What is dropshipping and how to make money on it? We invite you to cooperate on the terms of drop shipping - Drop shipping free! Only own drop shipping products

Fashionable, often seen, but not entirely clear to many, the term dropshipping promises an opportunity to create a profitable business without making any investments. That is an almost unbelievable chance for aspiring entrepreneurs in our time. It takes "zero" money, a little time, Internet access and a computer, a little effort and that's it!

There are many resources offering to become a member of the team, organize your own online store, and they give you a ready-made template (you only need to pay a small amount), which will become a kind of showcase of goods from the database (also provided), and earn a profit. Already today!

Everything is so tempting that there is an acute desire to try immediately. Dropshipping is positioned as an option where it is easy and in the metropolis. In general, a universal "tablet" of earnings. But is everything so good in this type of entrepreneurship? Are there pitfalls? Are there any real examples of dropshippers getting rich? Does it really require no investment? And really, how do you get started?

Dropshipping in detail

The dropshipping scheme is simple, it involves three people - the seller, the supplier and the buyer. It is distinguished from classical trade by the direct shipment of goods to the client from the supplier, where the link of the seller himself, who accepts money, is not involved. Here you can put an equal sign between dropshipping and mediation.

If we make a brief digression into recent history, then the algorithm does not seem so innovative. After the collapse of the USSR and the legalization of private business, firms and firms began to appear throughout the post-Soviet space, which were engaged exclusively in mediation. They were looking for a product and a client for it, took an advance payment from the latter, purchased the necessary products and made a shipment or holiday to the buyer. At its core, dropshipping is an updated "rehash" of an old idea. The only change is in the instrumentation. Today, the intermediary has come to the aid of the Internet as a way of communication, and the policy of a separate category of suppliers has changed somewhat, they are happy to work through dropshippers and give them certain benefits.

What are the advantages?

Although there are not so many of them, they are also essential to consider the scheme:

  • indeed, for the purchase of goods, own funds are not needed, the client's money is used;
  • there are suppliers who actively use such a trading scheme.

Are there any downsides to dropshipping?

There are many more “pitfalls” here, and overcoming them can negate all the advantages of building your own business in this way:

  • To take an advance payment from a client, you need to be convincing, that is, the seller must have at least some kind of Internet resource, let it be a business card site or a one-page landing, but funds are still needed to create it. This means that zero investment will not work.
  • To find a customer who is ready to say goodbye to the "n" amount of money paid to the seller, you need to advertise the product. That is, already non-zero investments increase.
  • To find products for sale, you need to take care of finding suppliers. And here a new set of difficulties arises. It requires a product that is highly competitive in terms of demand and price, as well as loyal working conditions with a manufacturer or seller, and its absolute reliability. After all, all the risks associated with sending defective or understaffed products to the end user, as well as delays in delivery, are borne by the one who accepts the money.
  • When cooperating with foreign suppliers, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required, as well as an understanding of how shipping from other countries works, how to do customs clearance and other nuances of this type of trade.

How much can you earn with dropshipping?

The wording of this question is incorrect. Dropshipping provides an opportunity to receive a good stable income at the same time as a chance to “fly into the red”.

But, as a rule, they are engaged in novice entrepreneurs or people without this official status, who do not have start-up capital for serious projects. It can be considered as a good part-time job or additional income to the main one. In addition, it can provide an opportunity to expand its range for owners of online stores.

Actually, earnings here look like the difference in prices between the one that the dropshipper received from the buyer and the one that he paid to the supplier. If someone sees a “gold mine” here, because you can set any markup, even a thousand percent, then he will take what he wants for reality:

  • the modern buyer is smart, he will not overpay at times;
  • products can be imported on an industrial scale by wholesale companies and sold in ordinary stores;
  • even if it is “exclusive” (meaning that the product is not presented in regional retail), there is high competition in the dropshipping environment, and it is not a fact that someone does not offer an analogue at a much lower price.

All this together forces dropshipping participants to make low margins in general, they can be 5-10% per unit. True, there are also higher-margin offers that are in demand. It depends on the product itself, and on its popularity, and on the reputation of the dropshipper, and how much he knows how to sell. The last criterion plays a huge role, this type of business requires a certain talent, because trading is much more difficult than any other entrepreneurial project where sales skills are minimized.

Dropshipping: reviews and opinions

Among the participants in this business system and those who tried to make money with it, there are mixed reviews about dropshipping. Someone uses this scheme with success and is satisfied, someone scolds it.

Such a “kaleidoscope” and polar reviews are connected, first of all, with great hopes that advertising resources promise, offering newcomers to try themselves in this type of business, at the same time selling related materials - supplier bases, ready-made online trading platforms, and so on.

Imagine a novice entrepreneur bought a database, in fact, a list of suppliers. He was convinced that in it he would find partners who would work with him on dropshipping, and along with this, low prices for popular goods that were in demand. In fact, a base with several hundred or even thousands of suppliers turns out to be a “dummy”. What could be wrong:

  • many sites that claim to be dropshipping partners require paid registration;
  • some companies on the list have long switched to other trading formats, but are listed in the database;
  • there are foreign suppliers on the list, work with which is hampered by many factors, for which the person who has acquired the base is not at all ready.

And the worst thing is that all contacts can be found on your own, without paying money for a useless list. And when searching, it is already necessary to screen out those who are not satisfied with any parameters, and select a supplier “for yourself”. Of course, in this case, the entire dropshipping system receives negative feedback from the failed merchant, because he was deceived in his hopes for quick and easy money.

Positive reviews can also be different. There are two main types:

  • from people who have gone through this system and received income from transactions under the dropshipping scheme;
  • exclusively advertising and custom-made, working for the same sale of databases and related services for beginners.

Finding really competent opinions and advice on how to realize yourself in the dropshipping system is quite difficult. You need to sift through a lot of sources, cut off obviously custom or from those people who have encountered difficulties due to their own fault, and form your own opinion based on truthful and informative reviews.

Dropshipping: suppliers for an online store in Russia

They work great in domestic modern realities. They adapt to local characteristics, change, but allow us to say that their application is possible in general. This is what happened with dropshipping. The system of direct sales, which originated in the United States on the basis of the E-bay auction, where they began to use this trading option much earlier, has taken root quite well with us.

It is actively used by small online stores, individuals organizing "joint purchases", it is also used by large market players.

The main advantages of the system for the seller:

  • no need to spend on the purchase of goods to form an assortment;
  • saving warehouse space or work on the version of their complete absence.

For the supplier (manufacturer), it is also generally interesting:

  • it minimizes or eliminates the cost of aggressive advertising;
  • he is not looking for clients, shifting this task onto the shoulders of dropshipping partners;
  • it reduces its costs in terms of organizing services for end customers.

You should start your development as a dropshipper by looking for suppliers working according to this scheme.

Advice: those who start in the field usually have topical questions:

  1. Where to look? Naturally, on the Internet - this is the easiest way, and the organization of all relations will take place virtually.
  2. How to search? On one's own. Buying ready-made bases today is unprofitable due to the fact that all the information for which you pay money is publicly available.

Signs of a "good" supplier

It is especially important in dropshipping to find a supplier that will fully meet the goals of your business:

  • its product must be in demand in your region or among your potential customers;
  • the cost of production will allow you to make your margin and successfully implement it;
  • the supplier must already use a dropshipping system or be willing to use it;
  • it should be able to arrange shipping to your customers;
  • he must make contact, provide his warehouse balances, clearly stipulate the terms of delivery or execution “on order” of some item;
  • it should have convenient services for placing an order, receiving payments;
  • he is obliged to be responsible for the delivery of the marriage, guarantee a refund or replacement of the goods.

How to choose suppliers in certain product categories?

First, about the fundamental principles of trading on the system. In this regard, everything here is exactly the same as if you opened your retail store in the building on the next street:

  • you need to decide on your own niche;
  • be sure to take into account the target audience and its wishes;
  • find a hot product at a price that will be acceptable for the category of buyers with whom you plan to work;
  • you must be well versed in the products that you will offer customers.

Differences from retail organized in real space are inherent in a regular online store:

  • you will need a virtual marketplace (it can be of any format, from a full-fledged online store to an account on a social network or forum);
  • you must attract the consumer, which will require not only advertising, but also a good design of the proposed product - both textual and graphic;
  • you need to create a system of communication with customers, where it will be important to quickly respond to their requests, as well as provide them with convenient payment services.

Features of the dropshipping system are in several nuances:

  • in fact, there is a trade in “air” here - there are no products in the seller’s warehouse, he cannot guarantee his buyer either its quality, or even the conformity of the appearance of what he eventually gets to what is shown in the photographs on the site or in the descriptions ;
  • the dropshipper is not always provided with reliable data about the product, its real photos and comprehensive information;
  • loss of control over the course of the transaction occurs at the stage of placing an order with the supplier, often there is no way to find out the fate of the result - whether the supplier sent the parcel, whether the deadline was delayed, whether the investment corresponds to the product that the buyer paid for;
  • all customer claims regarding quality, completeness, delivery time and others are presented not to the supplier, but directly to the seller.

Advice: when choosing a supplier, be sure to consider the latter's readiness to resolve all issues related to claims from the buyer. Get guarantees from your partner for an unconditional replacement of a marriage or a refund for it.

Ideal Dropshipping Supplier

In addition to the fact that it meets all the signs of good without exception, ideally it:

  • does not indicate the cost of the goods, estimating it either according to the rules of the logistics company, or for the amount agreed in advance with the dropshipper (convenient for transactions for a large amount or when selling expensive goods);
  • does not put its advertising booklets, waybills, business cards and the like into the shipment;
  • informs the dropshipper of the bill of lading or track code so that he can track the fate of the parcel;
  • regularly advises his dropshipper on any issues, quickly responding to them;
  • does not establish a minimum lot per order, making a shipment of one unit;
  • makes it possible to use in full all materials, both advertising and information about the product, including photographs;
  • provides convenient services for unloading goods in XML or other formats.

