Button atelier business plan - business plan. Studio business plan

In this article we will look at how to open a tailoring and clothing repair shop, a business plan aimed at small ateliers. The main advantage of this business is its fairly democratic entry: no significant financial costs are required, relatively low competition and, albeit low, but usually quite stable demand. It should be noted that there will be stable orders if good quality is ensured.

Characteristic features of the business

Before making recommendations for drawing up a business plan for a sewing studio for a small business, you should briefly outline the production sector itself. This field of activity is ancient. It has been somewhat replaced by factory tailoring, but the service has not disappeared into the past. Let's figure out why.

Demand for the service

The demand for atelier services lies in several aspects that are not provided by factory forms of production. More precisely, they are not provided in mass production at this stage of technology development:

  1. Individuality. Making things according to individual sizes;
  2. Originality. Making original things. Includes fashion and especially glamour. If fashion is still a recreation of certain trendy types, then glamor is one-time, unique things. An analysis of fashion and glamor is beyond the scope of this article. However, in a marketing sense, the competent use of both brings profit.
  3. Repair. A certain circle of people prefer, for one reason or another, to repair old things and do not always have the opportunity to do it themselves. Crises, within certain limits, do not particularly affect the flow of clients, the class simply shifts, with economic deterioration, less well-off people refuse these services (they repair them themselves), but clients who were a little better off before are added.

Atelier classification

Now let's try to systematize the atelier according to various bases. First of all, taking into account the demand for services.

By type of services provided:

  • tailoring;
  • Clothing repair;
  • universal;
  • specialized (sewing children's clothing, sewing curtains, sewing wedding dresses, making glamorous outfits, etc.).

By volume:

  • home studio;
  • mini atelier;
  • a large atelier (including the production of clothes in small batches).

In the three-dimensional classification, one can note the direction of development of the studio. To organize an atelier at home, the minimum cost is required. Over time, it can be transformed into a mini studio with additional hired force and its own premises. With further growth, expansion is possible with the creation of separate production workshops, development and production of small-scale products.

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What is needed to organize an atelier

A ready-made business plan for a clothing tailoring and repair shop should include a production, organizational, marketing and financial plan. To organize a small studio, a carefully worked out plan is not required; sketches of the basic parameters are enough. To organize a large enterprise, it is recommended to take it more seriously: conduct marketing research, build a clear business plan with criteria and deadlines for achievement. Let's look at what is needed to organize an atelier.


This activity is not licensed. For a small enterprise, the form of organization – individual entrepreneur – is sufficient. For large ateliers and fashion salons, a joint stock company is more convenient, more for marketing purposes. A joint stock company is perceived as more respectable than a private individual entrepreneur. This is a nuance, but a significant part of marketing consists of such nuances.


  • package of constituent documentation (depending on the chosen form of ownership);
  • package of external documentation (lease, contract, supply, etc.);
  • package of internal documentation (organizational, analytical documentation).

Premises and location

Both the requirements for the premises and its location depend on the chosen concept of the studio and its planned further development. Small clothing repair shops can be located on an area of ​​10 square meters. meters. For a clothing production studio, the area must be significantly larger.

The location and design of fashionable brand salons should be appropriate: city center, good surroundings. Small repair shops do not require special finishing, but can be located, for example, in shopping centers where they sell clothes (hemming trousers, adjusting clothes).

The location does not matter if the work is carried out to order. Let's say there are long-term contracts for sewing workwear. Or work as an Internet studio. In the latter case, the prospect is somewhat doubtful if the brand demanded by customers has not been developed. And for newly opened small businesses, the Internet studio service is rather additional.

Target audience and competitors

It is advisable to choose the atelier format after market research, i.e. determining possible supply and demand. If there is no specific niche (for example, a long-term contract for sewing workwear), then the market volume for conventional tailoring services is quite limited. Let's say, opening another atelier next to a clothing store and a sewing studio looks like a somewhat dubious and risky undertaking.


The set of equipment can be quite varied and depends on the specific services and their volume. An approximate list of equipment that may be needed:

  • sewing machines (universal or specialized: knitting, straight stitch, furrier, etc.);
  • overlock;
  • iron with steam generator;
  • ironing board;
  • patterns;
  • tables (cutting, sewing);
  • dummy.


The staffing level, as well as the need for certain specialists, is determined by the format of the studio and the volume of orders carried out. Some experts recommend paying more attention to the conscientiousness of employees than to professionalism. Most operations do not require special skill and a conscientious employee quickly masters them. An exception may be high-end fashion designers in branded ateliers.

