Breeding worms. Selection of worms for breeding. Nuances and secrets in the process of breeding worms

Despite the huge number of artificial lures for catching fish, nothing can replace real worms. Therefore, anyone who knows a lot about this prefers to always have them at hand. That is why many fishermen ask a logical question: "How to breed worms for fishing on your own?"

Fans of winter fishing are well aware of how difficult it is to get the necessary bait at this time. Well, if there is a bloodworm for sale. And if it is not there, then you have to use any available food, which does not always guarantee a successful catch. As a result, many people are thinking about how to breed worms for fishing at home.

General information about earthworms

Almost any fish is caught on this bait. There are several varieties of these living organisms that are popular with anglers. How to breed earthworms? How are they different from others? This common name hides a number of families of oligochaete worms. The most common individuals have a body of 3-15 cm. There are worms 2.5-40 cm long. There are 1500 species of them, however, the main part is found in the tropics. In temperate latitudes, there are about 100 species of worms. They live in the ground and are active at night. During the day they can be found on the ground after rain. Due to the fact that they process organic residues in the process of their digestion, the most valuable fertilizer is obtained - biohumus. Thinking about the question of how to breed earthworms, you need to understand the most common types of this fish bait.

red worms

Many fishermen are sure that red worms are the most attractive bait. They are suitable for both industrial and home breeding. At the same time, a large increase in their biomass can be obtained in a fairly short period of time. The body of such creatures contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, making them excellent food not only for fish, but also for domestic animals and birds.

How to breed red worms? There are different ways to grow them. In one cycle, lasting 3 months, up to 30 kg of worms are collected from 1 m 2. Almost any organic waste is used for feeding them, such as food waste, animal manure, bird droppings, straw, waste from paper, woodworking, meat and fish industries.

Habitat for red worms

How to breed worms in the garden? To do this, it is necessary to satisfy their need for nitrogen-containing organic matter. In such an environment, their growth and fertility is greatly enhanced. Sufficient soil moisture is necessary for growing red worms. If it is below 30-35%, then the development of individuals will be inhibited. When the humidity level drops below 22%, they can die within a week. That is why it is necessary to water the soil regularly. Its optimal humidity is 70-85%.

Soil acidity below pH5 and above pH9 is unsuitable for breeding worms. In such an environment, they will die within a week. The best option is earth that has an acidity of pH7. They also do not tolerate saline soil, and a salt concentration of more than 0.5% is simply fatal for them.

At temperatures below 5 ° C, the worms do not feed. They crawl deep into the soil and hibernate. As a rule, they wake up 10-14 days before the soil thaws. The optimum temperature for their cultivation is 18-24 °C.

Reproduction of red worms

Each adult lays 18-24 cocoons in summer. They contain from 1 to 20 eggs. After 3 weeks, young individuals appear, and after 7-9 weeks they can already bear offspring themselves. Most often, one individual lives 10-15 years. At the same time, with age, their size only increases. Sexually mature young worms weigh about 1 g each.

Growing worms

How to breed dung worms? They collect a sufficient number of individuals in old heaps of humus or in clusters of last year's rotten foliage. Such worms are not so common in ordinary soil, but they can be found in some places with high humidity (for example, in raspberries). Dung worms are very similar to red ones. Only when put on a hook do they release yellow contents that have an unpleasant odor.

To create a worm cultivator, only about 500 individuals per 1 sq. m. One of the main factors for the successful reproduction of these organisms is the quality of the substrate in which they will live. For it, manure, straw, hay, sawdust are used, which are thoroughly mixed. Dense compost creates an ideal environment for worms to live and breed. It should stay moist even in dry weather.

The construction of the worm-cultivator

In a shady place of the site, they dig a small ditch (no more than 2 m 2) with a depth of 30-35 cm. A layer of clay is laid and rammed on its bottom. It should rise to the very edges of the ditch. The thickness of this layer is 10 cm. Good soil is poured over the clay (preferably black soil). Next, the groove is covered with humus, which is well compacted. Ash or coal should not be added to it, since worms cannot tolerate them.

Collected individuals are poured into the substrate, evenly distributing them throughout the groove. In such a wormhole, you can grow not only dung or red worms, but also ordinary earth or rain worms. For each of these species, the most suitable substrate composition is selected. So, for earthworms and earthworms, you should not add manure to the soil. It is better to limit yourself to compost.

When breeding dung worms in a warm winter, they can be collected for fishing even during frosts. How to explain such a phenomenon? This is due to the fact that a large amount of manure in the substrate contributes to an increase in temperature in it. For the winter, the worm is covered with bags and sprinkled with earth and snow.

Breeding worms at home

How to breed earthworms at home? Although the vast majority of people breed them in their summer cottage or garden plot, some avid fishermen manage to do this in apartment conditions. True, not everyone succeeds in this, but those who have learned to breed worms in an apartment are provided with good bait all year round.

How to breed worms for fishing at home? To do this, you need to choose the right container for their content. Housing can be a wooden or plastic box. In extreme cases, you can use a regular canvas bag for this. But in such containers, the worms will not be able to live long. For long-term breeding, it is better to use enamelware, a basin or a bucket. Worms will also feel great in an old aquarium.

