Method for gaining inner strength. How does the Inner Strength Method work? Dealing with your own fears

The mind gives rise to a desire, an image, a thought, a word, emotions (internal movement) - all these are forces with which the mind creates. The most powerful method to get what you need is the Method of Acquisition. Inner Strength, my first book is dedicated to him, with examples and exercises.

Wish. Desire, like any movement in a person, internal or external, must be born below, in the first center of love. You should always lean on the bottom, and not on the head. If the desire was born in the mind, then most likely it is out of pride or greed, so it will overturn over time.

Desire, rising up, includes desire in the middle, in the third, upper, center it takes shape in an image. Further, going down, the image receives will, at the very bottom it receives the strength to be embodied in life.

Image. The image - the edge - should be clear, you need to know exactly what you want. The image should give rise to movement, excitement, inspiration inside. It must include you, and it may be a symbol.

Limiting belief. Belief - refuge-deed - to run away / run away. It is a thought that limits you, prevents you from acting in order to get what you want to have. A person lives in beliefs as a refuge, they help him escape from life, from himself. Any limiting belief carries a denial.

A limiting belief may indicate a block or fear.

New thought. Thought - think - mind-merge - mind-strength. Thought connects you with the object, with life, with the world. Any new thought that you want to introduce into yourself involves a change in the way you look at the world, at people and at yourself. The thought must be precise, clear, for this you need to work on it, clothe it in clear words.

Word. If you have been speaking Russian since childhood, use Russian words in your thoughts. There is a storehouse in the mind where names are associated with images. Each image and pattern of behavior, each movement has its own name. Based on the right name, the mind knows exactly what it needs to have and turns on the right actions. Besides, the very name also creates. Foreign words and scientific terms translate the acting mind into an abstract, detached from life mind-ego, so at some point it may not recognize what is wanted from it, or it may begin to act in the wrong direction.

In life, if you want your speech to be understandable, strong, convincing, leading to a goal, use the Russian language. The abundance of foreign words in speech (sometimes the presence of even one word) makes it vague, so there is a risk that you will not get what you need.

Statement- the act is firmer, that is, it makes a support . The difference between a new thought and a statement is that a new thought changes your view of the world, creating a new vision of the world and, therefore, a worldview, and a statement determines the way you act in it.

The statement must be written, it must be short, to the point, it must include you, it must be in the present tense, it must be about changing you, not other people, it must sound appealing and inspiring. If you have broken the path into successive steps, then for each step make your own statement.


  1. Choose the area of ​​your growth/development (What do you want to change in yourself?).
  2. Reveal Your Limiting Beliefs Part I.
  3. Create a new idea for them.
  4. Determine your front line of growth.
  5. Create a statement II part.
  6. Create an image for yourself.
  7. Fill this image with an attractive force for you (How you might feel if you got what you want).

For example, I chose work with the body, you can choose relationships, work, love, etc.

  1. Start exercising.
  2. OU. I don't know where to start.
  3. N.M. Any progress forward depends on how much I like what I do. You should always start with what you like. I start doing what I like and do exactly as much as I like.
  4. You ask yourself what type of exercise you enjoy doing the most, how many minutes/hours a day you can dedicate to it, and how often you prefer to do it.
  5. Start doing gymnastics in the morning, on Monday and Thursday, for ten minutes.
  6. Every Monday and Thursday morning I do gymnastics for ten minutes.
  7. You draw to yourself an image of how you do gymnastics.
  8. You fill this image with emotions that arise after playing sports, after you have worked out well, when you have good mood and the body sings.

Work this Method on an inner impulse and do not become attached to the result. Everything you dream of will come true, sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes it takes decades.

You can make your life the way you want it to be. Everything you have in your life right now is the result of your thoughts. In other words, you have now in life what you thought about, consciously or subconsciously, a day ago, two days ago, a month, a year or ten years ago.

For example, you are currently reading a book. You thought about reading it - no matter how much you thought about it, but you thought. You thought and wanted to move to a new apartment, and you moved. You thought or feared that you would be left, and now you are alone, or you will be left alone if you do not change your thoughts and free yourself from the fear of loneliness. Like attracts like. You can change your life at any moment if you change your thoughts. You can start changing your life right now. After some time, perhaps very soon, you will get the results of your new thoughts on the physical plane.

If this does not happen, therefore, somewhere on a subconscious level there is resistance - you do not want this to enter your life. Start to explore yourself, and you will find the answer, where lies the rejection of the new reality.

