How to find a common language with your boss. Finding a common language with your boss How to find a common language with your boss

Tatiana was an amazing, highly motivated manager in an international organization headquartered in Washington.

When she was promoted to a management position, she inherited a small team of employees. Her direct subordinates were very categorical, cynical, straightforward and hostile towards management. To tell the truth, the entire team was immediately very skeptical of the new leader.

What made the situation worse was that many of them held the same position for more than 10 years without receiving meaningful feedback or feeling important.

Tatyana decided to take the matter seriously. She was resolute in her determination to ensure efficiency and build morale. But neither one nor the other aroused enthusiasm among subordinates. Tatyana's office was located several floors above where her employees worked, in a spacious building, which once again emphasized her high position and supposed distance from mere mortals. With such an organization of space based on status differences, Tatyana felt uncomfortable, so she decided to personally deliver the mail (which was first brought to her office) to the workplaces of her employees, located three floors below.

As part of standard operating procedure, managers sent emails to subordinates asking them to pick up mail and other work documents themselves. Tatiana was determined to demonstrate respect and camaraderie with her hiking trips. This was typical of her style; her choices and actions reflected her natural gentleness of character.

What did your subordinates think? They were furious. The new boss is unbearable! She clearly has no trust or respect for them. And how, one wonders, did they come to this reinforced concrete conclusion?

“She's watching us! - they declared. “Instead of calling us into her office to get the mail, she brings it here so she has an excuse to spy on us.” This data was enough for them to prove their theory.

Let's forget this story for a while and move to another hemisphere, to the vast expanses of Australia.

When I arrived there to speak at a conference, I was invited on a tour of the area near Maroochydore, a charming coastal town in Queensland. Shortly after we started the bus ride, the driver named Paul, a local resident specially hired to lead the tour, pointed to something in the distance - he saw a “roo” (as the Australians call a kangaroo) there. Obsessed with the desire to see the wild roo, I began to peer intently. To my horror, out of habit, I was unable to see the ru against the backdrop of the local landscape.

When the ride came to an end, Paul asked if I was happy. I thanked him for his amazing work and for introducing us to his native land, but admitted that the unsuccessful attempt to see Ru was disappointing. Paul reassured me: “I think we can work out something for you.” When everyone had disembarked, he told me to stay on the bus and we went to the nearby University of Southern Queensland, where seventy or eighty wild roos were roaming the campus. As soon as we arrived, we immediately noticed two adorable animals basking in the sun. Excitement overwhelmed me, and then I asked an absurd question:

Can I crawl closer and pet him?

No question, mate,” he answered in his imposing Australian manner.

Getting down on all fours, I quietly (at least, I now really want to think that it was so) crawled up to the bushes, made a strategically necessary circle around the ru and, remaining unnoticed, took up a position right behind them.

Feeling dizzy from own success, I reached out to the larger roo and touched his back.

Somehow, I managed not to notice that the smaller roo was a baby. Mom was obliged to protect him. Clouds suddenly gathered above me.

Ru-mama clearly did not expect me to appear behind her back and was dumbfounded. She jumped up on her hind legs and began circling me like a boxer ready to fight. From somewhere far away came the even voice of my guide: “Now crawl away... quickly.”

I managed to remain safe and sound. However, I made no further attempts to make friends with the kangaroo.

And here we are naturally We come to the question of why many managers have such a dislike for management. Both Tatiana’s story and my story about ru are illustrations of the mysterious Great Mess, which is commonly called Management.

I propose to consider the following comparisons:

Action Scenario

Deliver mail

Pet the kangaroo

Intentions - Tatiana and mine

Establish positive contact

Establish positive contact

Behavior - Tatiana and mine

An active gesture intended to demonstrate modesty and respect

to the team

Quiet, gentle, cautious approach to demonstrate peaceful intentions

Team wish and kangaroo

To be left alone

To be left alone

Interpretation of the team and kangaroo

DANGER! Second

moving into personal space!

DANGER! Second

moving into personal space!

Internal reaction of the team and the kangaroo

External reaction of the team and the kangaroo

Ready for battle

Ready for battle

Why such discrepancies between intentions and interpretations? Are these examples one of a kind or, worse, are they typical, underlying our existence?

I would prefer not to answer this question. But you will have to, solely for the sake of your professional success. A typical relationship between intention and interpretation is as follows:

My intention → Your reaction → Distortedunrecognizable result

Yes, dear reader. These inconsistencies are truly the very essence of our lives.

Let me give a brief summary. People hate management because it is draining and prevents them from completing other important tasks on time. And besides, there is a misconception: in order to become good leader(and take that very coveted VIP parking spot), you supposedly have to drive yourself as an individual into a predetermined template.

