Come up with something original. How to come up with a truly bright and profitable business idea? Submit your invention

Hello dear readers. In this article, we will share our thoughts on how to create something new, as well as analyze an interesting moment from the anime Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Sometimes we face difficulties in life. We feel completely alone because of these difficulties. Perhaps we are not as sociable as everyone else, or we may have some kind of disease. Something that makes us "different" from the rest.

And nowhere, it seems, is there a place where everything would suit us, where we would be accepted. So you can lose heart, thinking that "life just cheated me with something and that's it."

But what if our difference, which seems like a "punishment" is actually gift? What if it's a problem that just we need to decide(which means it is quite normal that we are like this) and is it possible to help others in this? That is, if we have depression, then we need to set ourselves the goal of finding a way out of depression, if we can’t start relationships with the opposite sex, then we need to learn, and then as they say:

Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

A similar situation, in my opinion, is shown in the anime "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", in which the main character (Haruhi) did not like everything, the world seemed boring and monotonous to her. Let's give the dialogue of the main characters:

Haruhi: I thought it would be a little better with clubs in high school, but it's the same as in the compulsory education system - maybe I just got the wrong school... There's a detective investigation club. Kyon (Haruhi's classmate): So how do you like him? Haruhi (disappointed): Ah, funny people. They still haven't investigated a single real case. The members of the circle are ordinary fans of detectives and among them there is not a single detective, they are not even looking for one. Kyon: It's a common thing... Haruhi: I hoped so much for the supernatural study group, but only occult-obsessed psychos gather there - a nightmare, huh? Kyon: What do you say? Haruhi: AAAA! - what a bore! Even if idiots sit in such circles - what to say about the rest? Kyon: Well, there's absolutely nothing to be done - after all, people should be content with what they have and say thank you for having at least this ... As for the dissatisfied, it is they who make discoveries - they invent something and in every possible way contribute to the progress of civilizations. Who loves to travel invents cars and trains. Whoever wants to fly constructs airplanes and spaceships... And all this came to us thanks to a handful of people with a sharp rational mind. In other words, everything that we have we owe to these geniuses, these eternally dissatisfied ...

So, it turns out that Haruhi was interested in something, but she could not find support from others in this, so she remained alone.

But after Kyon’s words, she just decided to open something of her own (her own circle), where she could realize your ideas. Interesting, in my opinion.

It's funny what expression Haruhi had before she created "Team Sos":

rice. 1

And what happened after, when she was captured by the idea of ​​​​creating her own circle:

rice. 2

Are you having trouble finding new ideas for games?

Has your mind become empty and no matter how hard you try, not a single good idea comes to your mind? Don't worry. It happens to everyone. The truth is that the ability to be creative and come up with game ideas is a skill to be honed, not just a talent (although this happens, it's very rare). Anyone can become a master at creating amazing game ideas if they learn and apply the right techniques.
Although, there are dozens of different ways to help you unleash your creativity. We've compiled a list specifically for game developers. Each of these 19 ways will help you get your creative juices flowing again and make it easier to come up with an idea for a killer game.

Ready to get to know them?


#1 - Play, play, play! As much as possible!

Games have the ability to take us to another world, to entertain and challenge us. When you're trying to come up with your own unique idea for a game, the games themselves are also one of the best ways to find inspiration. It is very important to try to play games of different genres, and not just those that you like. Try to start with the classics and work your way up to indie games and then some more mainstream hits. Games like Space Invaders, Tetris, Mario Bros and more are a good start, especially if you haven't played many of them before.
Believe it or not, most of the games we consider classics were created by one person or small teams of developers. In addition, many of the classics are simple games that use dynamic, repetitive gameplay. These are the secret ingredients for a successful game. Parsing them will save you from the mania of reinventing wheels already made by someone before you. Famous indie games like Limbo and Monument Valley are great to play and explore. Try to find some popular games in different genres to play as well.
When you play, pay close attention to all the little things that make the game fun and unique. Take a small notepad and write down all the features, themes, color schemes, characters, effects, or gameplay mechanics that make each game stand out from the rest.

#2 - Watch the world

As Steve Jobs once said, “Creativity is just putting together things that have been seen before. When you ask creative people how they came up with their product, they start to feel a little embarrassed because they didn’t come up with it (in the truest sense of the word), but simply put it together by seeing something.”
To be creative and come up with ideas for games, you have to be able to put things together. And to put things together, you have to be observant. Start paying attention to all the little things. Pay attention to your environment, people, and all the little things you don't normally notice. Treetops, clouds passing by, clothes falling into the dryer. Almost everything can be used as inspiration when you are fully aware of the ongoing processes around you. You never know what might spark an idea for an interesting new gameplay concept.
Try to pay attention to everything that surrounds you and think of ways to implement all this in your game. Ask yourself: "Can I use this for my game?" If yes, then "How?". Write down everything that comes to your mind. The answers may surprise you. You will also find that your level of creativity will increase as you continue to practice observation. Ideas can come from the strangest places.

#3 - Look for a way out

As the wise saying goes, "When in doubt, ask." Always seek input from others when you are trying to come up with game ideas. Ask around. Try to start a game-related conversation and skim through some of the possible game concepts you have in your head. Be inquisitive and find out what games people like to play by asking your friends, colleagues, family members, or even strangers on the street. The more opinions the better. If you're not entirely sure about a concept that comes to mind, ask people what they think of it. Remember that you don't have to tell everyone that you're working on a game when you ask them questions. If you're afraid someone will steal your idea, you can be vague with your question and get valuable feedback. This will help you get a good idea of ​​where you could go with your game.

#4 - Write down your ideas

Everything starts with an idea. Therefore, it is important track them. Use a small notepad or phone app to write down any ideas that pop into your head. A notebook with ideas for games can help you find an interesting one among a bunch of ideas. Before you find it, you will already have a small book of game ideas.
If you have a pen and paper craving, invest in a few small, pocket-sized notebooks and keep one with you wherever you go. If the paper method doesn't suit your style, you can use the sticky note on your phone to create an idea journal or download one of the many notebook apps. Whatever method you choose, remember that it should be easily accessible and convenient for you.
You never know when an idea will hit your head. And if you have a system for capturing great ideas, you will never miss it.