One woman really wanted to sell the car, she simply did not need it. She already had buyers who had been waiting for several weeks for her to get everything ready for sale. The day came when they came for the car. But as soon as they left the gate, this woman felt insanely sorry for her car, she was sorry to part with it. The next day, the buyers called her, saying they weren't taking the car.

One man wanted to buy a new car to replace his old, used one. The old one was fifteen years old, and he would like to buy a car that would be three to five years old. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find the money for this purchase. At some point, he realized that something was preventing him from doing this. When he analyzed what was happening, he realized that, figuratively speaking, he was changing the awl for soap. The engine of the old car and all its running gear were almost new - they were only about two years old - only the body was old. The difference was only appearance. And he realized that he already had a new car and he did not need anything else. This was the acceptance of a new reality.


The Method of Acquiring Inner Strength is a specific method of working with psychic energy, the energy of thought. If we talk about the roots of the origin of this method, then they originate in the East, and specifically in Tibet, which is famous for its knowledge of human capabilities and methods of working with thought. When the Chinese invaded Tibet in the late fifties, the lamas from the monasteries traveled all over the world, bringing knowledge to different countries.

This method helps to learn how to change thoughts and fill them with energy so that they can accumulate strength and push out old patterns. By learning how to change your thoughts, you have the key to your life in your hands. The mastery of thinking is one of the stages of our spiritual growth, one of the tasks that we must solve on earth.

In your life, you have already resorted to this method more than once. Each of us, in one way or another, used this method to solve our problems. But you used it intuitively, not knowing that you were learning to work with your own thought. You will understand this when we start describing the method. The time has come to learn how to use it consciously, using the power of psychic energy as fully as possible.

Before going directly to the method, I want to return to the word "fear" once again. Some people, especially men, prefer to replace the word “fear” with words such as “worry”, “anxiety”, “belief”, etc. In the end, all this is a word game, an escape from the problem. With deep self-examination, we will still come to such a basic concept as fears - fears about our own survival, fears about our well-being, loss of dignity, and so on. Do not be afraid to name the problem directly, it will help a lot in working with it.

The method is divided into two stages:

Working with your own fears - identifying and neutralizing fears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in which you would like to make changes.

Materialization of thought on the physical plane.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

1. Dealing with your own fears.

In our internal dialogue with ourselves, we rarely use the word fear. Most often, fears manifest their existence in the form of certain thoughts that we say to ourselves and which relate to the assessment of ourselves, the world around us, or the reasons why we do not want to act. First, as a rule, there is chatter of the mind in the form of some kind of complaints, accusations, just incoherent thoughts. If you stop this chatter, be honest with yourself and take a serious interest in what is behind it, you will come up with concrete thoughts that will in some way reflect your fears. It's like an iceberg with the upper part hidden in fog - this is the chatter of our mind. If you clear the fog, the surface part will open - this is your idea. But the main fear is hidden under water - in the subconscious. Catching yourself on a particular thought that bothers you, you can identify one of your basic fears from it. It can be reached with the help of questions “Why?” and “What will happen if?…” and continue to work with him, either by releasing him, or using this method. With the Inner Strength Method, it is as if you are cutting off the tip of the iceberg, allowing the next part of the subconscious fear to rise to the surface of consciousness. So you gradually approach the base. To free yourself from fear, you need to make some efforts, but do not be embarrassed by this. I assure you that the results will exceed all expectations. Fear and the situations and problems associated with it will leave your life forever.

Limiting beliefs are thoughts that hinder our actions in this world and are actually fear blocks. Such thoughts are inherent in all people without exception. It's like a cage in which limiting beliefs are the bars, and you sit behind those bars. If you do not find anything like this in yourself, this does not mean that you are perfect - it only means that you need to take a closer look at yourself. This is a very strong trap - closing your eyes, telling yourself that everything is fine. By saying this, you cut off the path to solving the problem by masking it.

As already mentioned, programming occurs in childhood. We form thoughts and beliefs under the influence of parents, school, society, the environment in which we grow up, religion. All this forms our worldview.

2. Materialization of thought on the physical plane.

Let's see how our thoughts are formed. If you grew up in a family where, for example, there was always not enough money, you still do not have enough money. If you grew up in a communal apartment, you usually continue to live in a communal apartment. If your parents divorced when you were a child, you are also seeking a divorce or are already divorced. If the girl's father drank, the husband also starts drinking.

Childhood images have a particularly strong influence on family relationships. If the wife is stronger than her husband, she will inevitably make of him what her father was to her mother. If a husband is stronger than his wife, he will make of her what his mother was to his father. It's just a matter of time and human energy - sooner or later a thought materializes on the physical plane. And there's nothing to be done here. To deal with this, we must recognize the laws by which thought operates. Only by working with our own thoughts can we make life the way we want it to be.