Each product category has its own nuances that are also relevant for dropshipping. Some features of the products sold through the system directly affect how you need to build a supplier selection.

Dropshipping: baby products

In order to sell children's products, it is imperative to decide on segmentation. Here, a narrow specialization is possible, for example, by age or by product. You can focus on stationery and school supplies, choose a segment for newborns or shoes for teenagers. Thus, it is easier for the seller to work with advertising and search for a buyer.

A mandatory item in this type of trade is the certification of goods and the ability to present a document in the form of a screen to an interested client.

There are interesting offers on the market in many categories of goods for children. For example, the Terides.com company sells role-playing and wooden educational toys using the dropshipping system. The range of products for different ages and in different price categories. There is a large selection of toys from popular brands. The dropshipper is provided with a full cycle of related services, a convenient service with a personal account, price lists with and without photos, and content support.

Dropshipping: Children's Clothing Suppliers

Working with clothes is always difficult in terms of sizing. There are nuances, for example, different numbers from different manufacturers can correspond to the same size. When looking for suppliers of this category of goods, pay attention to the availability of support services that allow you to make the right choice virtually. These can be dimensional grids of manufacturers with adaptation to domestic parameters, indicating the age category or data in centimeters and millimeters.

If the supplier cares about his dropshippers, he can include a free consultation and assistance service, because depending on the fabric or model, the thing may be “oversized” or, conversely, be a little smaller. In this case, the dropshipper is invited to provide the buyer's parameters in a way convenient for him and the name of the model he is interested in, and the supplier's manager will tell you which size to buy.

The Russian manufacturer, operating under the brand name Vikki-Nikki, has all the services that facilitate sales on behalf of the dropshipper to the end consumer. The Vikki-Nikki online store of bright children's clothing, through which some of the TM products are sold, offers a unique showcase with excellent quality photos, where each model can be studied in detail. In addition, each product is laid out on a flat surface and real measurements are made on it in all respects. That is, you and your customers will be able to focus not only on standard sizes, but also on specific numbers. It also allows you to get a guarantee of matching the color of the clothes. Vikki-Nikki sells single models at wholesale prices, there is no mandatory minimum lot, and there is a 60-day return policy.

Dropshipping: cosmetics

Niching, that is, narrow specialization in this area, will help you quickly find your target audience and minimize advertising costs due to its focus.

Stopping on selective cosmetics, pharmacy or professional, you need to focus on finding customers in certain circles, attracting specialized resources on the Internet for this.

For the "showcase" you will need photographs of excellent quality, as well as detailed descriptions of each product, which will indicate the ingredients, composition, properties and effects of the application.

Customer reviews placed under the product cell work well, this is an effective advertising tool.

When choosing a cosmetics and perfume dropshipping supplier, you should pay attention to the range, the prices offered to give your buyer a competitive one, and the minimum order amount. But the main thing here is the ratio and reasonable balance. For example, the DomAromat company has a wide range of products from foreign brands, it is a direct supplier and provides the lowest prices in Russia without intermediary markups.

Many suppliers of cosmetics and perfumery products set various restrictions, the need for which is justified in different ways. But the minimum lot exists for almost everyone who works on dropshipping. Perfumeram, a company selling men's and women's perfumes, offers a wide range of products, luxury and budget products, a minimum order of 5,000 rubles, and confidentiality of information about the supplier. When shipped to the end customer, no information about the sender will be provided.

Dropshipping program from Odetta.ru offers Israeli Baby Teva cosmetics. If your site has gained serious momentum and has passed the rate of 300 visitors per day, then you can be offered favorable terms of cooperation.

Dropshipping: jewelry

The peculiarities of this category of goods are its diversity in terms of the materials used, which, accordingly, strongly affects the price per unit. This may affect the mediation scheme. For example, a supplier whose assortment is made up of cheap products can set a minimum order amount for a dropshipper.

If the shipment is guaranteed to be made from a unit, then with a low cost of the goods themselves, the delivery charge will look prohibitively high.

When working with clients in the cheap jewelry segment, make sure that the supplier has a service for sending consolidated parcels to your address. After receiving such a shipment, you will be able to set up a meeting with the client in neutral territory and transfer the order from hand to hand.

If the assortment is formed from expensive products that contain precious metals or natural stones, respectively, their price is relatively high, do not forget to ask the supplier for the availability of documents and samples confirming this fact.

Many offers from suppliers look attractive for online stores. One of them is from West Retail Group, the official distributor of Amore&Baci, an Italian jewelry manufacturer. This is not dropshipping in its purest form, but the terms of cooperation with the supplier allow you to build effective sales. A pleasant feature is that the minimum purchase amount is within 30 thousand rubles.

Also, dropshippers engaged in bijouterie, ornaments and jewelry should pay attention to designers, craftsmen and artisans, small businesses that make original products. It is here that there is an opportunity to enrich your assortment with unique products and be the one who will receive loyal conditions for the sale and discounts in prices. There are quite a few offers of this nature. Artists, designers, arts and crafts studios, workshops - all of them can become profitable business partners.

Dropshipping: auto parts

This product category has a peculiar feature - some items require warranty service. If your potential supplier does not take on such a responsibility, then all the problems associated with this moment can fall on your shoulders.

Without serious knowledge in the field and skills in working with this group of goods, your attempts to make a business on auto parts can bring a lot of unpleasant moments, here you need to be well versed in technology.

Specialization in specific car brands, brands, nomenclature will be a big plus when developing an advertising strategy. Greater coverage of target customers will bring the effect of the money invested.

Many trade organizations that sell auto parts, components and accessories for cars offer cooperation on the dropshipping system. Federal network of Avtopolka stores, dealer of H&R, Bilstein, KYB, KONI, Avtochek and some others. But their declared conditions do not fully comply with the classic dropshipping scheme. It is more interesting in this area to cooperate with official dealers and representative offices of large manufacturers or with those enterprises that introduce their own developments in the automotive sector. For example, Orekh CJSC supplies the entire range of YaMZ to the market, and its offer includes the opportunity to purchase 1 unit of goods. In addition, the company acts as a guarantee from the manufacturer for the maintenance of the units.

Dropshipping Watch Suppliers

Probably the most difficult area among the trading categories participating in the scheme. This is primarily due to the fact that replicas of well-known brands are popular with us, they completely repeat the appearance of branded fashion products, but much cheaper. The vast majority of replica manufacturers are located overseas, in China and other Asian countries. Therefore, in order for a dropshipper interested in this category of goods to find an ideal partner, it will be necessary to access foreign sites, where the main number of profile offers is located. This requires not only knowledge of English, but also specific conditions for conducting transactions, for example, the ability to pay abroad and knowledge of the nuances of customs clearance.

There are still enough features. For example, it’s not easy to make purchases from companies from the USA; they need a special local TAX ID or a document certifying that the dropshipper represents an organization. And the final price is affected by VAT and regional taxes. If they are not included in the original figure, then you will have to pay for them at customs clearance, which will affect your profit.

Working with domestic suppliers is even more difficult:

  • they do not offer a competitive unit price;
  • establish restrictions on the minimum lot of the order;
  • do not always have popular models in stock, they have to make a purchase after receiving money from the dropshipper from the main foreign supplier, which lengthens both the intermediary chain and terms;
  • the assortment usually includes products of low quality, it is incredibly difficult to find replicas of class AAA 1k1 at a reasonable price and on acceptable terms.

If your clients prefer young European brands, then the cooperation offer from SVSTIME will be very interesting for you. The company's assortment includes stylish wrist and wall clocks, it allows the dropshipper to purchase one unit of goods, significant discounts for ongoing cooperation and other favorable conditions.

Dropshipping: sports nutrition

This product is gaining popularity and its demand is increasing. In terms of a good supplier:

  • a wide range of manufacturers and names;
  • an acceptable price, which is at least 15% lower than the average, which is offered by specialized retail outlets, such as sports bars and fitness centers;
  • informational and advertising support of the dropshipper, carried out by the provision of promotional materials and consultations.

If you want to sell sports nutrition through the intermediary system, then you definitely need to be well aware of the features of the products and be prepared for a kind of educational activity, because many consider nutritional supplements unhealthy.

Dropshipping: furniture

When deciding, many aspiring entrepreneurs exclude furniture from the list of potentially interesting products. Sometimes completely in vain. There are categories of these products that are in stable demand. For example, children's furniture - not a single crisis will prevent a child from being born and growing, which means various high chairs, changing tables, and then wardrobes, beds, desks and other items that need to be constantly updated as they grow and mature , will be in demand. The same applies to country and garden furniture, equipment for summer cafes, office and many more items in this category.

If you are interested in furniture as a product on a dropshipping basis, then consider:

  • choose suppliers-manufacturers, or those companies that guarantee a full service for their products and show maximum readiness to work with marriage or claims of the end client;
  • it is better to form an assortment in a scheme from ready-made products located in the supplier's warehouses;
  • when working with large block furniture or such that requires assembly and installation, enter into a dealer agreement - the next step in business development.

The agency cooperation scheme and dropshipping are offered by many large online furniture stores and furniture manufacturers. The Moscow House of Furniture can be called the capital's flagship. Interesting conditions are offered here, but only for those who have high attendance and segment orientation.

Ulmart 24: dropshipping

There is a lot of information on the Internet that the Ulmart cybermarket is a real Mecca for beginner dropshippers. You can buy at almost wholesale price and resell at one that is much higher. But not everything is so rosy. Ulmart 24 offers 3 price programs for clients, 2 of them are intended for individuals and legal entities, the 3rd one is purely for organizations of any status:

  • The first column is retail prices, targeting anyone who makes a purchase;
  • In the second - for those who have already earned bonuses, that is, they paid a one-time payment of 80 thousand or more thousand rubles for goods, or their total turnover was more than 150 thousand rubles;
  • In the third one, those prices are indicated, from which many resources are repelled, giving a calculation of the potential profit under the mediation scheme with Ulmart. However, they do not mention anywhere that these numbers come into play only after the client makes purchases in excess of 140 thousand rubles, or achieves a turnover of 400 thousand per quarter.

