Which food truck machine is better. How to open a food truck. Grocery store on wheels

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize street fast food in the "diner on wheels" format. Trademark- Restaurant car. It is planned to purchase and equip a snack van. The location of the project is the city of St. Petersburg. The success factors of the project are:

    growth of the street fast food segment due to other formats Catering

    year-round demand

    high market capacity due to the peculiarities of the city: tourist flow, a large number of students

    format flexibility: a quick change of location is possible during the day in order to reach the target audience as much as possible

The main performance indicators of the project are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


The catering market can be segmented as follows (by narrowing the niche):

    public catering in general (cafes, restaurants, canteens, fast food);

    fast food (cafes, stationary and non-stationary points of sale);

    street fast food.

In general, today, the public catering industry in Russia is in a rather difficult state: according to experts, up to 30% of large players left the market in 2015. This is due, first of all, to the difficult economic situation and the fall in the solvency of the population. Attendance at cafes and restaurants decreased by about 30%. Besides, Negative influence the industry is affected by rising food prices associated with Western sanctions and import restrictions; domestic producers can not cope with the growth in consumption. According to Rosstat, turnover in the catering sector decreased by 6% in 2015. However, the decline falls primarily on traditional cafes and restaurants of the high price segment. Against the backdrop of a general decline in demand, some regions and segments of the catering market are experiencing an increase. Of the regions, experts single out the Tula and Voronezh regions, as well as the republics of Mordovia and Khakassia. As for the segments, fast food (+10% in 2015) and pizza delivery (+6%) are growing even in crisis conditions.

The most notable trends include the following:

    orientation in the purchase of food products to domestic suppliers;

    rejection of unreasonably expensive (“status”) establishments in favor of more democratic, but with good cuisine;

    distribution of monospecialization (for example, on grilled meats, steaks or burgers)

    the revival of interest in Russian cuisine or the cuisine of certain regions of Russia;

    an increase in the share of vegetarian dishes in the menu of most establishments.

It is advisable to consider the segment of street fast food not at the level of the geographical sales region. Today, stationary pavilions with street food prevail: pies and other pastries, pancakes with fillings, shawarma, hot dogs. Shawarma is estimated to rank first in demand among all types of street fast food. However, there are also constraints to demand growth: many potential consumers are afraid to acquire this species products due to uncertainty about the origin and quality of the original ingredients, as well as due to the potential lack of proper sanitary conditions in the pavilions during the preparation of the product.

The project involves the purchase and equipment of a specialized van (food truck), the identification of the most interesting points of sale, between which the food truck can move within a day, obtaining permission from the city administration. The basis of the restaurant car menu is burgers. The price segment is “medium” and “middle+”. To the main competitive advantage projects can include:

    using quality ingredients to make burgers

    high quality products

    high speed service

    courtesy and courtesy of the staff

    attractive appearance of the food truck and original design that attracts attention

The food truck is purchased new, based on a Chinese-made van, which allows to reduce the amount of investment costs (compared to vans of European brands); its equipment, development technological map and menu based on the wishes of the project initiator, is carried out by a specialized company.

It is planned to deploy at three main points and one additional seasonally (white nights); the time of presence is indicated for reference and may change in accordance with the conjuncture of demand:

    St. Isaac's Cathedral area (09.00 - 14.00)

    Nevsky Prospekt, area of ​​the Savior on Blood (14.00 - 19.00)

    Area of ​​the Mariinsky Theater (19.00 – 23.00)

    Palace Bridge area (23.00 - 02.00, during the white nights season)

Table 2. Investment costs for the project


AMOUNT, rub.




Intangible assets

Food truck branding

working capital

working capital

Purchase of raw materials


2 100 646 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 1,200,000.00

Required borrowed funds:

900 646 ₽



Term, months:


The project provides catering services to the population and guests of the city of St. Petersburg. The menu is based on burgers, in addition to them, french fries and drinks are offered. All ingredients used in the preparation of products, natural and fresh, are purchased from local suppliers. Strict quality requirements are imposed on the ingredients, the provision of certificates and permits by the supplier is mandatory.

The nomenclature and description of products are given in Table. 3. Selling prices are given in Table. 4.

Table 3. Nomenclature and description of project products



bald eagle

Classic American rye burger with beef patty, potatoes and vegetables

Elderly bald eagle

1.5 times enlarged "Bald Eagle"

Cow in a trap

Burger with beef patty and vegetables under two layers of cheese

Pig on the grass

Burger on wheat bun with bacon, vegetables, mozzarella and herbs

Caucasian Areol

Burger on buckwheat bun with grilled lamb cutlet, under spicy sauce with Caucasian herbs, vegetables and Adyghe cheese

Pig on the stove

Burger with grilled pork cutlet on rye bun with spicy sauce, cheddar cheese

mama pig

Burger with pork cutlet on wheat bun with classic sauce, bacon, vegetables, potatoes and cheese

scared salmon

Burger on wheat sesame bun with fish cake, vegetables, white sauce and herbs

French fries "Batska"

Small french fries

French fries "His Potato"

Medium french fries

French fries "Alexander Bulbarborn"

Big french fries

Natural coffee

Natural coffee to choose from: cappuccino, americano, viennese

Natural tea

Natural tea to choose from: black, green, oolong, pu-erh

Seasonal drinks

Seasonal drinks: iced tea and coffee, b/a mojito, b/a grog, b/a mulled wine

Carbonated drinks

Highly carbonated soft drinks

Table 4. Variable Costs and Selling Prices





bald eagle

Elderly bald eagle

Cow in a trap

Pig on the grass

Caucasian Areol

Pig on the stove

mama pig

scared salmon

French fries "Batska"

Natural coffee

Natural tea

Seasonal drinks

Carbonated drinks

All burgers are served in cardboard boxes made to order in accordance with the standards of the restaurant car brand. Drinks are served in insulated cardboard glasses.

Drinks are also exclusively made from natural ingredients: natural tea (brewed in a French press), natural coffee (brewed in a professional coffee machine). Seasonal drinks - non-alcoholic, based on tea and coffee.


The target audience of the project is men and women aged 15 to 40 with an average income and above; leading an active lifestyle, spending a lot of time outside the home; tourists and students.