In general, the staff of the studio may include:

  • fashion designers;
  • tailoring masters;
  • seamstresses;
  • cutters.


In terms of advertising for large studios, the differences are insignificant, only the volume of disseminated information increases, you can add advertising on the Internet, your own website. In terms of working with clients, it is worth considering a mechanism for attracting new clients. In addition to discounts, various contractual and agency mechanisms.

Financial plan

The financial plan summarizes the business plan. In it, brought together, financial aspects from other parts show the overall profitability, the enterprise’s achievement of self-sufficiency, and return on investment.

In conclusion, for example, we present the calculation of a small studio. A small atelier at a clothing store. Area 10 sq. meters. One seamstress.

Income. With an average visit of 5 - 10 people per day and an average check of 200 - 300 rubles. Income per day is 1 – 3 thousand rubles. You can predict: 30 – 50 thousand rubles per month. Net profit: 5 – 10 thousand rubles. Payback period is about six months.

A tailoring workshop is a place where each of us can place an order for such types of services as sewing and repairing casual, festive or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open your own tailoring studio? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual; there is no universal advice in this area.

If you have the ability and a great desire to work in the public service sector, then this is not enough to start working and make a solid profit. To launch a project at full capacity, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, a competent coordinator, a teacher and an entrepreneur. If you add to all this entrepreneurship, knowledge of tax legislation and the financial sector, success is guaranteed.

There is quite a lot of competition in this market. Therefore, in order to stand out from competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

Experts distinguish two types of such enterprises:

  • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
  • atelier in rented premises.

The need for a business plan for a sewing workshop

If you have already decided what type of business you will be involved in, you need to carefully plan your work, i.e. write a business plan. This is a step-by-step plan for the success of your future enterprise. If you do not draw up a document, the risk of failure will be too great.

This estimate is necessary for everyone: both those from whom you plan to take funds to implement your plans (money investors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and goals. But the most important thing is that the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to carefully analyze his ideas and understand how viable and reasonable they are.

This document should describe the main points of the future enterprise, analyze possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work, and describe possible ways to eliminate them.

The purposes of this document are:

  • for external use - to present your business in the most favorable light to investors;
  • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

Before you begin implementing your plan to open an atelier, you need to analyze the market in your locality. This will help you understand how much competition there is in this industry and whether your enterprise will be successful in the city where you plan to conduct your business.

In addition, analyzing errors and shortcomings in the work of competitors will help you. Only then will you be able to understand what will be best for your business and what to avoid. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will prompt you to new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

Where to start a sewing business: registration and documents

It's worth knowing that this type of business is segmented. What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for sewing clothes, others want to do only repairs, and there are those who are ready to combine both. Therefore, you must immediately decide on the direction of your activity.

So, what do you need to open a studio? This type of work activity must be legally registered with the tax service. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. To make it easier to maintain accounting and tax records, it is better to focus on individual entrepreneurship.

Selection of workers

Minimum staff must consist of:

  • the person who will take orders,
  • couturier designer,
  • master seamstresses.

A fashion designer will need to be paid a good salary. You may not be able to afford it at first. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a female student without specific experience, but with a desire to work and acquire skills in her specialty.

A tailor must have extensive experience in this field. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

People can be hired from among your friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the seamstress, which must stipulate her financial responsibility. Since customers sometimes bring very expensive material or products for repair, in some cases, an inexperienced technician can ruin the product. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged item.

Another important condition when recruiting personnel is that your future employees must be able to communicate with people and be decent.


The studio's services include the following:

  • tailoring;
  • repair and restoration of clothing.

It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you plan to do only repairs or sewing outerwear. Seasonality also applies to those studios that work with knitwear or specialize in sewing dresses, raincoats, coats and fur coats.

How to “promote” an atelier?

After all the preparatory work has been completed, an advertising campaign for your production is necessary. This is best done a few weeks before opening.

  • posting information leaflets on advertising boards in your city;
  • announcement on social networks and local television;
  • distributing invitations to mailboxes;
  • advertising in stores and shopping centers.

Financial part: costs, profit, profitability of a tailoring studio

Approximate costs In the first year, the atelier's work with such services as tailoring outerwear, workwear, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, repair of women's and men's clothing, looks like this.

To implement the project you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

For the first 12 months of work you can receive income in the amount of 3.5–4 million rubles, in subsequent years it is planned to increase income by 20%.

Net profit from the work of the studio– 2,800,000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays for itself in 10–11 months. Thus, we can talk about high profitability atelier as a business.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 150,000 ₽

Starting investments

155,000 ₽

50,000 ₽

Net profit

6-8 months

Payback period

An atelier is a women's business that is quite easy to organize with minimal investment. As in many other areas of activity, the basis for success is the skill of the staff and location.