The experience of childhood is imprinted in our cellular memory, and we begin to live the lifestyle of parents; as adults, we inevitably model the environment of our childhood. In the first years of a person's life, almost all the keys to what is happening to him now are hidden. Only desire and intention can change life.

The American dream of becoming a shoe-shine millionaire has a very specific basis. The people who managed to do this really wanted to change their karma to live in poverty. A strong desire overcame the programming they received as children, observing and imbibing the lifestyle of their family. They created new mental images and escaped from poverty. This is how thought works.

I have a question for you:

If you formed almost all of your views as a child, having learned the thoughts of your parents and the society in which you lived, then what / what are you really like? What is your real face?

It does not matter who from your family and when committed an act that brought a certain karma on you. If you sincerely want to change your life, you can change it at any time. It is only necessary to notice that something is happening to you, and start asking yourself: “What should / should I understand from this situation?”. And the answer will come, sooner or later it will come. Look for the answer to your question. Never stop trying to get out of a situation you don't like. Although it doesn't always have to be an effort in the literal sense of the word. Sometimes you need to learn to be soft, to yield, to obey. Remember, this is a lesson you are learning. The solution to the problem can come at any time. Be open and believe.

There are many areas where we form beliefs that affect our lives. I invite you to deal with beliefs relating to the following issues: personal responsibility; self-esteem; Universe; positive attitude; change. It is clear that the line between topics is very arbitrary and often the same belief can be attributed to several areas at the same time. This only once again emphasizes that everything is connected inside us and it is impossible to solve the problem by changing any one area of ​​​​our life. Change must go in parallel on all fronts.


The internal state of a person to a large extent depends on the assessment and opinion of the people around him. It can be argued that until we ourselves learn to value ourselves, our life and psychological state are determined precisely by these two factors.

Why do you need an assessment / opinion of the people around you?

What do you say to yourself when faced with a particular situation? I mean, how honestly do you evaluate yourself, your abilities, your intelligence, your ability to act, etc., when faced with a situation? As a rule, your self-esteem is either very low or very high.

Why do you need to evaluate yourself?

What do you want to prove to yourself?

By honestly answering these questions, you will come out on your blocks.

Rarely, very rarely, one can meet a person who would objectively assess his own strengths. To achieve this, you need to do a lot of inner work. And it should be noted that after this, the assessment of oneself and one's activity generally disappears from the lexicon of a person. He just does it and he succeeds. But in order to reach this state, it is necessary to clearly identify your fears and erroneous beliefs.

In the case of high self-esteem, after an honest analysis of one's beliefs, a very unflattering opinion of oneself will be found deep inside. And it's completely natural. What were we usually told about our abilities as children, when we were just learning to live in this world? Do you remember? Adults enjoy their knowledge, the fact that they are very smart and know a lot compared to children. They are annoyed that the child cannot learn the lesson the first time.

By the way, an interesting question:

Why do you get irritated when you meet with misunderstanding?

Remember. If we don't like something in others, then it is present in us. The outside reflects the inside. Like attracts like. That's right! This is what you yourself met in childhood. This is what lives in you until now: a subconscious conviction of your own inferiority, those assessments that you, as a child, received regarding yourself, your activities, mind and knowledge. You met with this either at home, or at school, or both there and there.

As you grow up, you continue to carry those values ​​with you. They have become part of you. Other people's assessments of your performance become your own assessments! As you grow up, you subconsciously continue to articulate the beliefs that have been instilled in you and, in doing so, attract the appropriate situations to you.

You do not like the fact that the child shows you your face (but this is not your true face, this is your opinion of yourself, obtained from contacts with adults when you were a child), however, in the adult world you see confirmation of a subconsciously negative self-assessment and their merits. You are once again trapped in your thoughts. You are always on your guard and in the completely neutral words of others you immediately see a negative assessment. Even when you are praised, you do not believe what they tell you, or you believe, but with a certain degree of doubt. You look at the world through negative self-esteem.

In the next article, we will talk about how you feel about changes in your life. Are you happy with them or are you afraid that they will bring something bad? This is a very important question. Ultimately, it is he who decides whether you make your life the way you want it to be or not.

I wish everyone happiness!

    Start exercising.

    O. W. I don't know where to start.

    N.M. I start doing what I like, and I do exactly as much as I like.

You ask yourself what type of exercise you enjoy doing the most, how many minutes/hours a day you can dedicate to it, and how often you prefer to do it. In addition to active exercises, it can also be yoga, relaxation meditation, etc.