#5 - Mind map of the mind

Mind mapping is a visual brainstorming technique in which you use words, images, and colors to connect ideas around a particular topic. Using this technique, you can quickly generate many different game ideas. It's also an interesting way to organize the creative process.
To start mapping out a potential game idea, you'll need a piece of paper, a pen, and some colored pens or markers. Choose a game type (arcade, platformer, puzzle, action) and write it in the center of a piece of paper, circle it. Then start writing down the main ideas using one word and connections, drawing a line from the circled word to the game type (written at the beginning). These ideas can be a theme, a feature, a background element, a game mechanic, a character, an effect, or any other part of the game. Try to write and circle each idea with a different color. You can even draw an idea if you like. This is your mind map.
Mind mapping allows you to connect ideas. In fact, the brain works better creatively with non-linear methods such as mind maps.
Okay, I know what you're thinking... but what if I don't want to sit around with a bunch of colored pens? Well then you don't have to. There are mind map programs that you can invest in or find for free. They allow you to quickly create a mind map on your computer. There are also dozens of apps like Mind Vector, Mindly, MindMeister and iMindQ that you can download for free on your phone. Apps are a great option. Many of them use the Cloud and can be saved and accessed later from anywhere. You can also collaborate with friends or teammates to make your mind map even more amazing.

#6 - Research

To come up with a great game, you need to know what already works. Research is essential, especially if you're trying to come up with a cool idea. It's important to research which games are topping the charts, in which categories, and why, so you don't waste your time on a concept that no one will love and play. Studying charts and current trends will give you a slight head start and make it easier to brainstorm new ideas.
For research, just browse the top spots in the App Store. Look at all the top games in the same category you want to make your game. Pay close attention to games from indie developers, write them down. Then carefully research each game. Use Google to find out more about games. Then download and play each game. Analyze the features of the game and write any element that stands out. Review your notes and use them as a starting point for developing your game idea.

#7 - Active in the gaming community

Being active in the gaming community is another way to spark creativity and generate game ideas. When you participate in game scene ideas, it automatically becomes easier for you. So go ahead! Get active in the gaming community. You need to do more than just play a bunch of games. To participate, you need to join the forums and actively participate in them. Visit various sites and read what other players and developers are discussing. Ask and ask questions. The gaming community is an immense resource that developers should use. You can find inspiration, learn tips and get a lot of useful feedback from gamers and colleagues.

#8 - Model and Improve

We strongly believe in Models and Improvements. This is the secret method many successful developers and entrepreneurs use to come up with killer ideas. When you model and improve, you take a concept by breaking it down and finding new ways to make it better. By adding something to it, changing it, or combining it with other elements, you end up creating a completely new version that is unique. Just look for popular games in your niche and then analyze them. Once you've laid out game features and key elements, think of different ways to improve each feature. Ideas will quickly start to flow like a river.

#9 - SCAMPER Method

David Reichelt created his hit game Color Switch (which has reached over 150 million downloads so far) using the Buildbox software. When asked in an interview about how he came up with the idea for the game, he provided the SCAMPER method from Michael Michalko's book called Thinkertoys. Instead of just brainstorming ways to improve a concept, you apply nine specific methods to help you come up with a concept. Each letter in the abbreviation represents one or more ideas that raise questions that you should ask yourself.
To use the SCAMPER technique, you must analyze an idea and ask yourself if you can replace, merge, add, change, increase, etc. It's an innovative way to get creative with new ideas for a game.

#10 - Focus on the genre

If you're having trouble coming up with game ideas, you can focus on a specific game category or genre. The more specific the focus, the easier it is to generate ideas. Try to pick a game genre that interests you and start brainstorming ideas in that category only. Whether it's arcade, action, puzzle, racing, shooter, adventure or strategy, try to focus only on that genre. When you're brainstorming ideas, look at other similar games in this category and look for ways to model and improve them.

#11 - Choose a topic to study

Sometimes you need to go even further when you're thinking about an idea for a game, choose a specific topic to explore. Choosing a specific genre and theme will help you better define the type of game you want to create. A few small details can make a huge difference in the overall shape of your game. For example, a simple shooter-style game with a spatial theme has become much more interesting. Adding that extra touch might fire up your imagination. As you think more about the concept, you'll be able to come up with more elements to add and pretty soon you'll have a great game idea.

#12 - Character - as a basis!

Starting with a character is another way to try if you're stuck in the middle of the creative process. When you choose a main character first, they can make the process of developing a game idea much easier. You can just brainstorm around that one element until you have a complete concept in mind. Your main character can be a person, a creature, an object, or a specific place. Once you have a given character, try to come up with various possible scenarios that could happen to him. Consider how your character will interact and react. Brainstorm alternative themes, issues and gameplay based on your main character.

#13 - Don't stop thinking - it's important!

Don't drive yourself crazy trying to come up with an idea. Avoid sitting for hours waiting for an idea to come to you. You will quickly suffocate if you don't stop. Instead, try to break your brainstorming into blocks. Choose the time of day that works best for you. We are all different. Some people get their best ideas early in the morning while enjoying a cup of coffee, while others prefer midnight gatherings. When planning a brainstorming session, it's important to choose a quiet place where you can think. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes and then start brainstorming potential game ideas. When the timer beeps, stop. Depending on your schedule and time constraints, you can do one or more sessions throughout the day until you come up with something great.

#14 - Use limits

Constraints help stimulate creative thinking. If you need to come up with some unique ideas for a game, then adding restrictions is the way to go. They will help you narrow your options and focus your thinking. Try to use constraints such as topic, time, tools, and skill to brainstorm.
Start by picking one specific topic that your idea should be based on. Give yourself a deadline to complete the game. When you know that the amount of time you have is limited, you will have to come up with game concepts that can be completed within those limits. This will allow you not to think about the "unlimited possibilities" that often lead us to the block of creativity. Constraints help keep your concept realistic, which is very important.
Tools and your current skill level are also limitations to consider when you're coming up with game ideas. What game can you make? What tools do you need to help you reach your goal? What is your budget? Knowing and working within your limits will lead you to success. Turn your limitations into an advantage by using them to fuel your creativity.

#15 - Get inspired by more than games

Games are not the only type of information you can draw inspiration from. You can also draw inspiration from other mediums such as film, television, art, music, and books. What are your favorites? What are they about? Looking for elements in other environments that could be used as the basis for a game idea. It could be anything. Maybe a cool concept or a scene from a movie or show, a beautiful piece of art, a great song, or an album cover of a song. Inspiration is everywhere when you look for it.

