Business plan for a fitness club with calculations or how to open a fitness club. How to open a gym: a detailed business plan with instructions

Here we will look at an article on how to open a gym, what you need for this, a ready-made example of a business plan.

Fitness services are becoming more and more popular every day. This is due to the fact that in the world it has become popular to play sports. People want to go to the gym, they want it to be close to home. Some entrepreneurs think that trainees will pay attention to the quality of the simulators, the professional experience of trainers and instructors. In fact, these factors are taken into account along with the room itself, that is, in other words, for those involved, the design of the gym, its atmosphere, style, and so on are very important.

Business Plan: Gym From Scratch

We suggest you download a ready-made example of a business plan for opening a gym. It contains all the listed equipment that you will need, as well as approximate cost and profit calculations.

Do not forget that in your case all the numbers may be different, because the cost of a sports equipment has a rather strong range. In addition, the necessary furniture can cost differently.

How to open a gym

Consider information on how to open a gym point by point.

The most important

For the successful and quick opening of a gym or fitness center, it is necessary, as in other areas, to develop a clear business plan. This will bring good income to the owner of the gym, and with the help of a business plan, you can avoid possible project errors. For a good profitability of an outdoor gym, you need the following:

  • Decide on a gym class. What kind of activity he will carry out is implied. Perhaps it will be a fitness center, or maybe a health complex, or a professional sports club.
  • Find a suitable place to rent a room. As said above, the demand for gyms is high, so it can be placed anywhere. The most important thing is to understand that the owner of the premises has a higher income than the entrepreneur who rents the gym. And, of course, in the case of a lease, certain limits arise, such as: the impossibility of redevelopment, a possible increase in rent, and other circumstances that may arise suddenly.
  • Need to do market research. That is, in simple words, it is to study the area for the presence of gyms, find out the demand for these services, and so on.
  • Conduct an analysis of neighboring, similar halls. It is possible that similar gyms will be nearby, it is necessary to study their activities, experience and working hours, programs, payment.

As a result, having processed all the information, you need to draw up a small plan that will outline the financial model, the competitive ability of the future gym with exercise equipment, and so on. If you are satisfied with the scheme of the business project, then the next step is to carefully develop the activities of the gym, perhaps inventing something of your own, unique.

Development of project details

You have certain financial options that you want to invest in the project according to the gym business plan. In order to avoid losses and unforeseen costs, you need to study and analyze all the subtleties of the organizational activities of your sports club.

  1. The first thing to start with is to create a competent design of the future gym. This also includes the location of cheap, changing rooms and everything else. That is, to draw up a specific plan of the room. Here it is best to seek advice from specialists - designers, as you may encounter certain problems. Surely these people will tell you what and how, and give you some valuable advice.
  2. In order to successfully select a contractor, check the building license. Also a huge plus is the experience in the construction of sports facilities, including gyms. In general, pay attention to the scope of the construction company, the price of services.
  3. If your plans include the sale of sports nutrition, then you should remember that this requires special permission from certain authorities.
  4. If everything is ready, then before starting work, place an advertisement for the gym, make sure that the level of training of the trainers corresponds to the current level of knowledge. Pay attention to prices so that they are not higher than those of your competitors. Your gym should be unique and first class to some extent, then people will choose you.
  5. Keep track of the level of salaries of club employees, as well as pay attention to expenses and, in general, to the level of content.

Estimated Profit

To expand and attract people to the gym, you should carefully monitor the prices for services (they should not be higher than those of competitors), constantly develop a subscription payment system. This method will give you the opportunity to attract regular customers. And in general, direct your activities to stimulate purchases of subscription cards and everything else. There are also many ideas for creating different types of club cards. It can be a premium (unlimited number of workouts for regular customers), a standard program (for those who go to train as a recovery only a couple of times a week), economy (a limited number of visits).

Gym management strategy

The design of the club you have come up with, the construction is on the verge of completion, now it is time to think about the management of the gym.

  • Buy equipment. It is best to buy high-quality simulators that are advised by specialized companies. This will help to avoid injuries, equipment breakdowns, as well as extend their service life.
  • Recruit only top-notch staff. Men are well suited as coaches and instructors. Polite service girls and so on. Make sure that you enjoy working with these people, then visitors will be able to communicate with everyone on an equal footing. Here the rule is welcomed: the success of the gym depends on the attendants.
  • Organize good advertising. It is best to do this near the club itself, as it is likely that visitors will live nearby.
  • Use the services of advertising companies. Use the properties of advertising wisely and thoughtfully, and best of all entrust this work to professionals.