    Start doing gymnastics in the morning, on Monday and Thursday for ten minutes.

    Every Monday and Thursday morning I do gymnastics for ten minutes.

    You draw to yourself an image of how you do gymnastics.

    You fill this image with emotions that arise after playing sports, after you have worked out well, when you are in a great mood and your body sings.

Be careful when choosing your exercise routine. Don't listen to anyone, listen only to yourself. Do not share your plans with anyone and do not start classes until you have accumulated enough inner strength for desire to lead you. In the first case, people may make unfortunate jokes on you or criticize your plans, and your power will be dissolved. People often don't know what they are doing. In the second case, you can simply re-exercise and thereby discourage yourself from continuing to play sports further. Pull in gradually. Let it take a year or more. Ultimately, you will win.

Whatever you put your mental attention on gets fed, remember we talked about that? If you constantly tell yourself that you don't have enough money, you really won't have enough. If you tell yourself you don't have money, you really never will. If you constantly convince yourself of this and put appropriate, negative emotions into the thought form (and they always exist, because the lack of money is not a very pleasant thing), you will nourish this thought form, it will gain strength, more and more manifesting itself outside, everything often creating situations in which you will feel the lack of money.

Money won't come just because you don't like the lack of it. They will come to you if you love their presence, respect them, enjoy them and love to help yourself and your loved ones.

During one of the lectures, a woman told me how once upon a time, purely spontaneously, obeying some inner impulse, she took out a wallet from her pocket, scooped out a trifle, crumpled three-ruble notes, fives, and began to smooth them and fold them neatly, affectionately saying: "How good you are, how I love you, my dear." After that, according to her, she never thought about money again, she always had it, and if it ran out, after five minutes someone would come up to her and pay off some long-forgotten debt. She continued to work as an engineer, she had and has exactly as much money as she needs for a quiet life.

One man told how, having received the money, he did not lend his comrade, regretting and coming up with an excuse that he also badly needed them. An hour later, he lost exactly the amount that he was asked to borrow.

Many people say at seminars: “Well, I love having money! Money is good! "That's not true, that's what your mask says," I tell them. And indeed, when we begin to analyze together their thoughts about money, it turns out that they have a lot of prejudices. If a person has negative beliefs in the sphere of money, these thoughts begin to be realized, attracting appropriate situations. If a person does not accept money in one way or another, he will definitely choose a job where he will be paid very little, while in another place he is paid two or three times more for the same work. Mystic, isn't it? However, we have already seen that this is how thought works.

In the sphere of money, as, indeed, in any other sphere of life, it is important to learn how to switch your thinking to the positive. And this can be difficult to do, because we get used to thinking in a certain way and beaten paths are laid in us in which thoughts flow.

Do you accept well-being? A simple question that I would like to answer in the affirmative. But it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let's do a very simple exercise. Close your eyes, relax, go inside yourself and ask this question. What answer came to you first? What feeling rose up in you at first? .. That's right, you do not accept well-being. I have not yet met a person who would answer that he fully accepts well-being.

The answers are very different, starting with “No, I don’t accept it” and ending with “Yes, I accept it, but it may eventually disappear from my life.” These are the thoughts that are present in us, and they, of course, develop on the physical plane. Even if you have a prosperous life, having a doubt that this will not last will attract a situation where your life will change and you will experience difficulties. And this happens not only with money. You can ask yourself this question in any other area of ​​life and get more or less similar answers. The amazing thing is, people strive for well-being with all their might, but they themselves do not accept it.

Well, what to do? You already know the answer for a long time - start to examine your beliefs in the field of money and replace them with new thoughts.

How much money can you take into your life? You will again answer: "The more, the better." And again you are lying. You take only as much as your thoughts will allow you to. The rest will either be lost or squandered in such a way that you will then shrug, not knowing where all the money has gone. After all, it happened so often when you received (unexpectedly for yourself) a bonus or you were returned a debt that you had long forgotten about and stopped hoping that it would be returned to you. And by the way, did you notice that when you had money, suddenly there appeared next to you those who urgently and urgently needed this or that amount of debt? Why do you think this is happening? .. This is your “homework assignment”.

And now, let's do a little exercise to determine the maximum amount of money that you can let into your life. It will be about the money that you can earn in a month. So close your eyes and relax. Now draw a horizontal or vertical line in your mind's eye. Start putting down risks on it, marking them with the numbers "50,000 rubles", "100,000 rubles", 150,000 rubles, etc. You can enter the numbers you want. You can put them down in any currency convenient for you. Do this until you get to a number that makes you feel like a thought or feeling. Now go down a bit and see if you accept the lower number.