After choosing a container, they begin to prepare the substrate. It should consist of soil in which there is no or very little humus. The best for this purpose is the land in which there are few fallen leaves and roots of grasses. This is due to the fact that during decay, this organic matter takes a lot of oxygen from the soil, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the organisms we are considering.

Feeding the worms

Answering the question of how to quickly breed worms, it is safe to say that the rate of their growth and reproduction is completely dependent on the feed. Almost any organic waste (peeling vegetables or fruits), unsweetened tea leaves, coffee grounds and boiled or raw oatmeal are suitable for them to eat. It must be remembered that dry food helps to lower the level of moisture in the soil. To increase the rate of reproduction of worms, many advise giving them dairy products. Under no circumstances should you give them potato peels.

Worms are fed from this calculation: 3 handfuls of cereals per 15 liters of soil. When applying nutrition to the ground, it must not be left on the surface. Mix the soil thoroughly by hand. When a “tangle” is found, consisting of many individuals intertwined with each other, they must be carefully separated, evenly distributed throughout the container. If this is not done, many of the worms will die due to the increased temperature inside such a lump.

Containment Compliance

When thinking about the question of how to properly breed worms, one should not forget about maintaining optimal conditions that ensure the normal functioning of these simple animals. To do this, it is necessary to constantly maintain the appropriate humidity. To determine the condition of the soil, it is compressed in a fist. If a lump forms after it is unclenched, then the humidity is normal. At the same time, we must not forget that excess moisture affects the worms adversely.

Despite the fact that these creatures do not like low temperatures, they should not be placed in close proximity to heating appliances, as they will quickly die there. The optimal temperature regime for the normal development of worms is 17-24 °C. The container is placed in a dark place, far from direct sunlight.

In one container, you can contain different types of worms (earth, red), but it’s better to allocate a “separate housing” to each subspecies. When growing these animals according to this method, it is possible to collect up to 1 kg of fish bait per week from a 30 l container.

Growing worms in a summer cottage

How to breed worms for fishing in the country? The easiest way is to dig a small groove, 30 cm wide. Its depth should be 15-20 cm. Rotting leaves, grass, hay, humus are placed in the groove. From above it is covered with boards or burlap. After 7-12 days, earthworms will appear in it. A special dwelling is being built for them, which is a wooden box on legs with a removable lid. Its minimum size is 100 x 100 cm, and its height is 35-40 cm. A grid with small cells (0.5 cm) is attached to the bottom of the box.

How to breed worms in the country? To do this, the box is installed in a shady place. It can be placed near the compost pit. About 20-25 cm of compost is poured into the bottom of the box. The worms are moved into this new dwelling from the groove along with a small amount of soil. The earth is moistened and covered with burlap. After a week, the box is filled to the top with compost and watered again. It is necessary to moisten the substrate 1-2 times a week (depending on the rate of its drying).

Reproduction of worms

For 2-3 months, the worms lay cocoons in the ground. In addition, each individual gives weekly one cocoon. 5-20 worms appear from it. The last clutch is observed at the end of July. The first offspring appears at the end of August. Already in October, the worms become adults. For development and growth, they need a lot of food, so from July to November, a layer of compost with humus 10 cm thick is added to the box twice a month. In the process of digestion of worms, vermicompost is obtained from it, which spills out through the mesh bottom of the box. In one season, the layer of accumulated valuable fertilizer can reach 25-30 cm. In winter, the housing of the worms is left in place, insulated from above with compost, with a layer of 20-30 cm. From the sides it is covered with earth and sand. When snow falls, a small snowdrift is poured onto the box.

In the spring, biohumus is collected and used for its intended purpose, and most of the worms are carried around the site. Only a small number of individuals are left in the box for further reproduction.

Recently, fishermen are increasingly using flour worms, often called zoophobuses, to bait. In big cities, they can be purchased at pet stores, as they are used to feed various animals. Where this is not possible, you can grow them yourself. How to breed flour worms at home?

You should choose a suitable place for their placement and a container for growing. Large plastic boxes or trays without slots are suitable for this. A fine mesh is used as a cover. At the bottom of such a container, flour, bran, sawdust, ground crackers are poured. The nutrient layer should be 2-10 cm. Acquired beetles are placed in trays, whose larvae are zoophobuses. When using pupae, the breeding process will take longer. The number of bugs depends on the expected result.

After laying eggs by adults, 2 months pass before flour worms appear from them. The humidity in the box with them should be about 50%. Worms develop best at a temperature of 26-28 ° C.

The larvae of the beetles are omnivores. They feed zoophobuses once every 2 days. They are given bran, oatmeal mixed with grated carrots, beets, and other vegetables.

Instead of an afterword

We examined the most common ways to solve the issue posed in the title of the article. Of course, it's easier to buy bait in the store. However, having spent some time on arranging the wormhole and caring for its inhabitants, you will not be a loser either. Firstly, breeding worms cannot be called an expensive pleasure, rather the opposite. And secondly, you always have fresh bait at hand, and at any time of the year and day. And this, you see, is sometimes very important.

Every day, an increasing number of people of different age categories and social status begin to think about opening their own business. Hoping to secure a small but steady income for themselves, future entrepreneurs analyze the needs of potential clients, evaluate their capabilities and, of course, often act by trial and error. The most attractive in this regard is a business at home. Young mothers, pensioners, office workers and, in principle, anyone has the opportunity to secure a stable part-time job or even a full-fledged income without interrupting the main type of activity or in isolation from it.