An atelier is a business that is quite easy to organize and is considered a woman's occupation. You can open your own studio with minimal costs and in a short time. If you know how to sew and dream of opening a mini-business, then the atelier idea will suit you.

Market Review. The relevance of the atelier as a business

In the field of consumer services, which includes atelier services, there has been an increase in demand recently. According to statistics, every year there are twice as many ateliers opened as there are closures. Annual growth in this area is about 10%. Even in times of crisis, the atelier’s services are in demand, because people begin to save on clothes and more often turn to the atelier for repair services.

The two main services of the studio are tailoring and clothing repair. In the last few years, the demand for tailoring has decreased - the market is overflowing with ready-made products, which, moreover, are often cheaper than those made to individual standards. The situation with modern light industry is known to everyone: the overproduction of inexpensive and low-quality Chinese clothing has “corrupted” the taste and culture of the consumer. He has lost the habit of mending his dress, generally loving it, respecting it and treating it with care. The consumer has long been accustomed to throwing tons of everything into the nearest trash bin, immediately buying a ton of new things, “from the latest collection.” Therefore, today people who need the modification of their clothes more often turn to the services of a seamstress - shorten their trousers, fit them to their figure, etc. That is why clothing repair points began to open actively in shopping centers.

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Ateliers can be roughly divided into two categories. The former rely on wealthy clients, the latter, on the contrary, on people with below average income. Accordingly, the range of services is slightly different. The first category of workshops is focused on creating individual clothing - for example, business suits. Profit comes from completing several, but expensive, orders. Such a business, as a rule, relies on wealthy and regular clients who come to the studio from year to year. The second category of workshops fulfills small orders and makes money on their quantity.

Advantages of the atelier as a business:

    atelier services are in demand in any locality;

    high demand for this type of service, even during periods of economic instability;

    opening a studio requires minimal investment, which can be recouped in a few months;

    a small studio needs a minimum of equipment and tools. The main thing is a good master.

Many people think that opening a studio is very simple: find a premises, buy a sewing machine - and you can expect profit. However, in practice everything will not be so rosy. Many studios go bankrupt and close without ever breaking even. In order for the business to develop successfully, you should take into account many nuances, research the sales market in advance and draw up a business plan for the studio. Therefore, we will consider in detail each stage of opening an atelier and the features that need to be taken into account.

Who can open a studio

A seamstress, tailor, or cutter can open their own business. Typically, studio owners are good craftsmen who understand the intricacies of sewing and know the market. This option will be preferable. However, even if you are far from sewing, you can realize yourself in this business as a manager, and entrust all production work to hired employees. And yet, many note that the atelier - especially with the custom tailoring service - is, first of all, creativity. Therefore, it is impossible to live here without a soul. Knowledge of the specifics of the work and an individual approach to each client will help you achieve success in this business.

Market analysis

Before opening a studio, you need to study the market for sewing services in your city. It is important to understand whether there is a free niche: you can determine the approximate number of studios using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. Find out the cost of your competitors' services and the services they offer. In addition, you will need data on the area's population and income levels to identify your potential customers. The collected information will allow you to assess business prospects and determine what competitive advantages you will have.

List of studio services

At the next stage, you need to determine what exactly the studio will do and what audience its services will be aimed at. In addition to custom tailoring, clothing can also be repaired, restored or altered. Depending on the list of services, equipment and staff are determined. For example, if you plan to provide a custom tailoring service, then you need to make certain demands on the seamstress.

What services can the studio provide to clients:

    hemming, shortening clothes;

    design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are often in demand);

    repair of old items (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

    replacing zippers, steaming, repairing and making pockets, re-stitching buttons, replacing a collar or cuff, etc.;

    sewing carnival costumes for children (in demand before New Year's parties);

    sewing school suits;

    sewing copies of famous designers (also in demand, since it is still cheaper than the original);

    sewing curtains;

    urgency of order execution (20-50% of the cost of work is added).

It is recommended to start with a clothing repair shop, and then, having developed a client base and established a foothold in the business, move on to individual tailoring. The costs of opening a clothing repair shop are much lower than those for sewing clothes.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what prices your competitors are offering and lower yours a little. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But be careful with price dumping - don’t work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs. To understand the calculations, create a business plan with calculations of expenses and income and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business. In addition, you will definitely need a business plan if you decide to take out a loan to start a business.