With all this, the retail price that a dropshipper can set for its client cannot be higher than that of Ulmart, because the latter does not have to go to the cybermarket and get his goods on the same conditions.

Dropshipping: suppliers for the online store in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Dropshipping jobs in a big city are different than those in a small town. In the second case, the competition is much less, the client is less “advanced” and cannot always find a way out for an attractive product. Demand is also formed depending on the living conditions and contingent, as well as its level of solvency. But these are all the basic parameters that an entrepreneur should rely on when choosing the product that he plans to trade.

The use of the dropshipping scheme in small towns and even many regional centers of Russia is justified by the fact that they do not yet have a strong presence of wholesalers for all types of products that would be of interest to the user.

With dropshipping in large cities, the situation is getting worse every year. The competition is increasing. There is pressure on the scheme both from chain stores and from the emerging e-commerce segment, where owners are investing money and keeping the assortment in stock, ensuring instant receipt of the purchase for customers. And the same dropshippers make their “mite”, just like our conditional novice entrepreneur who wants to earn quick money using the system.

The recipe for success today in this scheme can be due to several factors:

  • unique product;
  • ideal supplier;
  • well-established and universal support services (acceptance of payments in any format, delivery of several models with a choice, fitting upon receipt, etc.);
  • carefully crafted advertising campaign.

If you're not ready for the complexities that the modern interpretation of dropshipping entails, then you might be better off turning your attention to other entrepreneurial ventures. You can, for example, earn good money on it, or look for something else that is more suitable for you.

There are a number of large online stores operating on the dropshipping scheme. BigBuy, which has already become world famous, is one of them. Becoming his partner means getting access to the widest range and competitive prices. The BigBuy platform offers pleasant conditions for dropshippers and convenient terms of cooperation.

Dropshipping today, like a few decades ago, is a simple mediation. Yes, it has been modernized, many suppliers have appeared who do not refuse to work according to this scheme and are even glad that many will sell and advertise their goods, thus saving on their own expenses required to maintain an army of managers and other employees. But, in fact, this is still an intermediary, and the end consumer increasingly prefers to turn to someone who can provide guarantees, a lower price, and all information about the product.

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Therefore, when choosing this scheme for yourself, keep in mind that it has many pitfalls and certainly does not promise easy money without investing effort.

In contact with

A dropshipping reseller can purchase goods directly from the manufacturer or through wholesale dealers. If the latter work with only one category of products, and you plan to introduce an expanded range to the market, you need to conclude a contract with several partners at once. You can determine how reliable your dropshipping suppliers for an online store in Russia will be based on the popularity and ratings of companies, but most importantly, pay attention to the terms of cooperation.

Criteria for selecting dropshipping suppliers

In your work, you can use three main ways to sell goods, which will determine the strategy for choosing a supplier:

  1. Narrowly targeted online store- you can cooperate with any suppliers, regardless of the timing and price category, offering customers a unique selection of products.
  2. Attracting to the online showcase through social networks- the most convenient suppliers of branded European and inexpensive domestic products. The main focus will be to create hype and a unique short-term offer. Possible sales with long delivery. For such stores, the main product and related products are selected.
  3. Landing sites (one-page stores for the same type of goods)- sales of new popular (fashionable) products with fast delivery are effective. For this format, it is convenient to work with multidisciplinary suppliers, which allows you to quickly switch to products with higher demand.

For each type of store, you can find a suitable domestic or foreign partner. At the same time, in order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of your site, you need to compile your verified list of suppliers for dropshipping online stores and conclude an agreement with them in order to offer alternative options in the absence of the position declared by the buyer.

Suppliers themselves are divided into the following categories by type of cooperation:

  • wholesalers- are engaged in wholesale, but at the same time they cooperate with dropshippers, in some cases obliging them to comply with monthly sales standards. Mostly prepaid.
  • Venues- provide the most comfortable work by providing their own online storefront in the system. They pay the dropshipper (intermediary) the markup set by him.
  • Partners- offer resellers, in addition to the margin, a percentage of sales, providing the opportunity to work at the original prices, which attracts more customers.

Narrowly focused Russian-speaking suppliers for the dropshipper

For a novice reseller, it will be most comfortable to work with companies or enterprises for which there is no language barrier. These can be Russian suppliers for the dropshipping online store offering domestic or imported goods, as well as manufacturers from neighboring countries.

How to find a clothing supplier

The percentage of consumers who buy clothes through social networks and small online marketplaces is constantly growing. Such categories as children's and tracksuits, outerwear, women's dresses and home knitwear are in the greatest demand in this direction. If you need clothing suppliers for your online dropshipping store, you may want to consider the following options:

  • Dappe.ru- manufacturer of clothing for men and boys. For resellers, dropshipping offers cooperation with a minimum order of 1000 rubles. Performs shipment to the name of the buyer only after 100% prepayment, including shipping costs.
  • FILISI.net- wholesale supplier of women's, teenage, children's and men's clothing. On the terms of direct delivery, it offers sending to the client from 1 unit of goods at a wholesale cost. To start working with the store, you need to receive confirmation from the supplier about the placement of goods in social networks and the online store. Sending goods is carried out only after 100% payment by the reseller of the wholesale price. Accepts payments for goods to the card of Sberbank of Russia, as well as through MoneyGram and Western Union. The supplier imposes a restriction for resellers on promotional goods and redemption in the name of relatives. Delivery times in Russia from 3 to 20 days, depending on the locality.
  • TRINITY-shop.net- is a wholesale supplier of clothing and accessories. For dropshipping intermediaries, it is possible to send the buyer from 1 unit of goods, after full payment to the Sberbank of Russia card. The total delivery time is from 7 to 20 days.
  • I-maika.ru- prints on T-shirts and sends them to your customers. To work, you only need to promote the goods in your online store. The company accepts orders and payments, and after their completion sends you an amount equal to your markup. When working with this supplier, you have the opportunity to create your own brand, since in your sales you can use not only ready-made prints from the catalog, but also your own ideas.
  • Vilena-A- a supplier of outerwear with a flexible wholesale price formation system. Works with full prepayment, sending to your client. To work, you need to post photos of products in your online store or social networks, and then send your data and a link to the product to the supplier.

underwear and jewelry companies

Buyers prefer to choose this category of goods in small online stores with a high level of service. If you can provide competent advice to the client, you will only have to find reliable partners. Basically, domestic suppliers of underwear for the dropshipping online store work as intermediaries of imported manufacturers. This slightly increases the final cost of the goods, but simplifies the work for the reseller. You can enter into cooperation with the following wholesalers:

  • Doreanse-shop.ru- underwear for men and women from Turkey. The task of the intermediary is only to receive orders. Sending goods is carried out from a warehouse located in Moscow, which significantly reduces the delivery time. It is also possible to ship from Turkey if the goods are not in stock in Russia.
  • kpasotka.ru- supply of underwear and jewelry with cash on delivery, subject to payment of the selling price at the expense of the reseller. Direct cash on delivery is made in your name. The company provides the opportunity to independently sell goods through your store or is ready to create a turnkey website for you.
  • Viktoria-opt.ru- supplies underwear in a wide range (women's, men's, children's). A prerequisite is the introduction of 100% payment of the wholesale cost. Payment by cash on delivery is not possible, since the shipment is made from a warehouse in Poland. Despite the location of the company abroad, it has a completely Russian-language interface of the online resource.
  • Tatler-moda.ru- offers a large selection of branded jewelry (Tiffany, Chanel, Louis Vuitton Swarovski) from a warehouse in Russia, as well as shipments from China or the UAE. Offers flexible custom terms for dropshippers.

Supplier of intimate goods

This category includes products for adults who want to diversify their sex life. And since there are a significant number of such people in Russia, this makes it possible for Internet entrepreneurs who have online stores that operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to earn good money without purchasing goods.

Among the largest suppliers of intimate goods in the dropshipping system, the company "Supplier of Happiness" can be distinguished. The company has been operating on the market since 2004, dealing with adult products, erotic lingerie, swimwear, intimate perfumes and cosmetics.

The company "Supplier of Happiness" takes care of all the processes of working with the client. Company employees:

  • Contact the customer on your behalf and receive an order confirmation.
  • Find out your preferred payment and delivery method.
  • Complete and pack the order.
  • Prepare all necessary supporting documents.
  • Delivered to the buyer.
  • They receive payment.
  • And finally, the difference between the wholesale and retail price of the goods is transferred to your account (subtracting the cost of delivery and a fixed fee of 150 rubles for order processing).

Working with the "Supplier of Happiness" company, you get a number of advantages:

  • Access to the largest range of products on the Russian market– 18,000 articles.
  • Increasing profits due to discounts on the tariffs of transport companies– every month the company sends more than 10,000 orders, thanks to which transport and courier companies provide significant discounts.
  • Many shipping methods- you get the opportunity to work throughout Russia, including the most remote regions, plus it gives you incredible flexibility in working with clients.
  • Easy return of unpurchased orders by customers– Orders are returned back by dropshipping to the supplier of adult goods "Supplier of Happiness".

You can find more detailed information regarding cooperation with the "Supplier of Happiness" company on their website p5s.ru.