Points of sale (see Section 2) are selected taking into account the maximum traffic at certain times of the day. The food truck moves around the city in order to reach the target audience as much as possible.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Used to promote the brand social media: vk.com, Twitter and Instagram. SMM is conducted by the project initiator himself. Photos of burgers with attractive descriptions, recipes for homemade burgers and snacks, photos of satisfied customers with Dining Car products (with their consent), city news from the immediate environment of the food truck and other information are published. Paid promotion of individual posts is used. Advertising budget- 3,000 rubles per month.

The planned sales volume is given in Table. 5.

Table 5. Planned sales volume






bald eagle

Elderly bald eagle

Cow in a trap

Pig on the grass

Caucasian Areol

Pig on the stove

mama pig

scared salmon

French fries "Batska"

French fries "His Potato"

French fries "Alexander Bulbarborn"

Natural coffee

Natural tea

Seasonal drinks

Carbonated drinks


558 420

176 300


The main production asset is a food truck - a car van equipped with equipment for preparing burgers, hot drinks and french fries. The new van of the BAW brand is taken as the base as the most affordable. Kitchen equipment - European manufacturers High Quality. The food truck, in accordance with the requirements of the supervisory authorities, is equipped with running water supply, sewerage, and fire extinguishing equipment.

The equipment of the food truck is carried out specialized company, offering turnkey catering services: car purchase, advertising design development, menu development, selection of suppliers, installation engineering networks and equipment. The total cost of a food truck with a range of equipment services is 2,045,646 rubles. The term of preparation is 45 calendar days. During the same period, recruitment and training of personnel is carried out.

Warehousing and storage of ingredients is carried out in a food truck refrigerator in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. The volume of the cabinet allows you to store a supply of food for two to three days. Ingredients are purchased from three suppliers located in St. Petersburg, self-delivery.

Technological maps are also provided by the food truck supplier. Preparation of products is carried out in strict accordance with them.

Once every three days, liquid production wastes are drained and their storage tanks are lightly cleaned. Cleaning is carried out by the project workers.

The production plan is given in App. 1 to this business plan.


The project implementation process can be divided into two main phases: the preparation phase and the operational phase. In the course of preparation, the food truck is purchased and equipped, staff is recruited and trained, business is registered and permits are obtained. The preparatory stage lasts 45 calendar days.

During the working phase, the operating activities- trade in places agreed with the City Administration, as well as promotion in social networks.

All administrative and managerial functions are performed by the project initiator. To do this, he has the necessary skills and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, has experience in the field of public catering. In addition, the initiator of the project works on a food truck and performs the functions of a marketer (is engaged in promotion). Accounting outsourced.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The following requirements are imposed on employees: work experience in the field of catering from 1 year, the presence of a medical book. Hours of work vary, 2/2. staffing and wage fund are given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.




Food truck operator (cook)


RUB 62,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 18,750.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 81,250.00


The financial plan is drawn up for a five-year perspective and takes into account all income and expenses of the project (Appendix 2). The seasonality factor is also taken into account.

Investment costs amount to 2,100,646 rubles, of which the bulk is for the purchase of a food truck (Table 2). Own funds of the entrepreneur - 1.2 million rubles. The lack of funds is planned to be covered with a bank loan for a period of 3 years at a rate of 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out by annuity payments, credit holidays - 3 months.

Over the past 4 years, the topic of fast food in the major cities of our country has begun to take on a completely different form. A new branch of the development of this industry has appeared - food trucks. I would like to note right away that the topic abroad is not new. In the old as well as in the new world, this practice has become widespread. Food trucks can be seen in large numbers both at festivals and in crowded urban areas. The legislative base for the sale of food from wheels has been formed there for a long time and no one experiences problems with the law, there would be demand. In Russia, the situation is different. Cooking and selling food from wheels on city streets is prohibited. There is no such thing as a food truck in the legislation. Why, even a normal Russian word for this type of technology and trade has not yet been picked up by anyone. As long as it's so simple, food truck. But even such obstacles on the part of the state do not prevent this topic from developing and turning from a dubious hobby into a full-fledged type of business. So, first things first.

What is a food truck?

A food truck is a symbiosis of a car (or a trailer to it) and a full-fledged kitchen. For traffic police officers vehicle, for which all traffic rules apply on public roads. For Rospotrebnadzor, tax, firefighters and other regulatory authorities, the food truck is an object of non-stationary trade.

Food trucks can also be divided into factory and home-made. In Europe and America, where this industry is most developed, there are entire factories that produce such mobile kitchens for various needs. In Russia, due to their low prevalence and high cost, food trucks for the most part represent a kind of hand-made from used cars or trailers for them and the same kitchen equipment, assembled together in the backyards of the city. But due to the rapid development of the newfangled direction, domestic manufacturers also appear.

Why do you need a food truck?

For you, a food truck can be both a hobby and a type of business. Accordingly, the reasons for not cheap purchase of a mobile kitchen will be different. In the first case, the question can be answered as follows: it has become fashionable in our country and has long been practiced abroad, this is a dream that you want to fulfill, this is more interesting than a stationary cafe. If you are considering a food truck from the point of view of a profitable business, then: it gives you more opportunities than a stationary cafe, it gives you the opportunity to work as a catering at outdoor festivals and private events, it can be additional PR and marketing for your company.

You have made up your mind. Where to begin?

First you need to define your goals as described above. Here it should be noted that first of all you should like it. Work in catering is a constant contact with a large mass of people who, whatever one may say, need to be loved, despite your lack of light labor. Also an important point is safety, namely its absence in public catering. The banal poisoning of a client by your (or maybe not your) food can end up with significant problems for you.

Next, you need to decide on the product with which you are ready to conquer the stomachs of customers. You need to understand that the food truck is not a stationary cafe and its space is very limited. The supply of technical water is also limited. The street is not a stationary room with a stable temperature and humidity. Standing under the scorching sun or in the cold, the client will not want to wait long. Therefore, your product should be: tasty, satisfying, fast, simple, affordable, convenient. The ability of your client to quickly buy and eat one dish with an appetite, at an affordable price, which you eat, you can immediately take away with you and not get dirty - this is your great advantage over competitors.

