How to start a business through mediation. Intermediary business: how it works How to organize a business through intermediary

An intermediary business is one of the easiest ways to organize a source of profit with minimal or no investment.

Capital investments: from 12,300 rubles

Business payback: 1 month

Every person’s dream is to receive money out of thin air.

This sounds fantastic, of course.

Nevertheless brokerage business provides just such an opportunity.

This is one of the easiest ways to organize a source of profit with minimal or no investment.

Each of us constantly buys something, orders various services, and contacts organizations.

The intermediary becomes a guide who allows you to reduce efforts to a minimum and not rack your brains over finding a performer.

To become a mediator, you do not need to have specific skills or higher education.

It is enough to show intelligence, patience, and resourcefulness.

And, of course, find a common language with different people.

If you think that you have such qualities, you can safely try yourself as an entrepreneur who makes money through mediation.

This article will tell you what you need for this, and in what area you can find yourself.

What is mediation as a business?

Every person has resorted to the services of intermediaries more than once.

True, not every businessman is ready to openly admit that he acts only as a “conductor” in the provision of services.

The only glaring exceptions are realtors.

Everyone knows that their job is to help find properties to rent or buy.

Realtors are paid 30-50% of the deal simply because they bring two people together: those who have an offer, and those who have a need for this offer.

Sounds quite simple and attractive, right?

Although it is worth noting that this task is not as simple as it might seem from the outside.

The intermediary business now exists in many areas of life.

But in all of them the principle remains the same.

The intermediary brings the client and the contractor together, and for this he receives a certain percentage of remuneration. A business is built literally “out of thin air”, however, it often brings not “air” profits at all.

What are the advantages of a brokerage business?

“Mediation is the cleanest and most profitable business.”
Bakhtiyar Mamedov

The activities of intermediaries have long been popular and are not losing ground.

This is one of the common ideas for generating income among entrepreneurs.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • It is possible to combine mediation in several areas, increasing business income.
  • The upper limit for earnings is unlimited.
    The result depends only on your efforts and ambitions.
  • In this type of business, you can get by with minimal investments or even operate without investments.
  • An entrepreneur is not required to be aware of the services in which he acts as an intermediary.
    However, it is worth noting that knowledge helps to conduct business more confidently, and also protects the entrepreneur from fraudulent schemes and mistakes.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in this ointment:

  • The customer may not pay for the work, which means the intermediary will not receive a percentage.
  • In the event of conflict situations, it is often the mediator who gets caught.
  • The intermediary business is not exactly an area that you can safely brag about to your friends.
    It is also not the best option for self-realization.

What are the options for a brokerage business?

You can act as a mediator in almost any area of ​​our lives.

However, some destinations are much more popular and profitable than others.

Business mediation on affiliate programs

This is the simplest idea for starting a brokerage business.

Some resources on the Internet have an affiliate program.

This means that you can register in it and receive a personal invitation link.

Using affiliate programs is very simple.

All the conditions necessary for mediation have already been created, all you have to do is distribute your personal link. But the level of income in such a job, as a rule, is not particularly impressive.

Mediation in the construction business

Mediation in the provision of repair and construction services is more difficult, but also much more profitable.

You need to look for specialists with a narrow profile (wallpaper hanger, painter, electrician) and customers.

The main advantages of this option are that it does not require any special investment.

You can also easily combine several areas (for example, repairing equipment or cleaning premises).

You are required to find performers for the most popular services, and then launch advertising on the Internet and newspapers.

At the same time, it is worth concluding a cooperation agreement with the specialists you find so as not to get into trouble.

Mediation in online stores

Perhaps the most common area of ​​business for mediation is shopping.

Now they have become an absolutely common occurrence.

But many people are still unable to buy products from overseas websites.

The problem is the language barrier, unusual payment systems, and so on.

But a wide range and affordable prices attract, which makes the services of intermediaries popular and in demand.

The scheme of work is simple: the buyer selects a product on the website, leaves a request to the intermediary and makes a payment.

The possibility of sending cash on delivery is practically not used.

We advertise business mediation

Any promotion method will produce results if used wisely.

But only a combination of several techniques will give a noticeable result.

If an entrepreneur has the funds for this, you can use advertisements in newspapers, commercials on television and radio, and external advertising.

But the main assistant is, of course, the Internet.

The role of the Internet is especially important if you decide to provide intermediary services in the field of trade. It is on the Internet that your target audience “lives”.