You have now received your ceiling, the amount of money that you can bring into life within a month. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to earn more money, money will not come to you, and if it does, you will throw it off, spend it on some trifles. Remember, this has happened before.

If you could not reach the ceiling or you got a huge amount, this means that you do not have enough love and attention in life, you do not believe that you can find all this from the people around you. Therefore, you seek to compensate for the lack of love with money and material things. But this, as you have already noticed, does not work. You can have a lot of money and a bunch of all kinds of personal and real estate - this will not replace true love. Learn to see love around you, learn to accept it in your life.

A huge amount can also turn out when you work with large amounts of money. Try to disengage from work and do this exercise again to get the true information. You've probably figured out by now that thoughts like "more is better" and "less is better" don't work. At the moment, there is a specific amount that you can let into your life, and this is the reality that you will have to deal with for a while.

Can this number change? Of course it can. As you grow, it will increase or decrease. It all depends on the task that your higher self has set for itself. Some came into this world to work with large amounts of money, for example, bankers, businessmen, and others - with small ones. Were the saints whose lives you read about poor? Never. They had everything they needed. They considered themselves rich. When a person gains wisdom, his estimates of wealth and poverty shift.

Wisdom is to stop playing more or less games, stop complaining about life and government, and analyze your thoughts in the field of money and start building life the way you want it to be, calmly accepting the lessons that you will pass.

Also, two more misconceptions are very popular among people, and in particular "Money is good" and "Money is bad." Money is neither good nor bad, it is a neutral force that takes on the coloration of good or evil depending on the level of development of the owner. With the help of money you can save: people, with their help you can kill. If you think that money is bad, take it into your own hands and do good! If you think that bankers and businessmen are swindlers and grabbers who row everything for themselves, take the money into your own hands! Learn how to earn and direct them to the construction of charity homes, orphanages, schools, churches. Anywhere, but just do not play the game "bad-good", justifying your inaction. In doing nothing, justifying yourself and blaming others for your failures, you thereby deny your own creative potential, you do not allow it to be realized, and this leads to sad consequences, you can destroy yourself as a person.

A person can deprive himself of well-being in a variety of ways. I would like to give the most illustrative example of how the people of Russia are unanimously "planting" their economy, thereby preparing for themselves a far from radiant future. We will talk again about thought forms, which, I remind you, have the ability to manifest themselves on the physical plane. That is their nature.

You have noticed how fashionable it has become to call rubles “wooden” now. Every time you tell yourself that you have "wooden" hands, you destroy your well-being. What do you do when you don't appreciate something or you don't need it? You are throwing this thing away. Likewise, you don't accept rubles if it's an offer to make some money, or you dump them because you don't think they're worth anything. You will never have enough money as long as you treat it this way. Or they will leak out of your life in the most unexpected ways.

I liked one episode from the movie The Magnificent Seven. One man was offered a job to destroy the gang and promised to pay him twenty dollars. He was usually paid several hundred dollars for such work that risked his life. But he agreed to such a low payment, noting that now he has no money at all and no other offers. He lets money into his life.

Calling rubles “wooden”, you also help to form a collective thought-form, because at the same time as you, many more repeat this nonsense. As a result, you are surprised and indignant why the ruble has not yet stabilized, why the economy is in decline. Our country is a big living being that will experience problems if the people who inhabit it have erroneous thoughts.

Money is the most amazing tool that a person has come up with to work with himself. They permeate literally every area of ​​our lives. You are dealing with them every minute. Try to imagine at least something where money does not penetrate. This is impossible. With the help of money a person can rise to the heights of the spirit, with the help of money he can fall into the very depths of hell. First of all, every time you deal with money, you have to deal with yourself.

What do you think and feel when you have money? What if there is a lot of money? What if they don't exist at all?

What do you think and feel when you are bought? When are you selling? And when you yourself buy someone or sell? ..

What do you think or feel when you have been lied to? What if you cheated on someone?

If you feel sorry for lending money, paying for some services rendered to you, paying salaries, what exactly do you think and feel then? ..

You can ask a lot of questions, and they will all have to do with what is going on in your soul. Be honest with yourself. Don't hide, don't look away. People are all the same, and they face the same problems. To honestly look at what is happening is your chance to shed light on the dark recesses of your soul. This is a chance to find peace and harmony in the soul.

In order to have money, you must know the exact amount you need. For money, the image is the exact amount or figure. It is the figure that is imbued with strength and emotion. Thoughts such as “enough” or “how much will be, everything is fine” do not work in the field of money. Rather, they work, in the sense that you will receive the minimum amount to be enough for food, no more. If you want to implement some plans, you must know exactly what you will spend money on and how much you need. Then this amount will come to you.