As described above, a food truck is a kitchen with very limited space and resources. Frequent and not right decision is to buy a car/trailer (because I liked it), and then play tetryst with the layout inside a beautiful, but not functional, mobile space. It would be right to think in advance which menu you want to cook and what equipment is needed for this. The menu should not be large, one or two main dishes, side dishes and drinks. Otherwise, you run the risk of "digging in", and your client will leave dissatisfied without waiting for his turn. The queue itself should not be too long (and how long are you willing to wait for the treasured delicacy?), but you should also not allow downtime. Here you need to play with two parameters - manufacturability (speed of execution of the dish) and its selling price. Select and calculate the equipment you need and the correct layout inside the food truck. Calculate the location of all the boxes and the angles of their opening. Pay close attention to ventilation. Do not allow personnel to interfere with each other during work. Remember that the comfort of the worker depends on his productivity. Imagine your future food truck on drawings showing all dimensions. Only then can you search for a suitable vehicle.

The food truck has a few limited resources besides space. Namely water, electricity and gas. Depending on the places of work and your needs, it is necessary to think over the places for installing containers for clean and gray water, to make it convenient to drain it. If necessary, do not forget about the boiler for heating water. For electrical, you need to add up all the power consumption of your equipment. As a rule, for food trucks, this is 12-14 kW. If you are ready to get by with a power of up to 5 kW, then you can count on an autonomous fuel generator. The problem is that it makes a lot of noise and pollutes the surrounding air, which will not please not only your customers, but also regulatory authorities. Therefore, if you decide to use it, you need to think in advance about the hidden place of its installation and high-quality sound insulation. If your power consumption reaches 10 kW, then you can not do without an external connection to the power supply. Which somewhat limits the range of sites used. No need to save on the quality of the wiring and the overload protection system. Your life may depend on it, and not only yours. Petroleum gas (propane-butane) is an excellent, autonomous and very convenient alternative to electricity. But, if we consider it from the point of view of the law, this is a strict prohibition. It is not allowed to use gas in in public places from point of view fire safety and there are no prospects for lifting this ban. But if you are on private territory as a rule, this issue can be resolved.

It must be understood that due to the small amount of usable space, as well as the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards, in the food truck you can only “warm up” blanks that you need to prepare in advance. To do this, you need to rent a stationary room, warehouse and staff.

Car or trailer. What to choose?

After you have solved all the above tasks, you can proceed to perhaps the most intriguing issue in this newfangled theme - the outer shell. After all, it is the original and recognizable appearance of your food truck that will first of all attract the attention of your customers. As described above, there are two options here: buy a car or a trailer for a car. Both options have their pros and cons. By car, you may prefer a light van, like a Mercedes Sprinter or VW Crafter. If the scope of your kitchen is large, you can pay attention to cargo vans or buses. But in this case, you should immediately think about the category "C" in the rights. The advantage of cars is the possibility of their independent movement. But the downside is that the output is too expensive, the need for regular maintenance (TO) or repair, which will lead to food truck downtime. More profitable here is the purchase of a trailer. First, more attractive cost. Secondly - a larger amount of internal space. Thirdly, the lack of technically complex mechanisms (engine, transmission) that need preventive maintenance and repair. The downside is the need to have the skill to drive a large trailer, the mandatory category "BE" or "CE" in the driver's license, as well as significant overall dimensions in the coupling with a tractor vehicle, which significantly complicates maneuvering in tight city streets.

About Airstream

It just so happened that when the word food truck is used in Russia, the Airstream brand is primarily represented, although in fact it has no direct relation to food trucks. The adventurers from LavkaLavka and Delicatessen, who made the project "Gifts of Nature" were to blame for this. In 2012, they were the first to bring a mobile kitchen to Moscow based on the new Airstream trailer, and they began to cook and sell food “off wheels” in a new format. Thus began Airstream's association with mobile fast food. In 2015, the project "Gifts of Nature wagon" was closed.

Where to work?

It would be logical to assume that if you own a food truck, you can move around the city in search of passing places. This is where the main stumbling block lies. Today, there is simply no law that defines what a food truck is, where and how you can work with it. Now the food truck is equated to non-stationary shopping facilities and cooking is prohibited in it. The situation is different near shopping and business centers, the adjacent area to which is owned by them. Here you negotiate with the owners of the land on which you work and, as a rule, this option is working. In warm weather, your main location for catering is outdoor mass festivals and private events. Also, do not forget about city parks, but getting up there is not always easy.

The general scheme of work looks like this: you rent the occupied space, issue sanitary and fire permits, notify Rospotrebnadzor.

Do not forget that according to sanitary and epidemiological standards, the toilet for employees from the food truck should be located at a distance of no more than 100 m.


These sanitary and epidemiological rules are primarily necessary for studying:

  • SP Section 9
  • SP 2.3.6 1254-03
  • GOST 51074-2003

What by the numbers

So, how can you earn income by working with a food truck:

  • Work on weekdays. Selling 5-20 portions/day.
  • Work on weekends in places of high traffic of people (festivals, fairs). Selling 80-500 portions/day.
  • Offsite catering for a fixed price. It is advisable to take such an order for an amount of 50,000 rubles.
  • Additional income from delivery.

But in addition to income, there are also expenses:

  • Rent of the occupied area. From 5 000 rub. per day up to 180,000 rubles. per month.
  • Transportation of a food truck trailer around the city: from 4000 rubles, if you do not have a suitable tractor and skills.
  • Consumed electricity
  • Purchase of products and their logistics
  • Rental of premises for the production of blanks
  • Staff salary
  • Cash register
  • taxes


Food truck in Russia is still a hobby that is trying to grow into a serious business. You still have every chance to win the recognition of customers, make a name and succeed. The main thing is to correctly realize your desires and, having done on their basis necessary work, you can count on good luck in this exciting and newfangled business.

This format attracts, first of all, startups who want to try New Product on the market, restaurateurs seeking to "probe" target audience selected territory, as well as establishments whose goal is to increase awareness of the product and the brand as a whole.
To date, there are two major players in the mobile street food market . There are 5-6 smaller ones like us - our fleet consists of one food truck and a team serving it.
The volume of necessary investments starts from 1 million rubles with a payback period of one to two years.
The success of the project is determined by the component of the product, location, team, production part.

