How to convince yourself to go to the gym. Simple ways to force yourself to go to the gym. Plan your training schedule

The problem of motivation and self-discipline worries the most different people. And those who feel deprived of luck in life, and especially those who are used to achieving success, relying only on their own strengths, the so-called self-made people (who made themselves).

Surprisingly, we, all so different, are hindered in our work by exactly the same things: laziness, fears, inviting social networks, good weather and thoughts swirling in our heads. The only difference is that some do not know how to throw everything aside and meet Napoleonic plans halfway, while others always have a couple of tricks in stock on how to force themselves to work and achieve success.

Yes, today you can’t live without motivation. Actually, every action we take is dictated by something. And when the desire to sit back and do nothing arises, it is worth using certain levers to force yourself to work. So, what prevents us from acting and how to overcome it?

Fear of failure

Many have long made the well-known saying: “If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest” as the motto of your life. “Why would I do this if it doesn’t work out anyway?” is a familiar excuse we often use to justify our own inaction. But only those who clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel will be able to reach their goal. And the one who sees only the dark tunnel itself will never move, constantly turning over his fears in his head.

Strange as it may seem, in some matters it is important to simply act, albeit desperately, thoughtlessly, fearlessly, without looking at your feet, but looking only forward. Don't be afraid to set goals and not achieve them. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes - they are the ones who teach you where and how to go further. In addition, in the first days after the holidays, they are unlikely to expect any special victories from you.

A situation of inevitability

In this case, you must create conditions for yourself in which “not working” simply won’t work. Remember how easily and quickly you can redo everything when deadlines are burning with a bright flame.

Set deadlines for yourself, or even better, promise your partners, relatives, and friends to complete the task by a certain date. It would seem, so what’s wrong with that - he promised and didn’t fulfill it. But psychologists assure that the feeling of shame from not fulfilling what was publicly promised has one of the most powerful effects on a person; the method of promises perfectly helps to get things moving.

Irreconcilable differences

If every day you are forced to get up before dawn and gloomily trudge to work, which you have secretly hated for a long time, then there is only one way out of such a difficult situation - go in search of your favorite thing. Do you think that accounting is not created for mutual love, but find mutual language Can only a dull techie handle programming systems? Nonsense!

Surely in your circle there are a couple of accountants who balance debits with credits with special tenderness, and programmers you know who dote on their assemblers, interfaces and controllers. Happy people! Do you remember Lucien from Amélie, who gently wrapped each fruit as if it were the most fragile thing in the world? This was his way of showing his respect for his work and his customers. Love your job, because when you work with pleasure, everything else fades into the background.


Remember that laziness only works when the process of “doing nothing” is much more pleasant for you than the anticipation of the result from work. Motivate yourself to work in a simple and proven way - blackmail. If I don’t complete this week’s plan, I won’t get a bonus, and if I don’t get a bonus, I won’t buy new shoes.

This method of blackmail is still good in times when the fear of appearing unsightly during an imminent summer vacation drives hundreds and thousands of homebodies to the gym in search of a beautiful and slender body. Waiting and anticipating an amazing result is an excellent pill against laziness.


When rosy pies are waiting at home, and the latest premieres are waiting at the cinema, then, willy-nilly, you turn your gaze in these directions. And I don’t have the strength to look at the computer screen or do anything else. At such moments, visualizing a different plan will help you get back to work. Let's say you are already dreaming of relaxing. And for this you need to earn money. So, hang up a photo of the place where your dreams are already directed. And look at her more often. This will give you an incentive to work.


It is also important to understand that laziness can be fleeting. It comes and goes on its own, and it happens that there is no need to fight it. Good film, a cup of coffee with a friend - and it’s as if a new breath is felt in life.

A little trick that you can use right now!

And finally, here’s another little trick that you can use right here and now! Take an alarm clock and set it for 15 minutes. During this time, do the work without any distractions, without criticizing yourself or thinking about how to do it. Just do your job until the alarm goes off.

