How to open a coffee shop from scratch? How to open a coffee shop: my experience How to open a coffee shop correctly

90% of people are sure that opening coffee to go is easy. On the one hand, they are right. The only clarification is that you can simply and easily open coffee to go only if you know how to do it correctly. Despite the fact that at first glance the format of coffee to go seems simple, like any other business, ignorance of the subtleties and nuances can turn a profitable and promising business idea into an unprofitable enterprise that operates at zero and sucks out the last pennies.

To avoid such a situation, you need to know where to start and which stages of the business you should pay utmost attention to.

For example, you need to start by identifying the target audience for coffee to go. By asking yourself who will buy your coffee, you can adjust the design, strategy, and concept of your small enterprise to the needs and requests, interests and desires of specific people - your future customers.

The target audience for coffee to go is mainly young people aged 18 to 24 years. In 70% of cases these are girls.

Students, young professionals, low-level managers - these are your potential clients. They value low prices, friendly service, efficiency and social activity. Of course, older people shouldn’t be discounted either; there are also fans of takeaway coffee among people over 50. But if you face the truth, answer yourself the question: how many of these fans will pass by your takeaway coffee outlet every day and how many of them will think about purchasing?

But it is the number of people passing by, coupled with their “quality” (belonging to the target audience) that is the key to the success of a coffee to-go outlet. Finding a place like this is half the battle for coffee to go.

However, we should not forget about another important fact for the coffee to go business. This is the taste and quality of the coffee itself. If you prepare delicious invigorating drinks, people will come back to you and recommend you to friends and acquaintances. This way, you can ensure that spontaneous purchases are reduced and the number of regular customers increases.

We will talk about all these subtleties and other important details further.

Investment size

Opening a takeaway coffee shop can be considered a business with small investments. According to the experience of entrepreneurs who have opened their own takeaway coffee points, you can spend 200 thousand rubles, and the upper limit of starting capital is unlikely to exceed 400 thousand rubles.

This difference in initial capital is explained by ample opportunities to save.

Of course, the amount of funds required to start will largely depend on several large expenses, without which it is simply impossible to open a takeaway coffee shop. Firstly, this is rent, which we will talk about a little later. Secondly - equipment.

Coffee machines for coffee to go

If the flow of customers depends on the choice of rental location, then the ability of the point to quickly and efficiently service this flow will depend on the equipment on which you will prepare coffee.

A professional coffee machine and coffee grinder are the main means of preparing and selling coffee to go.

There is no point in bringing a home coffee machine or even a super-automatic coffee machine to your coffee spot. Firstly, such equipment will not be able to provide the required quality of the product, and secondly, it is not designed for constant and uninterrupted operation. And if the coffee machine breaks down, you won’t sell a single cup of coffee anymore. Remember, the miser pays twice: time wasted, money wasted.

That is why many entrepreneurs try to purchase high-quality, foreign equipment, the cost of which can be 150, 250 thousand rubles, or more. If you don’t have that kind of money, but working with professional equipment is still a priority for you, renting equipment or buying used coffee machines can come to your rescue.

Typically, coffee equipment is provided for rent (even free of charge) by coffee bean suppliers, subject to the purchase of a certain volume of coffee from them. At the same time, they also advise on the selection of the necessary list of equipment depending on the expected amount of work (for example, single- or double-chamber coffee machines) and provide maintenance and repair of equipment. However, even in the case of free rent, many companies require a security deposit - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

As for used equipment, its purchase will cost no more than 100 thousand rubles.

What else will you have to spend money on?

You will also have to spend money on a sales counter or the design of a rented kiosk. Naturally, when developing the appearance of a coffee to-go outlet, you need to pay attention to ensuring that it attracts attention and attracts glances. The appearance should evoke a reflexive desire to drink coffee or tea. The name on the sign should not subtly hint that an invigorating drink is being poured here, but shout about it, so that a person understands at first glance that you are offering coffee, and not selling donuts or SIM cards...

Returning to the investments required to open a coffee-to-go business, it is also worth mentioning all sorts of little things that are nevertheless important for comfortable work without failures or hiccups.

Purchase of consumables for preparing a variety of coffee drinks - milk, toppings and syrups; additional assortment - snacks, sweets and snacks; purchase of disposable cups, lids, spoons; purchase of bar equipment.

By the way, there is an option to save on the purchase of consumables - for example, disposable tableware, if you can cooperate with other takeaway coffee owners who purchase unbranded cups.

Step-by-step instruction

Having calculated the required amount of investment in the coffee-to-go business, it’s time to start taking action.

To begin with, register your business legally. It would be best to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and submit an application to the tax office to choose the UTII taxation system. This tax will allow you to pay less due to the lack of employees and the small rented area on which the activity is carried out. Taking into account the minimum required area of ​​a coffee to-go outlet of several square meters, you will pay an average tax of about 3,000 rubles. In addition, for individual entrepreneurs on UTII, a cash register is not required, which means you can issue a check only upon request using a regular CPM (check printing machine).

The OKVED code for the coffee-to-go business is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

Despite this OKVED, there is no need to obtain any permits, since there is no full-fledged kitchen, which means there is nothing for the supervisory authorities to check. All that is required of you is to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activity. You should wait for inspections from the SES only if there are complaints. If you are lucky, you will have your first meeting with inspections only in three years.

Attention to the workplace

It’s worth taking care of ordering a sales stand in advance. It will take at least two weeks to design and manufacture. Provided that you already have a chosen rental location.

The process of installing a counter, bar or kiosk equipment can also cause difficulties and problems that will lead to a postponement of the planned opening date.

For example, you need to take care of proper energy supply in advance. If it is not there, you will have to call an electrician and install an additional line, which will need to be agreed upon with the landlord. Therefore, all issues related to electricity, heating or water supply must be resolved at the stage of signing the lease agreement. At the same time, the contract itself should not be concluded for a long period: your expectations about traffic may be erroneous and in practice the pedestrian flow will not be converted into buyers and clients...