We hope that this information will help you open a gym and earn money.

Nowadays, the popularity of sports is growing every day. Today, more and more people are interested in a healthy lifestyle and, despite high employment and lack of time, they strive to keep their body in good physical shape. Thus, opening a sports club or fitness center is a popular and sought-after type of commercial activity.

Today, competition in this area is quite high, so entrepreneurs have to come up with new ways to attract customers, introduce modern technologies. One way to succeed in this area is to specialize in a specific group of consumers. As a result, a separate area emerged - sports clubs for women.

Women's fitness is more popular and promising. According to statistics, among sports women, 71% consider fitness to be the most suitable activity, but among sports men, the share of fitness adherents does not exceed 40%.

The business plan of a sports club is developed taking into account the format of the institution, its target group, the planned location and many other factors.

Target audience - women aged 27-48 with an average level of income.

Room area: 100-250m2.

Location: sleeping areas with a large number of residential buildings.

Success factors: high-quality equipment, highly qualified coaching staff, friendliness and responsiveness of staff, quality of services provided, marketing support.

The amount of initial investment is 3 368 815 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 7 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A sports club for women is not just a sports hall, but a real club where a woman receives not only results, but also a new social circle that shares her interests, the opportunity to relax and have fun. An individual approach is important here. Each woman can get qualified advice from a specialist who will develop a training and nutrition program to achieve the most effective result.

In the modern world, the rhythm of women is very fast, and the schedule of the day is very busy, so close proximity to home is important. Thus, a fitness club for women should be located in a residential area within walking distance from home.

List of services provided:

  • Group lessons. Group classes include aerobic classes, stable classes (Pilates, yoga).
  • Gym. The gym is equipped with equipment that allows you to work on different muscle groups. Fitness instructors conduct mandatory briefings, talk about the possibilities of the gym and the technique of performing exercises on various simulators.
  • Personal training. A personalized training program and individual approach is the most effective way to improve your health and fitness levels. A personal trainer develops an individual training program taking into account the physiological capabilities of the body and wishes, selects the necessary load, controls the technique of performing exercises, the dynamics of sports achievements.

Benefits of personal training:

Setting the right goals;

Creation of the most accessible and effective program;

Training safety. Reduces the likelihood of injury;

Acquisition of the correct skills for performing exercises;

The right choice of means and intensity of training;

The most noticeable result of training;

discipline and organization.

  • Fitness testing.

Starting fitness testing. The purpose of the initial testing is to determine the level of physical performance, to identify the state of a person's physical qualities, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, etc., as well as the harmony of their development. The result of the initial testing is a strategic training plan based on desires, goals, as well as your general health.

Standard testing evaluates the main indicators of the state of health and the level of physical development, as well as the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is very important for the correct selection of a training regimen and the prevention of physical overstrain syndrome.

You can increase the revenue of the institution by selling additional goods.

Additional items:

Healthy diet;

Cosmetics for a good figure.

All products of the line work for three purposes:

  1. Slimness and lightness throughout the body.
  2. Youth and beauty of the skin.
  3. Harmony and general feeling of comfort.

Clients can get advice from a nutritionist, as well as choose the most effective diet, supplementing it with vitamins and healthy foods and cocktails.

3. Description of the market

Over the past 15-20 years, the fitness industry market has undergone a great metamorphosis. This area began to emerge in Russia in 1993, and only wealthy people could afford to visit the fitness room. Now fitness has taken root in all walks of life. Sports clubs for every taste and budget are opening all over Russia.

Optimistic forecasts for the fitness industry are given by various research companies. For example, the marketing agency "Business Port" says that the growth of this market will be kept at a level of at least 25%, and the NeoAnalytics company names a figure of 3.2 billion dollars, talking about the potential capacity of the Russian fitness services market.

In mid-2015, there were more than 3,000 sports clubs in Russia, with more than 1.7 million people attending. But, as in many other areas, the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - remain leaders. The metropolitan market of fitness services in terms of development rates and trends is close to Western models. The competition here is very high, and the crisis only exacerbates the situation .