Who supplies shoes and accessories

Sneakers, children's shoes, bags, backpacks and other accessories are in high demand among buyers and resellers themselves. They can be sold using any promotion resources. This is due to the ease of sizing and a large selection of manufacturers offering products in various price categories. So, you will be interested in the following companies:

  • MMdrop.ru- the company is a supplier of branded shoes for online stores: Converse All Star, New Balance, Adidas, Nike, Reebok, Vans, Puma, Timberland, etc. It works on the dropshipping system. Main advantages: minimum order from 1 pair, there is an unloading of goods from the site (in Excel, CSV, VK-OK groups), there is a price list with the current availability of goods (updated once an hour), excellent photos of goods, fast technical support via Whatsapp/ Viber, fast delivery of goods.
  • outmaxshop.ru is a wholesale supplier of sneakers for an online dropshipping store from China. Offers a range of Nike, Adidas and Reebok branded sneakers. Sending is carried out only after prepayment. A personal manager is provided for cooperation.
  • smartshoes- a platform for the sale of branded sneakers and bags. Offers over 10 global brands. Provides the ability to create an online store directly in the system. The tasks of the reseller include promoting the storefront and taking orders. Payment is accepted and sent by the supplier, transferring the difference to you after the transaction is completed. It is possible to send goods by cash on delivery, which simplifies sales.
  • Alswa.ru- Russian manufacturer of women's bags. Considers individual offers from dropshippers, offering loyal pricing and minimum requirements for sites for sale.
  • Luxroom.ru is a supplier of bags for an online dropshipping store, working with original products of high-end brands. Also carries out direct deliveries of footwear of classical models. Work on an advance payment, but with possible sending cash on delivery.
  • Bottilini.ru- domestic manufacturer of high-quality children's shoes made of genuine leather. Considers the conditions of work on the dropshipping system on an individual basis.
  • Ezcase.ru- manufacturer of leather goods made of natural materials. Dropshippers offers special prices and a flexible payment system. A personal manager is provided for work. A prerequisite is the creation of unique product descriptions.

Where to find a range of watches and electronics

The most effective product for sale in large online stores, as well as through landing pages, are electronics and watches. For sale, effective advertising and a competent description of the characteristics are enough. If you pick up a hot product, the cost of promotion will be minimal. In this direction, you may be interested iPhone suppliers dropshipping for online store:

  • 5apl.ru- Supplier of Apple technology and accessories. Offers sending products without prepayment from the client, with the subsequent deduction of interest on the intermediary's card. Your main task in cooperation will be advertising and order processing (confirmation) with data transfer to the supplier.
  • Fontop24.ru- partner company supplies a wide range of mobile phones, including original products from Apple, Samsung, replicas and Chinese brands. As an intermediary, you are invited to find a client and collect information for placing an order. Sales can be carried out without a markup, since the supplier pays from 500 to 650 rubles for the sale of a unit of goods. When working with a margin, profit increases. Delivery of goods on the day of order in Moscow or from 2 days to the regions.

Other electronics will provide no less income. In this case, you can represent the products of the following companies in your store:

  • 1039.alltrades.ru- supplier of watches for an online dropshipping store. Offers free shipping. Your task will be to collect data for placing an order. After payment by cash on delivery, the supplier transfers the markup to the intermediary's card.
  • avangard-time.ru- offers a wide range of watches and accessories for them. Cooperation is realized on preliminary payment of the wholesale price.
  • Q-sange.ru- direct deliveries of modern smart watches. You are offered two formats of cooperation with pre-payment of the order to you by the client and subsequent redemption, as well as sending cash on delivery with payment of the difference. Each reseller is provided with a personal manager.
  • Virtualnye-ochki.ru- carries out deliveries of various gadgets and electronics. Works with a wide range of payment systems. Offers flexible terms of cooperation through the Dropshipping system, which are negotiated with each intermediary on an individual basis.

Who sells bed linen and home textiles

Home textile products are actively sold through small showcases (online stores on trading floors) and social networks. You can also create a representative catalog for the sale of high-end products. Favorable terms of delivery can be offered to you by the following suppliers of bed linen for the dropshipping online store:

  • Textilgroup.ru- wholesale supplier of bed linen. Provides the ability to send directly to your client from 1 unit of goods. Your task is to collect orders in the format - item number, address, phone number, delivery terms, price with an extra charge. After delivery and payment, the supplier pays the difference to any card of Russian banks.
  • Cotton-line.ru- manufacturer of home textiles in a wide range. The business offers a dropshipping affiliate program, paying up to 3% of sales on your site or through other means. Carries out the shipment of goods not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.
  • Ctradei.com- manufacturer of textile products for the home. Offers wholesale prices for intermediaries from 1 unit of goods. Shipment is made only after payment of the basic cost in the name of the buyer. For cooperation in the Dropshipping system, you need confirmation of sales in an online store or a group in social networks of the relevant subject.
  • Textiloptom.net- offers branded bedding (INCALPACA, Pillow, Valtery, Saylid, Famille, IRYA) at wholesale prices from one set. You can pay cash on delivery or by making a deposit from the reseller. Delivery by transport company SDEK (buyer pays).

How to choose a supplier of perfumes and cosmetics

When working with this category of products, it is very important that dropshipping perfume suppliers for an online store have the appropriate quality certificates. Therefore, it is worth collaborating with more well-known brands and, if possible, independently test the product before placing it on your virtual storefront. Also, for security reasons, many beauty resellers prefer no upfront schemes. Such conditions are offered by the following companies:

  • Cosmetics Store- supplier of branded perfumes, cosmetics and products for nail service. The dropshipping system offers various options for cooperation. Your commission without markup is 25% of the cost, and with markup the commission increases by the amount you set. Buyers are offered the opportunity to pay in advance and send cash on delivery. Your reward is paid to your bank card within 24 hours from the date of payment for the goods.
  • Blesk39.ru- The company supplies perfumes and other goods. The supplier provides the possibility of sending cash on delivery. Allowed markup on goods from 15% to 50%. The company ships all over Russia, as well as to Europe and the CIS countries.
  • Odetta.ru- manufacturer of natural cosmetics for pregnant women. For cooperation, you must have an online store with a traffic of at least 100 visitors per day. Your task is to attract buyers and collect shipping data. Clarification of the order by phone and acceptance of payment is carried out by the supplier. After the purchase is completed, you are rewarded.

How to fill the store with children's goods

According to statistics, buyers-parents prefer to shop on sites where all the necessary goods are presented at once (children's clothing, toys, strollers, furniture). This means that in order to trade effectively, you will need dropshipping baby products suppliers for your online store in all or most destinations. For the sale of diapers and textiles The following companies may be suitable for you:

  • Moy-angel.com- manufacturer and supplier of children's textiles. The company has all quality certificates. For dropshippers, it offers deliveries at wholesale prices with an advance payment from the buyer (for goods and delivery). The conditions provide for a minimum markup level for each product (recommended price).
  • Tay Tay Baby- domestic manufacturer of diapers. Carries out sending by dropshipping system with 100% prepayment by the buyer. Does not limit the intermediary in the formation of margins and the choice of a resource for sale.
  • Babylone.ru- carries out deliveries of goods for newborns (furniture, textiles, strollers, toys). Dropshipping terms and conditions are negotiated separately.

Possible dropshipping suppliers for an online toy store:

  • - Russia's largest dropshipping supplier of toys and goods for children. The range of products - more than 50 thousand items. You can sell both in your online store, and on social networks and on ad platforms. No connection fees are required. No minimum order amount, detailed free training. The supplier provides transparent financial reporting and a profitable percentage of profit for the dropshipper.
  • paremo.ru- manufacturer of toys, as well as the official importer of KidKraft products. Provides the possibility of direct delivery from 1 unit of goods without setting minimum volumes. For cooperation, it is necessary to have a registered individual entrepreneur or LLC of the corresponding category of activity.
  • neocube-russia.ru- supplier of a wide range of toys, including educational products. Dropshippers are offered standard wholesale prices, but shipped individually. The company offers flexible conditions for payment for goods. There are no requirements for the means of sale.
  • Sunduchokulybok.ru- offers a wide range of toys for different age categories through the Dropshipping system. To get started, you need to send an application to the company. Sending goods is carried out on prepayment by the buyer with delivery by courier company SDEK or parcel by Russian Post.
  • Td-kladovaya.ru- wholesale supplier of children's toys of domestic and foreign production. According to the dropshipping system, it offers an affiliate program for online stores of the corresponding direction. The company itself processes the order, sending a reward to the intermediary.

One-stop dropshipping suppliers for online store

If you are interested in the supply of an expanded range, for the convenience of work, you can cooperate with suppliers offering goods from various categories from household chemicals to electronics and clothing. At the same time, you can conclude an agreement with domestic sites with the possibility of sending cash on delivery, but with a higher cost, or with foreign (for example, Chinese platforms) that work only on prepaid.

How to work with foreign suppliers

Working with foreign suppliers for online stores using the dropshipping system allows you to make your business more profitable when concluding an agreement with the direct manufacturer of the goods. The main problem, in addition to knowing the language, is the long delivery time, which is especially typical for goods from China and the USA.

The following retail and wholesale suppliers for online dropshipping stores can become your partners:

  • LightInTheBox.com- supplier of a wide range of goods from China. Offers drop shipping after buyer pays for the item. It is possible to work through a personal account. Delivery time in Russia up to 20 days. It has the ability to customize the Russian-language interface, but with not always correct translation.
  • Dealextreme.com- a supplier of goods from China, offering more than 300 thousand items. Sending goods only on prepayment.

Buying in Europe and the USA, as a rule, comes down to working with ordinary online stores, but delivery through intermediaries (zakaztovarov.net, rusbid.com, shipshopamerica.com), which provide you with an address for sending goods by a store in the country of the manufacturer. The package is then delivered to your buyer. At the same time, the price of the goods includes the cost of the company's services (delivery), your margin and the cost of the goods at the exchange rate at the time of purchase. You should also take into account the likelihood of paying customs duties if the limit is exceeded.

Who supplies a large assortment in Russia

Domestic multi-supplier for online dropshipping store will offer you more comfortable conditions. You can get started with the following companies:

  • Markethot.ru- carries out the dispatch of goods from a warehouse in Moscow without prepayment. Services of the company are paid in the amount of 150 rubles for each order. Thus, in the price for the buyer, you need to include the supplier's commission, your margin, delivery and the wholesale cost indicated on the site. Payment of remuneration to the reseller is carried out on certain days by prior request. Work is carried out through a personal account.
  • Megadrop24.ru- presents a huge range of goods. The company is a convenient platform for dropshippers. To work, you will need to register as a legal entity or individual. Each reseller is provided with a personal consultant manager.
  • super-opt.ru- affiliate program for dropshippers. The company pays from 8% to 10% of the cost of the order, depending on the turnover of goods created by the partner for the month.
  • Rusdropshipping.com is a platform for dropshippers that offers shipment of goods from a warehouse in Russia. Payment for the goods is made upon receipt, after which the intermediary is paid his fee. If the buyer refuses the goods, the payment for delivery and return of the goods is the responsibility of the reseller.
  • Unique-goods.rf- Offers flexible terms of cooperation. You can choose to redeem the order made to your address, work on a prepaid basis with shipment to the name of the buyer, as well as with cash on delivery. It is also possible to delegate the authority to call customers to the dispatch service of the company.