One man decided to take a one and a half month course. For this period, he had to leave work, but he had no other sources of income, and he had to feed his family. And what do you think happened? As soon as he firmly decided to go to these courses, they called him and offered him a job for exactly one and a half months. He had to take a person on business and bring him back twice a week. In general, it took two hours a week. And they paid him for it as much as he would earn in a normal daily job.

How is the amount calculated? You need to make a list of what, for example, you want to spend money on next year. This list may include money for the maintenance of the house, for paying for the education of children, for recreation, for the purchase of necessary furniture, for unforeseen expenses, etc. Next to each column, enter the required amount. Having summed up everything, you will receive the required amount that you will need next year. With this figure, you can already work on the Method of Acquiring Inner Strength. Remember that the amount must be saturated with specific positive emotions associated with the acquisition of the thing you need.

In money there is such a thing as an equivalent. For example, you want to go somewhere to relax, but there is no money for the trip. You keep postponing and postponing vacations trying to make money. And at this time, a friend comes to you, who persistently offers to relax at his dacha. But you don't want to accept the offer, you're fixated on the idea of ​​going somewhere. You keep working to save money for the trip. As a rule, this does not work. You missed the chance to rest, you are even more tired, even more angry at the world in which you cannot really take a break from business.

Another example. You want to have an operation that is expensive, but you don't have the money you need to pay for it. At this moment, some recipes of traditional medicine are brought to you. But you refuse them, you need money to do the operation.

One more example. You want to trade away from the center to be closer to friends and have fresh air in the room. At this time, a friend comes to you and offers to go out of town for the weekend. You agree and go with him. Next week he again offers to go out of town. Gradually, this becomes a habit, and every weekend you enjoy nature, leaving with friends in the forest. You got what you needed - fresh air, communication with nature and with friends.

That's why I say, at any moment of time, at any point in space, you can find any amount of money or any thing that you need. You just need to not get attached to your thoughts and let in an alternative. The universe is abundant. It has everything to meet our needs. We must learn to see this abundance and accept it.

Or maybe you already got what you wanted a long time ago, you just don’t see it yet, being attached to the form, and not to the content? ..

One woman complained that she had no money. She really didn't have any. At the same time, she paid ninety thousand rubles a month for the parking of a car that had been in an accident and could not be restored. She had no way of selling it. My wife advised her to give this car to someone. When she did that, she naturally had money, she didn't have to pay any more parking fees. Money is always there, but you have to be able to see it and let it into your life.

Often the higher self does not allow huge amounts of money to enter our lives, because large amounts can spoil us. Money is a great power, it can subjugate a person if he has not yet developed the skills to work with large sums. But since we still need to satisfy our needs, we need to live, grow spiritually and develop, our higher self sends us substitutes for money in the form of this or that help. And our business is to learn to notice these equivalents.

Especially often money comes to us (sometimes just in a mystical way) when we need to satisfy spiritual needs. This may be buying some books, attending courses, studying, etc. In these cases, they simply "fall on our heads" from nowhere. The same thing happens when we need to solve some everyday issue, which at the moment is a stumbling block for later life. It can be buying a car, a summer house, an apartment. In such cases, we want and intend to have this money and things, and they come to us. In other cases, no matter how much we insist that we need money, they will stand by until we go through some next lesson. The desire and intention to have money or some thing is of paramount importance here.

One woman wanted to exchange an apartment in order to leave her mother, but no matter what steps she took, the exchange did not work out, and the parents themselves prevented it. She constantly asked herself what was stopping her from exchanging an apartment? One day she thought about how her parents feel about the exchange, and realized that they are very lonely and suffer from it. When she understood their pain and felt compassion for them, her mother approached her and offered to take the exchange into her own hands. After that, the woman was able to get through the right people, and the exchange went. It didn't work out for her because she had to take a lesson in compassion.

One more example. One woman wanted to sell her mother's old fur coat and spend the money on some of her needs. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. Finally, she understood what was the matter - her mother kept saying that she would like to save this money for a "rainy day", and she, not hearing this, wanted to spend it on herself. When she decided that she would put the proceeds from the sale in the bank, the fur coat immediately sold.

Money can go in a variety of ways. Each of us has gone through these situations. The main lessons that we are learning are to learn not to be greedy, to understand that in this world there is love and abundance for all. We must learn to wish well-being to other people, even if they are competitors, not to envy other people's success - this is one of the main lessons of life. Money may not come to you because you may not have gone through this lesson yet. After passing it, you will open to even greater well-being.