Studio registration

How to register a company for sewing and repairing clothes? In order to conduct commercial activities, you need to register your business. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. The difference is that if you are the only owner of a business, you should register it as an individual entrepreneur. This will significantly facilitate accounting and simplify taxation conditions.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need a passport and an application for state registration. registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles), as well as a copy of the TIN certificate. If you decide to open a studio together with the founder, you will have to register as an LLC. Also, for registration you will need to indicate the appropriate OKVED codes.

The most suitable OKED codes for an atelier:

    95.29.1 Repair of clothing and textiles

    52.74 Repair of household products and personal items not included in other categories

    18.2 Manufacture of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories

    18.24 Production of other clothing and accessories.

The next step is to obtain all necessary permits from Rospotrebnadzor and similar state authorities. institutions. You will have to spend about 5,000 rubles to obtain all permitting documentation.

The SES requirements require the preparation of the following documents:

    production control program;

    conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with standards;

    permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

    contracts for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection.

Choosing a room for a studio

The most significant issue when organizing an atelier is finding suitable premises. It is important to choose a convenient location, as the profitability of the business depends on it. According to statistics, atelier attendance is 70% dependent on where it is located. Most often, a person who needs such services simply looks for a nearby studio or chooses something that is “along the way.”

There are two options for atelier premises: renting retail space in a shopping center or in a residential area. Each of them has its own pros and cons. The table shows a comparison of these options. The choice depends on the target audience and the concept of the studio.

Comparison of premises for rent

Room in a shopping center

Room in a residential area

    high cross-country ability;

    there is a possibility that clothes purchased in the same shopping center will require adjustment to size. Then buyers will immediately contact the studio

    the premises are ready for use, no repairs required

    you do not need to obtain a sanitary and fire certificate for your premises

    the studio is located within walking distance from the houses. The target audience will be residents of the area;

    rent is cheaper than in a shopping center;

    the premises can be purchased

    expensive rent;

    the studio is forced to work according to the shopping center schedule

    the premises may require renovation;

    all permitting documentation must be completed;

    pedestrian traffic is less than in the shopping center. The circle of potential buyers is narrowing to residents of a residential area

The studio operates only during the daytime and does not create much noise, so it can easily be installed on the ground floor of a residential building. This studio will be open from 9:00 to 19:00. In the shopping center, the studio will have to work on a schedule from 10:00 to 22:00 - while the shopping center is open. Renting a room located on the ground floor of a residential building will cost on average 12-15 thousand rubles. You will have to pay about 20-25 thousand rubles monthly to rent a pavilion in a shopping center.

A good option would be the proximity of the atelier to fabric or clothing stores. To increase the influx of customers, you can agree with nearby stores so that consultants, if necessary, recommend your atelier to their customers.

Requirements for the studio premises:

    area of ​​at least 10 sq.m. Optimal – 20 sq.m. The room should not be so small that it causes attacks of claustrophobia in visitors - they associate cramped space with the pettiness and frivolity of the company.

    availability of electricity;

    the room must be divided into at least 3 zones: a reception area with a fitting cabin, a cutting and sewing shop and sanitary rooms (storeroom, toilet, staff room)

    the lighting of the seamstress’s place of work must meet special standards, which are five times higher than the requirements for residential premises;

    for professional sewing equipment you need a voltage of 380 volts;

    availability of good ventilation;

    light walls that can withstand frequent wet cleaning;

    absence of surfaces that retain small sewing waste.

In order to provide studio services, it is not necessary to rent a separate room. You can open a business from home. How to organize a studio work from home? Clothing measurements can be taken at the client’s home, and mini-production can be located in your home. The difficulty with this idea is finding new clients. You will need to place an advertisement on a site like Avito, hang a signboard or an advertisement in the elevator, or rely on word of mouth.

Purchase of equipment for the studio

To work, you need to purchase equipment. An approximate list of equipment is given in the table. The amount of investment required to purchase equipment is 70 thousand rubles.

Studio equipment

Before purchasing the necessary equipment, you should understand what factors influence its price:

    manufacturer country;

    functionality of studio equipment;

    the material from which it is made, its quality indicators;

    company (there are little-known companies that demonstrate good quality, but are much cheaper).

In addition to professional equipment, you will need some furniture and lighting. The furniture should be comfortable, the lighting should be bright enough. These are comfortable working conditions.

Studio staff selection

Most entrepreneurs realize that in this business a lot depends on the level of the craftsmen who will work in it. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to personnel selection. The best option is experienced people you know who can not only sew well, but also communicate with clients. If there are none, you can hire employees based on the recommendation of your colleagues or acquaintances. You can also post information about vacancies on specialized websites. When recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is better to set a probationary period for them. Don't forget about the personal qualities of employees. Welcomed: honesty, decency, punctuality, politeness, ability to take into account the wishes of the client. Select candidates carefully, test people on simple orders. As a rule, the employees of the atelier are women: after all, it is mostly women who bring things to the atelier, and the work will involve tactile contact).