It is also ideal because it provides all the necessary tools for free promotion.

A successful entrepreneur will need a website in almost any case.

And if you resell goods, then it is simply irreplaceable!

After all, how else can you show your product to potential buyers?

Not everyone can create a website themselves.

Although there are many tutorials and services on the Internet that help you study this area.

But if you don’t want to delve into website building or don’t have free time, entrust this to specialists in this area.

What investments are needed to start mediation as a business?

Basically, to start a brokerage business, capital investments may not be needed at all.

But let’s consider the option when an entrepreneur still has funds to invest in the start-up:

Business expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:from 12,300 rubles
Self-registration will cost
800-4000 rubles for you (depending on the form).
And if you turn to intermediary companies -
4000-13000 rubles.
(domain, hosting, development)
If you can't do it yourself,
get ready to shell out 5,000 rubles.
Advertising campaignYandex.Direct – from 5,000 rubles.
(forms, contracts)
1000-2000 rubles
TelephonePurchasing a separate number and unlimited tariff
will cost at least 500 rubles/month

Do you need premises for a brokerage business?

The intermediary business is one of the areas of entrepreneurial activity in which there is no need to rent housing, at least at first.

There is nothing special or “undignified” about working from home.

If you act as an intermediary for purchasing goods in online stores, you can send orders exclusively by mail.

And if the mediation is in real estate rental or construction business, come to the customer’s territory.

Only if things get really serious, then you can rent a small office.

In it you will be able to make calls in a relaxed atmosphere and supervise the site, without being distracted by household chores.

It will also be possible to arrange a warehouse there to store customer orders, documents, and receive visitors.

This development of events will be especially appropriate if you decide to open an online store.

If you are interested in starting a brokerage business,

Payback of business through mediation

The profitability of a business through intermediation can only be judged using a specific example.

But if we evaluate the situation in general, the payback is at a very high level.

If only because capital investments are often minimal.

So the entire percentage of the “cheat” goes into your pocket.

And the more effort and enthusiasm you show, the more you will get.

For example, consider an entrepreneur who plays the role of an intermediary in the provision of construction services.

One master will bring in about 30-40 thousand rubles per month (according to average statistics in Moscow).

About a third of this amount will go to pay for telephone bills, Internet, and advertising. But the remaining money is your net profit from just one person!

What if we increase our staff or engage in parallel mediation in other areas?

In any case, it’s much better than just sitting at home and spitting at the ceiling.

Thus, the payback for a brokerage business usually occurs within the first month of this activity.

And this is an excellent result for work with virtually no investment.

If we evaluate mediation as a business In general, we can note the great promise of this idea for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

Its main advantage is the huge number of different options for activities.

In their diversity, every businessman can find a direction to his liking.

And, as you know, if a person does what he really likes, then success is not long in coming.

Mediation is also interesting because it can often be done without any investment at all or with “little bloodshed.”

So if you decide to organize a business through mediation, go ahead and show persistence, patience and hard work!

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Today, mediation is an integral part of our daily lives. People make money “out of thin air” - without personally providing any significant services or producing products!

The simplest example: you go to a store and buy bread - in this case, the store acts as a reseller between the bakery and you. They do not produce the product themselves (they do not bake bread), they simply buy it in bulk at one price, but you purchase the product at a different price, the difference between these amounts is the intermediary’s earnings from each unit of product. Or another case: a friend needs winter tires for his car, and another friend is selling just the right product - you simply bring the seller and buyer together, agreeing on a “kickback”.

Mediator is a legal entity (company, organization) or individual who assists in the completion of any transaction.

Thus, anyone can act as an intermediary between two parties: the seller and the buyer or the customer and the contractor. Agree with the customer on one price, and with the contractor on another, and pocket the difference!

Firstly, mediation has already become an integral part of our lives and, in fact, not a single transaction can be completed without intermediaries.

Secondly To become an intermediary you do not need special knowledge, higher education, special skills, etc. You just need to find the niche where the money is spinning and take a bite of this pie.

Third To start making money through mediation, no initial investment is required.

For example, you can bring together customers and performers. For example, someone needs to draw a design for a new website, you negotiate with the designers and act as an intermediary. You are paid for the order, and you, in turn, transfer the amount to the designer. You just put the difference in your pocket, market relations after all. This is a specific point example, in fact there are a lot of such “options” - let's look at some of them under a magnifying glass...

