What psychological questions are asked at an interview. Hiring: how to qualify for a psychologist? To law enforcement agencies

Today, most companies strive to find the ideal and versatile employee. It is important for the employer that the employee is goal-oriented, hardworking and ready for any difficult situation.

When large companies hire a new employee (especially if it is an important or leadership position), some of them send the person to a psychologist. Mid-level companies (including the majority of Russian companies), when hiring for any position, even the most low-paid and non-responsible, like to ask psychological questions themselves. Let's look at the three most popular of them and try to find the correct answer.

1. What is the most difficult situation you have encountered during your work? How did you get out of this situation?

When an employer asks a future employee to talk about the most difficult situation that happened at his previous job, he wants to understand what is causing difficulties for the employee and what a difficult situation is for him.

The most important thing here is to think carefully before answering. In no case do you need to say that you have not had such situations. The employer will consider the person unprepared for the difficulties that may arise.

The most correct answer is that in any incomprehensible situation a person tries to clarify the information. There is another option - turn this question into a joke and tell a funny story. However, there is a risk that the future employer will consider the person not responsible enough and not ready for difficulties. Who needs a jester at work? It is also not recommended to describe difficult situation, the cause of which is the fault of the future employee.

Of course, after this question, almost every interviewer asks to describe how the person got out of the current situation. It is important here to show yourself with best side, but don’t over-praise. Mention that during such a situation, they certainly reported it to their superiors, asked their colleagues for advice, and then everything was resolved successfully. This tactic will characterize a person as responsible employee who does not stand out from the team.

2. Where do you see yourself in five years? What is your career growth plan?

Remember, the stupidest answer in this situation is: “In your place” or “In the position of director of the enterprise.” You should also not answer that you don’t yet know what you want to become and that you plan to work in this place forever. Nobody needs an employee with no prospects.

An employee who dreams of taking the place of a director (that is, perhaps “sit in” for the existing one) is also not interesting to anyone. When answering this question, use your imagination a little and come up with a plan. career growth 5 years ahead. Describe in all colors how you plan to move up your career ladder, what prospects you have for life. Do not overdo it. Remember that lies are always very easy to hear. A person must be promising, purposeful and have earthly plans for life.

3. Describe your ideal job.

Of all the questions out there, this is the trickiest. What exactly should not be said? The fact that at the moment any job is ideal for you. That you dream of doing nothing and at the same time getting huge money.

An employer is not looking for an employee who is not interested in this position or is ready to grab any job out of desperation. Remember: a person who respects himself and his work is always treated better than a lazy person.

The most correct answer in this case will be a description of the future position for which the person is currently applying. With one small “but” - complement it with something insignificant and sweet (for example, all your life you dreamed of working as a secretary and, sitting at your desk, admiring a framed photograph of your family, but at your previous place of work there was a ban on any personal belongings) .

However, here it is also worth having a line and not overdoing it. The boss may suspect something is wrong. And, of course, don’t forget to mention that in any job there are no limits to perfection, and there is always something to strive for. Casually mention that self-development is very important to you.

P.S. There is a small addition for girls. Every employer asks whether the girl has a family/relationship. As a rule, this is always followed by a question about future plans for life.

If a girl says that she is currently in a relationship, it is worth noting that this will not affect her work in any way. Currently, her main focus is her career and personal growth. Of course, in a few years she hopes to start a family, but she doesn’t want to rush into it yet.

As for married women or those preparing for marriage, the employer will be most afraid of the possibility that such an employee will go on maternity leave in the very near future.

The best answer to such a question is that the girl does not consider it necessary to discuss her personal life at work. She always separates work and relationships, and does not like to mix one with the other. Moreover, she does not allow one thing to interfere with the other.

Hello dear friend!

Psychological testing during hiring is not used as often as is commonly believed. However, ignore the question “How to pass psychological tests during a job interview?” would be frivolous.

Most often, psychological testing takes place in the following ways:

  • Questionnaire format
  • Format of projective questions on any visual aids. Mostly pictures.

1 . It is not at all necessary to chop up the whole truth about yourself.

When answering testing questions, the rule is: “I am plus.” That is, we write to ourselves a little better than in reality. But only a little bit. I don't recommend being too original. Trying in itself is a good start, but this is not the case.

When trying to present yourself as a knight without fear or reproach, it is important not to overdo it . Your task is not to get confused yourself. Sometimes there are “traps” in such tests, for example: the same question, with words rearranged, is contained in the test several times. If the answers are different, you may be suspected of lying or inadequacy.

There are questions that a person of “high moral principles” is drawn to answer. Example:

“Do you always pay for travel on public transport?”, “Do you often get irritated?”