Kirill Kozhevnikov :

In this segment, the most popular formats are coffee shops and burgers. An understandable product and equipment on the market is full. We chose burgers because we love them ourselves, and besides, they are very popular!
If you want the project to be successful, then when deciding to invest in a food truck, first of all, you need to decide what you will cook. Then, based on the available financial resources, decide on machine base that suits you and pick up the equipment.

Oleg Protopopov :

To date, the food truck format is not interesting for business, only mobile coffee shops are mass-produced. The remaining projects belong either to gastroenthusiasts or major market players who have decided to test a new format with the expectation that sooner or later a law on non-stationary trade will be adopted.

Rafael Khabirov:

The food truck as a business attracts both young gastro-enthusiast entrepreneurs and large companies, for example: Prime Beef, METRO Cash & Carry, Klin Meat Processing Plant, Tatneft.
For the former, this is an opportunity to start a business with minimal risks and a fairly low entry threshold - from 1.5 to 3.5 million rubles, and with a guarantee that the equipment itself will remain in ownership and, when sold, will “beat off” the majority starting investments. It is also important to minimize the risks of investing in a “bad place”.

For the latter, a food truck is an advertising object that takes part in many events and provides an opportunity to enter new markets, providing direct deliveries of products "to the table" of the consumer. As an example, we can cite the sale of products near / inside the cottage settlements of large cities (in the Moscow region this is a very relevant scheme now). In addition, food trucks allow diversification of the sales market as such.

The definition of success in any business is an accurate miscalculation economic model and high motivation. Without effort, project managers can only count on luck.

Why did you decide to enter this market segment? What is special about your food trucks? How are you different from competitors?

Artyom Schukin:

The food truck makes it possible to be closer to our guests. We are ready to come to them for any event: a corporate party in the taiga, a picnic in the desert, a festival in Mnevniki. Our food truck is equipped so that we can easily serve a large number of guests where there are no cafes and restaurants.
As in any of our restaurants, we use only chilled meat and vegetables from farms near Moscow. All we need is electricity and a hungry audience.

Kirill Kozhevnikov :

The idea of ​​a mobile burger joint belongs to my friend and colleague Vitaly Dorokhov. And the business model itself was copied from Western models. Actually, Vitaliy assembled the first truck with his own hands, based on world experience. Its peculiarity lies in good equipment, ergonomically placed inside. Work comfortably and comfortably.

Oleg Protopopov:

Since the market is changing rapidly, we are constantly testing various formats and sales channels. Unlike our main competitors in the fast food market - McDonald's, Burger King, KFC - our format requires an order of magnitude less electrical capacities. The second feature is that the employee of the establishment and the buyer are "on the same level." This is fundamentally important for our customers, as they are actively involved in the preparation: they choose the ingredients for their sandwich and salad from a set of products that they see in front of them in a refrigerated display case.

We have been looking for a solution for a long time that would allow us to implement this idea in mobile trading. And in the end, they settled on the format of vans with a chassis that can be retracted into a special groove, like an airplane, thereby lowering the van to the ground. Now customer surveys in our mobile points have confirmed that we paid so much attention to this task for a reason.

What car options for arranging a burger "on wheels" does the market offer, and what did you choose? How much money does it take to buy a food truck? Isn't it better to rent?

Artyom Schukin:

If you do not take into account tonars and trailers, then a food truck can be made from any car with an all-metal body, starting with Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer and Mercedes 308d, ending with Gaz cars, rare LDV Maxsus, retro Volkswagen LT31D models. The market is as open and full of offers as possible: you can rent a food truck to test a business model, buy a used one, make a food truck yourself or buy a ready-made one based on any car, or buy a professional one assembled on a special basis. We decided to equip it ourselves in order to test the market with minimal risks.

Kirill Kozhevnikov :

The average price of a food truck starts at 2.5 million for a car with equipment. For example, we have just calculated a truck based on the Volkswagen Crafter, and it will cost us almost 4.5 million due to the high cost of equipment. As for the lease, I would not look in the direction of the trucks, successful stories I did not hear. If there is not enough money, then it is easier to buy a semi-trailer. Regarding the further maintenance of the food truck, I will say one thing - this is a car, with all the ensuing consequences.

Rafael Khabirov:

According to our statistics, investments in the purchase of a food truck pay off in the first six months to a year. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today's leasing lending programs allow you to work on the market without a large initial investment, while the vehicle itself is the collateral.
Renting as such is generally not justified for a number of reasons - mainly because it is economically unprofitable for the entrepreneur.

What is included in the required set of food truck equipment? If it's not a secret, what is the equipment of your van?

Artyom Schukin:

Our camper is equipped with three grills, a deep fryer, tables, refrigerators, titanium, a coffee machine and a slicer.

Kirill Kozhevnikov:

The set of equipment includes a grill, deep fryer, salamander grill, coffee machine, food warmer, etc. And, of course, a set for the kitchen: knives, washbasins, gastronorm containers, freezer, saladette.

Oleg Protopopov:

Formally, our vans cannot be called a food truck, they are food trailers. But in Russia, the word food truck is used to refer to both food trucks and food trailers.
Our van has a refrigerated display case, a refrigerator for preparations, a cabinet for storing baked bread, a sandwich oven and a refrigerator for drinks.

In your opinion, what should be the menu in a food truck? What items are on your menu and how often is the assortment updated?

Artyom Schukin:

The menu should be concise. In our opinion, a single product and its various variants are preferable. A restaurant with a large selection of dishes on seven pages is not an option for a food truck. The main menu of BB Burgers is burgers. We try to make them diverse, including through filling. It can be not only beef cutlet, but also chicken and fish. We serve french fries as standard, and with the addition of steak, cod fillet. This year we expanded the line of salads.

Kirill Kozhevnikov:

I believe that a food truck menu should have no more than six items. You are limited in the size of the kitchen. Whether it's just burgers or something else - you decide.
Our menu is stable: six beef burgers (with different flavors) plus potatoes. People love her.
I will add that we looked for product suppliers on the Internet. The choice, unfortunately, is small. But in the future, there were no difficulties in working with them.

Oleg Protopopov:

Our food trucks feature the full menu of a stationary restaurant. This is a feature of our format.