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    Eliminating Destructive Leadership

The climate at work is of great importance. If your relationship with colleagues or your boss doesn’t work out, then you don’t even want to go to work. As a result, a person suffers while doing a job he hates. To avoid unnecessary stress, study. Bosses are people just like us. Show professionalism, take your work seriously, don’t be late for work, and look neat. True, it is generally accepted that it is more difficult to get along with a female leader. Someone, on the contrary, believes that the girl treats her subordinates with attention and sympathy. We suggest not to guess how things will turn out, but to prepare in advance. Find out how to find a common language with a female leader?

Positive and negative sides of a female boss

Before building a communication strategy, let’s figure out what the difference is between a male leader and a female one. Describing the weak and strengths, let's touch on stereotypes and myths. The positive and negative aspects of a female boss fit into the following statements:

  • A woman is driven by feelings, so she will enter the position of a subordinate if we are talking about a sick child or troubles in the family. The boss will let the employee go in distress, allow her to leave earlier and visit the doctor at a certain time. In practice, things happen differently. A normal boss will not put the employee’s problems above the interests of the company. He will understand a woman who takes time off from work more than a man. But this does not mean that regular indulgences will become a habit.
  • A woman has tactical thinking. Such a leader does not make long-term plans. The chef pays more attention to the work process. Believes that if each stage is performed perfectly, then the result will be successful.

    Don't solve problems at the last minute. The boss regularly checks how the task given to the subordinate is being completed.

  • Indecisiveness. This characteristic refers to positive and negative aspects. A woman rarely agrees to risky deals. Under its management the situation is stable. But the company will not grow sharply. Consequently, no new management vacancies will appear. As a result, career growth is limited. It’s true that women’s caution and careful decision-making have more than once saved us from careless partners.
  • Flexibility and... A female boss is a successful weapon in important negotiations. She is ready to give in, on time, to admit she is wrong. Flexible thinking allows the boss to close more deals. This happens because the boss does not hold onto authority as strongly as a male leader.

  • Scrupulousness and attention to detail. For employees who want to pass up quality work as hack work, this is a serious obstacle. The boss will take time, but will get to the bottom of the truth. The consequences are unpredictable - a complete redo of the work, a fine or a request to vacate the position. For the owner of the company, the scrupulousness of women is only to his advantage. For lower wages, he receives an attentive and responsible employee. It is known that male managers receive higher salaries than women.

The above sides are conditional. After all, the style of behavior is influenced not only by a person’s gender, but also by professionalism, experience, and character. Therefore, do not attach great importance to gender, but focus on the rules of communication with your boss.

To really assess the situation in the team, take a closer look at the boss’s habits and behavior. Every boss has her own thing. For example, it is better not to approach some people in the morning until they have had a cup of coffee. Otherwise, the issue will not be resolved and will ruin your mood in the morning. Others don't like talking about work in the kitchen or near the elevator. In order to understand the quirks of your boss, 2 weeks are enough. How to find a common language with?

  • Forget about gossip. This is not a friend with whom you are used to discussing new colleagues. Yes, she is a woman, but she is a boss. Therefore, it is better to refrain from gossip and stories about your personal life. A tactful boss will listen to you carefully, but she is unlikely to be interested in such details. If you want to displace your rival in this way on the way to promotion, then do not expect a positive result. A competent boss will not appoint an intriguer to a leadership position.
  • Let's allow a little sycophancy. Often men directly tell female bosses that they look good. It sounds banal and it is clear that behind the words there is a desire to please the boss. It's better to catch the subtle moment. Not one woman can resist if her child is praised. Notice that the boy or girl is well brought up. If you want to note the chef's outfit, then say that the suit is similar to the collection of a famous designer. The main thing is to say such compliments at a good time, when there are no negotiations.

    It is inappropriate to admire the boss's costume when you are called to the carpet.

  • Keep an eye on your workplace and appearance. A woman does not like a careless attitude towards work. Therefore, keep order on the table. Systematize your documents and put them into folders. If the boss asks you to bring a contract or other document, then you must short term bring or send papers. A woman boss pays attention to how a person is dressed. Follow the dress code if the company has one. Come in clean, ironed clothes.
  • Don't put pressure on your boss. This advice applies to men. When placed under the leadership of a woman, men try to change the work process. At the same time, most of the ideas are successful and necessary for implementation. But a woman leader is not ready to change the usual processes overnight. To find a common language with the boss, give out ideas in doses. Provide facts, evidence, show the experience of companies. Leave your boss complete information and give her access to materials. Gradually, you will realize your plans.