From coffee to cookies: how to choose a supplier?

Naturally, in parallel you need to look for suppliers of consumables and raw materials.

And first of all, you need to decide on a supplier of coffee beans. If your customers don't like your coffee, everything is lost. Delicious coffee is one of the main components of the success of a coffee to go business. There are a huge number of coffee varieties that suppliers can offer. Your own taste, advice from the suppliers themselves, and analysis of competitors will help you navigate your choice.

If you purchase your own coffee equipment, you will not depend on a specific coffee supplier and the range of varieties offered may be much wider.

Find out whether the variety you choose is suitable for classic coffee drinks, since it is the usual espresso, latte, cappuccino, Americano and mochaccino that you will specialize in. The volume of the initial purchase will depend on the conditions under which you sign an agreement with the supplier, whether you will rent equipment, etc. There is no need to be afraid of numbers of 10 kg or more.

A small 200 ml glass of coffee requires 9 g of coffee, and 18 g for a 400 ml glass.

Thus, the purchased 10 kg of coffee will cost just over 1,100 small glasses of coffee. At the same time, an operating coffee to-go outlet in a passable place sells much more per month.

In addition to the coffee list, it is necessary to create a menu and a list of additional assortments. Will you sell a variety of chocolates and sweets, or maybe ready-made sandwiches or even baked goods?

If the answer to this question is affirmative, you should look for profitable suppliers or partners who could provide you with the required amount of products, usually not too large. You can buy chocolates or oatmeal cookies at wholesale markets and stores, as well as in stores such as Metro, Lenta and Auchan.

Of course, the main component for a coffee to-go outlet will remain coffee as a drink, and various sweets and “snacks” are necessary rather only to increase the average bill and the convenience of the client. You are unlikely to be able to make money from chocolates or pastries. Still, the margin on resale of other people's products is small.

In general, the volume of additional assortment does not exceed 5-7% of turnover.

The assortment of snacks and coffee accompaniments will change - some items will disappear, others will be added. It is definitely necessary to experiment with the assortment, but only when the operation of the outlet stabilizes and the changes do not entail a sharp decline in revenue.

Barista for coffee to go

An important factor in the success of a coffee to-go outlet is the professionalism and competence of the barista. This person must not only prepare delicious coffee, but also serve customers correctly, communicate with them, and be able to upsell, thereby increasing the average bill. Finding and hiring such a person may pose certain difficulties both at the launch stage and during the first time of working with coffee to go.

When opening their first to-go coffee shop, entrepreneurs often personally stand at the counter and serve their first customers, working 12 hours a day without days off or lunch. But such work on two fronts quickly becomes exhausting. In any case, an entrepreneur will need a replacement or a full-time employee. At the same time, hiring a professional barista is not always possible. Mostly young people who don’t have the slightest idea about how to prepare coffee correctly apply for the vacancy of a barista at a coffee shop to go. She is attracted by the flexible schedule, hourly pay, etc.

Careless young baristas bring their friends to work with them for coffee so they don’t get bored. And instead of working, they organize a booth.

A special feature of working with the staff of a coffee shop to-go is a high staff turnover - which will stop only when you hire the right person - friendly, honest, hardworking and responsible, who will also quickly master the art of making delicious and high-quality coffee. Agree, such people, especially young ones, are rare today...

Therefore, the future owner of a take-away coffee will initially be faced with the task of finding and training a reliable person who can replace you at the counter. Subsequently, if you do not stop at opening one coffee shop to go, the need for employees will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine the stages of selection and training of employees, as well as develop a shift schedule, a system of motivation and control.

One of the options for motivating baristas is bonuses or premiums for exceeding the sales plan and the absence of comments (a percentage of total revenue or a percentage of each coffee sold above the plan).

But even the motivation system does not insure against unscrupulous workers who do not show up for their shifts, create a booth at the point, or simply treat work superficially. The owner of a takeaway coffee is faced with the acute issue of monitoring an employee or shift worker.

Alternatively, you can install a surveillance camera at the takeaway coffee shop and thus monitor the employee online.

Regardless of which option for working with staff you choose - carrot or stick - when opening a coffee shop with you, be prepared that at any moment you will be forced to personally stand behind the counter and work as a barista.

If you are planning to open a takeaway coffee shop, know that all your profit will depend primarily on the location. At the same time, choosing a suitable location for a coffee to-go outlet can be one big problem.

A couple of years ago, when no one had heard of takeaway coffee, landlords, especially large shopping and business centers, did not understand how you could make coffee in three square meters and refused to rent. Today, almost all the tasty places in more or less large shopping centers and business centers have long been occupied.

However, the rental market is quite competitive and involves a change of tenants. It's just a matter of price. If you find a sweet spot, but it's occupied, it's worth starting negotiations with the owner or rental department, find out the rental rate and offer to pay more, or convince that your coffee to-go spot can generate additional traffic and attract a certain audience.

By the way, you can open a takeaway coffee shop not only in big cities, where the lifestyle encourages people to do everything on the run, including drinking coffee, but also in small towns. Moreover, it’s even easier to find a good place for coffee to go in a small town - there are fewer points with high pedestrian traffic in small towns, which means the likelihood of choosing a bad place is reduced.

However, it is still quite easy to make a mistake when choosing a place to rent for a coffee to go outlet. It often happens that a location seems to have high traffic, but it is only possible to evaluate its quality once you start working. For example, it may turn out that there is simply no target audience among the traffic passing by. Or the point itself is not located in the flow of people, as it should, but “around the corner.”

When considering locations for coffee to go, you don’t need to limit yourself to rental options in shopping or business centers.

The catering business has always been characterized by high profitability and a fairly quick payback. The only negative is too frequent government inspections and fierce competition. But, if the establishment manages to stay afloat in the first months of operation and builds strong relationships with suppliers, it will be quite capable of coping with these difficulties.