We bring clients and performers together and get paid for it

Many have already “snapped” this topic and have been earning their interest from each order for a long time. Such people, being at least a little savvy in matters of web construction and network trends, assemble a team of performers (of course, this is all, there are no offices or contracts in sight) from different industries (layout, programming, Flash, etc.) and regularly monitor freelance exchanges, submitting their applications for each project. If the customer “hires the job,” contact between him and the contractor occurs through an intermediary, so much so that sometimes neither one nor the other is aware of this fact.

So, to become an intermediary on the Internet you need:

1. Collect a database of performers. In order to quickly fulfill future orders, it is necessary to agree in advance with various contractors. For example, if you plan to “handle” clients for website creation, agree in advance with a web designer, article writing services will require an adequate copywriter, etc.

2. Monitor freelance exchanges and forums. It is best to look for customers on freelance exchanges and specialized forums.

3. Enrich your portfolio. All accounts must have a well-designed portfolio. It would not be amiss to create a separate website with examples of work - this will increase authority in the eyes of the customer. Most successful intermediaries register official companies when business starts to go uphill. There is more trust in a web design studio and it doesn’t matter that its staff includes only an intermediary organizer :)

How to make money through mediation on the Internet?

In fact, on the Internet, most companies are interested in intermediaries who are ready to bring them clients, because the more intermediaries, the more orders they have, respectively. This principle is reflected in.

Where else can an intermediary make money?

1. Mediation of services. One of the promising areas is intermediation in the Webmoney system. Due to the fact that hundreds of new users register with Webmoney every day, it is simply not possible for the company’s full-time employees to check the documents of all new wallets. Therefore, the Webmoney certification center implements an affiliate program that allows each authorized and certified participant in the service to earn money by conducting certification activities.

That is, a participant in the Webmoney service can act as an intermediary, issuing initial, personal certificates to other users for a small commission of $5-10.

Some set up offices in their cities, officially register the company and offer a whole package of services for electronic money users, for example. And this is serious business!

2. Resellers. Another area of ​​intermediation is trading of various goods via the Internet. For example, most users clearly know that in the West digital equipment costs an order of magnitude cheaper than on the Russian market. But when purchasing equipment from overseas, problems arise with payment and delivery.

Popular online store Amazon

Depriving the end client of “hemorrhoids” and making a pretty penny from it is a free field for the intermediary! For example, an iPad in Russia can be bought for 35 thousand rubles, but in America it costs 18 pieces. Many people know about this, but do not want to risk it. We take a commission of 3 thousand rubles from such people, order and pay for the goods, and after receiving them we give it to the buyer. Articles from an online store intermediary are simple!

There are special services on the Internet that do this.

3. How to make money in real estate. Selling real estate rarely happens without intermediaries. The intermediary can be legal offices, real estate agents and agencies, construction organizations, etc. For example, in order for you to find an apartment for temporary residence, you must pay the agency the cost of monthly accommodation on top.

Thus, you can seriously make money on real estate by maintaining a database of current offers for renting apartments in your city. If you quickly navigate the real estate market, you can always provide favorable offers to those who are looking for housing.

Here are just a few examples of how you can make money through online mediation. In fact, it doesn’t matter what knowledge you have, it’s important how quickly you navigate in a particular area and can provide a profitable offer to customers. And if you decide to try your hand at this, then start small, communicate online and make connections.

And if you want to study, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself on a special page of our website. And remember that you can earn serious money not only on your own, but also on someone else’s site!

Today there are many ways to earn money with which you can fully support yourself.

Some are engaged in food production, some produce metal structures, and others make money on the Internet.

Oddly enough, few people think about the fact that intermediary activity is a very profitable business that can bring huge profits.

The only problem is how to choose the right niche for doing business, as well as organize it wisely.

How to start making money through mediation?

To become a mediator, you must have the following qualities:

  • the ability to quickly find relevant and valuable information that can be resold;
  • the ability to negotiate and bring all parties to consensus.

Pros and cons of mediation

The positive aspects include very good earnings, and the work itself cannot be classified as particularly difficult. In addition, there is no need to invest any significant funds at the very beginning of your activity.

If we talk about negative aspects, then it is necessary to highlight the fairly frequent disruptions in activities due to reasons beyond your control. In addition, there are times when one of the parties does not fulfill its payment obligations.