Your reputation and profit depend on how dropshipping suppliers for an online store in Russia work. In addition to the above options, you can also use suppliers' catalogs and aggregator sites or send commercial offers directly to manufacturers known to you.

If you are considering growing an online business, you should also be aware of dropshipping, a business model that requires very little initial investment to get goods to customers. In this article, we will answer the questions: where to find suppliers for an online dropshipping store, which of them offers the best conditions, and what are the work schemes.

What you will learn about:

What is dropshipping

Dropshipping is a direct-to-buyer shipping service offered by some (but not all) vendors. Its essence: the online store does not need to worry about stocks in the warehouse. When the store receives an order, it contacts the supplier, who sends the goods to the customer instead of the online store.

This means that with dropshipping, an online marketplace can sell a variety of products without having any stock or inventory. This makes the service attractive to micro-businesses.

For online sellers, working with such a provider is easy. A dropshipping wholesaler will provide photos of the items they intend to sell.

Next, the online store places the images on its website or on a page on a social network. When a customer purchases a product, a store representative places an order with the wholesaler, who sends it to the customer.

Scheme of work:

  1. The buyer places an order in the online store. For example, a smartphone for 10 thousand rubles.
  2. The online store transfers the consumer's data to the dropshipping supplier, paying for the shipment of the goods at the wholesale price. For example, he gives 8 thousand rubles.
  3. The supplier sends a box with a smartphone to the client by a delivery service. The buyer receives a smartphone. The online store fixes a profit of 2 thousand rubles.
Important! Not all wholesalers offer dropshipping. On the contrary, it is difficult to find real certified wholesalers who are interested in direct deliveries.

Advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping

Dropshipping requires minimal investment. That is why entrepreneurs who want to start small are so attracted to direct shipping.

To automate the work of an online store and increase sales, try the Business.Ru system. Send orders to suppliers, accept and pay invoices directly from the service. Monitor sales results in real time and control revenue and all expenses in one report.


1. Almost no investment. There are no upfront investments. A store representative purchases items if they receive payment from the customer.
You can open an online dropshipping store with suppliers from your own home office. The owner of the outlet does not see the goods, is not involved in packaging and delivery. Therefore, there is a significant savings in the amount that would be spent on storing goods and managing the entire supply chain.
2. To develop a business, an entrepreneur or organization does not need to expand a warehouse to store goods and additional employees.
3. Low risks. A point of sale with dropshipping suppliers is not in danger of a situation that some thing is stale and not sold. Money is invested only in creating your own website and marketing to get traffic.
4. Wide choice. Using at once, for example, five wholesalers with direct deliveries, it will be possible to create a large-scale catalog for an online store. You don't have to worry about analyzing your sales history to limit your site to only the bestsellers. The store can publish any product lines, even those that are not in high demand.
5. Possibility of expansion. A dropshipping business is highly scalable based on traffic growth, marketing performance, and conversion rates.

Important! Regardless of what other sellers say, dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
Disadvantages of dropshipping

Surely this seems like an easy scheme to sell the goods of other organizations for a percentage. However, when all the disadvantages of this "simple" business are taken into account, it turns out that this is not an easy business.

You can quickly only open an online dropshipping store with suppliers, but not get a decent profit. Let's see why:

1. Low profitability. Invest less money, get less money. This means more business is required to stay afloat, let alone make a profit. After all, most of the money from the sale of goods goes to the supplier.
The store receives a meager percentage, which is often not enough to cover the cost of marketing, advertising, maintaining the site, and covering your business hours as an entrepreneur.

Most likely, the discount for buying from manufacturers and wholesalers will be less than 20%. For most products, you will have to cut your profit margins to maintain competitive prices and increase repeat customers.

In addition, the profit of an online store is largely determined by traffic, so if the brand of the store is built from scratch, you can struggle for a long time to create a customer base. It is much wiser to approach dropshipping when you already have a regular traffic source;

2. High competition. Do you know that every month more than 500 people search in Yandex, how to buy a “ready-made online store with a dropshipping system”? Suppliers do their part by constantly advertising services. There are always overly optimistic businessmen who are tempted by low overheads;

Important! A low barrier to entry means more competition, with the most popular markets (electronics, clothing, baby products) suffering the most. If an online store does not have an exclusive deal with a supplier, competing sites may sell the same products at lower prices.
3. Lack of control over the supply chain. A traditional online store, when customers complain about the quality of things, the return policy, or slow delivery, can solve the problems on their own. However, in dropshipping, it all depends on the supplier of the goods. And the online store is responsible for the service to customers.

The problem of communication can also become fatal: when the supplier does not respond as quickly as the client wants. In e-commerce, customer service is paramount. Even the slightest infraction, such as late response, sends consumers into the hands of competitors. Bad reviews early on will end the business before it gets off the ground;

4. Issues of legal liability. This is not the main problem, but it is worth mentioning. Some suppliers of goods for an online dropshipping store operate illegally, without registration of activity, or using gray schemes for avoiding taxes. It happens that they use trademarks without the permission of the copyright holder. An online store that sells such a product automatically becomes an accomplice in crime.

The problem can be eliminated with the help of a well-thought-out agreement with the supplier. However, its development and signing requires additional investments (for legal support). An entrepreneur who is attracted by low start-up costs usually does not have the money to do so;

5. It is difficult to increase the average check and then keep the client. Usually, for this, marketers offer to sell additional products (this does not always work - this supplier may not have them, and sending an order in two boxes is at least strange).

Branding would help keep the client. But fixing the name of the online store in the mind of the user will not work: your logo will not be on the box with the product.

There are also other disadvantages (these are special cases, no one is immune from them):

  • the supplier’s warehouse will run out of goods, and you will only know about it after the buyer’s order;
  • the goods will be lost during delivery, and communication with a dissatisfied buyer will lie with the owner of the store;
  • the supplier can put an advertisement of his own online store in the order (discount on the purchase), etc.
If you are just about to open an online store and have chosen to develop by dropshipping with suppliers, then you will not be able to quickly increase profits in the general case. However, if you already have an online store, regular customers, dropshipping is a good option for developing an assortment.

Dropshipping cooperation schemes

The scheme of cooperation on dropshipping was presented above in general terms. If we compare the nuances, there are two schemes of work on the Russian market. They differ in payment for goods.

Scheme 1:

  • A store visitor orders a product and pays for it (or makes an advance payment);
  • Information about the order is transferred to the supplier;
  • The online store pays the dropshipper the cost of the purchase and shipping (or additional fees, if any);
  • The wholesaler or manufacturer sends the goods to the buyer at the address specified by him.

Scheme 2:
  • The client orders the goods, but does not pay for it (chooses payment upon receipt);
  • Customer information is transferred to the supplier;
  • The dropshipper sends the goods to the specified address;
  • The customer receives the goods and pays for them;
  • The wholesaler deducts the price of the goods and delivery from the received funds, and transfers the remaining amount to the account of the online store. Sometimes additional fees may apply.

When working according to the second scheme, a cash gap is possible if the dropshipper delays payment.

Number of departure


Client name


departure date



Full cost



Dress art. 123

Ivanova A.V.

Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 123 apt. 123



500 rub.

1200 rub.

How to find a supplier for an online dropshipping store

You should not hope that once you find one or two suppliers, you can work in peace. Online store owners involved in business development are constantly looking for new opportunities and new suppliers. To do this, use different options.

1. Search engines. It is logical to assume that in Russia, dropshipping suppliers for an online store have their own websites, which are known by Yandex and Google. However, in practice, it turns out that sites from the first places of issue are companies that offer low-quality goods and for a lot of money. They spend a lot of money on SEO optimization, and they need to “beat off” the costs.

To search through Yandex and Google, it is advisable to be patient. Type in a more specific niche query (such as "dropshipping kids clothing suppliers for an online store") and then scroll through about 20 pages of SERPs. By clicking on the links, you will be able to compare the assortment, evaluate the market, and begin to understand wholesale prices and conditions;

2. Special directories. The advantages of choosing a wholesaler for direct deliveries through the catalog in a large number of offers. Popular directories (postavshhiki.ru, potlist.ru, yopt.ru and others) are full of dropshipping ads.

Such a search has a drawback. You will have to study more than a hundred proposals to determine the top five more or less suitable ones;

Important! When working with a foreign manufacturer, you must have communication skills in English (you can use an online translator, but sometimes it does not translate colloquial and abbreviated words). There are other difficulties of working with a foreign supplier: long delivery times and unstable quality of things.
3. Sites of joint purchases. On specialized forums, you can also find information about a dropshipping supplier for an online store;

4. Exhibitions. Manufacturers come to exhibitions and fairs, who practically do not engage in promotion on the Internet. The advantages of going to exhibitions are that you can immediately see the goods, and agree on working conditions personally. Disadvantages - in the cost of paying for the entrance to the exhibition, as well as paying for travel to the event, accommodation, etc.

Dropshipping (from the English dropshipping - direct delivery) is a business method that does not require serious investments and risks from an online store.

Dropshipping cooperation between an online store and a supplier looks something like this:

1. An online store uploads goods from a dropshipping supplier to its website and sets its own price.
2. The buyer pays this price to the store.
3. The store transfers payment for the goods without its extra charge to the supplier, and also indicates where to send the goods.
4. The supplier sends the goods directly to the buyer.

Dropshipping is beneficial for everyone

The supplier or manufacturer receives channels for the sale of goods and does not waste time looking for buyers.

An online intermediary store may not purchase wholesale consignments of goods and may not risk money. He does not need to rent a warehouse, deal with packaging and delivery.