Investments, income and expenses

How to open a cafeteria from scratch if you have a rather vague idea of ​​how much money you will need? Start with market analysis. Find out how many establishments are already operating in your chosen area of ​​the city, what their prices are. This information will help you assess the situation and create a business plan for your own enterprise.

How much does the cafeteria cost?

A cafeteria is a small cafe with a minimum number of staff and a limited range of dishes and drinks. Opening an establishment of this type does not require excessive financial investments. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and his personal preferences.

Rental and renovation of premises

For a cafeteria you will need a room with an area of ​​about 100–150 m². It will be designed for approximately 50–60 seats. The estimated rental cost is 50,000 rubles per month.

You will have to spend at least 100,000 rubles on redevelopment, repairs and sound insulation. This amount does not include the costs of developing a design project and approving the cafe plan in the relevant authorities.

Equipment and furniture

What equipment is needed to open a cafeteria? A business plan for such an establishment would not be complete without an automatic or semi-automatic coffee machine. It costs approximately 60,000 rubles. In addition, you will need:

  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerators for storing food and desserts;
  • showcase;
  • baking cabinet (if your cafe has its own production);
  • microwave;
  • washing;
  • chest freezer;
  • cutting table, etc.

For the hall it is also necessary to purchase tables and chairs, sofas, interior items, etc. The total investment in furniture, dishes and equipment is about 300,000 rubles.

Purchase of products

Desserts and snacks for the cafeteria can either be purchased from suppliers or prepared independently. In the first case, you can seriously save on equipment and products. You also don't have to hire a pastry chef to prepare desserts and baked goods. True, there may be some problems with the sale of a large volume of purchased products, delivery times, etc.

About 200,000 rubles will be spent monthly on the purchase of desserts or products for their preparation, coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks, etc.


How to open a cafeteria that will be popular with customers and bring good profits to the owner? Hire qualified personnel. A lot depends on the quality and speed of service in public catering.

A cafeteria is not a restaurant, so you won't need a large number of waiters. You can do without them completely, using the self-service scheme, which is quite convenient for many visitors.

Taking into account the shift schedule, you will have to hire 2 cashiers, 2 people to serve visitors in the hall, 2 cleaners. If you plan to prepare desserts yourself, you will have to add 2 professional pastry chefs to the list. It is better to take on the responsibilities of an accountant and manager at first. You will spend about 170,000 rubles per month to pay wages.


Without advertising, the payback period for an establishment will increase significantly, so saving on it in the first months of operation is not recommended. Signboards, booklets, flyers and business cards, advertising banners - all this is necessary to attract customers. In total, about 100,000 rubles will be spent on promoting the cafeteria.

Total investment

Taking into account all of the above, let's summarize:

  • rental and renovation of premises – 150,000 rubles;
  • furniture and equipment – ​​300,000 rubles;
  • products – 200,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries – 170,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 100,000 rubles.

The initial investment volume for opening a cafeteria is 920,000 rubles. In different regions of the country, rent, prices for building materials, production equipment, etc. may vary, so it is possible that this amount may either increase or decrease.


The average check in a cafeteria is significantly less than in a restaurant. But there are more visitors. Therefore, in order to work profitably, you need to rely not on the price of the product, but on the number of customers.

In the first months, your company will probably operate in the red. It is necessary to prepare for this in advance and provide a financial cushion. But after 3–6 months, the flow of clients will more or less stabilize and we can talk about the beginning of payback. All investments in organizing a business are fully returned to the entrepreneur within 2–3 years.

Legal nuances

After drawing up a business plan, you should think about paperwork. Without state registration, it will not be possible to open a cafeteria in a shopping center, near an office building, or in any other place.

Individual entrepreneur or LLC?

The best form to use for cafeteria registration is . It’s easier and cheaper to register, but an individual entrepreneur cannot sell alcohol. And in some drinks it is present in varying quantities (coffee with cognac, mulled wine, etc.). Therefore, in order to avoid problems with inspection authorities, it is better to choose a legal form that has a large number of opportunities and rights.

Tax form

Perhaps the ideal tax option for a cafe is. However, due to certain business characteristics, it is not always possible to choose this form. An alternative would be 15% (excluding costs).


The package of documents required to open a cafeteria is quite standard. It includes:

  • conclusions of OGPS and SES;
  • utility contracts;
  • contracts for garbage removal and waste disposal;
  • an agreement with a laundry for washing employee uniforms and cleaning textiles;
  • contract for the provision of security services;
  • internal sanitary documentation;
  • license to sell alcohol (if necessary), etc.

The current list is established by current regulations and documents of Rospotrebnadzor. Before opening the establishment and starting the registration procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them further.

Hello, dear readers! Today I again interviewed Alexey Kornelyuk, who is the owner of his own chain of coffee shops, Coffee Space and Coffee Woods in Novosibirsk. Alexey also sells franchises of his coffee shops to other cities and today more than 24 franchise coffee shops have already been opened. In today's article, Alexey will tell you how to open a coffee shop from scratch, list the main stages of opening your own coffee shop, and also tell you how he opens coffee shops.

- Alexey, hello! How long ago did you open your first coffee shop and how many do you have now?

Hello Nikolay. The very idea of ​​opening a coffee shop came to me in 2013. After studying this niche for a long time and working on the concept of my future business, on January 1, 2014, I managed to open it. At the moment, I have 4 coffee shops and 27 outlets operating on a franchising model.

— Why did you choose this type of coffee shop format (in shopping centers)?

To be honest, I never focused only on shopping centers; our coffee shops can be found in business centers and street pavilions. I always asked the question “Where is our target audience?”

And based on this, we studied the numbers (traffic ability - cost per 1 sq. m).

— How much money did you invest in opening the first coffee shop and what was it spent on?

I bought my first coffee shop from my colleague, who later became my confectionery supplier.

I bought it from him for 250 thousand rubles +/-. Why did you outbid?

Because there had already been a contract for a luxury place and everything was ready, my task was to remodel the point so that it would change radically and bring in more money.