Ask yourself what qualities or higher feelings you would experience if you had enough money. You would probably experience a sense of peace, self-confidence, a sense of openness to life. What, besides money, could bring these feelings into your life? You must have some business, doing which you would experience the same feelings. Start doing this right now. Set aside time for it, don't put it off until later. By doing this, you will let higher feelings into your life, you will become attractive to money.

And now it's time to analyze your thoughts that prevent the arrival of money.

O.W. Money will spoil me.

O. W. Let's be honest: I can't have as much money as I want.

Your O.A.: _________________________________________________________________________________

Define your new thoughts in the area of ​​money.

O. W. Money is far from spirituality.

NM: Money helps me reach my spiritual goal.

O.W. Money will spoil me.

NM: I need to develop spiritually in order to take on the responsibility of having money and working with it. I commit myself to the spiritual path.

O. W. Dealing with money matters is inconvenient and time consuming.

NM Dealing with the issue of money, I grow spiritually, learning to live and act harmoniously in the real world.

O. W. Let's be honest: I won't have as much money as I want.

NM: I changed life in other areas, I can change it here too.

O. W. I have to fight to make money.

NM: I open up to money and allow it to freely and easily come into my life.

O. W. If I have money, it will bring a lot of anxiety into my life and throw me off balance.

N. M. I let change into my life and learn to find balance in any situation.

O.W. Money comes (got) me too easily, I don't feel worthy/deserving of it.

N. M. I accept this gift of well-being given to me by life and use it for the benefit of myself and other people.

A. W. My/my spouse earns money and I feel that it is not mine and I have no right to spend it.

N. .M. I invest energy in creating well-being in other areas of our life together, we share the fruits of our creative work.

O. W. I am constantly short of money.

NM: I am learning to accept what is at the moment. The universe is abundant. I always have enough money.

I will not give an example here of the Method of Acquiring Inner Strength. It is clear that if you want money to start flowing into your life, you must discover how you do not let it in and form a new thought form. And concrete actions (points 4-7) can already lie in any other sphere of life. Of course, your creative work plays a paramount role here.

Creativity is what we come into this life for. Only by creating, a person becomes like the Higher Power that created this world. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to make dreams come true. Do not doubt for a minute that what you have a soul for, you will definitely fulfill, even if it will take you decades. We are created in such a way that when we begin to make dreams come true, the Universe itself helps us. Creating, doing what we love, we gradually reveal our potential, and love and harmony of life enter our souls. Then the result becomes unimportant, we begin to enjoy the very process of creativity.

Remember how you felt when you finished something. Yes, there was satisfaction, but there was also a state similar to devastation. And when did you get true pleasure? When they did.

The most important thing for a person is to find a favorite thing and do it. When you do what you love, there is love in your life that illuminates everything around you, which brings a sense of life and joy to everyone around you. You get pleasure from life.

It often happens that people do things that they do not like at all. They hate their job or, at best, treat it with indifference. If you hate your job, you bring hatred and other negative emotions into your life, and this somehow affects all other areas of your life and health. Learn to be grateful for work. After all, it brings you the opportunity to earn money and feed yourself and your family. By doing this, you will begin to bring positive emotions into your life, which, in turn, will also attract positive things to you.

And start looking for what you love. Ask yourself: “What would I do/do if I had enough money to live on?” This is usually referred to as work for the soul. Start doing it right now. Don't delay. Set aside at least an hour for this. Doing what you love will bring you harmony, peace and love. It often happens that a hobby develops into a main job that brings satisfaction from life and money. If you don’t have time after your main job to do what you love, analyze why you can’t single it out and ruthlessly remove these obstacles. In the end, everyone will benefit from such an act.

It often happens that the work is very pleasant, but it does not bring enough money. It is not work that does not bring, it is you who do not let money into your life.


Or you think to yourself that your hobby will never make you money. Stop! Pay attention to what you think! This is already a limiting belief, you are already starting to model the situation. Your favorite activity is not intended to immediately bring you financial well-being. It is designed to bring higher feelings, positive emotions into your life, which will then attract money. When? Time will show. Engage in a hobby for the highest moments of creativity, do not aim for the fact that it will bring you money over time, otherwise you risk falling into the trap of lust.

It often happens that at the age of about thirty-five a person changes his profession to, as a rule, lying in a completely different area of ​​​​his life. This is a normal phenomenon, and this tendency, it seems to me, is inherent in all people. Don't be afraid to take this step. Everything around is already prepared to support you at this difficult moment of transition to new life. It is very possible that the rapid surge of all kinds of diseases at the age of about forty is caused, among other things, by the fact that people did not accept change when they had such an opportunity. But it's never too late to start. Most importantly, start doing what you love.