In general, such incidents can be avoided if you choose the right field of activity that will be interesting to you and where you can navigate well. Since today business has been divided into two parts, when entrepreneurs can work not only in the “real” world, but also on the Internet, we will consider all areas where intermediary activity may be required.

Property For Sale

It's no secret that the housing issue is a very acute problem in our country, and therefore attracts many entrepreneurs of all stripes. A stable seller/buyer chain is created. The intermediary can effectively work with them, receiving his part of the transaction. Please note that there is no need to confuse an intermediary and a realtor.

You can find a client interested in buying an apartment with certain parameters, and then conduct independent monitoring of the real estate market. Many people simply do not have time for this, and therefore will willingly use your services. The same situation applies to sellers who do not have time to search for promising buyers.

What other intermediary business ideas are there?

The same area includes apartment renovation. Nowadays there are many people who want to professionally renovate their homes, but do not have the ability to do this work themselves. You can make great money if you offer your clients a search for professional finishing teams.

So, before you make money through mediation in this area, it is better to get useful connections in advance. Read thematic forums, look for people in newspaper advertisements. No one ever refuses the services of really good intermediaries, since searching for clients on their own is a tedious and costly business for a business; a person wastes time on this.

In all these cases, you should not take more than 3-5% of the transaction, as this immediately scares off potential clients.

Online mediation

On the World Wide Web, the opportunities provided by intermediary activities are much greater. Such activities may well include services for placing links to goods represented by the seller, as well as searching for promising customers. If you have excellent knowledge of foreign languages, then the amount of earnings can be even greater.

The fact is that today there are a huge number of traders who are not averse to buying goods in China. The problem is that working with Chinese suppliers has a lot of nuances that not everyone knows. If you can negotiate with them, then the amount of earnings may exceed 10-15% of the final transaction amount.

Partnership programs

In addition, affiliate programs can be very profitable. In this case, an official agreement is concluded with the product supplier, according to which you receive money for promoting his product on the Internet. In some cases, the amount of earnings can reach 13-15% of each transaction.

How is a partnership agreement concluded?

There's nothing complicated about it. First, you need to register on any affiliate resource, enter all your details and receive your unique identification link. You place a link on your resource and begin to receive a legal percentage of each click on it. But! Much more profitable is the scheme in which you receive a reward for every real buyer who comes from your site.

Online stores

In no case can we ignore this issue. No, we are not talking about domestic enterprises of this kind (although you can make money here too). Let's take the popular resource Taobao.

There are millions of goods, the prices are very attractive, and therefore there are a lot of people who want to buy something for themselves there. The only problem is that the site is Chinese, and in principle it does not work with our country.

So how to become an intermediary for an online store of clothing and other everyday goods?

First you need to create a website. It contains all the same lots as on the original resource, but with a price in rubles (which already includes your markup). Your task is to buy these goods and organize their delivery. In this case, the intermediation fee may exceed 30%.

Official registration

Novice intermediaries usually avoid this point, but in vain. The fact is that all your activities will be built on one thing - trust. And what will be the attitude towards you if your activity is not registered even as a banal individual entrepreneur?

By the way, what is the OKVED classification for intermediary activities? Alas, our legislation does not provide a separate code for this activity. For mediation in the field of ordinary (non-Internet) business activities, code 74.87 is suitable. If you are going to offer your services online, it is better to use 72.4, code 72.2 or 72.6.

What documents will you need?

We have already said that many people prefer to engage in this business without registering their business. You should not think that this is illegal, because if you draw up an agreement for an individual, you can legally pay taxes, and the inspection authorities will not have questions for you.

The only problem is what we have already talked about. Not a single large company (and private traders either) will enter into more or less important contracts with someone unknown. Therefore, first of all, you will need to register your own individual entrepreneur. Next, a regular contract for the provision of services is concluded. But!

The tax office may have questions, as they need real evidence that you actually provided these services. Therefore, upon completion of the work, it is necessary to draw up a special act. Its provisions are regulated by Art. 9 Federal Law “On Accounting”. It should contain the following items:

  • full title of the document;
  • date of its preparation;
  • the name of the company on whose behalf the act was drawn up;
  • name and content of the operation performed;
  • the amount (volume) of services in monetary or economic terms;
  • a list of all persons, as well as all their positions, who are responsible for the conclusion and implementation of the contract;
  • signatures of all these persons;
  • as detailed a list as possible of all services provided or goods sold.