Of course, now I understand that I overpaid. If I had done it myself, the amount would have been less, but it’s not a fact that I would have avoided mistakes.

— Where did the idea come from to name the coffee shops Coffee Space?

By brute force method. The perfect name will never appear in my head completely by accident, I just went through combinations of words that sounded concise and interesting. And starting from the name, I made a space theme, and no one has ever done that.

— How quickly did the first coffee shop and subsequent ones pay for themselves? How much money does the business make now?

I opened the second coffee shop 3 months later, that is, I simply invested the funds that were supposed to pay for the first coffee shop into creating a second coffee shop. If we talk about Novosibirsk, then it’s from 45 thousand in a bad month and 130 thousand in a good month. The average figure is 70-80 thousand, of course, net profit.

The situation in capital cities is different; the guys from St. Petersburg do one and a half times more.

But of course, we should not forget that everything depends on the businessman. If he works on the business, he gets the amount he deserves.

For example, we made a net profit of 28 thousand in one day (of course these were holidays).

— What is the area occupied by one coffee shop? Have you calculated the efficiency of reducing/increasing the area? Nobody wants to pay for squares that only eat up rent money.

The fact is that the rental department imposes its own conditions, it can be payment for 1 sq.m, or it can be payment for the entire place. In the second case, we can occupy 2 sq.m. or 8 sq.m., but we will still be required to pay the Nth amount of money under the contract for the entire place.

If we are talking specifically about paying per square meter, then of course it is worth thinking about reducing the total area in favor of functionality; the entire space should work and bring in money. For example, the situation with my first point was not the best. There the price for 1 sq.m was 8 thousand rubles, for 6 square meters I paid 48 thousand. This point could easily be reduced to 3-4 sq.m and means saving 16-24 thousand rubles monthly.

— How do you choose locations for new coffee shops and choose for existing ones? What do you pay attention to? What are the indicators of a place that is attractive to you?

It is not always correct to judge by the overall traffic, and especially to believe the statistics provided by the rental department. Yes, they have counters that count the number of people who have come in, but let’s not forget that there are employees (who are not your clients) and these employees go to smoke 5 times, which means that 1 person can, in statistics, apply for 5-7 Human.

It is important to understand who else is our target audience, since these are young people, then it is worth paying attention to educational institutions that are located nearby.

There are also traps that can ruin a business.

First, you should never take general traffic statistics for granted, since what is important to you is local traffic, that is, the number of people who pass exclusively near a potential location.

Secondly, have you probably seen in your city when tenants are constantly moving out of one seemingly advantageous place?

The thing is that there is a gap between “pass by” and “buy”. For example, if the window in the pavilion is turned the other way and the buyer has to go around to make a purchase, then you deliberately reduce revenue or there is a flower bed in front of the pavilion, this is also a barrier between your customers and the money in the cash register.

— Nowadays there are mini-coffee shops in every shopping center. How do you fight your competitors? Or are you just looking for a shopping center without competitors?

No, you can only find a place without competitors in a bad shopping center.

As a rule, even if there are no coffee outlets there, there are stationary coffee shops where you can not only sit down and drink coffee, but also eat.

Promises of delicious coffee won’t surprise anyone, that’s what everyone says. Therefore, you need to prove not in word, but in deed, the only problem is switching clients from a competitor to you. Since habit already works there, which means buying in a trusted place is still safer than in a new, as yet unknown place.

Marketing is used, the task of which is to provide tangible benefits; people love to buy, but no one likes to pay.

So the challenge is to make an exclusive offer so that the potential customer can pay the minimum but still get a product that is head and shoulders above the competition.

For this, a comprehensive loyalty program is used (social networks, flyers, discount cards, bonuses, etc.)

When the client decides to try it, it is important not to screw it up and make amazing coffee.

And this is a question about the product and the skill of the barista.

— What legal requirements are these types of coffee shops required to comply with?

According to SANPIN, running water must be present at the point; if you only make coffee, no freshly squeezed juices, then a sink is not necessary, the staff needs a medical record, all tax deductions, the pension fund, the social insurance fund must also be paid.

If you have a UTII tax system, you may not have a cash register and punch out receipts for yourself.

You must have certification for all confectionery products, since in case of poisoning they will ask you first.

— List all the stages of opening a coffee shop from choosing a location to starting sales step by step, which you went through when opening your coffee shops.

  1. Search for a location (I advise you to select up to 10 options so that the choice is constructive)
  2. Development of a design project for an island, if it is a shopping center or business center.

A computer model is needed for two things:

First of all, for furniture makers who will make an island based on the drawings.

Secondly, visualization is needed for presentation to the shopping center.

  1. Search for furniture companies and send commercial proposals, choose contractors based on price and deadlines. As a rule, people always draw different prices, so the more offers you have, the better, there will be plenty to choose from.
  2. Search for coffee companies that rent out a coffee machine + coffee grinder. In my opinion, you should not buy equipment at the initial stage, as this waste will greatly burden your budget.
  3. Choosing the coffee blend you'll be working with is a choice worth trying and exploring all the options available to you.

Because in addition to the coffee bean itself, it is important to understand where it grew, what variety it was and how the bean was roasted.

  1. Search for confectionery companies that can provide you with their delicacies.
  2. Searching for personnel, ideally you need to have 3 candidates for 1 point.
  1. Search and purchase of consumables (cups, lids, plates, bags, etc.).
  2. Search and purchase of equipment for work (receipt printing machine, cash drawer, refrigerator, display case, lightbox, LEDs, etc.).
  3. Creating promotions for a month in advance, as it is very important to have a plan ahead.
  4. Preparation for technical discovery.

— What equipment do you use to make coffee? They say that a lot depends on the quality of the coffee machine. This is true? How not to make a mistake with equipment?

Not entirely true. Basically, everything depends on the professionalism of the barista; even the most expensive coffee machine can make tasteless coffee.

Under no circumstances should you use automatic coffee machines, especially the push-button type, where you press the button and a liquid that vaguely resembles coffee comes out.

