and delivery costs by almost 5 times.

How much does document management cost?

1000 paper documents

Electronic document management

Office work- a set of measures to organize document flow of an enterprise or organization. Office management is a term used in office practice to denote a formal set of rules for working with documents.

Electronic document(ED) - a document created using computer information processing tools, which can be signed with an electronic signature (ES) and saved on computer media in the form of a file of the appropriate format.

Document flow- a system for creating, interpreting, transmitting, receiving and archiving documents, as well as monitoring their implementation and protecting them from unauthorized access.

Electronic document management(EDO) - a set of automated processes for working with documents presented in in electronic format, with the implementation of the concept of “paperless office work”.

  • production document flow;
  • management document flow;
  • archiving (a set of archival document management procedures);
  • personnel document flow (HR procedures);
  • accounting document flow;
  • warehouse document flow;
  • secret and confidential records management;
  • technical and technological document flow.

And others. It is obvious that there can be as many document flow systems as there are types of activities; as a result, information systems that automate particular types of document flow are developing in the direction of mass production.

Time saving: employees spend less time searching for paper documents. Thanks to a central database, files are regularly backed up, eliminating the possibility that a document will be irretrievably lost if it is forgotten on a plane, accidentally or deliberately destroyed, or simply disappears in office chaos. The loss of time searching for files and documents that, for some reason, were not in their place, is completely eliminated.
More adequate use of physical space and technology: Valuable square footage occupied by redundant servers and other document storage devices can be freed up. Depending on the status and relevance of the information, documents and files can be safely deleted after their retention period has expired. Data management not only helps to meet corporate standards, but also contributes to a more adequate use of storage space.
Increased transparency internal work enterprises: EDMS(electronic document management systems) allow managers to monitor the status of a document throughout all stages of its approval and approval. In addition to this, EDMS allows you to instantly and easily call not only the requested file, but also full report about who created it, who had access to it, and who edited it.
Doing personal history each file and related documentation: EDMS allow you to centrally manage relationships with customers and suppliers. For example, just one click is enough to bring up all the necessary documents that contain requirements associated with different types of relationships between the organization and external entities.
More flexibility regarding the physical location of employees: thanks to the opportunities electronic access and communications, employees get the opportunity to work remotely. And even when located in the same geographic location, employees will no longer have to wait for paper copies of files to be sent from a neighboring office.
Increasing the security of information and documents: As already mentioned, a central database allows you to back up documents, thereby reducing the risk of accidental or intentional loss of files. At the same time, less time is spent searching required document if its location has changed for some reason.
Reduced costs for printing, postage stamps, envelopes and postage: paper documents sent between departments or suppliers can be sent electronically.
Increasing the level of satisfaction of employees and managers: optimization of daily tasks allows employees to get more pleasure from the work process. Releasing employees from often boring tasks like handling invoices allows them to devote themselves to other activities. At the same time, department heads get more control over the work of their subordinates. Ultimately, some organizations may find that the cost savings enable them to reach a new business level.

  • Security effective management due to automatic control of implementation, transparency of the activities of the entire organization at all levels.
  • Maintaining a quality control system that complies with international standards.
  • Support effective accumulation, management and access to information and knowledge. Ensuring personnel flexibility due to greater formalization of the activities of each employee and the ability to store the entire history of his activities.
  • Recording the activities of the enterprise as a whole (internal internal investigations, analysis of the activities of departments, identification of “hot spots” in activities).
  • Optimization of business processes and automation of the mechanism for their implementation and control.
  • Exclusion of paper documents from the internal circulation of the enterprise. Saving resources by reducing the cost of managing the flow of documents in the organization.
  • Elimination of the need or significant simplification and reduction in the cost of storing paper documents due to the availability of an operational electronic archive.
  • Storage volume requirements. You must select a workflow system that supports Hierarchal Storage Management (HSM). This mechanism stores the most actively used data on the fastest but most expensive media, while less frequently used information is automatically transferred to slower and cheaper media.
  • The presence of formalized procedures that require support for their implementation and automation of control (preparation of documents of a certain type, performance of standard functions of the organization, etc.).
  • The need to automate the administrative management of an organization. Degree of difficulty organizational structure.
  • Availability of geographically distributed units. This factor imposes certain requirements for remote access, data replication, etc.
  • Availability of a large paper archive. Some document management systems come with mass document entry subsystems already integrated.
  • The presence of a document flow system that does not meet current needs.
  • The need for advanced document routing and workflow management. As a continuation of this need, the need to support arbitrary business processes, possibly working in conjunction with application systems to support these processes.
  • Requirements for storage periods of documents. For long storage periods (tens of years), it is worth seriously considering organizing a parallel archive on microfilm.
  • Requirements for "openness" and extensibility of the system. Possibility of integration with existing information systems and use of existing equipment.
  • The need to store document images. Use of specific document storage formats in the organization. The need to support engineering and design tasks, and other features of the enterprise.
  • The need for developed information retrieval tools. Full language system support for documents available in the organization.
  • Security requirements (encryption, access organization, etc.). The ability to use access mechanisms already available in the organization’s information infrastructure in the document flow system.
  • Requirements for compliance with certain standards: internal, industry, GOST, international standards on quality control, level of organization of information storage.

