How to participate in the tender step by step instructions. How to take part in electronic trading: step-by-step algorithm. You won the tender. What's next

IN Lately tenders are becoming increasingly popular. Their areas of focus are different: office renovation, landscaping, acquisition Supplies etc. Tenders for beginners allow you to master the rules of saving and spend profitably cash.

The word “tender” itself is borrowed from in English and means “competition”, “bidding”. That is, when there is one buyer of a service or product (customer) and several sellers (suppliers).

The tender is announced on specialized Internet resources. This term is not legally fixed, but is constantly used in business.

Tender procedure

The tender is carried out in three stages:

  • Preparation;
  • contact with partners;
  • final choice.


Contact with partners

There is a multifaceted assessment of the product. As a result, some companies are eliminated, and several participants are selected for the final stage.

Final choice

At this stage, the direct selection of the company with which the customer will work takes place.

Types of tenders

All tenders are divided into two types: government and commercial.

State or municipal

The purchase of goods or services is carried out for government needs and for budget funds. In this regard, the tender procedure is carried out in strict accordance with Chapter 3.1 of Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the placement of orders for the supply of goods, provision of services and performance of work for municipal and state needs.


In this case, the customer independently determines the conditions and regulations for the auction. He can use both his own money and borrowed money.

Tender for beginners: step-by-step instructions for preparation

Let's take a closer look at how a newbie can participate in a tender using the instructions:

  1. Explore the federal law № 94. Special attention pay attention to the supplier selection procedure. An algorithm is written here that defines the terms and conditions that the customer must comply with.
  2. Select an electronic platform. As a rule, the choice is limited to five electronic platforms that were selected by the Russian government to conduct electronic trading.
  3. Obtain an electronic signature, that is, a unique electronic digital signature. It allows you to assign legal force to a signed document. You can receive an electronic digital signature within five working days at the certification center on the selected electronic platform.
  4. Install the necessary specialized equipment. You can install it yourself or seek help from specialists.
  5. Get accredited online trading platform(ETP). This procedure will take about five working days and can be completed at a certification center.
  6. Conducting electronic trading. Their maximum duration is 48 hours. Here it is necessary to determine the price to which all bidders are willing to bargain.
  7. Signing the contract. The winning bidder is the bidder who fully meets all requirements and at the same time offers more profitable terms.
  1. Identify the most in-demand and significant goods and services.
  2. Study the legislation on tenders.
  3. Prepare money to participate in government procurement.
  4. Carefully study the documents of customer companies.
  5. Draw up documents in accordance with all established requirements, without neglecting the little things.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of an enterprise’s participation in a tender. The main goal of tender support is to create all the conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the competition.

Tender support is especially important if you:

  • you do not have much experience or have not taken part in state competitions at all;
  • you don’t want to take risks and act at random;
  • You don’t want to misfire at a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of tender participants are not allowed to bid due to deficiencies in documentation or incorrectly completed applications? If you are not a professional, making a mistake in documents is as easy as shelling pears. In this case, only tender support will help.

All about tenders for beginners: Video

Obtaining an important government order through winning a tender is important for every entrepreneur. This not only increases his reputation, but also provides an opportunity to make good money.

But for such a victory, it is not enough to have an offer that is more attractive than that of competitors. It is important to understand well how to participate in tenders and on what principles their work is based.

Tender - what is it and how does it work?

Placing orders for work or for purchasing goods on a competitive basis is called a tender. This is how government procurement is organized.

There are also tenders through which private firms place orders. Most often, tenders occur in the construction or cargo transportation sectors.

In order to participate in them, you must strictly comply with the established tender conditions. If they are violated, the participant who committed them will not participate in this procedure in the future.

What kind of tenders are there?

Bidding must be organized taking into account the tasks facing customers. Several different methods are used for this.


A distinctive feature of this procedure is that the announcement of the event is published in the open press and anyone has the opportunity to take part in the tender.


In this case, invitations are distributed to a limited circle of participants. In this case, the organizer is obliged to convincingly justify why the tender is closed, and also state his choice of participants.