Coffee equipment must be professional; it is advisable to take a two-group coffee machine. It looks solid and you can make any drink with it. Of course, there are different coffee machines and coffee machines. There are a lot of models. A good coffee machine costs from 200 thousand to 2.5 million.

And our goal is to save money and at the initial stage, you can rent equipment.

— How many glasses of coffee are sold per day in one coffee shop on average? And what determines the increase/decrease in the quantity sold?

From 47 to 150 glasses per day. It all depends on properly structured marketing, as I said earlier, this is a whole series of work both to attract new audiences and to retain old ones.

It is important to understand that your main income will come from regular guests, which means you need to do everything to make new guests want to become regular customers.

I would almost not use promotion on the Internet (social networks) at the initial stages. Because there is no point in advertising something if a subscriber of the group lives on the opposite side of the city and he, as you understand, is unlikely to go for a glass of coffee while stuck in traffic jams for 2 hours.

Buying coffee is an emotional choice, which means the desire to drink coffee arises when a potential buyer passes nearby and his visual background is filled only with you. Hence another task: to design the coffee island so that it is very different from all competitors.

Therefore, we pay attention to the through traffic, who is passing through, what kind of people are they and how can they be stopped to buy our coffee?

A well-designed point will help you with all this. For example, signposts on the way, animators, etc.

You must be a visual irritant so that a passing person will at least see you.

— How to properly design a coffee shop, signs, menus, etc.?

Before answering these questions, it is useful to take the consumer's side and ask yourself a slightly different question: “As I pass by, what would make me stop and buy a coffee?”

The point should be attractive and at the same time different from the rest. No clunky details, everything should be stylish and intuitive.

The menu should be readable and, preferably, written in large font. People love to buy, but they don't like to pay, remember!

The name of the assortment is in large font, the price is slightly smaller.

And don't forget to put 9.99 on the end. Even though it's pop, it still works.

Psychologically, 69 rubles for coffee is perceived better than 70.

— How did you look for coffee suppliers? And how do you generally find suppliers with high-quality raw materials? What requirements do you place on suppliers?

To set requirements for suppliers, you must first understand this issue. So you understand, there are a great many companies that sell their coffee blends and, like everyone else, claim that they are the best.

If we talk about the ABCs, then there is an unspoken rule by which you can determine how high-quality the coffee mixture is. Composition of coffee beans. The most common are Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica is considered a more expensive grain (it has a bitter taste).

Robusta, a cheaper alternative (creates a sour taste).

So, if you don’t want to taste sourness and get better quality raw materials, pay attention to the composition of the coffee mixture; the more Arabica beans, the more expensive the mixture.

You should look for suppliers on the Internet; as a rule, there are plenty of them in every city.

— What processes did you carry out independently, and what did you delegate? What do you advise to delegate last, and what, on the contrary, as early as possible?

But the question remained of how to control them, check them, calculate them, reward them, etc.

Since I had 3 people working at my outlet, I conditionally singled out a more responsible favorite, whom 2 months later I appointed as a barista-administrator. And it turned out that I delegated almost 90% of the work. All I have to do is purchase consumables, pay rent and control revenue from the point.

— How many employees work at one coffee shop and what is their salary?

As I wrote earlier, it is advisable to take 3 people.

2 will work on a permanent basis, and the third person will provide backup if someone gets sick.

Salary depends solely on the outlet's turnover. The higher the turnover at the point, the higher the payment per 1 hour.

We have a table in which all possible payment options are written verbatim.

But this is a trade secret.

— Do employees undergo training or do you hire people with experience? Who does the training?

My practice has shown that most often it is necessary to train staff. At first, I did it myself, then the senior barista-administrator began to train, and I only certified and made the decision to hire or not to hire.

— What requirements do you place on employees?

Like all employers, I welcome such qualities as: attentiveness, responsibility, punctuality and sociability.

When choosing candidates, you should pay attention to 2 things.

  1. Intuition. She rarely lets you down and if you feel calm, then this person is worth hiring.
  2. Time. It acts magically, reveals a person, showing all his shortcomings and advantages.

— Is there any theft by employees? How do you deal with this?

Of course there is, or rather it was. Ignorance of all the subtleties leads to the fact that you will miss a large amount. In this regard, I can give the following advice:

  1. Initially, build a trusting relationship with the staff; you are not only an evil boss, but also a partner.
  2. If a coffee shop operates smartly, then it has a CRM system (cloud software), which displays what was sold per day, exactly by item.
  3. Of course, the barista may not punch the receipts, then a universal sign will save the day. “If you were not given a receipt, the purchase is at the expense of the staff”
  4. The coffee grinder has portion counters that clearly show how much coffee has been prepared.
  5. Cameras.

— Did you learn to brew coffee yourself and come up with recipes, or did one of the hired specialists fine-tune these processes?

I took courses, read relevant literature, and attended master classes to improve my coffee making skills.

Our brand book contains a personnel assessment checklist, using which you can accurately assess the staff’s skills.

— Did you come up with any specific drink recipes or do you have a standard range? Are there signature methods of making coffee or signature drinks?

We have developed our own recipe for cold drinks, which are completely different from (strawberry paradise, chocolate delight and similar names).

I attracted professionals in this niche and together we came up with completely unimaginable things.

— Are the prices for coffee in your coffee shops average, higher, lower? And why?

Before pricing, we analyze our competitors.

At the initial stage, it is better to set prices below market prices so that people try it.

And then gradually raise the price, arguing that you have changed the coffee mixture, thereby increasing the quality.

— Do you have the opportunity to pay at the coffee shop with bank cards? And what is the percentage of card payments in relation to cash? I noticed that people began to use cash less often if they had the opportunity to pay by card.

Of course, you can also pay with bank cards. The issue is resolved with the help of acquiring. It is enough to contact the bank where you have it and they will give you complete information on payments using the card. Since 100 rubles is in almost every person’s wallet. It is convenient to pay with a card in a store, but cash works better in a cafe.