  • Don't abuse your boss's kindness. It is known that a woman values ​​the team and is responsible for each employee. This is where concessions towards subordinates appear. If you were let go from work once because your child was sick, then appreciate this attitude. You shouldn't leave early every week. Come up with a backup option: grandma, nanny. Show the female leader that you appreciate this attitude. Go out on the day off to catch up on things, or stay at work for a couple of hours the next day, covering your tails.

The recommendations given apply to bosses who do their work conscientiously and demand the same from their employees. If your boss is a tyrant, then the situation becomes more complicated. Such a boss organizes her work process according to her mood. You won't guess what to expect from a female boss tomorrow. There are three options in this situation. The first is dismissal from service. If the work is enjoyable and you are not ready to leave the position, then humble yourself and avoid the boss's outbursts. The third option is to fight the female boss using her own methods. Perform only those tasks specified in labor instructions. The method is effective, but dangerous, the results are unpredictable.

October 16 is Chef's Day. On this day, you need to remember that a leader is also a profession and work without rest. Most employees cannot find a common language with management, so we will tell you how to establish contact with the boss.

Chef's Day has been celebrated since 1962. At first, the idea of ​​this event was only for employees to remember to congratulate their management and thank them for their honesty and good attitude towards employees. The holiday has taken root in many countries, but over time its essence has changed a little. In the modern world, it is generally accepted that a boss is not even a profession, but power over other people, but a manager is the most responsible position in any enterprise. Most employees may feel that their boss is a real tyrant, to whom it is impossible to find an approach. Many employees are terrified of their bosses, but they are, in fact, the same people as everyone else. They work without rest, are responsible for every action, every word spoken and for the well-being of those who work in the company. Today we are talking about how to find a common language with management, and if not make friends with them, then at least establish normal contact and understand that a leadership position is the most responsible profession.

How to talk to your boss? There are no identical bosses. Eat different types managers, each of whom will require an individual approach. If your boss is a rather vindictive person, at every opportunity he will remind you that you once allowed the carelessness to say that he was wrong about you and your professionalism. You need to behave with restraint with this type. A vindictive boss rarely praises his subordinates, but he has advantages over other types - he is democratic in leadership. If you want to gain his trust, show how interested you are in promoting the company, show your best qualities. It is useless to prove anything to such people; they evaluate only real actions that show the professionalism of the employee.

There is another type of boss - a pedant. He is very picky about everything that deviates from established norms. He likes order in the office: reports are on time, showing up for work on time. With this type, everything is clear - the employee is only required to follow the established rules, and there will be no problems with management. Pedants pay attention to every little detail, so valuable employees will always be singled out.

Some bosses simply love to show off - they care less about the results of their subordinates' work than about order in the workplace. In addition, such bosses do not like it if workers in the office are “smarter” than themselves. This type of boss is the most difficult to deal with. You have to take a neutral position and just do your job well, but don't get stuck. Take a close look at your boss: you will probably be able to discern positive character traits in him, but you should not form a friendship with a person who puts his own interests above all else. Keep your distance.

Stand up for your rights. Psychologists advise identifying the most important points for the employee even during employment. The bosses love to sit on the heads of those employees who are characterized by lack of initiative and weak character. Talk to your boss in advance about how his employees work. You are not required to go to work on weekends or give up vacations due to heavy workload. It is precisely such problems that become a stumbling block in communication with superiors. By identifying all these points at once, you will make your work easier and will be able to reach an agreement with management.

Study the boss's behavior style. This is necessary if you are going to work for a long time in the company and find a common language with management. Finding out what kind of person your boss is will make it easier for you to make contacts. If the manager values ​​ideas and determination, take the initiative and propose new projects for the development of the company. If your boss is an organized person, strictly follow all the rules and try to be like him: don’t be late, don’t waste work time for matters that have nothing to do with work.

Never quote the labor code to your boss. They don’t like it and know perfectly well without you what is written there and what you are supposed to do. Every employee has rights, but depending on the situation, you must act correctly. Let's say there's a rush at work. The boss naturally knows that you should work no more than eight hours, but if the situation is critical, sometimes it won’t hurt to give in to management. Did your boss ask you to stay late? Agree, but very tactfully hint that next time, if you need it, the boss will have to let you go early. Note that in this way you will not only help out your bosses, but also let the boss know that you also have the right to count on “benefits”.

Be interested in leadership issues. Don't think that bosses don't have problems. They are people too, and they have a personal life, for which sometimes there is no time. If your boss is in a bad mood, he may have serious problems unrelated to work. Without pressure, very calmly and unobtrusively, try to bring your boss into contact. Even if he doesn't want to share his problems with you, try to be polite, sympathize and encourage. By showing interest in him not only as a leader, but also as a person, you will earn his respect and trust.