#16 - Break

Sometimes the best way to come up with ideas is to take a break. Sounds counterintuitive, but it works. By stepping back from the process and doing something else, you can not only relax, but also avoid burnout. Whenever you are at the point where you start to get frustrated, take 20 minutes, an hour, or even a day to break away from the process. Take a shower or sleep if you need to. Take a walk in the park. Play your favorite game or listen to music. Do whatever you want to do to relax. Then, when you're ready to get back to thinking, you can look at the ideas with fresh eyes.

#17 - Use an Idea Generator

When you need a little help developing game ideas, generators are also the way to go. We do not recommend taking them literally. Some results may seem silly, but generators are a great tool to help ignite the spark of your creativity. Just take a random idea and turn it into a concept. You can also play around with it and pull different elements from each idea you create to come up with a cool feature. The Idea Generator is a useful tool to help you.

#18 - Read latest news and reviews

Reading the latest news and game reviews can also help generate game ideas. Online publications such as Gamasutra, PGBiz, Polygon, IGN, 148Apps, Touch Arcade, are all great sources to keep you up to date. When you have a good knowledge of what players like and don't like, you will be able to come up with game ideas faster. Try to make reading the news a habit.

#19 - You just need to start

If you're having trouble coming up with an idea for a game, try just getting started. When you don't worry about making the perfect game and just dig, your wheels will start to spin and ideas will come to you when you're not waiting. Just choose a random game type and start creating. You can make the game perfect by chance.

When you feel stuck, try one or all of the tips mentioned above. Remember that making games, in general, should be a fun process. If you're struggling to come up with game ideas, take a deep breath, exhale, and relax. Play tons of games, be observant, use different methods of brainstorming, research, work within your limits and remember that ideas will come to you in the process.

Remember that creativity is just putting things together that have been seen before.

Dedicated to the theme of the birth of ideas: from the history of insights that have radically changed human life, to the mechanisms of thinking and ways of generating ideas in the modern world.

Video recording of the lecture

Who am I and why do I have the audacity to talk about how your brains work? I worked as a creative director for fifteen years, and my job was to come up with something every day. At some point, I got tired of it, and I decided to do reflection. Because it seems to me that the main difficulty with thinking is that you cannot think and think about how you think at the same time.

This is physically impossible. This can only be done retroactively. Try to understand how the idea comes to your mind. This is actually a very exciting process. I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out how ideas come into my head. And I came to several fundamental conclusions, for which, in a good way, I am entitled to the Nobel Prize.

The most important conclusion is that we all think the same way. We all have the same digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system, circulatory system, limbic system. There is no reason to believe that separate brains have been selected for each of us.

And I don't know about you, but it really inspires me. The very idea that my brain is no different from Richard Feyman's (American scientist, one of the founders of quantum electrodynamics - website), I love.

I understand that my only difference from Feyman is that I thought and gave up, and Feyman continued to think

Actually, what is thinking from my point of view. There is such an author - Tatyana Chernigovskaya. Maybe you listened to her. I don't like her very much. I don't like it because it carries syncopated nonsense - one from which nothing follows. Her thoughts jump chaotically: she starts talking about God, about the fact that the brain is the most complex device in the universe and other nonsense.

As a result, some kind of water is obtained at the output, and you do not understand what follows from this - it seems that you listened to a lecture, but it seems that you understood absolutely nothing. From my point of view, there is no riddle in human thinking. The brain is incredibly primitive, and the only way we come up with new ideas is by trying out options. All. There is nothing but a selection of options.

Simply put, we can only get out of our heads what we put there, regrouping it a little and swapping it. From this follows the following conclusion: as soon as you come across (absolutely no matter in what area) some new bright idea, your task is to steal this idea and figure out what is good about it.

Once you figure out how this idea works, why it is so cool, consider that it has become a part of you, and another mechanism has been added to your constructor. The fact is that the number of operations of thinking in itself is very small - they can be practically counted on the fingers. And you may ask the question: how were all these things created around us, if the number of variations is so limited?

From my point of view, the best metaphor would be music. There are only seven notes, and the number of melodies is infinite. Or a constructor. You can have a lot of sets, there are also a lot of parts in them, but there are few ways to articulate them.

I will try to elaborate on the topic. But first, a few words about where we are. To simplify a lot, we are in the ass. Complete and absolutely hopeless. But are there people here who are scared? For example, I am afraid of what is happening now.

It's not scary because we're all going to die. The Chinese have a saying: "God forbid you live in an era of change." It comes from the old days of the agricultural cycle, when a peasant up to 12 years old could learn all the basic agricultural operations, all the signs, and then live all his life using this baggage.

Sowing, taking care of the crop, harvesting, digging worms out of the ground and, in fact, processing the crop. Every year it was the same. And then such a thing as a completed higher education was still legitimate.

I think you can forget about this nonsense: education can only be incomplete. Now the absolute norm is to receive a new education every five to seven years. Because with a high degree of probability, all of you will change jobs. I'll try to explain why.

The fact is that we are now in the most unpleasant moment of the fourth industrial revolution. It is unpleasant in that the speed has already been gained and further changes will occur incredibly quickly. I will talk very briefly about the first three revolutions, namely, what they led to.

The first is the industrial revolution: steam, cast iron, Jenny's spinning wheel, and the like. She radically changed the world. Industrialization began, people began to move from the countryside to the city.

Somewhere in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the second industrial revolution swept the world. Steel, electricity, the conveyor - all this has completely changed the world. In the early 20th century, 80% of Americans were farmers and could barely feed themselves.

Today, US agriculture is the largest in the world. Maybe Kiselev said that the Americans do not produce anything but dollars. This is wrong. America is the largest (including agricultural) power. The country produces just under 20% of the world's food.

And if at the beginning of the 20th century 80% of the population was engaged in this with a much lower result, today there are less than 3% of farmers, together with hired Mexicans, for harvesting. From this, by the way, it follows that the thesis of the communists about the unity of the peasantry and workers simply does not work. And there are only a few farmers left, and the number of workers is sharply reduced.

In the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the third industrial revolution began, which is associated with space, nuclear energy, the first computers and the emergence of transnational corporations. This greatly changed the world, including the collapse of the economy of the USSR - our country has become simply uncompetitive.

And, finally, now there is a fourth revolution, which, it seems to me, is stronger than all three previous ones combined. These are the Internet, cellular communications, neural networks, artificial intelligence and GMOs (which, in fact, saves humanity).