A great opportunity

One of the proven options to secure a steady income and, in case of failure, not to lose financial support is the breeding of worms. A lot of advantages and benefits distinguish this opportunity to earn money at home. You can do this both seasonally and throughout the year. Breeding worms as a business attracts people primarily with minimal investment and no need to purchase special equipment. In order to start doing this business, it is not necessary to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything can be learned gradually. The main requirement for this activity is desire, for the acquisition of everything else, neither material nor special time costs are needed.

Don't forget to register your activity

Breeding worms for your own needs, for example, for fishing enthusiasts, is a hobby, and if such a hobby begins to make a profit, then your activity must be registered in order to avoid misunderstandings and troubles with the law. In principle, this activity is almost win-win. Unless a person just gets tired of doing it, so there is no particular risk. For part-time work, it is quite realistic to breed in the summer in the country, and if it is possible to do this in a heated room, then the income, of course, will be much higher.


Breeding worms at home is to create for them the most suitable and almost completely natural conditions for living and breeding. Worms are unpretentious, but love peace and quiet. Therefore, choosing a place for their location in the house, be sure to pay attention to this.

What to choose?

For those who do not strive for large incomes, earthworm breeding is suitable. For them, it is enough to create natural habitat conditions familiar to them. The top layer of soil covered with organic waste of plant and animal organisms, as well as average humidity and warm air - that's all they need for full life and reproduction. However, if we are talking about more serious turnovers, it will be necessary to purchase special breeds that were bred by scientists for this kind of business. They are more productive in terms of reproduction, so they allow you to get much more profit.

Determine the location

Home breeding of worms attracts by the absence of the need to have a special place for their location. If we are talking about a summer cottage, then any plot of outbuildings, as well as a small piece of land right in the garden, is perfect for this purpose. If there is a need to breed all year round, then it is better to take care of their location in advance in a room heated during the cold season. After all, if in the summer they are in the fresh air, and at other times of the year they are transferred to indoor conditions, the breeding of worms may end there. Having received stress from a sharp change in environmental conditions, they will simply die.

Provide reliable protection

Do not forget that the conditions for breeding worms must first of all be safe for them. Birds, moles and other small and larger representatives of the animal world will not mind eating them. So that the hard-bred offspring do not serve as a treat for the hungry representatives of the environment, you need to carefully consider the "security system". Plastic or wooden boxes are great for this purpose (if breeding worms at home takes place indoors), and you can also think about creating a concrete area or using a protective net (if we are talking about breeding worms in an open area).

What to feed

The most favorite delicacy of any type of worms is manure. Organic waste from goats, rabbits, pigs, cows is perfect for this, and in order to make breeding earthworms at home easy, you can also use vegetable or fruit leftovers. Soaked shredded paper is also included in the diet, and coffee or tea brewing is also suitable. And in order for the worms to feel good, you should not feed them old enough waste, they do not contain the necessary dose of nutrients. The manure of rabbits and goats can be used immediately, but the excrement of cows and pigs must lie down before use for more than six months, otherwise the worms, having received inappropriate nutrition, will die.

What should be the soil

The whole vital activity of worms, their activity, and the rate of reproduction will depend on the quality of the soil. It is advisable to do a trial check-in first. A day after that, you need to check if the worms are alive and how they behave. So you can find out if the acidity of the soil is suitable for the individuals living in it. If it suddenly happens that several worms die, this is a signal for a radical change in acidity. In order to increase it, you can use sawdust or straw, tops of plants, and so on. For this case, it is not enough just to pour ordinary earth. The soil where they live should be divided into three equal zones or parts. The top layer is a feeding place for worms. To do this, you need soil enriched with organic residues and nutrients. The middle layer is the place where the main number of individuals lives. The bottom layer is very valuable. It is here that the result of soil processing and life activity is collected: worm tea and biohumus.

Mandatory conditions

To effectively conduct this type of business, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime. + 15 ... + 25 ° С is considered the most optimal, however, the type of worm and its environmental requirements must be taken into account. There are, for example, those who feel great at temperatures closer to +5 ... + 7 ° С, and there are those for whom a difference of two or three degrees can simply become fatal. If everything is done according to the rules, then the number of offspring can even surprise a person unprepared for such surprises. It is worth foreseeing such an option in advance and preparing the area for their habitation and resettlement.

Getting ready for fishing

Breeding worms at home for fishing is one of the main goals set by people who prefer this type of activity. To do this, you first need to choose a container that will contain worms. Wooden or plastic boxes or a regular canvas bag will do. But these containers are not intended for long-term habitation of worms in them. If you decide to breed worms for a long time, then enamelware is better suited for this. It can be a bucket or a basin. After determining the capacity, you can begin to prepare the substrate. It should include soil in which there is very little humus. Suitable land, in which there are few roots from grasses and fallen leaves. You can feed domestic worms with any organic waste (peeling vegetables or fruits) or boiled or raw oatmeal. If you feed them dry food, you should remember that they dry out the ground. They should be fed in the following proportions: for 15 liters of soil, three handfuls of cereals.

Guest from abroad

Breeding the California worm is not difficult, but some of the basics of this type of activity must be known. The main requirements are a suitable place, appropriate nutrition and normal air temperature for life. The container for breeding the California worm must be airtight and waterproof. Any size plastic dish will do. The bottom of the upper container must be perforated so that excess water flows out of it if necessary. For convenience, you can make several holes with a drill. The substrate is placed in the container, and then the worms are placed on it.