As for the number of employees, it depends on the direction of activity of the studio and its scale. For a small atelier, it is enough to hire two seamstresses - they will work in shifts 2 to 2 so that the atelier can function seven days a week. If you plan to provide a custom tailoring service, you will have to hire a cutter. If orders increase, an administrator will be required to accept orders.

Establish piecework or piecework-bonus wages so that the employee feels responsible and is interested in the results of his work. The minimum salary is mandatory, especially during the formation of an enterprise. Also provide for an additional payment - a certain percentage of revenue. Don't underestimate your salary. Otherwise, professionals will go to competitors. The average salary of a seamstress is 20-23 thousand rubles. This includes salary (16-18 thousand rubles) and a percentage of income (depending on the amount of work performed). Advice: if the vacancy initially lists “maintaining cleanliness in the workplace” among the duties, you can save money on a cleaner.

Ready ideas for your business

Keep in mind that in the atelier business, the problem of so-called “left” orders and financial dishonesty of employees is quite common. To protect themselves, the business owner should periodically show up at the workplace or send a mystery shopper. Cleanliness is verified by comparing revenue on the days the owner is present with other days. Of course, if you understand that your time is worth more than such visits, it’s easier to spend money and install video surveillance at your workplace.

How to advertise an atelier

The key to the success of any business is customers. In order for the studio to break even and bring a stable profit, it is necessary to actively promote its services on the market. You need to start an advertising campaign even before the opening of the studio.

Ways to promote the studio:

    information on notice boards in the workshop area;

    advertisements on the Internet;

    distributing invitations to mailboxes;

    placing advertisements in elevators of residential buildings;

    a bright sign, banner or sign;

    printing business cards and leaflets;

    holding various promotions, discounts on sewing certain products, discounts on the first order, etc.

You should not spare money on advertising - be prepared to spend about 30-40 thousand rubles to provide your studio with orders. An active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening an atelier.

How much does it cost to open a studio from scratch?

Initial Investment

It is worth not only taking into account all the costs of opening a studio, but also calculating monthly expenses. They include rent, advertising, depreciation, payroll, etc. Fixed expenses also include taxes - this table shows their approximate amount, because... they are calculated based on the revenue indicator.

Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses will be about 105,000 rubles. Analyzing the question of how to open a studio from scratch, we can conclude that large financial investments will not be required. Anyone can start such a business. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and competently plan all stages of entrepreneurial activity.

How much can one earn from sewing and repairing clothes?

With a good flow of clients, the studio’s daily revenue can be from 5 thousand rubles. In other words, you can earn from 150 thousand rubles per month.

We forecast the income of the studio:

    The cost of an average clothing repair order is about 350 rubles. Approximate number of orders per day – 10, per month – 300

    Revenue for the month: 350*10*30 = 105,000 (rub.)

    The cost of a tailoring order is 3,000 rubles. The approximate number of orders per month is 10.

    Revenue for the month: 3000*10=30,000 (rub.)

    Additional services (urgent order processing, sewing curtains, etc.) – RUB 20,000. per month

    Total revenue: 155,000 rubles.

    Net profit per month: 155,000 – 105,000 = 50,000 (rub.)

    Annual net profit: 600,000 rubles.

    Payback: 6-8 months.

There is no need to expect big profits from the studio, especially in the first months of work. To receive orders immediately, you need to start advertising about a month or two before the opening.

What difficulties may an atelier owner encounter?

Risk assessment is an important point in a business plan for an atelier. Risks in this area include:

    purchase of low-quality equipment;

    lack of personal funds, when loan interest is added to regular expenses;

    low quality of services (problems with personnel);

    exorbitant rent increases;

    excess supply over demand in the market (too many workshops in the area);

    seasonality of business;

    poor choice of studio location.

The best way to overcome these difficulties is to take timely care to ensure that they do not arise at all, or to reduce the damage from them to a minimum. In other words, it is necessary to carry out regular work to assess risks and prevent their occurrence in time.

Tailoring has been and remains today one of the areas of business where there is not too much competition, “hustle”, but at the same time it is possible to obtain a stable high income. Especially if you are planning to open a studio in cities with a population of over a million, where there are many fashionistas and fashionistas who will not spare money to order exclusive high-quality clothing. The business plan of the studio involves targeting mainly a female audience: all calculations are made based on the fact that approximately 80% of clients are women.