— How much have sanctions and the crisis affected you? Are you buying less coffee? Did you have to raise prices significantly due to high raw material prices?

Touched on this little is said, every supplier, no matter if it’s milk or cups, said that he was raising prices. For example, in 2014, the cost of a glass of cappuccino was 12-16 rubles. now 24-28 r. I won’t say that the crisis has greatly affected revenues, since the issue is easily resolved by raising prices. Especially if competitors also raise prices.

— How promising is it now to open new coffee shops and promote a new brand? Or is it easier to buy a ready-made brand in the form of a franchise? It seems to me that the market is already oversaturated. Or I'm wrong?

They talked about oversaturation in 2014, then 2015 and now in 2016; it’s better not to philosophize on this topic, but to open a business, for example, as a franchise. Time is against you. Saturation depends on purchasing power, if coffee shops open and make money, why waste time and better open as early as possible.

A franchise is something that will help an entrepreneur save money. Of course, out of ignorance you can make a great many mistakes and lose large sums (as happened to me at the very beginning).

You just need to remember about the cost and markup. When there is a markup, it is very profitable to work in the coffee shop industry and it is stupid to lose this opportunity.

— How difficult or easy is it for a newcomer to get into this business now? Is the financial barrier to entry into business increasing every year?

Even if an entrepreneur already has experience in business, this does not mean that he will open a coffee shop with ease and without mistakes.

Catering is a separate industry. She is radically different from everyone else. Here you need to act and think completely differently.

The most difficult thing for a beginner is to get competitive prices.

For example, we reduced the rental price for our partner in St. Petersburg to 970 thousand rubles (per year). That is, if he tried to do it himself, he would hardly succeed. It was easier for me to negotiate with the landlord, since I already have experience opening a coffee shop and I have an idea of ​​the rental price in various retail locations in St. Petersburg.

It's the same story with coffee equipment. A Russian person is cunning and if there is an opportunity to make a fool of an inexperienced person, he will not miss it.

And of course, due to inflation, the threshold entry into this business has increased; for the regions this is about 120-180 thousand investments. For St. Petersburg and Moscow 250-320 thousand.

— Will such a coffee shop be profitable in small towns or should we only consider cities with a population of over a million?

A good coffee shop will be profitable everywhere, unless, of course, we consider very small settlements with a population of less than 30 thousand people. Everything depends not on the total population, but on local traffic. In addition, in the regions, rent is cheap, salaries are low and there is less competition. This needs to be used.

And yet, I advise you to try yourself, but it’s better to open a franchise, the entry threshold is not that high, but if you do everything according to our instructions, you will earn from 50 to 120 thousand.

— Are you expanding the chain of coffee shops in your city or have you settled on franchising, selling franchises to other cities?

I have 4 coffee shops in the city and that’s enough for now, but I have 3 more businesses, and I simply don’t have time to expand.

— What are your plans for the development of Coffee Space?

So that in every city there is our partner who will proudly answer that he owns a Coffee Space coffee shop.

Well, go beyond Russia, for example to the CIS countries.

Have a financial cushion. Analysis is one thing, but reality is completely different. Be prepared for financial pitfalls. If you start from scratch, during the first 3 months you will definitely work at zero.

We will personally come to you and guide you by the hand at all stages of our work.

Opening your own business is the dream of many ambitious people. Working “for your uncle” all your life is not part of the plans of individuals who know the value of their intelligence and determination. And so, over a cup of coffee, a potential entrepreneur suddenly evaluates the place of this drink in the life of a modern active person and comes to the conclusion that this particular product should become the basis of his business. And here the most exciting question arises: how to open a coffee shop from scratch? To do this, you will have to read a lot of literature, ask advice from business sharks, and carry out numerous calculations. Well, first, just read this article and understand whether this business is right for you. Here we look at an indicative business plan for a coffee shop, what costs will fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, and also describes the steps to achieving the goal.

Initial immersion into the essence of the problem

A competent approach to implementing the idea of ​​your own business should begin with certain steps. The first of them is the creation of such an important document as a coffee shop business plan. Entrepreneurs guided by it have a number of advantages over others. Firstly, this document contains answers to almost all questions that arise in work life. Secondly, a well-drafted business plan for a coffee shop will help an entrepreneur move forward in the market smoothly but confidently, and not in jerks with sharp ups and equally sharp downs. When resources are pre-allocated into expense and income items, it is much easier to navigate the entrepreneurial space. You will always know what is essential and what can wait.

Documents, papers, bureaucracy...

Business activity must be formalized in accordance with the current legislation of the country. Decide which form of business is most preferable based on the volume of turnover and the profitability of taxation systems. Developing a business plan for a coffee shop involves development scenarios in the form of an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Available forms for tax accounting are UTII or simplified tax system. The OKVED codes for restaurant activities are as follows: 56.10, 56.10.1, 56.10.2. To more accurately indicate activity codes, you should look into the classifier. In the future, it will be possible to add additional activities to the existing list. First, you need to register an individual or legal entity carrying out entrepreneurial activities and write an application for choosing the form of taxation. All this is done at the tax authority at the place of registration.

Question about location

A business plan for opening a coffee shop should include a number of important sections. This includes the issue of location. Geographical location sometimes plays a dominant role. Care should be taken when choosing a building or location. If the place is deserted, then the return on investment will be minimal. Otherwise, the cafe will go down the drain only because people don’t know about its existence, and it doesn’t catch the eye because the sign is hidden somewhere in the courtyards of residential areas behind a branchy tree. All aspects of location must be taken into account by the coffee shop business plan. An example of a good choice is the following:

  • next to the coffee shop there is a large business center, a business district, and a famous educational institution;
  • the cafe is located on one of the central streets or a street along which transport routes pass;
  • There are metro stations, shopping and entertainment centers nearby.