There is a diversification trend in the fitness industry in the market. Recently, large sports complexes with swimming pools, spas and other additional services have begun to fade into the background. More and more people who care about their health and physical fitness give preference to clubs of a "home" format, located within walking distance. For entrepreneurs who want to open their own fitness business, this alignment can play into their hands. You need to understand that a sports club will not pay for itself in a short time, and the size of the initial investment cannot be called small.

The target audience of the sports club for women is women, whose age is 27-48 years old, the level of income is average.

Slimness, beauty and health will always be in the first places in the list of priorities of a modern woman, because self-care is the item of expenditure that is almost the last to be cut. When there is uncertainty around and every news makes you nervous, it is important for a woman to please herself, to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility around. Therefore, the popularity of sports clubs for women in the coming years will only increase.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The key goal is to open a sports club for women.

  • Overview of the real estate market for the selection of the optimal premises

Basic requirements for the premises.

District selection:
- "Sleeping" areas with a higher share of the target audience. The main type of buildings - multi-storey residential. If an old housing stock is chosen, then it must be of medium and high cost, since pensioners usually live in a cheap old housing stock; if new buildings, then with a deadline of more than 1 year (residents of new buildings with a deadline of less than a year, as a rule, the first year they spend all their income and savings on arranging a new apartment).

It is recommended to locate a sports club near healthcare enterprises, pharmacies, banks, utility bills, educational institutions for children, beauty salons of medium and high price categories.

Room characteristics:
- Room area 100-250 m2 (less is considered individually);
- Separate entrance from the street or from the end;
- It is desirable to have parking for 5 cars or more;
- Preferably ground floor or semi-basement with windows. The basement is not considered. You can consider the second floor with a comfortable and short flight of stairs. It is not recommended to consider the location of the club above the second floor;
- A place on the facade facing the street is obligatory for a sign, it is also desirable to have a place for placing a banner.

Technical requirements for the premises:
- Guaranteed water consumption of at least 8 cubic meters per day;
- Load on overlapping 100 kg/sq.m;
- The possibility of connecting bathrooms and showers, at the rate of 1 per 50 sq.m;
- Possibility of redevelopment and reconstruction of engineering networks;
- The height of the ceiling is not less than 2.8 m (up to the false ceiling);
- Availability or possibility of placement of supply and exhaust ventilation. In accordance with SNIP, air exchange per person must be at least 80 cubic meters. m per hour at

speed of air movement is not more than 5 m / s, and also at least 33 square meters is required per person. cm area of ​​the supply grille;
- The width of the doorway (the entrance to the room and the entrance to the active zone) is at least 95 cm.
If the door opening is less than 95 cm, it is necessary to find out the possibility of expanding the opening or dismantling the window to bring the equipment into the room.

  • Registration of a legal entity;

Activities can be carried out by both an individual - an individual entrepreneur, and a legal entity - an LLC.

  • Conclusion of a contract for the supply of equipment.

6. Organizational structure

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (rub.)

The number of employees

Salary Total (rub.)




Cleaning woman

General fund of salary

7. Financial plan

The sales plan is drawn up based on the number of subscriptions sold, the type of subscription and its price, as well as the goods sold.

Planned revenue in the first year of operation (rubles)

Number of workouts

Subscription price

1 month

2 month

3 month

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

Sale of goods

Total revenue

Number of workouts

Subscription price

4 month

5 month

6 month

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

Total revenue from subscriptions, rub.

Sale of goods

Total revenue

See the appendix for the full revenue plan.

Forecasting the company's activities in the first year of operation (rubles)

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months


Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 958,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 341,105 rubles
  • Initial costs -1,921,200 rubles.
  • Payback - from six months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about such a type of business as a fitness club and try to write a detailed business plan for a fitness club with calculations.

Market analysis

The fitness industry is getting more and more popular these days. This is due to the desire of people to be healthy. And if at the time of the appearance of the first such clubs these were premium-class establishments, today such services are available to almost anyone.

In Russia, classes in fitness clubs appeared only 20 years ago. At the same time, people are more willing to go to Russian establishments than international ones, whose share is only 1% in the total mass of fitness centers.

The number of clubs increases by 20% annually. This is due to the desire to be like European neighbors. Today, there is an increased demand for the services of fitness clubs. Because being healthy is fashionable.

According to the results of research conducted by analysts, it turned out that most often people go to such establishments in order to become even more beautiful and well-groomed. Almost two times behind the next factor of motivation - psychological tone. But in the third and fourth places are the improvement of physical fitness and spending free time, respectively.