Breeding the California worm involves providing a special menu for it. It feeds exclusively on rotting and dead plant remains, such as cabbage leaves, potato peels, apple cores, banana peels, coffee grounds, beet peels, carrots, boiled or spoiled vegetables, and non-dairy cereals. You also need to remember to maintain the temperature of the worm's habitat at + 25 ° C. The worm can live and work at temperatures from +9°C to +28°C. At temperatures below +5°C and above +35°C, this kind of worm may die.

stable result

Earthworms are very popular among breeders of earthworms. They are most adapted to the conditions of our environment and are quite unpretentious. Earthworms live at a humidity level of 75-80%. Rain or settled water is best used, but it must be chlorine-free, otherwise the worms will simply die. In order to determine the level of moisture, you need to take the earth where the earthworms are in your hand and squeeze it tightly. If after that the droplets do not protrude, then the humidity level is low, and if they are visible, then it is high. Breeding of earthworms can be carried out in plastic or wooden boxes, the volume of which is 0.5-1 m³ or in pits or in compost heaps. In an environment where earthworms live, the acid value should be about 7 pH, otherwise they will die. From above, it is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the box with straw, it protects against a decrease in temperature and loss of moisture.

Muckworm. Breeding, nutritional features

Breeding, as well as the appearance, and the characteristics of the life of dung and earthworms are very similar to each other. The difference is mainly in growth: dung is more than 12 cm long and more active. Breeding worms at home will require plastic containers, holes need to be drilled in the bottom, their diameter should be small. Sprinkle the container with sand on top, and lay hay on top of it with a layer 5 cm high, and fill it with biohumus on top, which you can buy so that the worms feel comfortable. Before settling the worms, the soil should be watered at room temperature. The dung worm feeds mainly on rotting plant matter, but food from kitchen waste is also suitable for home food. These are peelings of apples, potatoes, banana peels.

Another possibility

The prospector worm is quite popular. Breeding it is determined primarily by origin. By crossing two populations of dung worms, a new species was obtained. Prospector perfectly suits our climate with a temperature of +8°С - +30°С. At a cool temperature, it goes deep into the ground in order to maintain its vital activity. Not picky about food. Can easily switch from one feed to another. It feeds on organic waste. Designed for processing various organic waste from industry and agriculture, as well as for obtaining biohumus - one of the valuable organic fertilizers. It reproduces by laying eggs that are enclosed in cocoons. The cocoon looks like a light yellow oval. It can develop from two to twenty eggs, from which then small worms 1 mm long hatch. In a week they reach a size of 7 mm. Under good conditions, a prospector can lay 1 cocoon every 5-7 days, its life expectancy is up to 16 years. In practice, the miner does not get sick and is not exposed to any epidemics.

The possibility of earning money by breeding worms may seem unpromising at first glance, but this is not at all the case. Good luck in business!

Choose the best location and environment. If you don't mind living near crawling critters, your basement can be one of the best places for worms to live. A warm, dark and dry home is best. At the same time, the worms are quite hardy and can withstand temperatures from 4 to 27 degrees Celsius. Even though the environment should be humid, it shouldn't be too wet, so make sure the rain doesn't get in there. Also, make sure the worms are out of direct sunlight. If you arrange the container well enough, they can survive at lower temperatures, but you can not deprive them of care.

Build a container for your new pets. This does not require anything special. If you can't make your own, buy a pre-made one, there are a wide variety of worm containers on the market, from plastic to wood. Wood is considered the best material, as it absorbs some of the moisture and is a good insulator, unlike plastic, in which the compost can get wet. Chances are you have something at home that you can use, like old toy boxes or dresser drawers. Anything that can accommodate a sufficient amount of filling will do. You will need to drill holes in the bottom to remove moisture. If the water is not drained properly, the worms can easily drown.

Prepare a good mix to fill the worm container. Crumpled newspapers are excellent material; Crumpled cardboard, leaves, and other yard debris also work well. A couple of shovels of earth is enough. Worms need some dirt as tough material to digest their food. Use a variety of filling material; the worms will have more fun, the amount of excrement they excrete will be a confirmation of this. Make sure whatever filling you use is organic, like paper, and non-toxic. Moisten and wring it out so it is slightly damp but not wet. Fill the container about 3/4 full and keep it loose so that there is enough room for the worms to get oxygen and odors to escape.

Select the worm type for your new venture. This essentially means that you have to decide on the type of customers you will supply worms to. For fishing, large thick night creeps, such as Canadian mammoths, are suitable. They do not build a large number of mounds, like, for example, red worms. Red worms, on the other hand, are great for creating compost, which is considered a good standard of fertilizer by agricultural farmers. By searching the internet, you can find good suppliers and choose exactly what you need.

Load the worms into the container, following the ratio of worms to the volume of the filler. The golden rule in this matter is a ratio of worms to daily food of 2:1. If you have about 2 thousand night crawls, then your container should be roomy enough.