Opening a tailoring workshop: first steps

First of all, you need to think about the accompanying infrastructure. Obviously, an atelier that produces expensive clothes from natural fabrics must have a retail outlet on its territory where customers could choose good fabric for sewing a future frock coat or dress, purchase accessories and other small items. To fully satisfy the needs of visitors, even before the opening of the studio, you should establish contacts with companies selling the relevant goods, and, if possible, with online stores.

The business plan of the atelier takes into account that there will not be a constant 100% utilization of staff and machines, and therefore it is necessary to provide for the possibility of the atelier staff providing additional services for the repair of all types of clothing, sewing ready-made models for sale in retail stores.

Before starting a business, you need to decide on a place to display clothing samples. It is best if its area is at least 10 square meters. meters immediately at the entrance. To make the models look more impressive, you need to purchase mannequins and make the right lighting.

When determining the opening hours of the studio, you must remember that your clients will be busy people who work hard, so for their convenience it is worth setting the opening hours to at least 19 hours on weekdays and up to 18 hours on weekends.

Premises requirements

It is advisable to open an enterprise on streets with high pedestrian and vehicular traffic, on the ground floor of residential buildings, as well as in business centers. A separate building is not the best option, since your clients will most likely combine a trip to the studio with a visit to nearby shopping or entertainment establishments. To open a business, a premises of 40-45 square meters will be enough. meters, however, in case of dynamic development, it makes sense to move to a larger office (up to 70 sq. m.), but in the same area. This will allow you to attract new customers and not lose old ones.

The studio room should have three zones:

  • A hall with a counter for receiving orders with fitting booths, where samples of fabrics, clothing and related materials are also presented;
  • A room for cutting and sewing clothes with a fence for ironing and pre-cutting fabrics;
  • Technical room with a bathroom, pantry, corner for relaxation and eating.

Particular attention should be paid to the place of work of seamstresses-cutters. A system of special lamps should be provided to illuminate each workplace from at least three sides. If the room does not have 380 V sockets, it is better to take care of this immediately, since many sewing equipment require this voltage.

In addition, the room should be well ventilated, the walls should be decorated with a material that is easy to wet clean. It is highly undesirable to cover the floor with carpet or other similar materials, since it is very difficult to remove sewing waste from them.

If an open atelier receives a large number of orders, it makes sense to partially give them to craftsmen working at home, also earning money through mediation between the customer and the seamstress.

Initial Investment

Note that opening a studio is not cheap, even if you first purchase a minimum of equipment and buy the rest as the business develops. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the room in a special way. All costs are shown in the table below.

Many studio owners purchase used equipment and furniture. This allows you to save up to 30% of their cost, however, when purchasing, it is advisable to have the help of a person knowledgeable in sewing. He will be able to check the technical condition of machines and overlockers, as well as connect them correctly.

Preliminary activities

Before starting work (about a month in advance), you should take care of advertising the company. The most effective would be posting leaflets within walking distance of the studio location, personal advertising in mailboxes, placing advertisements in local media and on TV, as well as advertising in partner retail establishments.

A successful advertising move is to offer discounts on clothing sewing and repairs. Remember that you should start forming a client base from the nearby area, gradually expanding through advertising (and, of course, the quality of work) to increasingly distant territories.


By the time the enterprise opens, you need to recruit a staff of workers consisting of 3 seamstresses, 2 cutters and 1 receiver. Moreover, cutters and receivers should be interchangeable (do the work that needs to be done first), and also perform the functions of clothing sellers in the atelier. Since the company will operate under a simplified taxation system, it is advisable to outsource accounting services, as well as the work of the cleaner. It is advisable to agree on cooperation with the designer, involving him in one-time orders. The salary of seamstresses starts from 10,000 rubles, plus 20% of the cost of orders, the rest of the workshop employees are on a fixed salary of 13-14 thousand rubles.

Enterprise expenses before reaching breakeven

It is assumed that the studio pays for itself in a year or a little more. Expenses up to this time are shown in the table:

Please note that these expenses may increase or decrease by 10-15 thousand rubles depending on the intensity of the studio’s work.

Atelier profitability

The business plan assumes that you can earn about 935 thousand rubles per year from clothing repair orders with an average order cost of 320 rubles and 8 orders per day per year. Orders for tailoring are projected to bring in 1.825 million rubles per year (with an average order cost of 2,500 rubles).