As it turned out, most often fitness clubs are visited by women. Their total share is 70%, that is, more than 2 times more than men.

If we talk about age characteristics, then more than 50% of visitors are young people aged 18 to 24 years.

Most often, fitness clubs are visited by people with an average income, less often - wealthy. It is also interesting that people without income make up a quarter of all visitors.

It is also noteworthy that most often people with higher education go to such institutions.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to portrait of a potential buyer: for the most part, these will be young women (18-34 years old) with an average income, with some kind of education; their main goal will be the aesthetic component. Also, it will be about the same age men who are interested in their health and increasing physical capabilities. Thus, we can conclude that when developing a business plan, you need to pay most attention to people with an average level of income.

If we talk about competitors, then these will be well-known chains of fitness clubs in the first place. To a lesser extent, individual establishments will compete. Firstly, they will not be able to serve a large number of the population, and secondly, hardly anyone knows about them either. Therefore, the main competitor will be well-known branded places that have already captured part of the market. We will have to fight with the help of lower prices, the qualifications of workers, as well as the quality of services provided.

I would like to note that the Russian fitness services market has a huge potential, because not so many people go to clubs today - there can be many more.

The most profitable niche will be family fitness. Firstly, this industry is not yet so developed. Secondly, several family members will be immediately involved. The main income will presumably come from gym goers. Today, this type of service is in the highest demand among consumers.

SWOT analysis


Use of modern concepts, techniques.

Good club location.

Quality equipment.

Relatively low cost.

Weak sides:

Narrow range of services.

The need for large financial investments in opening and advertising.


Offering lower prices than competitors.

Finding your regular customers by attracting them.

Further development, which will allow opening a network of fitness centers.

Attracting those trainers who already have their own client base.


Rapid growth in the number of competitors.

Economic instability.

Low attendance.

The emergence of serious online fitness clubs that are already known to the consumer.

Opportunity Assessment

The fitness center will be open as follows:

Total: 80 hours a week.

In principle, there is no seasonality in demand for this type of service, except that in the summer the number of visitors decreases slightly.

In the future, demand can be increased and new customers can be attracted by expanding the range of services, providing related services (selling sports nutrition, branded sportswear, opening a bar).

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. You need to start with a choice. For the first time, you can limit yourself to registration or LLC. The first option is the most attractive because of the simple registration procedure and loyal methods of taxation. In addition, opening an IP most often involves just working with individuals, and not legal ones. The OKVED codes, most likely, in cases of opening fitness centers will be as follows:
  • 04 - Health and fitness activities.
  • 61 - Activities of sports facilities.
  • 62 - Other activities related to sports.

Special attention should be paid to this point. All activities must be reflected in an extract from YRGIP (for private entrepreneurs) or from (for LLC).

  1. Passing an inspection in Rospotrebnadzor (permission is not necessary to obtain to start work). They check the available documents for ventilation, air conditioning, housing office documents (if necessary), as well as medical records of workers in contact with visitors.
  2. Passing a fire inspection. Here you also need to prepare for their arrival. There must be emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
  3. No licenses are required either. This can be done for a more trusting relationship on the part of customers.
  4. Choice of taxation system. As a rule, choose. The tax is paid either at 6% of total income, or 5-15% of the difference between income and expenses (the percentage for each region is set separately, but most often it is exactly 15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our customers by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.

It is worth remembering that each visitor to the gym has 6 m 2, and fitness or aerobics - 2 m 2.

Rented premises:

This will be a commercial space. It is best to choose one of two options:

  • city ​​center (plus in the number of visitors, minus in the high cost of rent);
  • sleeping area (plus at an affordable price, but the level of visitors will be lower than in the first option).

There must be a room in the locker rooms for equipping showers.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​the room:

  • halls for fitness and aerobics - 2 m 2 * 15 people = 30 m 2;
  • gym - 6 m 2 * 15 people = 90 m 2;
  • locker rooms - 2 pcs. * 25 m 2 \u003d 50 m 2;
  • reception, corridors = 50 m2.

Total: 200 m2.

Based on an average attendance level of 15 people.

Service Description

In the fitness center you can visit:

  • gym (continuous work, that is, 80 hours a week);
  • aerobics (20 hours a week);
  • step aerobics (10 hours a week);
  • yoga (15 hours a week);
  • dance classes (20 hours a week);
  • strength training in the fitness room (15 hours a week).