Look at the two photos above. The first shows Fifth Avenue in 1900. The only car is marked with a red circle - everything else is a horse. The second photo shows Fifth Avenue 13 years later. A horse is highlighted in a circle, and everything else is cars.

In the States, the most popular profession is a truck driver. These drivers have families of about ten million people. There are also small towns through which the route passes, motels, gas stations, restaurants and brothels operate in them. These industries are driven by drivers. That is, all these people will become unnecessary, because already now there are systems that work perfectly without a driver.

But the problem doesn't just concern drivers - it concerns everyone. The same is happening in the maritime industry. Ships without a crew are already being tested. Before our eyes, the last few "defense lines" that seemed unshakable to us are falling.

It all started with chess. Everyone said that chess is a science combined with an art, in connection with which a machine will never compare with a person in this. After chess, the same was said about the game of Go. The number of options for moves in it is greater than the number of atoms in the Universe, so it was believed that it was impossible to calculate this "tree".

And what is most interesting, even now we do not understand how a computer learns to play Go. In fact, he plays millions of games with himself and thereby hones his skills. The next line of defense was poker. It was believed, okay, chess and go are games with complete information. But poker is about psychology, it's about bluffing, it's about putting money under pressure, and so on. But people are not competitive in this.

A few years ago, the average holding time per share was about four years. A person invested money and after four years decided whether or not to sell this share to him, and a bank trader made about 50 transactions per day about buying and selling.

Today, in some markets, the average holding time for shares is four seconds, and one trading robot performs approximately 10,000 buy-sell operations per second. Do you understand that we are simply not needed?

The little ball in the photo above is a Japanese robot that floats on the ISS. It is controlled from Earth, weighs one kilogram and performs about 10% of the work of the entire crew.

Do you know how the war in Afghanistan is going now? In Nevada - on the other side of the globe - employees come into the office, sit down at the monitor and begin to control the drones. They fly over the mountains and plains of Afghanistan, looking for the Mujahideen and destroy them at the command of operators from the Earth.

Of course, situations are possible when the connection is lost. Dushmans also learned how to use microwaves and interfere. In this case, the drone, on command, makes several circles, trying to find a connection, after which it returns to the base.

But while he is flying to the base, he has an automatic target search program running. So this program is much more effective than any gunners. Drones kill people, it distinguishes the “good” from the “bad” and kills conditionally bad ones much more effectively.

Another example: during the Franco-Prussian War at the end of the 19th century, it took 1,300 bullets to kill one enemy soldier. Do you think this figure has decreased over time? During the Vietnam War, it took 200,000 bullets to kill one enemy soldier, today in Afghanistan it takes 300,000 bullets.

There are such concepts as barrage fire, warning fire, area fire and so on. Can you imagine how much it costs to kill one enemy? The sniper is the elite of the elites. To prepare one good sniper, you need to spend several years on hard training and shoot a carload of ammunition. Special units work for one sniper. I don't know if you have seen - there is such a film "Sniper" about an American sniper in Vietnam.

I will briefly tell the story: this sniper died, and his wife was taken to this place, who has nothing to do with military affairs at all. She is blind, works as a programmer. She was armed with a special intellectual rifle, which itself determines the enemy, the direction and strength of the wind, the number of charges in the cartridge, and even tells the person who lies behind the other that it is time to pull the trigger.

This rifle was given to a woman who doesn't have any experience, maybe knows how to pull the trigger. And they held open competitions between her and the US sniper champion. As you can imagine, it was a rout. The American champion hit 58% of the targets, and the blind girl with a rifle hit 100% of the targets.

We are uncompetitive, we are forgetful, we operate with very little information. Our speed isn't good at all.

Another extremely serious resource is “big data”. With the help of big data, human behavior can be predicted with very high accuracy. Recently, they were looking for a serial killer in St. Petersburg and could not find it in any way - he left no traces at all.

Then someone came up with a bright idea: we know several areas in which the murders were committed, and we know the approximate time of the crimes. Let's sift through all the phone numbers: was there anyone who had a phone at all these points at a certain time. Thus, the killer was identified.

Facebook conducted a study last month on 86,000 volunteers. These people filled out a questionnaire of 100 questions. Facebook had the only source of information about a person - these are the likes that he put. So, according to the data received, it is enough for a person to put ten likes on the Internet on what he likes, after which Facebook can predict his behavior.

Today, the average Facebook user leaves 270 likes, and this number is constantly growing. Perhaps the social network knows more about your behavior than the next of kin.

Basically, I just want to scare you. While our country is crushing Polish apples with tractors, meanwhile a huge wave is approaching us. It is even difficult to describe how much the world will be different. From my point of view, such a thing as "pension" will disappear. But it will be replaced by unconditional income because that is the only way to avoid food riots.

And now, finally, let's move on to the topic of thinking and how people think. I want to tell a story about the first superman in the history of European literature, who appeared before James Bond, Spiderman and even before Sherlock Holmes. This is Rocambole. The author of "Rocambole" was a literary negro Alexandre Dumas (referring to the popular French novelist Ponson du Terraille - site) who wrote several novels for him.

The story about Rocambol was printed in parts, in paperback, and all of France was waiting for the continuation. Rocambole got into incredible troubles, came out of them with brilliance, fenced, seduced - a kind of James Bond of the 19th century. The only problem was that the rights to Rocambol did not belong to the author, but to the publisher.

As the popularity of Rocambole grew, the author's appetites naturally also increased, he wanted to receive more money. The publisher at some point decided that he was paying the author too much, and anyone could generate such nonsense in industrial quantities.

Then he said to the author: “My friend, I felt very good with you, but now you are finishing the last novel and we are saying goodbye. You can't kill a hero, and a few hungry journalists will write a sequel for three times cheaper.

"Good," said the author of Rocambole. And the last book about the adventures of Superman ended like this: the pirates caught the brave Rocambole, tied him hand and foot, locked him in a steel cage and threw him into the sea. And that's it, the author left, and all of France froze in anticipation. Everyone was wondering what would happen next, the hero could not die like that.

Then budget successors got down to business, and they came to a standstill. Rocambole had to be saved somehow, but it was not clear how to save him, because everything that they offered was no good.

And a week after all these disembodied attempts, the publisher gave up: “Man, forgive me, I got excited. I'm attractive, you're damn attractive. Let's be best friends, I agree to your terms, save our guy because France is waiting."