Organization costs

In this regard, everything depends solely on the direction of your activity and the methods of its implementation. So, if you plan to sell goods via the Internet, you cannot do without your website. Depending on its complexity and the company that will make it, its cost can range from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens of thousands of dollars.

If you are going to sell Chinese goods, the costs will be even higher, because you need translators, you need to establish contacts with people who know the specifics of Chinese business well.

Add the waste of money on paying customs duties, transport, and storing goods in a warehouse. In short, making a markup of less than 30-40% is unreasonable.

If you are an intermediary in construction or repairs, then it costs less. You need money for mobile communications, negotiations with representatives of the developer, as well as transport. In short, you can spend from five thousand rubles to tens of thousands of dollars on intermediary activities. Of course, the intermediary business will give you different income in all these cases.

During periods of unfavorable economic conditions, the most profitable business options are, of course, intermediary services. You can achieve success in this direction without the slightest investment, having only the Internet, a computer and a telephone. Let's look at the most striking examples in the intermediary business that can inspire aspiring entrepreneurs.

Features of mediation

At its core, an intermediary is nothing more than a link between the person who offers goods or services and the person who needs them. By bringing these two people together, the intermediary makes his profit by marking up the product for his work.

Like any other business, mediation also has its advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • good income;
  • not too difficult work;
  • no initial investment.

Among the disadvantages are the frequent breakdown of agreements, and, accordingly, the receipt of profit, or the refusal of one of the parties to pay for the services of an intermediary. That is why it is very important to have a complete understanding of the area in which you intend to provide such services and be able to establish connections with the right people.

The mandatory conditions for creating this type of business are:

  1. Creation of an up-to-date database of performers. At the same time, the intermediary must trust each of them.
  2. High-quality and timely completion of work.
  3. Search for new performers.
  4. Conducting active activities on forums and exchanges.

With proper organization and understanding of the principles of running this type of business, absolutely anyone can organize their own company.

Choosing a direction

All types of directions can be divided according to several principles. One of them is based on the use of Internet resources. Let us conditionally divide them into offline and online enterprises.

The business of intermediary in the offline service sector is in greatest demand. This includes:

Real estate agency

It will probably never dry up. Endless rentals, sales, exchanges - all this has become an invariable companion of modern life. All that an entrepreneur needs in this case is the ability to quickly navigate, know what to offer to whom, and “fast” legs.

You need to be prepared for great competition, not always honest clients, and difficulties with all sorts of legal issues that arise during the transaction process.

Renovation of apartments

Our society saw this back in the distant Soviet times. It was then that one could take a newspaper, open the “Wanted” and “Offered” sections and organize a meeting between these two people. Often, all those who are facing repairs do not risk contacting large companies, fearing the high cost.

But private companies or repair crews roaming from apartment to apartment are exactly what is needed. A prerequisite for this type of work is their quality. It’s worth proving yourself with a couple of orders and then the information will spread on its own. The same goes for a damaged reputation.

HR business

This intermediary type of business also never loses its relevance. Finding a job and an employee is a complex process. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse if they bring him a first-class specialist or find a good job option. The main stumbling block here is always the legislation that regulates who should pay for this type of service, in what volume, and other aspects of labor relations.

No less extensive is the opportunity to conduct an intermediary business on the Internet. Examples include the following services:

Buying/selling internet sites

Conducting a business without promoting it on the Internet today is a big omission and shortcoming of the company’s marketers. Every company, even the smallest one, today strives to have its own website. Anyone who wants to make money from this can either write such web pages themselves to order, or buy and resell already created and working ones.

Online stores

Inextricably linked with the previous one. Today, even grocery stores want to see their products on the World Wide Web. The development of such virtual supermarkets is a very profitable business today. The main thing is to have the proper knowledge in this area, a creative approach and design abilities.

Business focus

According to another classification, all types of intermediary services can be divided into two groups:

  • business-to-client;
  • business-to-business.

In the first case, it is completely clear that these areas are related to the sale of services, information or products intended for the end client. This is, for example, a grocery store or a beauty salon. This also includes:

  • real estate;

During a crisis or when business activity declines, the most promising direction for building a business is mediation. You can achieve high results with minimal investment. There are a large number of examples of intermediary business; let’s look at the most striking of them.