In this situation, at the first stage the circle of participants is narrowed, and subsequently the competition takes place between them. In this case, the organizer is obliged to justify why he chose this bidding option, and on what principles the selection for participation in the second stage takes place.

Request for proposals

Happening here preliminary estimate participants. As a result of consideration, they are assigned a certain amount of points.

The one who scores the maximum is considered the winner of the tender. In some cases, bargaining (additional trading) may be scheduled in order to bring down the contract price.

Request for quotation

In this case, the customer receives the contract price in the application from each participant and selects the minimum among them. The one who proposed such a deal becomes the winner.

Who can take part in tenders

Often representatives of small and medium-sized businesses believe that participation in tenders is a complex and tedious bureaucratic procedure that leaves no chance of getting a contract.

However, receiving a profitable order will not only provide an opportunity to earn money, but will also allow a growing business to loudly express itself.

Government tenders provide information free of charge on specialized platforms. If you review them regularly, you can find something that may be suitable for a given company.

Usually, the announcement indicates who can take part in a particular tender. In this case, the application must be submitted no later than the deadline.

If we are talking about any private tenders, then their rules may differ significantly from state ones.

How to participate in electronic trading - step-by-step instructions

Although at first glance this procedure may seem difficult and very complicated, in fact everything is quite clear.

We can offer step-by-step instructions “for dummies”:

  1. First, you need to collect information about which tenders are currently being held. To do this, you need to browse specialized sites and follow relevant news.
  2. Usually announcements are made 7-20 days before the deadline for accepting applications. If you do not have time to submit it, then the application will not be considered at all.
  3. It is necessary to create an electronic digital signature from scratch. To do this, you need to contact a specialized company that is accredited on this electronic trading platform. You will need to pay for the receipt process. The processing time will be two to three days.
  4. Now you need to get accredited. To do this, you will have to fill out a special form on the trading platform website and open an account to participate in the auction.
  5. An integral part of the accreditation algorithm is the provision of a prepared package of documents.
  6. The application review period is five days. If a refusal follows, a specific reason will be indicated. Repeated applications are permitted, but each such attempt will also last five days.
  7. After receiving a positive response, the applicant is given access to his Personal Account, from which bidding will be conducted in the future.
  8. Now you need to deposit a certain amount into your account. Typically it is 5% of the application amount. For small entrepreneurs, the amount may be limited to two percent.
  9. Now you need to submit your application directly. It consists of two parts. The first of them confirms consent to provide the required service. At the same time, it must be described in detail. The second part provides detailed information about the participant. In this case, if necessary, information about necessary licenses and certificates.

In the submitted application, you must additionally provide cost estimates to justify the proposed price.

Note: this application, if accepted, constitutes an irrevocable acceptance of the relevant obligations. Revocation of this document is permitted only until a certain date.

What documents are needed to participate in tenders?

To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  1. The head of the enterprise fills out an application for participation in the tender.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a tender application in which this company will be represented and the experience of contract work performed by it will be highlighted.
  3. Copies must be included in the package constituent documents, on the basis of which a legal entity acts.
  4. Copies of TIN and registration certificate with notarization are provided.
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It is necessary that this document be received no earlier than 15 days before submitting papers for the public procurement tender.
  6. In a separate document you need to indicate a list of those who have legal right represent an organization without presenting a power of attorney.
  7. An order is provided to appoint the chief accountant of the company.
  8. A document from the tax office is presented stating that the company currently has no tax debts.
  9. Copies of the financial statements of the enterprise that were submitted for the last three reporting periods are submitted. They must be certified by the tax office.

A list of all provided documents is attached to the package.

Rules for participation in tenders

During the trading process, a certain price will be offered. It will remain unchanged for a certain time.

The amount will then be reduced by the step amount. After this, the procedure will be repeated until only one applicant remains.

This company will be the winner of the auction.

One step is usually 0.5% of the offered price, and the time until the price remains unchanged is usually 10 minutes.

Please note: Proposals whose price is greater than or equal to the announced amount cannot be submitted. It is also prohibited to use a zero price.

Only entrant numbers are used in the winner selection process. After the end of the auction, the winning company will be known. In this case, the customer will receive the second part of the application, and the winner will be sent a contract for signing.