Feed the worms daily. A family of four usually produces enough food waste to feed the worms daily. Any kind of food will do, except for meat, dairy, excessively fatty and grain products. These foods are offensive and attract flies. You'd better not deal with them. Great for coffee grounds; it has sufficient weight and is inexpensive as a food source. No less good is the eggshell. These substances tend to absorb moisture, so by using them you create a good environment and get a quality fertilizer in return. Peeling and cores of vegetables and fruits is also a good option. You can also toss crumpled wet newspapers.

Place worm food in one corner of the container. The worms will crawl and eat it. There is no need to scatter food all over the container. When the container is filled with excrement and good compost, you can move the worms to a new container and start over. And you will have a good product to sell in your hands. With the reproduction of worms, they will also need an increase in area. You can drill a hole in the side of both containers and connect them together with a plastic pipe. The end of the pipe attached to the container where the worms now live should be closed. When you need to relocate the worms, simply open this end of the tube and fill the second container with food. Worms will start migrating there. This is a longer process, but it is simpler, less time consuming and more accurate. Thus, you are the owner of a profitable business.

Many people are constantly worried about not even a million, but about a stable income. And if you are also not indifferent to fishing, then you will like worm breeding as a business idea.

What serious business can be built on ordinary earthworms, you ask? The most real, promising and very cash.


Very simple. But first things first.

Prospects for breeding worms

Breeding worms can become not only a source of additional income, but also a business with millions of turnovers. And in cash.

Prove? Please.

How many fishing shops are there in your city?
Approximately 4 or 5 pieces, if the town has a population of 35 thousand and is not located on the banks of the Volga or the Don. This is experimental data, you can check if in doubt.

What is the seasonal need for earthworms in such a small town or urban-type settlement? Let's take into account that this is not Semikarakorsk and not the village of Veshenskaya, and not even Konstantinovsk, where fishermen flock not only from all over the Rostov region, but also from other regions in the summer.

So, the seasonal need for one store in worms in our town is from about 300 boxes. In each piece there are 30-40 live or not very dung worms.

300 boxes is 6,000 rubles, which you can earn on one fishing store during the summer and a couple of warm months of autumn and spring. Only one fishing shop. Please note that in the July heat it is unrealistic to dig up worms in manure heaps, so there is no and will not be competition for those who professionally breed worms.

Sizing the market

The approximate size of the market of a small town will be 30,000 rubles. for the season.

And if you take Rostov-on-Don? It is a big city with a million people. Fishing is respected. Where do you get worms? Market, shops, because it is difficult to find dunghills in Rostov.

How many worms do you need per season in Rostov?

By analogy, if for 35 thousand inhabitants we received a sales market of 30,000 rubles. for 6 warm months of the year, then a million-plus city will be able to provide us with a sales market of more than a million rubles per season. You can safely double this figure, because Rostov is still on the Don, and they love fishing on the Don.

We received about two million rubles a year, which we could earn by providing one regional center with bait for fishing in the form of earthworms.

And if we take the entire Rostov region? This is about another million rubles, and maybe two per season. In total, we got that one region consumes earthworms in the amount of about 3-4 million rubles.

How do you like these numbers? Still doubting the seriousness of the worm business?

We carry out market analysis

If you tend to doubt the above reflections, then do the following. Just in your region, on the PulseCen website, place an ad like this:

“I sell earthworms. Wholesale, parties from 10 kg. Price 1000 rubles. per kg."

Let it hang in the net for 3-4 months. It is best to do this in early spring and hold the ad until autumn. You won't have any questions. You can evaluate the sales market without leaving your home.

And the price of a pure earthworm, that is, lured from the substrate in which it lives, is about a thousand rubles per kg, and this is if in bulk. Retail is twice as expensive.

Go to any fishing shop and ask how easy it is to get a worm in winter or in the heat of summer. This is almost impossible if there are no large dairy farms nearby.

Therefore, the price is quite real. This is not nonsense. Earthworms are very expensive. Just do the math yourself:

One box of worms costs from 40 rubles. in the market or shop. There are 30-40 worms in it. The weight of one worm is up to 1 gr. And it's a pretty well-fed worm. On average 0.25-0.50 gr. One box contains about 20 gr.

20 grams of worm for 40 rubles! 1 kg of worm is sold to you for 2 thousand rubles!

Of this money, you could well earn half. This is despite the fact that we took the minimum price for one box. And they sell for 60 and 80 rubles.

Production difficulties

The technology of growing an earthworm for fishing is a long and complex process that requires not only financial costs, but also your personal participation. Because if you yourself do not delve into all the intricacies of vermicultivation, or breeding worms, then you will not succeed.

How and what to feed the worms? How to organize the process of sampling the worm from the substrate? How to feed worms? What kind of worms does it make sense to breed?

Not every person, even an expert in the subject, will invest so much effort and money in this business.

And worms are unpredictable people. They can simply order their whole wormy society to live long, due to the fact that they were fed sour food for breakfast.

Yes, they are unpretentious, do not require every second control, do not moo and do not quack. But if you don’t water them daily, don’t create peace and quiet for them in their habitat, don’t provide them with fresh air and high-calorie, neutral acid food rich in phosphorus, nitrogen and trace elements, then they simply won’t grow, and may even die. .

In the business of breeding worms for fishing, there are a lot of subtleties that you need to know and consider if you are hoping for a result.

And the result will be a constant increase in the biomass of worms, an increase in the population, satisfied faces of business partners and a good mood of your wife. And why not rejoice when the family has money for another vacation abroad and shopping trips.