What is the situation with obtaining permits to open a mobile point of sale? How is the operation of street trading facilities, including “off wheels” regulated? How is the route developed, places for van stops are chosen? Is it possible to be located on the main streets? Do you often move from place to place? Tell us about participating in mass city events.

Artyom Schukin:

Trading on the streets of Moscow without special permission is prohibited by the authorities. The law regulating the work of non-stationary retail facilities has not yet been adopted, and is under consideration in the State Duma.
For trade, we choose city festivals, private territories, holidays and markets, catering.

If you are a small business, the fine for illegal commercial activity small, and there is an option to change the location, running away from the law. But this is no longer our option.

Kirill Kozhevnikov:

You can't be constantly on the move. Find a place to trade and go there. You have to get familiar with people.
We fed the Air Force (Air Force) day, car audio festivals and sporting events, often worked on city holidays. Of course, the place is the most important thing in trading, even in mobile. Therefore, you need to look for a large flow of people, but get up so that there is no interference with the townspeople, otherwise there will be problems.

Oleg Protopopov:

Our franchisees are responsible for the development of the route and the choice of places for the stops of the van.

Rafael Khabirov :

According to the law, an entrepreneur who owns a food truck-shop is almost always obliged to conclude a lease agreement (long-term or short-term), for example, for the duration of the event. At the same time, registration of the trailer is mandatory in the traffic police.
Also, the rules for trading with such objects are often set at the local level. In some regions of the Russian Federation, it is already now possible to trade “on the sidewalk” from a mobile shop. In particular, in Nizhny Novgorod this norm has been in force since November 2018.

Your prediction: in In what direction will the food-on-wheels segment develop?

Artyom Schukin:

The segment as a whole will not develop, the situation will remain the same stable.
If we talk about Moscow, then this stability will not be affected even by the adoption of a law allowing the trade in food trucks. The work of mobile points will be so tightly regulated that it will not allow small businesses to be present in this market. The law will be created for large players who will eventually occupy the sites allocated for mobile commerce.

When discussing whether burgers on wheels will compete with classic fast food, it should be noted that indoor food and food to go are two different formats, just like a coffee shop and takeaway coffee. It is likely that food trucks will attract some of the classic fast food customers, but their share will be insignificant.

Kirill Kozhevnikov:

If legislators do not put a spoke in the wheel, then, I am sure, the segment will grow. Our main customers are young people and middle-aged people. Restaurants are expensive to go to and people are looking for a simple, affordable alternative. Mobile cafes will help solve this problem. The main thing is that the quality does not fall.

Oleg Protopopov:

Competition in this segment is now minimal. And the future of the market depends on legislative framework. But, it can be said unequivocally that the market has great potential.

A van with selfie pancakes, a snack on wheels from the Russian army and a food truck with Donald Trump's "nonsensical sandwiches" ... Read these and other examples of unusual types of fast food mobile sales and more in the material of the 1000 Ideas portal.

There are a lot of ideas for creating snack bars on wheels. One has only to say that the first predecessors of modern fudraks appeared in the United States as early as the 19th century. It is quite difficult for a novice entrepreneur to come up with something new, but please borrow one or more chips. In this selection, the 1000 Ideas portal has collected 35 examples of unusual food trucks and other types of food-related street vending on wheels.

"Winnermobile" by Oscar Mayer

Miracle called "Winnermobile" from the company Oskar Mayer, selling hot dogs. The first such car was made in the USA in 1936 by special order of the founders of the brand, the Mayer brothers. Drivers of "Winnermobiles" were called hot dogs, and their arrival was extremely pleasing to local residents and children. Attention to this miracle on wheels has not subsided among Americans so far: "winners" in US cities are driving around today.

shuttle cafe

This mobile eatery is called the Space Shuttle Cafe. Its history began back in the 1970s, when a Californian decided to use a part of the fuselage from a decommissioned American Douglas DC-3 transport aircraft and stick it on a school bus. In the future, the exterior of the diner was redone more than once, until the last owners decided to stay on the space shuttle.

Cuisine of "Unwanted" Animals

This food truck from Amsterdam is famous not only for appearance but by what he sells. In it you can buy dishes from animals, the meat of which a person consumes either quite rarely, or even sends it to the trash. On the menu you can find pigeon rolls, pony burgers, as well as dishes from geese, parrots, crows and rodents.

Snack bar-snowmobile

This snowmobile was designed to deliver hot burritos to the slopes of California's Mammoth Mountain ski resort, giving skiers the perfect chance to gorge themselves on their way down the mountain.

Three-story bike restaurant

A masterpiece of Vietnamese engineering, the Ta Di Oto three-story bicycle restaurant from Hanoi. It is a cycle rickshaw with a construction of somehow welded metal pipes. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, on the second floor there is a bar - on the third floor there is a restaurant and a lecture ground.

Grocery store on wheels

Rollin "Grocer is a mobile grocery store in Kansas City, Missouri. Despite the fact that the city is growing business part, in the very center, residents experience a shortage of grocery stores. Inside you can find everything that happens in a regular store, from fruits and vegetables to canned food. Basically, the truck works for low-income city dwellers who cannot afford to shop regularly in supermarkets.

burger mobile

This burger mobile is parked in front of the Wesport Flea Market Bar & Grill chain. The owner of the establishment came up with the idea to create it, who “strained” with his idea one artist whom he met in New York. Running through Central Park in the morning, he caught sight of a peculiarly designed car selling vegetarian food, after which he decided that such an idea would also be ideal for a meat patty.

Martini Van

It is not at all necessary to sell fast food, coffee, pizza or yogurt from the car. For example, a van called Gray Goose is used by the owners as a ... martini bar. Inside the converted Citroen H van, only luxury: marble coverings of the bar counter, forged and metal parts, glass showcases.

Pig food truck

This food truck called Maximus Minimus from Seattle makes money in any weather, and its owner, as the Americans say, every day is able to “brings home the bacon”, which literally translates as “bring home the bacon”, that is, to earn a living and provide for his family. The reason for this, of course, is the unusual and slightly creepy piggy shape of the truck. The food truck sells piggy, by the way, not only pork, but also chicken sandwiches.