The winner is now obliged to provide the customer financial resources in the amount of 30% of the transaction amount. They will guarantee the fulfillment of their obligations.

If the company does not have the opportunity to deposit this money, for beginners it is allowed to do this using a special tender loan.

How to participate in a tender for a beginner

When searching for suitable tenders, it makes sense to initially concentrate on areas where there is a division into topics and areas of activity. In this case, it will be easier to select the most suitable options for a particular company.

You should not take the first suitable offer. It is necessary to carefully study the details of the contract.

If you have questions, it makes sense to contact the customer and clarify the points of interest. Only after careful study does it make sense to decide to participate in the relevant tender.

At first, it will be more reasonable, for training purposes, to start with a small order. In this case, it is better, if possible, to turn to a professional and take advantage of his advice in this area.


The opportunity to win the tender is quite real. But to do this, you not only need to have a good understanding of how it is organized, but also correctly assess your capabilities, and then complete the required work efficiently and on time.

You've probably heard a lot about tender sales - competitions and auctions in which customers select sellers of goods and service providers for their needs. The essence of the tender comes down to the fact that the customer company announces the selection of performers for its order, and then reviews the applications of the applicants and selects the one who offered the best conditions...

Many entrepreneurs successfully participate in tenders, expanding the scope of their activities and increasing profitability. How do they do this? The answer is simple: they have mastered electronic trading - the most convenient and effective type of tender procurement.

The main advantage of electronic trading is equal conditions for all participants. This principle ensures fair competition between large enterprises and small businesses. Thanks to this, budding entrepreneurs have more opportunities to develop sales.

Working on electronic platforms is not difficult, and in this article we will tell you how to learn it.

By following our step-by-step instructions, you will be able to:

  • Select the right venues for participation;
  • Self-accreditation;
  • Find purchases of interest;
  • Take part and win your first tender.


Selection of electronic platforms

There are 2 main types of electronic trading platforms (ETPs) on which purchases take place:

  • State – for tenders of federal, regional and municipal customers, budgetary organizations;
  • Commercial – for procurement of business structures.
The list of state sites has been determined by the government - there are 5 ETPs in total, and all of them comply with the requirements of Law 44-FZ. There are many more commercial systems, over 150 - the state does not regulate their work, and procurement here takes place according to internal rules.

In addition, there are ETPs for procurement by state-owned companies (businesses with state participation), where the rules established by law 223-FZ apply. More information about electronic platforms: Complete list of ETPs for tender purchases As you can see, the market is working a large number of different sites, and it is impractical to get acquainted with each of them. At the first stage, it is more important to determine the type of suitable ETP and select those where the tenders that interest you most often occur.

Cheat code 1: You can simplify search for tenders (Review article on searching for tenders), using one of the popular search engines. For example, get a one-day trial access to the tender search system "Procurement Factory" . This time will be enough to scan all sites and select 8-10 most suitable ones.

Cheat code 2: Look at the ETP for completed auctions on your topic. This will allow you to identify likely competitors and the approximate purchase price that you should expect. Many customers annually place the same orders in a certain month or quarter, therefore, by studying last year's purchases, you will get a picture for the current year.


Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS)

To start working on any trading platform you will need an electronic digital signature. digital signature. This is a means of authentication and secure data transmission on the network; it is a mandatory requirement for every bidder, both in government and commercial ETPs.

Please note: for access to government tenders (under 44-FZ), procurement of state-owned companies (223-FZ) and commercial structures appropriate types of digital signature. In addition, there is a universal digital signature for all types of ETP.

Your task is to obtain an electronic signature suitable for the 8-10 sites you have selected.

The cost of EDS at different issuing centers ranges from 6,900 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the list of sites. You can order from us EDS with free delivery .

Cheat code: Before receiving an electronic signature, check with the organization with which you are entering into an agreement whether it has an FSB license. The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature requires the provision of scans of documents, including a passport, and the presence of an FSB license is a guarantee against the misuse of your data. Example of a FSB license

Registration on electronic platforms

Using your digital signature, you can register on the trading platforms you are interested in. Registration is quite simple, but before starting the procedure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of work on the selected ETP and its tariffs.