Specifics of intermediary schemes

An intermediary is a person who acts as a link between the seller of goods or services and the person who is interested in purchasing them. By bringing these people together, the intermediary receives a commission. Like any other type of business, intermediary has a number of pros and cons. The benefits include low investments at the start, the ability to quickly reach the payback point and earn income. Disadvantages include the risk of the deal being disrupted and one of the parties refusing to pay for mediation services.

The intermediary business is multifaceted. It can develop successfully in everyday life or on the Internet. It is based on the offer of finished products that were produced by another company. Each such proposal is aimed at the client. To negotiate with him, the intermediary can use.

Who can become a mediator? Absolutely any person who has basic knowledge of marketing, management, and financing. He must also understand the specifics of the products he plans to sell. The key issue when implementing an intermediary business is the choice of direction. It is extremely important to focus on a promising and profitable vector, which is primarily of interest to the intermediary himself.

note: all examples of intermediary business have proven that instead of large investments, energy, perseverance, communication skills, organization and activity are needed.

Examples of intermediary business

Organizing any type of business on your own is always difficult, for example. Requires capital, hired employees, rental premises and the purchase of commercial or industrial equipment. But there are examples when all organizational issues can be simplified. These include the intermediary business. Let's look at the most effective and profitable examples.

Nanny and caregiver agency

A good nanny is always in short supply in any city and even country. This is an example of an intermediary business in which success depends on the human factor. There is practically no legislative framework in this area; the market itself can be called “black”, and the competition is enormous. Money is needed to rent premises (a small office for meeting with clients), recruiting staff and advertising. When selecting personnel, you need to focus not only on education and love for children, but also on recommendations from other clients and work experience. To do this, you need to conduct a personal interview and psychological testing. A mandatory requirement is the availability of the results of a medical examination.

Event agency

Those who know how to generate creative ideas and give others a good mood can use the example of opening a business organizing holidays.

There are no actors, dancers or musicians on the staff of the event agency. All of them are involved in organizing a specific event. The goal of the event agency is to offer a creative idea for organizing a holiday and organize the process itself. Based on the examples of such agencies, for holding small children's parties the intermediary takes 10-15% of the commission from the total budget spent on the organization, and 3-5% from large corporate events. If you organize your intermediary business correctly, another 10% commission can be collected from the artists who have been attracted.

Delivery service

Until recently, paid delivery services were considered a high-class privilege, but in recent years the format of the services provided has changed, prices have become more affordable and accessible. There are many examples of successful intermediary delivery business.

For this option, a small office with a telephone, a minimum set of computer equipment and a vehicle will be enough. Companies with a low budget generally make do with delivery using public transport, and set up an office at home.

Typically, courier services provide standard and express delivery. If an entrepreneur who wants to start an intermediary business has limited financial resources, he can perform the duties of a courier independently. In small companies, their role is often filled by students who work on a part-time basis.

cleaning company

The initial investment for opening this intermediary business may be minimal and limited to the cost of purchasing cleaning equipment and cleaning products.

If we analyze examples of the activities of cleaning companies, we can divide them into three types:

  1. one-time cleaning of objects (general, after construction, garbage removal);
  2. daily service in commercial properties;
  3. narrowly focused companies (for example, carpet dry cleaning).

In order to engage in this type of service, you can use two ways: open a company for a specific client (conclude a deal with a shopping or business center) or focus on a specific niche. For example, cleaning apartments or caring for hard floors.

A small company can present itself to clients as a highly specialized specialist who provides modern cleaning products, high-quality equipment and specially trained personnel. At the first stage of work, you can save money on opening an office. It is enough to hire a person who will take calls and send workers to the site.

Organization of joint purchases

When identifying profitable examples of intermediary schemes, one cannot help but think about Internet business. This includes online trading and opening, dropshipping, buying and selling websites, etc.

Organizing joint purchases is beneficial because it does not require investment. All that is needed from the organizer is access to the Internet, a mobile phone and a current account. This business involves finding wholesale suppliers who sell quality products at reasonable prices and offering products to potential clients (usually users of social networks or special services). Each of them orders a product, and the organizer creates a minimum order, transmitting information to the manufacturer’s warehouse. After this, buyers are issued an invoice, which must be paid as soon as possible. Then the money is transferred to the wholesale company, and the received goods are delivered to customers in the agreed way. In this scheme, everyone wins: the buyer receives 1-2 units of goods at a wholesale price, the manufacturer receives a new distribution channel, and the intermediary receives commissions from each transaction. In most examples, this is 5-10% of large transactions or 25-30% of the sale of inexpensive goods.