You should not pose as a champion of conscience or the personification of Buddha. There is nothing criminal about traveling as a “hare”. But insincerity is a reason to doubt whether you can.

2. Show an attractive set of qualities:

Focus your answers on reading approximately the following qualities:

  • honesty
  • performance
  • the ability to rationally manage your time
  • the ability to draw conclusions from mistakes;
  • seeing problems as challenges
  • ability to remain calm in difficult situations;
  • politeness
  • emotional stability

3) Demonstrate a positive outlook on the world

Nobody wants to deal with gloomy assholes, nervous, restless people. It is usually not difficult to choose an option in the answers so as not to appear as such.

Review of popular projective tests

a) Luscher test. Favorite color

There are 8 cards in front of you. All of them different color. You are invited to arrange them, starting from the most pleasant for you and ending with the most unpleasant.

The purpose of the test is to determine dominant needs and emotions.

  • red color – activity, action
  • yellow – determination
  • green – self-affirmation
  • blue – constancy
  • gray – desire for calm
  • crimson (sometimes purple) – a tendency towards fantasies, avoidance of reality
  • brown – need for protection
  • black – depressed state

The sequence of cards means: the first and second - your aspirations, the third and fourth - the current state of affairs, the fifth and sixth - an indifferent attitude, the seventh and eight - antipathy, suppression.

From the first to the fourth, arrange the cards red, yellow, green, blue - in any order.Place brown and black last.

Sometimes they ask you to take the test a second time. You can change the colors a little, but only slightly. Under no circumstances should you choose the first colors: black, gray, brown.

b) Test “Interpretation of pictures”

Show pictures with images. As a rule, these are people in different situations. Your task is to comment: what is the situation, what is the person doing, what is happening, why is he doing it?

It is believed that a person transfers pictures to his life and explains situations based on his worldview, fears, desires, and view of the world.

Example: there is a laughing man in the picture. The subject is expected to talk about his motives and reasons for joy.

Images should be interpreted from the most positive perspective.

c) Test "Blots"

Pictures depicting a symmetrical blot are shown. Tell me what you see?

A positive interpretation of the image (for example, a conversation between good friends) characterizes you as a person with a positive outlook on life. A negative interpretation (for example, -monster) indicates that your mind is dominated by fears or you are depressed.

The same as in the previous test - comment in a positive way. It's enough.

Candidate mistakes

  1. Too frivolous attitude. The answers are “out of the blue.” There are also incidents. In the author’s practice, there was a case when a seemingly adequate candidate gave strange answers in the questionnaire. To a puzzled question, he simply answered that he forgot his glasses. Not bad, right?
  2. Inattention. Please read the instructions carefully before completing the test. If you screw it up through carelessness, who will figure it out?
  3. Being smart. There are applicants who cannot resist commenting on the tests. Show your knowledge or simply criticize. It is better to refrain from such attacks; no one will appreciate your outlook. Quite the opposite. It's better to pretend to be a simpleton than to be considered a bore.
  4. Stuck. You shouldn't slow down, it's better to skip the question for now. Fill out the questionnaire to the end and then return. With this approach, you may notice patterns. For example, repeated questions in slightly modified wording.
  5. Giving excessive weight to a test. Generates nervousness.

Keep in mind that testing is an auxiliary tool in selection. The main ones are almost always the study of and. When testing, you don’t need to strive for an “A”; it’s enough not to mess up and get a solid “B”.

3 points in conclusion

So, let's summarize. When performing psychological tests:

  1. Follow the “I’m a plus” rule. That is, about yourself a little better than in reality. But only a little bit.
  2. Try to ensure that your answers reflect a positive attitude and a positive perception of the world.
  3. Psychological tests are an auxiliary tool for selection.

A test is a case where the best is the enemy of the good. There is no need to strive to appear as a knight without fear and reproach. It is enough to show yourself as just an adequate person. Don't be considered a bore, a psychopath, or a pathological liar. Follow the author's recommendations and you'll be fine :)

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  • Why does an employer offer applicants an interview with a psychologist?
  • How to behave at such an interview?
  • What types of testing are used when selecting specialists?

Don't give in to provocations

An affectionate, sincere and attentive psychologist is something out of the realm of fantasy. Be prepared for confusion and even aggression. Often, to test an employee for deceit, psychologists ask the same question in different variations. Sometimes you can hear a remark bordering on rudeness. This is not caused by personal hostility. In this way, the psychologist checks the applicant’s balance and restraint. Therefore, you should not be nervous, raise your voice or get lost. React to comments calmly. Show that you can handle stressful situations.