Registration and work on sites public procurement– completely free. More details: Algorithm for registration on the ETP of government orders

Please note: registration and participation in trading on commercial platforms is usually carried out on a paid basis. Before starting work, review the terms of connection and participation in tenders. Payment may be charged for participation in the purchase, for winning, or as a subscriber services. In some cases, the opportunity to submit your proposal costs up to 100,000 rubles.

Search for tenders

When you have registered and become familiar with the site, you should set up the mailing of new tenders to personal account. Select topics of interest, and the system will automatically notify you when orders are placed that may be of interest. To receive ETP emails, we recommend setting up a separate email folder.

Cheat code 1. To save time, you can use the tender search system. Its use usually pays off after the first tender won. Attention! When ordering an electronic signature from our organization, you are given free access to search engine "Procurement Factory" within 1 month.

Cheat code 2 At the initial stage of participation in tenders, we recommend choosing purchases worth no more than 1,000,000 rubles. The larger the contract amount, the higher the likelihood of corruption in the tender. On the contrary, the smaller the amount, the lower the competition from experienced participants.

Participation in tenders

Participation in tenders – extensive and complex topic, which cannot be covered within a short instruction. You can learn how to participate in tenders only through your own experience (after going through a long journey of trial and error) or under the leadership of an experienced mentor.

Before starting to work with tenders, we strongly advise you to undergo at least minimal training. See more details: Ways to teach tender sales

If you don’t have time to study or understand procurement issues, you can order bidding support services or call a tender specialist for a day

Start today to win tomorrow!

Entrepreneurs can and should master tender procurement. Participation in auctions is a powerful impetus for business development, expansion of the sales market, and increased profits.

Working on electronic platforms is becoming more and more relevant every year, as the number of posted competitions and auctions increases every year. And this trend will continue for several more years.

At the same time, according to statistics from the Ministry economic development Russian Federation, in 2014, more than 40% of government procurement did not take place due to a lack of applications from suppliers. This means that you have the opportunity to occupy a large and promising niche that will provide growing income for years to come.

All that remains is to gain experience successful work with tenders, and we are ready to help you with this.

We are pleased to offer the following services:

  • Obtaining digital signature for electronic trading

  • Installation and configuration of the tender search system

  • Tender specialist services

If you have questions related to participation in procurement, obtaining digital signatures and searching for tenders, we will definitely answer them and provide comprehensive advice. You can ask questions in the comments or by contacting us in any convenient way.

Russian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use electronic trading to conclude transactions.

Such competitions are a way to select a supplier, customer, buyer on specialized sites called electronic trading platforms.

What it is?

All government organizations are required to find suppliers through auctions and enter into contracts only with those organizations whose products fully comply with quality standards.

This activity is regulated by two regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Used by most enterprises financed from the budget: schools, administrations, clinics, etc.
  • Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities". Used large corporations and enterprises in which the state share is more than 50%.

Auctions under 44-FZ are held at 5 federal sites. Bidding under 223-FZ can be carried out on a much larger number of sites, there are more than 10 of them. An organization can participate in competitions on any number of sites.

There are three types of trades:

  1. Open auction. In this case, participants submit price proposals, and the contract will be concluded with the one whose option is optimal for the buyer.
  2. Upgrade auction. In this case, the participant who submitted the proposal at the highest price is selected. This type of bidding is most often used when selling or leasing property.
  3. Short auction. The buyer announces the parameters of the product, as well as the highest starting price. The order is given to the company that offers the lowest cost. The type is used when purchasing goods or services by budgetary enterprises.

Why participate in them?

Participation in the auction is the only possible way sales of products budgetary institutions. Having received a government order, the organization provides itself with a stable guaranteed income for a long time. It is for this reason that many individual entrepreneurs and newly opened small businesses actively participate in bidding.

Since government customers at all levels are legally required to purchase most products, works and services at open auctions, it is most profitable to participate in bidding on federal electronic trading platforms.