Registration can be made by phone or directly on the website of the fitness center. In addition, visitors can take advantage of free Wi-Fi, bottled water.

In the future, it is planned to expand the range of services. It can be not only new types of group activities, but also other activities.

You can also sign up for personal training sessions at the gym.

To attract more customers, it is worth choosing experienced people when hiring. It is desirable that they have their own customer base, which will provide part of the flow of visitors.

marketing plan

It is worth thinking about the cost of the services provided. This should be a competitive price, but not too low. Attention should be paid to the appearance of the halls and the entire fitness center, as well as the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the working trainers.

The ideas of opening a phyto-bar or a massage parlor later will be interesting.

  • distribution of leaflets, flyers;
  • conducting advertising on the Internet (social networks, contextual advertising, etc.) and the media;
  • signboards;
  • SMS mailings;
  • ads on radio and television (if finances allow);

You can also attract with various promotions - for example, a free visit on pre-holiday days or on a birthday. In a word, there are a lot of tools for influencing potential customers.

In general, you should think about the prices in advance, calculate the cost of club cards, ways to promote them.

It will be important to create your own website even before opening. And at the same time make it not only beautiful, but also informative and convenient for the client. You can add feedback forms, surveys, the possibility of discussions, online purchases, bookings, viewing the filling of visitors to a particular lesson.

Be sure to choose your own strategy. After attracting a part of the population, it is worth thinking about marketing moves that can bring other segments of the population to the fitness center.

Calculation of planned revenue

Price per lesson (1 hour, gym unlimited) Number of lessons per month Occupancy (maximum 15 people) Total income
Gym 200 r. 160 10 320 000 rub.
Aerobics 250 r. 80 9 180 000 rubles
Step aerobics 300 r. 40 9 108 000 rubles
Yoga 250 r. 60 8 120 000 rubles
dance classes 250 r. 80 7 140 000 rubles
Power training 250 r. 60 6 90 000 rubles
Total 958 000 rubles

Monthly income will be 958,000 rubles.

Production plan

To start work, it will be necessary to carry out repairs and installation of equipment. The repair will include bringing the premises into proper shape, installing showers, mirrors in the halls, installing lighting fixtures, air conditioners, fire extinguishers, and more. The total cost will be 1,000,000 rubles.

Equipment will be needed mainly in the gym. It also includes equipment for training in the fitness room, including mats, special balls, step platforms, weights. The total cost will be equal to 600,000 rubles.

You will also have to buy furniture:

  • table (1pc);
  • chair (10pcs);
  • benches (33 pieces);
  • lockers (30pcs);
  • reception desk (1pc);
  • armchairs (2 pieces).

The total cost will be: 65,800 rubles.

And also you will need to purchase equipment:

  • laptop (1pc);
  • music center (2pcs);
  • printer (1pc);
  • refrigerator (1pc).

Total: 55,000 rubles.

Job title Number of staff units Payment method Salary (including insurance premiums and taxes) General payroll
Administrator 2 Salary 25 000 rub. 50 000 rubles
Trainer at the gym 4 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32 000 rubles 128 000 rubles
Aerobics and dance trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32 000 rubles 32 000 rubles
yoga trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) 18 000 rubles 18 000 rubles
Step aerobics and strength trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) 29 700 rubles 29 700 rubles
Cleaning woman 2 Salary 15 000 rub. 30 000 rubles
Total: 287 700 rubles

Trainers in the gym work in pairs. They help visitors.

Administrators and cleaners work in shifts.

All trainers must be qualified and experienced. It is desirable that they be known to a wide range of people in the city. It is also possible to combine work with other types of employment.

Classes may change from month to month.

Wages are issued twice a month - in the middle and at the end of the month.

The duties of the administrator include receiving phone calls, processing applications from the site, filling it out, processing documents and accepting funds.

organizational plan

1 month 2 month 3 month
IP registration 6 800 rubles
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Competitiveness analysis + + +
Carrying out advertising 100 000 rubles
Site creation 15 000 rub.
Repair and refurbishment 1,000,000 rubles
Furniture 65 800 rubles
Purchase of the necessary equipment 600 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 55 000 rubles
Purchase of a cash register 15 000 rub.
Conducting the Internet 600 r.
Installation of furniture and appliances
Personnel search, training
Ordering clothes with company logo 45 000 rubles
Purchase of water supplies 3 000 rubles
Video surveillance installation 15 000 rub.
Total 1 921 200 rubles

The lease agreement should not be concluded for a year, the money invested may not pay off. It is best to agree on a job for the long term. Preferably 5 years. Finding such a tenant will not be easy, but it is still possible. It is worth considering the option of a small increase in the price of rent, as a last resort.