The ideal option is one in which several of the above conditions are met at once. Students and office workers will probably be happy to spend their lunch break with a cup of aromatic coffee, people shopping in a shopping center will take a break from this tiring activity, and strolling passers-by will drop into a pleasant establishment to while away the time with a calm conversation. Passability of a point is one of the main conditions for a successful business.

A few words about the premises and comfort

What do you imagine when you hear the word “coffee shop”? This is a room filled with the delicious smells of baking and the special, incomparable aroma of a magical warming drink. This is something warm, in chocolate tones, soft and cozy. A coffee shop business plan also involves developing an exceptional organizational style and specific design solutions that will be the highlight of your establishment. People should associate pleasant memories and intentions of spending time somewhere outside the home with a cup of aromatic drink with your coffee shop. This is why atmospheric solutions exist. Work out the color scheme, textures, textiles, room furniture, and musical accompaniment. All this should be harmoniously combined and memorable in the visitor’s memory. He should feel comfortable and cozy, he should return to your coffee shop again and again.

Requirements for the hall and utility rooms

A business plan for creating a coffee shop should cover not only the outer shell of the establishment that visitors see, but also the internal systems. Failure to comply with certain standards can not only reduce the profit of the project, but also lead to numerous fines from various authorities. We are talking about compliance with fire safety rules, sanitary standards, as well as sound insulation if there are residential buildings in neighboring rooms. It is necessary to arrange accessible emergency exits from the premises, a ventilation and fire extinguishing system, hang diagrams for visitors and staff, and also make good sound insulation.

Designing a fire alarm system will cost a coffee shop at least 13,000 rubles per square meter. But this action will be done only once. But a one-time fine can reach 500,000 rubles. Having discovered a violation, the fire inspectorate will conduct inspections regularly. It’s scary to imagine how much non-compliance with fire safety rules alone can result in.

Purchase of necessary equipment and furniture

At first, the purchase of furniture, interior parts, equipment, as well as control and computer equipment is the most expensive part. Without these components, no coffee shop can function. A business plan with calculations must include the following minimum:

  • Chairs for a coffee shop - the average price in bar furniture stores is 2,000 rubles per piece. About 40 chairs are needed for a dozen tables. A small coffee shop can accommodate about 50 tables.
  • Tables - average price is 7,500 rubles.
  • Bar stools also cost from 2,000. You need about 5 of them for a small room if you have a bar counter.
  • A coffee machine for professional use will cost 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • A professional coffee grinder costs 15,000.
  • Refrigerators for confectionery products - from 35,000 rubles. You will need 2-3 of them.
  • The display case, depending on the size, will cost an average of about 55 thousand rubles.
  • There are a couple of cutting tables at an average cost of 5,000 rubles.
  • A freezer will cost an average of 20,000 rubles.
  • Washing will cost 20,000 rubles.

Coffee shop business plan: menu

How is a coffee shop different from any other catering establishment? That's right, the most important thing in its assortment is coffee. Any coffee shop has a fairly wide selection of varieties, types and methods of preparing this drink. The client should receive exactly the drink that best suits his taste: latte, mocha, cappuccino, espresso, and so on. There are really many types and varieties.

A natural complement to coffee is confectionery. You can prepare them yourself by hiring qualified workers, or purchase them from the giants of this industry. Without a sweet addition, you could lose a huge amount of clientele.

Many establishments have a wine list. This is a menu with alcoholic drinks. Drinks with a degree bring good revenue, but they require permission from the owner of the establishment to sell excise goods.

The menu of first and second courses can be compiled at your discretion. Some coffee shops do not provide this at all.

Personnel issue

A coffee shop business plan is an example of entrepreneurial activity that cannot be done without staff. You won’t make your own coffee, deliver orders (and take them, by the way, too), and wash the floors, will you? It is simply impossible for one person to do everything, but there are also financial and tax reporting, which also need to be prepared on time and submitted to the regulatory authorities. So, below is a list of workers who should work in your coffee shop:

  • Waiters - at least 2-3 people for a small cafe. The average salary is about 20,000 rubles.
  • Pastry chef. Salary from 35,000.
  • Barista. Salary is about 35,000.
  • Cleaning woman. Salary is about 15,000.

An entrepreneur can maintain the accounting of an organization independently. Hiring an accountant will cost an average of 25 thousand rubles.

At the same time, do not forget that, in addition to the salary, the employer pays monthly contributions to the funds. This works out to be 31% of the salary for each employee.

Development of pricing policy

What determines the price level? How to install it correctly? Well, firstly, you need to determine the audience that will be interested in your activities. If you have a business class coffee shop, prices can be slightly higher than the market average. Only in this case, it should be taken into account that the furnishings and service must correspond to the requested payment.

A coffee shop for the general public should keep prices within the market average. To determine the average bill, the formula is used: average bill = dessert + coffee. In this case, the most popular varieties of both components are taken into account. In most coffee shops, the average bill is from 300 to 500 rubles. This is the cost you should focus on.

Suppliers play an important role in determining pricing policy. Your task is to find wholesale organizations with the most balanced ratio of price and quality of products.

Advertising campaign

The need for advertising is discussed next. At the beginning of his activity, an entrepreneur simply needs to declare the existence of his coffee shop. How to open a coffee shop from scratch and immediately get a flow of visitors? Conduct an advertising campaign competently. Place your ad on poster sites, place the banner in a clearly visible place. Discount and gift promotions are popular; they attract clientele well. If the coffee shop is located in a crowded place, then in the first stages it is not advisable to spend money on advertising. An attention-grabbing sign is enough.

Business plan: mobile coffee shop

Mobile coffee shops are becoming increasingly popular. Such a point looks like a passenger car with a large luggage compartment, covered with identification marks. A coffee shop worker combines the position of driver, cashier, and barista. The advantages of such a coffee shop are obvious:

  • not tied to one place, can move to areas where there are more people;
  • allows you to save on a large staff of service personnel;
  • savings on renting space, utility bills;
  • furniture and most of the equipment that is so necessary in a regular cafe are not required.