Despite all the difficulties of a wormy business, it is quite attractive and will provide you with a constant availability of cash. Because the calculations are carried out in real money.

Instruction: "How to make a million"

Where to start if you decide to start breeding worms and become a worm tycoon in your region:

1) Study the market.

  • Place ads of the above type on the major portals,, and others.
  • Indicate your phone number and focus on wholesale deliveries, not in jars, but by live weight in large containers (closed plastic vegetable boxes, for example).
  • Visit the fishing shops in your city and ask at what price and under what conditions they accept worms. What is their seasonal requirement and are they deficient in worms?
  • Go to your regional center, if you do not live there, and do the same operations. Visit the markets, chat with local merchants.
  • Your main task: to find those people who are engaged in intermediary activities. Worms are delivered directly to stores, having previously bought them from villagers who dig worms, and packaged them in cans.

Try to get away from the responsibility of delivering worms and packaging. With large volumes, this will greatly simplify your work and allow you to create a business in which you will only perform control functions in the future.

2) Become a vermicultivation specialist.

When the market has been studied, the first potential customers have appeared, and you know how much and at what price you will sell your product, you need to organize production.

  • Study all the available information on worm breeding that you can find. Sites, blogs and sites on fishing, forums, printed materials and periodicals.
  • Get yourself some worms and practice on them. It is not difficult to buy them in the same markets or by ordering on the Internet.
  • You can even get vocational training at biohumus production facilities.

3) Start small and gradually expand.

Growing worms at the initial stage does not require too much material costs and time.

Having bought a thousand individuals for 500 rubles, and having invested a couple of thousand rubles more to purchase a ton or two of manure, arrange a place for a worm coop, in a year you will be able to expand production due to population growth.

And the worms multiply quickly. Under normal conditions, one worm will give life to five hundred new ones within a year. This is in view of the fact that more than half will die. And under ideal conditions, more than one and a half thousand individuals per year can survive, having been born from one worm.

A worm business is the very type of business that can be created in your spare time from your main job and practically from scratch.

In two or three years, when some experience with worms has been accumulated, you will be able to reach large production volumes.

4) How to make a million on worms?

  • A million rubles is one ton of earthworms.
  • A ton of worms is 30 tons of manure that they must eat.
  • 30 tons of manure per year is 30 m2 of production areas, ridges or boxes in which your worms will live and multiply.
  • Plus you will need straw, deoxidizers, manure storage areas, straw chopper, wheelbarrow, a couple of shovels, water.

5) Features of breeding earthworms for fishing:

  • On 1 m2 you should have no more than 20 thousand worms.
  • The higher the moisture content of the substrate, the faster the worms grow (up to 85% of the moisture content of the substrate).
  • The more air the worms have, the faster they will multiply and gain weight (this requires straw, which is mixed with manure in a 1: 1 ratio).
  • The less energy a worm spends searching for food, the more energy it spends on reproduction (feed more often than when producing humus).
  • At temperatures up to 25 degrees, reproduction proceeds at a maximum rate.
  • After sampling, the worm needs to be fed for another week or two separately from the main mass, preferably with fruit peels, the remnants of oatmeal cereals, in a very humid environment.
  • If, during this period, finely chopped dill and parsley are also added to the nutrient substrate, the worms will acquire a peculiar smell that will drive the fish crazy and make them simply hang on the fish hooks of your customers.

The main thing is to lure the worm out!

The biggest problem when breeding worms is not even protecting them from pests, moles, mice, which can destroy the population. The biggest difficulty is to lure the worm out of the substrate and prepare it for sale in its pure form without soil.

That is why few people are engaged in breeding worms in large volumes and carefully keep the secrets of forcing the worm and keeping it alive for a long time.

But if you seriously decide to go into a worm breeding business, then you will find your own ways to solve these problems. And how to earn a million, if you don’t think with your head, don’t look and don’t strain?

Good luck in building your business!

Fishing is a favorite hobby of thousands, if not millions of men. At the same time, how successful your catch will be depends largely on what you choose as bait. Fishing with artificial bait is not as interesting as with live bait, but only natural bait is not cheap. If you are a big fan of fishing, then sooner or later you should have a question: is it possible to breed worms for fishing at home? I will try to answer this question in detail today.

Why should you pay attention to breeding worms at home?

Fishing can be organized not only as a pleasant pastime, but also as a way to earn money. In this case, the cost spent on the purchase of bait should be minimized. The only way to deal with worm prices is to breed them yourself.

Buying worms for fishing is not profitable and not convenient if you often engage in this fishery. In addition, it is not always possible to vouch for the quality of worms that can be bought in a specialized store. Collecting bait by hand is also not a very promising option. Of course, this adds excitement, but in winter, for example, it is not so easy to get the bait, although it is at this time of the year that the fish bite on worms best.

Taking into account all the pros and cons, self-breeding of worms for fishing will seem like an ideal way out not only for avid and professional fishermen, but also for amateurs.

Earthworms: what do we know about them?

Worm is a universal bait in fishing. Many types of fish peck at it, while the prospect of eating exactly a worm, and not a piece of bread or other improvised bait, looks much more attractive for fish.

Of the more than 2 thousand species of worms, about 100 live in our climate. At the same time, all of them can grow and develop, reaching impressive sizes with proper care. So, some individuals can grow up to 40 centimeters in length. With such a giant, any pike will not be able to escape from you!