Don't be lazy. The bosses do not like lazy and uninitiated workers. You will never establish contact with management if you take your responsibilities carelessly. Expecting praise or encouragement from your boss is stupid if you are doing a bad job. You can be sure that the boss always monitors the staff, even if more than a dozen people work in his office. Submit reports on time, don’t be late, deal only with work-related matters, not personal problems. Only through hard work, professionalism and responsibility can one earn a good attitude from management.

A person can consider himself quite successful when all his desires, dreams and plans are fulfilled. Career, family, real estate are among the top desires of a modern person. Successful career building is quite difficult; only conscientious work and perseverance will not help. Every day, while in the office, people communicate with colleagues, spend at least 8 hours a day with them, and interact with their superiors. Some managers, based on saving space, place employees' workplaces in one large room, enclosing them only with partitions. Sometimes the manager's desk is also in a shared office.

Hard work until late in the office, reports submitted on time, a complete absence of tardiness and absenteeism, it would seem, characterize the employee very positively and create additional advantages in terms of career growth, however this does not happen. In this case, one of the reasons may be the personal hostility of the manager. This is a common reason why many hard-working employees languish in the office for years waiting for a promotion. To advance your career dead center, you need to improve your relationship with your boss. There are several ways to make peace with your boss and change his attitude towards you for the better.

Show wisdom

Sometimes high-ranking employees make mistakes that are immediately noticed by their subordinates. Directly pointing out a mistake can cause not only embarrassment to the boss, but also hostility, which can firmly take a place in the boss’s heart, and further relationships will only deteriorate. The best way out in this situation would be a tactful and gentle instruction, perhaps a hint. After this, you should let the boss think in silence; most likely, he will think about how to correct his mistake, and not about who pointed it out.

Don't use flattery

Flattering people are usually very unpleasant. Anyone who constantly gives out odes of praise and curries favor with the director is doomed to a complete lack of any promotions. A smart boss, and they are the majority, will never be charmed by flattering speeches and will not follow the lead of someone who, in a honeyed voice, unctuously gives out generous boasts in the hope of moving up the career ladder.

Be more diplomatic

It is necessary to be above squabbles, gossip, discussions and various meannesses, but at the same time try not to spoil relations with your superiors; bosses do not like not only gossips, but also “black sheep”.

Follow all office rules

Each office has its own set of rules, violation of which results in fines, reprimands and even dismissal. Rarely can anyone boast long work in the office without a single delay or violation, but when striving to make a career, you must try very hard to follow all the rules.

Do overtime work, but in moderation

Otherwise, sooner or later, the boss will simply sit on his neck and one can forget about the promotion, because in a new place there are new tasks, and why distract a person from what he does beyond the plan and, sometimes, even for free in his free hours and weekends? You can’t refuse outright either, because this is a step back in building a career.

Unfortunately, your career very much depends on your relationship with your boss; establishing good contact with him is very important. There are exceptions in which even the most diligent and numerous attempts to find a common language with the manager do not end in success. Don’t be upset, because it’s enough to change jobs and you can build a career in a new place, avoiding previous mistakes.

The ideal leader seems to us to be absolutely impartial, reacting rationally to everything that happens around him. He must treat all employees of the company equally fairly. But every boss is first and foremost a person, with all his inherent emotions and reactions.

Sociological research shows that managers - men and women - use different management styles. And they differ quite a lot. This material will tell you what their main features are and how to optimally interact with bosses of different genders.

Your boss is a man

Rational approach

A male leader unswervingly adheres to logic and common sense arguments. He usually thinks in a businesslike manner, without being distracted by extraneous issues. As a rule, he is a man of few words. He is distinguished by his ability to keep his emotions under control. Nothing can distract him from business interests.

Strategic Thinking

A male boss does not show much attention to detail and nuance. All his actions are subordinated to a common goal, and the stages of achieving it are sometimes not so important. He may not notice small error in the work you have done, if the end result is successful.

Readiness for decisive action

A representative of the stronger sex in a leadership position is not afraid to make decisions, sometimes wrong ones. His approach involves finding the right option through trial and error rather than through careful planning and analysis. The man is active, which makes the work process dynamic and efficient and, ultimately, very effective.

Commitment to one's own position

A male leader does not like to compromise if he is absolutely sure that he is right. It's not so easy to convince him. He prefers to stand his ground even when he realized that he was wrong. After all, having admitted own mistake, he jeopardizes his status as a boss and professional.