A new edition is out. Readers with excitement open the sequel and see: “Rockambolle, who got out of the deadly abyss, swam to the shore with confident strokes.” All. At this moment, everyone thinks the same thing: “What, it was possible like that?”.

So, from my point of view, the most important condition for productive thinking is courage. Maybe you remember the story about the man who traded a paperclip for a house. In my opinion, only nine operations a year. And what, so it was possible? Or about how the guys bought a site 1000x1000 pixels, began to sell each for a dollar, after which they earned $ 1 million. Was it also possible?

The fact is that the pressure of society on us is so great that we are all cowards and opportunists. We are very similar in our way of thinking. There was such an experiment with a hungry chicken, a transparent fence and food. All the chicken had to do was run around the fence either from the left or from the right.

But the chicken took a few steps in one direction, then looked and thought, “Something I’m moving too far away from food,” returned and took a few steps in the other direction. Our brains work in much the same way. But Bill Gates once said well: "If no one laughs at your idea, then it is not good enough."

There is a very good exercise for thinking: always doubt the obvious, that which no one doubts. As a rule, this is where the most interesting lies.

For example: there is such a type of transport - a trolleybus. For some reason, you can only enter the trolleybus through the front door, and this is a very long time, because the passenger puts the bag on, the sensor does not work for him, he turns the bag over, some grandmother in the meantime buys a ticket from the driver, the queue grows, everyone swears.

And then there is another mode of transport - a tram, in which you can enter any door. I can't even imagine what a titanic effort of thought will be required in order to take a risk and borrow the "tram" experience and apply it in a trolleybus. And so it is in absolutely everything.

In China, there are family doctors who only receive money when their client is not sick. As soon as a person falls ill, it means that the doctor is not doing his job well. Can you imagine how he runs after his client? “My friend, something you sit a lot. It seems to me that you need to move more, let's review your diet.

Imagine if we introduce the same system for road workers. The guys will receive money only when there are no potholes on the road. Do you think these people will continue to lay asphalt in the rain? Do not stop doubting the obvious.

We all studied according to the so-called Prussian education system. All children sit silently; until the teacher asks, they are silent. And the worst thing is that until the dumbest one understands, the class does not move on. And this is a monstrous catastrophe, because in fact the only resource that a person has is his time. And it is spent at school very stupidly.

The entire school curriculum without overvoltage can be completed in two years. You cannot limit the maximum learning rate. Schools should dictate only the minimum speed: if a child is good at mathematics, let him be in the eleventh grade in mathematics, and go on a par with the rest in singing.

Another monstrous habit that is instilled in school is the punishment for mistakes. If you think that you can’t have a child without punishment and twos, then I’ll tell you that people who thought that if a child wasn’t spanked in class, he wouldn’t study, thought the same way.

The fact is that the only way to learn new things available to a person is to consistently make mistakes. What is an experiment? This is when you consistently make one mistake after another. You put forward a theory and then try to test it. Not everyone has the patience, like Edison, to do ten thousand experiments to find a spiral for a light bulb, but mistakes should be rewarded.

What is the difference between a good scientist and a charlatan? If a good scientist has some kind of hypothesis, then, first of all, he will look not for examples that confirm the hypothesis, but for examples that refute it. because there are plenty of supporting examples.

Our tiny brain weighs about one and a half kilograms (give or take). It consumes up to 20% of the total energy of the body. Thinking is very expensive. That is why a person tries to do everything without thinking. That is, he once figured out how it works, and continues to perform all such actions automatically.

I hope the future is to translate learning into play. Because a person can work hard and hard for a short time, but he can play endlessly. I have read a huge number of books on the technology of thinking, but nowhere have I seen a simple idea that the most important thing in the process of thinking is yourself.

Because you need to think, you need to solve the problem. Therefore, you must know how to put yourself in the right frame of mind. What is the difference between an amateur and a professional? An amateur can produce a very good result if the work inspires him, if the stars are right, if he is in a good mood.

And a professional always gives a good result - regardless of whether he had a fight with his wife, whether his daughter's hamster died or whether his tooth hurts. The basis of professionalism is knowing yourself well. Know what makes you happy.

There was a German industrialist Krupp who brought Hitler to power. He was very inspired by the "smell of nature" - as he called the smell of manure. He even made a special ventilation to his office from the stables. And Agatha Christie, for example, hated washing dishes.

She didn't understand why she, a great writer, should waste her time scrubbing grease off plates. And so when she needed to come up with a particularly sophisticated murder, she began to wash the dishes. And her hatred for this occupation was transformed.

Since we are not so different from animals - in fact, we are animals - the thing that works very well for us is food reinforcement. In other words, if you have something that you really like to eat - for example, some kind of chocolate - then put it in front of you, but do not touch it until you solve the problem.

And when you do solve it, firstly, this chocolate bar will seem to you much tastier than usual, and secondly, the most important process will take place in your head: a connection will be established between the center responsible for solving the problem and the organs responsible for pleasure. Your task is to strengthen this connection in every possible way, because as soon as you begin to enjoy complex things, your performance will increase dramatically.

Americans have a so-called "rule of three Bs". They believe that all brilliant ideas were invented in just three places: a bus (bus), bed (bed) and bathroom (bathroom). I urge you to know what time is most productive for you and protect it, because then you will enjoy working.

However, it seems to me that another brilliant thing is missing from the list - walking. A huge number of ideas were invented just on the go, when a person was just walking somewhere. Therefore, it is often not worth sitting still to solve a problem, it is better to be distracted and take a walk, while the brain will continue to work.

By the way, another good example is cork. For a modern person, this is a unique opportunity to be alone. At this time, you do whatever you want: if you want - listen to audiobooks, if you want - music, if you want - think about anything. From the fact that you will boil, you will not get there faster. It's the simple idea that by willpower you can make yourself a much happier person.

There is a classic example given by Adam Smith. This example at one time had a very strong effect on Karl Marx and, among other things, inspired him to write Capital. There was such a thing as a big safety pin. In those days, the economy was extremely necessary, but expensive.

Because for the manufacture of one pin it was necessary to do 18 operations: stretch the wire, cut the wire, sharpen the wire, bend it - in general, the process is not fast. A good craftsman could make up to 20 pins per day. This is not enough, that's why they were so expensive.