Refrain from being too frank

You shouldn’t be frank and reveal all sides of your personality, even if you come across a “kind guy.” A psychologist is not a priest, and an interview is not a confession. It is enough to answer questions informatively without going into details. There is one big advantage to interviewing a psychologist. Sometimes it helps you understand what kind of company you have chosen and decide whether you want to work here.

Recruiters' fascination with psychology began quite a long time ago. The heyday of psychological tests as a basis for making hiring decisions in the West occurred in the 1980-1990s; in Russia, this trend began to actively develop in the early 2000s. And it immediately caused confusion among applicants - how should one answer the tests? It turns out that now it is not enough to be a competent specialist with work experience, you also need to have the “required” personality type and some specific accentuations and temperament... Fortunately, most employers do not spend time and money on large-scale testing when searching for personnel, but psychological questions are interviews are found almost everywhere.

How to distinguish psychological questions in an interview and answer them competently?

It’s good if the recruiter provides you with a ready-made psychological test that you fill out yourself. At least you will have time to think and the opportunity to figure out how best to respond. The problem is that a psychological question can be asked suddenly. For a headhunter, this is a great opportunity to see the “real” you, but for you, it’s an unpleasant surprise, to put it mildly.

So, how do you identify a question with psychological overtones?

Firstly, these are all questions regarding your self-esteem. For example, “have you been rejected a lot in interviews? Why?" or "How much lucky man do you consider yourself? To answer this question and demonstrate the psychological qualities the employer needs, you need to remember the “golden mean”. So, the optimal answers for the given examples would be: “This has happened. It happened that I, having found out the conditions, refused a place. Everyone strives to find something that is beneficial to him, something that completely suits him” and “Lucky enough. I have a good education, work experience, family. Life is full of opportunities, you just need to take advantage of them, then luck will not turn away.”

Secondly, these are questions about personal qualities. To answer this group of questions well, you need to study the basic psychological personality tests. This way, you will have an idea of ​​what the answers are, what they mean (what quality they indicate), and the question suddenly asked by the recruiter will not confuse you.

Thirdly, these are classic psychological tasks: draw a house, yourself, your family, etc.; what is your favorite color, what do you see in the picture... Such tasks are always associated with psychology, but they, as a rule, turn out to be the most difficult even for candidates prepared in this regard. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to pass an interview in 2020: the most important thing in 3 minutes

Examples of questions and answers for a psychological interview

Question: Draw a house, yourself and a tree.

Answer: Draw in proportion, quite realistically. The house must have all the main details: windows, door, roof, path to the house (means your openness and willingness to cooperate). If your position requires attention to detail, then your drawing should have a lot of details, even small ones that are not particularly significant at first glance - for example, cuffs on the sleeves, cufflinks, a door peephole, a pattern on shutters, etc. The tree should be beautiful, straight, have a large crown and roots - this is your vision for the team.

Question: What is your favorite color?

Answer: Put bright and light colors first: orange, yellow, red. For the latter (if you were offered the Luscher test) – dark and gray shades. When asked to choose again, slightly swap the colors, maintaining the overall picture.

Question: What do you see in the picture?

Answer: It doesn’t matter what exactly is in front of you - a blot or a picture - you must interpret it exclusively positively. Positivity is your passport to work.

Of particular note is perhaps the most insidious psychological question: how many points from 1 to 10 would you give to a recruiter for the interview?

This is a test for flattery and sycophancy. You understand that for an employer this is a very important psychological quality of an employee.

Answer: Answer honestly and try to be objective. Be sure to justify the reduction in points.

So, you have become acquainted with the psychological questions that you may encounter during an interview. They may vary, but the key to successfully completing them remains the same - confidence, honesty and a positive attitude!

What psychophysiological tests can be offered to applicants for admission, why they are needed, how and by whom the answers are assessed. All these questions will be answered in the article below.

What is the purpose of testing?

This method of assessing the psychological qualities of applicants is most often used when the entire mass of candidates a smaller group remains. This moment usually comes after the first interview.

Some people who come to apply for a job do not always clearly understand what will they have to do in this company. After listening to the representative, some simply get up and leave, realizing that they clearly do not want to be there.

The remaining people are asked to take several small tests.

Tes can be or single.

Depending on what the specialist conducting these tests prefers.

What are tests used for?

There is no single answer to the question.

Testing is applied for a whole range of assessments:

  1. For more objective assessment candidate. When completing tasks personal impression the specialist does not play any role. A positive or negative assessment given by a company representative to an applicant cannot in any way affect.
  2. For selection the most suitable person for the position. If several applicants have approximately the same personal data, then it is quite difficult to determine “by eye” which of them more suitable for the position.
  3. For determining personality type, fitting as organically as possible into the existing team. HR specialists know where and with whom they will work new employee. Therefore, it will be much easier for him to determine who will fit into the team, after analyzing test scores.
  4. To weed out those categories of citizens who have developmental or psychological disability. To avoid problems in working with such individuals in the future, they must be weeded out at the initial stages of personnel selection. But on external signs It is not always possible to guess about the problems within a person. That's why tests are called for help.
  5. For the next stage of sifting unsuitable of people.