Such living creatures are active at night, so it is not so easy to notice them. Most often, a person sees earthworms after rain (hence the name). Water simply washes them out of the soil - their natural habitat. By the way, the presence of worms and the humus they form has a beneficial effect on agriculture. So, vegetable yields are much higher if such living creatures live in the ground. Therefore, it is sometimes bred to fertilize the soil, and not just for fishing.

Worm breeding basics

Breeding worms is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. In care, they are unpretentious, grow quickly when creating the right conditions. But organizing such conditions for breeding worms may seem like a rather difficult task for many. You will need time to select materials to fill the nursery in which they will be bred, as well as its proper arrangement.

You can learn more about useful tips for breeding bait in the video instructions.


The most important thing in breeding worms is the right substrate. The substrate contains both young growth and cocoons of the "family" of worms. In total, such a “family” usually has up to 1500 individuals. Worms quickly get used to new food and get used to it.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the capacity. Usually worms are bred in boxes made of wood or plastic, and a compost heap is also a fairly popular breeding method. But keep in mind that some methods are suitable for arranging exclusively in the country, because a box of compost in an apartment is unlikely to cause a normal reaction from family, friends and neighbors.

Earthworms are placed in a container with compost already when it is completely ready (read below about the preparation method).

red worms

Red worms are recognized as the most suitable for fishing. They have a lot of nutrients in their bodies: fats, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins. Often this species is bred for poultry. At the same time, red worms are characterized by rapid growth: more than 30 kilograms of individuals can be achieved in one cycle, so they can be left for sale and for personal use.

One cycle is enough to provide yourself with free and first-class bait for several seasons. Organic garbage is used as food: rotten vegetables and their remains, bird droppings, manure, remains from the meat industry. In addition, such worms are not whimsical, and it is not at all difficult to organize the conditions for their breeding.

Method of reproduction of red worms

One worm can lay up to 24 cocoons per season, with each cocoon containing up to 20 eggs. It takes 9 weeks of growth for the young to start breeding in turn. As a result, the increase in the number of individuals occurs exponentially, sometimes the amount of diluted biomass per square meter reaches 30 kilograms.

Red worm habitat

The best place for breeding a red worm would be a garden or a specially designated plot of land for this.

  1. The main criterion is humidity. The higher the constant moisture content of the ground, the larger the worms will grow. The ideal condition of the soil is not lower than 70% moisture. This must be monitored, as too dry soil (less than 22% moisture) will lead to the death of all individuals. It is enough to leave the worm for a week without care and watering, and all your efforts will be in vain. The future size and growth rate of worms depends on the level of moisture. Less than 35% moisture slows down the growth of worms.
  2. Soil acidity is important. If the pH is above 9, the worms do not survive, and if it is below 5, so will they. In both cases, the worms simply stop reproducing and die after a short period of time. The ideal level of soil acidity is pH 7, temperature data is at least 18 degrees, preferably approximately 24 degrees.
  3. In the cold, the worms do not grow and do not eat, but burrow deeper into the ground (where it is warmer) and hibernate. The biological rhythm depends on temperature indicators, so if you adhere to the necessary conditions, you can easily achieve high results.

Dung worm for fishing

Fish are easily lured to dung worms. Since they live not just in the soil, but in animal dung or compacted humus, they are more difficult to find.

Outwardly, the creatures resemble red worms, but have an unpleasant yellow liquid that appears when they are hooked. Oddly enough, this liquid is what fish like.

Such worms are bred in special worms, where you imitate the conditions of their life in natural conditions. One square meter filled with soil with sawdust, hay, manure is enough. The mixed and compressed mass in the first stages will become a home for 500 individuals. Moreover, the denser the humus, the faster they will grow.


Of course, you cannot arrange a worm in an apartment or in the yard, but it is quite possible to equip such a place in the country. For this you should:

  1. Dig a hole no larger than two square meters in area.
  2. Strengthen the walls and floor of the ditch with clay (not thicker than 10 centimeters).
  3. Pour a layer of black soil (necessarily without ash and combustion products).
  4. Add humus, sawdust, hay, straw (thoroughly mixed together).
  5. Level the resulting mass.

The arrangement of the worm is the same for any type of worm. The only difference for earthworms and earthworms is the absence of manure, instead of which pre-prepared compost should be added.

If the ditch is properly insulated, then you can go fishing with fresh and well-fed bait even in winter. The high temperature of the manure allows the dung worm not to hibernate in winter, and maintains the rate of growth and reproduction. For this, however, the worm is insulated with bags. It is enough to open such a structure, accumulate bait and close it in order to maintain the dynamics of development and provide yourself with an excellent catch for the weekend.

Compost for earthworms

For earthworms, we put compost in place of manure in the worm box. But first you need to prepare the compost:

  1. We select products of organic origin for compost: waste, manure, manure, sawdust, leaves. The collected mass should rot.
  2. Take up to half of the volume to animal waste (litter / manure) and rotten vegetables and fruits. Microorganisms and bacteria will develop in these categories of waste, contributing to the composting of the mass.
  3. Manure must be taken stale. With fresh manure, the temperature of the compost rises to levels that are lethal to worms. Old manure (from two years old) is also not suitable, it does not contain the necessary bacteria and nutrients.
  4. The mass remains for heating and humus for up to 3 months. After this period of time, families of worms can be safely populated, while one square meter can fit from 1 to 3 families.
  5. We put the compost in piles.