The buyer purchases the goods at a better price, because the online store does not need to rent a warehouse and pay a salary to the courier. This means that he can afford to sell goods cheaper. Most dropshipping offers for Moscow.

Why is it so hard to find dropshipping sites?

The advantages of dropshipping have been appreciated by tens of thousands of beginners and not only Russian entrepreneurs. It is not surprising that there are more people who want to do business on the Internet without investments than offers from dropshipping suppliers of online stores.

The leaders of wholesale and dropshipping deliveries from China, such as AliExpress.com, Alibaba.com, Dealextreme.com, are ready to work with small stores, but not all small stores are ready to understand the English interface, comprehend the complex system of giant sites and weeks, otherwise and months, waiting for delivery from the other end of the continent.

And then the search for dropshipping in Russia begins. What thorns you have to go through in search of a good supplier, Valentina, the owner of a clothing store, told us:

There are thousands of wholesale suppliers on the network, but only a few offer work on the dropshipping system. Not all domestic manufacturers are ready to send goods one by one. And those who are ready are not always suitable: some have prices up to the ceiling, some do not inspire confidence, and those who answer letters every other time or it is not at all clear whether they work or not.

Another entrepreneur Andrei says:

I'm in the business of selling sports shoes and I'm constantly looking for dropshipping sneaker suppliers. You can spend weeks or even months searching. You sit, sort through the sites, and out of a hundred you find only 2-3 suitable ones. Most of all in Russia, dropshipping is clothing suppliers, and if you need shoes, electronics or something else, it will be more difficult. Now I have found my trusted partners. I want to warn novice entrepreneurs against one thing - do not buy base stores with dropshipping. I came across databases of thousands of sites. It took a month to check them all. 10-20% turned out to be workers. They could be found for free, only much faster.

Someone is trying to sell the base for 120-150 rubles. Don't trust these ads.

To make it easier to find dropshipping companies, we have collected trusted Russian sites and sorted them by topic.

List of Russian dropshipping sites

Dropshipping Clothing Suppliers

http://outmaxshop.ru - online store Outmaxshop is one of the largest wholesale suppliers of branded clothing and footwear. Products are shipped directly from factories in China. There is a possibility of test purchase to check the quality of goods. The store constantly offers its customers sales and the opportunity to take part in promotions.

Outmaxshop sells dropshipping sneakers, sportswear and accessories from well-known brands.

http://vilnoshop.ru - Vilnoshop online store is the official representative of TM Vilno clothing in Russia. The site presents high-quality clothes for boys and girls with bright and trendy prints. The store provides a 15% discount on the entire range of goods. Additional discounts are possible when ordering from 100 units of goods per month. For regular customers, it is possible to send goods with payment upon receipt, cash on delivery.

Vilnoshop sells women's clothing, men's clothing, children's clothing, bags and backpacks under the dropshipping model.

https://www.vikki-nikki.com - an online store for children's clothing from a Russian manufacturer, knitwear factory Vikki-Nikki. The entire range is covered by a guarantee for the quality of dimensions and color matching. Free returns are available within 30 days of purchase. The store provides discounts for volume and ongoing cooperation.

Vikki-nikki sells dropshipping children's clothes for boys and girls, accessories.

https://vk.com/igle_shop- community wholesale online store Igle, which offers clothes from the best manufacturers in Ukraine. For convenience, customers are offered the opportunity to upload a product catalog. There is a cumulative system of discounts. It is possible to pay for the purchase in any way convenient for the client, including cash on delivery. All items are in stock. For entrepreneurs from Russia working on the dropshipping system, the minimum order is from 4 units of goods.

Igle sells women's and men's clothing under the dropshipping model.

http://look-and-buy.com - Ukrainian factory of women's clothing Look and buy, which works on dropshipping. Prices on the site are indicated when ordering from 3 units of goods. For regular customers it is possible to order from 1 unit of goods. The store offers various forms of payment, convenient for customers, and delivery by trusted transport companies.

Look and Buy sells women's dresses, elegant dresses, skirts, leggings and shorts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, jackets, cardigans, women's suits, scarves and hats on a dropshipping model.

http://gloriaromana.com - Ukrainian dropshipping company Gloria Romana offers women's and men's clothing wholesale from the manufacturer. You can upload a product catalog in YML, XLS, CSV formats without registering on the company's website. Only for dropshippers, it is possible to purchase 1 unit of goods with shipment to the client.

Gloriaromana sells women's clothing up to size 48, clothing from size 58, Plus size clothing, men's clothing and accessories through the dropshipping model.

http://kotton.com.ua/ - Kotton online store is a distributor of women's clothing, cooperates with the best sewing workshops. The minimum order is from 3 units of goods. You can upload a product catalog in XML and CSV format. Delivery to Russia and CIS countries by large transport companies.

Cotton sells dropshipping models for women's dresses, tunics, outerwear, suits, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, shirts, blouses, T-shirts, T-shirts, jackets, cardigans, golfs, leggings, trousers, overalls, jeans, shorts, skirts, bodysuits, swimwear, underwear underwear, belts, shoes, hats, children's and men's clothing.

Dropshipping shoe suppliers

http://obuvyoptom24.rf is a wholesale supplier of women's, men's and children's shoes. There is no minimum order amount. For regular customers, special conditions for cooperation are possible. At the time of this writing, the work on dropshipping with Obuvoptom24 has been temporarily suspended. But you can leave an application for cooperation, and after the resumption of work, the administration must respond to it.

Wholesale Footwear24.rf sells women's shoes, men's shoes, children's shoes, leather shoes and plus size shoes according to the dropshipping model.

http://birka-shop.ru - online store of fashionable clothes and bags Birka-shop offers a wide range of clothes, shoes and accessories. It does not officially offer dropshipping, but it allows you to show photos of products to your customers and indicate the address of the client when ordering. Delivery across the regions of Russia and the CIS countries with the help of reliable transport companies.

The label shop sells clothes, bags, wallets, shoes, jewelry, beauty and health products using the dropshipping model.

https://mmdrop.ru - dropshipping supplier of MMdrop branded shoes. The advantages of the store include fast delivery of goods by proven transport companies, as well as the guaranteed possibility of exchanging or returning goods that did not suit the buyer. Mmdrop sells branded shoes using the dropshipping model: Timberland boots, Reebok, Adidas, Nike, New Balance sneakers, Converse sneakers, as well as laces and backpacks.

http://smart-shoes.ru - Smartshoes online store is one of the leading retail suppliers for online shoe stores of all seasons and already has a fairly wide network of dealers. The store offers customers a complete database of goods and the services of an order processing manager. With full prepayment, delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg is free. The site has a section of exclusive models and Sale.

Smart shoes sells men's and women's shoes and bags according to the dropshipping model.

Dropshipping Electronics Suppliers

http://mega-mania.ru - Mega-M online store sells dropshipping equipment of well-known brands. Once a month, the store pays remuneration to intermediary dropshippers in the form of a percentage of the amount of goods sold. It is possible to send goods by cash on delivery. Delivery across the CIS and regions of Russia. Convenient payment options.

Mega-Mania sells smartphones, accessories, mini PCs, security systems and laptops under the dropshipping model.

http://garsline.ru - online store of smart watches GarsLine is the official dealer of the manufacturer of smart watches Wonlex. All gadgets from the range are guaranteed for one year. The store offers all types of delivery in Moscow and Russia. Payment is possible by credit card or any other convenient way for the client.

Gars-line sells smart watches for children and adults according to the dropshipping model.

http://cdrop.ru - wholesale supplier "Honest dropshipping" offers customers access to 2300 units of goods with the possibility of sending via dropshipping. Quick return and exchange of goods. Payments of remuneration under the contract with the company are possible. Wholesale deliveries of goods directly from China with the possibility of storage in the company's warehouse.

"Honest Dropshipping" sells under the dropshipping model household goods, kitchen goods, health and beauty products, auto products, action cameras, Smart-watch, pet products, children's products, sports and tourism products, products for creativity, goods for the holidays.

http://www.avangard-time.ru is one of the best dropshipping watch suppliers. More than 15 thousand models are available for dropshipping, including private labels. The Avangard website has a “virtual showcase” where you can set your prices for sale. Fast delivery to all regions of Russia. Various payment methods.

Avangard sells wristwatches, wall clocks, table clocks, alarm clocks, network clocks, grandfather clocks, barometers, car clocks, paintings, straps, bracelets, watch batteries, and more on a dropshipping model.

https://timedom.ru - wholesale supplier of floor, wall and table clocks TimeDom.ru. The store works directly with factories, provides a manufacturer's warranty and Russian certification. Payment for goods only after receipt. The store offers the services of its courier service in Moscow.

Timehouse sells wall, floor and table clocks on a dropshipping model.

Dropshipping sporting goods suppliers

http://www.wildpain.ru - WildPain online store is one of the largest sports nutrition suppliers in Moscow. Offers a large selection of sports nutrition, as well as related accessories for its storage. Constant availability of the entire range of goods in stock. Fast delivery to all regions of Russia. Various payment methods.

WildPain sells dropshipping proteins, gainers, amino acids, creatine, fat burners, sportswear, accessories and other products.

http://g-top.ru - G-top electric transport online store offers a wide range of hoverboards and accessories. The store delivers the goods to the client throughout Russia. There is a large staff of couriers and there are direct contracts with large transport companies. Payment is accepted in cash to the courier or using online payments.

Jeetop sells dropshipping electric vehicles, premium gyro scooters, aqua gyro scooters, winter gyro scooters, accessories and spare parts for gyro scooters.

http://phibee.ru - Phibee online store specializes in ski suits for children and adults Phibee Kids. Promise up to 1500 r. profit from one sold set of clothes. Delivery is carried out to Pickpoint parcel lockers, if available in the recipient city (delivery time 5-10 days), or by Russian Post (10-15 days). Shipping is included in the price of the goods.