Bomber style van

The Gastro Bomber food truck operates in the US city of Dallas. Its design is made in the style of World War II bombers. Aggressive toothy look and holes in the body seem to let the buyer know that the van has been in more than one scrape, but came out of them well done. The menu includes snacks like mashed potatoes with meat and different kinds pies.

Bigfoot with ice cream from Skoda

This is Skoda's largest ice cream van in the world. You can’t call his parameters childish: his “height” is more than 6 meters, his weight is over 5 tons. To get to the ice cream window and get his portion, the child needs to climb a ladder. By the way, the self-selling delicacy also has an impressive size.

Beer bar bike

The beer bar bike is a vehicle that is especially popular in Germany, but is also found today in other countries of the world. You can rent it and travel around the city with a glass of beer and in the company of friends. Usually a beer bike is equipped with seats for 10-16 people, a beer dispenser, a beer barrel and ... a sober driver.

Steampunk trailer

This steampunk fast food trailer was built by the Artisan Cake Company. You may ask: what is the point of creating such a style? Yes, nothing. The meaning is precisely in these very copper mechanisms and pipes that create a steampunk aura. The main thing, as they say, is that the idea catches the eye.

star fast food

This food truck from Fayetteville, USA, is inspired by Star Wars. Here you can taste themed snacks with names that appeal to the film. For example, a bun with cheese, bacon, turkey and cucumbers and garlic called Chewbacca. The truck itself bears the parodic name Grillenium Falcon. Recall that one of the main fictional spaceships « star wars" was called Millennium Falcon - "Millennium Falcon".

Food truck with banana cheeseburgers

You don't have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to make your food truck popular. “Why not spruce up the menu with something out of the ordinary, like banana cheeseburgers,” this gentleman from Florida decided. From his food truck called Tropical Point, he sells Brazilian fast food, and for some reason, such a not-so-exotic ingredient as fried bananas and burgers with them for some reason is especially loved by locals.

student food truck

The Gryph "N" Grille food truck feature is that it is designed to feed students. The truck is operated by the University of Guelph in Ontario. Students are offered not only affordable food, but also the opportunity to pay for it with a student ID. In addition to ordinary service at the walls educational institution, fudrak is used in university events so that students do not go hungry. They sell not fast food from the student food truck, but only healthy food.

Restaurant on a double-decker bus

The distinctive features of this establishment on wheels are visible to the naked eye. First, it is a double-decker bus. And secondly, this is a double-decker restaurant bus. He appeared in Los Angeles on the idea of ​​two business buddies Travis Schmidt and Jason Freeman. From the old bus, they decided to make an institution of high cuisine of various nations of the world with gourmet dishes and a dining area at the top.

Trump's goofy sandwiches

During the presidential campaign in Portland, Oregon, a food truck was serving "nonsensical Donald Trump sandwiches." The staff of the place called "Donald Trump's BS" handed out five types of sandwiches in special packages with the most inappropriate quotes of the presidential candidate, in the comments to which the factual errors of his statements were indicated. The name of each type of sandwich was one or another myth attributed to Trump. As if hinting at the fortune of a billionaire, the creators did not stint on the design of the trailer and laid a red carpet in front of the entrance. In addition, the customer's order was first taken by the concierge, who then passed it on to the chef.

Indian taco food truck

The Seattle-based food truck Off The Rez was conceived by Mark McConnell and his lover, Cecilia Rickard. Inspiration came to Mark when he began to look for his native cuisine in Seattle restaurants and did not find it. After that, an authentically painted van selling Native American tacos appeared in the city.

Izh barrel

This old Izh tuned to look like a wooden barrel, seen in Moscow, although it is not a food truck, is so unusual that it would be a mistake not to mention it in our material. In such an unusual way, the owners of one of the capital's restaurants decided to attract people to their establishment for beer and barbecue.

The uniqueness of this van called Pancake Selfie Express is that it sells pancakes with portraits of its customers. The client is forced to take a quick picture of himself, and then the truck's software prints the face onto the pancake. The van does not have a specific registration, the creators first decided to organize a tour of American cities such as Austin, Dallas, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mobile pizzeria

The famous pizzeria on wheels is the mobile bakery Del Popolo from San Francisco. To create this masterpiece, owner John Darcy worked with four designers and spent about $180,000. Inside there is a real wood-fired oven for cooking classic Neapolitan pizza. At the same time, customers can observe the process through transparent glass.


Fugu fish is a Japanese delicacy that can lead to death if not cooked properly. In many countries, a special license is required to sell this fish. But if you're a Boston resident and you're willing to risk your life on the street, then the Fugu Truck is made just for you.

Thank you van

It is difficult to come up with a better advertisement for a catering establishment than positive customer reviews. And food trucks are no exception. This van, called Giovanni's White Shrimp Truck, was no different from other shrimp snack vans in Hawaii for a long time. But then one satisfied customer decided to leave an inscription with a positive review on board. And thus he launched a chain: since then, the walls of the food truck began to be filled with gratitude regularly.

Vegan food truck

It's not for nothing that the Randy Radish food truck has a picture of a radish on its board. From these vans, customers can purchase exceptionally healthy food made from fresh vegetables - no fast food. The home of the veggie van is Lauren County, Virginia, USA.

Breastfeeding Van

The Milck Truck was designed by American artist and mother Jill Miller. She drew attention to the fact that nursing mothers often do not have enough places for solitary feeding of the child. Then she bought an old van, refurbished it and placed a huge artificial breast on the roof. A conspicuous van began to drive around the American city of Pittsburgh, offering women a free place to breastfeed their babies.

Provocative fast food

This food truck from Los Angeles is known throughout America for its fun name. It is called Eggslut - the name combines the word "eggs" and the word "whore". The establishment itself mainly offers breakfast dishes to customers.

The smallest food truck

This smart car-based mobile eatery called The Verts Kebap was designed by two German students, Dominik Staatn and Michael Haie. The guys studying at the University of Texas at Austin decided to surprise Americans with German engineering. Somehow they managed to fit a refrigerator, sink and oven into the Smart. All this could fit into the little car only in assembled form - a tent is also required for the full operation of the restaurant. The restaurant specializes in Turkish cuisine: kebabs and shawarma, which are very popular in Germany.