Any electronic document management system may contain elements of each of the following categories, but most have a specific focus in one area, primarily related to product positioning.

Electronic document management systems with developed means of storing and retrieving information(electronic archives - EA). An electronic archive is a special case of a document management system focused on efficient storage and retrieval of information. Some systems stand out in particular due to their advanced full-text search tools: fuzzy search, semantic search, etc., others due to efficient storage organization: HSM, support for a wide range of information storage equipment, etc.
Electronic document management systems with developed workflow tools(WF). These systems are mainly designed to ensure the movement of certain objects along predetermined routes (the so-called “hard routing”). At each stage, the object can change, so it is called the general word “work”. Systems of this type are called workflow systems - “work flow” (unfortunately, there is no exact equivalent for this term in Russian). Documents may be associated with jobs, but documents are not the basic object of these systems. With the help of such systems, it is possible to organize certain works for which all stages are known in advance and can be prescribed.
Electronic document management systems focused on supporting organization management and knowledge accumulation. These are "hybrid" systems, which usually combine elements of the previous two. In this case, the basic concept in the system can be both the document itself and the task that needs to be completed. To manage an organization, you need both “hard” and “loose” routing, when the route of the document is assigned by the manager (“describes” the incoming document), so both technologies in one form or another can be present in such systems. These systems are actively used in government management structures, in offices large companies, which are distinguished by a developed hierarchy, have certain rules and procedures for the movement of documents. At the same time, employees collectively create documents, prepare and make decisions, execute or control their execution.

When implementing such systems in large enterprises, it is important to determine whether the system provides the ability to effectively administer, process large volumes of information, and integrate with automated systems production management, scalability, phased implementation, taking into account territorial distribution, complex organizational structure, role-based access, etc.

Electronic document management systems aimed at supporting collaboration(collaboration). This is a new trend in the field of document management systems, associated with an understanding of the variability of market conditions in the modern world and the need to have “only what is necessary” for rapid movement, without unnecessary, very useful, but heavy ballast. Such systems, in contrast to the previous ones, do not include the concept of hierarchy in the organization and do not care about any formalization of the flow of work. Their task is to ensure that people in the organization work together, even if they are geographically separated, and to preserve the results of this work. Usually implemented in the concept of "portals". They provide services for storing and publishing documents on the intranet, searching for information, discussing, and making appointments (both real and virtual). Such systems find customers among rapidly growing commercial companies, work groups in large firms and government agencies.
Electronic document management systems with developed additional services. For example, customer relationship management service (CRM - Customer Relation Management), project management, billing, e-mail, etc. (Note that in terms of complexity of functions, the document management system and, for example, the CRM service may have different proportions depending on the organization. But in the context of this article, CRM functionality is optional.)

When choosing such a platform, the main attention should be paid to:

  • organization of storages of electronic documents;
  • automation of document flow taking into account the individual characteristics of the organization;
  • integration with the existing information environment.

functional requirements

Are common Specific
Ensuring the creation of electronic documents (Scanning, Import) Creating discussions on documents
Ability to add comments to documents Comparison of document content, including graphic ones
Creating links between documents