Handmade soap for men. Master class: how to make soap for men. Mother of pearl is the best way to decorate soap

It seems that just little by little we have moved away from the pre-New Year bustle, choosing or making gifts, when the February holidays are approaching again. For those who are seriously passionate about soap making or are just beginning to master this interesting activity, the question of what to give to their husband (friend, lover, brother, father, employee, neighbor and all the other important men in their lives) is not even discussed. Of course, handmade soap!

Although it is believed that it is not advisable to give gifts related to hygiene products (soap, shampoos, deodorants - in case a person thinks that you think he is dirty), but this is completely different, it is not just a hygiene product. Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time and will cause well-deserved admiration. Well, firstly, everyone knows the cost of such a bar of soap if you buy it in a specialized store that sells cosmetics self made, the gift is not cheap. And secondly, soap, on which time has been spent, in which a piece of the soul has been invested, will definitely not be able to leave a single person indifferent - this is a small masterpiece that will never be perceived as just a bath and bath accessory.

While stirring carefully, make sure that the soap base does not boil, otherwise it may acquire a yellowish tint and an unpleasant odor. It should also be stirred very carefully to avoid the formation of air bubbles. If a white base is used, then it can be immediately poured into the mold, but if it is transparent, then titanium dioxide must be added to make it cloudy.

Titanium dioxide is considered an absolutely harmless substance and is used in the cosmetics industry for the manufacture of creams and other cosmetics.

Per 100 grams ready soap base it will be possible to add:

0.5 teaspoon of base oil (if more, the soap will dry worse, may remain soft, and will not lather well)
4-5 drops of fragrance
5-6 drops of essential oil
about 1/3 teaspoon of dye.

To paint the soap base black, we will use charcoal cosmetic pigment. If you don’t have pigment, you can use crushed activated carbon tablets, or charcoal (for barbecue), ground into dust.

Since this pigment is based on natural coal, and not some kind of chemical dye, there is no need to dissolve it in alcohol or glycerin in advance; you can immediately pour it into the melted soap base. The main thing is not to pour too much, otherwise the foam of the soap will be dirty gray in color.

It turned out to be very convenient to use a plastic toothbrush case as molds for blanks for this soap - the soap hardens quickly and is easily taken out. We poured white soap base into one half and black into the other.

The base, poured in a thin layer, hardens very quickly, so literally after 10 minutes we can start cutting the blanks. Using a paring knife, we cut off long shavings, cut them in half and roll them into a tube, as we did for.


You should not make too many curls in the rolls or make them tight; the melted base should easily take up all the space around it so that there is no air left. Pour melted and slightly cooled (until a thin film appears on top, which we remove) white soap base with the addition of base oil (apricot, jojoba, castor, grape seed - whichever you like best) and fragrance or esters.

If you know exactly what scents the people to whom you are giving soap prefer, you can add certain essential oils. But, if you are going to give soap to people whose scent preferences you know little about, it is better to use cosmetic fragrances with standard odors characteristic of men's cosmetics - Freshness, Sea breeze, Ocean. While the soap base is still liquid, quickly arrange the prepared black plates in it in random order so that they are completely (or almost completely) covered with it.

After pouring the soap base into the mold, air bubbles may appear on the surface; to get rid of them, just spray alcohol on top.

After waiting for the white layer to harden, we also randomly place white rolls and soap plates on top,

Sprinkle thoroughly with alcohol on all sides and carefully pour in black soap base , to which base oil and fragrances are also added.

We leave our soap masterpiece for 30-40 minutes to harden. If the soap easily comes away from the walls of the mold, you can remove it .

Soap makers, having had a little rest from the pre-New Year race, are starting to create masterpieces with renewed vigor: there are still many holidays ahead. How to decorate soap for men, make it not just a foaming piece, but a beauty that you can admire and even brag to your friends? My favorite magical mother of pearls come to the rescue.

I have quite a few molds for the men’s holiday, of which I have chosen the “Gun” and “Token of a Real Man.” Many of you, colleagues, have these.
I used food coloring and saved expensive pigments for more complex works. Pour the soap in the usual way, add delicious aromas.