Loyalty to work

For a man, nothing can be more important than his work. This is explained by the fact that his position in the professional sphere is a priority. He is judged in society by what level of the hierarchical ladder he occupies and what his professional and material capabilities are.

A male boss may have a lot of problems in his relationship with his wife and children, but this cannot radically affect the work process. Sometimes this situation can even make him more active in the office: when there is a feeling that work has become the main point of support.

Proper distribution of finances

A male leader knows how to ensure the company's profit. And, besides, he knows how to spend it effectively. As a rule, he does not tremble over every penny, unless, of course, the company is facing imminent bankruptcy.

A man likes to invest in new areas of activity, interesting projects, even very risky ones. He is a researcher and discoverer by nature. What if the deposit he is going to develop is so rich that it will make the company a leader in the industry? No, you shouldn’t refuse this!

How to communicate with a male boss

Communicate with your boss on the matter, very clearly and clearly. Summarize your findings and questions. You should not indulge in long speculations and assumptions. Discuss only the most important issues that only he can decide. Try to settle small intermediate matters yourself or with the participation of lower-level employees. Contacts over trifles or to the wrong address can cause irritation. Male managers value employees who can make current decisions and take responsibility.

If you report a problem to your boss, simultaneously voice possible options its solutions or information through which the optimal solution can be found. Contribute in every possible way to the operational work of management.

Never argue with a male boss by questioning him professional competence. Instead, calmly state your position, supporting it with all the necessary arguments.

Don't assume that you can gain an advantage in your position by taking advantage of non-job-related aspects. Men don't accept this. Also, you should not rely on the leniency of your manager because of his good attitude towards you. Don't mix work moments and human relationships.

Female boss

Sensitivity to emotions

Emotionality is inherent in female nature. Even if she knows how not to show it outwardly, emotions rage inside. She is more restless. Anything can affect her mood.

A female boss is more susceptible to doubts about her decisions. She communicates her mood more strongly to her subordinates. This factor can negatively affect the work of employees. But at the same time, this is balanced by other features of the female management style.

Tactical Thinking

If a male leader is focused on strategic goals, then the woman acts “here and now.” She attaches great importance to the details that make up the work process. After all, if each stage is completed perfectly, the result will be beyond praise.

Thorough analysis of management decisions

The woman is not inclined to take risks. It is in its nature to maintain stability and distrust unknown maneuvers. Women's genetic memory is configured to keep the hearth and home during the risky men's hunt for a mammoth. Therefore, the work of a company under the leadership of a woman is distinguished by its wariness of change. But at the same time, it is more difficult for the boss to decide on a risky deal that promises serious benefits if successful.

Flexible thinking

As you know, a woman is much more sociable than a man. That is why it is easier and more convenient for company employees and business partners to discuss production issues with her. A female boss makes compromises relatively easily, is not afraid to admit mistakes and look at the situation from the point of view of her interlocutor. She does not hold on to her authority with her teeth, like a male boss.

Loyalty to relationships

A woman leader values ​​first of all people involved in business. She clearly understands the contribution of each employee to the common cause. Therefore, the atmosphere of the company never goes unnoticed by the boss. A woman will be more willing to accommodate you halfway if, for example, you need to go to the hospital to see a relative during working hours or go to school for a parent-teacher meeting.

Tendency to save money

The female boss does not like long-term financial projects. From her point of view, their profitability may always be in question. She values ​​stable activities and confidence in the future. And dubious investments can deplete financial resources companies, pushing them into bankruptcy.

Rules of conduct with a female manager

If your manager is in a bad mood or nervous, don’t focus on it. It will pass after some time. Since a female boss pays close attention to details, you should not irritate her with your negligence. Keep your workplace clean and tidy, clearly organize documents into folders. Prepare reports and business papers carefully and accurately. A woman will definitely appreciate your impeccable order in your workspace. And this will have a positive effect on the work itself.

If you need to do any personal business during work hours, the female manager will let you go. But at the same time, be careful and do not abuse her trust.

You should not immediately overload your boss with initiatives that involve a radical revision of the entire existing system of work. If you think your innovative ideas are very productive, introduce them gradually, preparing the manager for new information.

If you have a very promising project that requires long-term financing, prepare in advance for a conversation with your boss. Your task is to show that the company has sufficient sources of funds for participation, as well as a reserve fund to compensate for possible losses. In addition, it is necessary to adequately present all the benefits of investing funds.

Knowing the characteristics of male and female leadership styles will make it easier for you to interact with your superiors. This means that you will be able to do your job more successfully and promote interesting initiatives. And it’s not far from the salary. We sincerely wish you to work soul to soul with your leader - whoever he is - man or woman!