And then there was an amazing experience. 18 masters were chosen and each was given to perform only one operation. It would seem that at school we were taught that the sum does not change from the rearrangement of the places of the terms. What's the difference: 18 times 20, or 20 times 18 - all the same, the output will be 360.

What was the surprise of those present when, by the end of the working day, 18 craftsmen produced not 360, but 48 thousand pins. Such a simple experiment led to the appearance of the conveyor - in fact, the most inhuman thing in the world. Because to force a person to perform the same operation throughout his life - in my opinion, this is a crime.

Why did I tell this story? To the fact that I wanted to do the same with the process of thinking. I wanted to break everything that our brain can do into very simple operations. And I came to the conclusion that there are far fewer of them than 18.

The 1+1 addition is an example of a simple thinking algorithm. Imagine we have a subset of whales and a subset of sharks. At some point they intersect, and this intersection gives us whale sharks. This idea of ​​adding two realities is very effective. Now I will explain.

In Moscow there is such a store "Republic". At one time it started as a bookstore, then book sales fell, and entrepreneurs began to sell, by and large, everything there. Including a lot of any Chinese, creative garbage. It even has gum magnets, and I know people who think it's a cool idea.

I'll explain now: it works on the principle of two intersecting circles. Imagine that you are a company that produces these magnets, and you need to somehow diversify the range. In one set we have magnets, and in the other subset we have something that can hang vertically on the wall.

Then we get a huge number of options. It could be a screw, it could be a nail, it could be any small animal, from a fly to a gecko, and so on.

Or another example. There is also a stand for toothpicks in the form of a voodoo doll. Here we are doing the same thing: pretending to be making toothpick coasters. To do this, we think about what something long and thin can stick out of.

The first thing that comes to mind is hedgehogs, porcupines, brushes, combs, Saint Sebastian, cactus and so on. Do you understand how simple it is?

Another very good way of thinking is to think in terms of things. The fact is that our brain is able to establish a connection between two objects, no matter how different they may seem. In cinema, this is called the Kuleshov effect.

If we first show the food and then the person's face, then it will seem to us that the person is hungry. If first we show a naked woman, and then the same face of a man, then it will seem to us that he lusts. And so on.

I'll tell you a little story about an Alpine ski resort that once ran into a problem. From time to time, the wires next to it would freeze over due to accumulated snow and could break, in which case the resort was left without electricity. Then the owners brought in a group of engineers and gave them a task. They fought for a long time, and then, when the group finally reached a dead end, the leader said: “Guys, the brainstorming is over. Go to the village and let everyone buy some object and return with it for discussion.

One man walked through the alpine village and brought a pot of honey. “So what?” they asked him. “Well, how what? We install a pot of honey on top of the power line. Bears, attracted by the smell of honey, will climb on it, shake power lines, then snow will be shaken off them.

Then another said: “Listen, we are constantly chasing helicopters. They transport the sick, throw climbers and skiers on the mountains. Let the helicopters fly not just like that, but along or near the lines. Then they will solve this problem with snow practically free of charge.

Do you understand what I mean? It's good when a person thinks. There was such a thing on Kickstarter - a cube with different buttons, switches, shutters. In general, such chewing gum for hands. And he was wildly popular. Well, it's very useful to keep something like that in a drawer. Lots of different things. And in the event of a problem, just sort through and think about how you can solve it with their help.

Incredible Facts

"We are what we constantly do. Excellence is not one action, it is a habit." (Aristotle)

Scientists say that with willpower, it takes about 30 days for a person to form a new habit. Creating something new and going beyond the comfort zone - this is already 80 percent success.

It is very important for this to make small, but necessary changes every day for at least a month.

"How can you eat an elephant? A little bit every day." The same philosophy applies to making changes in your life. Trying to bite off more than you can swallow will inevitably lead to problems with the digestive tract.

However, small, targeted bites can help you create simple, productive habits and are an amazing way to make positive changes and enjoy your life.

When you start small, you don't need much motivation to do so. The simple act of “starting” will give you momentum, and the spiral of change will soon begin.

Below are 30 tasks to be completed within 30 days. If you approach the question responsibly, then you will see that each of them has the potential to help you introduce a new habit into your life.

Yes, there are overlaps between some tips. And no, you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Take 2-5 and work on them wholeheartedly for the next 30 days. Once you've developed these new healthy habits, start working on a few more.

1. Use words that are associated with happiness in your speech.

As a rule, when you ask someone "how are you?", the answer you hear is "fine", "I'm fine", etc. Try the next time you are asked such a question, answer: "fabulous!".

This will certainly make the person smile and ask you what is causing these feelings. You say that you are healthy, your family is healthy, you live in a free country. There is no reason not to be happy.

The difference is simply in the choice of words. People who answer this way are not better than others, they are just much happier. Test it out for yourself for the next 30 days by practicing something like this.

2. Try something new every day

Variety is a vital spice. You can see or do something a million times, but the first time is always the same. As a result, "first time" experiences often leave vivid emotions in our minds that illuminate our lives.

Make an effort on yourself and try something new every day for the next 30 days. It could be a completely new activity or just some minor experience, like talking to a stranger.

Once you get off the ground, many of these new experiences will open doors to new life opportunities.

Self-improvement methods

3. Do one selfless act daily

In life, it usually happens like this - you get what you put in. When you positively impact someone else's life, positive changes will also occur in your own life.

Do something that makes other people feel happier and helps them suffer less. It will be a very rewarding experience. Something you'll remember forever. Obviously, in this case, the scope of your activities is unlimited.

4. Learn and practice a new skill daily

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life. To be self-confident, you need to master the basic set of skills, and be able to manage them very well, but it’s better to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have been taught in school, a jack of all trades will be much more prepared for life than a person with a highly specialized occupation. Plus, learning new skills is always fun.

Work on yourself

5. Teach someone something new

Inner happiness and zeal comes from using these "gifts" on a regular basis. What do people usually thank you for? What are they asking you to help them with? The talents and hobbies of most people can help another person in one way or another.

Perhaps you are good at painting, teaching mathematics, or maybe you are a good cook? For the next 30 days, try to dedicate some time each day to sharing your talent and experience with others.

6. Spend one hour a day on your hobby.

Do what interests you. It could be anything. For some, it is a hobby, others find refuge in faith, others attend social clubs or take an active part in the city council.

In each case the psychological result is the same. A person does what he strongly believes in. Such interaction helps to feel happy, and life takes on meaning.