By using various types tests can be determined from the candidate many personality parameters, such as his level of leadership skills, ability to perform routine work, or loyalty to the company for which he will work.

Who is assigned to conduct it?

Very often large companies have on their staff a person with higher medical education.

Its profile can be not only surgical or therapeutic.

In addition to regular health workers, their colleagues are sometimes hired from the field of psychology.

If such a staff unit as psychologist, is in the company, then all interviews are conducted with him. Or, at the very least, a psychologist reviews the interview tape or test results.

What should an employer do if there is no psychologist on staff? The answer is very simple: it hired from outside. In our country there are many representatives of this profession who practice privately and happily provide their services to various companies.

Their responsibilities when hiring include assessment of the candidate from all aspects of his personality. Of course, you can’t find out everything at once, but about a third of the total necessary information the psychologist will receive from the tests. The rest of the information you need can be found in questionnaires, compiled by a psychologist, or in a conversation.

It is psychologists, commissioned by companies, who develop tests to determine those qualities that needed by the employer. However, they are all based on several generally accepted types of tests. Sometimes you can use them without adjusting to the hiring company’s requirements for candidates.


Luscher diagnostics

Color testing or Luscher test. This is one of the most simple ways get to know the person. For a psychologist, its results are a little deeper than for a person without medical education, to whom this test will seem similar to the “tests” from glossy magazines.

The essence of testing is that the applicant is given all the best several colored cards. There are eight of them, each with its own color: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, gray and black.

The candidate is asked to arrange the cards by color, starting from the most pleasant for him personally. The results obtained are recorded, the cards are mixed and again they are asked to do the same. Based on what colors a person chooses for his sequence, a conclusion is drawn about his qualities and resilience in stressful situations.

Psychological diagnostics using the Luscher test and advice from a psychologist in this video:

Rorschach test

This testing is known even to those who have never encountered psychology.

Thanks to many films (mostly foreign), one could see how a psychologist with glasses shows pictures with blurry blots to your clients.

The essence of the method is that the applicant is shown a dozen pictures depicting blots.

They can be color or monochrome (black and white). A person is asked to tell what does he see in these images.

By listening to the answers, the specialist will understand whether the person has mental disorders how he reacts to various stimuli and even what kind of mindset and way of thinking.

Rosenzweig method

This test is not as famous as the previous two, but is no less effective in determining certain personality traits. It consists of twenty-four pictures. On them depicts people in stressful situations.

For example, two people are standing by a car, and a departing train is visible in the background. Both have squares that already contain several phrases. Thanks to these phrases you can understand what happened in the picture.

In the example about the car, one person tells another that he is very sorry that because his car broke down, they were late for the train. In the second square you are asked to enter your own version of behavior or phrases in this situation. Thanks to pictures like this you can evaluate a person's behavior when he fails.

You can find out how testing is carried out using the Rosenzweig method by watching the video:

Markert method

The bottom line is that the candidate is offered choose from eight characters different forms two: the one you like best and its opposite. The symbols look like strokes made with a thick marker. In the subconscious they are associated with a person’s movement or posture.

Depending on which “stroke” the candidate chooses first, the psychologist draws a conclusion about how he would like to move now or which posture is preferable. The same with the second symbol - the most undesirable pose is determined. It's important to remember that the result refers to a given point in time.

Personality questionnaires

Questionnaires– a kind of questions or statements.

By answering them or choosing one of several, a person secretly communicates some information about himself. Questionnaires can different directions.

When hiring psychologists, they focus on those that determine the most significant character traits, a person’s motivation, his opinion.

When a psychologist receives the task of establishing any of these points in candidates, he compiles a corresponding list of questions or statements.


Popularity Psychology specialists and their methods are no longer news. In the modern world, more and more people are resorting to their services. Commercial structures- not an exception. It is practically impossible to find a single serious enterprise, such as a bank, where didn't have to see a psychologist.

Interviews with them required when applying for a job in law enforcement agencies and other security forces. Even the harmless profession of a teacher kindergarten requires considerable psychological preparation.

When applying for a job it is always necessary. You never know in advance what awaits you there. But it’s still worth looking at examples of the most common tests on the Internet.

For many of them there are no universal answers, but you can take them online. It happens that during the passage, something new is revealed to a person in himself. In any case, psychological testing can help not only when applying for a job, but also in any other area of ​​life.

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