At the same time, you need much less to open such a car coffee shop: registration with the tax authority, a car, a driver-barista, a coffee machine and coffee grinder, an assortment of syrups and types of coffee. To open such a coffee shop, a starting capital of 1 million rubles is enough (including the purchase of a car).

Another budget option for a coffee shop

In this section, we will consider another budget business plan for a mini-coffee shop. Takeaway coffee is now no less popular than car sales outlets. Organizing such a coffee shop does not require large investments in rent, furniture and staff. Usually this is a retail outlet in the form of a trailer or a small room with a sales window. The costs of such a coffee shop are as follows:

  • Renting premises - the price range is quite large depending on the location of the point. On average, the rental amount per month is about 100 thousand rubles.
  • A coffee machine and a refrigerator - 30-50 thousand and 35 thousand rubles, respectively.
  • The purchase of raw materials at the first stage will cost 40,000 rubles (prices depend on the selected suppliers).
  • The barista's salary is 35,000 rubles.

In total, at the very beginning of your activity you must have at least 500,000 rubles to cover unplanned expenses. It is better if the amount is larger. Many unplanned situations can arise in our country.


So, in order to open a standard coffee shop in a place with a moderate flow of people you will have to invest approximately the following amount:

  • rent of premises measuring 100-150 square meters - 300,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the hall and purchase of furniture - 600,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the kitchen and purchase of dishes - 150,000 rubles;
  • registration with the tax authorities, production of a stamp, preparation of documentation - 15,000;
  • employee salary for the first month of work is 145,000.

As a result, we get the amount of 1,210,000 rubles. This is the minimum capital to open a coffee shop. It’s worth keeping about 300 thousand in reserve in case of force majeure.

In this material:

Anyone can start their own business as an individual entrepreneur and open a small coffee shop from scratch. At first glance, this task seems difficult, because it has a lot of nuances that need to be understood. But if you sort everything out, draw up a business plan and decide where to start, then organizing your own business will not take much time. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer and entrepreneur who owns a cafeteria or restaurant.

Where to start creating a business?

In the traditional sense, a coffee shop is a cozy small establishment where you can enjoy delicious desserts, aromatic coffee or other drinks. Today you can often find coffee shops that, in addition to drinks, offer various dishes. It is recommended for a new entrepreneur to start with coffee and desserts, and over time it will be possible to add additional items to the menu, such as sandwiches or salads.

Before opening a small coffee shop from scratch, you need to competently draw up a business plan in order to calculate expenses, potential profits and the period during which it will pay off.

Next, the entrepreneur will have to perform a number of works to organize the business:

  • choose the right area of ​​the city where the establishment will be located;
  • find a suitable premises;
  • arrange a comfortable interior in a coffee shop;
  • purchase equipment and utensils;
  • create a menu;
  • find suppliers;
  • hire qualified workers.

While the search for real estate is underway, you should simultaneously take care of paperwork. First of all, the future owner of the establishment must register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. You can find out the list of required documents from the tax service. To open a coffee shop, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to obtain a license for alcohol, then it is better to give preference to an LLC, besides, in this case there may be several owners of the establishment.

When registering a coffee shop, you need to decide on the form of taxation, there are only 2 of them:

  1. UTII is a single tax on temporary income. This form is unprofitable for small businesses, because... it requires a lot of expenses.
  2. STS is a simplified taxation system. This option will be more profitable, because... you will need to pay a single amount. In addition, reporting and accounting will be simplified.

Property and its location

The key to the success of a coffee shop is its correctly chosen location. Quiet residential areas of the city and courtyards are completely unprofitable for business. It is recommended to choose busy streets, market squares and shopping centers. Locations located near railway and bus stations, educational institutions and airports will be quite advantageous. In addition to location, it is important to pay attention to the property's rent and utility costs. Since you plan to open a small coffee shop, you can look for premises up to 100 square meters. m, but if the establishment, in addition to desserts and hot drinks, will serve various dishes, then its area must be at least 125 square meters. m. To save on rent, you can organize a mini-coffee shop for takeaway.

The selected premises must comply with the requirements of the fire department and SES, therefore, when preparing documents, you need to invite these services to carry out inspections and obtain permits. It is important to note that before inspections, the future coffee shop should be renovated, proper sanitary conditions should be created, and equipment should be installed in accordance with fire safety standards. It is always necessary to maintain order and avoid violations, because... An unscheduled inspection may take place at any time.

Purchase of furniture, dishes and equipment

For a small establishment, you don’t need to buy sofas and large tables; round or square tables and comfortable chairs would be more appropriate. To place outerwear, it is recommended to purchase floor hangers and place them between the tables. It is imperative to install a bar counter and display cases for desserts.

The dishes in the establishment should be the same, in addition, it would be nice to order a corporate logo printed on cups and saucers to emphasize solidity. Since the coffee shop serves different drinks, there should be a special cup for each of them.

The purchase of equipment will be quite expensive, because... For a new establishment you will have to buy everything at once:

  • coffee grinder;
  • coffee machine;
  • 2-3 refrigerators;
  • cash machine;
  • water filter;
  • mixer;
  • baking cabinet.

Additional equipment can be purchased as needed.

Working staff

It is important to carefully select people to work in food service. They must not only be qualified, but also polite, because employees are the face of the establishment. For a small cafeteria, 2 bartenders, 4 waiters and 2 cleaners will be enough. It is not necessary to hire an accountant on a permanent basis; you can periodically resort to his services, for example, once a month. Once hired, all employees must undergo training to learn the menu, improve their coffee making skills and interact with customers.

To summarize, you should calculate the profitability of opening a coffee shop. The initial investment in the business will be 1-2 million rubles, depending on the scale of the establishment, the level of rent, the cost of equipment, furniture, etc. With proper organization of work, you can serve 100-150 guests daily, with a monthly income reaching 700 000 rub. If we take into account the costs of paying wages, purchasing coffee and food, the establishment will fully pay for itself in just 2 years, and will continue to generate greater profits in the future.

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