Phoebe sells dropshipping women's ski suits, men's ski suits, as well as suits and overalls for children.

dropshipping ladies bag suppliers

http://ezcase.ru - the official Easycase online store offers bags, wallets and purses produced by a Belarusian company. They offer models made according to their sketches, the level of quality is excellent. The company assigns a personal manager to each dropshipping partner. With an order amount over 5 thousand rubles. free shipping.

Easycase sells dropshipping money clips, folding wallets, long wallets, covers, purses, notebooks, folders, organizers, bags.

http://opt.sumkana.ru - a wholesale supplier of bags and perfumes Sumkana offers customers a wide range of products and the possibility of delivery throughout Russia. All wholesale orders are released only subject to 100% prepayment. You can pay by bank account or bank card. Delivery of an order of up to 10 items is carried out by Russian Post. Delivery of orders over 10 units is carried out with the help of transport companies.

Sumkana sells women's handbags, clutches, wallets, backpacks, accessories, cosmetics, perfumes on a dropshipping model.

http://alswa.ru - a wholesale supplier of women's bags made of genuine leather, offers quality goods manufactured by the Russian company Alswa. The minimum lot of goods is 5 units. To get a wholesale price, you need to contact the manager. Delivery in all regions of Russia and CIS countries by transport companies.

Alsva sells leather handbags, key cases, cosmetic cases and handbags made to order on a dropshipping model.

Dropshipping Bijouterie & Jewelry Suppliers

http://blesk39.ru - jewelry store Blesk39.ru offers jewelry, souvenirs and accessories for dropshipping. Sending goods is possible to the CIS countries, Europe and the USA. To get started, you need to fill out a registration form and provide a link to the site or community in social networks. Fast and convenient layout of the catalog using the Turboparser.ru service.

Shine39 sells jewelry, perfumes, souvenirs, wristwatches, interior watches, cell phone cases and gift wrapping as a dropshipping model.

Dropshipping Bedding Suppliers

https://textiloptom.net - supplier and manufacturer of bed linen and home textiles Walteri has been on the market for over 12 years. More than 3,500 items of goods are available in the company's warehouses. Sending to any point of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan is possible. For customers with a history of work - deferred payment. The company's products are marked as high quality products.

Valteri sells linens, single items, throws and bedspreads, pillows and duvets, kitchen and bathroom products in a dropshipping model.

http://ctradei.com - the wholesale textile company Seatrade specializes in the sale of textiles throughout Russia. You can place an order in the online store or from the company's warehouse. It is possible to manufacture products with the customer's logo. Delivery in Russia or CIS countries by company transport, courier or transport companies.

Seatrade sells as a dropshipping model bedding sets in different fabrics, single items, bedspreads, luxury duvets, packaging and towels.

https://drop-postel.nethouse.ru - dropshipping supplier Drop-bed offers customers a wide range of organic cotton products. Various payment methods are possible. The minimum order is not limited. Any volumes of deliveries are possible, there is a cash on delivery delivery.

Drop bed sells under the dropshipping model organic cotton bed linen.

General theme vendors with thousands of dropshipping products

https://dropo.ru - dropshipping aggregator of goods from different suppliers. The assortment includes several tens of thousands of products and hundreds of brands. Wholesale prices from 1 unit of goods, work under the contract, end customers receive a cash receipt, next day delivery. A simple export to popular file formats has been implemented for automatic upload to the online store and a quick start.

DROPO sells children's goods, goods for home and garden, car electronics, furniture, gifts, goods for sports and tourism, garden equipment, household appliances, and electronics using the dropshipping model.

http://markethot.ru - MarketHot online store with a large assortment of various goods, works without prepayment. The store commission is 150 rubles, regardless of the amount of the order. Free shipping through partner courier services. Most of the goods presented in the store are in stock in Moscow.

MarketHot sells household goods, health and beauty products, cosmetics, electronics, children's products, perfumes, gifts, shoes, TV products, auto products, sports and leisure products using the dropshipping model.

http://megaopt24.ru - online store MegaOpt24.ru offers a huge database of various products, works with individuals and legal entities. Payment is possible on a bank card, current account, transfer Golden Crown or Yandex money. At the request of the customer, before sending, it is possible to send a photo of the assembled goods for confirmation. Fast delivery across Russia and the CIS.

Megaopt24 sells Pokemon Go products, Christmas products, watches, gadgets and accessories, health and beauty products, cosmetics, car products, household and garden products, electronics, perfumes, gyroscooters, toys, electronic vaporizers, belts, inflatable sofas, sunglasses, as well as goods on order from China.

http://trendoptom.ru - TrendOptom wholesale site with Chinese goods that sell well. All goods are located in Moscow, no need to wait for delivery from China. Possible deferred payment, wholesale and combined orders, payment for cash and bank transfer. Fast delivery in Russia and the CIS, the ability to quickly unload goods to an online store or a group on a social network.

TrendWholesale sells health and beauty products, home and car accessories, gadgets, hoverboards and minisigways, watches, children's toys, key chains, clutches and other fashion accessories using the dropshipping model.

http://rusoptovik.ru - wholesale site Rusoptovik, which offers customers the sale of goods from China, Russia and America. Flexible pricing policy, constant discounts, bonuses and sales. Delivery across Russia and the CIS in any way convenient for the client. The entire range of goods is available in a warehouse in Moscow. Fast order processing. The store offers special conditions for beginners, namely, the possibility of buying out illiquid goods and returning the cost of goods that are not for sale.

Rusoptovik sells, according to the dropshipping model, auto products, jewelry, household appliances, haberdashery and leather goods, toys, books, health and beauty products, clothes and shoes, glasses, goods for the garden and vegetable garden, goods for construction and repair, goods for sports and recreation, souvenirs, goods for children, household goods, electrical goods.

http://unique-goods.rf - wholesale site Unique goods RF offers its customers a wide range of original and unique goods, which are sold at the lowest price in Russia. If, after purchasing the product, the client finds the same cheaper with similar delivery conditions, the company returns 100% of the difference. The store offers 72 different payment methods - with bank cards, bank transfers, from a mobile phone, electronic money, etc. For dropshippers, the store offers free shipping and various gifts. Cash on delivery available.

Unique Products RF sells health and beauty products, home products, party and holiday products, toys, LED phytolights and LED lighting products through the dropshipping model.

http://rusdropshipping.ru - wholesale online store Rusdropshipping offers a wide range. Sends the goods to the customer on the day of the order. The product is provided for sale. It does not need to be redeemed before shipping. The company keeps the non-redemption for itself. There is a system of financing for permanent partners. It is possible to connect the client's online store to the Rusdropshipping platform via Api synchronization.

Rusdropshipping sells, using the dropshipping model, household goods, health and beauty products, goods for the garden and garden, toys, electrical goods, watches, sporting goods, household goods, goods for construction and repair, household appliances, clothes and shoes, leather goods, jewelry, moonshine devices, gifts, etc.

http://megadrop24.ru - MegaDrop24 online store is a dropshipping platform that allows you to directly send goods from the warehouse to customers. It is possible to send cash on delivery on behalf of the client or through any courier services. It is possible to order from 1 unit. Clients are offered a flexible system of discounts. The ability to use a CRM system in which you can view and monitor all customer orders in real time.

Megadrop24 sells Pokemon Go products, Christmas products, watches, gadgets and accessories, beauty and health products, car products, home and garden products, electronics, electronic vaporizers, gyroscooters, inflatable sofas, perfumes, belts, toys, sunglasses and various goods under the order from China.

http://super-opt.ru - SuperOpt online store offers popular products for TV stores and one-page sites. All goods are in a wholesale warehouse in Moscow. It is possible to pay to a settlement or card account, transfers, electronic payment systems. Warranty replacement of goods in case of marriage, as well as discounts on the first order.

SuperOpt sells watches, wallets and clutches, health and beauty products, teleshop products, home and garden products, electronics, jewelry and accessories, auto products, children's products, New Year's products, packaging and cases and other goods from China.

http://optzlatoust.ru - wholesale online store of unusual gifts OptZlatoust offers its customers a wide range of goods, including their own production. Sending goods daily by the largest transport companies. Wholesale prices begin to operate when ordering from 10 items and from 100 thousand rubles.

OptZlatoust sells various accessories, interior goods, souvenirs, dishes, weapons and religious goods using the dropshipping model.

About the dropshipping market and solutions for it

This is the most up-to-date list of dropshipping suppliers as of early 2017. The market is only developing, so new companies appear every day. You need to constantly look for suitable dropshippers and think about expanding the range. So don't limit yourself to this list.

By the way, the owners of online stores on the Shopconstructor platform have all the opportunities to work on the dropshipping system. An example of a store that works this way is below.

You need to select dropshipping partners with whom it is profitable for you to work, unload the goods selected from them into the store and form an assortment that will be in demand by your customers.

In the administrative part of the store, you set your prices, track new orders and transfer them to the dropshipping company. Thus, you have a convenient tool for online trading. A full-fledged online store with the ability to trade without investments - that's cool!

What is dropshipping in simple words? How to find a supplier for an online store? How does dropshipping collaboration work to sell products?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to Alexander Berezhnov, one of the founders of HiterBober.ru magazine.

How to sell a product without even having it in stock? My answer is simple - with dropshipping!

In this article, I will tell you in simple terms how to organize the dropshipping sales process, where and how to find a reliable supplier, and what products are good to sell using this model.

So let's go!

1. What is dropshipping - definition and scheme of work

English word " Dropshipping"means" direct delivery". The meaning of this system lies precisely in the direct supply of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Dropshipping- This is an online store sales system in which the goods are sent directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, that is, in fact, mediation.

The organizer of the business acts as a transmission link: he is looking for demand and implements the offer. In other words, the intermediary finds the client, the goods and ensures their meeting.

Dropshipping example in plain language

You create a website on the Web, for example, in the format of an online store, and in fact you are just an electronic storefront. You don't have to buy the items yourself!

The main advantage of this scheme is the absence of costs for the purchase of goods by the entrepreneur. He does not need start-up capital to purchase the initial batch of products: he immediately pays for it with the client's money, and puts the difference between the purchase and final price in his pocket.

