Are you Russ? Working with text compiled from different sources. Working with text compiled from different sources

10th–11th grades

Work with text,
compiled from various sources

In Russian language lessons we often turn to texts - high school students analyze their content under the guidance of the teacher. As a rule, in the process of such work one text of one author is examined. We offer a more difficult task: working with a “false” text made up of excerpts from two works.

Pseudotext 1

Read the text.

I will repent. The title I came up with, “different-sounding, but equivalent,” is far from scientific immutability. He is just a silhouette, a rough outline of another type of verbal relationships - the phenomenon of synonymy. Concept synonyms has long been the subject of various linguistic interpretations. A wide variety of, often contradictory, considerations have been expressed in the linguistic literature about what a synonym is, what synonyms there are, how realistic this concept is at all, etc. Even the ancient Greeks drew attention to the property of the same words to express the same thought. The Romans advanced further. They saw in synonyms not only a means of replacing one word with another without compromising the meaning, but they were aware of the difference between them...

There are also various definitions synonyms. Synonyms are defined as words that have the same meaning, as words that denote the same concept or are capable of denoting the same object... Some consider synonyms words that, while naming the same phenomenon of reality, call it differently, give him some new semantic or emotional shades.

Questions and tasks

1. What linguistic phenomenon are the authors talking about?

2. Which fragments contain the same information, and therefore cannot belong to the same text?

3. Identify significant stylistic differences between these fragments.

4. Connect stylistically similar fragments to identify two source texts.

Explanation for the teacher.

For example, the 1st and 2nd sentences of the 3rd paragraph are written in a scientific style, and the next three sentences are written much more freely (even using the word elevenths).

For self-test

I will repent. The title I came up with, “different-sounding, but equivalent,” is far from scientific immutability. He is just a silhouette, a rough outline of another type of verbal relationships - the phenomenon of synonymy.

Even the ancient Greeks drew attention to the property of the same words to express the same thought. The Romans advanced further. They saw in synonyms not only a means of replacing one word with another without compromising the meaning, but they were aware of the difference between them...

And yet, until today, researchers have not developed a unified view on the synonymous nature of the word.

Some consider synonyms words that, while naming the same phenomenon of reality, call it differently, giving it some new semantic or emotional shades.

Others elevate only words with complete semantic identity to the rank of synonyms, such as hippopotamus - hippopotamus, linguistics - linguistics...

Some people believe that the wealth of synonyms is a problem for a language, as it makes it difficult to use...

What do we mean by synonyms? – you ask reasonably.

(E. Varatyan. Journey into the word)

Concept synonyms has long been the subject of various linguistic interpretations. A wide variety of, often contradictory, considerations have been expressed in the linguistic literature about what a synonym is, what synonyms there are, how realistic this concept is at all, etc.

There are also different definitions of synonyms. Synonyms are defined as words that have the same meaning, as words that denote the same concept or can denote the same thing...

(D.N. Shmelev. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary)

Pseudotext 2

Pseudotext 2 intertwines lines from the work of N.V. that you know. Gogol and the diary entry of A.A. Blok. “Unravel” this text by first answering the questions.


1. To whom are the different fragments addressed?

2. Which fragments differ in the authors’ attitude to the unstoppable running of the troika?

...Isn’t it also true for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? ...And then the quiet curtain of our doubts, contradictions, falls and madness rises: do you hear the gasping rush of the troika? Do you see her diving through the snowdrifts of the dead and deserted plain? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper chests and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. This is Russia flying to God knows where - into the blue-blue abyss times - on his disassembled and decorated three-piece. Do you see her starry nights with a prayer addressed to us: - Love me, love my beauty! Rus', where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to her... - But we are separated from her by this endless distance of time, this blue frosty haze, this snowy star network. - Who will make his way towards the flying troika along secret and wise paths, stop the lathered horses with a gentle word, and knock over the demonic coachman with a bold hand...

For self-test

...Isn’t it also true for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. Rus', where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it...

(N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

...And then the quiet curtain of our doubts, contradictions, falls and madness rises: do you hear the gasping rush of the troika? Do you see her diving through the snowdrifts of the dead and deserted plain? This is Russia flying to God knows where - into the blue-blue abyss of times - on its dismantled and decorated troika. Do you see her starry eyes with a prayer addressed to us: - Love me, love my beauty! “But we are separated from it by this endless distance of time, this blue frosty haze, this snowy star network. - Who will make his way towards the flying troika along secret and wise paths, stop the lathered horses with a gentle word, and knock over the demonic coachman with a bold hand...

(A.A. Block. Fragment from diary entries)

school number 553,

Ah, troika, troika, swift as a bird, who was it first invented by you?
Only among a hardy race of folk can you have come to birth - only in a land which, though poor and rough, lies spread over half the world, and spans versts the counting whereof would leave one with aching eyes.

Eh, three! bird three, who invented you? to know, you could only have been born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but has spread out smoothly across half the world, and go ahead and count the miles until it hits your eyes.

Nor are you a modishly-fashioned vehicle of the road- a thing of clamps and iron.
Rather, you are a vehicle but shaped and fitted with the ax or chisel of some handy peasant of Yaroslav.

And not a cunning, it seems, road projectile, not grabbed by an iron screw, but hastily, alive, with one ax and a chisel, the efficient Yaroslavl man equipped and assembled you.

Nor are you driven by a coachman clothed in German livery, but by a man bearded and mittened.
See him as he mounts, and flourishes his whip, and breaks into a long-drawn song!
Away like the wind go the horses, and the wheels, with their spokes, become transparent circles, and the road seems to quiver beneath them, and a pedestrian, with a cry of astonishment, halts to watch the vehicle as it flies, flies, flies on its way until it becomes lost on the ultimate horizon - a speck amid a cloud of dust!