The law also provides for the sale of assets of bankrupt enterprises. By participating in such auctions, you can purchase property at a low price.

Not only legal entities, but also individuals. The most popular sites for such transactions are the Sberbank-AST and Russian Auction House sites.

ETP has a number of advantages over other methods of concluding transactions:

  • maximum concentration of sellers and buyers on a small number of sites;
  • anonymity at the first stage, which ensures the integrity of the transaction and the absence of corruption;
  • available information about the order for all auction participants;
  • The time for preparing documents is reduced.
  • transactions on trading platforms are protected by a digital signature certificate;
  • interaction between the seller and the buyer is carried out without intermediaries;
  • the opportunity to receive a government order for a large volume of products;
  • a contract can be concluded with any counterparty throughout the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for participation

To participate in such auctions, you need:

  • Get digital signature. An electronic signature certificate is required to certify applications, proposals, contracts and other documents. To obtain it, you need to contact an accredited Certification Center, fill out an application and provide all the necessary official papers. After receiving an electronic signature, you need to install a special program on your computer to work with the certificate.
  • Get accredited at the ETP. On the website of the selected site you need to fill out a form and an application to open an account, provide the following documents:
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs valid for up to six months;
    • full details of the organization;
    • Charter of the enterprise;
    • document on the appointment of a manager;
    • power of attorney to participate in the auction.

    Confirmation of accreditation will be received within five days. If you have an electronic signature, the service is free.

  • Top up a special account. Only those organizations that have funds on the ETP are allowed to participate in the auction. They are needed to secure an application and confirm the firm’s intentions. If there is no money in the account, the system will automatically reject the documents.
    These preliminary procedures will take approximately 7 days in total.
  • Apply now. To participate in public procurement tenders, you must comply with all requirements for the preparation of proposals. The application consists of two parts, each of which can be viewed by the customer at different times. The document is uploaded to the ETP in its entirety.
    • The first part contains complete information about the products and services offered. It is considered for 3-5 days, after which the organization is allowed to participate in the auction.
    • The second part contains the supplier’s details and is analyzed within 4-6 days after the end of the auction. Based on this, a decision is made to conclude a transaction.

    The one who offers the optimal price for the customer wins the auction. State enterprises can only create down auctions, that is, they have the right to enter into a contract only with the participant who offers the highest low price. In addition, the proposed goods, works, and services must fully comply with the requirements specified in the competition.

  • To sign a contract. The company that wins the competition is required to sign an agreement. Before concluding the transaction, the winner must provide a bank guarantee in the amount of 30% of the original auction price. The draft contract is certified with an electronic signature, first by the contractor, and then by the customer.

You can see these instructions clearly in the following video:

How to increase your chances

More and more entrepreneurs are starting to participate in auctions. To increase your chances of receiving an order, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Offer real price. Do not underestimate the cost of the offer excessively. There are cases when organizations that received state order for work, could not meet the developed estimate due to unforeseen circumstances and working conditions. Since the company is obliged to fulfill its obligations under the contract, unnecessary expenses can cause serious financial damage to it. You should adhere to the tactics of setting prices that are closest to market prices.
  • Participate in different auctions. Apply to all eligible orders from businesses of any size and industry. Ignore only competitions with incorrect conditions, for example, if the starting price is too low. State organizations cannot change the budget amount after signing the contract.
  • Follow the opening of new trades. Information about auctions can be obtained in two ways:
    • from the mailing list of electronic platforms, determining the profile of the company’s work;
    • use the services of companies that specialize in monitoring ETP.
  • Take your time. It does not matter whether the application is submitted immediately after the opening of the auction or a few hours before the end of the auction. Carefully check the compliance of the application with the customer’s requirements, prepare everything Required documents. Check with the organizer for details of technical issues and product parameters. A neat, clear proposal will attract the buyer’s attention and leave a good impression of the company.
  • Stay up to date with legislation in your industry. Additions to regulations sometimes entail changes in customer requirements. The organization must anticipate new opportunities in advance and adapt to the corresponding needs.

Not everyone who has received an electronic digital signature certificate and trading platform accreditation understands the auction procedure. The system of work on the site is quite complex.