Men love not only the cool shades of “Atlantic Freshness”, they also like “Chocolate” or “Peach”.

You can add white pigment if you want the soap to be opaque.
So, we made soap, and it turned out something like this:

Mother of pearl is the best way to decorate soap

To make the soap look chic, I actively use. I apply them to the finished soap with a regular brush. I tried different colors of mother of pearl. Most of all I liked the golden pistol. And on the keychain I emphasized only the protruding letters, giving them a metallic shine. This beautiful set can already be packaged in a holiday box and given as a gift. Or sell, and at a higher price.

Below are examples of the use of different shades of mother-of-pearl.

You can show your imagination and “metallize” only individual parts of the gun. It will look interesting I suppose. If you decorate a black pistol with gold plates on the handle, it will look great!

  1. Mother-of-pearl washes off very easily, and if you don’t really like the result, then carefully rinse it off under running water, let the soap dry, and try decorating it differently.
  2. Mother-of-pearl gets a little dirty, so do not place unpackaged soap next to others to prevent the mother-of-pearl from leaving marks on your other products.
  3. Be sure to cover the pearlescent soap with film so as not to accidentally smear the design.

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The myth that real men wash only with laundry soap was most likely invented by the manufacturers of such soap themselves. True, “there are still his fans in Russian villages,” but the majority still prefers modern means. Shower gel, bath foam, and shampoo with a “masculine” character appeared in our country relatively recently, however, they immediately gained popularity and today live in almost every bathroom.

What about soap? Along with household, toilet and children's soaps, the so-called handmade soap appeared, which, due to the variety of aromas and forms, also appealed to the strong half of humanity. And now you have the opportunity to once again show concern for your beloved men. Today you will learn how to make soap for men at home.

To make gift soap, you will need the following tools:

  • microwave
  • heat-resistant glass cup or flask, saucepan (if you heat the base in a water bath)
  • stirring stick (glass is best, but a new wooden one will work too)
  • knife for cutting base
  • oilcloth
  • a clean towel or napkins to wipe dishes dry
  • various forms for pouring the base
  • spray bottle filled with alcohol

You also need materials that can be purchased in specialized stores or on websites for creative goods:

  • soap base, white and clear, preferably made in England
  • cosmetic fragrances: “Fresh Air”, “Sea Breeze”, “Woody-Spicy” and others. You can also use essential oils: mint, any citrus fruits, ginger
  • food coloring or cosmetic pigments different colors
  • cosmetic jojoba oil (or any other suitable for your skin type)

How to make soap for men

Before starting work, we cover the table with oilcloth, arrange everything necessary so that later we will not be distracted from the process, and lay out the forms. If they are plastic, then it is better to lubricate them with oil, otherwise the finished handmade soap will be difficult to remove.

1. Cut the transparent base, put the pieces into a glass container and melt at low power, periodically removing the container and stirring the base to avoid boiling.

2. Add jojoba oil (it is ideal for all skin types) at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of base, a few drops of blue dye depending on the desired color saturation, but without fanaticism, because blue hands are not included in our plans. By the way, if you make baby or single-color soap, it is better to use food coloring. If you want to add several different colors to one form, then you need a cosmetic pigment, thanks to which the colored layers will not mix over time.

3. Add a few drops of Sea Breeze fragrance, mix thoroughly and pour into a simple mold (I have a rectangular and leaf-shaped one, you can also use yogurt cups and small plastic containers) by 2/3 of the volume.

4. Spray with alcohol to remove bubbles from the surface.

5. Cut the white base and put it in the microwave. For such soap you need to take half as much white base as transparent base.

6. Add cosmetic oil and Sea Breeze fragrance.

7. Pour the white base into the transparent blue in a thin stream, spray the surface with alcohol and leave the soap in the mold for several hours.

Handmade gift soap with an interesting pattern and a wonderful sea scent is ready!