Financial plan

Income (monthly) - 958,000 rubles.

Initial costs - 1,921,200 rubles.

Recurring costs (calculated per month):

Profit before tax, therefore, will be equal to - 958,000 - 556,700 \u003d 401,300 rubles.

We calculate taxes according to the formula 0.15 * (Income - Expenses) - 0.15 * 401,300 \u003d 60,195 rubles.

Net profit will be - 401,300 - 60,195 \u003d 341,105 rubles.

Payback period - 1,921,200/341,105 = 5.63. Therefore, the project will pay off in six months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Possible threats
Crisis, economic instability, rising inflation Medium Insurance, purchase of necessary supplies Decrease in profits, losses are possible
Changes in legislation Low Detailed drafting of constituent documents, including the charter The need for re-registration, paperwork, suspension of activities
Changing the ideology associated with a healthy lifestyle Low Development of a client base, massive advertising Decrease in demand
Increasing competition High Development of new methods, improvement of the quality of services Decrease in profit
Equipment breakdown High Timely inspection, purchase of additional units Decline in the quality and quantity of services provided
Employee incompetence Medium Passing training, obtaining certificates, constant attendance of seminars, master classes Decrease in the quality of service, the number of customers
Obsolescence of equipment Medium Purchase of new equipment, replacing it with the most technologically advanced Decline in the quality of services provided, lack of competitiveness
Bad placement High Carrying out marketing and geomarketing research Profit less than expected, lower profitability and payback

The most important thing to remember is that you can not save on repairs and equipment - these are one of the most important components of success.

According to marketers, any fitness center pays off in less than 2 years. If the job was done right, of course.

Do not stop there - expand, open another fitness center, add new services (pool, sauna, massage, beauty services, and so on). Fame among consumers will be free advertising. People will want to go to you, because they are already convinced of the quality of the services provided in the fitness center.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize a low-cost sports hall in Moscow, Yuzhnoye Chertanovo metro station. The project has both a commercial and a social component, providing affordable healthy leisure for young people. The gym is located on a rented area, in the basement of a residential building. The target audience is young people (men) aged 15-35 with low and middle income who are interested in sports.

The main prerequisites for the successful implementation of the project are: the growth of the sports and recreation services market even in times of crisis and the lack of sports facilities in the area under consideration with an extremely high population density.

Investment costs are aimed at the purchase of simulators, the arrangement of the premises, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, from which losses are covered until the project reaches payback. The main performance indicators are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


Gym services are part of the sports and fitness services market, which, in turn, is part of the paid services market. Paid services are an important part of the population's spending structure. However, in terms of the share of paid services in the structure of gross per capita expenditure, Russia lags far behind developed countries. First of all, this is due to the relatively low level of income and the large share of food costs in them. With an increase in income, the share of spending on food will decrease, and the share of spending on paid services will increase.

Experts note a constant drop in real disposable incomes of the population since 2014; only in the first quarter of 2016 they fell by 3.7%. This fall caused a 4.3% reduction in household spending, which, in turn, negatively affected the dynamics of GDP - it led to a fall in gross domestic product by 1.2% in annual terms.

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At the same time, according to analysts (Rosstat and the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation), the consumption of paid services is highly stable against the backdrop of falling demand for goods (primarily durables) - in 2015, demand for services fell by only 2%, in while the retail contraction was 10%. The volume of the paid services market in 2015 (the results of 2016 are still being summed up) amounted to 7.9 trillion rubles, which corresponds to 17.3% of the value added of the entire country's services market.

In the first half of 2016, the rate of decline in demand for paid services slowed down - the decline in demand amounted to 0.9% in annual terms. During certain months (February and May), positive growth rates were observed.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the real volume of paid services to the population in annual terms and the share of expenses for paying for services in consumer spending, %, 2013-2016

The largest consumption of paid services falls on three areas: housing and communal services (27.5%), transport services (19%), communication services (16.1%). About 11% is accounted for by household services (maintenance and repair of vehicles, repair and construction of housing, and others). The share of medical services (including health resorts) was about 8%, educational services - 6.8%. There is a decrease in the share of three key types of paid services from 65.3% in 2013 to 62.6% in 2015, while in the same period the shares of medical (from 6.9% to 8%) and educational (from 6. 2% to 6.8%) services.