As soon as you hear the treasured signal, stop working and take a short break, and at the signal, get back to work. This game mode will help restore the desired rhythm and excitement at work without sacrifice.

Date of: 2016-09-05 Views: 17 827 Grade: 5.0 If your willpower is fine, and you have missed at most a week of classes in a year, then this information is not for you. This article will be useful to ordinary visitors to fitness clubs, as well as those who exercise on their own. In the modern world, people with almost any income can afford fitness classes. For running on the street, for example, you don’t have to pay at all. Not only the classes themselves are now available, but also a lot of information about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to the Internet, we all know how to train and how to eat, but not everyone and not always can show willpower every day and maintain regularity in training. Often after work, the prospect of lying on the couch in front of the TV is so tempting that training is postponed “for later.”

So, I bring to your attention 7 ways to force yourself to go to training:

1. Prepare in advance

If a bag with sportswear is collected, neatly folded and waiting for you to take it with you to the gym, then you are unlikely to want to miss a workout, if only because you wasted time getting ready and effort to transport this very bag, especially if you move with the help of public transport, like me.

2. Exercise immediately after work

To avoid a break between the end of the working day and the start of training, during which you can lose your mood, it is advisable to exercise immediately after work.

3. Eat 2 hours before training

There are many articles about what you need, but the fact that you need to eat is a fact. Especially if the workout is right after work. Energy will come from eating food and you won’t have to spend the last half hour half-starved, and then also eat food.

4. Choose a workout in advance

If the club has a choice of classes, then for the greatest effectiveness the training should be selected in advance. In case of self-study, it is necessary to select exercises in advance and prepare a sample program. For jogging, you need to think about your route.

5. Forget about perfectionism

“I’d rather not do anything than do it badly,” perfectionists think. If translated into sports language, then “I’d rather not go to training at all than to do it with the wrong weight or the wrong intensity with which I want.” To achieve results you need to forget about perfectionism. The training may not be perfect, but it must be regular, only then can results be achieved.

6. Remember motivational quotes

Social networks are full of various motivational quotes. If you’re too lazy to go to training, it’s been a hard day at work, and it’s cold and rainy outside, take a look at one of the groups where there are quotes from great athletes. My favorite:

  • “If I give up, it won’t get better.”
  • “If you only do what is easy, you will always be weak.”
  • “There are no winners when running in place”

7. Prepare for the next working day

To protect yourself from the evening hustle and bustle and fully relax after training, you need to prepare for the next working day in advance. On a day when there is no training, you can cook a simple healthy meal, iron a couple of sets of clothes for yourself and your child (who has children), and do some other household chores. If you are not lazy, then all this will take a little time, but on a training day, you can come home and take a bath or do any other things that you love or are used to doing, for example, have a drink, do self-massage, spend time with loved ones, watch a movie , drink tea (without sugar:)) and much more. All the described methods are based on the personal experience of an ordinary fitness club visitor with an average income and a full-time job. It really works and no miracle pills are needed!

New Year's holidays leave behind not only gifts, photographs, pleasant memories of the holiday, but also extra pounds. It’s doubly offensive if these kilograms cancel out the results of visiting the gym throughout the previous year. And the longer the break in classes, the more difficult it is to return to them.

There are several simple ways to help force yourself to go to the gym and not miss classes. For example, a sports bag should always be packed in advance. It is advisable that it stands in the most visible place. Then she will be a silent reproach for you all evening, and perhaps force you to go to training.

Vigorous walking and running help prevent diabetes and hypertensionScientists found that running reduced the risk of primary hypertension by 4.2%, and walking by 7.2%. High cholesterol is 4.2% less common in the blood of runners, and 7% less common in walkers compared to other people.

If you're dreading the long drive to the gym and are putting off leaving the house, you can work out at home. Perform your usual set of exercises.

If you are in a bad mood and don’t feel like exercising at all, start your workout with your favorite exercise. This will most likely help you have fun and help you get things done.