How to make soap of the desired shape

Now you are convinced that it is not at all necessary to have special molds to make soap for men. The most important thing is imagination and the desire to create. If you still want something special, then there are a few things to consider:

  • Pouring the base into a relief form is quite a troublesome task, so sometimes it is easier and more interesting to fill it entirely using a white base painted in the desired color. It, unlike transparent, will clearly highlight all the details. However, it's up to you to choose.
  • The transparent base retains the color of the dye, and the white one changes it: black to gray, red to pink, blue to blue, and so on.
  • We color soap with various small details only with cosmetic pigments, otherwise all our painstaking work will be in vain because food coloring mixes over time.
  • Do everything quickly, otherwise small parts may later fall behind the finished soap.

But in general, the preparation algorithm is the same as for any handmade soap. You can see this for yourself by using the instructions.

Instructions for “reinventing the wheel”

1. Cut a small amount of white base, melt it in the microwave and pour on the wheel rims. You should not add oils or fragrances to avoid oil protrusion on the surface. If desired, you can make the discs colored. After hardening, use a knife to carefully remove the excess.

2. Sprinkle the frozen layer with alcohol and lightly scratch it with a toothpick or knife so that the layers are better bonded. For the wheel itself we use black cosmetic pigment. A wheel made from a white base turns out gray, and a wheel made from a transparent base turns out black. We enrich with oils, add a few drops of fragrance and pour into molds.

3. Sprinkle with alcohol to remove bubbles and leave in the mold for several hours. These wheels will appeal to boys of all ages. Using the same instructions, you can “build” a motorcycle, a rocket, and even a flying saucer.

And to amuse your loved ones, place a soap jaw instead of soap in the bathroom.

Making soap with your own hands is a fun and rewarding activity. And the point is not only that you can please your men with its result, but also that you creative process can captivate them. Before you know it, you will turn from a performer into a coordinator. I wish you success!

It's no secret that handmade soap can be a wonderful gift for any occasion. Over the years, the realization comes that things made by the hands of loved ones are priceless. Let's look at a detailed master class on how to make handmade men's soap yourself.

For work we will need:
- 100 gr. transparent soap base;
- 50 gr. white soap base;
- cotton seed oil;
- avocado oil;
- Egoiste Platinum fragrance from Chanel;
- liquid green pigment;
- liquid pigment blue;
- silver mother of pearl;
- alcohol (to remove bubbles);
- molds;
- plastic cups;
- stirring stick;
- electronic balance;
- knife;
- cutting board.

First you need to cut 30 grams into small cubes transparent base.

Then, place it in a glass and put it in the microwave. It is advisable to use the mid-low frequency mode. At maximum, everything will melt much faster, but the cups cannot withstand such temperatures. The base must not be allowed to boil.
Then you should add avocado oil (a third of a teaspoon) and 3-4 drops of blue dye.

In order to avoid migration of paint in soap, you need to use pigments and 3-4 drops of fragrance.
At the next stage, you should carefully mix everything, sprinkle the mold with alcohol, pour in the prepared mixture and sprinkle everything with alcohol again.

The shape does not matter, the main thing is that it is flat, since in the future all the workpieces will need to be cut.
Next, you should cut another 30 grams of the transparent base, melt it and add the following ingredients by analogy with the first option, only instead of blue dye, you need to take green, then pour it into the mold and sprinkle with alcohol.

At the next stage, you need to cut 30 grams of the white base, melt it, add cotton seed oil, flavoring, mother of pearl (on the tip of a knife), mix everything and pour it into the third mold. Be sure to sprinkle with alcohol.

After 30 minutes, all layers will harden and can be removed from the mold and cut into cubes.

In a large mold in which you will prepare the soap, you need to place all the colored cubes, having first sprayed the cubes and the mold with alcohol. This will prevent them from sticking to each other.

Please note that you should not add oil at this stage of work, as the liquid may become cloudy. The amount of transparent base (at the last step of work) must cover all the cut cubes.
After 10-15 minutes, when the top layer of soap dries a little, you need to melt the remaining white base (20 grams) and pour the top layer, after sprinkling the previous one with alcohol.

As a result, you should get a white, flat surface on one side and a transparent surface with colored cubes on the other.

Now you can please your loved ones with a useful and beautiful gift!