Figure 2. Structure of paid services to the population, quarterly, %, 2013-2016

The sports services market as a whole is experiencing certain difficulties, leading to a decline in its volumes. The decline that began in 2014 continues to this day. This is due to the general deterioration of the economic situation in the country. The annual growth up to 2014 was more than 25%, and the potential market capacity was estimated at $2 billion, despite the fact that the market is very far from saturation.

A significant part of the system of physical culture and sports is traditionally financed by the state. Until 2014, budget allocations grew steadily, although they were significantly below the level of developed countries, where about 2% of GDP is allocated to the industry. In Russia, this figure is almost ten times lower. Private investors are showing interest in the market, however, it was not very large even in the pre-crisis period. For the most part, the interest of private investors has more to do with personal interests and hobbies than with forming a profitable business.

All organizations operating in the sports and recreation services industry can be divided into two categories: commercial and non-commercial. The former are created for the purpose of making a profit, the latter are aimed at making sports services accessible to the poor. There is an imbalance in the market at the moment. State funding is directed primarily to the implementation of large-scale projects (construction of infrastructure for the 2018 FIFA World Cup), as well as to small sports structures and institutions (usually financed from the regional budget). Private investors invest in fitness clubs, whose share reaches 75% of the total investment.

The financial crisis and the fall in real incomes of the population in 2016 also had an impact on the fitness services sector. However, despite this negative impact, the market continued to grow. At the same time, its growth rates, according to some estimates, are very significant for the Russian economy. According to RBC Market Research, in 2015 the fitness services market grew by 14.1% in monetary terms and by 3.6% in real (natural) terms. The total market volume, including related areas (CrossFit, individual training), amounted to about 101.5 billion rubles at the end of the year.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The sports services market in Russia has a pronounced geographic diversification. There are four main areas: the capital region, where the market is most developed, St. Petersburg with a high level of development, million-plus cities with a young and relatively underdeveloped market, and other cities of Russia. As for the highly competitive metropolitan markets, research has shown that even when highly saturated, they still have room for growth. First of all, this applies to sports facilities with a subscription price of up to 50,000 rubles, that is, representatives of the Comfort, Economy and Low-Cost segments. Speaking of Moscow, one should also note the high saturation within the Central Administrative District, while the suburban residential areas are practically not covered.

Figure 4. The structure of the sports services market in Moscow and the Moscow Region, % of total revenue

The project involves the creation of a new business entity, the organization of a gym on the territory of the Yuzhnoye Chertanovo district of Moscow. The population of the district is 147,907 people with a high density of 15,147 people/km2. At the same time, in the immediate vicinity there are no establishments of a similar nature in this price category.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The demand for project services is due to the sedentary lifestyle of a modern city dweller and the need for physical activity. Taking into account the social status of the main part of the region's population, the choice of the low-cost price segment seems to be the most appropriate.

The gym is focused only on strength training (no cardio equipment), which allows you to make it as compact as possible. In addition to its own training room, there is also a locker room and a shower room.


The project provides sports and health services - classes on power simulators and free weights (barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells). In order to save money when purchasing equipment, as well as to reduce the required area of ​​the hall, the emphasis is primarily on working with free weights. The set of simulators is minimal. The list of simulators and free weights is given in Table. 2.

Table 2. List of equipment for classes



Bench for exercises with a barbell and dumbbells

Versatile bench with adjustable back for a wide range of free weight exercises

Bench for training the press and back

Bench for exercises for training the muscles of the press and back

Bench for bench press

The athletic bench for the bench press is designed to perform exercises with the Olympic weightlifting barbell. The powerful welded design is designed for loads up to 600 kg. The barbell bench is equipped with retractable telescopic elements.

Butterfly trainer for chest

Block simulator for the development of pectoral muscles

Exercise machine "vertical traction"

Block simulator for the development of the latissimus dorsi

Horizontal bar and bars

Weightless equipment for a wide range of exercises

Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells

Free weights of various weights for a wide range of exercises

In the gym there is always a trainer-instructor who can help in drawing up an individual training program (the service is included in the subscription price). Individual training is not provided.