The projected profit from operating a retail outlet on the territory of the studio is 750 thousand rubles per year. Thus, the profit will be 3.51 million rubles per year. After deducting taxes and contributions to employees, the profit amount will be 2.1 million rubles per year. If an increase in the number of orders is predicted, it is more advisable to hire new employees rather than increase the workload on existing ones.

For your studio to be successful, it is necessary not only to select highly qualified and experienced employees, not only to develop a client base, but also to engage exclusively in this type of business, without sharing it with others. Then the described commercial project will bring you not only pleasure from work, but also a tangible permanent income.

In this material:

It would seem, who might need the services of an atelier if the market is crowded with clothing stores. The buyer can immediately choose the item he likes, without additional contact with tailors. In practice, the situation is the opposite. The services of thread and needle craftsmen are becoming increasingly popular, bringing good profits to the owners of the outlet. The business plan of the studio provides for a detailed analysis of each stage so that the entrepreneur begins to make a profit from the first month of work.

Atelier as a business: project goals, relevance

Almost everyone knows what an atelier is, and more than 50% of residents have applied for some kind of service at least once. However, few people realize that in each workshop, in addition to occasional visitors, there is a list of regular customers who regularly contact the tailor. This is the relevance of business in general - there is a demand for services, and it is growing every day.

The goal of the project is to open a studio in a city with a population of 500,000 people.

Objectives: Providing a wide range of services, ranging from basic clothing repairs to tailoring items to order.

Methods of implementation - using your own or borrowed funds to implement the idea.

The payback period for a business is 6–8 months.

The larger the settlement, the higher the likelihood of the project being successful, but in this case you should always remember about competition. For example, in a small town (up to 50,000 inhabitants) there may not be a full-fledged studio at all, but people still turn to friends or to craftsmen who work at home. Based on this, organizing an official studio with a wide range of services will be quite relevant and profitable.

Any large city already has several studios (often their number exceeds 40–50 units per half a million inhabitants), but the market cannot be said to be crowded. Sewing and repairing clothes is a service sector that is close to home and accessible in a price segment. This is why you can always find a place to open a new business without competitors nearby.

List of atelier services for tailoring and repairing clothes

The average studio provides the following types of services:

  • replacing zippers;
  • darning, stripes;
  • repair of leather clothing (working with liquid leather);
  • hose repair;
  • adjusting the length of clothing - shortening trousers, dresses (lengthening due to inserts is also possible);
  • adjusting clothing to a person’s figure;
  • making and sewing pockets;
  • steaming;
  • additional minor repairs - sewing on buttons, loops, shoulder pads, etc.

Information: services for adjusting festive clothes (wedding suits, dresses) are especially popular, which costs much more than everyday work.

Tailoring individual clothing to order is a popular and expensive service that is in wide demand. In this case, a separate specialist will be required.

Market analysis: competition and risk assessment

Competition in the clothing repair services industry is not high, but it is present. First you need to determine the number of studios in a specific area where you plan to organize a business. More accurate information can be obtained based on online maps on the Internet. It is enough to indicate the necessary request, and the system will display all establishments with their location address, opening hours and contact information.

Reference. Competitor is different from competitor. And this should be understood from the very beginning. Some studios are located in the courtyards of apartment buildings and have an area of ​​3–4 square meters. m and offer a minimum range of services. Others are in open areas and serve the bulk of the population. These are the competitors that should be taken into account.

To get more complete information, you can visit several points and find out:

  • cost and list of services;
  • room area;
  • type of equipment;
  • the number of employees;
  • demand;
  • schedule.

The information will help in organizing your own business, and will also clarify the situation regarding the competitiveness of the establishment.

Risks associated with opening an atelier:

  1. Lack of demand for services is typical for an unsuccessful location. The studio is relevant for residential areas of apartment buildings with developed infrastructure. If you open a business in the private sector or in the city center with a predominant location of office buildings, the number of clients will not increase even with high foot traffic.
  2. Long-term payback of the enterprise - the situation is also typical for the wrong location. In addition, competition affects a long payback period and low profits if there are 1-2 more studios nearby.
  3. Unprofitability – operating at a loss can only happen if there is no business plan or incorrect financial calculations. In other cases, the business can be organized in such a way that it will at least recoup the investment.

The atelier business plan is an important component. The strategy for starting your own business involves following each stage.

Starting a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Registration of activities

Clothes repair services do not require registration of a legal entity. A businessman just needs to open an individual entrepreneur, which is much simpler and more convenient. The cost of a license is 800 rubles (state fee). The period for processing documents is 5 days.

The main OKVED code is 93.5 (provision of services to the public). You can also choose several additional ones, for example 18.24 (sewing other clothes and accessories).