In theory, everything sounds simple, but in practice, in order to make a profit, the scheme must be worked out to the smallest detail.

What is the main obstacle when opening your own online store with a standard approach? - in the absence of start-up capital and ignorance of the specifics of this business.

A dropshipping business allows you to do without initial investments and with almost zero initial capital.

Suppliers with this way of doing business, of course, do not work for nothing and do not do charity work, but a well-functioning scheme of work allows entrepreneurs to make direct deliveries of goods to customers, bypassing the purchase stage.

Dropshipping has appeared relatively recently thanks to the development of Internet communications. Currently, there are hundreds of resources - suppliers of goods from China (or other countries) to online stores around the world.

For customers, the difference in price is small, especially since not all buyers have the opportunity and time to independently find Chinese sales sites and interact with them. This function is taken over by the online store of the intermediary, where you can shop comfortably, communicating with the seller in your native language.

The customer makes a purchase as quickly as possible:

  • an order is placed on the website of the online store;
  • courier service or mail delivers the goods.

The buyer does not care where the product came from in the seller's warehouse and how long it was there: the main thing is that the product is of high quality.

An entrepreneur (like you) places an order with a dropshipping supplier only if the customer places an order in his online store. This guarantees payment and eliminates the risk of investing. The client does not even realize that he is purchasing the goods from someone else: he does not need this information.

The goal of the owner of an online store is to attract customers by convincing them to purchase goods from him. Commissions of intermediaries in this business scheme are from 20% to 100%. Quite a decent income in the absence of start-up costs. At the same time, the entrepreneur does not worry that the goods he bought will gather dust in the warehouse for months.

The main thing is to find a reliable and profitable supplier!

Dropshipping suppliers from China and Russia offer an almost unlimited range of products: clothes, shoes, accessories, household appliances, communication devices, exclusive products.

Large manufacturers who do not want to engage in retail sales sell their products through online stores that act as a kind of showcases.

Along the way, online stores are engaged in marketing, advertising, processing transactions, accepting payments: everything that regular outlets do. Dispatch and delivery is carried out either by the manufacturer or by a partner company, if there is a preliminary agreement.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping

Like any business, dropshipping has its pros and cons. Below in the table, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping compared to an offline business.

Comparison criteria Dropshipping Offline business
1 Start-up capitalNot needed (+) Need (-)
2 Warehouse availabilityNot needed (+) Need (-)
3 Product quality assessmentDifficult (-) Just (+)
4 Office rentNot needed (+) Need (-)
5 Profit PercentageLarge (+) Various (±)
6 CompetitionLarge (-) Large (-)

Starting your business, carefully analyze these criteria for your business.

Key Features of Dropshipping

Now more on the points about the 4 features when working on the dropshipping system.

Feature 1. No large initial investment required

Large start-up capitals are really not needed, but funds will still be needed to open an online store and promote it online.

In one of the previous articles, we already talked in detail. I recommend checking it out.

The main thing to focus on is the level of customer service. Dropshipping stores should provide as much information as possible about the product in a favorable light. High-quality images and photos of products must be present. This is especially true for dropshipping clothing and accessories.

Feature 2. Transparent and reliable operation model

This business model is trusted by consumers. This is a well-established sales strategy. A huge number of well-known chain stores in the world and in Russia operate on a dropshipping system - for example, a store such as Ozon or Ulmart 24.

Dropshipping products do not require warehousing, large purchases and allow you to offer customers a wider and more diverse range.

The product does not deteriorate, does not stale, does not go out of fashion, as it is constantly updated. No need to hire additional staff to pack products, check for defects.

All that is required of the owner is to monitor the attendance of his own trading platform and strive to increase the number of active customers. In fact, he acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer.

Feature 3. Difficulties with price and competition

However, dropshipping is not an ecommerce paradise. As in other areas of business, there is competition and other pitfalls. Price cuts by large dropshipping companies, dumping, unscrupulous suppliers - all these factors reduce the financial profitability of your enterprise.

To succeed in the dropshipping business, you need to learn how to work with the offer and persuasion of customers. You can't base your firm's competitiveness on low prices alone.

Buyers are attracted not only by the low cost, but also by promotions, bonuses, special services that are not available in other stores.

You should work with several suppliers at once for an online store. This will avoid situations with the absence of specific goods in the manufacturer's warehouse at the moment (if one does not have it, the other will probably have it).

Feature 4. Interruptions in delivery times

Another disadvantage of dropshipping (if you work with China) is the delivery time. Sometimes goods from China take a very long time. You promise the client a delivery time of 2 weeks, and the package is delayed by 1.5-2 months.

As for the trade in products that you have not seen, this problem is completely solvable. Some manufacturers may send you a test sample of the product or give you the most detailed description of its functional characteristics.

Dropshipping platforms deal with a lot of orders and often make mistakes in logistics, delivery and other points. Reliable vendors are usually willing to pay damages at their own expense if their mistake is proven, but unscrupulous companies may ignore your claims.

In this case, it is better to shell out money to the client from your own pocket - a reputation in business is more expensive than momentary profit. Always focus on the customer: Firms that succeed in online shopping are those that place the customer at the center of their business model.

The main driving forces behind successful dropshipping in Russia are:

  • effective advertising;
  • customer orientation;
  • selection of original marketing tools;
  • creative approach to the implementation of business ideas.

Yes, the competition is great, finding your own niche is difficult and troublesome, but this does not mean that you need to give up in advance. In business, not only the most talented survive, but also the most patient and persistent. Keep moving in the given direction, and the result will definitely be.

3. How to start cooperation - 7 steps to open a profitable online store using the dropshipping system

In this section of the article, I will tell you how to start making money using the dropshipping system and share some of my experience on this topic.

Let's start with a practical example:

Now one of the most popular topics for making money on the Internet is "Business with China". Its essence lies in the fact that you buy cheap goods in bulk: for health, souvenirs, household appliances, and so on, and sell them at a higher price. Typically, the markup on goods from China ranges from 100% to 1000%. Think for yourself how much profit you can get here.

It is curious that at the initial stage it is possible to organize such trade without the direct purchase of goods through the dropshipping system and, having gained the necessary experience, already engage in wholesale purchases, earning more.

Business with China is a promising and profitable direction, but everywhere there are nuances. And if you want to avoid typical mistakes and earn your first money in the near future, you need a mentor.

Zhenya has already achieved great results in his business and at the same time teaches others. The team of our site is personally acquainted with Evgeny and we can vouch for the quality of his training.

For clarity, watch the video in which Evgeny's students talk about their success after completing the training:

Step 1. Study the market and define a niche

Perhaps your strategy is not to direct energy into an area where there is already maximum competition. Then try to offer customers something really new.

A preliminary and comprehensive analysis of the market is needed in those areas where competition is not yet so great or there is a possibility of improving the current schemes of interaction between the seller and the client.

In our opinion, a promising niche for dropshipping is not one that most flourishing online stores are engaged in. At first it will seem that absolutely all the places are occupied, but in fact there is always room for maneuver, you just need to look carefully.


More and more young, middle-aged and old people want to live a healthy life and quit smoking.

At the same time, several large companies - manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and accessories offer cooperation on the dropshipping system to physical and legal partners. Why not try your hand at such a promising business?

You can make a list of your own interests and skills to narrow down the activities you want or can do. If you understand Chinese teas, modern iPhone gadgets, sports nutrition supplements, try converting your knowledge into profit.

Step 2. Create an online store

Creating an online store is a fairly popular business line at the present time.

4. How to find a supplier for an online dropshipping store?

We talked about the search for suppliers in general terms above, but here we point out that there are sites on the network with open and paid access to lists of suppliers.

For example, free lists can be found in communities on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook, or simply in search engines. Do not rush to use addresses from the first positions of search results: wholesale suppliers are not always strong in SEO promotion.

You can also work with large Russian-language dropshipping portals, for example, Ulmart 24 or textile company "Neotech" .

In Ulmart-24 you can find almost any consumer goods - from children's toys to computers and accessories for them. True, the store sells only wholesale lots and works exclusively with legal entities. In "Neotech" you can buy large quantities of any clothing for all ages.

Dropshipping options

There are 2 working schemes for selling goods through dropshipping:

  • In the first In this case, the dropshipper independently finds a client, concludes a deal with him, takes an advance payment and settles with the supplier.
  • In the second – the dropshipper simply finds a buyer, and the supplier accepts the payment. After that, the intermediary is deducted a certain percentage of the profits.

The first option is less risky. In the second case, your profits will depend on the integrity of the supplier. However, if you work with a reliable and well-known company, it is unlikely that he will risk his reputation and profit from ordinary sellers.

There is another option for dropshipping - you yourself find a major manufacturer of any goods in your region and offer him your services as an intermediary.

You can even conclude a full-fledged contract, which will spell out the key points of cooperation.

I will reveal a secret

Manufacturers are often interested in the services of distributors themselves, so do not think that you will be imposed on someone.

There is another, not entirely correct way to find a supplier - to find out who your competitors work with and offer your services to these firms at a lower price.

For successful work on the dropshipping system, it is advisable to involve modern services to increase income and facilitate the process of selling goods.

I recommend a useful resource in many respects www.apishops.com, which has its own database of ready-made one-page sites, a wide range of products and powerful order processing functionality.

I myself worked with Apishops for some time, but now I am engaged in a different business - creating and making money on information sites, I like it better.

5. Conclusion

So, let's sum up. I hope that after reading this article, dropshipping will no longer be an incomprehensible word for you, but will turn into a real opportunity to increase your own income.

As you can see, this way of earning money, or even better to say, starting a business has many advantages, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs. The main one is the absence of high costs for starting a business.

This method is not without drawbacks, for example, there are risks of running into unscrupulous suppliers. In general, the dropshipping model is very relevant and will continue to develop in the future.

Dear readers, if you have thoughts on this topic or experience in doing business according to the outlined scheme, do not hesitate to leave comments and feedback on the article.

For us it is very important. Thank you in advance!

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