The cost of a monthly subscription is 1,000 rubles per person with the possibility of unlimited access to the gym. It is possible to purchase an annual subscription, while there are no discounts on it - the cost is 12,000 rubles.

The area and layout of the hall suggest the possibility of a comfortable lesson for 25 people at the same time. In addition to the actual training room, there is also a locker room and a shower room for three booths.


The target audience of the project is young people (men) aged 15-35 years old who are fond of sports of various types, primarily strength and combat (weightlifting, powerlifting, with low and middle income levels. The price segment of the project is “low-cost” ( it includes sports clubs with an annual subscription cost of less than 15,000 rubles).

The promotion policy is based on the transfer of information about the hall from one visitor to another, which does not require financial costs. To initially attract customers, a bright sign is used above the entrance, distribution of flyers along the entrances of adjacent residential buildings, as well as advertising on social networks.

Promotion in social networks involves the creation of a public advertising page on, as well as an Instagram channel. The pages are filled with useful content, as well as information about the hall. Targeted advertising is used. It is also used in the future, after reaching the planned sales volumes.

The demand for project services does not have a pronounced seasonality, seasonality is not taken into account in the financial plan, the load is uniform.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






Monthly subscription


250 000

There is no competition in the selected territory. There is a network sports club near the nearest neighboring metro station. However, it has a radically different format and a higher price category - the cost of an annual subscription is 35,000 rubles.


The gym is located in a rented building that was previously used as a store. The total area of ​​the premises is 75 m2, of which 40 m2 is allocated directly to the training hall. The room has all connected communications and meets the requirements of supervisory authorities. Minor redevelopment of the premises and equipment of the shower room is required. Most of the repairs are carried out by the project team.

Simulators and other equipment for the gym are purchased from one of the major Moscow sports clubs that are modernizing fixed assets; so all equipment is used but in very good condition. Delivery and installation of equipment is carried out by the project team.


IP was chosen as the organizational and legal form of the project. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation "income minus expenses", the rate is 15%. An individual entrepreneur is registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with the requirements of the law.

All management and administrative functions are performed by the project initiator. To do this, he has the necessary knowledge and skills; the initiator of the project was trained at the school of young businessmen. At the same time, he is a professional athlete, which allows him to work as a shift coach-instructor. Also, in his free time, he promotes the project in social networks. Accounting outsourced. Thus, the organizational structure of the enterprise is extremely simple (Table 4).

Table 4. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.






RUB 32,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 9,750.00

Total with deductions:



The financial plan is drawn up for a five-year period and takes into account all the income and expenses of the project. Income refers to revenue from operating activities; income from other activities is not provided for by the project. Revenue from the first year of project implementation - 2.2 million rubles; net profit after taxes - 586.5 thousand rubles. Revenue of the second year and subsequent years - 3.0 million rubles; net profit - 1.25 million rubles.

Investment costs are directed to the preparation of the premises, the acquisition of fixed assets, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, from which the losses of the project are covered until it reaches payback. The required amount of investment funds is 493,177 rubles. Own funds of the project initiator - 150,000 rubles. The lack of funds is covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. The loan is repaid in annuity payments, credit holidays are three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Premises renovation

Signboard (light box)


Trainers and other equipment

Intangible assets

working capital

working capital


493 177 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 150,000.00

Required borrowings:

343 177 ₽



Term, months:

It is extremely difficult to determine the variable costs for one monthly subscription, for this reason all project costs are classified as fixed (Table 6). In addition to other expenses, fixed costs also include depreciation. The amount of deductions is determined on a straight-line basis based on the useful life of property, plant and equipment of five years.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in App. 1.


Evaluation of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of a detailed analysis of the financial plan and cash flows, simple and integral indicators of the project's effectiveness are calculated (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used; the discount rate is equal to the risk-free rate (yield on long-term government bonds) - 7%. The low discount rate is justified by the fact that the project has not only commercial, but also social goals.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period of the project is 10 months. Net present value (NPV) - 553,074 rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 12%. Profitability index (PI) - 1.12. All these indicators testify to the effectiveness and satisfactory investment attractiveness of the project.


To assess all possible risks associated with the implementation of the project, an assessment of all external and internal factors is carried out. Taking into account the extremely small size of the business, its autonomy, low fixed costs, as well as belonging to the service sector (lack of production, goods in stock, etc.), two main risk factors can be distinguished.