7. Be friendly with everyone, even those who are rude to you.

Being friendly with someone you don't like doesn't mean you're not sincere. This suggests that you are mature enough to control your emotions. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you, not because they are nice, but because you have a light inside.

Do this for 30 days and you will not notice how the rudeness around you will dissolve.

Personal development

8. At any time in your life, try to focus on the positive.

Real winners in life cultivate optimism. They know how to create their own happiness and manage it. Regardless of the situation, a successful person will always find a reason to be optimistic, because he knows that failure is an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.

People who think optimistically see the world as a place filled with endless possibilities, especially in difficult times. Try to spend the next 30 days seeing the bright side of things.

9. Learn to admit defeat and learn from difficult situations

It is important to remember that everything we go through are life lessons. This is part of the experience. Never forget to learn a lesson, especially when things don't go smoothly.

If you didn't get the job you wanted, or the relationship isn't going the way you envisioned it, it means the best is yet to come. It is important to learn the lesson, because this is the first step towards a new, better.

Try in the next 30 days to remember and analyze all the life lessons that you have received from life.

To make life better

10. Look back at your life and enjoy it here and now

Life happens to us every second. Ask yourself: how much time in your life are you actually living and not existing? Most likely, you, like most people, will answer this question: "not enough."

The key is to focus a little less on "do" and a little more on "be". Remember, the only thing you have is the present moment. Life is now. Spend the next 30 days truly living and you won't be able to get back on track.

11. Get rid of one thing daily for 30 days

There is so much clutter in our lives (in the office, in the car, in the house), and we are so used to it that we no longer notice how it affects us.

If you free the surrounding space from clutter, then the inner clutter will also disappear. Every day find in your environment something unnecessary and throw it away. It's very simple. This may be difficult at first, some resistance will inevitably accompany you.

However, after a while you will learn to get rid of unnecessary things and your mind will thank you for your efforts.

12. Create something new

Creation is a process that inspires like nothing else. When you invent something new with your own hands, you are filled with an indescribable sense of integrity. Nothing can replace it.

The only catch here is that you have to be sincerely interested in it. If you create financial plans for clients during the day, and at the same time hate them, then this type of activity does not count.

But if you have something that you love and can create something related to your passion, then life will shine with new colors. If you have never created anything just for the sake of creating it, be sure to try it.

13. Don't tell a single lie for 30 days

For all their seeming innocence, the white lies that ooze out of us are more dangerous than they seem. But you can get rid of it. Stop deceiving yourself and others, speak from the heart, only the truth.

14. Get up 30 minutes earlier every morning

Try waking up half an hour earlier and you won't be running around the house like crazy, afraid of being late. This feeling is familiar to every second of us. This half hour will help you avoid speeding tickets, being late for work, and other unnecessary headaches.

Do this for at least a month, and then analyze how it affected your life.

Self-improvement of the individual

15. Get rid of three bad habits in 30 days

Are you eating too much fast food? Are you spending too much time on video games? Or maybe you like to argue on any occasion? Every person knows his own bad habits. Choose 3 of them and stop doing them for a month. If you hold out, you won't want to go back to them.

16. Watch less than 30 minutes of TV a day.

Entertain yourself with real emotions. Great memories are the product of interesting life experiences. Therefore, turn off the TV, computer, and go for impressions in real life.

Interact with the world, appreciate nature, pay attention to the simple pleasures life has to offer, just watch it unfold.

How to get better

17. Set one long-term goal and work towards it for an hour every day.

Break your goal into small pieces and focus on working on each piece daily. It is important that the pieces are small but consistent. The hardest thing about this is taking the first step.

For the next 30 days, make regular time for your dream. Start with a small dream and turn it into reality.

18. Read one chapter of a good book daily.

With the endless flow of information on the Internet, often full of simple and shallow text snippets, people are spending more and more time reading online. However, the web will never replace the wisdom that some of the classics are full of, carrying deep insights to the world for generations.

Books open doors to your mind and your life. Find a list of good books and start reading today.

19. Watch or read something every morning that inspires you.

Sometimes all we need is a pep talk. For the next 30 days, before eating breakfast or before leaving the house, watch a motivational video or read a story or blog that inspires you.

self improvement

20. Do something daily that makes you laugh.

Watch a funny video, read your favorite comic, or find a good joke online. Good, sincere laughter stimulates the brain and energizes a person. The best time for this is the middle of the day.

21. Forget alcohol and other stimulants for 30 days.

If you use alcohol and other stimulants with enviable regularity, then try to get rid of them for at least 30 days. You will feel better. There are many other natural ways to get energy. Eg:

- turn on the light, darkness provokes laziness.

- go out into the fresh air more often, it sharpens all the senses.

- call a close friend: talking with the person you care about is what it takes to boost your mood.

- reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, fruits such as raspberries, apples, oranges and grapefruits will saturate you with energy very quickly, eat less bread, dairy products and meat.

- Chew mint gum or drink mint tea to help you feel fresher.

- drink a glass of very cold water, it will wake you up.

- be organized, you will save a lot of energy if everything is in its place.

- practice altruism.

- Exercise and stretch regularly in the morning.

- drink more water, dehydration can reduce blood volume, which inevitably leads to fatigue.

- wear bright clothes. This trick has to do with the mood you project for those around you and the reciprocating mood they project on you.

22. Exercise for at least half an hour every day for a month

Your health is the quality of your life. Don't let him get away. Eat right, exercise, and get an annual medical checkup.

23. Purposefully put yourself in uncomfortable situations and face your fears daily.

Taking small, continuous steps in uncomfortable territory will help us get around the biggest barrier to positive change: fear.

Sometimes we are afraid that we will fail. Sometimes we subconsciously fear luck because we are afraid to deal with the mandatory professional growth that success requires.

The question of creating a name for something at first glance seems quite simple. Well, I thought up, it would seem, the name and that's it. However, not everything is so simple in reality. Coming up with names or, in other words, naming (from the English “name” - name) is a real art. Moreover, this process is distinguished by its peculiarities and complexities. There are even naming laws that must be observed when creating a name. The material presented is devoted to all this. And to begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the naming itself.

The term "naming" itself first appeared at the end of the 19th century and its appearance is associated with the beginning of intensified economic competition and the struggle for a buyer around the world. For many decades, experienced marketers and other specialists have studied this issue, and today quite a large amount of literature has been written on this topic. And the process of developing names and brands today is a completely independent direction, in the field of which many specialists work.