You should also first check whether the nutritional conditions are optimal for the worms. We select a little compost into the container, we populate there up to 50 individuals. If everything is in order, the next day the worms will be alive and mobile. Otherwise (up to 10% may die on the first day), look for the cause of the problem, which most likely lies in the chemical indicators of acidity or alkali content.

We control the conditions for future bait

Constantly monitor the conditions of "residence" of worms:

  1. Humidity is about 75%. It is checked quite simply: pick up the compost, squeeze it. If the liquid does not come out - it is too dry, if it flows in streams, then it is too wet.
  2. Be careful, because in no case should you use chlorinated water for watering worms, you can only take rainwater or settled water.
  3. Protein substances should not occupy more than a quarter of the total compost. When rotting, they release ammonia, which is harmful to worms. You can fix the problem by adding a bulk piece of soil or clay.
  4. 14 days after placing the worms in the compost, add a fresh batch on top, in a 15 cm thick layer. If the weather is dry - water the pile more often, it would also be a good idea to cover it with a bag, branches or something else to keep moisture from excessive evaporation.
  5. Start breeding worms in the spring, in April. Already in July, you can take the first individuals for fishing. For selection, it is advised to use worms, which, after a couple of days of hunger, fill a fresh layer with compost (to separate young growth and cocoons from mature and adult worms that have had time to leave offspring). Thus, you need to choose worms from piles.
  6. In the cold season, the piles are insulated with a layer of manure, hay and straw. Such a heat insulator will save the worms from freezing during hibernation. The worms themselves also emit heat: the more individuals, the warmer they are in the compost in winter.

Breeding worms in the apartment

Under certain conditions, you can breed them in the apartment. Usually the place for breeding is a basin, bucket or aquarium. The main difference in the arrangement of such housing for worms will be the absence of humus in the soil. Humus (from leaves, tree roots) at room temperature only draws oxygen from the soil, which is necessary for the life of worms. The way the worms are fed will also be different.

Organic waste is suitable as food for future bait. What is left of dairy products, as well as tea leaves, coffee grounds, oatmeal - all this is great. The more moisture, the better the worms, so do not overdo it with dry food.

Pour the feed into the soil and stir. Carefully unravel the individuals entangled in a ball, distribute them evenly, otherwise they will die from high temperature.

Reproduction in room conditions

To achieve the most productive results, you are required to:

  1. Monitor soil moisture levels. The nursery does not need to be heavily flooded, but the ground should always remain moist.
  2. Place the container away from the battery. High temperatures will dry up the earth, and generally negatively affect the health of your wards. The ideal temperature regime is 17-24%. If the temperature is below 17%, most likely the worms will stop eating and go into hibernation.
  3. It is quite realistic to keep both red and earthworms in the same nursery. However, both species have their own differences, and for better maintenance they should still be separated. If all conditions are met correctly, up to a kilogram of worms can be grown in a week in a 30-liter container.
  4. A reasonable question: where to put such a device in an apartment? The nursery can be placed in the back room and closed with something like a lid. The only condition is the presence of a hole so that air enters the worm.

Once again about the reproduction of worms

For breeding individuals, you need to know the following nuances:

  1. The number of young animals depends on the number of individuals that were initially “inhabited” in the nursery. The female is able to lay only one cocoon in a week, from which 20 small worms will hatch. At the same time, they very soon (up to two months) begin to multiply themselves, developing almost exponentially.
  2. Somewhere in the middle of summer, females stop laying cocoons, as their body needs to be restored.
  3. Try to keep track of all the processes taking place in your nursery. When the young hatch, feed it, add humus (in a small layer, up to 10 centimeters). If the food is nutritious, young worms will grow to impressive sizes faster.
  4. Another useful property of worms is biohumus, which is extremely useful for agriculture. This substance is a digestive product of worms. Lay a net on the bottom of the nursery box that will sift the vermicompost.
  5. Choose worms from the nursery should be in April. Some (up to 5%) can be left for re-breeding. The resulting individuals can be sold, leaving a certain amount for your favorite fishing.

Mealy worms for catching fish

Mealy worms are another favorite fish delicacy. Strictly speaking, these are not worms at all, but the larvae of the hruschak beetle. In principle, breeding larvae resembles breeding worms. Pour crackers, earth, bread crumbs and sawdust into a plastic box. The layer of substance may not exceed 10 centimeters. Then you simply buy bugs and place them in the given space.

After a short period of time, they will begin to lay eggs, which in two months will turn into fish-appetizing larvae. Keep an eye on humidity (not less than 50%) and temperature (28 degrees), as the larvae do not grow under adverse conditions.


Breeding at home will not only help save money on fishing and make this hobby more accessible, but it can also turn into a good idea for additional income. You won't spend a lot of money on it, it doesn't require a lot of work from you, just a certain amount of attention, and then from time to time. Foraging, in general, is tantamount to garbage disposal, since living creatures feed on organic waste. Of course, breeding worms in an apartment is not a pleasant thing, but in the country for a worm, it’s enough to allocate some 1-2 square meters, work with the substrate correctly, and in the end you will get a huge amount of irreplaceable bait.