Air food van

This van was created by the French airline Air France and worked for only 5 days in Manhattan, offering free meals to everyone. As a rule, many passengers like to complain about the quality of food offered on planes, so Air France decided to put itself in the best light. So, for example, the menu included smoked salmon and shrimp dishes, and two lucky people, in addition to delicious food, also received air tickets to Paris.

Electric tricycle

The tricycle E-Tuk Vendo was developed by the Dutch company Tuk Tuk Factory specifically for catering. It works on electricity, while without recharging it is able to travel a distance of up to 60 km. At the same time, the creators made the tricycle powerful enough to withstand the work of the refrigerator. For the convenience of street vending, the E-Tuk Vendo is equipped with a folding table and a hinged window that opens outwards.

Eco friendly food truck

Another example of a food truck powered by electricity is Greg Alden Steel's Philly Greens vehicle. Made green truck based on Polaris Gem. The maximum speed is 40 km / h, without recharging the food truck is able to stretch 50 km. Not only does Philly Greens use sustainable energy sources, but its owner also sells only organic non-GMO seasonal food.

Diner on wheels from Peugeot

The French company Peugeot has its own ideas about what a real urban food truck should look like. Le Bistro Du Lion is an elegant restaurant on wheels with a fully equipped kitchen, DJ space and trailer coffee maker. Among other things, the van does not leave behind waste, as it is equipped with waste recycling facilities.

Food trucks of the Russian army

One of the reasons to be proud of the Russian army is the presence of army food trucks. You can usually see such trailers under the Voentorg brand at major events. For example, this handsome man in the colors of a military uniform was seen at the tank biathlon in Alabino.

Food truck for dogs

For Russia, this may seem surprising, but abroad you can find not only food trucks for people, but also for dogs. For example, this van called Milo's Kitchen, which toured US cities, offered our smaller brothers to taste chicken meatballs, grilled burgers, beef sausages and much more.

Following fast food

Dentyne came up with an unusual promotion to promote their chewing gum. To emphasize that gum should be chewed after every meal, Dentyone decided to make their own branded van that followed the food truck across the country and stopped behind it at every stop. It was decided to call the campaign #FollowFood - that is, "Follow the food."

Creativity technique "1000 ideas for social networks"


Leva is arrogant, and Tolyan keeps adding "yo". We have never seen each other, we communicate only by SMS and phone. But as my future accomplices, I already like them. As my potential cellmates - also nothing. We are unlikely to be imprisoned, but it's nice to think of tomorrow's outing as a trick on the level of Banksy or the Voina art group. Although we are only going to sell food truck burgers, by Moscow standards, our plans are illegal.

In Moscow, starting a food truck and working in it, observing the law, is like getting a cat and immediately castrating it. That is, to deprive the main. And in the case of a food truck, the main thing is the ability to move freely, without being tied to a specific place and following your audience around the city. In the morning to give a city dweller coffee to drink near the subway, in the afternoon to feed lunch at the shopping center, in the evening - to pick it up on a noisy street. It doesn't work that way for us. And yet the number of vans is increasing: against 6 cars at last year's City Food Market, there were 20 participants at the Food Truck Festival, which was held in Moscow for the first time this year (the organizers say there were 50 applications). This means that van owners have come to terms with the fact that their expensive kitchens with gleaming sides and roaring engines are nothing more than tents on wheels. But not all.

It all started when a rumor leaked to the editorial office about a food truck illegally trading in the city center. After a couple of hours, the impression was as if we had entered the police frequency. He was seen there, there, and also there. "He's white". "He is red". "They sell burgers." "They feed vegans there." The testimony does not converge, but the search continues. Three days later, I receive a number in the mail: “The contact person is Tolyan.” My task is to call and ask for an illegal exit with this food truck. What should I say? How to gain trust? I'm worried - I've never negotiated with criminals before. I'm calling. I explain. In response I hear:

Is there a medical book?

Uh-uh. Eat.

Note: law and street food

It all started in 1992, when Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the decree "On Free Trade" and thereby allowed anyone to sell anything, anywhere. Only roadways, metro stations and areas adjacent to buildings were banned. government agencies power and control. Planes of Chinese toys flew to Moscow. In those years, Lubyanka Square resembled the Mark platform. Yes, and all other areas too. Trying to moderate the ardor of entrepreneurship, which flared up in earnest after seventy years of Soviet power, the rules of trade began to gradually tighten. Since then, we have a conceptually loaded law in the field of street vending and a wealth of experience in circumventing all possible restrictions. So, as soon as the authorities banned tents, all the kiosks stood on bricks, to which they attached blank wheels. As soon as non-stationary forms were banned, the wheels, on the contrary, were unscrewed for all trailers.

Food trucks also adapt to modern realities, but not physically, but legally: today they manage to exist in the most legal way, using the ambiguous wording of the law: they participate in markets, act as catering, rent private territories - and most of all they fell in love with food trucks shopping centers. For example, "Mega", which updates its food courts and invites food trucks to participate in this. The most famous among the organizers of semi-legal trade in Moscow are two Frenchmen who a few years ago kept a mobile pancake shop near the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station: they baked and distributed pancakes for donations so that no one would find fault with the lack of a medical book, a trade permit and all other documents which Jonathan and Vincent did not have. In the end, they still visited the station, but soon after that, at the personal invitation of Sergei Kapkov, they began to distribute their pancakes in the Hermitage Garden.


Leva, the owner of a food truck, was born in Magadan and before eating here in Moscow, he managed to work in the States in a restaurant where burgers are served in 15 seconds. His main duty was to wrap cooked fast food and put it in a bag. Leva recently left the photography business and bought a van to turn it into a travel car and first go to Karelia for a couple of months. The food truck itself is a 1996 minivan, which was actually given a second life. “He survived a frontal collision, gearbox and engine replacement. When I registered it with the traffic police, they asked me: “Why do you need this, dude?”