It is best to go to the gym with a friend; you will be embarrassed to miss classes. If you go to training alone, appear in the gym at the same time and say hello to those present. Soon you will make friends. Together you will have much more fun, and, in addition, you will have someone to back you up when lifting the barbell.

Everyone knows that working out in the gym helps not only to gain a ton of muscles, but also to lose excess weight. And no matter what they tell you from TV screens about miraculous pills and magic cocktails, nothing can replace physical exercise. Look at yourself in the mirror and step on the scale every day. With regular training, your reflection and the numbers on the scale will be an additional incentive, you will immediately want to go to the gym.

Imagine how pleasant it is to follow changes for the better. And it's not just about flexing your muscles in front of the mirror. With each new workout, you will feel that you are becoming stronger, and that it is becoming easier for you to increase the load and perform new exercises.

You can make a selection of music specifically for training. As studies show, people who train to music exercise much longer and more actively than those who prefer to “swing” in silence or to the “music” of creaking iron and their own panting. The main thing in this matter is not to make a mistake in choosing the genre.

Scientists have explained which music is easier to exercise withPeople feel less tired if they receive an audible response to even the slightest effort. Scientists believe that this effect can be partly explained by the calming effect of music, which relieves muscle tension and leads to a more efficient supply of oxygen to the body.

Playing sports teaches us to be consistent. First you need to set yourself a goal that you must achieve over a certain period of training. Once the goal is achieved, you need to set yourself a new, more distant goal.

Surprisingly, gossipers can also be useful. If you need an extra incentive to get yourself to the gym, use public opinion. For example, you can tell your acquaintances, friends or relatives about your plans to pump up your biceps, and without even noticing it, you will instantly become the object of gossip. And your reputation will directly depend on your training.

Also great way forcing yourself to go to training is making a bet. You can challenge someone to a kind of fitness competition. And for greater motivation, it is better to challenge an opponent for whom you do not feel any sympathy. Or try challenging yourself. If, for example, you switch from a car to a bike in the summer, you can improve your fitness. Record how long it takes you to get to work, for example. It will be very great if every day you try to improve your results.

If you're a busy person, you don't have much free time to spend going to the gym. But look at this problem from the other side.

You can spend much less time training, the main thing is to do it with full dedication.

Make a class schedule for a month in advance. Cross off each completed workout with a sense of accomplishment. If you still manage to skip some workouts, include them additionally in your schedule for the next month.

A great way to get yourself into the swing of things is to communicate on fitness forums. There you can compare your successes with the successes of other people. However, you shouldn’t take everything too seriously - many “virtuals” really like to embellish reality.

Urban living conditions contribute to the development of heart and circulation diseases. These are, in particular, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. The RIA Novosti infographic provides information from cardiologists about what factors are most destructive to the heart, as well as simple tips on how to stay healthy.

Try to treat training like work. See yourself as strict boss, and the coach - as a subordinate hired for work. If he doesn't do his job, fire him without a twinge of conscience, that is, change your coach or gym.

Check your blood cholesterol levels and set a goal to reduce your “bad” cholesterol by 20 points and increase your “good” cholesterol by 5 points. By improving your health, you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

If after several workouts you do not find any visible changes, this is not a reason to be lazy and never go to the gym again. Measure yourself every week and record the results. Over time, you will begin to enjoy even the slightest changes.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Let's face it, after a long day at work, the thought of lounging on the couch, watching TV, or surfing the Internet can be much more appealing than the prospect of sweating profusely in a crowded gym. Working out in the morning can be beneficial, but it doesn't always fit into your daily schedule. And in the evenings, you can easily be overcome by treacherous thoughts that you will no longer be able to bear any physical activity (although you should). So, how can you motivate yourself to go to the gym and grit your teeth when you really don’t want to? First of all, don’t blame yourself for being cowardly – ​​it happens to everyone. Then try these five simple tricks that can be very effective in motivating you to exercise.