The driver is not wearing German boots: he has a beard and mittens, and sits on God knows what; but he stood up, swung, and began to sing - the horses were a whirlwind, the spokes of the wheels mixed into one smooth circle, only the road trembled and the stopped pedestrian screamed in fright! and there she rushed, rushed, rushed!..
And you can already see in the distance how something is gathering dust and drilling into the air.

And you, Russia of mine - are not you also speeding like a troika which never can overtake?

Aren't you, Rus, like a brisk, unstoppable troika, rushing along?

Is not the road smoking beneath your wheels, and the bridges thundering as you cross them, and everything being left in the rear, and the spectators, struck with the portent, halting to wonder whether you be not a thunderbolt launched from heaven?

The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind.
The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky?

What does that awesome-inspiring progress of yours foretell?
What is the unknown force which lies within your mysterious steeds?

What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light?
Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses!
Are there whirlwinds in your manes?
Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours?

Surely the winds themselves must abide in their manes, and every vein in their bodies be an ear stretched to catch the celestial message which bids them, with iron-girded breasts, and hooves which barely touch the earth as they gallop, fly forward on a mission of God?

Russia Rus' bird troika Gogol Russia Rus Ptitsa Troika Gogol

Russia Rus' Bird Troika. Rus', where are you going? Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol Dead souls poem rare video rare video video HD Played by the wonderful Russian theater and film actor Leonid Diachkov Leonid Diachkov

Rus RussiaPtitsaTroika. Rus’ Kuda Nesioshsia Ty?! Russian writer Nickolai Gogol "Miortvye Dushi" the end of the 11th Chapter. rare video rare video video HD

High cultural heritage of the Russian people.

Beautiful methodological material for classes at school, lyceum or university on the topic

Russian literature of the 19th century, the history of Russia, patriotism, love of the motherland, human ideals in Russian culture, freedom, freedom, the vastness of the country, the future of Russia. Preparation for the Unified State Exam EGE . Preparation for entering a university.

Russia Rus' Bird Troika Gogol Dead Souls Rachmaninov 3rd concert

Russia Rus' Bird Troika Gogol Dead Souls Rachmaninov 3 concertaudio audio mp 3 An excerpt from a wonderful audio book based on the prose poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol “Dead Souls”.

Unfortunately, the annotation erroneously indicates the name of the reader (supposedly Mikhail Ulyanov, but this is not Ulyanov). If anyone recognizes the name of the reader, as well as the piece of music and its performer, which comes at the end of the audio play, please write who it is. Let the names of these wonderful performers be known.

Before the reading begins and as a musical paraphrase between the parts, a melody sounds, an excerpt from the Third Concerto for Piano and Orchestra by Sergei Rachmaninov. Piano part: genius pianist Vladimir Gorvits. This was one of the best performances of Sergei Rachmaninoff's 3rd concerto in history.

“Rus! Russia!.. What kind of incomprehensible secret force attracts you?! Why is your melancholy song heard and heard incessantly in your ears, rushing along your entire length and width, from sea to sea? What is in it, in this song? What calls, and sobs, and grabs the heart?!..Rus!..What incomprehensible connection is hidden between us?..”

N.V. Gogol . Dead Souls. Volume OneChapter Eleven (where to look in the text - this is an excerpt - part of the penultimate paragraph and the last paragraph of the 11th chapter)

Is it not so for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. Rus', where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it...

Take a glass.
- I took it!
- Now make him fall and see what happens to him.
- Well, he crashed, so what?
- Now ask for forgiveness and see if he becomes whole again..?

What is behind us and what is in front of us means so little compared to what is inside us.

Is it worth condemning someone?
For their mistakes in life and falls,
We all know how to fall, unfortunately.
Not everyone knows how to shake hands.

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure one more minute, do not retreat for anything: it is at such moments that the turning point in the struggle comes.

Victory does not give strength. Struggle gives strength. If you fight and don't give up, that's strength.

Remember - you, and only you, are responsible for your actions, and it’s up to you whether you can change your life!

You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my dear,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

You are nearby, but you could
You won't be able to meet each other at all.
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

Fall in love with your wife again
Yes, so that everyone becomes envious.
Take the blame
For all the wrinkles and grievances.
For the fact that life has passed with you
And she never changed.
Raised children, raised them,
And I always forgave your sins.
For the sad look, for the gray hair
And for sad fatigue.
Fall in love with your wife again
Like the one that remained in my youth...

One lively journalist, holding a notebook and pencil, asked Einstein:
- Do you have a notebook or notebook where you write down your great thoughts?
Einstein looked at him and said:
- Young man! Truly great thoughts come to mind so rarely that they are not difficult to remember.

You got used to her, she loved you.
I didn’t give her gifts or flowers,
Didn't tell her how beautiful she was
And that he is ready to do anything for her.

You were busy all the time. I was annoyed
When she cared, loving.
And even you never tried
Find out what her soul is screaming about.

She wanted to become unique
To become the most important thing in life for you,
But again, falling asleep, he sees his back,
And she really wants to look into your eyes.

And she really wants warmth and understanding,
A little affection and very simple care,
To give her a little attention,
At least on Sunday and Saturday.

She follows you even into the abyss,
And he won’t betray you in trouble, and will be there for you.
She wants to be useful to you
Greet you from work with dinner and tea.

You don’t value her, you don’t value her at all.
And you are not afraid of losing at all.
Oh, if only you knew how many people you refused,
So that she can fall asleep next to you...


Is it not so for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika?

“Isn’t it so for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. Rus', where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples step aside and give way to it” (“Dead Souls.” Chapter 11)