  • certificate of registration of business activity;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • agreement with the utility service on garbage and solid waste removal;
  • work books and contracts with employees;
  • emergency evacuation plan.

Search for premises

Basic requirements for studio space:

  • electrical network with voltage 380 V;
  • lighting in accordance with current sanitary standards, which is several times higher than the standard for residential buildings;
  • minimum area – 30 sq. m;
  • availability of communications - water supply, sewerage (obligatory - toilet and place for employees to eat).

Location is one of the main factors influencing the number of customers and profits. As an atelier, you can use the basement of an apartment building or the first floor rented out for non-residential use. The location will be successful if:

  • there are no competitors in the opening area;
  • there is a supermarket or shopping center nearby;
  • availability of parking;
  • overview of the building from several angles;
  • high traffic of people.

Purchase of equipment

To open an atelier, an entrepreneur needs to buy:

  1. Overlock.
  2. Sewing machine.
  3. Cutting table.
  4. Ironing board.
  5. Iron with steam generator.
  6. Mannequins.
  7. Tools for work (scissors, pins, etc.).
  8. Finished product hangers.
  9. Mirrors.
  10. Fitting room.
  11. Working furniture.
  12. Lamps for lighting.

In the future, we will need a direct-flow machine, hemming equipment, and a furrier machine for working with fur products.


At the start of opening an atelier, two sewing employees are enough. In the future, a cutter and seamstress will be needed for individual orders.

Personnel requirements:

  • specialized education or work experience - for clarity, you can conduct a small test;
  • neat appearance;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • honesty.

You can look for workers using advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, or among graduates of sewing courses.

Studio advertising: how to attract more customers and retain them?

The studio’s marketing plan provides for various ways to attract customers:

  1. Advertising on TV and radio - this option is relevant for large-scale businesses (premises area from 100 sq. m, 8–10 employees, target audience - the whole city). If you open a studio that is aimed only at residents of a specific area, you can exclude this method of advertising, since it is too expensive.
  2. Advertisements in newspapers and magazines are an excellent option for conveying information to the target audience, which does not require major expenses.
  3. Advertising on social networks reaches a wide audience and does not require large investments.
  4. Your own website is an effective method of promoting and promoting your business. On the website you need to indicate not only general information about the address and work schedule, but also provide a full list of services with prices, as well as post a portfolio of successful works. In addition, it would not be superfluous to add the possibility of online registration and calculation of the cost of services, taking into account discounts and bonuses for regular customers.
  5. Signposts are an effective method of advertising at the start of an opening. Signposts must be installed at intersections near the premises, as well as directly near the studio.
  6. Signboard – it should be bright and eye-catching, as well as clearly visible from different angles.

Company financial plan

Investments and operating expenses

At the start of organizing a business, the following expenses are provided (in rubles):

  • 10,000 – paperwork;
  • 70,000 – conclusion of a lease agreement and advance payment;
  • 100,000 – premises renovation;
  • 30,000 – production of a sign;
  • 25,000 – advertising;
  • 400,000 – purchase of equipment.

Result: 635,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses (in rubles):

  • 35,000 – rent of premises;
  • 60,000 – employee salaries;
  • 20,000 – utilities;
  • 20,000 – purchase of consumables.

Result: 135,000 rubles.

Income and profit calculation, payback and profitability of the project

The income of the studio depends on the number of clients per day and month. For example, the average number of people visiting the studio per day is 15. An approximate check varies from 500 to 1,000–1,500 rubles. Daily revenue will be 10–15 thousand rubles. Monthly – 300–450 thousand.

It is worth considering the seasonality of the business - before holidays and the change of seasons, people turn to the studio more often than at usual times. This is especially true on September 1, the transition from summer to autumn clothing, etc. At this time, the flow of customers increases significantly.

Net profit is calculated using a simple formula - mandatory expenses are subtracted from total income.

300,000-135,000=165,000 rubles.

Do not forget about tax deductions - minus 6%, thanks to which the net income is 155,100 rubles.

Profitability is the ratio of net income to dirty income, multiplied by 100%.

R=155 100/300 000*100=51%

Based on the calculations, the studio will pay for itself in 5–6 months. In practice, this period can increase to a year, because it takes time to promote a business. For the first 1–2 months there will not be as many clients as we would like. But in any case, the business will work in plus, which means it will pay for itself and generate a stable income.

A business plan plays a major role when organizing an atelier, because without a preliminary assessment of the actions it is impossible to say whether the business will be profitable or unprofitable. Financial calculations of investments and potential profits are always individual indicators, which are influenced by the locality, location, and methods of advertising the business.