Of course, this is primarily due to the fact that the market is full of all kinds of goods and all of them need to be given names. In addition, a good, sonorous and unique name is an integral attribute and sign of any successful company that has a direct impact on attracting consumers and customers, creating a positive attitude and increasing profits. And in order to come up with a good name for a product or organization, you need to spend a lot of time and go through a lot of all kinds of options.

When starting the process of designing and creating a name, you should always consider the distinctive features and benefits of an organization or product, as well as take into account what you are actually creating the name for. For example, if you are developing a name for a unique product, then you need to focus on the priorities and needs of your target audience. Taking into account all these features will make naming easier and come up with a truly effective name that can become a real successful brand.

It doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a first-timer, in any case, you must adhere to a few basic naming rules.

First rule

The title must always be unique. By using pre-existing titles, you have very little chance of standing out from your competitors (and just other titles) and will not be able to create any association with people related to your product or organization.

Second rule

The name is remembered when it a short and sonorous. Any person (you can check for yourself) is more likely to remember a short and catchy name than some long and viscous phrase. If avoiding a long name is unavoidable, you can resort to the abbreviation method. It is also important that the name is easy to pronounce - avoid complex letter and sound combinations.

Third rule

Any effective name must have positive emotional coloration. Try to come up with such a name, saying which, first of all, you yourself will feel positive emotions, warmth and positive. When pronouncing the name, a person should also not have unpleasant associations. And one more thing: be careful that the new name does not include prohibited terms and expressions, and does not reflect belonging to government organizations (unless, of course, this is the case).

Fourth rule

If you are focused on entering the international market and know that your name will definitely appear in other countries, then you need to come up with universal Name, which, firstly, will sound the same in foreign languages ​​as in Russian and, secondly, will not have any unfavorable translation.

Fifth Rule

It would be nice if your name was reflect essence what you are naming. Firstly, it will tell about the features of your organization or product, and secondly, thanks to this, people will create a direct association between what you offer, what they need and your name. And if, for example, you create a domain name, then you can apply an SEO effect to it, i.e. prescribe the main keywords in the domain name.

In addition to following the above rules when creating a new name, you should also know that the process of creating a name consists of several stages. If you follow them, it will greatly speed up and simplify the whole process.

  1. The first stage is goal setting. At this stage, it is necessary to analyze the audience for which the new name is intended, to study its features, values ​​and needs (informational, physiological, aesthetic, combined). Based on this, you will need to select new names that will be associated with the satisfaction of the desired needs of people.
  2. The second stage is the development of the name. This stage involves the creation of several working versions of the name. As soon as they are ready, it is necessary to carry out their phonetic and semantic analysis, which will take into account all the subtleties of these issues and exclude the maximum number of inappropriate options. Experts are of the opinion that at this stage it is collective creativity that gives the best results.
  3. The third stage is the evaluation and approval of the name. The third stage is the final one. An objective assessment of the chosen name (or several options) should be carried out here. Evaluation should be made according to several criteria: the perception of the name (or several variants) by the consumer, the correspondence of this name to its status and the novelty of the name. After the assessment is made, the name is selected, approved and registered (if required to be recorded officially).

And in order to make the naming process even easier, below are some effective prerequisites, based on which you can start creating a new name.

  • First Name Last Name product creator or organization founder/company founder. This option is popular among many entrepreneurs and businessmen. Examples: "Davidoff", "Kira Plastinina", "Heinz", "Procter & Gamble", etc.
  • Legal terms reflecting the characteristics of the company. Most often, these are abbreviations for such words as Corporation (Corp.), Incorporated (Inc.), Limited (Ltd.). They are placed after the title. Examples: UGC Corp., Rayter Inc., Grand Capital Ltd. and etc.
  • Geographic features, which are often used in the names of various organizations and display the part of the world, country or city of origin. Examples: Air Asia, Australian Partnership, Bangkok Bank, etc.
  • Description of activity companies are also often displayed in the title. The undeniable advantage here is that a person immediately understands what company or product he is dealing with. Examples: "Apple Computers", "SurgutNefteGaz" (two prerequisites at once), "International Trading Company", etc.
  • Word combinations often found in many names. So, for example, you can encrypt the name of the founder of the company, the ingredients contained in the product, or the focus of the organization. Examples: "Adidas" (Adolf Dasler), "Bananas" (banana and pineapple), "4You" (For you), etc.
  • Selection of rhyme and rhythm allows any name to be sonorous and quickly become memorable. Examples: "Chupa-Chups", "Coca-Cola", "Fifty-Fifty", etc.
  • Creating Associations is one of the most popular ways to give names to various companies and products. Saying the name of a brand, for example, a person involuntarily creates an association conceived by the manufacturer, and vice versa. Examples: "Red Bull", "Jaguar", "Matrix", "Old Miller", "House in the Village", etc.
  • secret meaning, present in the title, always arouses genuine interest and a desire to learn more. There are quite a few such names, but we don’t even think about them. Examples: "Daewoo" (translated from Korean - "Big Universe"), "Nivea" (translated from Latin - "Snow White"), but the unfortunate abbreviation of the American Nihilist Association (The American Nihilist Underground Society) - "ANUS". Is there a secret meaning in this name? J
  • Oxymoron(a combination of opposite words) is often used by successful marketers to create unusual, but very sonorous and memorable names. Examples: "Slim Puff", "True Lies", "Shop for Little Adults", etc.
  • Metonymy(use of related associations) is a frequently encountered method of creating interesting and unusual names in recent times. Examples: "World of Fashion", "Planet Sushi", "Burger King", etc.

If desired, using imagination and creativity, you can come up with more than one interesting way of effective naming. It is only important to remember that the process of creating any name should be approached with all seriousness. Although, one cannot ignore the fact that sometimes the best names lie, so to speak, on the surface. For example, Adobe was named after the river that ran behind John Warnock's house; "Apple" is an apple - the favorite fruit of Steve Jobs; "Google" is derived from the word "googol" (a number followed by 100 zeros); "Hitachi" means "Dawn" in Japanese; "Subaru" is the constellation Subaru depicted on the logo. There are many examples. Therefore, look around you - perhaps the name you need is already near you and just waiting for you to find it.

What are some ways to come up with names? Do you have any examples of cool names that you or people you know have come up with? We will be glad to any comments and additions. A you can find out interesting information about many global brands.