Plans changed. A partner appeared who gave money to re-equip the car: the time was unstable - and he decided to invest in rubles. Peugeot Boxer converted into a food truck in Belarus “The car itself cost about half a million, the work is much more expensive. The most difficult thing is to strengthen the body after windows are made in the food truck, that is, in fact, important elements of the supporting structure are removed. Mechanics refer to the process of adding stiffeners as a "bone cutter". In Belarus, as well as in Ukraine, trade from food trucks is allowed, they stamp dozens of them there, so they know how cool it is to do it all. Two months ago we started working - traveling to festivals and private events. We registered an individual entrepreneur, we got a warehouse, a kitchen, hired workers, purchases, reporting, documentation. Chef Dima appeared, who works at Lavkalavka on Ostozhenka and installs the entire kitchen. This is really a lot of work: to trade four hours, you need to spend ten to twelve hours on preparation.

If you have a food truck business, then why go into the city and trade illegally? How is it? Some of you say "Let's go to the center!" - And you just go for fun?

Yes, that's what happens. Sometimes, even after the events, we still have products, and we go to resell them. And sometimes on Friday nights or weekends we go out into the city for our own pleasure. Twice they were on Pokrovka, then they stood on Chistye Prudy. When we were selling on Pokrovka, we had one of our pessimistic acquaintances with us, who turned on the stopwatch and every half hour that we managed to hold out, shouted something like: “Three-and-go-a-minute!” As a result, we stood there for quite a long time, but at some point a DPS officer came up and said: “Hello, who is in charge here? Let's go." I'm like, "Maybe a sandwich?" And he told me: "No, no, let's go, let's go." And they began to convince me in a good way to leave, so as not to seek adventure on my ass. They didn't take the money. I gave them the Coke and the sandwich myself. And he said: "Okay, let me go with you." I was just wondering what they would say about it. And I think they just didn't know what to say. They completed their task and are satisfied, but to take some dude with a food truck and take him somewhere ... "

Note. Food trucks: how to go

As for alternatives, a sanlongche, a tricycle-carriage, will do. It is common in Shanghai, where it is used by migrants who do not pay expensive rent for premises. They sell street food from the sanlongche, and if the police are interested in them, they can quickly drive around the corner. This idea was picked up by the Austrian project Dong Dong. The two girls built their own sanlongche to sell Chinese food in as a homage to all emigrants. They use mobility not to run away from the police, but to occupy even the narrowest sidewalks and other places in the city that are difficult to reach by car. Examples should be taken from Istanbul, where street food is a landmark, and experience in this area is huge. Among other things, there are often glass trays-houses on wheels: something between a food truck and a kiosk. Of these, they usually sell the national dish Pilav - rice with steamed hazelnuts, but you can also sell traditional Russian porridge. And do not forget about the UAZ-452, which is popularly called "loaf", - this alone betrays in it a real food truck of the Soviet automobile industry. So in the back - the oven, on the side - the sign "Monastery pastries", and no one will dare to doubt the righteousness of your intentions.


On the Moscow Ring Road - an unrealistic number of traffic police posts. I think that none of them even suggests that we are transporting blanks for 120 burgers and are not going to sell them except on Tverskaya. Festive tricolors fly around. I imagine that a flag is flying above us, obviously a pirate one. But even if we did have a flag, it would hardly waver noticeably - we are driving terribly slowly. “You have no right to move on a food truck at the speed of the flow, you will always be slower than it,” says Leva, “it is non-maneuverable and must enter turns at 40 km/h. Nothing faster. Otherwise, a twenty-five-kilogram grill, food warmers, titans and boilers fly around the cabin. Even knives bounce off magnets. And of course, the refrigerator doors must be fixed.

On the spot we are met by Tolya - a former journalist and PR man who is developing the food truck, - he is on the grill today. Meet those who read about our movements on Facebook. It takes minutes to get the Jaguar to be re-parked from our perfect window seat, run the wire to the food truck, turn on the power, attach the cable cap, organize the workspace inside the food truck, arrange the preparations, knead the sauce. The solemn moment - how at seven o'clock in the evening we opened the window of the food truck - the last thing I clearly remember until half past one in the morning. I am standing at the assembly: a bun from below, sauce-beetroot-cucumbers, salad-tomato-cabbage, onion cutlet, sauce again, bun from above, pack, give away. That evening we cooked and sold about a hundred burgers. Friends came, foreigners dropped by asking how often we come here. Someone asked if we had a license, and I, cold with horror, asked: “What?” "Great answer!" This went on all evening. They came from the bar opposite - “All your friends”, at first they were indignant and said something about the audience taken away, then they seemed to reconcile with us internally and ordered a burger. We bounced under David Bowie so that the food truck jumped on the spot. Maly Gnezdnikovsky was buzzing that evening and resembled Nikolskaya Street in the early 2000s and Kozitsky Lane in Budapest. But sometimes someone shouted: "Police!" - and became anxious. What would happen if we were caught here? The food truck is a hole in the law. I know that lawyers are preparing a cheat sheet for the Food Wagon: what to answer if the police have questions. I am sure that since the 26th resolution on the placement of non-stationary shopping facilities was adopted, many food truck owners keep such sheets at the ready. The Decree does not contain a direct ban on non-stationary trading from wheels. But there is no act that would regulate it. But we exist - strange.


Half past one at night. We close the food truck. Not at the request of the police, but because all the cutlets have run out. Five and a half hours of illegal trade near the Kremlin passed unnoticed by law enforcement. On the corner of the building there is a flag "Happy Victory Day!". Indeed, I think this is a victory, and, going to say goodbye to everyone, I say:

It would always be like this!

And you know, - answers Leva, - I am actually against the legalization of food trucks. Can you imagine what the crowds will be like? How much space in the city will all these cars take up? Horror! And after all, everyone will fight among themselves. What will be the quality of the food? No, we don't need it at all.

This season's dozen food festivals to visit

A terrible manifestation of the festival mainstream: master classes, stalls and stands with all sorts of food, culinary battles, music. Among the participants - a lot of stars, including Mukhin, Zotov, Berezutsky (Sergey). They ask for a symbolic 300 rubles for entry, it is better to buy a ticket in advance so as not to stand in line. Read more: msk.odaeda.me

Lambada is a clothing market, but the food section here is so extensive that it can compete in number (and quality) with other food festivals. In addition to regular participants (No Crepe, Doubleby, Williamsburg/Ferma, Pho, We Eat Standing Up - under 30 in total) there will be people from the Foody kiosk, which is permanently located at EMA, and steam baths from the Tochka / Kalashny store , 9". More -