And remember, thought creates. Everything you want you will have. If you paint yourself the job you want to have, specifying as many details as possible, you will get it if you do not turn away from your dream. I know many people who got what they wanted when they went that route. There were even cases when people got exactly what they wanted, even the furnishings, the color of the wallpaper and the view from the window matched.

Examine your limiting beliefs about work.

O. W. I don't like the job or the people I work with.

Your O.W.: __________________________________________________________________________________

Compose new thoughts on your limiting beliefs.

O. W. I won't be able to find a job that I like and get enough money for.

NM: My thoughts and qualities attract the work that suits me best at the moment. Working on myself allows me to create what I like.

O. W. The job I like doesn't make enough money.

NM: By improving relations with the outside world and letting money into my life, I find a job that brings sufficient income.

O. W. I don’t like my job, but I’m afraid to change it, suddenly I won’t find another one.

NM: There is always a job in this world that is meant for me. I find what I like.

O. W. The work I love is very time consuming. I was completely detached/detached from my family.

N. M. I organize my working day so that I have enough time for my family and for doing other necessary things.

O. W. I am afraid to change jobs, although I earn little from it. We have such a good team. We are all so friendly.

NM The team is wonderful, but I need to improve my living conditions. I believe that on new job I will have even better relations with the team.

O. W. I do not like the job or the people I work with, although the pay and working conditions are excellent.

NM: I find positive features in my work. I take a step towards people, accepting and forgiving their shortcomings.

O. W. The best thing is to work less and get more.

NM: Such an attitude to work and money destroys the soul. I find work that brings pleasure, the joy of creativity and enough money.

Your N.M.: __________________________________________________________________________________

The method of gaining inner strength is based on working with thought. What thoughts a person has inside, then he has in his life. What thoughts a person has inside, so he acts, going towards the goal. Outer equals Inner.
We invite you to work with your thoughts if you want to change something in your life. Let's start with how to create images. After all, before you get something, you draw images for yourself. Before you begin to act, you also draw images of how you will act. A MAN IS LEADING THROUGH LIFE BY THE IMAGES he creates.
Every person now has in his life what he once drew for himself. Each person has in his life what he wanted to receive and firmly said to himself: "I have it!" - statement.
1. The image should evoke positive feelings in you. The image should be such that when you see it, you would like to act.
2. The image should look like a freeze frame or film.
3. The image must include you.
4. Complex images can be replaced by symbols.
5. What you want comes into life sooner if you play in your image, as children do. By playing, children learn to create and own. Why don't adults play?

1. The statement must be written - a must!
2. The affirmation must carry positive feelings.
3. The statement must be brief.
4. The statement must be specific.
5. The statement must be attractive to you.
6. The statement must be formulated in the PRESENT TENSE.
7. The statement must include you.
8. The statement should be about changing you, not other people.
9. Approval must be at the forefront of growth. The frontier is the first step that must be taken on the way to the goal.

Note: The difference between a New Thought and an Affirmation is that a new thought changes your LOOK at the world, creating a new VISION of the world and, consequently, WORLD UNDERSTANDING, and the statement determines the WAY of ACTION in it.
Your thoughts establish the appearance and outline of what is to be created - the image - and the feelings and movements of the soul imbue them with strength and move them from your inner world to the outer.
The stronger the motive movement of the soul, the faster you create what you think about.
Intent guides your thoughts and feelings, helping you focus on what you want to have until you get it.

First part:
1. Choose the area of ​​your growth/development (What do you want to change IN YOURSELF?)
2. Reveal your limiting beliefs
3. Create a New Thought for Them
Our thoughts turn into limiting beliefs when they prevent us from seeing and accepting other sides of reality.
Our thoughts turn into limiting beliefs when they deprive us of the power and ability to act in the direction we need.
Limiting beliefs are our thoughts that make it impossible for us to take action.
Second part:
4. Determine your front line of growth - the first step.
5. Create a claim.
6. Create an image for approval.
7. Fill this image with an attractive force for you (What will you feel if you get what you want to have).
1. Pick any problem in your life. Ask yourself: "What thoughts of mine created this state of affairs?" List them. When you discover a limiting belief, you will have a very definite feeling, as if you are in a closed space from which there are no exits, and you have nowhere to get the strength to change the existing state of affairs.
2. Write a new thought for him. When you discover the right thought, you will have the feeling that a new future is opening up before you, bright and light.
1. Limiting belief.
2. New thought.
3. First step.
4. Statement that leads.
5. An image that inspires.