1. Bring workout clothes to work

In the evening, prudently pack a bag with all the clothes and equipment you need for the gym, and don’t forget to take it with you to work in the morning. The presence of this bag at your desk is very powerful. In fact, it affects your conscience and consciousness, so the likelihood that you will overcome your laziness and go to the gym immediately after work is very high. Don't go home! Remember, as soon as your back touches the cozy sofa, everything is gone! If you need to go home, do it quickly: change clothes and run. Don’t even think about sitting down on a chair. Develop this habit and don't waste time having a deep internal monologue with yourself about whether you should exercise today or not.

2. Plan your workout schedule

Try inserting workouts into your daily calendar and treating them like business meetings. By planning out your activities for the week, you begin to remember, think, and mentally prepare for them. It also trains your ability to prioritize. If your work schedule is flexible and unpredictable, going to the gym may be the only stable event in your week. Ideally, try to train at the same times and on the same days, again to develop a habit and strictly follow an established schedule.

3. Hire a personal trainer or walk with a buddy.

Joint training can be " with a magic kick” for you, and you will be ashamed to miss subsequent classes. When you go to the gym alone, you really need that internal motivation, but working out with a friend(s) or private lessons will help you be much more focused. Group support or personal accountability to a coach is very stimulating.

4. Make a rule

Develop for yourself your own strict life rule (you can call it your own law), that no matter what cataclysms and other natural disasters happen around you during working week, you will train at least three times during this period. This means that you only have two days off after work, and the remaining three days you will have to work out in the evenings at the gym. Do not retreat and do not be cowardly, trying to reduce the number to two times or one, motivating this by being busy and tired. Make yourself an attitude: not “I want”, but “need” and “must”. This is a harsh reality. Your body should be moving and not constantly sitting or lying down.

5. Reward yourself

Develop rewards for persistence. Perhaps this is a visit to the cinema, buying some new sportswear or massage. Such a reward for own strength willpower can help you stay motivated. This is a very effective psychological point that should not be neglected.

We are often attacked by obsessive thoughts: “Don’t go to the gym today, you’re tired. Let's go tomorrow! This is a dangerous illusion of tomorrow that cannot be followed. Below are tips on how to motivate yourself to workout.

1. Train with a partner
A training partner will play a very important role. It can be a very good source of motivation. After all, if your partner is ahead of you in terms of results, this will really hurt you. Then the thought of missing a workout will fade into the background. In addition, at the right moment, your friend will convince you not to skip the next workout.

2. Work out right after work
After finishing the working day, go straight to the hall. You shouldn’t go home, because there are a lot of other things waiting for you there that will distract you from the desired mood, and then it will be much more difficult to force yourself to go to training.

3. Work out in the morning
If waking up early is not a problem for you, exercise in the morning. This way you will have no excuse to skip your workout. After all, in the morning you are full of strength and energy. In addition, a morning workout will free up your day, and at the beginning of the day you will be proud of yourself.

4. Don't exercise daily
Three days a week is the most optimal training regimen. Exercising every day will only overwork your body. Three days are training, the remaining four are rest and recovery.

5. Try yoga
Yoga helps fight fatigue, charges you with strength and energy for the whole day. If you train in the evening, do yoga in the morning. If you train in the morning, practice yoga in the evening.

6. A tired mind is not a reason to skip a workout.
If you work in an office and feel tired at the end of the workday, do not accept this fatigue as general. Often mental fatigue disguises itself as fatigue of the whole body. When you come to the gym, most likely, you will have enough strength to train fully.

7. Try changing your clothes at work
It will seem very strange, but changing your work clothes to a tracksuit will help you mentally prepare for the workout. A tracksuit will put your brain in the right frame of mind, and then skipping a workout won’t be so easy.

8. Look for the positives
Think positively. With every workout you become better and better. And better than many others. From this position, you will stop thinking of training as an obligation. Rather, training will become a significant advantage for you compared to those who do not work on themselves.
Training requires energy, but it returns its costs with interest. In this case, the rule applies in exactly the same way: you give a lot, in return you receive even more. Therefore, when you feel tired, feel free to go to training for a big boost of energy.